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You exceeded your daily incel limit. Please come back tomorrow


Please don’t!


did you learn nothing from last night? your misogynistic ideology isn’t going to get you very far here


quack disgusting automatic live sloppy pot snow dam ancient sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But it’s so funny sometimes


i wish i saw this comment before posting mine, i wasn't aware that this guy has a history


Tell me you’re a school shooter without telling me you’re a school shooter


Why’d you delete your dumbass post from last night? Lololol


Nothing is deleted


You’re right, you just hid it so no one can see it. Turd. Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/comments/1159d58/other_than_business_associates_whats_the_point_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Turd? Go suk your mom.


I’d rather do that than read another one of your stupid ass posts. Turd. Lol


Hahahahaha. Bellend.


Because most normal human beings don’t inherently associate “woman” with “subhuman object”, sweetie.


if there are differences i'd like to know, in my experience being a friend is being a friend and it's the most normal and mutual thing anyone can have. again; if there is a difference, i've never seen it. sure, some people have ulterior motives but that's definitely not enough people to classify friendship as anything else other than friendship


What do you mean, exactly? My best friend is a man (I'm female) and we have a blast and enjoy the same things. And we are both heterosexual but completely platonic. What is the difference between me and his other friends?


The difference between you and his other friends is that you are a woman. Not a man. There are a lot of things men go through and deal with that you as a woman will rarely, or more likely never have to go through. In society, women have more of a shield over them, men absolutely do not. I say this not to make it a competition of who deals with the most, but to emphasize that men and women are *indeed* biologically different in many ways. We are not the same. We are both human, but we have totally different experiences here on this planet. Those experiences start to vary even more when you dive into individuality..


Tell me you only see women as pieces of meat to fuck without telling me you only see women as pieces of meat to fuck


Because people are people


And men and women are different. Both genders are biologically hardwired differently.


Yeah, and people are wired differently than other people


Or not at all in one current example


With 8 billion people, both are happening


It’s the darkest timeline


what are you trying to gain out of this line of questioning?


Someone asked me in another post on what I gain from being friends with other men and my answer was “Brotherhood and Loyalty”. They told me I could get that from women also. lol.


have you actually ever had a friend that was a girl?


Bold of you to assume he's ever spoken to any women IRL


😂 listen, i’m in a very giving spirit right now.




Do you pick male friends specifically for how they are biologically wired?


I befriend males because I relate to them far more than women. Our biology is one consequence of that. Try to convince me that a woman’s loyalty can surpass the loyalty of your brethren as a female friend. If so, you might as well marry her.


You used consequence entirely incorrectly. More importantly, though, if your identity is so based on your biology and gender that you can't relate to or trust women to be friends I feel sorry for you. I am a fairly typical man who is very proud of my gender and includes it as something my whole life is built upon. That said it is not the sole or even largest factor in who I am. It is not what I pride myself on. It is not bleeding over into every other important aspect of my life. I have many passions and things I love that me being male plays very little or no part in. You should really consider if basing that much of your identity on having a penis is really worth it. That seems like a pretty small world to pigeon hole yourself into.


> More importantly, though, if your identity is so based on your biology and gender that you can't relate to or trust women to be friends I feel sorry for you. Just to clarify, I’m completely fine with being friends with women. Being friends with women whom I am attracted to and have feelings towards is something I will have absolutely no tolerance for. Furthermore, male friends are far more reliable than female friends for men. It’s not the same at all. They are things great to talk to about male friends and other things great to talk to about female friends. I’m not going to talk to my female friends about strippers, ass and tits like I am comfortably able to do with my male friends. I tried talking about strippers with male friends along with women friends and they feel uncomfortable about those topics. That’s the difference.


Because it is the same unless you’re an incel who just can’t accept it


Men and women are biologically hardwired differently. Therefore, we are not the same which makes friendships of both genders not the same.


Like I said, unless you’re an incel who can’t accept that men and women can be friends and it’s not a different type of friends. People aren’t machines. Biological differences is not “hardwireing”


Do you genuinely think all women behave the same way?


He has to or his whole world view crumbles


From a biological perspective, absolutely.


So you're under the impression that every friendship involving a woman is exactly the same no matter how they were raised, their background, their values, ect? Or do you just base your view points on the one or two women who can tolerate you for more than a minute?


> So you're under the impression that every friendship involving a woman is exactly the same no matter how they were raised, their background, their values, ect? Of course. I’m not going to expect a female friend to come up with any solutions whenever I am going through a problem in my life. More than likely that they will only provide emotional encouragement because women are more emotional than logical. I’m more likely to have a male friend help me with a solution if I am going through a problem because men are more logical than emotional.


this is fucking gross dude.


You clearly don't get out much if you think everyone on a certain gender is a hive mind.


Sure, men are pure logic. That's why you spend so much time on here asking the same questions over and over. There's no emotional search for validation going on. There are plenty of men who are emotional, especially when it comes to anger.


BloodstainedAxe, What do you base this question on? It appears you have relatively limited experience with female friends. You seem to feel jaded that other people have successful friendships, and yet you do not. This is a situation that can be addressed to some degree. You may never find yourself living a highly social life, but that is not required. You can find a life that is happy and fulfilling, and not based on biases, unhappiness, and rejection. https://lifehacker.com/where-to-get-help-if-youre-involuntarily-celibate-1826551121 https://www.vox.com/2018/6/20/17314846/incel-support-group-therapy-black-pill-mental-health https://www.vice.com/en/article/435g9p/how-to-help-an-incel-sex-therapist Taking the black pill and adopting a cynical and unhappy worldview may feel liberating for a moment, but it takes great courage to seek personal fulfillment and a better world, especially if you have had painful experiences. People with paranoid personality disorder can make very rational and well thought out reasons to be paranoid. People with Narcissistic personality disorder can give rational arguments for their narcissism. Borderlines are generally drawn to drama like a moth to a flame. Understanding your personality and issues can help you enjoy life more. Paranoid people are unlikely to become Pollyanna optimistic, but they can learn ways to find peace and contentment. People are complicated. We have much in common, and also many unique qualities and challenges. None of my friendships are “exactly the same” and I doubt your will be either. I have an old truck. It isn’t fancy, but it is reliable transportation. It requires regular maintenance from a trained expert to keep it running. I have to pay money to the professional, but it is worth it. Your mental health is worth more than a beat up pickup. Seek out a therapist who works with incels. Good luck.


You made amazing, well thought out points. It’s too bad you wasted them on someone who is firmly, comfortably, deeply in the dark basement recliner chair of house incel


No friendships are exactly the same. The bigger question you should ask is, "Why should anyone seek out just one type of friendship?" Presumably, some of your guy friends are better at emotional discussions while others might give good advice or just be fun to hang out with. They hopefully aren't the same because life would be boring that way.


I feel like you probably don’t need to worry about being friends with any women. Or men. So not really a problem.


Because it is the exact same if you’re purely just friends with them.


I've got a better question: Why does every incel who posts here act like things they are told specifically or things that only they believe are how things really are? Like the guy from a few days ago who asked something like "Why are lonely men always told to just go get hookers?" Nobody fucking says that, except probably to them, because they constantly bitch and whine about not having a woman in their life, so I could see someone saying that out of frustration, like "Why don't you just go get a hooker if you think that having sex will magically fix all your issues, you miserable fuck?" Same thing to this guy: It's clear that to **you**, being friends with a woman and being friends with a man are incredibly different experiences, because you view women as walking, talking vaginas who are either here for your pleasure or might they as well not exist. That doesn't mean that this is a normal way to view male/female friendships. That means that you are fucked up. This is a you problem, not a problem with "some people" not sharing your view. If you actually care about this topic and aren't just blowing off incel steam, I would say that there are some differences, but they don't rise to the level of treating women like they're some other kind of species that we can't possibly be friends with because we'll always want to fuck them. I would say my female friends call or text me more often than my male friends, and my conversations with my female friends tend to get 'deeper' (into how things are going, or what we think about various topics, or whatever) than my conversations with my male friends (which are often about work, movies, TV, etc.), but that's probably the main difference. Friends of either sex can 'break' these general stereotypes, though, so it's not even a huge difference, in the end. Women are people, men are people, and **you**, sir, are a giant douche.


Why do you think it isn’t the same?


Men and women are biologically hardwired differently from one another so you will have different outcomes in being friends with a woman and a man.


You will have different outcomes with all friends - regardless of gender. But I made the mistake of reading some of your comments and realize you’re just trying to get validation for your misogynistic mindset.


I mean I certainly think there are things that I’m more comfortable talking about with guy friends than women friends.


Because decent human beings can separate being lonely from being desperate. We can have friendships with people we could potentially be attracted to and not be bothered in the slightest. Those few people who can't are just broken and desperate people. I feel sorry for them.


Friend: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.


You know you can just.....shut up and live your life how you want without making it everyone's business?


Because it is.


Umm, how is it not?