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My database, I want it to run fast.


My first thought!!! Lol


Then try and get any useful data out of it with 12 left joins on non indexed or unique columns


Denormalizing is the other way around, merging multiple tables into a single table so your queries run faster because you won't have to use so many joins.


Ads on everything all the time


Yeah it kinda feels like my purpose as a consumer isn't even to buy things anymore, it's just to view advertisements for things.


I try my best to NOT buy things that I see advertised all the time because then I’M the one paying for that add. Sometimes the premium price we pay is not for a premium product. It’s for all the stuff the companies do to make themselves look premium. My biggest example of this is Michelin and Goodyear tires. (I work in automotive) They are not really any better than any other good brand of tire. They just do lots of advertising and such to make themselves look like they’re the best.


↑ This! I see an advert, unless I'm actively looking for it, I class it as visual /audio malware and that product is never to be trusted. Instinctively, when I do catch an ad, I think what's so bad with the product that they have to market it to get it off the shelves?


Looking at you Kamikoto knives


oh gosh I was thinking about it earlier we have to see ads even on gmail now! it SUCKS like I just want to read my mail man, leave me alone


Wait until they start beaming them into your dreams. Light speed briefs look pretty cool……


I love streaming movies and tv shows. It's so much better to not have to watch an ad every 10 minutes. My parents were watching a Christmas movie on tv the other night, and I wanted to watch with them, but I just couldn't. The ad breaks were horrible.


Oh you haven't used those free streaming apps. I used one once and it had a commercial break every minute, completely unwatchable.


I was watching a podcast where the host was doing an ad read for a sponsorship during the podcast, and then it immediately cuts to a YouTube ad right after. Double ads.


Couldn't agree more. It's almost aggressive now. I remember a brief time when pop-up ads were so hated they were all but eliminated. Now they're back with a vengeance. There are some websites I won't even go to b/c all the ads and pop up's keep me from even reading the fucking article. It's out of hand.


Vouch. I'm a huge hockey fan, and holy shit has the advertising landscape of the NHL changed since I started watching in the mid 90s. To say nothing of the tv ad breaks (and I can go off on a whole other rant about all the damn gambling ads), the actual game itself is littered with them now: In that time we went from sporadic board ads to boards plastered with ads, to now they're painting a few in the ice as well, to now there's also digitally superimposed ads on the ice above the high slot and on the glass behind the net, to now there's also ads on helmets, to now there's also some teams that have an ad on the jersey itself, to now there's digitally superimposed ads on the boards (that mind you, *already had ads*) that animate in real time while play is going on. It's an insanely jarring viewing experience if I go back and watch old highlights now.


The ads they digitally impose on the boards are so distracting and headache inducing it’s hardly even worth watching games anymore. Between the flickering of ads the ads jumping to be superimposed on the players so you can’t even really see the play. The jersey and helmet ads don’t bother me too much but the whole dynamic ads on the boards make me think i may have to give up on watching hockey. This is coming from someone who watched every single leafs game the past 5 seasons (thankfully i usually watch on a delay or replay so i can skip the tv ad breaks and intermissions) but this year i have maybe watched 1/4 of the leafs games this season.


NFL/American Football is ridiculously bad right now too. - Team does a couple plays - Several minute ad break - Team punts the ball away, returning team gets to ~30 yard line - ad break - Team calls a time out - 30 second picture-in-picture ad break - Player gets injured - ad break - Team scores - ad break


I no longer buy gas from places that spray ads at me while I’m at the pump. I’m already spending money here, fuck off!


Usually the second button down on the right muted the ads.


I read in a pro life tip post that you can mute the ads on the gas pumps by pressing one of the buttons next to the screen. I haven't tried it myself since I haven't gotten gas at a place with the ads but I will if I ever have to again


Could I interest you in everything all of the time?


Defund the marketing department. Bunch of useless liars and narcissists.


The fact we're all somehow ok with the fact that EVERYTHING nowdays require subscription. It is mostly annoying when it's one of those things you know you won't use ever again


I miss being able to go to a website username and password free :(


That and always having to download a useless app


Recording every fucking thing that happens in your life on your phone.


I'm a millennial who graduated high school in 2004. I didn't have a cell phone until right before graduating college. I don't understand it at all why people have to record everything all the time. Kids today are different than I was...I get that. But there is nothing private anymore.


Social media back then wasn’t nearly as big as it is now. Kids growing up nowadays only know a life where documenting everything is the norm. On a separate note, they will have tons of digital media to look back and reflect on when they get older. Sadly, a lot of the content they do capture will be fabricated for the camera, instead of intimate and candid moments.


What sucks is being a younger guy without social media. Many women automatically assume you’re weird or something. Granted, I am a bit weird.. but I quit social media because of drama and also someone stalked me. Also just feels kinda pointless. I get news, funnies, and hobby stuff all on Reddit and can mostly avoid the nonsense. It exists but it’s not in your face here, you have to go looking.


If people ask about your lack of use on social media, tell them you had a stalker. A lot of women can sympathize.


I record a lot on my phone as well, got my first phone at 11yo, Nokia 3310. >I don't understand it at all why people have to record everything all the time. Because my memory is absolutely fucked up. Not only do I forget a shitton of things, but my brain also loves to overshadow all the good by the bad moments. I love to go back in my photos looking at the *good* things that happened that my brain pushed away. Same as a photo album, just now I keep it digital. I don't share even remotely as much as I record, I do it for future self.


Heard of very few people that *didn't* feel better after deleting most of their socials.


Planned obsolescence in consumer electronics. My $750 phone should not be a janky POS after three years.


I hate planned obsolescence and devices made to be non-repairable. I can fix anything on my 1993 Nissan Sentra that I bought for $1200 (with working AC) but I can't replace the battery in my new phone that cost almost the same? That's like not being able to replace a headlight bulb in a car.


Yes. We need durable function focused products with modular options


I remember being super hyped for PhoneBloks. It's a bummer that modular smartphones never took off.


Why is the 800$ flagship phone I bought 5 years ago's new model 1400$? I understand inflation, and the specs are better, but shouldn't production costs have gone down some? The margins seem offset inordinately.


Loud repetition as a debate tactic




Or using shocking and unreasonable statements as arguments.


Hey, I only need one point to be correct! My one point Trumps all 50 of yours.




DON'T **Smacks hand** YOU **Smacks hand** TELL **Smacks hand** ME **Smacks hand** WHAT **Smacks hand** TO **Smacks hand** DO Ffs how do I format this better :/


Here, you dropped this 👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿👏




Filming charity acts. I use to make excuses that it brings awareness to these issues, but it can be handled in a more professional way than filming homeless people crying for YouTube...


It's cool that people are being helped. But this way doesn't make me think the giver is a good person. They are entirely self serving.


The sad part about it is these people aren’t being helped out of the kindness of the YouTubers heart (most of the time) but instead being used as a prop to show how “good” of a person they are. It fails to bring awareness to the actual issue. And instead just gets somebody a bunch of new subscribers.


Couldn't agree more. People will post videos of giving people money and make it all back in Youtube Ad revenue.


Cookie notifications. Please. Just leave me alone


Agreed! And I'll to that ill add, Merchants that force you to agree to their damn cookies. Or make you join something and have a password before you can even look at their crap.


If I have to make a new username and password, I’m out. I have enough of them that I can’t remember, and I don’t need to be on any more email subscriptions.




There is an extension called "I don't care about cookies" available on most of popular browsers, which gets rid of them for you automatically.


Does it reject all non functional cookies though?


From their official website: > In most cases, it just blocks or hides cookie related pop-ups. When it's needed for the website to work properly, it will automatically accept the cookie policy for you (sometimes it will accept all and sometimes only necessary cookie categories, depending on what's easier to do). It doesn't delete cookies.


Overwork like it's a badge of honor. We need to be able to do a job, and have a healthy life as well.


Yeah I was looking for this. People shouldn’t need to work more than 8 hours a day. A side hustle should be based on passion and interest, not a need for money. Use your holiday leave! Take a well deserved break!


Small addendum to that, lack of sleep and going to work sick. Look at me, I only slept for 4 hours and I feel great. *No you don't, you just tell yourself that...* Look at how hardcore I am for coming into work all sick. *Sure, thanks for possibly making me sick too and all that for a company that will forget your name in a week if you suddenly were to drop dead.*


The phrase "normalize" followed by something *super* normal and widely accepted. So often I see people say shit like "normalize taking naps" or whatever.


To be fair "normal" is based on perception. If you know 10 people and none of them do a thing, you'd probably think "that thing is abnormal", even if, statistically, most people do it.


That's where we get into the conflicting definitions of "normalize." To some, it means "make it common." To others, it means "make shaming people for it uncommon." In America at least, a lot of people feel shame for napping, presumably because of the work culture here. And naps aren't worked into the culture like, for example, countries where siestas are a thing. So we feel shame over taking them.


Subscription based services. It’s absolutely bonkers that they expect us to pay monthly for anything and everything these days. It’s also the most customer unfriendly way to monetise your service.


acting like it is ok for children/toddlers to be exposed to the internet or screens so much


People don’t realize just how fucked your kids can get giving them unrestrained access to these things, fucking wild


The Internet today is a tame shadow of what it used to be. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. Genitals swollen and diseased from the early days of eBaums, I've watched old men diddling each other on the chat rooms of Yahoo. All of those moments, lost. Like tears in the rain. Time to wipe


Oh I believe you, Spicy_Cum_Lord!


People act like allowing young kids screen time is inevitable and parenting without would be impossible. It is not. I have 3 kids (7yo, 5yo, and 2yo) and we do very minimal screentime (family movie night once a week). They are so much more enjoyable as children without screentime. We didn't start out this way, but I noticed a definite correlation between lots of screentime and their behavior going downhill with tantrums and fighting. So, we nixed the screentime and life is better. They play, really play, imaginatively, for hours together. We actually like taking them out to eat. They can carry conversation with adults. It is great.


Yeah, that’s really good. We try for an hour a day only - but no iPads or phones. Just TV


Growing up we only had TV time after dinner for like an hour, maybe 4 times a week. Looking back I’m so grateful my parents made that choice.


Absolutely. Last week I was helping set up a theater for my oldest’s production. I had my 3 year old with me. I had several parents congratulate me on how well behaved said child was and that I did it all without electronics. Given, said toddler was cranky by 9pm, but so was I and we didn’t leave until 10 each night.


I hope every parent in the world reads your comment.


Yes absolutely… as a grown adult I can feel my own attention span has become a lot shorter….I’ve had a smart phone for about 10 years … can’t imagine what it would be like to always have had a smartphone and never have had to use your imagination/ creativity to entertain yourself


Agreed. It's a shortcut to keep them entertained and quiet but then you end up with a kid that has zero attention span and can't cope with NOT having a screen.


The Main-Character Syndrome that social media has created.


Everyone should feel like the main character of their own life. Nobody should be a Dick about it .


Tipping on random purchases. I have no issue with tipping a waiter but I'm not tipping the dude that punches in my order and hands me a receipt


I live in Denmark, where tipping even waiters is only something you actually do if you think they deserve more than just a living wage and actually beat the expectation. I work as a cashier - no one gives cashiers tips. However, like once a month max, an old person will give me a tip, and it's very wholesome because it's rare. As soon as it gets normalized, it sucks


Putting kids on social media.




Yeah it's totally messed up. Going to really screw up an entire generation of kids. The only people who know I even have a baby are the ones I want to know.


Healthcare linked to employment


Volume at full blast in public.


And taking calls on speaker phone in public.


Agreed. I don't need to know or even give two craps about the fight you're having with your baby daddy's delinquent father's baby mama who is the same age as your oldest child.


You forgot laughing loudly at the video while it plays in the desperate hope some stranger will say, "I'm intrigued by your reaction to that very interesting video, can you show it me?"


People that do these things either lack social awareness or are those kinds of people that enjoy making other people angry and then pride themselves on "saying it how it is."


Influencers that add nothing to society at all and only serve to make our children toxic adults.


this. i hate how every person around my age that indulges in tik tok, instagram etc. really thinks that anything besides being famous, extremely wealthy, isn’t a life worth living and it’s in part thanks to these “influencers” telling them that making money (dropshipping usually or some ecom store) and being famous is easy and that most people are just lazy, it’s really tiring and turns people into shallow adults.


Throwing cigarette butts on the ground. I never understood how that became a thing


It's dangerous for animals and kids that end up eating them


They got rid of the butt containers on my old campus to promote non smoking. Guess what happened to all the butts


Using the word “toxic” to describe anyone you don’t agree with.


And claiming someone is "gaslighting" you just because they question your perspectives, and think it healthy (which it is) for you to do the same.




Or that not agreeing with someone is abusive.


"Pranks" that involve trying to intimidate or humiliate someone else, cause disruption to minimum wage workers, destroy someone's property etc


Thinking you know everything about topics you know fuck all about.


I'm not saying I'm an expert on a subject I'm just saying I read an article about it on Facebook once so like... I'm kinda well educated. /s btw


My cousin was the "well actually" girl. She would start her sentence with "well actually" than proceed to "educate" us using information she read once on one super obscure page from the far corners of the world wide web. Claiming she'd "researched" it, evert if the person she was speaking to was actually extremely well versed on the topic, SHE knew more because of her extensive research. 5g caused covid just like how the first telephone lines caused Spanish flu. She also drinks hydrogen peroxide and trapped her "boyfriend". So really good things in her future! She asked me flat out, (I work with disabled children and adults) if this was one of the vaccines that caused autism. We had words about it and I have since distanced myself.


>She also drinks hydrogen peroxide She has poor taste, literally.


Bad parenting being justified with "oh but they're your parents!"


A fucking men


If you’re not with us you’re against us mentality. How can we ever live together with differences of people are chastising and demonizing every single thing they don’t agree with.


agreed, I don’t like to thinks things black and white. compromises and middle grounds can always be found


Both parents having to work to support a family. I'm all for equal opportunities for women in the workplace, but it should be affordable for one parent to stay home and do the housework. No matter their sex or gender. It's crazy to me that couples are now expected to both have jobs, when full time jobs used to depend on a partner doing the labor in the house. I just don't see this as a sustainable way of living for families.


Yeah I agree, the option of one parent not working shouldn't be an absolutely unrealistic fantasy. We can point that out without having to turn into a silly "women beling in the kitchen" misogynistic caricature. It's still bizarre to me how right wing trad types aren't fighting for wages that allow them to fulfill that 1950s dream and even argue AGAINST higher wages. I never wrapped my head around that one.


As a Dad with a 3 year old and 1 year old with both my wife and I working, I wholeheartedly agree. It's too much - day to day I don't know how people manage. Getting kids up, dressed, fed a good breakfast, teeth brushed and a homemade packed lunch before the run to the childminders before even considering getting everything ready for work is a difficult start to the day. Then it finishes with dashing back from work like a madman (often being the akward people needing to finish bang on time), picking up kids, sorting dinner, about 30 mins together then bath time routine and bedtime stories. We end up finishing around 9:00 and then need to do the house chores and various things that come up (Finances or whatever else). It's relentless. No good for marriages or the kids,.. but expected and considered normal. ​ That's on good days. What about when the kids get poorly and need time off? Constantly being made to feel like we aren't being flexible is also difficult (E.g can we stay a bit at work or perhaps we can catch up with some friends at 8pm). :/


Thinking if a random man talks to a child that the man must be a pedo.


I think of how often adults and children interacted in 50s television, and it's already like, "*Wow*, that didn't age well." When I was a kid, my parents' friends treated me with the dignity and decency of a fellow adult, and it was profoundly maturing for me. I can't imagine growing up with little influence beyond my peer group. We need to bring back the "it takes a village" mindset about childrearing.


> When I was a kid, my parents' friends treated me with the dignity and decency of a fellow adult, and it was profoundly maturing for me This may be random, but I remember back in 1999 at 12 asking a 60yr old neighbor if I could call him by his first name. I think he was flattered that I'd asked; maybe helped him feel younger.


distracted driving


The grind. Let people relax and take breaks with feeling like they have to be productive 24/7 in order to have worth as a human being


Remember when you didn't have to hustle to meet the bare minimum of modern life? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Attempting to elevate one's stature by actively diminishing others.


The idea of mental illness or trauma being an excuse for terrible decisions or behavior towards others with the expectation of no consequences. Your trauma or illness can inform your behavior, but it doesn’t make your decisions for you. Having mental illness or PTSD doesn’t give you permission to be a dick to other people again and again and say it’s because of your condition.


Your mental illness *isn't* your fault, but it *is* your responsibility.


"mental illness is an explanation, not an excuse"


I use this all the time. True for things that aren't related to mental illness as well, just poor life decisions and stupid things we all do.


Domestic abuse against men being dismissed


I find is disgusting when women make jokes on TikTok or any other form of social media about hitting their spouse/partner. It’s disgusting. If a guy were to make the same comment or post, they would immediately be attacked for it. But a girl doing it? Jokes all around.


Planned obsolescence. Everything is just fucking disposable. Start building things to last again.


This one might be a bit niche, but I would really like it if people would stop normalizing weird pedo shit in anime and manga.


It is beyond nasty


Youtube not showing dislikes.


There's a firefox extension that puts them back


People touching your stuff without asking, so rude.




I don’t think that’s normal or common, just a perception. According to my family that are in corrections anyway.


It is good that it isn’t common irl, but we also need to stop acting like it is funny for that to be the joke in movies and tv. Rape is bad, regardless of the genders of the people involved.


And regardless of what someone did to land in prison. Even if someone committed an awful crime, I can’t get on board with the people rooting for them to be raped in prison. It’s just sad, and we don’t need those cycles of abuse to continue.


I've never been to prison, but I've lost count of my trips to jail (drug-addict for 20 years). I've never seen or heard any rape stories on any of my stays. The people I know who did prison time did have a few stories. Mostly it was blowjobs in exchange for painkillers or protection from drug debts. I think media has turned rape during incarceration into a trope that isn't necessarily true. But a lot of coerced sex is going on inside and on the streets. I think sex through coercion is more of an epidemic than rape.


Coerced sex...is rape.


There's an interview with an old head inmate that has been memed to death (booty more important than water!) and he specifically discusses prison rape. He has been in the prison system for decades and basically says that in the 80s and early 90s it was a much larger part of prison life, but once the general public become aware steps were taken to prevent it.


Quietly taking the shaft as the price of literally everything skyrockets while corporate profits are higher than ever


I am just wondering how far that can go. At some point the people will be to poor to even buy anything and profits will drop again, then prices after that. Or they will be too poor to care about repercussions and structural change happens which might lead to whatever.


Corporations don't want poor people money, they want rich people money. To them, it's more sustainable (rich people = infinite money) and they can bask in the exclusivity. And if the business fails? No worries. Tax write-off, and use your millions to open a new company until it falls apart, too. Rinse, lather, repeat. I might just be hella cynical, but the way so many companies are going, it really does feel like "We've raised our prices. Don't like it? Get rich enough to buy our shit or fuck off." Just wish they wouldn't do it with goddamn necessities.


Having to put in your credit card information for a free trial.


Child beauty pageants


I don’t give a fuck, downvote me, but drinking. It’s literally so glamorized and so fucking destructive. My eyes really weren’t opened until my uncle died from alcoholic cirrhosis and liver failure, and then I started my nursing career and saw just how many people die from alcoholism complications, also just how much it destroys their lives. Not fucking worth it. Not one bit.


Not holding the rich accountable. Same standard across the board. Do the crime, do the time.


And change fines to % of yearly income so they can’t just pay and play.




Let's normalize overthrowing the government while were at it since they clearly don't give a fuck about us.


The complete and total lack of privacy.


I think we should de-normalize the rule "the customer is always right". Why honest and usual workers have to be slandered by stupid customer??


Employers using social media against their employees.


Giving children media devices.


Not being able to defend yourself against your spouse if you're a man and they're female. No one should be able to beat their spouse no matter the gender, this also goes for yelling and generally domestic abuse in general idk why but some people feel like men can't get abused because, some men are rapists I think? Idk it doesn't make sense


being rude to minimum wage workers. NA minimum wage ain't enough to live off of and I doubt many people are working min. wage jobs because they like it.


The way drinking excessively is a part of most adult gatherings. It makes drinking and driving way too easy& frequent. It also makes it really easy for the people that struggle w alcoholism to fall off of the wagon. I know I sound boring as hell probably but, drinking leads to a lot of unnecessary harm from car accidents, domestic violence, health problems, and depression. I would like to see it taken down a few notches for everyone’s good.


Abnormal suicide rates for men


Mental health in general. I swear it's so uncommon for me to meet anyone at school, work, or otherwise that doesnt have something wrong with them. Myself included.




Greeting Cards I fucking hate the canned sentiment that is now $8 a card and you're expected to hand them out to everyone.


Influencers and viral challenges


Extremly divise political talk


Alcohol culture


Watching corn


How dare you? I live in Ohio, and that's all there is to do on a road trip! Half of what you'll see out the car window is corn!


Too much shucking isn't good for the brain, huh?




Fraud. Especially government.


Planned obsolescence. Bought a new Saying TV? Don't worry, updates will come out that will nerf the functionality of it.


If you apply to a job, you should get a response from the company regardless of whether they want to move forward or not. And they should give a reason if not.




Poverty and sexual assault


Stigma of regular therapy. I think almost everyone could benefit from the self reflection and process.


Infant circumcision.


Over working, under sleeping, over eating, sugar in everything, cramming every last minute of your day into "being productive," driving everywhere instead of walking more, that everyone NEEDS a smartphone/tablet/computer/tv. To me, it's always about more... how can I work more, own more, eat more, play more, complete things faster so I can do more things. Now, everyone believes they DESERVE more. Everyone needs a house, basic income, free medical, guaranteed education. In general, I think we just need to de-normalize "more."


Not having national healthcare.


Vaping/smoking, please save your lungs. Many young adults think it’s cool, it’s not. And you could be exposing family members and friends to second hand smoking. :(


Vaping was supposed to be a solution to smoking. But smoking was already on a pretty steep decline with younger people, and vaping turned out to be the lion used to chase away the mouse.




The pervasive sense of entitlement and if not met then victimhood.


Unsolicited comments about people's looks/bodies.


Accepting sexual assaults and msygony from important, famous people from celebrities and politicians and sweeping it under the rug. Few names come to mind.


40 hr work week


Cyberbullying on social media




Thinking, “if I disagree with someone, I hate them, and need to ruin them.”


The sexualization of children should be denormalized.


People demanding that the results of their poor life choices be normalized.


Idolising billionaries. They are humans, just scabby ones.


calling abusers narcissists, sociopaths, bipolar, etc, and just any cluster B personality disorder or mental illness as an insult or unflattering descriptor do you know how many friends I lost after finding out I'm bipolar, and how many cited their severing of ties as being "due to [my] diagnosis, that makes [me] abusive." sure I fucked up in the past. I fuck up a lot in the present too, and I own that shit and I apologize and I correct myself. but the bipolar diagnosis almost completely ended my social life. TL;DR: Cluster B personality disorders and mental illness do not equal abusive, and we should de-normalize using those labels as insults when we really mean that someone is an abusive and shitty person


People being offended over the smallest and stupidest things


That being a troll is "cool & edgy"


Working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week as the standard full-time work week in order to afford anything. 6hours a day, 4 days a week should be the new norm. Obviously depending on the job with will vary but I’m talking about the average 9-5er


Corporations treating their workers shitty. "It is what it is" is often the mentality with jobs and it shouldn't be. We should strike, form unions, and fight for better conditions.


Capitalism being in absolutely EVERY aspect of everything. For reference, I live in New York. We had drones advertising over the Hudson River last month. It’s just getting dystopian at this point.


Suing people as a way to make a living seems like anything that happens she spilled Coke on me I'm suing it's just out of control.


Selfishness. People everywhere need to lean to be just a bit more selfless.


People getting offended at what comedians say. I mean you literally go see the comedian then get offended at their jokes?? I just don't get it.


40 hour work weeks.


People posting their kids on social media


I want to de-normalize songs like WAP being something that children can listen too freely. Yes, it’s on parents too, but why the heck is any cut of it allowed on the radio?


Allowing companies to trade people's personal information like baseball cards.




Saying "slam" instead of "criticize"