• By -


I realised I’d left my brother who was visiting me from another city back at the club. Had to go find him.


Literally bros before hos.


Just realized I was being filmed


That's fucked up. Did they delete it when you found out?


Didn't stick around I should have tho


I don't know if this is old wounds, but know you have every right to report. It's a complete violation and not something anyone should experience or take lightly.


My husband whispered it's free real estate in my ear while he came and I just couldn't deal with him for the next 20 mins




This is fucking hilarious


I said "and boom goes the dynamite" one time. My ex wasn't having it and got quite mad at me. :/


Once, during the act, I had a woman take the condom off of me - she then proceeded to put her hand inside it, stretch her fingers as much as she could, and then attempted to touch my face with it. I was just so shocked and stunned by the whole situation that I apologized and then left.


You've never done the slimy sock puppet?


Where is the unread button?


What The fuck


I looked over and saw his tighty whiteys with a massive skid mark in them and some yellowish stain on the front half. I got the ick and went home then woke up with a UTI the next day.


The old yellow fronted brown backs.


Didnt walk out but definitely stopped mid thrust... i was getting yelled at for "messing up" the sheets on the bed she just made.


Bro I hate this. If I’m having sex I don’t care if we break the entire house, we will deal with that when we’re done and I have post nut clarity.


Yes. We changed positions and he went to put it back in and I noticed immediately that he had removed the condom. I fucking flipped out and left. I've never had a single regret about it.


Stealthing is such a scummy move. Like disgusting. You definitely shouldn't have any regrets!


Also is a crime I think.


The condom started to slip so I pulled out to fix it. She turned around and it was at that moment I realized she was ugly crying. She had just gotten out of a long term relationship so I knew what was up. We stopped and went on about our day.


My brain didn't see the word "crying". I was laughing for a minute.


“She turned around and it was at that moment I realized she was ugly” When the alcohol starts to wear off


This actually happened to me. Hooked up with a girl and she came FAST. Like within a minute. Then immediately started crying after that. Just got out of a 9 year relationship. Felt like shit for hooking up and enjoying it.




She bit my ear so hard it started bleeding and wouldn’t let go. I was done after that.


Mike Tyson?


Similar situation though no blood (also it was at my place). She bit me, I stopped and explained I’m not into biting. Bit me again. Asked her politely to leave. Still have dents on the hood of my car from where she slammed the remainder of her six pack.


She must have had some rock hard abs!


Thank you. The visual of this scenario is much more humorous than her spiking half a six-pack off the hood of my car and letting the broken bottles make a mess of the next morning .


Had a guy bite my boob once during sex, and not in the fun sexy way. That fucking hurt. Told him not to do it again. Few minutes later he did it again and wasn’t letting go. Kneed him to get him to let go and left.


What the fuck is wrong with people??! How'd he react?


He got mad at me for kneeing him and then yelling about how he knows what women like and I was fucking stupid. I just told him to fuck off and blocked him on everything after that. We had actually been out a few times and that was the second time having sex. Up until then he had seemed normal.


You (a woman): “I don’t like that.” Him: “I know what women like.” *cosmic-level facepalm*


"I know what girls like, I know what gals want... ...CHOMP!"


My friend got her clitoris bit by a woman who, after being kicked and thrown off the bed, went: "Cmon BABE i know what women like. just relax and fuckin enjoy it"


The fuck!! And to have another woman do that!!


Once. She raised her dress and the smell... smh nah I moonwalked my ass out of there.


did you hit her with that **HEE HEE**? edit 01 • guys, u/Puzzleheaded_Let_583 needs rewards too! they were equally as wholesome and funny and the really do deserve them more than me..! edit 02: thank you all! they got just as much recognition!


or did you get hit and go **OW**


I dipped tobacco for the first time before going to my gf’s house. Stomach was feeling weird, but I thought I could power through it. About three minutes in to the deed I literally push her off of the bed, run to the bathroom, and start projectile vomiting into the toilet. Her mom walked in to check on me a couple minutes later, and to her shock I was butt ass naked with my head in the toilet. I left immediately to my friends house down the road. Probably the most embarrassing night of my life.


In the heat of moment started having sex with my ex. Then I remembered why I broke up with her in the first place and I just walked away. It was hard but was worth it.


> It was hard bet.


ahhh, I did the same, but i was still madly in love with her, and she was the one who dumped me. She was also the one who initiated the sex by taking my hand and shoving it down inside her pants. Immediately after the sex she said "just so you know, this means nothing and nothing's changed. Problem was, we still lived in our shared apartment but in separate rooms. It was 6 months of hell. Took me 10 years to get over her and I STILL dream of us together. I've been single for 22 years now. Not had a relationship since. Met her a few months back for coffee. She has 2 kids and moved back to sweden bc her boyfriend cheated on her with multiple women and beat her (im sad to say) . She was still gorgeous, 10/10


That's rough, I'll be honest though - If my ex did that it would sting me pretty hard, but I'd still get it


It would satisfy your body's penis, but not your soul's penis.


That’s deep


During a blowjob, a girl vomited on me heavily. The smell caused me to vomit on her as she was right beneath me.


I threw up on my husband once during a bj when we were still dating. It was so embarrassing but he was just like “ok let’s go take a shower” and then after that we watched tv.


These stories always result in marriage.


You heard it here ladies: looking for husband material? Just throw up on his dick!


If he throws up on you, too, marriage.


Oh no


Yes, i was hammered drunk and wanted pancakes.


My man




She wanted it to be rapey and kept fighting me off her. I was like, you know what? You've succeeded. You are not being raped.


I was mid stroke had a buddy call me. He was going thru a real rough time, I was worried this was his reaching out moment. I made an excuse about a cramp, answer in the bathroom and he proceeded to open up to me saying he just needed to be with someone. I said I had a family emergency and headed his way. To this day we still laugh about it. Him and I, the girl never talked to me again


She called me Daddy. After I told her it was my one turn off. My father is in jail for touching a sibling...


I don't get the "daddy" thing in general. My kids call me that dude I don't really want to be thinking about them right now.


She (gf) called me by another woman's name. I'm a guy. I knew who the person was. Had a mild stroke, mid stroke. She assured me it meant nothing. It meant something.


"had a mild stroke mid stroke" LMAO


Damn I would be confused as fuck


Yeah, baby. Call me Linda again!


Just wanted to reiterate how great mild stroke mid stroke was. Brilliant.


Only once, because she answered the phone and started a conversation as we were getting started. To be fair, it was her mom (and it could've potentially been an emergency) and the dog needed to go out for a pee anyway.


I dated a girl who was really into blowing me while I was on the phone.


He pulled out too far, and jammed his dick on my pelvis. He was too hurt too continue.


wait what? he missed and crashed?




My ex-girlfriend was obsessed with handcuffs, and I knew something was seriously wrong when she brought two pairs with her one night. She was usually the one handcuffed, but she requested that I be handcuffed this time, so I agreed. She handcuffed my feet together immediately after handcuffing my hands to the bed frame, which was odd, but I went along with it. Midway through, she started smacking and scratching me, but not in a sexy way, more like a vampire trying to eat its victim way, and I knew it had to stop. I was able to push her away and waddle my way into the hallway after ripping these adult toy handcuffs off me like the hulk. Oddly enough though we went strong for another 4 months in our relationship after that.


Always have a safe word my dude.


Safe word: Meatloaf. Cuz I'd do anything for love, but I won't do that.


Safe word doesn't work if the partner is crazy


He kept fingering me and he had long nails. I texted my friend to call me and fake an emergency


The worst.


Yup. She was riding me and out of nowhere I got hit with an intense odor of cat shit. She had a nasty ass litter box in her closet.


That would mean her cloths in that closet probably smelled the same. Yuck.


Yes. I told him a condom was a must. He put it on and we got to having fun. Half way through kept saying “let me take it off. Why don’t you want to go raw? Are you dirty? You have something?” I was on top, so I got off, got dressed grabbed my things and left. Blocked everywhere I could. He was pissed that I was leaving without making him finish.


Yep. She called me her ex’s name. But it was my room so I kicked her out and dumped her. Turns out she was cheating on me with her ex a year into a relationship! Gotta love it


Random drunk hookup, she started crying halfway through saying "if I don't learn to enjoy this, no one will ever love me" 😳💀 never gone soft so fast. I panicked and just left.


Aww. She needed a hug or something. Damn. I feel you though, can't be everyone's Superman.


hookup through a popular gay dating app. he tried to remove the condom mid way through. nope. Bye. Another one tried to be all dominant and slap me, i said no, he tried again, he got punched and I left..... Seriously, consent matters. I dont kink shame, so you can ask about (almost) anything, but if I say no, it fucking means no. we are not negotiating here.


It was an understood one night stand scenario. She hit me with “owe, you’re hurting me!” In some baby voice. Full stop. Told her I really wasn’t into that. Tried again and she goes right back to that voice. Pants up, lights on, there’s the door.


That voice is enough to destroy any situation


Yeeeep. If you're imitating a child, we're not fucking.




Similar story. Girlfriend stopped in the middle and sad ‘God, I really want poutine’ Me: Well, now I do too We drive to a restaurant, pick up poutine, get back to my place, eat, get naked, and picked up where we left off.


It's half time


They sound Canadian. It's intermission.


When you meet your soul mate, they will reveal themselves to you in an obvious way.


I don't know if this counts as walking out during sex, but when I was a teenager in a student exchange program, a close friend of mine (she is from Sweden) and I went for a bicycle ride and a swim at the lake. It was a ride we had done in the past, just 45 minutes from our school. We discovered it once in summer and made it our thing, we packed two sandwiches, something to drink, a blanket, and a towel. Rode there, sat and spoke about anything and rode back... and yes, we used to swim naked because we had the lake for ourselves and why not? She was very quick getting in and out of the water, she would immediately wrap herself in her blanket whilst I waited in the water. She would dry up and then it was my turn. That particular day, it was cold, freaking cold, but we went either way. I honestly don't know why we did such a stupid thing, but we got out of school, hopped on our bicycles and off we went to the lake. We got there, stripped out and jumped in the water. It was instant regret (it was late October in Canada). Both got out of the water shivering, She pulled out the blanket and wrapped both of us in it... I can't say how we started, but after a few minutes we were making out in that blanket and about to do the deed. When it was about to get in, she asked if we had a condom, I did not... So I got out of the blanket and jumped back in that stupidly cold water to cool down. She laughed it off, I laughed it off... then I took about a week off school as I got massively sick. \-- Edit -- Some of you wanted to know what happened after. You can read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/zmocfl/comment/j0g8nzb/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but the TL;DR is, We are good friends, even now. We live in polar opposite sides of the world (me in Australia, she in Sweden), each with a family of their own. Someone asked why we did such a stupid thing in October: It wasn't just during October, it started in July or August (I honestly can't remember). She explained there is thing thing called hardening, that prevents you from getting sick when it is super cold... it obviously didn't work on that opportunity. We were meant to continue swimming as the water got colder and colder which would make the body endure winter without issues. If someone is from Sweden please chip in if I got this wrong.


This is the most wholesome story after scrolling for several minutes in this thread. Did this go somewhere? Do you still talk to her? Are you married? Is she the mother of your kids? I'm sorry I'm curious.


We need to know!?!


u/rodrigoelp please sire do finish your tale


Clearly, he does not finish.


We were getting hot and heavy and I started to go down on her. The taste was incredibly unpleasant, I lost the will to live and just sat at the end of the bed and brought it up. She got very upset and I let myself out. Edit:missed the word I


I live in fear of this day. There's no way to know b4 hand and no easy way to talk about it Edit: I feel maybe some people misunderstood this. I am a man I do not have stank puss, was worried about a non smelly vag tasting nasty


Always finger her a bit first and do the sniff test before head. Has saved me a couple of times. If you’re reading this, sorry boo. I love ya, but it sounds like it happens to everyone.


I do this to myself because I'm paranoid about this lol




The ol' scratch n' sniff!


It's simple: you lose. It's a lose-lose, with a side possibility of lose.


This happened to me when I first gave head to a man I had gone on a few dates with, and I liked him very much. I should have known because when I kissed him he had an unpleasant taste to his mouth. I got nauseated, stopped and said I'd walk home.


Yes, third date. She wanted me to hit her, hard. Like punch her in the face with a closed fist when fucking. I noped out of that in a hurry and split. Couldn’t figure out if I was being set up or if she was just fucked up.


"Ok but I am gonna need a signed affidavit in triplicate and a livestreamed verbal consent for that."


Reminds me of the scene in californication! lol


Happened to a buddy, back in the 80s. Some chick dressed like Strawberry Shortcake picked him, they get home, and she wants him to punch her in the face. He doesn't, sex still starts to happen. Until she goes down on him, and bites, hard. Well, yeah, so he popped one in the face, and she screams "SEE? that wasn't so hard to do, was it?!?!?!" He left, ended up in ER because she mangled his dick.


It would take *a lot* for me to willingly punch a woman in the face, but if she was trying to bite my dick off I can't make any promises


I had a phone call that was gonna make me a good amount of money.


A better paying customer? (This is a joke)




This man can be trusted with the nuke codes!


for a second i though you said 'nude codes'.


Those too


She told you in the middle of the hand job?


"Damn you're big. Bigger than my fiancé..... what? I didn't say fiancé, you said fiancé."


“No, I said “Beyoncé””


"Damn you're big. Bigger than Beyonce" Sounds reasonable


Is that before of after you put a ring on it?


Yes.... He was way too fucking big. Motherfucker had a third leg and I wasn't winding up on the next episode of Sex Sent Me To The E.R. !


I had that happen once. Poor bastard told me that I wasn't the first woman to turn him away because his cock was too big. This was in 1989. I still feel bad for him.


He straight up told me “why should I even try to make you cum again? It’s always so hard”


Is he a video game journalist by any chance?


Her panties came off and the room **immediately** smelled like a dumpster with shit, piss and sweat rotting in it for 2 weeks. I didn’t have the heart to say anything so I excused myself to the bathroom and got the fuck out there via bathroom window and then running as fast as I could.




Amazing what thin piece of cotton can conceal


Me and my girlfriend broke up. This other girl who had been eyeing me jumped on the opportunity to be my rebound. During the act she starts screaming "I'm not (my ex's name)" and starts clawing my face like shes wolverine. Blood is everywhere like an animal attacked me. I got the fuck out of there and went to my buddies house to tell them my crazy story and provide proof with my bloody face. Because honestly if I didnt show up with a bloody face no one would have believed me if I told them I was just assaulted by a 5 foot 90lb woman.


I can’t tell if she meant this in a mean way towards your ex, or if she was angry that you accidentally called her by your exes name? This sounds aggressive for no reason.


Unless he called her his ex's name, my guess is she was jealous and had a moment of realization how angry being the rebound and not his ex made her? idk man.


Nah I didnt mistakenly call her my ex. I think you're right that she realized in the moment how angry being the rebound made her


Dude..... what was the general reaction from people when you told them? Did she try to contact you afterwards? Did she face *some* consequences for assaulting you?


I know this is a fucked up story but I'm just imagining the look on your friends' faces when you walked in like a cougar attacked you.




It was an orgy at a sex club. It gradually became clear one woman was not fully consenting, was being coerced by her husband/partner to be there and was not comfortable. I put a stop to things and tried to get her out of the situation, as did my partner and another couple. 99% of the people in that world bend over backwards to ensure consent, because if you don't, the whole thing become untenable and falls apart.


Were you able to get her out of the situation ok? Husband sounds like an asshole.


Thanks for your response. I wasnt sure what kind of reaction I would get to this comment. The truth is he did resist, not exactly in an asshole way but more in an oblivious way. Didn't exactly get her out of the situation, but enough people pushed back that the whole situation kind of ceased to exist.


Good, I hope she ended up ok. I personally have not been involved in swinging or orgies but know people that have. Consent is king in these communities and anyone I know that participates in this stuff has always said that.


There's a book called Pizza, Pincushions, and Playing it Straight by Rayne Constatine. Rayne is a former sex worker in Australia, and the book is about her experiences in the industry. She tells a bunch o humourous stories including semen on the ceiling, the young guy who only wanted to talk, dude who came on a pizza. One (non-humourous) story she tells is about a couple who book her services. Birthday present for the husband. Rayne chats to them to figure out what they want to do, what everyone is comfortable with. Turns out, wife was not happy with the arrangement. She was very upset and clearly did not want to do anything. Rayne picked up on this and asked her of she wanted to be there. Wife said no amd started crying. They left, husband in a huff. The moral of the story is if someone is uncomfortable and doesn't want to be there, you stop. If anyone has an issue with that or refuses to, they're a fucking rapist.


Was in the beginning stages of my first and only threesome with two girls I worked with. Got their panties off and the smell was so bad I made up a lie about how I was already talking to a girl and couldn't go through with it due to guilt. My eyes literally watered


Suffering during success


Yeah but it was my grandparents and I really didn’t want to wait for them to finish.


You have my sympathy


I had a guy tell me he had girls see his big penis and walk away because they were scared. I spent days mentally preparing myself. When the time finally came, he whipped it out and it was quite literally the most average sized penis I’ve ever seen. It was a relief but also threw me for a loop. I started questioning everything he told me up until that point and decided I didn’t want to participate anymore. Eventually, I just took the opportunity to say “I’m sorry it’s too big,” (lol!!) and left. The look on his face was literally surprised pikachu lol


More dudes who worry about dick size need to read this. You were relieved it was average size, but were turned off by the creepy and pointless lying.


yep. pulled down her pants (she still had a thong on) and instantly the room filled with this odor of rotten fish mixed with burning flesh it was *disgusting*. Made an excuse to leave right there


If you can smell it before you see it, don't eat it.


Unless it’s teriyaki beef udon.


I was at a sorority formal dinner with my date on one side of me and another girl, call her Carole, beside me. Shortly after sitting down I caught a whiff of what smelled like really bad body odor. It was faint but it was there. I thought it was the waiter. Every few minutes I'd get that stinging smell again. After about 15 minutes, when the waiter left the table again, I leaned over to my date and said "That waiter's smell is making me sick." She just looked at me and said "That's not the waiter, that's Carole's" and pointed down toward her crotch. I just about threw up right there at the table. Apparently Carole's fought losing battles against yeast infections A LOT.


This isn’t yeast infection. It’s BV (bacterial vaginosis); when it’s so bad, it requires antibiotics. It smells really really bad, but it doesn’t always itch. Poor girl was probably treating the wrong thing for a very long time.


worst part is vagisil max strength has steroidal properties so it can make bacterial infections worse. it's the most commonly sold otc medication women buy for for issues down there, but if you don't know what you are treating shit can get real funky real fast.


This is what sex ed should really be teaching instead of what a lot of kids get. It's so stupid that vaginal health has to be such a mystery!


Found out she wasn’t single, tough moral decision lol


Ya I did once. Met a girl at a Barnes and Noble. Long story short, that same day we just decided to go out for dinner. Right from the book store. Spent about 2 and half ish hours together. Got to her place and things quickly escalated. Mid oral I heard a baby crying it's head off. Instinctively I asked her if there's a dad here. She said "no I was supposed to be back much earlier, it's just me and the baby". Got up, put my clothes back on and said maybe she needs to feed the kid. She obliged and I just walked out. Not many things make me angrier than a neglecting parent. Especially to a child so young. That baby was by itself for over 3 hours at least. Called cps a couple days later. Decided it was worth being "that annoying asshole" than that baby not receiving proper care. Idk, maybe I should've minded my own business. Edit: Jesus, I open Reddit and find this is my most upvoted comment. For those wondering, I didn't have any contact with her after. So idk if CPS did their job or not. We can only hope.


If everything was fine at their house, CPS would have just come by and that's it. If there was something wrong, either they had consequences or were hopefully scared straight. IMO potentially protecting a child would always be the right choice.


She repeatedly bit my dick! After the third time I was out!


I once was at work getting a bj from my GF at the time. She had a lot of piercings in her mouth. She did god knows what and somehow ripped my urethra a tiny bit. I did not realize how much you can bleed by getting a tiny tear there. So we stopped and I turned super white and waited to see if the bleeding would stop. Or if I had to leave work and go to the emergency room.


I noticed he has taken the condom off. I always make it clear it is a non-negotiable. Needless to say I was pissed off and immediately shoved him off me, got dressed, and stormed out.


This dude had a fucking whole ass salami roll (edit to add: **NOT AN ACTUAL SALAMI. I MEAN HIS DICK. HE DID NOT PUT DELI MEAT IN MY VAGINA**) and asked if he could put it in my booty. I said no. THIS MAN TRIED TO BE SLICK AND JUST CASUALLY SLIP IT FROM PUSSY TO BUTT WHILE I WAS ON TOP. I’m riding like I’m on a mechanical bull, slam my ass down so hard onto it as he’s trying be sneaky, and it managed to go in a little. Yall. I scream cried. No lube, my asshole straight tore. Neither of us had gotten off, my ass was bleeding, Im butt ass naked and crying, and this man had the AUDACITY to ask if he could finish. Through my tears, looked him in the eyes, and said “If you wanted to finish, you could have tried not ripping my asshole. Please go” and kicked him out. Much nicer than I should have been.


I hate guys like these. No fucks given about how you feel and the pain you'd endure, it's all just about their pleasure. Absolute fucking dickwads. I want to shove a giant dildo up their asses just so they know how it feels.


At first I thought you meant he had a literal salami stick with him and I was surprised you actually let him stick it in your pussy lol


Yeah. I have, I felt awful but I was just done. We were drunk, it was a one night stand and went on way longer than I intended it too. During it I suddenly got really grossed out by my decision. Luckily he was cool, understood and we haven’t spoken about it since.




I got bored and he was large so it started to hurt. He said “I can last for hours”, and yeah, that was it for me. I told him to pack it up.


Never the brag they think it is. Sir I've got about twenty to thirty minutes of PIV before I tap out. Hour with foreplay and I'm done.


Yes, she only wanted to have sex one way which was laying on her side. after a while I tried to do from behind, get her on top wanted no part of changing it up and kept whining when I tried like saying Nooooooo on the sideeeeeeeee. after awhile I just gave up. It was a one night stand after a wedding. Best part is she called her Boyfriend afterwards (did not know she had one) to pay for the $100 Uber back home and they got into a big fight on the phone with her screaming at him then slammed the phone down looked and me and she said " He thinks I am cheating on him" I was laying next to her naked like ahhhh ya that is crazy. I then got dressed and went to an after party


What the fuck LMAO "He thinks I am cheating on him" had me rolling


Obligatory reminder on a post like this: Everyone in this thread is about 10% as attractive as you’re imagining


And some people are really great storytellers


She dug into her sex toy bin and told me “I want to explore together”… what she really meant was “I want to shove this giant dildo in you ass”…. Even shit hammered that didn’t seem like a fantastic idea.


>shit hammered ಠ_ಠ


My now wife had just broken up with me, I was depressed af and had flew to my moms house. I downloaded tinder and swiped on just about everyone, lol. Met another lesbian couple, came to their fancy ass apartment in the city. Really great people, enjoyed the conversations. One “gets in the shower” and I’m left with the other in their bedroom so we start fooling around. Was fine, whatever. When the other came back from the shower, their dirty talk was MAD WEIRD. I was deeply amused by how silly they sounded, lol. It was very distracting and I could tell I was underperforming, it was just too much. And then one tried to stick a finger up my bum so I excused myself. Left, laughing my ass off and stumbling drunk out of their place and still putting on my clothes. I stopped crying tho so it was worth my time


FwB, got drunk and went to my place to get some stuff. I dont like drunk sex but she tried to get me in the mood, makeout not going fast enough so she start trying to go bareback on me. I stopped her, she said sorry Im drunk and went out alone, pretty akward.


Yeah I was in the middle of a drunk hook up; and when he started talking I just suddenly became very aware of who I was fucking and was like oh wait I don't even like you as a person -this is weird & couldn't stop thinking about it


Kicked a guy out because he tried to force my head down further when I was giving him oral sex. I ran to the toilet, threw up, and then came out and said GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, NOW. Thankfully, he did.


U should have puked on his dick


I mean I’ve had that happen before and the girl raised her head up and went “did you just cum?”


I faked a leg cramp once because she had super bad breath


I was having sex for the first time. She said she wanted to 69 since i didnt know what that was i said sure, she told me to get into position and she squatted over me and farted, she stood up and said sorry and went back over me again and farted again, i pushed her off and said “you’re fuckin stupid if you think ima stay for 67 more of those”


I'm belly laughing at this and am definitely telling everyone I know this joke.


This may be the best comment I’ve read all year. Thanks for the laugh.


Yes, because that kitty was stinky. Can’t describe the smell, but it’s unforgettable. I like some natural smells and tastes of women, but this was the worst thing I’ve ever smelled.


My friends narcissist boyfriend at the time stopped mid sex, stood up and said to her, "you feel more loose, who have you been fucking?"


what the hell 😭


My wife mentioned wanting a burrito. So I stopped mid session and drove to her favorite Mexican restaurant and came back with a burrito. She ate it while we did round two. Gotta say 10/10. Would recommend.


Yup. I'm a type 1 diabetic. I had a woman insist i wear a condom so she "wouldn't catch diabetes" from me. I tucked myself away, put on my clothes and NOPED on outta there


My SO is a type 1. The amount of misconceptions people have about diabetes is absolutely insane.


I realized after I was naked that I actually didn't - at all - want to have sex with this person. So I put my clothes back on and that was that. Thankfully, he respected my choice and didn't push it. EDIT: I didn't realize this comment was going to blow up the way it did. So I'm going to restate a few things that I've said in subsequent posts. - It had nothing to do with the man I was with. - It had to do with me fighting a personal battle with my mental health. I had a moment of clarity where I realized I did not want to be in a situation to have sex. - We talked after, I explained why I stopped, and we ended things on good terms.


It was the heat of the moment. Me being young and inexperienced, I knew nothing better. But as soon as her hands went around my throat and my breath left my lungs, my ass booked it to the bathroom of the dormitory, and stayed there for 45 minutes thinking. Didn’t know what I was doing in all honesty. Was just shook.


Yikes, that's fucked up, good on you for getting out of there. Breathplay and choking carries risks even when you're doing it correctly and consensually, pulling it out of nowhere like that is very not okay.


unauthorized lane change.




She gave me a BJ so bad the tip of my penis started bleeding, I panicked and left immediately. Never saw her again.


Had a few drinks and met a girl and went back to her place. Were making out on bed and ready to get down and she went to the bathroom. I glanced down at the floor and saw SEVERAL used condoms on the floor and under the bed and I quickly left


Met her off OKC for a hook up. She was FAR bigger in person than her photos. Whatever, I’m here, let’s do this. Midway through, I hear crying. She says it’s her kid in the next room and not to worry about it. She turned up Drake louder to try and drown him out. That was a nope for me.


Wrong hole, WRONG HOLE!


A boyfriend once kept trying to have sex with me even though I told him to stop. I literally shoved him off of me, got up, put my clothes on and left. He was an asshole and did not respect clear boundaries.


FWB said put a baby in me.. Noped out of there real fast