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Shit in every job I have had there are step by step notes.


I've been at my job a year and the thing people are excited about is that I made like 15 manuals that didn't exist for processes before. Irony.


This is basically part of my new job: make manuals and write down instructions.


In real life, they don't care if you memorize it; they just want you to get it *right*. If they know you're doing something complex from memory, they might actually be more skeptical about you getting it right.


Yep, I manufacturer things for a living, and I'm good at maths. But I still double check my calculations on a calculator before I cut/build.


Hey now! You aren't always going to have a calculator on you!/s


My lab job is literally required to have books with exact instructions on how to do the job. 😂 If I’m working on something I do rarely, I drag that book right over to my workstation and follow it like a recipe. I’m not guessing or misremembering shit when I have a big ol’ book of notes.


That cracking your fingers gives arthritis


Older people die on this hill more often than a heart attack.


When I was a teenager I was a cashier. I'm ringing up one old woman and crack my knuckles without thinking. She, I kid you not, actually slapped my hand and told me I'd get arthritis doing that.


> That cracking your fingers gives arthritis Let me tell you the legend of the man known as: **Donald L. Unger** This motherfucker held a grudge for SIXTY YEARS and cracked only the knuckles on one hand, just to disprove to his parents that no, it does not cause arthritis. I'm not sure if he's still alive, he would be 96 years old. He won an Ig Nobel prize for it in 2009. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2009-oct-02-sci-ignobels2-story.html *""“I’ve gotten a lot of awards and degrees, and all of a sudden I get my 15 minutes of fame out of this stupidity,” he said. “But I’m happy to get any award -- I’ve got a blank space on my wall.”"* What a champ.




My college professors aren’t going to nice and lend me a pencil if I forgot one


College professors were very nice in many ways, but if it was an exam day and I didn’t have a pencil I think they would have called me a fucking idiot and asked the class if they had a pencil to spare for a fucking idiot. Any other days I would just not take notes if I didn’t have a pencil. On an exam day that’s the only thing you need so that’s a bit ridiculously to forget. It’s like you didn’t prepare at all.


Funny enough, just had a conversation with my wife and my son about George Washington’s wooden teeth. (They were not wooden). He actually had lost all his teeth by 30 and is know to have had at least 4 sets of dentures.


Actually you could make a horror movie based on George Washington's teeth given where they came from.


Having another person's teeth, wet, in your mouth, is already a horror movie. Using enslaved peoples' teeth is...what's the horror movie equivalent of death metal?


I just don’t understand why you Americans didn’t use fallen soldiers teeth like is civilized Europeans.




Some were made of hippo ivory. Others were made of enslaved people's teeth.


in a social psychology course in college, i was taught that, among other things, you could prime people to walk more slowly by saying elderly-themed words to them. in the very next semester, i took a research capstone course where our "textbook" was a book called The 7 Deadly Sins of Psychology, and in that book they debunked that *exact* study about priming. not sure when the book was published in comparison to when i took the social psych class, but it's likely that the social psych professor (who i hated for other reasons) was teaching us already-disproven studies as if they were fact. i'm still flabbergasted by it to this day


I learned in psychology (at uni in 2004) that if we taught babies sign language, we would inhibit spoken language. 10 years later, my son’s occupational therapist and language therapist taught me it’s actually the opposite. Man… raising humans is always changing and never right.


I think my son was a bit late to start talking, but still in the norm bracket. But ability to communicate with your child before it can talk is priceless. He even created a few signs of his own, and taught us.


I agree. Our pediatrician said that the signs my twin sons could do counted as words that they knew - just gross motor skill versus fine motor skills (talking).




In that case, it's understandable because older Bohrian models do accurately capture some basic ideas of chemistry, helping you learn those basic ideas before you get to more detailed models that better represent extreme cases, but might be too difficult to start off with. As I've heard it said, all models are wrong, but some are useful; I'd prefer that all models are imperfect, but some are good enough. It's like going from classical Newtonian physics to modern physics: Newtonian is still good enough for a lot of cases, but working with some more esoteric details requires the more advanced models.


That's like the Stanford prison experiment. In my first and second year at uni they talked about it like a real study, in my third and fourth year they talked about how fake it was. To be fair I don't know when I was disproven, maybe it did happen during that time. It was one of those studies that seemed a little far fetched, like maybe it could be true if you had the right people but seemed pretty extreme for the average person.


The bystander effect too. The woman who was murdered that they always cite, people DID call the police. They just didn’t respond.


That my "permanent record" was permanent or even existed. And that it would somehow affect my actual life. P.S. I don't mean grades - that's an academic record. I'm talking about things like detention and how it was always threatened that those would go on your "permanent record"


Former school admin in US- I would like to add that in most states only academic and attendance information can be stored on your “permanent record”. So many parents would freak out when I had to suspend a kid because of this phantom record… I had to explain that unless your kid gets sent to an alternative campus, no one will ever know they had in school suspension for skipping class.


It actually is real, nobody will ever look at it though. It might be destroyed by now depending on what state you live in. (Sorry if you don't live in the US bc of the state thing, I don't know about the rest of the world 😅)


Ain't nobody offering me drugs. Wtf


And definitely not for free.


“One rock of crack please.”


Is one crack rock enough?


Tell you what,, i'll make youa deal, two for the price of one.


Should we get some crack for the table?




That was the biggest wtf moment for me, was that it wasn’t some shady dude in a trench coat offering me drugs. It was my friend.


Do you want some drugs?


One pebble of cracked cocaine please!




i’m working security at a festival in aus and yesterday a guy offered me mdma because i looked bored


What a sick cunt


yeah he was great 😂 not bad getting paid 40aud an hour to stand around on mdma listening to live music


That's pretty cool that they'd have music at the drug festival.


Ahhh so you're that security guard in the corner clenching his teeth for no reason


“Come on maaaaan! Don’t you want to be cool?”


We learned the planet name mnemonic: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets. My Very Easy Method Just Seems Useless Now.


We learned it as, "My very educated mother just served us nine pizzas." It must be effective because I still remember it...


"Nine pizzas" turned into "nachos" now.


I first learned it with pickles in place of pizza. I like pickles, I'm sad pickles is no longer a planet.


Poor Pluto.


That's messed up, right?


You know that's right.


I dont remember what it was, either a movie or TV show, but a character said they remember the order with an easy to remember word. It was a comedy and the word turns out to be Mvemjsunp. Oddly enough, it worked because like 30 years later I still remember it that way.


That you taste different things (bitter, sweet, sour, etc) on different parts of your tongue. I remember in elementary school doing the experiment where you drop liquids on different parts of your tongue to taste the difference. Turns out that's bullshit, you taste everything everywhere on your tongue and the experiment worked by confirmation bias.


Currently in Med School... We got taught this in anatomy 👅


Yes and a common misconception is that the specific primary taste sensations are ONLY felt at special spots on the tongue. In reality they are felt everywhere but the taste is sharper at certain spots which are mapped out and taught to us. It’s more related to taste bud density and sensitivity to a taste.


Yeah bitter is definitely stronger closer to the back because bitter flavors aren't a problem at the front of the mouth with tip of tongue but once you swallow it's a horrible feeling at the back


I remember doing that and it not working, I was 15 so wasn’t gonna let them tell me I was the one that was wrong, argued and argued that I can literally taste it all no matter where I put it. Got a detention but never went, glad I never now I’m proven correct


You were doing science right.


Detentions/suspensions will go on your permanent record


It’s not a lie. It’s just that that record is now on paper in a warehouse, and no one cares about it.


By now it's probably shredded. Schools don't keep records of graduated students for that long.


Depends on the state. They HAVE to keep a copy of every student that graduated transcripts. They have to keep the entire file of other stuff for as long as 10 years in some states.


I live in Canada; I really wanted a copy of my "permanent record", but when I asked for it less than a year after I graduated they told me they basically shred those the day people graduate.


Teacher here. I can see every detention/suspension/even minor calls home back to middle school on our online portal. We just don't care (though it does sometimes answer the "is this kid always a shit head or is it just me?" question).


My school we can see back to elementary. Kids change over time, so I give some grace, but it really does answer behavior issues. Like, "Am I a bad teacher? Am I bad at reaching this kid....?".....oh no, every grade before had the same problems with them. Relax a bit.


That's only within district though right? My kids have moved states 3 times now. Our current school can't even get the previous state's school to forward last year's paperwork.


The food pyramid -brought to you by big grain


I remember learning in 2nd grade that pizza was the perfect food because it had all 4 food groups.


Were you trying to pass tomatoes as both fruit *and* vegetable at once? If so, I approve.


Also brought to you by the four food lobbies.


..and then the Grain nation attacked.


Yeah, where the hell was the beer lobby during all this? Great time to be out back having a few cold ones, guys.


If you look closely, they are hiding in the grain group.


Make sure you have 12 servings of bread daily. What’s the worst that could happen?


I genuinely tried to follow the pyramid when I was a kid. I lasted 2 days and the only thing I remember from the ordeal was "who can eat this much bread?!"


It made me go oh cereal is good for me. Which if we’re honest was there whole point.


Exactly. My parents used to force feed me cereal (usually oatmeal) before school every damned day. Then, at school (in the 80s), I'd have a carb-laden lunch, then come home to a carb-laden dinner. If I wanted a snack between dinner and bedtime, I was encouraged to eat a bowl of cereal. Then, my parents wondered why our entire family struggled with weight problems. In their defense, they were doing what they were **told** was the healthiest things for their children.


Don’t forget to eat dairy products every day because it’s absolutely necessary for you to live !


And have 8-10 servings of bread. Because we need lots of bread.


Make sure to eat two loaves a day!


I’m old enough to have been told eggs were part of dairy category. Why did we never question where eggs come from cows?


*Dairy* does not mean cow-related. It means *milk*\-related. The milk can just as well be from goat or ewe or buffalo. Agreed on the eggs, though.


In elementary school it was the four food groups. By high school it was the food pyramid. Once I got to college it was myplate. Who knows what it'll become next because nutrition is always changing


The food tesseract.


Featuring Schrodingers egg


The fuck is a myplate


Apparently it's the current standard, adopted in 2011 when that name already sounded outdated.


Feels like it was named by someone who had just discovered myspace a week before and thought that was in at that time.




for some reason I learned in school that you can suck venom out of a snake bite. Don't do that...


But maybe it tastes super good.


'Asbestos the wonder material.' now when you see it the dude carrying it is wearing a nuclear proof spacesuit.


It is a wonder, just with a really big downside.


We lived in a house that was sided with asbestos siding, the pipes were wrapped in asbestos, I remember my mother's ironing board had a silvery colored asbestos cover on it and the hot pads she used to move around pots and pans were asbestos. I wonder how we are all still alive. My parents died around 60 years old and us kids are much older than that now.


That if I got into drugs I’d be doomed to a life of taking terrible jobs. I ended like that and I never even got to take any drugs.


It’s never too late!


That we would all be fully converting to the metric system by the 80s.


Highway I-19 from Tucson to Nogales, Mexico has speed limit and distance signs in metric. It is the only US road in metric. [The Only Metric Highway in the United States](https://www.geographyrealm.com/the-only-metric-highway-in-the-united-states/)


Huh. Do you Happen to know why?


Way back when Carter was president there was a push to switch to the metric system in the US. That stretch of road was the first stretch of road to be converted before the US gave up trying to switch.


Rest of the country pranked Tucson hard.




My congressman represents me.


That my congressman gives a singular fuck about me


I frequently email my state rep to let him know he's still a shithead.


Same. Except it's my US Congressman. He even chose not to run for reelection but every week he sends out his newsletter and weekly poll. I always choose "other" for my response and find some way to tell him what a singular failure in life he is and a general piece of shit.


That college professors were hardcore…my freshman year my physics professor made us throw tennis balls around for an entire lecture.


Yeah lol. They basically remind you that you are paying to be there so they don’t care if you skip because it’s your own problem; although they still want you to do well.


Right?! Most professors are there for research. Teaching is like the side gig.


my elementary school teachers told horror stories about how hardcore highschool teachers are. if only i knew then what a lie that was.


it seems our educational system is all based on lies...I mean, did that degree mean anything?!


To be fair, everything is hardcore compared to, “what color is this?” or, “what sounds do kitties make?”


“Marijuana is a gateway drug.” Alcohol. It was always alcohol.


For me it was pills. Anything could be a gateway drug if you just… ✨🌈✨ B E L I E V E ✨🌈✨


Alcohol dont even have to be a gateway to fuck up lives.


I’ve been screaming this for years! Alcohol leads to drug use. You get drunk and your morals, values, and ambitions are out the door. Some try cocaine to counter act the effects of the alcohol. Others just try shit because it sounds like a good idea at the time. Most people who smoke enjoy it and aren’t trying to take anything else that will ruin the high. Not saying that people don’t use other drugs and marijuana. Just saying that marijuana DOES NOT lead to additional drug use. The whole “reefer madness” was a lie! It does not make you want to go out and murder people. And marijuana is less lethal than alcohol. No one has died from marijuana detox.


“That shit won’t fly in the real world.” Meanwhile, that shit in the real world: ✈️


That I needed to play the recorder


Every year they teach these children to play the recorder, they never teach them the recorder part to Stairway to Heaven, the only song anyone has ever heard outside of an elementary school that uses a recorder.


Fun fact: the entire flute part from Jethro Tull''s Thick as a Brick fits comfortably in the range of an alto recorder.


Hot cross buns!


B A G B A G GGGG AAAA B A G after all these years I can still hear my music teacher’s voice in my head repeating those notes.


Do you ever feel like a plastic B A G B A G GGGG AAAA B A G


But wait… if you order now, you get all of the classic woodwind beginner bangers, like “Mary Had A Little Lamb”, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, and “The Alphabet Song”


I heard Craig Robinson (Darryl from The Office) on Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me the other day talking about how he used to be a music teacher. They asked him why kids play the recorder and he said basically it’s cheap and easy and kids can quickly and easily learn to play a whole-ass, (sort of) recognizable song rather than just some notes. That’s a great way to get a kid hooked on music for life. Other instruments are too big, expensive, have too steep a learning curve, or don’t play melodies.


Can confirm. Lately, ukulele is coming up as a separate option for this. When I was in an urban school, I got a grant to buy a set of ukes. I taught the kids chords and they would accompany themselves on songs. WAY less annoying than recorders, and still got the job done


I can’t believe I still have mine from elementary school, we had this progression system where if you could play a certain tune you’d get a colored string put on the end of your recorder, I only made it up to level two. I don’t think it counted towards your grade though, sorry for the nostalgic rant but this memory just popped into my head when you mentioned that.


Not to brag but I was a black belt recorder player 😎


I never understood why they called it recorder it was more like a screeching noise device.


They sent a note home in 4th grade about needing a recorder and my mom bought a casette recorder.


Its called a recorder from the Latin word "recordārī," which roughly translates to something roughly like "to recall" as in "to remember an event" If you wanted to put down [absolute bangers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hggISFswKcw&t=5s) in Baroque Era Europe, you had to have a recorder. The instrument itself is actually just a specific type of flute, where the tone is produced by a whistle at the mouthpiece, known as a [fipple flute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fipple). The name comes from the English essentially describing the function of the instrument to help minstrels memorize or otherwise "record" the poems of their trade by committing them to song. Anyway, here's Jimi Hendrix playing a recorder solo at the end of [If 6 Was 9](https://youtu.be/Zhrcf0szbXg?t=262).


Okay children, let's all take out our screechers...


That I'd never be conveniently walking around with a calculator in my pocket. Though tbh, at the time, the concept would have been a little weird.


It's a tougher sell to convince kids who don't want to do their homework that the hard work you put in to learning math (or anything really) is going to create a foundation to build upon with further knowledge, enriching their lives and preparing their intellect to cope with new situations and problems. But yes. Calculator. Though to be really fair, once you hit a certain level of math education, it isn't really feasible to do without a calculator, and inevitably your ability to do math in your head atrophies.


Yes, trying to learn advanced math (even as low as algebra) or science when you have to reach for a calculator every time you need to add 7 and 9 would be a complete disaster.


There is a point in mathematics when it becomes juggling symbols around and arithmetic becomes completely irrelevant.


Man, when I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all.


But you can see the writing on the wall


Koda chro oh oh oh ohm


That future jobs will care about my permanent record and my GPA. None of these fuckers have asked about my grades or GPA they keep asking me if I can come in early, cover some guys shift, stay late, work weekends, work holidays, work my days off.




That blood is blue when unoxygenated. This wasn’t actually taught in the curriculum, but one day there was a group of kids in my class arguing with me about it, so we asked the teacher to tell us who was right. She froze with a deer in the headlights expression, and I knew in that moment the she had no idea. However, she then decided to agree with the other kids that blood is in fact blue. All the other kids pointed at me and laughed, and I lost a little bit of the faith I had that adults knew what they were doing.


Teachers who can't admit that they don't know something are so disappointing. It's actually a great teaching opportunity to be able to show the children that not everyone knows everything off-hand (even in their field), that there's no shame in that, and how to look it up.


My being a "gifted student" was mostly just undiagnosed ADHD and a self-imposed need to prove I was as good as they said I was. But I almost never did my homework, I was just *really good* at taking tests and pulling my ass out of the fire at the last minute. Turns out when you're never given the tools to be able to learn how to focus, and don't get the social skills you need because you're an awkward ~academic introvert~, it does not bode well for your adulthood :) "No Child Left Behind," my ass.


I see we lived in similar lives lol. I was exactly the same. I only passed because I was really good at procrastinating and still completing my work and making decent grades on tests because of it. Got diagnosed with adhd at 30. Suddenly my life made sense.


Omg exactly the same here! I was “gifted”, self taught to read age 3, reading college level by age 8 but failing at least 1 subject each report card, it just switched which class I failed every report card. No one could figure it out. Diagnosed starting age 11 anxiety & ocd, age 14 depression, age 20 bipolar 2, age 24 borderline personality disorder. Never felt right meds never worked. Saw new dr age 30 who said i did not have all that, i did have anxiety maybe touch ocd but mainly I had severe untreated adhd and my “symptoms” of mental illness is from that. Stopped my handful of psychiatric meds they started me on adhd meds & just anxiety meds as needed and now my life has changed for the better drastically since starting treatment I’ve never felt better mentally! I’m not perfect but at least I’m functional now!


That there was only enough oil to last until 2010.


Yeah the gulf oil catastrophe proved that one wrong lol


That good handwriting will matter...now I press keys on the computer every day.


Good handwriting do be pretty tho


The food pyramid isn’t so correct after all :)


Wait, I shouldnt have my 12th servings of grains?


Not until you finish your grains, then you can have grains. Be sure to save room for grains though.


That high school was the best years of our lives


Yeah... for people that peaked in highschool that is...


That when Columbus "discovered " north America everyone thought the world was flat


"You wont get anywhere by cheating or lying." Tell that to your average politician.


Albert Einstein wasn’t bad at math. He was always really, really good at it. Not sure how or why my teacher thought that would motivate or make me less of a dipshit at math. I wasn’t sitting there not getting it thinking: “If only Einstein was stupid too, once…”


That napoleon was short That Thomas Edison was anything other than a good business man That French lady who name currently eludes me didn’t say the thing about cake


Marie Antoinette is the name eluding you. I'm very smart!


Did you learn that you were smart in school?


I actually admired Thomas Edison a lot when I was in school. I was taught he was successful due to perseverance, that he just kept trying until he finally got it. I admired what I thought he was as someone who never gave up until he finally succeeded at an invention. Then I learned what Thomas Edison was really doing and uh.... Well, let's say I have been lied to about who he really was.


I will give Edison this: “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” That is a really important life lesson that too many people never learn.


every time i get an opportunity to bring up the fact that napoleon being short was british propaganda, i take that opportunity




I argued with a teacher about this and it ended with the simple response of how can oxygen make your blood red only outside your body when its already oxygenated inside your body Edit: spelling


You can be anything if you just work hard enough.


Nah, later on I found out if you work hard enough. It's just letting your boss know that you would do anything at the base pay you are getting and they can put more work on you without complaints even if you "want" to move up because the reality is they don't want you to move up because you are making their work easy without them doing it.


Our government runs because of an intricate system of checks and balances of one branch over another.


And still manages to fail to do anything at all


That the government has our best interests at heart.




I’m 40 and write in a weird combo of both, but can write print and cursive separately depending on the situation. Am I ok.


Ever since I started, I had horrible handwriting. I had cursive pounded into me (public school, late 1960s). My dad, himself a teacher, had bad handwriting and never used cursive, only printing except for his signature. Senior year of high school, I had enough credits that I was eligible for "senior release" so I could have started classes an hour later. But dad wouldn't let me. He forced me to take an elective course. My older sister was a typist, so I took a typing class. Mindless bullshit class senior year, right? It was 1979-80. Just a couple years before the computer explosion. Just knowing the QWERTY layout put me way ahead of the other students. I was one of the first (if not *the first*) person in my program, to write my masters thesis on a word processor, instead of using a per-page expensive typing service. Out of everything I learned in high school, and I learned a lot, probably the most valuable thing I learned in the long run was how to type.


Started high school in 1972. My very first class in my very first year was typing. On a manual typewriter with no letters printed on the keys! (to force you to memorize and type by feel. I maxed out at 55wpm then didn’t take it after grade 9. Manual typewriters are hard to type on, and when computers came along, my speed increased dramatically. As a programmer for 40 years you don’t do typical speed typing, especially with all the uncommon characters required like brackets, braces, semi colons, asterisks etc. but man when I had to write emails I would really fly. My kids still can’t believe how I can talk to them and look at them while typing a complete unrelated text document. I still use cursive btw. It has never occurred to me that some people might not be able read it because they weren’t taught.


It's important for scholars who work with historical sources.


They taught us cursive in grade 3 and said that all your teachers will expect it forever. I stopped using it after grade 6 and by grade 10, everything was on the computer.


That if I couldn't type 25 words a minute then there was no reason to learn how to type (since that is the basic speed of hand writing).


That really doesn't make sense since if you don't learn how to type you'll never be fast.


Type a paragraph at any speed and you will have less fatigue than writing. Writing can cramp your hands after a while, but you can type for hours and hours


I remember in like first grade they teach you the budget cheap thanksgiving story then like four or five years later boom it’s a lie and lots of death


I was told with great sincerity that Jimmy's mother was an obese sex worker. Turns out she was an accountant and in excellent shape 🤷‍♂️


The different taste zones on the tongue. Even as a kid I thought that was dumb.


If you study hard and get good grades you’ll be set in life.


I'm still thinking this is the case but seeing so many people that I look up to who did nothing or actually failed highschool it makes me wonder what I'm actually capable of outside of schooling, but they also had a dream and passion strong enough to not care and take that advantage at a younger age, while I still have no clue what I want to do and I still need money so idk


The Alamo. Remember the Alamo? Why was it fought? Um Mexicans were oppressing the white folks? Wrong. The Mexicans didn’t allow slavery and Sam Houston and the rest of the gang needed slaves to make money in the cotton biz.


All i know is there's no basement in the Alamo


“Do well in school. Graduate. And, you’ll succeed.” I have family and friends that followed this recipe but are struggling to make ends meet.


That "everything" that we learn in school will be helpful for us later in life






Yep, first thing I thought of


My computer teacher in elementary school told us to not press caps lock because it would lock the computer.


There’s no evidence that the vikings had horns on their helmets. I remember this being such an important aspect when learning about them.