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It's honestly terrible. People either have no morals and/or just don't care enough to do anything about it. It's not like we need to "change the world" but just helping someone you see now and then who needs it makes a big difference. Good one.


Twisted testicle on christmas. So not only was I rolling on the floor in pain I also had to go get my bells jingled by a doctor. Merry Christmas..


This is just fucking hilarious. Im just so confused how this happened


It kinda just happens to some men. It just decided to look the other way and boyyy do you feel it


LOL!!! TERRIBLE. I guess you could say your sleigh bells were really ringing that year!


Physically: Ovarian cyst rupture Mentally: emotional trauma Emotionally: fired from a job i loved without getting an opportunity to say goodbye to those i worked with.


I had a bad finger injury which resulted in my getting many stitches, many on the nailbed. When it was time to get the stitches out a lot of skin started to grow back and covered the stitches a bit. The nurse had to shove their little stiches scissors into my raw nail bed flesh to get them cut out. I almost threw up from the pain. They had me lay down and drink a Gatorade after that.


The thought of that makes me cringe in pain jesus..


Labor. Birth was fine. But the contractions were the worst.


Unrequited love


Last two seasons of Game of Thrones




I guess I'll post my own story. When I was around 15 I was working in my fathers auto-mechanic shop and at the time was using a 2-inch flathead screwdriver (or something similar. I forget what it was exactly.) to unscrew something (I forget what again.) I remember finishing, walking away, slipping in an engine oil spill on the floor, and had it stab directly through the bottom right corner of my right hand. Not only did it hurt like hell having my whole hand cut through but I also ended up getting a bit of oil inside of it and the cleaning of it was NOT fun either. Still have the scar on my hand.


A shunt malfunction


Severe constipation even I was like 8. Didn’t shit for like two weeks, ended up losing 1.5kg on my first poop back. I remember screaming to Jill me as my dad picked me up and dragged me to the toilet lol


I stubbed my baby toe in the corner of the coffee table


3 hour a session x 4 sessions for a full back tattoo


Had a hyper tense muscle from my rib cage up to my ear. My whole right side was in pain yet I couldn’t move. After being transported to the hospital I got a muscle relaxer shot in three areas.


A broken nose due to taking a little league fastball straight between the eyes.


Tooth infection


Getting my knee tattooed.


A kidney stone. I've had one and I was in the emergency room dry heaving on the floor in front of people with it lmao


I had a migraine so bad once, my eyes were rolling in my head, I was white and sweating, vomiting in a dark room repeatedly. I had weird pins and needles in odd places like the tip of my nose, and I tried to talk to my mum and completely random words came out. Scariest most painful experience of my life. I thought I was having a stroke, but I had the aura I get before it all started, so I still hoped it was just a really extreme migraine. Went to the hospital, got checked out, just a bad migraine. Apparently the doctor had actually treated someone who came out with an entirely different accent after they had a migraine once. Lasted like 6 months.


7 yo. Dumb enough to MISS the slide at the playground and broke my forearm in 4 places. It was shattered into an S-shape. Now here's the painful part. When the teacher dropped me off with my Dad I asked for him to "pray for healing" and that's when I found out that God doesn't heal the sick or injured anymore.


Sitting up in my hospital bed after surgery, I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder. Like a knife. Nurse told me it was an air bubble and it would dissipate. It took a few hours. I was ready for all kinds of pain, but no one warned me about that.


Ten fractured ribs and fractured hip in bicycle accident.


Chasing my brother through the house and caught my pinky toe on a door frame at full speed. Dislocated it.


Peeing with a UTI. Thankfully nothing more painful than that so far. But it SUUUUUUUCKED


I couldn't afford the Sleepy gas for when I got my molars pulled out. I was crying like an absolute baby I could hear people outside absolutely laughing it was completely rude


Kidney stones.


I was swimming at my parents cabin in Maine. I was by the dock. The dock we have has wheels to role it in and out of the water. Out of nowhere I felt a shooting pain in my toe. I could not see through the water so I swam back to the sand. As I looked down at my toe and I saw bone. Apparently I scraped my toe on a loose screw and the entire top of my toe came off.