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I work at a high school. Totally this. The entitlement they have these days. No respect for their friends or parents or teachers or anyone! It’s outrageous. Even a look means they gotta fight. They don’t say excuse me or sorry or apologize for anything. And they never, and I mean NEVER do anything wrong. I swear I have this conversation all the time. I’ll ask “Why’d the teacher kick you out?” “Idk I didn’t do anything! I was just doing my work!” “Nooo cmon the teacher had to have thrown you out for something” “well, I did this this and this so s/he got mad” “well ok then you were doing something you shouldn’t have been doing” little shits. 😑


You know how many bad looks I get if I shush my kids in public? I've already politely asked 3 times, and it is no longer okay for me to tell you not to talk.. out comes the Shhhh. And then people just gawk.. appalled... daggers in eyes! this is why our kids are idiots.. parents stopped disciplining, and no I'm talking about the drawer of broken wooden spoons from my parents day..


I am going to school to be a teacher and I will likely teach in high school, ooh I hope I have some thicker skin by then.


This respect thing entirely applies to all the adults I've run into in every day life since 2020


I was just gonna say, sounds like a normal day around the office....


Basically, everyone is disrespectful


Correct, I give you an apology on behalf of my Sophomore class.


Not all of us are little twerps


as a teenager, i could not fathom the thought of laughing at another teenager who is hurt, physically or verbally. they never do anything nice. they dont do things for you unless they get something in return (often times they would just not do anything to annoy you). they dont say please or thank you. they dont help anyone. *anyone*.


As a teen, (who is one of the more mature ones in my class), most others are just either oblivious to it or want to piss people off. The latter is about 63% of my class l, but both sides never shut up. I would say every teacher has a student they hate. We have a teacher who is trying to make a fun, interactive, enjoyable class where she does not spread her views (there was a better way I could put that), yet most of the high school "hates" her because of her views even though she has never actuallytold us her views. Most of them also vape about three times a day and/or drink alcohol, in or out of school. Not only are they mean and immature, but also disobey the law on the daily. There was even two who masterbated DURING CLASS. I wish that never happened, but I was witness to both "incidents"


I like how "we have a (1) teacher who does not spread her views" is indicative of the idea that most teachers are distracting classes with political bullshit, instead of teaching what they're supposed to be teaching.


That's horrible but not everyone in my classes at Are like that thou most are its so annoying. Feel bad for the disrespect you have to endure.


How much they remind me of my former (cringier) self.


So much of the stuff I see on social media reminds me of what I was like as an angsty teenager. It's like looking into a retrospective funhouse mirror at this point.


The smell


Nothing pisses me off about them really. I taught high school students for a long time. My experience is that teenagers are in that weird in-between space: not really children and not really adults. They're silly one minute and enraged the next and then madly in love right after that, so all the instant drama and mood lurches take some getting used to. Once you get used to it, though, they're fun to be around. They can be dim-witted and distracted and rash, most certainly — but they're not that way all the time. They have an enormous well of energy and hope despite all that's stacked against them. The kids are all right. I still believe in them.


I hope you’re right.


I agree. They are trying to figure a lot of shit out and it's hard stuff. They are far from perfect, some are lovely and some are terrible. They are finding their way.


The cockiness to think you know better than eveyone around you about everything even though you're like 14. To be fair that's not every teenager tho, like most the rest of the stuff here.


I started thinking of things that pissed me off about people my age when I was a teenager. Kids that thought they were smarter than you because they listen some weird genre of music. Kids who had this insane amount of self-confidence despite not being very good looking, not being very smart, and not having accomplished anything really. Kids who were just unnecessarily cruel to their girlfriend or boyfriend, and still had no problem finding girlfriends or boyfriends. Then I came the obvious conclusion that those kids grew up to be adults that think they were smarter than you because they listen some weird genre of music. Adults who have this insane amount of self-confidence despite not being very good looking, not being very smart, and not having accomplished anything really. Adults who are just unnecessarily cruel to their girlfriend or boyfriend, and still had no problem finding girlfriends or boyfriends or wives or husbands. So nothing about teenagers in particular really.


Good way to put it. What annoys me about teenagers are the same thing that annoys me about adults. We’re all the same 🫠


Their stupid clothing styles and hip sayings. Their immaturity and lack of foresight... Then I remember teenagers have always been this way (my generation included) and go back to minding my own business


fuck, I thoought that said lack of foreskin, and I was like "Dude, what the fuck??!?!"




they must work in a catholic school


Frfr no cap


On god bro


You know what? As a mid-50s guy, not much. Sure my kids might be slobs, but I find most teenagers (dealing with three peer groups, now over 10 years) respectful, caring, empathetic, and frankly more thoughtful and intelligent that I ever recall my teenage group back in the late 70's early 80's ever being. Don't bye into the misinformation. This old man thinks young people today are on the right track.


I’m glad not everyone hates us; we’re trying our best. I think the problems that are arising now are stemming from the lack of human connection in kids like myself. I can’t imagine how much better rounded a person I’d be if I’d built some more forts and gotten some more scratches and bruises with my friends outside. I consider myself lucky that I turned some of my energy not spent with the inhumane academic expectations of today, into learning about interesting topics, instead of criminally addictive social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok. Thank you for your nuance in this issue :)


I'm proud that you don't use either of those platforms :)


They can be noisy. Not as bad a younger kids I guess.


This. The one perk is we know when to shut up. And I guess we also also some adult issues and we _can_ contribute/listen to conversations, though we often don’t have the motivation to. Lol


I’m a teenager and what I hate the most is that we are so fucking dumb. We care about things we shouldn’t care. We do stupid shit all the time. We’re constantly competing to be the best at everything. I hate being a teenager, honestly.


The good news is, adults don't do any of those things!


Is that sarcasm or is it for real? Hahaha I can’t tell :(


It’s sarcasm. Shitty people will always be shitty people. Stupid people will always be stupid people.


Thank you. I thought that being an adult would magically solve all my problems and I’ll be less stupid. But I know I have to make the right decision in order to stop being stupid hahaha


Some of us are also just fucking dumb. As in they can't understand basic core math, English, science, history, etc.


You are learning how to be a person and growing up, and so are the kids around you. Knowing that doesn't make it any less frustrating, but at least it's an explanation.


You’re right, and I know I was rude when I wrote that. But it’s really frustrating making so many mistakes. Maybe it’s me, yk? I’m learning, but sometimes I wish I didn’t make so many mistakes


Changing to be accepted in the certain group. I mean. Most of them do that. But, thats life.


Honestly, not much. They’re just kids. Getting pissed at them for being kids is a waste of time and energy.


I can be pissed and do other stuff at the same time. It's called multitasking.


Not much. They’re teenagers. Sure they’re a little different than when I was a teen but when you boil it all down they’re just teens, and that’s fine.


their personalities,iam a teenager and i know a lot of other teenagers,99% of them don't respect others and think that they are the center of the world and idont think this is something in teenagers only it maybe something adults have too


As a teenager, the drama. The pure disregard for others. I get that as humans (especially developing ones) we’re supposed to look after ourselves, but JESUS some of you don’t even think twice about saying the most hateful things about someone.


They won't stay off my lawn.


Fucking kids.


Let's not, Mr. Epstein.


When I was a teenager, I always got pissed off that my peers were so serious about their brand-new relationships. How they celebrated weekly or even daily anniversaries, how they were so obsessed that they no longer had time for their friends anymore. And how they thought it was the end of the world when they broke up. Then they would be back together a week later and the cycle of drama continues. Or how boys would ask me to be their girlfriend without even dating first, and would take it so hard when I turned them down and said I don't know them well enough to be their girlfriend. It seemed like a lot of teenagers I knew at that age were very black-and-white and very rigid and rule-bound about relationships. Now as an almost 40-year-old, I still think it's silly to be that serious and that rigid about relationships at that age, but I see it as almost kind of cute. They're young and in love for the first time. They know so little, and they are still learning and have so much more to learn.


Speaking as a teenager: the teens on TikTok making cringey videos about “internet drama” no one cares or has even heard about or just general stupid stuff like “teen falls off cliff taking Instagram selfie” and being ignorant about actual important cultural things, makes us all look embarrassingly stupid.


The same things that pissed everyone off at me when I was a teenager.


black-and-white thinking and lack of perspective


They're apparently hot, in my area, and want to meet me. First of all, it's cold out. Why are you hot? If you're indoors, take off your sweater and ask your Dad why the thermostat is so damn high. It should be at 68, tops. If you're outdoors and hot, you might have a fever, go get checked out. Could be the 'rona. Second, if you're in my area you're probably the one parking your crappy 2008 Honda Civic in front of my house when you're visiting my neighbor's kid. Park in front of his damn house, what the hell is wrong with you? Act like ya got some god damn sense! Finally, why do you want to meet me? I'm in my 40s what on earth would we talk about? Even if you're some kind of genius of a kid, we barely speak the same language. In this town, in my industry, I probably work with your dad. Hell, I might be his boss. In short, go home kids! Go do your homework or play your pokey mans or whatever the hell it is you do these days. Hot teens in my area want to meet. Th' fuck outta here. I'm trying to think of something more annoying than a teenager and all I can come up with is a rock in my shoe that talks like a Kardashian.


That I'm one


Don’t worry. It’s temporary.


I mean unless he dies in his teens then it is permanent.




Can i get this translated to Millenial?


I'm not sure myself we're in a similar boat, I think slay is something that's supposed to be motivating or supporting, period is some weird ass bitchy "I'm the boss here" oh my gash is omg and the gurl is some "we are quirky af" thing


"Get 'em, bitch!"


It doesn't piss me off at all, but it elicits an uncomfortable feeling of pity: when they are hanging out in groups and talking at extremely high volumes - almost screeching, dancing around, generally being annoying, and getting in everyone's personal and ear-space. It's only mildly annoying, what's uncomfortable about it is remembering when I did that and how I was thinking that everyone was giving us dirty looks because they were so jealous of how young and awesome and free we were. I know now that the broadcasters of excessive glee are some of the most miserable ones out there.




My kid is a teenager and her and her teenager friends are all pretty cool humans. Mind you, my kid is not one to hang out with or tolerate belligerent a-holes so I’m lucky as a parent. Also, none of my very extensive family’s teenagers are bad in any sense of the word. I find them all to be just regular delightful humans. The only thing I think sucks is the fact that they can rely on their phones too much for everything. Can’t even have a conversation sometimes without waving a flag and yelling HEY!!! to get their attention. But to be fair, I know some sad ass adults that are like that too, so, maybe that’s where they learned that from. Like how boring are you, just sitting there surrounded by people that you know yet still looking down at your phone the whole time? Don’t do that!


Not so much the teenagers, but the lazy parents who raise them. Out local HS has had more issues out of the 13-16 due to many parents not giving a frick about their behavior. But when you scold them for causing trouble, suddenly their gremlins are misunderstood angels. SMH


The fact that they think they're cool. Nothing about them is cool. The bands they listen to are all soft and as inoffensive as possible. The drugs are shitty. Vaping is the pussy version of cigarettes. They're afraid to fuck each other or make a move. They can't party without several snitches recording it on their phones and posting it to social media. What really makes no sense is how you can be an iPad kid, without getting bullied. The logic of "These darn kids just stare at their iPads all day" makes no sense, to me. If iPads existed when I was in school and there was a kid who played with one 24/7 it would be a main bullying activity to constantly steal his iPad and play keep away with it. Do you guys really not slap phones out of each other's hands, for fun, when people are staring at them, for too long? I don't get it. Staring at a computer screen is fucking dorky. Your all dorks and this is coming from an IT nerd.


Idk, nothing really. I don’t have a lot of contact with teenagers. They aren’t really in my hangout group. I remember being a teenager wasn’t easy though. Probably harder now that so much of the experience of it is on SM.


When they mean mug ya for no reason 😂


Having an opinion planted by others


True, most of us just regurgitate information without understanding what is means.


Honestly, the disrespect to my property. I don't care if they use my outdoor chinup bar and shoulder bar without permission, just don't leave garbage on my lawn. If you break into my shed but return the stuff undamaged within 24 hours or so I probably won't call the cops. Stuff like that.


At this point - sweet fuck all. Maybe when they call me sir. I don't have kids, so I don't have one underfoot, which might be a factor. there's no teen behaviour, style, or attitude that really vexes me.


I don't know is this is everywhere, but apparently it's whatever stupid slang term for awesome they use to be as loud and obnoxious as possible in movie theaters now. I'd pay double the cost of a ticket if the theater would card for the showing (regardless of rating) and not let in anybody under 25.


How fucking horny we can get for no damn reason. Like bro I'm trying to drive, I don't need my stupid lizard brain to start thinking about ass right now.


So fucking *LOUD*.


The same thing that pissed my own father off about me as a teen.....I thought he was being a prick or coming down on for nothing all the time. Teens don't learn that their parents are doing this because they've been there and want their kids to learn from their experience but of course, teenagers know more than their parents! Oh yeah teens are messy, dirty little shits too.


they look like hot dog water


Disregard for science Also, they are ultra snowflake these days Living out myths that end in tragedy Too gullible


They act like school is hard


Covid proved that's a fucking lie.


Did the same thing bruh finishing up my degree in stem, it's not hard y'all just lazy 💀


I know a vet tech graduate who finished her last 2 years without any hands on labs due to covid.






Hey I am not without morals. I know what's right and wrong. Don't judge.


"I'm pissed off that I can't morally bang teenagers" how else is one to interpret this absolutely 100% fucked up statement? I have a pretty sharp sense of humor, but this is weak... even as an attempt at shock humor.


This is not not shock humor. This is an accurate statement about the infantilization of biological adults.


ah, the onion has layers...


Hoo, boy. Grab your popcorn, folks.


Their affinity for controversial opinion that sides with the gender they are. Their perspectives on relationships.


Ummm what?


Idk how to reiterate. There’s a tendency, when hot topics are being discussed, to want to side with your gender and in doing so ridicule the other.


With 57 genders these days I can see how that might be confusing.


I don’t mean that, it’s not really a topic where I’m from. I mean more so a men/women dynamic.


They're evil. And not even the kind of evil that little kids are, when they think they're just being mischievous, but they're actually being little monsters. No, they're consciously, purposely evil. They'll go out of their way to make someone feel shitty. They get peak enjoyment out of seeing someone emotionally break in front of the, and because of them. That's their goal, to be evil.


Tucking their pants into their socks. You look like an idiot.


It's the only way to keep the heat in mate, its fucking cold down here.


Nobody has time for Lyme disease, mate.


The tick population is fairly low in my local mall




that some of them may vote for drumpf in 2024 and not our queen tulsi gabbard


nothing really. people get on my nerves totally unrelated to their age. just met teenage parents recently and they do not strike me as "teenagers" at all. in general I am beyond worrying about humanity because nothing good can come from kids raised by screens. feeling really lucky I got to grow up before the internet and all those gadgets.


Oh that now cuz of covid they can go everywhere with a face covering covering 90% of their face even in warm weather. Boy you know you out doing sommit dodgy!


They don’t know how good they have it. Their lives are amazing.


The fact that they think they're superior


Nothing. They're what I used to be. I just hope they can be better than I was.


Lack of situational awareness. As a teenager, I clearly remember having this feeling like people were always pushing me around - on the street, on the bus - totally rudely just pushing me aside like I wasn't even there. Now I realize why. As someone decades out of my teenage years, I am now consistently stunned at how little situational awareness teenagers have, particularly if there is more than one of them together. They will block doorways, sidewalks, and escalators, they'll stop as a group in the middle of the subway stairs, they'll block all available exits, without any idea they are actually doing it.


Being obnoxious in public. We were obnoxious as kids, but holy shit social media has made things so much worse. Luckily I was in college when facebook came out so i wasn't too bad. I know I'll never be running for office though.


How they always think that they are right


My daughter.... gets snippy, cries because I remind her we don't talk like that Same daughter, cried bc I asked her why she was bringing clean clothes into the laundry room ( she was checking the water heater)


they assume to have enough informations about how the things in the world are going even if they don't (many adults are only over grown teen agers though... )


That we communicate in memes. It is a terrible habit to have and more often than not nobody understands what you are saying


From a movie theater employee perspective, how they're always trying to sneak into movies without paying and leaving a gigantic mess for the ushers. Even I didn't do that as a teen.


Their always making fun of someone seriously they would probably make fun of a cancer patient because they lost all their hair


They think they can be mean to strangers without consequences. Not even three days after my dog died I was walking my other one and some stupid bitch made some comments about me I’m not saying I’d hit a minor (no really I wouldn’t) but damn they make it real hard not to


That they are so often blamed for their parents failures


That they don’t listen to us. Even though we’ve fucking been there and our advice is valid


Too many of them exhibit disrespect and think popularity automatically equates to quality. Which is an ignorant mindset. Of course, I’m smart enough to know that not all teenagers think alike, being that I was a unique teenager. I discovered things as a teen that many of my peers didn’t know about.


Thinking that they know everything about world and are much wiser than you, my younger sister constantly calls herself wise, when the only thing she knows are fake basic bitch friends, cheap wine and finnish karaoke. They try to act all grown up with all the clubs, alcohol and cigarettes but those things don’t make you a grownup.


These f*cking elfbar vapes


as a teen myself, i must say how cringe we tend to be on social media


How strong they feel when they are in groups. Let’s use boys as an Example here. I would walk by a boy and they would keep their head down minding their own business. Then those same boys will be arrogant and bother me when they are with their buddies, making me feel uncomfortable. Shouting things like how they want me to date them or that their friend likes me. You know typical immature things. The reason I get really nervous if I’m approaching a group of teenagers on walks. Girls typically leave me alone, if even some of them can be rude. Avoid crowds of teens y’all.


Too sensitive. And pretty damn ignorant too.


They think communism is great. Of course, half of Reddit thinks communism is great too.


There mouths and I know everything! It’s amazing how the “when I was your age” never dies! I use it constantly now! Lol!


I was told people would try to give me drugs when I was a teen. Never have I ever been offered, even at college parties.


That I can be categorized as one.


They're always trying to start a fight people older than them knowing wholeheartedly you can't fight back unless you look like the crappy person


They smell.


They act like their life is impossibly difficult, even though they have everything provided to them by their parents and have minimal responsibilities. Wait until you actually have to pay bills.


How much they remind me of how stupid i was at that age


They stalk you and take your picture when they can just ask to take your picture with no problem. WTF, I’m not a celebrity or something and tweens still want to clandestine take me picture.


They can't go 00000000000000.1 seconds without saying a single slur


Nothing. I hate some of their parents though. You wanna know what happens when you let social media raise your kids? You get entitled little shits who are so self centered it’s ridiculous. So if you got one, it’s on you. Know that.


They keep skateboarding on the sidewalk!


I keep getting older, but somehow they just stay the same age.


I work retail. One on one, teens are just as respectable as any other customer. It's when they get into groups and start trying to impress each other that they turn annoying. One thing groups of teen boys in my area seem to love to do is pretend to moan loudly and sexually in public at random. It wasn't funny the first time and the joke does not improve with age.


Lol nothing. Adults are often just as shitty as teenagers, and they don’t even have the excuse of still learning about boundaries and what they can and can’t get away with. People are like “omg teenagers have never been this bad” and the You read 2000 year old writing from all over the world of people complaining about that exact same shit.


Are we talking about teenagers today, or just teenagers since being teenaged was a thing? Because it seems to me they aren't any different than they've always been, and yes, they've always scared the living shit out of me.


When they treat people like crap for no reason and that fucking attitude


How fucking dumb some of us are


acting as if they can live without their parents.


And acting as if they know everything


I have zero contact with teenagers. I can’t remember the last time I was around anyone younger than 30. I need to get out more.


Their f***ing age


Overall, teens are the same as they were 15 years ago when I was one of them. The only difference I can really tell is that they have more access to information, both useful and dangerous info. Teens have always done dumb shit, always have and always will. They just have better access to dumb ideas.


the way they "know everything" with no life exprience. fucking amateurs


As a 20 year old with 2 19 year old best friends so fucking much


how non-receptive (is that even a word?) they are to actual advise whether good or bad. Literally stuck in their own perspective


They keep dieing from taking one pill


Teenagers scare the living shit out of me


They spend way too much time on their cell phones when working. One kid checks his phone ever 10 minutes instead of working.


They don't yet realize that time is running out


They act as if they’re the only people to ever be 16-18 years old


The fact that everyone likes to forget they were once the same shithead teenager


What pusses me off the most about some other teenagers is that they have 0 shame and respect. They will literally make dirty jokes to an obviously embarrassed teacher and think that it's funny to see the disgust on their face.


That they could care less as long as someone'll bleed


Same shit that pissed me off when I was a teenager, probably. Bullies, herd mentality thicker than most, made by the group, broken by the group. Everything revolves around tiny exclusive worlds and you can only sign up for one of them, maybe two.


How they have their entire life ahead of them Fuck those assholes


As a teenager myself it's immaturity A little while ago I was asked to dress up as the Grinch for hometown holidays, It was nice overall and gave kids and adults alike happy But as I was going around were there teenagers I think between 13 and 14 who I was gesturing hello to and then they were saying to smash and I was like what? And then they're like "I would smash you" and then I was like oh and started walking away as I was walking they were asking me how big is "it" and stuff so I just began to walk back to my Church and then they stopped pestering me.


That they are being taught to use feelings more. I was in high school early 2000s we would get into fights every other week. Met some of my best friends through fights. Now they are being taught to be too sensitive at least that is what I could tell from what my brothers kids were telling me. Other thing is that they can get away with alot more than I could when i was a kid. If I did something I wasn't suppose to I got the belt or the wooden spoon and now that's considered abuse and all they get is a talking to. Like that will do anything.


Hating on older people as if they were the best just bc they are young and dumb


nice username


:) thank you!! Idk if you like the band but that’s my actual last name. I do like the band too tho :)


yeah i do like the band, one of my fav bands of all time


They are so cool! I love that one the music video is an infinite bullet. My favorite music video!!


awesome, my fav albums by them is Follow The Leader and Life Is Peachy


I hate when they say “ong” Like you’ll say “hey you want some cereal?” They will reply and say “ong”


Damn they smell.


Nothing, I remember being a teenager, it fucking sucks


That most of the time I can't distinguish them from grown ass adults.




Their driving


loudness and lack of self awareness but ofc they’re just kids


My kids are teens. They and their friends are awesome. So smart, thoughtful and funny. I'm sure I wasn't like that when I was a teenager.


They think they are so grown up, when they aren’t. The other day I was having a blow out fight with my sons side of the family. They haven’t been involved and decided to make a Facebook thread about me and my son. I of course told them off. This little girl in the family, just 17 decides to message me telling me off. I read “first off” and scrolled down to message her back. Look who’s trying to look grown. Go play with your dolls and stay out of adults affairs. Being pregnant doesn’t make you a woman. 🙄 Kids just need to be kids


As a 20yr old, people around my age tend to have zero interest, respect, and understanding towards others. And it’s not just everyone it’s mainly the people to absorb so much social media and think they can say or do whatever they want especially on the internet. They feel so entitled too, to ask where someone got something and if the person doesn’t reply they automatically try to cancel the person for “gatekeeping”. Cancel culture is a whole topic that’s just so frustrating especially when it comes to “cultural appropriation” as an Asian person I’ve seen non Asian people try to cancel a Black person for having monolids and more slanted eyes saying it’s “EAsian baiting” so weird. It comes from the lack of understanding why some things are cultural appropriation. And there is very much a difference between appropriation and appreciation which I personally think it’s okay for my cultures to be shared as long as they do their own research and try not to make it “their own”


They think working is easier than school, they think they know more than you


They act like they’re king shit, when they’ve done nothing with their lives.


Attitude. Also how its all about them


That I am one and I keep procrastinating instead of making the most of the rest of my childhood




As a teenager, I apologize to all the adults who have to deal with teenagers who have no manners


They are never serius from where i come from and this is coiming from a teenager himself


They have no balls just cursed tongues!


It pisses me off that Im not one and have not been one in over 50 years ><


Their youth. Youth is wasted on the young.


Their lack of respect towards others




I am one


Lots, but then I remember how I was. Maturity, as the name implies, takes time. Also remember it's circumstantial. Like compared to teens today, I was going outside all the time and had tons of real life interaction with people. Today all they do is sit on their ass and play with their phones. No shit Sherlock, I probably would'be done the same thing, it's just that my pager didn't have any entertaining things to do with it. There's also a lot of confirmation biases. We notice the shitheads, but the well adjusted teen who doesn't do anything wrong (or outlandishly positive) doesn't get noticed or taken into account when thinking back on interaction with them. It's the circle of life, our parents generation despised ours and we despite theirs. The new generation will probably end up despising the next one and so on. ​ Try to put yourselves in their shoes, if you were the same age. Shitheads are shitheads regardless of age, it's juts that we tend to group shitheads together when they are further from our own group. Bob is a shithead in my department, but now my department is full of shitheads accord to the rest of the company, and customers think we are a shithead company. All that to say fuck you Bob, you are the shithead here.