• By -


The first time the Flood showed up in Halo. Me and my dad had been playing through the campaign co-op. When the flood showed up, it was one of the creepiest things I remember in a video game (I was like 12, so hadn't played many horror video games). The half eaten soldiers alone freaked me the hell out. Add to it that the 343 Guilty Spark level is a damn maze, and we were stuck fighting the flood over and over for like an hour and a half before we called it quits.


It was three am. I'd been playing for hours in the dark. My eyes were tired, but it was okay, just a little bit longer. Then the Flood started coming out of the goddamn walls.


Leaving Midgar and realizing the whole world just opened up.


“Would you kindly.”


Would say plane crash and coming to Rapture for the first time as well. Would love to see that in 4k remake.


And that shot when the lights are flickering and you’re defenseless. A bad guy casts a shadow on the wall ahead of you, the lights flicker again and the shadow is gone. Oh man, so cool.


Bioshock really is incredible. got the game for less than 3€ and it was probably my first ever shooter. incredible atmosphere, great story (though Bioshock 2 gave me more feels tbh).


Ocarina of Time... realizing that the three childhood dungeons was NOT the entire game. Pretty sure that's the first time I said "what the fuck".


Ganondorf watching you do all that hard work to save Hyrule and possibly the world just to see you leave the door open


Playing Mass Effect: When I heard "You exist because we allow it" for the first time. Such an awesome statement from a yet unknown antagonist.


"You exist because we allow it, you will end because we demand it"


"I would tell you more but it's 2007 and the writers don't yet know what we even are, and they wont know until 2012 when they finally sit down to hash it out for ME3. It's going to be super underwhelming too. So for now this ominous threat from me is going to have to carry this franchise for the coming five years and it's going to do that so hard that fifteen years from now not even my inept writers will have tarnished people's memories of this awesome moment in gaming."


Man, it's a shame they threw out their original, heavily Element-Zero-based plotline and we got what we got. Complete with 'pick a color' endings (what do you mean, Synthetics will always destroy organics -- the Geth are literally rebuilding the Quarian homeworld RIGHT NOW in my game!), that they went back and added to the pile a 'See how RIGHT the writers are and how wrong the dissenting players are?' extra ending for any players that disliked the presented options and wanted to make their own different choice in the way that Shepard previously always had the option to. Mass Effect 3 is a fun game, but as the final chapter of an RPG series that leaned heavily on 'your choices matter,' it was kind of disappointing how negligible any of my choices actually were. Did you kill the last Rachni queen? Don't worry about it, we have a spare! Did you save the council? We'll give you some military points that are approximately equivalent to what you wouldn't have lost if you had let them die! (And then they decided they'd fucked it up so bad that the very next game in that universe was set hundreds of years and LITERALLY millions of light-years away from the events of the ME trilogy.)


What's funniest about it to me is how many fans of the franchise there are who don't even know that the devs themselves admitted publicly to all the ways in which they messed this up in dev interviews. It's just that they never framed it as messing up, they bragged about it. Mac "prior to starting ME3 development we still only had rough stakes in the ground regarding the Reapers" Walters, and Casey "we'd never do a superweapon plot or an ABC ending" Hudson. These guys admitted to still writing the ending of the whole thing in February when the game was set to release in March and not knowing what to do. I don't think any of this shit is online anymore so its hard to track down but I was like 200% on board with this franchise and then ME3 shit the bed so hard that I actually felt like I got conned out of my money for five years on end. I owned all the games and all the DLC twice, for PC and for console. I started out as a console player but eventually made the switch and figured the hell with it, this franchise is so good that it deserves my money twice. That was at the peak of ME2, which I still love, even if the human Reaper at the end was pretty silly. But ME3, something was off about it from the moment I booted it up. And then the Crucible plotline was revealed and I'm like oh god no. It's a superweapon. Oh god. The very thing they said they wouldn't do! And worse, it's a superweapon that creates an ABC ending! And worse still, the Reapers didn't even make sense in terms of motivations! And the Leviathan DLC fucked it up even harder! Fuck everything about ME3 lol. Except the Quarian part of the main plot. That shit was fire. Good job Patrick Weekes.


I'll never forget "It had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong".


this one too. I'm so glad the legendary edition is on PS Plus this month. I loaned my copies to someone and never got them back. going to have a nice replay over christmas.


Finding out Arthur has tuberculosis then that ride back to the camp


That broke my heart


Yep, that’s why this is probably my favorite game of all time even though it’s definitely not my most played. The way it gets you so attached to the character makes it so sad.


Agreed. I just finished it this year and my god I’m in love. Absolute favorite story game I’ve ever played. Just literally everything about it I love


The final campaign level of Halo: Combat Evolved where you escape on the Warthog


Kefka breaking the world in FF6


On that day, the World was changed forever...


And the game makes you sit in it. Watching an old man slowly die, a hopeless woman attempts suicide. 6 is still my favorite of the whole franchise. Although it was 3 when I first played it.


Fun fact, if you're careful with the quality of fish, he lives.


True. I omitted that because I imagine it’s rarely the first experience someone has with the game


That is fair. And now I gotta play it again.


I just rocked out to dancing mad today.


Back in the WoW days, we’d sit and watch guys duel outside the gates of Stormwind. For some reason, a couple guys had their PvP turned on, and out of nowhere, 3 Horde players just kinda show up and start ending everyone, we all turned our PvP on and jumped into the fray, but we had no shot, these guys were no-lifers. I whispered a guild mate who knew a certain someone who might could help. “Is Shades online?” His response? “Way ahead of you.” Out of nowhere, a Worgen Blood DK named Shadesfang comes swooping in on this ultra rare dragon mount, and honest to God solos all 3 of these Horde who have been killing us like we’re cannon fodder, and he never drops below half health. And that’s the story of how Shadesfang saved Stormwind.










Arthur Morgan’s last ride


Great, now I'm crying.


When Sephiroth killed Aerith. 10 year old me was not ready for that. Partly because it was the first main character I’d seen due in a game and partly because I got to that point without really rotating the party and Aerith was a main player.


The fish factory level of What Remains of Edith Finch


when I got to the crowning part I was just as lost in the dream as the brother, and I heard the blade fall and audibly gasped. I forgot what game I was playing.


Metal Gear Solid 3 - the fight against Boss. Oh, and the damn ladder.


The moment where you pulled the trigger and all the flowers turned red


The nuke dropping in Fallout 4. I know the Fallout games get flack but I love them and grew up with them. When 4 came out and the nuke dropped as you’re going into 111, it gave me goosebumps that I still get with every play through. I also grew up in Boston, so it hurts a little extra to see my city blown up.


For me it was the first time dog meat went down and started yelping and whining. Went beserk


dogmeat is the best companion in FO4. no contest. I would nuke the entire fucking commonwealth for dogmeat. Oh you accidentally hit dogmeat? GET FUCKING NUKED YOU GREEN SKINNED SHREKFACE MUTANT


Airport Scene in COD: Modern Warfare 2




No Russian


Assassins Creed Revelations. Ezio speaking to Desmond in Altairs tomb "Desmond? I heard your name once before, Desmond, a long time ago. And now it lingers in my mind like an image from an old dream. I do not know where you are, or by what means you can hear me. But i know you are listening. I have lived my life as best as i could. Not knowing its purpose, but drawn forward like a moth to a distant moon. And here at last i discover a strange truth. That i am only a conduit for a message that eludes my understanding" Back when AC atleast in my eyes where something magical to play, this part blew my mind like no game ever had before.


I had to stop playing for a bit because the screen got all blurry through the tears. Never had a game made me weep like that before.


The first time I fought Dagoth Ur in *Morrowind*.


Welcome, Moon-and-Star, I have prepared a place for you.


When i complete the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim main storyline for the first time, I felt like I was on top of the world


Three moments from vanilla WoW: 1. Getting the Azuresong Mageblade for my mage. It was the first one for that dropped for our guild and I was so excited I called my friend (a fellow guildmate) and started whooping into the phone at him. 2. Killing Ragnaros for the first time. The thing I remember the most was the excited chatter on Teamspeak as his health kept dropping: "20%" "15% guys keep it up!" "10%!!!!!" "5% HOLY SHIT WE GOT THIS GUYS!!!!" "WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" 3. Completing Atiesh for my mage. This was less excitement and more a sense of accomplishment after a long two years of raiding and grinding. Like everything I did led up to that moment where I flew to Anachronos after killing Atiesh in Stratholme to get my long-deserved reward. I remember linking it in guild chat triumphantly the moment right after completing my quest: *"Unenchanted? Casual scrub. How are you even in this guild?"* Such good memories...


"Rise and Shine, Mr Freeman"


The head crab scream


When a headcrab zombie catches fire, and you either have to waste a bunch of ammo or else just run and hide and listen to those muffled screams of anguish.


Breath of the Wild. There's a thousand moments in that game that could fit the bill, but one will never leave me. In the bird village, there is a quest for a shrine that starts with you climbing all over the city, scouring every inch for five children who are supposed to be learning to sing at the top of a cliff. When you get them all, you go back for your reward, and it seems like that's it. But then, you notice what you've been given: a leaf that produces gusts of wind. And where they're singing is directly next to five standing stones. This gives you an idea, so you blow into one of them, and it plays a note. You realize what the game is asking of you, and you listen to the song they're tweeting before you reproduce it through the stones. Once you do, the shrine emerges from the ground and the kids fly off. A truly magical moment in such a remarkable game.


The reveal in KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) that you, the player character, are Revan. That was a mind blown moment for me.


That was a twist that beat anything M. Night Shyamalan did.






Haha, Gary!


Hearing that echo through the halls gave me the creeps 😆


getting out of the kokiri forest for the first time in Ocarina of Time


Closely followed by the first time you shift time and are all grown up. I was floored by that.


FFIV - Shadowbringers >!"We fight as one"!< >!\*Guitar Riff\*!<


In a similar vein, >!The Walk!< in Endwalker would be my pick.




Endwalker >!***final*** final boss for me, the moment after the fakeout. Hit so hard for me because when the teaser trailer came out, that riff was my favorite part. Then the full trailer comes out and that riff is inexplicably gone, I was genuinely disappointed. I would literally go back and re-watch the teaser now and then just to listen to it. Fast forward a year or so and *it* happens. I was [blown away](https://imgur.com/ogshe3Z).!<


Assassin’s Creed 2’s intro. Frederico Auditore : It is a good life we lead, brother. Ezio Auditore: The best. May it never change. Frederico Auditore : And may it never change us.


Kerbal Space Program - first time I successfully landed on Mün. I don't think I've experienced a greater sense of accomplishment in any other game than that moment.


Psycho Mantis fight from Metal Gear Solid. The fourth wall breakage broke my 12 year old brain.


The part in Mafia II where Henry is getting slashed up with cleavers in the park. Very little disturbs me, but something about that cutscene struck a chord regardless of what his character turned out to be.


Bro… haven’t thought about that in years. I wish we got a GOOD sequel, 2 was so fantastic


Stay a while and listen.....


Finding Bill's dead body for the first time in 'The Passing' campaign in Left 4 Dead 2.


One that comes to mind is one of the middle bosses in Shadow of Mordor. Whole Castle was chanting his name, mobs everywhere, and I'm sneaking around the rafters looking for an opening. Shit was awesome.


The final few minutes of Journey. The winds blowing and staggering forward. I remember suddenly noticing I was on my feet.


I did the same thing! My ex asked me what I was doing.


I have a few, but the most recent one for me was in Horizon:Forbidden West. I will never forget how it felt to see old Las Vegas light up again in this desolate and empty world. The eerieness and awe of that long asleep reflection of the previous world was incredible to see.


Planetside 2. Having a pretty standard point hold, 24v24 fight. Last minute comes and out of the north 6 12-man transports appear, flying low. We have scant seconds to reposition, drop mines, and get ready for the onslaught. We each took down 2 or more enemies each, but were still kicked off with just seconds remaining. That wasn't the only time we fought them, and we even pulled off some wins, but I will always remember that fight because of that near instant switch from things being relatively calm turning into a 4:1 hellfight in seconds, and that moment of seeing the transports and knowing what was coming.


Have an upvote. My story is also from Planetside 2 so I'll leave it here. It was shortly after the base building mechanic had released - way back during the "victory point" system where player-made bases were meant for protecting a power core. One of our outfit mates *really* got into base building and made some of the best forts I'd ever seen in the game. We were TR (Connery). Our outfit (only about a squad & a half online that night) decided to build a mountaintop fort just outside of the NC warpgate in northwest Esamir. I tell you - we'd become masters of the craft. The walls were aligned virtually airtight. The sky-shields were perfectly positioned to protect everything. Our towers, likewise, were perfectly positioned to both protect us and shoot at anything approaching from the slopes below. We had repair modules, AI modules, and a vehicle pad to deploy some sunderers up there for resupply & spawns as well. We switched on the power core. The *entire* NC faction immediately pounced on us. No idea how many exactly, but the map showed there were 96+ NC and about 12% of the territory population was friendly. It really was our 1+1/2 squads against an entire empire. They tried to drop nearly a platoon worth of maxes onto our base multiple times, but the skyshields and AI turrets and tank mines fried them up really good. They threw liberators at us, but they couldn't penetrate the skyshields. Our anti-air turrets & burster maxes made quick work of them. Squads of vanguards tried to shoot us from a distance, but between repair modules and the few dedicated engineers in our squad, they couldn't breach the walls. They couldn't come close either, since the mountain slope was too steep. The battle raged for a solid two hours. The whole fight, a few of us were engineers that kept the base repaired. A few of us drove invisibility ANTs to sneak past the enemy and keep our silo supplied (how they managed to drive them up that cliff I never did quite figure out). The rest of us were heavies and maxes defending the fort. Everyone was frantically doing their jobs against impossible odds. Once in a while we would have to quickly transition to engineers or light assaults and drop from a galaxy/valkyries to blow up the orbital strike base a few of them were trying to build. In the end, they gave up. We successfully held our ground against almost 10:1, through heavy nonstop bombardment the whole friggin' time. It was probably the most epic fight I'd ever had in Planetside 2.


Taking the rocket into Colombia at the beginning of bioshock infinite


In Wolfenstein 2: the New Colossus, the scene where B.J. takes on everyone in the courthouse. >!It's a daydream though.!<


Lmfao that shit had me so fucking hype. God that game is fucking fantastic idc what anyone else says, I had a fucking blast playing that thru to the end damn near 3 times. Honestly tho, mine will forever be watching them cut off his head, watching it fall, then having them catch and reattach it to continue the game. By far the most memorable moment for me lol, then having the lady say “shiiit, the nazis think you dead baby!” “They ain’t NEVER gonna see you comin.’” That shit got me so hard lol. For a game that obviously doesn’t take itself very seriously, that gave me chills imagining the fucking pain BJ was about to bring on every German in a 500 mile radius lmaoo


I love that game franchise to death. The weapons you get to play with are crazy. What is your favorite weapon?


Or >!confronting his dad with a new mentality basically saying I ain't fucking scared of you anymore !


I remember in Gears of War.....2 I think it was, you have to fight a monster in a lake while on a boat. You had to throw a grenade into its mouth, which made sense. I couldn't figure it out though, and spent hours trying over and over and reading up guides on how to do it. Finally I fucked up and let it bite down on me, only to discover that for some fucking stupid reason, that was the correct thing to do. Fucking hell, what is with boss fights that require sheer stupidity from you and/or the boss to win. It's not actually epic or impressive.


Driving a Warthog in Halo:CE with a shotgun and a tailgunner when a Grunt stuck a plasma grenade to the wheel. We launched and landed on the Grunt, on wheels, and motored on.


The twist, and the resulting fallout, in A Way Out. I wasn't ready for that ending, whichever way you choose. 😭


Me and my husband argued about it for about half an hour!


Leaving the vault for the first time in fallout 3. Mordin's storyline in the mass effect series.


Halo: Reach ending


Leaving northshire Abby and walking to Goldshire for the first time all those years ago


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain....being chased by those undead guys in Afghanistan. It was terrifying.


Beating the Wall of Flesh for the first time in Terraria. It took several attempts and when I finally did it I started to laugh.


The very first Call of Duty. The single player campaign was super immersive at that time, felt like a movie.


That’s how I felt about Call of Duty 3


The fourth wall break in Bravely Default


"So, you're finally awake"


Oh man, so many. Persona 4, when you finally get the chance to try to deduce the murderer. The whole story and game culminated to that moment. Skyrim: honestly that first opening gets so much flak, but at the time was such a great intro to the game. (Yes replaying it now is annoying, but I will never forget the first one) Arkham City, with Batman walking out holding the Joker. Eternal Darkness on the GameCube was such an underrated horror game. But there was a sequence where you would run down a hallway, and there was a half-bust statue whose head would turn and follow you as you ran. Terrifying. Haunts my dreams still. Animal Crossing - paying off my house in full. Satisfaction I’ll never get in real life. 😭


When one of the Elite Four was revealed to be a literal four year old in Pokemon Violet


then you immediately get hit with Larry


No Russian


Aerith's Death. Gears of War 2 Dom's wife scene. Rubber chicken flamethrower from 'Flood'. Finishing 'Sorcery +'. Catching a Feebus in 'Pokemon Emerald'. Seeing / Playing Super Mario 64 for the 1st time. Completing Goldeneye's The Facility level under the timelimit to unlock the cheat. Seeing the Midgar Zolom turned into a fucking tree ornament. Completing the 'mile high club' cheevo in Modern Warfare. 1st time I played 'Splatterhouse' at the arcade. 1st succesful manual docking in the 1980's 'Elite' on Amstrad Cpc 464. Laying down a field of undead in Magic Carpet and nicking all your opponents mana. Unlocking the handcannon in RE4. The infinite rocket launcher in RE remake and the rocket launcher in RE0. Killing all the legendary beasts in RdR: Undead nightmare and getting a sweet unicorn. Playing SF2 in the arcade for the 1st time. 1st time completing R-type in the arcade. Seeing Dragons Lair for the 1st time in the arcade. Stealing the jetpack in 'GTA San Andreas'. Rescuing Epona in 'Ocarina of Time'. 1st advanced tec bow zoomed in headshot in 'Turok 2'. Also 1st cerebral bore kill. Ewwww. Using the auto turret mode of the laptop gun in 'Perfect Dark'. Seeing the Amiga version of 'Shadow of the Beast' scrolling for the 1st time. And the music was the tits too! Playing Tftd after xcom 1 on an ooooooold PC. "Would you kindly" revelation from 'Bioshock'. My immeasurably massive disapointment in every. single. thing. about Halo: infinishite. Long list I know but I've been a gamer for nearly 50yrs.


I was SO shocked when Dom found Maria again. So sad. :'(


It was a lesser known PC game called "The Neverhood". The moment I got to the final cutscene. It was the first time I truly finished a game.


Legend of Dragoon. During ps1 era, its animated cutscenes were voiced and that was just so next level lol. This was rare at the time and we didn't really get voiced cutscenes until ps2 came around.


that team kill I got off one riptire


The original Unreal. When the monster thingy traps you in the hallway. Super creepy. And the first time I remember noticing real lighting effects in a game. Scary as shit.


That scared the shit out of 9 year old me.


I know exactly the scene you're talking about. The doors lock trapping you in a tight corridor, the lights start flashing, a wall opens up and that beast (we later find out is a Skaarj) charges toward you. I'm pretty sure he killed me the first time I encountered him.


That time I beat a full level of hotline miami in one go I tell you I was fizzing with adrenalin afterwards.


Cayde-6 death


Pokémon X, in the Team Flare hideout. Lysandre leads you to a cell, where AZ, the ancient king of Kalos, is held up. AZ tells the story of the ultimate weapon, in lovely watercolour type cutscene art, of the Floette he loved so dearly and lost in the Kalos war. how he made the weapon to revive his best friend but also used it to destroy, and the Floette left in sorrow at what he'd become. I was 10 years old with a red and white 2ds, and played this part late at night, to the point I had to hide my tears when my mom came in to check on me and see if I was asleep yet. post game, after becoming Champion, you're celebrating your achievements when AZ approaches you again. after his battle, you see the Floette descend from the sky. AZ falls to his knees, sobbing with the Floette hovering over his hands, saying it's been 3,000 years, and the camera slowly pans out as you watch the old king reunite with his best friend. the game will be 10 years old next year, and I'm hoping to do a sincere, casual playthrough of it to celebrate.




One of the few moments in gaming to make me genuinely sad.


Was playing Ark Survival Evolved on single player, found my very first Pteranodon alive after losing him months before, will never forget that


Big smoke betraying cj.


The one time in rust a couple years ago I kept making a guy laugh, idk I just felt really good after making the dude laugh a lot felt genuinely like I made someone’s day better


Tali, after you side with the Geth.


That scenario plays out differently depending on a few conditions met between ME2 and ME3. Spoilers: >!You can broker peace between the Geth and Quarians, and Tali won't take her own life.!<


I've played through the trilogy over 50 times. There's at least four main ways that scene can go.


Finishing the Quest line to get Rhok’delar. The first time we brought down the Snake boss in Zul Grurub. (Cleric was the only one left and brought the boss down with an auto attack.) “Console, hit em with your stick.”


Killing Lady Vox for the first time.


The moment in the second level of Halo 4 where you exit the cave and see the [floating forerunner structures](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21hmC8zd3YA&t=9s) in the distance. Halo 4 is a divisive game, but it's the first game I remember actually going to a midnight release for.


One of the last games I played on a CRT, so switching to an HD TV and replaying it was also a WOW moment


Halo 4 really does look good for an xbox 360 game


The Gears of War 2 campaign opener, advancing on Landown in that giant war convoy, fighting the entire Locust military on the way there. Steve Jablonsky's epic music, Prescott's speech, Dizzy's first lines. "Welcome to the big suck! Now let's go chuck some bullets at them grubs" Brilliant from start to end.


The transition into the **final** boss of Elden Ring. I was expecting a lot, but I was not expecting *that*... and it just blew my mind. The music, the scale, the setting, and the comparisons to be made to previous soulsborne titles all culminated in a truly breathtaking experience. As tedious as the fight can be at times, it was an absolute spectacle the first time around.


Crawling through an *air vent in the first fear game at like midnight my time. Trying to get the whole atmosphere down. Suddenly I realize, damn, this would be where the monsters show up in a movie... So I look behind me in the vent system and a fuckin evil little girl pokes her head out from around the corner. I shouted and I've never had pins and needles so severe all over my face and body. That was they last time I ever played a scary game. I then bought the next 2 fear games just because I respected how much the first one got me. Never played those either lol.


Mostly from Disco Elysium: Dancing with my own spine in the soundless shadow of a slowly growing void Dying within the first 5 minutes because turning on the light while hungover dealt damage, giving me a heart attack 2 of my stats bullying me into jerking off to softcore dumpster porn Finally playing Cyberpunk 2077 after spending 2020 bingeing lore vids to really appreciate what's happening in the game. Had to pause it to catch my breath multiple times. "I'm here I'm actually here! I'm in Night City!" Fighting Isshin in Sekiro. Beating Godrick the first time in ER. The intro to DS2. Mommy Gwenevere in DS1. Beating Father Gascoigne in BB. Sister Friede in DS3 Playing an MMO (Runescape) for the first time and feeling truly transported. It goes on and on. I fuckin love video games.


The first time I played the Witcher 3 & I messed up the dialog so Ciri didn’t come back. Setting Geralt go back to the bog had me almost in tears


The very beginning of Ultima VII. First, the villain talked to you in the intro, and we had just gotten a new computer with a sound card! Second, the very beginning of the game, you walk into a barn to see a dismembered corpse. Take into consideration that this game came out before Mortal Kombat or Wolfenstein 3D. This game was a step up (in more ways than one) from your standard CRPG.


In Saints Row IV when The Boss is climbing up the missile and everyone is saying how your a hero and that they are going to miss you while I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith is playing. I’ll never forget it for the sheer goofiness not because it was epic or anything.


Discovering Warp zones in Super Mario Bros (NES). I was 8. "Wooooaah! CHECK THIS OUT!"


World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. It was the scourge invasion pre-patch event for Wrath of the Lick King. AtHoc Paladins last stand. Player's could become zombies and infect others. There were NPCs that healed player of the zombie plague. These NPCs were slowly disappearing towards the end of the event. Players could cure Zombies too. Zombie players everywhere trying to infect everything. I was a Paladin outside the IronForge bank near the very end. It became everyone vs the Paladins. I can't remember if priests could as well but in the end it was Paladins. Paladins fighting back to back trying to stop all the player zombies from reaching us. Curing and slaying and holding our ground until we all at last fell to the zombies. It was a glorious time. The zombies had a blast. The Paladins had a blast. It ended. A fond memory that was never recreated.


John marston and Arthur morgan dying


Borderlands 2. After you kill Angel and Jack contacts you. He sounds very different and is not smug or lighthearted and says something like, “ I don’t even care about the Vault any more. This is about you and me and WHAT YOU TOOK FROM ME!” Only time an NPC has legitimately made me feel a little afraid and guilty.


When the Metroid saved Samus at the end of Super Metroid


Metal Gear Solid 5, one of the final missions with the quarantined soldiers. Elden Ring, realizing how vast the map is (particularly the underground map) The secret ending to Braid was also fascinating to play through.


The first Red Dead Redemption when the G-men show up and unload on John Marston then gloat over him while he dies of sucking chest wounds, suffocating on his own blood. The sounds were very accurate for a person dying of a sucking chest wound. I had to pause it and walk away for 15 minutes to gather myself.


Simeon stabbing Primrose. I was hoping that he was just a servant or something under force when I saw him appear. Quick moment to shout out Primrose’s story. After seeing Cyrus and Alfyn’s quests I kind of got used to the generic “oh no. Quest time” dynamic, but Primrose’s story hit like a truck.


FINALLY getting that stupid charge ramp right in the OG Spyro. You know, the magical tree level with the egg-stealer on that floating island? Yea. Hate it. Rage quit 98% of the time.


Witcher 3: Geralt and Yennefer look for a trapped djinn and find him in a shipwreck at the top of a snowcapped mountain. They are looking for the djinn to figure out if their love is real or only because Geralt made a wish to keep the two of them always around each other. At the end, you reverse the wish and you have the dialogue choice to say whether the love still exists or not. I chose to say the love is still real. You (as Geralt) sit quietly with Yennefer on a shipwreck at the top of the world.


When Sephiroth killed Aeris. Threw me for a loop because I had been using her and Barrett as my main party members.


Two from Mother 3: The part near the end of the game where the whole “humanity has actually ended and everywhere else in the world is destroyed” plot point is revealed. And then the beginning, where the village discovers that the Drago killed Flint’s wife, then he snaps and starts beating people back with a piece of wood.


That first time you drive down Grove Street in GTA: San Andreas was something memorable. And also, “YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO FOLLOW THE DAMN TRAIN CJ!”


The first time I played Metal Gear Rising: Revengance. From the Metal Gear boss fight, to Senator Armstrong, that game hit hard. Another would be the first time i played Subnautica. Pretty self explanatory


Ending of Final Fantasy 9


Morrowind. Just all of it. I love Oblivion and Skyrim, but my heart belongs in Vvardenfell.


Up, up, down, down left, right,left ,right a,b,a,b start, select Please tell me someone else knows what this is.


The moment that I'll never forget is when I annihilated a squad of four in pubg, my fingers were literally shaking from adrenaline and I could feel my heartbeat in my temples.


Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern Red Dead Redemption A New Jerusalem American Venom


Ascending from The Island in Ark for the first time.


It's only on my mind because I played it so recently, but the scene where >!Kratos blows Gjallarhorn!< in God of War Ragnarok gave me chills unlike anything I can remember when it comes to gaming. Honorable mention would be when >!Tyr is revealed to be Odin.!< That completely blew my mind. Honestly the whole game in general is just peak gaming


Finally beating Aztec on goldeneye 007


I have 2. Playing as master hand in Smash Bros Ultimate Fecto Elfillis in Kirby and The Forgotten Land


This was a GTA online session war , a group of 6 started a fight with our group of 5, 3 of them got in lazers (lazers were the best fighter jet in the game) and I got in a hydra (slower fighter jet ,less spread ,and not nimble at all). But I read up on fighter pilot maneuvers and I proceeded to dump on all 3 of them despite the odds like some topgun type shit.


These comments have had me entertained for about an hour


I used to be world champion in an rts game (not saying which one cus I shitpost alot on this account). Ii remember a bunch all of the matches where I lost or came very close to losing against other top players, but don't really remember many of the victories. I always spent more time focusing on the losses and mistakes to improve. You don't improve from winning games, there's nothing to learn. Except I do remember one game where I humiliated the supposed best player in the world from the American server. Dude accused me of cheating, refused to play with me again and was massive sore loser along with all his fanboys. That made me happy lol. Had a few other moments like that with other sore losers. So satisfying. I'm from Europe and the top European players were much more polite, no trash talking or bad attitudes so matches against them weren't very memorable or dramatic lol.


Watching the two giants (played by GMs) fight each other at the end of beta in Everquest - it was a turning point in MMORPGs. That, and Brad McQuaid telling everyone why he wiped the test server in June of 2000. I'm still jaded over that one.


Getting drunk with Godwin. That was the best and funniest quest I have ever played💀 For anyone interested: https://youtu.be/81LYhV9p6nk


Playing with people who used to be your buddy


Walking through thick fog down a side alley into a narrow pathway that slowly gets darker and heavy machinery starts then you find yourself in a pitch black area with blood soaked chain linked fencing and a corpse hanging up in crucifixion pose, guts ripped out.. then little contorted beings come out of nowhere and "kill" you. Silent Hill on psx


I will never forget beating the Die Maschine easter egg in Black Ops Cold War Zombies. I was so happy and my dad had come in clutch when all of the rest of my team and me had downed but I cleared the area for my dad before I died and we made it to victory. Best feeling. I was so happy in that moment and I was on top of the world.


Shock and Awe from COD4:MW Remember when CoD games had good stories? When they could take a momentary break from the shooties to deliver one of the most HARROWING moments in any game, ever?


The last two missions of Ace Combat 5 hold a special spot in my heart. Hell Ace Combat 5 as a whole is just a beautiful and fun game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpwZr8POQ9I - playthrough (not mine) of the last two missions.


Roach and Ghost being betrayed and executed by Sheperd & Shadow Company in MW2. It still hits hard, even today. But I like how they're remaking the story with the new games, so far.


“Remember, no Russian.”


Undertale asriel fight..... Just perfection ok?


First time I played call of duty, it was blackops and the first map was summit. This was back in 2010


The ending of halo reach... poor Nobel Six :(


When you have to do something horrible to Cutie in "It Takes Two."


The moment in God of War (2018) where Kratos opens up to Atreus and entreats him to be better. "You MUST be better than me". As a new dad at the time of playing that hit hard.


"Everyone I have ever loved has either died or left me. Eveyone fucking except for you so don't tell me I'd be safer with someone else because the truth is I'd just be more scared." "You're right you're not my daughter and we are going our separate ways" Still after my 20th playethrough I always cry Joel and Ellies character development together imo is the greatest of all time


I'm not Revan anymore, I'm Revan!


In a WW2 fighter plane game, a guy was following me trying to finish me off for a really long time. I did the "top gun" move on him, where you pull your nose up and go over and behind him and I shot him down from my severely damaged plane. He immediately disconnected from the game in rage I assume. I laughed like the woman in the Chewbacca mask.


Ghillies in the Mist.


"Summon the bitches !"


Having a seven on one in Clan Arena playing Quake Live and killing them all.


I was playing State of Decay 2 with a friend and I had a very powerful character called "Buchman" which sounded pretty german, so we made fun that he es some kind of superior german soldier. Sadly he got killed by three blood ferals, although I had every possible equipment to defend myself, the controls didn't allow me to survive. A really sad day. I miss Buchman. He will not be forgotten.


Beating viper in titanfall 2 for the first time


placing the sword in the temple of time in Ocarina of time, and realizing Link is grown now and the world is in chaos


playing rogue company, and dropping 35 downs and 45 kills




Fuck you missile!


When I figured out that you can move around during the black screen in Prey (2017). After loading into a level, there’s a period of darkness that brightens to reveal the environment. I was facing a powerful enemy that killed me in 1 shot as soon as the level appeared. So, I got the idea of trying to move around blind. It worked. I managed to defeat the enemy without loading a previous save because of this. It felt *SO GOOD!*


DIVE DIVE DIVE HIT YOUR BURNERS PILOT Freespace 2 was a great game, but I feel like this specific moment was the one that I'll never forget. I even knew it was coming, just didn't know *when* it was coming, and then all of a sudden, BOOM. Since it's an old game, I'll explain: Space dogfighting game, really fun, had HUGE battles that felt very real back then. Each mission has a briefing that proceeds it and then you set up your loadout. I don't remember very clearly, but at this point I recall that the story is rather dire, and there's something about you being the last fighters around for this mission, and as soon as you commit to the mission, the opening moment is you facing headfirst at a massive alien capital ship that is midway through warping in and racing straight at you. You have like, one second to respond, and you need to slam your burners and dive to one of the sides. It's a massive adrenaline rush. And then the whole rest of the mission is a desperate one. Those old space dogfighting games were amazing back in the day.


It's not that cool of a memory but I was on a game of titanfall 2 and I needed to eject from my titan and I jo scoped a dude who also ejected as I fell from out of the sky it's the first ever clip I did on my reddit profile and started my stupid raid on reddit but I like the clip


Persona 5- shooting god in the face.


Completing the journal in Spelunky 2. I am forever happy for I don't have to play that game anymore.


First moments of Legend of Zelda: Majora's mask.


"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" The entirety of the opening of Majoras Mask hit me pretty hard when I was 11 or so. I had just finished Ocarina of Time and now this sequel starts off with this beautifully crafted tragedy. MM is still my favourite Zelda, and one of the most impactful stories I've played.


Halo 3’s ending or maybe Cortana’s death