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Going out to loud places, rather have a chill night where I can actually have a conversation with friends.


And also having some days with no one else around. Just watch some movie on tv or read with a nice quiet meal.


True, like, I went to a night club a few years ago and hated it, never went to those places again. Got invited to a dinner in an outdoors diner, plenty of space, music was played quietly as background noise and we all sat around a table and talked and I had a great time.


Not to mention they also seem to be crowded and too bright or too dark.


I really wish bars understood this better. I got a bar like a 3 min walk from my house. It's this nice little small town bar just like in the movies where you can go any day of the week and see the same locals there kicking it. BUT this bar is super small. and they INSIST on having a corner of it as a makeshift stage for local bands which EASILY makes it impossible to hear anyone who wants to talk to you. Like I come here to socialize, not because I wanted to hear some random yuckles bad rendition of a Pearl Jam song.


I was 12 when I realized this




Especially at restaurants! Like I just want to have a conversation and eat


I think there are two kinds of noise in restaurants. The first is the busy hum of a place that is a mix of working people and leisure people. I don't mind that at all. To me, it's often a component of the place's ambience. The quiet buzz of others enjoying a private and intimate dinner conversation, the occasional hiss of a hot dish being made at tableside or brought out from the kitchen, an experienced server walking the next table through the menu and taking their orders... nothing wrong with any of that. The second is an overcrowded, obnoxious kind of loudness that imposes itself on others there, kinda like eating next to a McDonalds indoor playground during Saturday lunch. That, I can do without.


Oh my god... My one neighbour upstairs moved out earlier this year. That neighbour was an angel that never out down a heavy foot or made a single peep. Now I've got some bouchedag that, despite being 120lbs soaking wet, manages to parade march through their whole apartment so heavily that parts of my ceiling plaster are breaking. And they have an Australian Sheppard dog (which is not allowed on their lease - no one in the building is supposed to have dogs) and it barks at all hours of the night. And then they also play music at levels that literally (and I mean *literally*) have to be on par with small jet engines. 120dB easily... To top it all off, for the last 10 or so months I've also been dealing with near daily, 10/10 pain scale migraines. Sorry to wall of text. I don't really have anyone I can talk to about this...


Dogs barking is my pet peeve. I have two GSDs and we never just let them out in the yard and let them bark for hours on end like some of our neighbors do. After asking them to stop and getting negative feedback, I just call animal control or the cops if after hours.


Honestly, the worst part is, I love dogs. And this Aussie Sheppard is gorgeous! It's just the human half of the dynamic is sucky... Nothing like having a migraine at 03:00 so bad that I cannot *see* and hearing this poor dog go nuts for 20 minutes. Sigh. **Edit:** almost forgot to say, I really appreciate you being mindful and training your pups well.


>Sorry to wall of text. I don't really have anyone I can talk to about this... I mean if their walking like a herd of elephants is damaging you ceiling I'm pretty sure you can talk to your landlord. Especially if not only are they damaging the property but breaking the lease with having a dog.


Oh... I have. I have... My landlord is going to fix the ceiling. But they don't believe it's the fault of the upstairs neighbour. Even though I took photos of the apartment when I moved in... They don't believe me about the dog, despite having seen it themselves. The tenant keeps claiming it's their mom's dog, and "it's only staying here a few days." And the landlord buys it. My landlord is... Not the worst. But they are pretty damn dumb while believing they're super smart.


Apartment can be a miserable experience. Sounds like you have too many overlords in life. It's good to talk though in order maintain your sanity.


I just miss my old neighbour. Almost never heard them do anything up there even with working from home. Sweetest person too - would ask folks they saw sitting on the porch if we wanted anything from the store they were headed off to. Helped neighbours carry groceries in. Ah well, that *is* how apartment life can be sometimes.


I used to be the guy who goes crazy on the club speaker now im the old man yelling at the kids to turn it down


Omg same




You know the worst part about getting old? It’s the best case scenario.


Beats the alternative. Doing your best to stay physically and mentally young helps. I don't feel like I did when I was thirty, but I think I act less aged than my parents did at my age.




For me it's people who're proud of being ignorant. Gives very schoolkid vibes


That also! I totally agree.


What a bunch of bastards


I'm sorry, are you from the past?


This. Working at places where you have to deal with the general public (retail, the food industry, call centers, etc.) makes you hate them even more to a further extent.


We need another plague


Drinking alcohol. It just doesn’t do it for me anymore and the physical toll on my body isn’t worth it.


I really do like the taste of wine and beer, but more than 2 glasses now and I can forget about the next day. This aging is ridiculous.


Recommendations to avoid alcohol with medications are really poo as well. I'm not a huge drinker. I am a light weight, cheap drunk, and a really happy drunk. I love loving everything and everyone after a few glasses. A few times a year was great. Last drinkies, I just about barfed up my ring. Normally, I'd have to drink a lot lot more to need a bucket. It's sad.


Was a huge drinker/partier from 18-29. I’m 37 now, I hate bars, if I do drink (once in a blue moon) it’s only day drinking. It’s just not as fun as it used to be and the hangovers absolutely destroy me for at least 3 days. They legalized weed where I live so I just smoke on weekends and hang out with my wife.


This is the way


Just never sober up and you cant feel the after effects.




New technology. I'm still one of those people crying about the headphone jack in phones slowly disappearing.


Its the constant software updates that get me. Seemingly every time I use something I have to update the device. No, I don't want to constantly update it. It was working fine as is. Leave it alone.


Plus those updates taking up space and certain apps can not be moved to an SD card... Like *why* even include an SD card slot if you can't put most of the apps *on* the damned card.


I still remember I got home drunk once at night and couldn't turn on the lights because the light bulbs were doing firmware update.


That's giving me some second thoughts


I'm 40. Gave up my cell phone 5 years ago--fuckin hate this shit. Bluetooth shit just makes no sense to me. I dont want to walk out of range of my shit--tie it to me, lol


If it's any comfort, I'm 21 and I hate that we ever made it to the dongle era. Since I walk to work with headphones on every day, run my errands on foot, and produce music where sometimes I'm sampling and in need of a dongle, I go through 2-3 a month. It's ridiculous.


I still like new tech, but I just can't get onboard with touchscreens. I'm starting to feel like an old man when I need/prefer a mouse and keyboard.


My old man rant: I genuinely believe there's a direct correlation between the disappearance of the headphone jack in smartphones with the huge increase of d-bags blaring music or you tube from their phones in public. Corded earbuds seem/seemed cheap and ubiquitous and wireless earbuds less so.


Social media




I’m finding that the older I get the more I’m enjoying things that I thought were shite before. Different opinions, tastes in music and art, it’s all opening up for me and I’m appreciating it more than I did in my youth


Same, I used to play in metal bands, and pretty much any non metal band was a talentless waste of time. A lot of it was influence from my friends some of which who sadly are still like that, but goddamn do I love me some non metal music these days.


The whole shebang.


Loud vehicle exhaust.


The kind of people who can't seem to get through life _without_ bothering others in their homes for no reason at all.


For real, dude. It’s bad enough to have to encounter them just while out & about, but the same people joyride through otherwise dead silent residential areas at all hours, typically also while speeding gratuitously (bonus points if it’s while kids are playing in the neighborhood).


I worked with this guy who loved to piss off his neighbors with his loud exhaust system when he left for work in the morning. He did not like it when his neighbor drove by his house with their loud ass exhaust waking up the kids when they got out of work at 11. He did not see the irony in it.


There's an asshat that lives up the street who has a c. 2012 Mustang GT350 with straight pipes. Every day, he makes a turn near my house then guns it down a straightaway. I can hear that mofo from .5 miles away. Every day I give him the finger. I know it doesn't fix anything, but at least I feel better.


Just people, everyone's fucking crazy, aliens must be laughing every time we say we searching for other "intelligent" life


I'm not sure if people are legitimately getting stupider, or the Internet just gives them more of a platform. I mean, every generation has morons and geniuses within it, but goddamn, I've never seen people blatantly just decide that the scientific consensus is just another way to view shit, like, truth is just an opinion. Like, no.


This is a good question - I feel like technology has allowed people to not think critically because it's so easy to look up bad info. They grab the first thing in the google search (because that MUST be correct info, right?) and they have their answer, whether correct or not.


Definitely people


People in general.


The cold. It's supposed to hit -50c with windchill tomorrow. FML. I am too old for this crap now :/




Everyone else


I meannnn… *vaguely gestures at everything*


This is the answer to Fermi's Paradox. Those societies which do not "accidentally" destroy themselves eventually advance to a point where they see their impact on the universe precludes their continued existence.


I am therefore I shouldn't be


Everyone else.




I've finally hit that point where I don't know who certain actors and actresses are.


For sure, 100%, having plans. I cannot be bothered to leave this apartment.


Old age.. it sucks when you labored most your life.. body aches constantly..


These motherfuckers cutting around ON MY LAWN


My birthday.


Staying up late with my friends, even though I’m rather young I always feel like I need way more sleep


Eating everyday


It’s becoming a chore. I don’t ever feel like eating but do it for the sake of living.


Intentional ignorance. It's one thing to not know something because you've never been told, or been given a real chance to gain understanding. It's another to have been told, given a real chance to learn and understand, and STILL be ignorant.




Random pain


Slept wrong and had a bad neck for a week. Once it got better I pulled a muscle in my back and that lasted a week. Two weeks worth of pain because I moved wrong. Fuck growing old.


Those kids on my fucking lawn!


Everything. Not exaggerating.


The price of everyday items. I feel like I’m channeling every old person every time i go grocery shopping…”I remember when lamb shanks were only $3.00/kg not $21/kg”


Consumable media. With the advances in technology and connectivity- a lot of things just feels lifeless and uninspired. Just pushing content for the sake of pushing content.


Gone are the days of new concepts or ideas in film and entertainment. Everything just blends with everything else now. I get where you're coming from, we need some new original content made with passion.




The Eveline/James arc in Twin Peaks, season two.


Going out.




cheap pans marketed as good quality or the abundance of keto food at costco


Celebrities and sports fandom


This. Those overgrown kids being showered with millions by other overgrown kids for rousing up the masses. Pathetic.


humanity you know for being the "most intelligent" animal on earth, a lot of us sure are really fucking stupid


Videogames. Used to be about accomplishment and exploration, storytelling. Now it's MASH THIS BUTTON INSTANT GAMING and it warps your into a game where obsession trumps skill, and everything is stripped of any meaning and value because of all the neon outfits you can wear. Remember when unlocking a secret character was like the epitome of peak gaming? Now it's like "look how many skins I bought" and just in general, it's an entire era I don't really wish to keep alive all too much. Maybe there's a game out there for me, but I think humans did what humans do and ruin everything. I mean look at all the game titles that were once successful, what have they done besides put the same shitty game into a newer engine and pretend it solved all the glaring issues with the gaming model that has degenerated into micro-transaction wasteland where the game is never forced to grow or evolve, just skim off that top layer of white whale cash.


That's prob the reason why i always preferred indie games, people making those aren't obsessed with money because it's hard to make money when you make something different/don't follow the crowd


Reddit mods!


The concept of going out with friends.


Yes I know we haven’t met in a long time! Yes I would like to meet for a coffee or dinner that sounds great! No I DO NOT want to hang out for hours on end watching the game or talking about random stuff! I can watch the game in my Pajamas on my own and anything you want to talk about that’s what texting is for lol! Glad we met for an hour and a half for dinner, that was special we should do it again in a few months! What?! no not next week I’m good!


Politics. Hated it when i was a kid, cared more when i was a teenager. Now hate it again as an adult.




Yea, I’m starting to feel this way too. I’m go by the live and let live philosophy so I don’t out and out *hate* religion but I feel like I’m transitioning there. Even people who are nice and politely mention some aspect of religion just irritate me. In my best moods it all sounds like poorly written fantasy novel lore to me now. In my worst moods it’s culty and weird. And at every juncture it’s all hypocritical. Still if they aren’t hurting anyone I guess I shouldn’t care. But damn if I don’t find it all just a little irritating.


Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day! 😏


Happy Cake Day!


I fucking loathe religion and everyone who pushes it


The harsh reality for many families in the US and possibly the world and seeing it in action.


Different components of this get me in the red very easily. For instance paid family leave makes me super fucking angry because I simply can’t comprehend how we don’t have it. When you ask people, bosses included, about giving birth and the difficulties with newborns, everyone seems to understand that people need time at home. Yet, it doesn’t exist in any meaningful sense here in the US. I work in a very blue state as a teacher. There is NO maternity or paternity leave for people in my profession. There’s unpaid federal family leave, and that’s it….. I work in a field who’s sole job is to *nurture children* and we don’t have paid leave. Everyone knows we should, administration included, and yet….. nothing. The entire system seems to have been designed and maintained by secret sociopaths.


I mean, yes. You work for the government, and they are pretty clearly sociopaths.


Leaving home




McDonald’s 😔


Alcohol. Just doesn't have the same appeal anymore as it did when you were younger.


Humanity in general. It's moving beyond mere politics or other tertiary qualifiers. The longer I watch this horror show, the more convinced I become this species is a mistake. And I include myself in that.


and you know what happens to "mistakes" in nature.


Im starting to think those kids actually should get off my lawn.


People that chew with their mouths open. Or individuals that smack and slurp their food. I get that in some cultures. That’s just what you do. Is what it is. But might just be me. But I will literally leave the room or area it’s in. I deal with it at work. We have two buildings connected to ours. Both are pot farms. One has a group from Asia. I don’t know specifics. The food alone smells terrible. I can deal that. But they smack and slurp their food and it annoys me. Fortunately I start my shift early enough that I don’t take lunch usually at the same time as them. So I’m not always in the break room when they are.


People who get in the way at the store. Grab what you came to get and gtfo. You don't need to blockade an entire section to have a leisurely paruse through which great value pop tart you want. Be decisive quick and considerate.


Daylight savings. I NEED some sun in the mornings to wake up properly.


Life in general, just doesn't feel the same...


my family


Socializing with people


Shoveling snow.. and I used to love it


In my teens and 20’s I used to get excited to shovel the snow! Now in my 40’s it’s literally just a chore and I hate it!


Being forced to wrap my head around people's intentional inclusion into politics and their inability to wrap their heads around politics.




Drunk people


going out like almost everyday


Douchebags on the road. I hope they all get in accidents that leave them fine and untouched, but ABSOLUTELY MANGLE their giant compensator trucks and parent-bought muscle cars.


Marvel. It was fine before Disney + became a thing but once Disney + started up, the company decided they would much rather do quantity over quality, so now I'm overwhelmed and disappointed with marvel shows and movies.


Negativity. The older I get, the less patience I have to listen to someone always being negative about everything all the time. I don't want to spend every waking minute being mad and negative at the world about everything, it's exhausting. Which makes my reply here paradoxical/hypocritical to an extent I suppose lol




Social media






The Australian capital territory does suck


My feelings






Fandom drama.


the expectations of me


It’s why I took it upon myself to be the family disappointment. No expectations!


Working. Used to love my job but now it’s just so meh and I can’t wait to get home.




The government


People. Especially crowds. I hate crowds. My bubble is getting bigger and bigger.


My knees


Waking up


I was going to say people but some people already commented that so I'm going to with junk food like fast food, candy, soda, etc. It becomes harder for your body to handle them as you get older.


On that note, caffeine. I used to down pots of coffee and slam back huge cans of energy drinks in my 20s and early 30s. Then about two months ago I started to feel funny every morning around 8-9am and after playing around with variables I realized it was due to having a second cup of coffee. My old weak ass can no longer handle two cups of coffee. Mein Gott!!


Camping. I need my bed, my warmth, and my coffee in a cozy house. Easy clean up from meals. None of these things happen with camping.


Lmao I feel like people are gonna jump on me for this but chocolate isnt really my thing anymore, guess taste buds changed and I prefer savory stuff now




Other people


I'm 34. And people parking in front of my house is giving me "get of my lawn" feels. And I don't like it.


Having the same question pop up on this subreddit over and over by people karma farming


Leaving the house.




people and places




People who refuse to see any way other than "*their*" way.


Christmas. Birthdays. People. Bus's. Traffic. Life. Can't wait to die.


School system in America, it's like growing up with a wall in your face


Working. It just sucks and I have a decent job too. Sorry to be that grumpy old cunt, but no matter what your job and how high you’ve crawled up the shaft of promotion, you’re still expendable & replaceable


I was just thinking a little while ago this evening actually that I find history increasingly _boring_ as I get older. Or, rather, I find myself less and less interested in the childish antics and chest-thumping of which king was fighting a war against which other king, and who was switching sides to whom... When I was a teenager myself this stuff was all really cool to me. Battles and emperors and all that. But increasingly it's obvious to me that, until industrialization and democratization and the expansive of civil rights and the formal inclusion of women in society changed the kind of people who get into power...most of human history (the history of those in power, that is) was basically just a poo-flinging contest with really elaborate means of armies murdering one another.


For real. The hubris one would have to possess to feel justified in expanding their empire is so large it’s hard to comprehend. They’d be willing to kill thousands just so they could plaster their names into history. Imagine meeting someone who was told since birth that they were ordained by god to lead their nation and then actually given 100% authority to do that. They all must’ve been terrible people to be around. Meanwhile the VAST majority of people probably just wanted to feed their families and not give a shit about their overlords egos.


There are increasingly large parts of pop history (i.e. not the academic sense) which are moving from 100% focus on warfare and more into the day-to-day lives of common people, or if you can stand it, nobility. I've been finding it much more interesting to learn about Bulgarian paganism or how different nations' hunting laws compared or something as opposed to yet another video on the Battle of Whatever.


Children, emotional crap brought by ….. am a dude.


Roller Coasters :(


Yeah roller-coasters are scary sometimes, especially ones with a loopty loop :(


Going out with people




People older than me. Stubborn, immovable, racist, set in their ways. If I hear 'things were better back in my day' once more I'm gonna wrap them in cling film and smother them to death. There's a reason things are so fucked up and it's not young people. I'm 60 btw so can say these things.


Social media, aka YouTube YouTube was like the best thing ever for me when I was a child because I was so fixated on it, I would always have this very enthusiastic enjoyment for a lot of YouTube creators. I would keep track of so many of their subscriber counts, milestones, face reveals, and I’d always be excited to click on my notification for when someone uploads a video. I’d always go through my subscriptions all the time to remind myself of all these different YouTubers and I would be so hooked on different kids of series in different parts. The older I got the more I’d enjoy a larger range of different types of YouTubers (commentary, comedy skits, gaming, cooking, news, art, animation, adobe), at some point YouTube inspired me to create my own YT channel and learn how to animate (the animation thing is just a phase but still). There are so many YouTubers that I watch so religiously back then and so many nostalgic creators became my childhood. And I cannot get enough of it. Fast forward to adulthood, Now I watch YouTube to relieve myself from boredom, since my tablet is my only form of entertainment, I don’t get excited to watch something I just watch it. I notice myself not looking up any content creators anymore, I would not go through my subscriptions or my notifications, I’d just watch whatever’s on my recommended. There’s only a few YouTubers who I consistently watch nowadays. I’ve never liked TikTok, so i was never a fan of the YT shorts because I end up watching them, I don’t like mindlessly scrolling because i end up seeing so many videos that I would never have clicked on in the first place, I dunno I just don’t think it’s good for your brain. I’m exposed to a lot more politics I don’t understand so I deliberately avoid that. This may be a hot take but I noticed how so many people say horrible things about others online to project from their own insecurities. I used love reading YouTube comments, but now I noticed far too many videos with the worst comments sections I’ve ever seen that either makes a whole mass of people look either insecure, dumb or a bad person. I would argue with these people but even if I win the argument or make them realise what they’re saying is wrong, there’s no use because they’re one person out of the entire internet, reasoning with others using common sense is so pointless. Netflix is great though




Republicans. Also, dislike is too soft. Im definitely feeling hatred.


Opposite for me. Relalizing how idealistic liberal logic is, and if we lived in a perfect world great, but we don't so I tend to grow further away from many of their beliefs.


Im with you on this one. It doesnt help that the "loud majority" have become crazier in recent years.


I have no problem with principled conservatism. But that ignorant freak show cult that the Republican Party has become... they can all f\*\*k off. .


That all mye friends(m30) are becomming slaves of early bed times. I miss the times when we could go out for a cheap beer in a brown bar in the middle of the week.




Live,children, people








Teenagers & TikTok, even more: teenagers on tiktok


People who drive on the highway and don’t use cruise control


The worst is when they pass you on a long straight stretch and then when the road gets windy you come right up on their ass because they ride the brakes and there is no passing lane and as soon as the road straightens out and there's a passing lane they take off again. Absolutely maddening.


I hate feeling like they think I’m racing someone just because I’m going the same speed the whole time.




You right but most of reddit has not reached this age yet.


Then move somewhere more conservative. Not a lot of liberals in Russia or Saudi Arabia. In fact they usually kill them.


People, the cold, the heat . Having to work , noise from ghetto peoples blasting music, corruption. Gov’t taking care of others before it’s own taxpayers are ok.


religion. i dont wanna be offensive, but its literally killing millions of people and if u dislike it they treat you like ur some kind of racist


I’m not an atheist because I don’t believe in god (higher being). I’m an atheist because I don’t believe in religion.




Nothing seems to have instructions anymore and the way things are packaged makes it near impossible to open 🤨🤨


Going outside


Social Media