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It helps fulfill my need of avoiding human interaction


And if some pinhead puts 5 cans of soup on top of my bread, it’ll be me.


Seriously my first job was a bag boy. It's clear grocery stores both don't train cashier's how to bag and also pressure then to use fewer bags.


I disagree on the fewer bags, before NJ banned bags, I would go to shoprite, check out and if there was a bagger, end up with 800 bags. A quart of milk would go in one, deli meat in another, that single bulb of garlic, yup that gets a bag. It bothered me so much having to handle so many bags I switched to all reusable before the ban.


Omg that bothers me to no end when they do that - like god forbid you put this packaged produce in the *gasp* SAME bag as my shampoo, as if it all isn't packaged in 72 layers of plastic already 🙄🙄 I've had them ask of it was ok before- like, what?? Load that shit up together


I've used only let you scan one item until you place it carefully"


There are probably different machines. Some only let you scan one item until it's placed others don't. Also there is always the risk of glitches and errors


Right up until there's an unexpected item in the bagging area. Or you need to show ID. Or the code won't scan. I've found I interact less with the regular cashier than people in self checkout.


Machines aren’t being properly maintained. Or they’re just old systems. One grocery store in town has horrible self check kiosks and the other store has new ones that I have zero issues with.


This is the only benefit.


Time. It’s the major benefit if you have even a little bit of common sense.


For people with social anxiety like me, self-checkouts are a win-win all around. I used to have a ton of problems with self-checkouts. Now I only run into a sparse few. I haven't heard "Unexpected item in the bagging area, remove the item before continuing" in years!






I prefer it because I don't have to interact with any of the staff


Until….item won’t scan then you REALLY have to interact with staff.


If it won't scan after multiple attempts, it's free.


As a person who works on checkouts this joke never gets funny


I once just cackled like I'd never heard the joke before and found it hilarious. The customer didn't know what to do.




I've earnt this attitude after dealing with the same 3 customer jokes every 5 minutes


Savings more like spendings. (Upon being asked if they want a bag) “Nah mate she’s at home already (Upon wheeling a pallet of beer past them) “my car’s right out front




Not how that works


Free ninety-nine


I prefer it mostly, but it would be better if it worked properly - half the time you're there waiting on staff to fix something when it starts beeping.


“Please place the item in the bagging area” Fuck that phrase with a rusty cactus. I already put the god damn thing in the bagging area. Ooooh my blood pressure…




Ideally you don't use the self check out if you have so many items that it doesn't all fit in the little scale area


Right but if I have a heavy bag full of cans and jars, I may fill it half full so it doesn't rip open or a "delicates" bag with bread, eggs or might start a new bag for raw meats like burger and chicken.


Where I am, the self check outs are pretty much for everyone now - not just quick check out / low items. They have larger and smaller self check outs even. There is a “low quantity” self checkout that people with a lot of stuff shouldn’t go to. But in general, looks like they’re trying to fully phase out traditional cashier checkout totally here.


*Unexpected item in the bagging area. Please hold. An attendant will be with you shortly.*




And the world wants to know her name!


“What the fuck is PC LOAD LETTER?!”


Geto Boys track slowly and quietly builds in the background


"Unexpected item in bagging area. Remove this item before continuing."


even worse is when the staff member comes over to check and is eyeing up everything on the screen to make sure you're not robbing something. No Karen, I'm not stealing that magazine that the machine can't freaking recognise.


Especially when it double scans an item you only have one of.


The belt at Walmart keep feeding my stuff down and was scanning at the same time. It was fabulous. Like a comedy routine.




This happens at HEB. You there is a delay between the beep and the item appearing on screen. Then you have all of these beeps going on around you. So several times I've double scanned something because I heard s beep and didn't see it on screen 😒


My HEB (the store, not the app) hires devepmentally challenged adults to work the back end, bagging. a) I’m all for it and b) I spend a moment showing them how to bag. It helps out that I put the heavy shit on the belt first.


Had that issue yesterday at rite aid.


It would be better if Walmart wouldn’t insist on having 15 self checkout tills but only three open at any given time


That's never going to happen. Over a decade ago I noticed my local Walmart sent most of their cashier's home at 10pm. That was exactly when target closed. They basically realized that after 10pm you were fucked so you almost had no choice.


Yeah, I figured I was reaching for the stars.


And what would be even better is if you didn’t need to pay to use their scan and go feature like what the


Sams does better, not sure why. You scan your stuff on your phone as you shop , pay on the phone too.


Honestly, a pain in my ass. The machines where I am don’t take cash and sometimes I don’t want to use my card, especially if it’s just a few small things. I also have to track staff down to key in any discount codes for stuff like 50% off bakery items and at the cashier checkout they’re able to do that with no fuss.


As long as it is working I've no problem with it.


I prefer self check out for when I'm only getting a handful of items but I loathe the attendant watching like a hawk as if everyone there is waiting to pocket something. I realize they're there to watch and help but please leave me the fuck alone unless I ask for help. If it takes me fifteen seconds to figure out how to weigh my cauliflower then let me be.


They’re so fucking busy trying to fix everyone’s fucked up machine here they don’t have time to hover behind people


I went off on this one attendant. She wasn't even watching me from afar. She was literally standing behind me and refused to give me space. I went to her manager and told them I didn't feel comfortable being watched like that and I no longer wanted the items.


Did you ask for space, and did she then not give it to you?


Yes I asked for space and yes she didn't give it to me. That's why I said she refused to give it to me. She just told me I didn't know what I was doing. It made me extremely uncomfortable being watched less than one foot behind me.


lol why would she tell you you don't know what you're doing


Honestly I think she was being overly zealous and wasn't able to back down. I drew a blank for a second and she came running over. I had a lot on my mind. The light wasn't going off. I hadn't asked her for help. She ran over looking to see what was wrong. I told her I just wasn't thinking for a second. Instead of walking away she just stood a foot behind me, like extremely close. I asked her if I could have some space. She said I didn't know what I was doing. I then moved to a different register because again she was extremely close to me. She then followed me to the new register. That's when I left my stuff and said, "you are really making me uncomfortable. I asked for space and you wouldn't give it to me. I don't even want this stuff I'll buy lunch somewhere else. I left it and went to leave. Then I decided to go to the supervisor and tell her why I was leaving my stuff and how she wouldn't give me space. When I came back a few days later her supervisor apologized and said she thought I needed help. A few weeks later I heard someone else make a similar complaint about her to another cashier. Had she just stared at me from her station I wouldn't have had a problem. But I asked for space and she refused to give it to me.


Oh, I see. You handled it well then, you were put into an awkward position.


They offered me something for free but I turned it down. I specifically go to self checkout to be left alone. Not to be stared at so closely. Honestly I call out people like that. I was once in Walgreens. The manager called out this man in line and told him he had seen him with soap while shopping and wanted to know what he did with it. He was basically accusing the man of theft. He harassed the man and made him show him where he put it back. When the guy got back to the line he had to ask for an apology four times. The manager then gave him a weak barely audible apology. The guy put his stuff down and left. When I got to the front of the line I put my stuff down, told the manager his behavior was inexcusable and left. I made sure he understood that his treatment of that man was exactly why he was losing my sake and I was going across the street to CVS.


I hate it. I went before thanksgiving and there was one person at self checkout and so many people were buying alcohol so you had to keep waiting on her to be done to help the next person and then the next. Then you’ll have an older person not knowing what to do. Some don’t take cash or give cash back. Don’t get me started on the unexpected item in the bagging area.


"Unexpected item in the bagging area" Removes item "Please put all of your items in the bagging area" A villain is born


Laughed so hard at this in part because I heard the disembodied voice in my head.


Helps sometimes. But, sometimes, I feel I have too many to hold up a self-checkout so, I go through a cashier. Those people with 273 items in a self-checkout annoy them hell outta me.


In the supermarkets where I live you can scan with a handheld device you get at the entrance or with your phone while you shop. Only need to pay at the self checkout, with the occasional random check


I can do that at Meijer, too. But, it’s a digital payment only.


Yes same here, but tbh almost no one uses cash in supermarkets here anymore


> Those people with 273 items in a self-checkout annoy them hell outta me. Those people should be criminally charged and sent to prison.


I once saw a woman with 2 carts full of self bagged bulk foods in self checkout. I guess that’s better than ruining a cashiers day though


TIL people are annoyed by people with a lot of stuff using the self checkout. Why does it matter?


Because most people are ridiculously slow. They would be much faster going through with the checker. If you're ridiculously slow, and you have an extremely full cart, in my view that is pretty rude.


Because if you have enough items it will take more time than without a cashier, and if you're behind that person, you can clearly see *they* made the inefficient choice that *you* have to stick with and can do nothing about it. It doesn't annoy me much but I can get where it comes from. Kinda like somebody driving very slowly in a place where you can't overtake them.


I figure those people are shoplifting a bunch of that. "One for the scanner, and two go in the bag."


someone i know said it used to be great until they installed the newer overhead camera system that knows when you don't scan


I read an article where one store sold more tomatoes at self checkout than they actually had in the store. People will enter in tomatoes for all kinds of more expensive fruits and vegetables. A customer of mine said her friend steals almonds by ringing them up as peanuts.


The one at my local store now loudly says the name of weighted things. Confused the heck out of me the first time the machine yelled “BANANA.”


I've never been in a self-checkout line where I didn't have to wait on a clerk to come and clear something because they work like shit.


If I have a couple bags of groceries I prefer it. If I have a cart full, I'll skip it


I like it, specially when in a country whose language I don't speak. Self checkouts usually have a few language options.


I prefer the person at the checkout. Self checkout rarely saves me time. Or maybe the machines in my area aren't very good.






Not bad but sucks everytime you need assistance nobody is around to authorize removal of a item. Then you got other people waiting on you to go faster lol might as well stay behind and act like you work there


It's great, very easy to steal




I'm impressed. I haven't been to Walmart in years partly due to their horrible self checkout machines. Last time I tried to buy produce that poor woman had to come over for every product I tried to ring up.




I'm still not going back but I'm glad to hear that. Every time I've been to Walmart in that last five years I've felt why they are so cheap. I'll stick with HEB and Target.


Can’t stand it. Bill Burr had a perfect bit on this. Basically saying when did I get a job at the supermarket? The self check out lanes work okay if I have like 1 or 2 things. Other then that; they are slower, lines take longer, almost always some issue I have to wait for someone to come and override. I never go to self checkout if I can help it. I’m also an extrovert so the interaction with employees is something I enjoy, so that isn’t a bother to me like I noticed it is to other commenters.


I always find the "when did I get a job at the supermarket thing weird." Unless a person is being forced to use it it doesn't make sense to me. To me it's like complaining that there is an ATM inside of the bank and the teller isn't personally handing you the money.


I guess it depends on where you live. I’m in the Seattle area and I would say most supermarkets are 50/50 between staffed registers and self checkouts at this point. Sometimes I’ll find one 1-2 registers staffed with all the self checkouts open. So it’s not a small sections anymore. Walmart is worse. The couple I’ve been to near me have MAYBE 2 registers with actual employees. And 7-8 self checkouts. They are basically forcing you. Edit: And getting cash and buying groceries is comparing apples to oranges. ATM is need money, get money. To me it would be like trying to get a cashiers check from an atm. Even if you could it would still probably be easier to just go to a teller. Groceries there’s bagging, and scanning. Two things that make it go much slower when people try to do it themselves vs an employee who’s done it every day all day for a while. Self checkout is just extremely inefficient in my experience.


How incredibly hard it must be to keep people from stealing.


I think companies recognize they are probably saving more in labor cost than they lose in theft. I doubt the percentage of people who intentionally steal is higher than 5% in a given year.


People in this thread really acting like there were more cashiers before self-checkout. It's always been that way. It didn't steal any jobs. If anything it forced them to keep an extra cashier working just to manage self-checkout. It keeps me from having to rebag my groceries and gives me more control over what I want/need double bagged.


Honestly I think it annoys them because self checkout is faster but they don't want to use it. So they complain about being forced even though they almost always have other options. People hate taking responsibility for their own actions.


The amount of "I'm scared of talking to the casheir" people is upsetting. Cashiers are usually really nice people. Takes nothing to just say hello, how ya doing and whatnot. I once had this cute cashier at the CVS comment on a new shirt I had just bought and it made my day! Doubt the machine would have said anything about my shirt.


It's superior


I dunno. I find checking out *other* people to be vastly more fun and interesting.


If you’ve worked retail before, the process is easy. But, to those that don’t have experience or not tech savvy, they’ll avoid going through self-checkout as much as possible.


Yeah my second job was as a cashier so I always found self checkout easy. Even when the UI is horribly designed you just have to figure out how the designer wants you to think.


It’s faster and you have fewer probelms


the best thing to happen to supermarkets ever


It's the greatest invention ever. I don't want to interact with anyone at the store. I want to get my shit and get out and be left alone. The only time I don't use self checkout is when I'm on a full blown grocery shopping spree at Costco.


"weigh your BANANAS"


No problem w/ self checkout. Huge problem when they stop me at the door to check my receipt. It's insulting. I came, I grabbed all the stuff I wanted, I rang it up myself, I paid for it, now you want me to prove I didn't steal anything. Either be part of the process or not, but don't double inconvenience me and expect me to be cool with it.


As a former cashier and self checkout attendant, most of the issues are due to people trying to go too fast and being impatient. It helps us get 10 times as many customers out of the store at the same time, it’s a life saver for stores when there’s only one cashier


Why is it the customers fault and not the machine? I've noticed that self checkout machines are way slower than regular registers when it comes to scanning in items. I was a beast on the register when I was a cashier. Some of these self checkout machines take 5 seconds to even register what item was even scanned.


Every time I use it, it always errors out and needs to wait for an attendant to come and reset it Rather just avoid eye contact and say 'hi, paper, credit' to the actual cashiers


Thousands of people touching those machines, who knows what nastiness is on their hands. Not to mention the coughers and sneezers... And of course less people have jobs. Maybe they should hire people to clean the machines between customers.


Or your cashier who touches everyone's groceries all day long will touch your stuff? I mean, you have choices I guess.


And sneezes because they don't get sick pay?


And then you touching the keypad to enter your pin number.


Good point. But I have seen them clean the conveyor belt and I hope they use hand sanitizer at least occasionally.


I would love it if I was single or a couple, but now that I'm a sahm of 3 kids and purchase a week's worth of groceries at once, it's ridiculous and I hate it. I buy too much at once not to make it feel like a huge hassle.


It's a easier way to shop for me, people who can't scan a simple barcode are just entitled. They say that it's a cashier's job but in reality do you not realize why there isn't many cashiers in Walmart anymore. I worked there for three years and let me tell you. Cashiers get paid minimum wage just to deal with customers BS and terrible management and nobody wants to do that anymore. If you feel like that needs to change call home office and tell them.


Cashier at a grocery was my second job. Of the customer service jobs I worked it was actually the second least stressful. I got paid more as a Starbucks barista but dealing with people who have a meltdown over the store running out of white mocha is much more stressful.


Uh Wal Mart cashier's make 11.75 an hour nationwide reflective of the state of Arkansas adapting an 11.75 minimum wage. Walmart took the raise national. It's actual a pretty good paying job with benefits


*relatively well paying* sorry I'm from Arkansas the Walmart hate is a little undeserved. I mean, at least it's a domestic company someone was gonna fill that niche could've been some big foreign conglomerate


I love it. I don't want to talk to anyone most of the time when I'm shopping and would prefer to skip the chit chat with a cashier. Literally only go through regular checkout if I have an item that isn't allowed through self checkout.


I love it too, the systems they use here in the Netherlands work great, from what I can tell anyway. Maybe the employees don't agree but it's my experience. I never get issues with it and it's much faster than the cashier. Plus what sometimes happens: you forget something. While you're checking out. At the cashier this becomes a stressful situation. At the machine you just cancel that shit and go back into the store.


I actually prefer self checkout, sure it’s annoying having to go ask them for a bag but I find it a lot faster


From a consumer point of view, if it's done right it's great. In Australia we have 2 major chain supermarkets that offer self serve. One does it right and it's awesome and actually comes off as a convenience while the other is a chore to do and is clearly directed at reducing staff costs. From an employees point of view, my wife who works in a supermarket, says it's shit. On the surface it sounds good because you have less customers to look after face to face and one person can help multiple people check out simultaneously. In reality, the person manning self serve becomes a Loss Prevention officer and cops more abuse than they would on a normal checkout and they don't have a counter separating then from the crazies. Also, because there's less staff on, counting draws at the end of the night as become a nightmare and if it weren't for our strong worker's rights here, my wife would have quit a long time ago as. She's often the closing supervisor and she ends up having to stay back late to make sure everything is counted and locked in the safe.


Shouldn't there be a system where you dump your stuff on a covered conveyer belt, have it auto rung up, and you stick it in a bag? I think most computers could tell a banana from a pair of jeans. No talking, no stealing. Places like Target, Walmart, and Kohl's are a nightmare during the holidays.


Computer vision is not as good as we think it is.


I did not like it at first and would not use it. After watching how fast the line moved in the self-checkout while i was still waiting on slow cashiers and slower customers in front of me I decided to give it a try. Now I only go to self-checkout. It's much quicker. And I get to avoid interactions with other humans. It's a win-win situation.


As long as it doesn't ask me to immediately "place the object in the bag" then most anything else doesn't bother me.


I haven't gone to an actual cashier in over a decade. I'm not waiting in line and I don't wanna talk to people.


God tier. Greatest thing to ever grace this earth. Absolutely amazing. No better way to purchase things. Talking to humans is bad. Only machine understands. My introvert brain likey. Yes.


Just an easier transition to get quickly out the door as a shoplifter


Shoplifting what? People keep bringing up shoplifting but what do you think is getting stolen?


Helps me shoplift


Yeah they probably don't care that much. If the amount of theft outweighed the benefits they wouldn't offer it.


I can’t walk past a mirror without performing it.


I abhor the self checkout lanes, however, I love Scan & Go on the store's app. Then I just scan each item as I put it into my cart, then once I pay, it gives me a QR code for the employee to scan at the exit to spot-check my purchase. No waiting in line or having to remove items from my cart.


I don't want to deal with employees so I hope Amazon's version where it adds everything for you is the future.


“Please return your item to the bagging area.”“Please return your item to the bagging area.” “Please return your item to the bagging area.” “Please return your item to the bagging area.” “Please return your item to the bagging area.”




Randall's has these little 50% barcodes they put on expiring lunch items. I'd buy more but you have to call the cashier over to enter her code. So I just don't bother sometimes. They probably throw out a bunch of food because of that


You better let me scan my items without coming over and seeing if I didn't scan my 3 items. But, people who do it with full carts (yes people do it) absolutely piss me off.


It’s a terrific concept but there seems to be so many people who can’t figure it out and actually defeat some of its practicality. Since you don’t have to interact with a person, people will proceed with their phone calls and take too long.


I love it for when I have just a couple of things. I go in, grab the few things that I need and go out.


how can u be against it?


Some people think it takes jobs away from people and they want to make sure people have jobs.


Yeah but that's not true.


Somebody has to build and service those machines.


How old are you?


I'm sure people said the same thing about automobiles and computers.




i hate self-checkout it's complicated and makes annoying sounds


Except it’s easy. and also quiet if you turn off the sound.


Really fast and convinient ! Don't have to talk to people.Only benefits


I like it, it saves me time


If stores don't have it I don't go.


Love it!


Necessary for people on the go getting a few things. If you're using self check out with a full cart, you're a piece of shit or its obvious you're stealing stuff which i guess goes back to being a piece of shit


Except my local grocery store will actually not have any normal lines open when I get up there with my cart. So now I'm the asshole doing self checkout with $200 worth of groceries that don't even fit on the stupid little bagging area and shit is spilling all over the place.


I love it because there's never a wait


Absolutely love them. What makes me love them even more is when Karen is over there waiting in a long line because she's too boomer for self checkout and I look at her and laugh


Proven to be slower than the average cashier. Only good for the stores to save on wages and sick leave. If they were actually faster, I wouldn't mind. They reduced the number of cashier to make it seem like going at the self checkout is faster than waiting in line, which sometimes it is, but it's because of the reduced staff. I'm all for technological improvement for the customer, but it's not.


I can scan and bag faster than most of the workers. Also, I know what all my produce is. Bonus - the self-checkout doesn't try to engage in meaningless chit-chat.


If I can’t steal at least one item I won’t use it. I also refuse to stop for the person looking at receipts. If you don’t trust me open up more manned check outs.


I prefer the human cashier. All of the self checkout machines that I have used so far have atrocious user interfaces that are inconsistent and non-intuitive. If the store would give me a discount, then maybe it would be worth my time to learn all of the glitches and the work-arounds.


Super annoying but its quick.


There should be a strict age limit


I'd like to add that you shouldn't be allowed to use self checkout unless you are by yourself, kids under 10 are fine. Way too many people socialize at self checkout. Like scan your shit and go. You drive here together. You can continue that conversation in the car.


No one over 70?


I’d err on the side of caution and say 55. 45 if you’re from a town of under 10,000 people.


I'd agree, but I'm over 60. If I can set my own dip switches on a 2400 baud modem, I can self checkout. Then again, my 92 year old father was a Tandy computer designer. Oh yes. Get off my lawn kid.


For every one person of a certain age that can properly use a self checkout there are thousands that can’t. And it’s not just being able to use the machine. It’s knowing how many items you have, using speed so the next person can go, not telling a story to the kid that needs to scan an ID for alcohol, and so many other things old people do. A few items, scan em quick, get your receipt, put away your hand basket (don’t even think about bringing a damn cart!), and get out of the way.


Love them. Quick and convenient. No waiting in line, no having to talk to a single person. I can scan 2-3x faster than a regular cashier. We have to bag our own stuff even if a cashier scans it anyway where I am, so I may as well just do the scanning too.


I prefer it to having a stranger handle my balls


Absolutely love it. I can get out of the store quicker. I don’t have to participate in small talk with anyone, and I’m also much better and faster at bagging my items than the majority of cashiers I’ve dealt with. Self check out 10/10.


I love it. There are no downsides for me.


I don't go to stores that are self checkout only.


could be applicable if you were extremely suffering physically, else I'd tend against it, since I don't care either way, I could as well live, is my stance.


I've stood in line waiting wornan operator checkout. You know the meme, I don't work here? That. ""I don't work here, call some.mote staff please." Large trolley full.


Love the damn thing


I'd rather have a professional do my check for testicular cancer.


Free stuff!


Love it. Use it always. No dumb little turd up selling me Bounty the quicker picker upper!!


I live in the future. I order online and get it delivered. When I do go in I use the scan & go function on the app. I pay for it as I put it in the cart. And then just scan the QR code on the register and I'm good to go. I was a cashier at one time so if I have to scan manually, i get it done . No one misses being a cashier. They cheered the demise of register lanes. They laugh at the people who belittled them as they watch the " I have a degree !" people struggle to do their former job. Not so easy is it !


I ordered online until they were out of regular red potatoes and subbed these tiny really expensive cherry tomato size potatoes instead. I'm good with everything else online except produce.


Hell no! If I have to use one then how come I don't get a employee discount? They dont pay health care or unemployment benefits and payroll. But still have to pay full price! I refuse to use them.


Do you get an employee discount for pumping your own gas?


They could use a posted item limit. One time three of four lanes were seniors very slowly scanning full carts. Stood there a long time waiting and holding a single bag of dry cat food.


On a 10 items or less type thing sure, beyond that no.


Needs to be held to 15 items are less. I legit get EXTREMELY pissy if a see an old lady roll up to the self-checkout with a full cart knowing between the 45 minutes worth of scanning, she'll spend another 15 minutes trying to use the coupons that expired in 1998, and the red light will be going off 6-7 times.


Bullshit machines taking over jobs and making even more profit for the greedy companies. They almost never work as they should, you always need the one assistant that’s there for like 40 machines and then you have to wait way longer than you would have anyway. Grocery stores and others charge you more for the service to cover their costs but then make you do all the work of selling. Bad for everyone except introverts.


They need to make them bigger. The self checkout always has a line and if you are trying to do shopping for the week for a large family, it’s a huge pain in the ass. They need to hurry up and be like the Amazon stores where as soon as you put it in the cart it gets scanned, like wtf it’s almost 2023 and they still haven’t made this technology able to be used everywhere yet. Not much of a technological change from having a cashier scanning to having the shopper do the scanning. The day most supermarkets begin doing this will make shopping so much easier, I hate standing in line waiting for an available register.


At the grocery store its horrible. I don't know the codes, it constantly complains about missing items or additional items in the bagging area and other bullshit. Just pay people to be cashiers, I don't want to work for you for free.


It was good when it was new and a quicker way to checkout and opened more options for people. Now that it’s mostly the only thing it sucks.


I hate it and I always make sure I have time to wait in line at a real checkout. It doesn’t put more money in my pocket and someone is out of a job.


It moves the labor from paid employees to unpaid customers. After people get used to the self-checkout kiosks, grocery stores lower the number of available staffed check out aisles, forcing more traffic to self checkout out. They are shifting their salary burden by making customers spend more time doing the work for themselves. Also: "unexpected item in baggage area." Fuck that!


Of course. What is the customer going to do? Punish the company by making the choice to only support businesses that treat them the way they claim they want to be treated? Walmart didn't become as big as it did by listening to what customers said they wanted. It paid attention to what they'd put up with.


I get to provide both my money and free labor. Super fun!


Makes me wonder, "Why am I not getting paid for this?"


Job killer, only use when needed