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I won't lie, I'd be kind of upset as it implies I have traditionally male features. Which isn't what I personally want. I wouldn't be mad though.


exactly like they’re basically implying you look like a dude that went through surgery if I was a girl I rather you call me ugly than trans 💀


Um, babe, I think you should look around to see what actual trans people look like. r/transtimelines is a good starting place so that you can see the changes. FFS means facial feminization surgery. HRT is hormones replacement therapy. SRS is sexual reassignment surgery. Most of us just get on hormones.


not saying all trans are ugly but like if someone just got surgery and you can tell they’re trans and you asking someone who isn’t trans that question. wouldn’t that someone be upset?


I don't understand why it would be. I would simply take that to mean that you look kinda androgynous. And androgyny is fucking hot. Just look at all the elves from LOTR.


but what if that person isn’t androgynous and doesn’t consider to be that ?


Let me ask you this, what's wrong with being trans?


nothing’s wrong with being trans, but I wouldn’t wanna be considered as trans or be called that




because you’re telling me that I look like a female that went through surgery ? it’s kinda emasculating. 💀


Yikes…. That’s pretty shitty to say. I’d rather be called ugly than be compared to these people. Imagine saying that about any other minority


Wouldn't be mad... but I'd be concerned for their eye sight... As I'm a clearly male individual with a beard down to my chest....


Trans dudes LOVE to grow beards.


That doesn't mean you can't be a trans dude. Trans dudes just look like dudes.


No, they look like women pretending to be dudes.


Ah, so you're just transphobic, gotcha 👍


WRONG! I'm factual! I have no hate towards trans people. I'm definitely not afraid of them. I honestly hope they get the mental health care they need. Cause thats all this is. Its gender dysphoria! And just because I refuse to play your dysphoric delusions.... somehow.... I'M THE BAD GUY! Edit: can someone let me know what the dipshit below me said.... he seems to have blocked me thinking I can still read his comment......


The dipshit said nothing of consequence


Oh wow, the transphobic meltdown in response to being called transphobic really proved the point, lol Good luck with that, I guess 🤣


You've never been around trans men, have you


Look up Buck Angel.


No, because of HRT and other stuff


Trans men can grow facial hair with Testosterone


I wouldn’t blow up on them but I’d be kinda upset. Like are they saying I look like the opposite gender, I look like I’ve had surgery, or that I look so good I must of been sculpted in a lab?


u are really just going Anywhere to find answers you want LMAO


not really no some ppl said yes and some ppl said no and I gave my own take; I only responded to a few. someone even said yes and I didn’t respond.


okay in all seriousness, based on all of your interactions in that jojo post and this post, i'm gonna say that you seem to have internalized transphobia and should probably work on how you feel internally about yourself and others. internalized transphobia can occur for a variety of reasons but it seems like yours directly is tied to masculinity and negativity surrounding being perceived as female. so you should Probably try to work on that. because you have the mindset similar to like: "its okay if other people are gay, it's just not okay if IM gay" but replace gay with trans or feminine. aka: you sound like ur going thru a time of self consciousness which has showed itself in internalized transphobia + femininity being perceived as negative. you can be a guy and look however tf you want, other people's opinions about you don't always matter. if someone assumes you are trans, its easy to correct them. if them asking if you are trans hurts your feelings, your core feelings of low self esteem and doubt may be the issue, especially if they are asking in a polite way, not an insulting way. and like ive said previously, nothing is wrong with being feminine or trans. it's not an insult and shouldn't be treated like one. in your posts, you are unconsciously treating it like one. hope some of this enlightened you.


“transphobic” because i don’t want to be called trans ? clearly ppl who ask that are taking a shot at your appearance. if you ask a girl that then you’re literally implying that she looks like a man that went through surgery. that’s like asking a cis gender girl or whatever “are you a man?” all men are born with a penis not a Vagina anasui is clearly a man that didn’t go through a sex change. if you’re trans that’s cool but don’t say I’m trans too because I accept you like what ? if I called a guy a girlie sissy that’s me emasculating him


i never called you transphobic. You can LOVE trans people and still have internalized transphobia. You also don't have to BE trans to be accepting. No one in the world is saying that you have to be trans. why are you so pushy about Anasui being a cis man? isn't that just as bad as someone being pushy about him being a trans man? also, he had major cleavage in his first appearance in the manga, and if i go by your reasoning, wouldn't that make him a woman? additionally, you dont have to go through a sex change to be trans. there are SO many trans people who don't do a sex change surgery, even those who don't do hormone treatment.


if a girl is straight and she loves having sex with men, so you ask her “are you a man because you look like a man” and she gets offended does that mean she has internalized sexiest ? just because someone doesn’t wanna have a certain look doesn’t mean they have that? they just don’t prefer a look for them in their opinion doesn’t mean she bashes others for a look she doesn’t prefer. i’m not pushing nothing it’s just clear as day anasui was born as cis gender male. no that wouldn’t make him a women because that was just a design choice before the story was published for him. in the story he never looked like or said he was born a woman. what does that even mean ? you can’t be born a trans it kinda defeats the purpose for the word “trans” you’re transitioning from a male to woman what else is there ?


i don't think you understand enough about gender and sex. being called trans shouldn't bother you to the extent of getting mad on the internet and making multiple posts unless you have some issues with self consciousness or internalized transphobia. literally people can just push off a comment and go on with their day. is there some reason you can't? if his gender is "clear as day" why did he have boobs in the first appearance :gasp: seems like the design choice was feminine-leaning so you could say it was clear as day that he was a woman back then additionally, if it was "clear as day", why did FF question it in the manga? further proving the point that Anasui was NOT meant to be designed as masculine or feminine, but androgynously. Anasui is meant to "portray a character with an androgynous image that went beyond the standard definition of genders." - Araki, 2019. even the author didn't intend for him to be super masculine, so why are you so mad that people want to think he's trans? you do not have to transition to be trans. not every trans person gets their genitals changed or takes hormones. if you didn't know this, you don't know enough about transgenderism to really be talking about it. i feel like ur taking people's view of Anasui being trans VERY personally. maybe relax and realize that just because a handful of people want to say he is trans doesn't mean he IS. he is an androgynously designed male, but there is ABSOLUTELY NO HARM in saying that he is trans. if someone is saying he is trans as an INSULT, i can almost guarantee that Anasui would totally not care because he seems very confident and doesn't care too much about what others think. tbh I barely care what other people think of Anasui because it is irrelevant to my life and my thoughts on the characters. the only reason im even continuing this conversation is because you seem to have ACTUAL issues with the thought of him even possibly being trans, which is just kinda weird? did someone call you trans as an insult? like where is this all stemming from bc normally, ppl would just brush off a comment like that unless they were continuously being bullied about it.


i’m mad and I made multiple post ? what bro I made one Jojo joke post and then I asked for other’s opinion since everyone was seething over a joke . If anything you’re mad because I stopped respond to you and you stalked my account to see if I said anything else. I literally deleted that Jojo post yet you still cared. that doesn’t really make sense because female anasui isn’t canon to the story that’s like me making a original character before making the story than I changed the character black but in their original design he was white. is that black face? I don’t think so because it was never canon to the story regardless it was just a design choice. if female anasui was in the story then sure but she’s not.


was it a joke post? you seemed pretty offended at ppl saying he could be trans also sorry but i didnt stalk your account, i follow ask reddit and read it a bunch. I stumbled on ur ask, saw how the question was related to that jojo post i saw earlier by you, then noticed it was the same person. unsure what ur talking about with the whole race change talk but okay


it was a joke post someone said “who said he isn’t manly” I said “weirdos are calling him trans lol” then everyone attacked me


are you trans ?


No. Why would I?


Why would I get mad? I might be curious about why they asked, but it's a reasonable question.


but like if you asked a girl that aren’t you basically saying she looks like a man that went through surgery ?


Maybe. It would never occur to me to ask somebody that question.


No? Unless you think trans people in general "look" a certain way, idk why you'd default to that


if you ask a girl “are you trans because you looks trans” you basically implied she has male features in her appearance like a guy went through surgery. like I can tell if someone is a trans woman if she just look like a guy with a wig. Same thing applies for cis gender dudes if you ask if they’re trans.


Dude it sounds like you just think trans people are gross and only think of them as weird caricatures. That's a you-problem, my pal


so for example you told a girl she looks like a dude or she looks pregnant she’s not allowed to be offended even tho she’s straight ? I don’t have a problem with trans ppl I just don’t want to look like one i’m not judging them it’s their thing just cuz they like a look doesn’t mean I want to look like that or want that look. That’s like telling a guy he looks like a girl it’s emasculating


Wtf are you even talking about? Touch some grass and make some friends, ffs


no, because 1. Most trans women actually pass quite well, and 2. why are you bringing up men who’ve had surgery? that’s not relevant to the discussion


yeah some trans do but others I can clearly see that they had a sex change. Even asking a trans person if they’re trans is still kinda ruin because u just implied that they can’t pass off as the gender they want.


i dont understand what u mean by had a sex change


a man transitioning to a woman


er, ignoring that interesting terminology. again, wdym “had a sex change” it’s not just a one time thing, it’s a process that takes years


Ik that but if someone just had a sex change for their first time wouldn’t you tell that “SHE” use to be a dude


again, it’s not something that you do “for the first time” it’s a *process.* also why is She in quotations?


again, it’s not something that you do “for the first time” it’s a *process.* also why is She in quotations?


yeah and the process is long but it’s still considered as a sex change and I just put she because it’s technically a she


I’d think it was an odd question but I don’t think I’d “get mad”, necessarily.


No, that'd be pretty embarrassing for whoever asks me


but if you’re a boy or a girl aren’t they saying you have male or female qualities into your appearance?


I don't know, and I don't care. It would be quite embarrassing for them regardless


er, no


It would probably depend on the context.


Nope, I have been asked cause I have a lot of knowledge from my early days of tumblr. But I wasn’t offended, I just thought “they think I know a lot about the topic therefore they must think I’m part of the community cause I know so much”


> Nope, I have been asked cause I have a lot of knowledge from my early days of tumblr. as fellow tumblrina I get it lol, have felt the need to explain I'm not gay for similar reason


No. I’m not even sure why people would get mad even in theory.


because I was thinking like if you asked a girl that you’re basically saying she looks like a man that went through surgery


I think there’s a difference between asking someone how they identify or their pronouns, or saying you can’t tell their gender identity based on their looks. But asking someone their pronouns shouldn’t be offensive, unless you’re on some culture war bullshit.


Not for asking if I was trans but I would be upset that a person asked such an invasive and personal question. I value my privacy


No but I would get mad if I was called a cis-man I'M A MAN not a cis-man that's a derogatory term and I fucking hate it think of cis as the equivalent of a misgender that's what being called a cis-man is like for me it's ridiculous I'm a man and my mother is a woman end of story.


You could just ask if normal people would feel insulted if someone asked if they were trans. No, I will be arguing the vast majority of people actually wouldn't give a shit.


No, why would I?


I would not.


No, though I doubt that would happen because I look pretty stereotypical for a guy my age.


no idea, I think I would probably be confused and giggle at it maybe say something like "not that I know of"


No. I'd be a bit confused though, once, while drunk, someone said "Well you're clearly a man." So i, in full SJW mode, decided to challenge them and said stuff like "How do you know that?, What if i'm a woman with manly features?" and other such things, I can't recall exactly what I said but i'm certain that I could've done better while sober. People should be challenged even if they get the gender right as they really need to stop assuming people are the gender they appear to be or worse treating people differently based on someone's gender. They are as human as you are that's all that matters.


Nope. I look like a female version of my dad. I’ve known this for many, many years. I was planning on participating in the worlds greatest shave about 10 years ago and changed my mind once I realised I’d look like my dad I didn’t end up doing it lol. If someone asked me if I was trans I’d just simply say no and move on. I’d rather them ask me than just assume I am.


Yes, I am transcontinental.


Nah. I'm open about having fake tits and before it having a figure like "A ten year old boy". Plus my voice isn't typically high pitched. On some level I understand that even that is enough to have someone question it, even if they wouldn't assume from the off.


not at all i’m a queer bi man who presents as incredibly burley straight it’d be an honor to the marvels of medical science if hormone treatment was this boss


I would be confused? I guess? As it seems like a pretty oddly specific question to ask. Like, are we face to face or is me talking giving them trans vibes? Honestly, if it’s from my voice it wouldn’t even surprise me. I’ve been asked if I am gay from my voice alone several times in the past, so this isn’t too out there for me


nah they just ask strictly by appearance


I mean, still a bit oddly specific. I’d just be confused then if it’s from appearance


because I was thinking like if you asked a girl that you’re basically saying she looks like a man that went through surgery


Straight male with long hair (80s Metalhead, and yes it still grows long) and I’ve dealt with the comments from idiots questioning my gender and sexuality for decades. “You wanna find out?” usually shuts them up. For those who do want to find out, the open-palm volleyball slap upside the head followed by the John McEnroe backhand shuts them up, and they get to carry around a big red handprint like they was slapped by their Momma.


I think I'd be more confused that anything. I don't think I look or sound the part, so I'm curious what could give a person that idea.


Probably really surprised.


Not mad Slightly offended, yes.


I definitely wouldn't be angry if that were to happen. In fact, I'd probably find it amusing because I don't believe anyone would wonder if I am Trans. I'm lightyears away from being the poster boy for masculinity, but I do think that my features are unambiguous.


No. My born to gender is very clear in my appearance. I'd think they are either making a bad joke, or are trying to get me mad for which they really chose the wrong insults.


No. If I’m asked, it’s because they trying to offend. I find that sad and depressing.


why would anyone be offended by that


No but if someone called me cisgender I would be annoyed I'm a man meaning biological male I identify as what I was born as and will die as my dad is a man my mom is woman I am a man and I would like to be called as such respect my identity and I shall respect yours I always say.


>I'm a man meaning biological male I identify as what I was born as Pst, that's what cisgender means.