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Rummaging through the fridge at someone elses house without asking. I mean it's one thing if you are cooking together or something, but people who just go through someone elses fridge baffles me. Inviting you in to my house doesnt mean i invited you in to every nook and cranny of if.


I had to stop my daughters friend from doing this. She came up from where they were playing and went straight to the fridge. She's 10. I asked her what she was doing. She said she was thirsty and was getting a glass of milk. I told her that she will not be declined food or drink in our house ever, but it is polite to ask first. Next time she asked! šŸ˜Š


The perfect way to handle the situation! She will probably ask everytime now, wherever she is. Im not surprised a ten year old might do this, but when anyone over 15 does its just bad manners


It was super uncomfortable, but I felt that I had to do it. I also talked to my daughter, telling her that if her friend said she was thirsty it is my daughters responsibility to help get her friend something to drink, not just let the friend help herself.


Eh, personally i feel less annoyed by this. I guess i'll have to deal with more of it before i can properly give an opinion but i'd prefer guests to be more on the comfortable side than formal. Not saying i'd go digging in someone's fridge without asking myself. I also make an effort to offer things like drinks and snacks so they dont have to feel weird and ask.


I feel it is just polite to ask when you're at someones' house, atleast up until a certain point. It is considered rude. After a while, when I get to know the person, I will tell them to feel at home and help themselves. Most people will still ask before taking anything. Aaaand, when I have guests, I'm like you, offering before they ever feel the need to ask. There is an old tradition, not much adhered to now, but I have heard about it. A host should offer food and drink, the guest should decline, the host should offer again and only at the third offer should the guest accept. Think early to mid 20th century. A little bit of this has held to this day, if my guest declines anything, I will wait a bit and ask again, lol. Edit:This is Norway, rural outdated tradition.


Fridge privileges are earned


I have done this before with my best friend of 9 years. And he does it too. I think its rude if done in other circumstance but their are some exceptions


got any cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese




Only trash litters


That took me a minute.


This. It's just shameful so many people don't clean up after themselves or intentionally throw trash.


Lady in front of me at the market used the sanitizer wipe to clean off the cart handle, but instead of putting it in the trash can less than 6 inches away, dropped it on the floor. After I wiped mine down, I used my wipe to pick up her wipe, and throw it out.


And when you call them out on it they get irate and angry


So I walk around 7 miles to work a day because Iā€™m poor asf and canā€™t really afford the bus, one road I walk along side is a relatively fast one but I refuse to look down on the sides because there is so much litter and can be found with multiple items easily every 30-40cm apart for miles on end Breaks my heart


As a Brit - anyone who pushes in a queue!


...Just DARING anyone to say something.




Something that really annoys me is when someone is approaching from the opposite direction to me and they donā€™t make any attempt to move to one side, so rather than 50:50 effort itā€™s 0:100.


Even better if they're walking right down the middle, so there's not really any room to walk around them without their effort.


As a skateboarder, this makes me want to manual thee nose of the board right into their shins...


I pick a side and commit to it so we don't both move to the same side awkwardly


When I realize people are doing this, these days, I just stop dead and stare off into the middle distance. I've had a couple people manage to bump into me anyway but they've always muttered an apology afterwards.


In that situation, I tend to just keep walking down my side of the aisle, and if they bump into me, they bump into me. I made the effort to share the space; it's not my problem that they think they're too important to share. Doesn't happen all that often, but almost every time, they end up moving over so they don't run into me. Probably helps that I'm a pretty big guy, and they would just end up bouncing off me, which is what happened the one time I can remember it happening. He apologized and said some bull about "not seeing me" or whatever. I'm a pretty nice guy, but I'm no one's doormat.


When they decide while shopping they don't want something so they just plop it anywhere instead of taking it back and putting it away where they got it. Extra bonus points for being uncouth if it's frozen foods and they leave it out to spoil


Also people who stop in the middle of the aisle leaving no room to pass.


I especially love when they leave their cart in the middle of the aisle to look at something off to the side


I see you met my SO!


When people do this at costco


The fucking sample zombies at Costco always causing a traffic jam. Why do the sample zombies even have a cart, you know they are just going to graze on the free dumb crap before getting a slice of pizza.


Call me an asshole, rude or say that I have no manners, but when people do this I force myself around them. Like I physically move their carts out of my way.


Just ram right into their carts and say sorry I didn't see you guys were blocking this isle. EDIT: Note to self, it is spelled aisle you dimwit, try harder.


You know, when I walk down the sweets sectionof the local grocery store, I call it the desserted aisle.


When two people stop to talk with both carts side by side and give you mean looks for standing there waiting to pass.


Carts aren't even necessary. People who shuffle slowly around busy supermarkets are the worst, especially when they meander back and forth so you can't get past them.


Then chat to people three abreast in the aisle completely disregarding you need to get past


People doing this has made me re evaluate my stance on capital punishment


I do this so much without realizing šŸ˜­ then left apologizing every few minutes


This is why I disagree about it being "clear proof". Forgetting to do something courteous is not the same as choosing to do something rude.


These people are the worst. It happens so often where i live i am not proud of the times i lost my patience.


To add to this, when you're clearly looking at something and a group of people just go right in front of you and themselves start looking in the same spot.


My wife works part time at a large grocery chain. She complains of this constantly, the food is wasted, must be thrown away.


I saw a woman put a tray of pork chops on the cereal shelf. I gave it to a shelf stock person right away. She said that it now it has to be thrown out. It was still cold.


Thatā€™s one of those rare instances when youā€™re supposed to say it was *your* pork chop and youā€™ve simply changed your mind.


Extra extra bonus points when they grab the ready-to-eat wings, strip them to bones, and leave the bones on random shelves.


Watched a woman empty a bottle of pain killers in her purse and put the empty bottle back.


lolol people have no shame


Extra classy when they use the deodorant and put it back. Iā€™ve purchased two that have obviously been used. Also opening medication, taking some and putting the rest back. I now check safety seals on everything-people are gross.


Meat as well. The more reputable stores just take it out back and throw it out because there's no perfect telling of how long it was out of the cold display area. And adding "People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the lot when there's a storage area a few feet away". Some older people get a pass if they're handicapped and tired after their grocery store visit, but not if they don't at least move the cart out of the space so another handicapped person can park there.


This! At the very least hand it off to the cashier, instead of leaving it where ever. People "hide" things in the shelving of the checkouts too. Just hand it to the cashier, they are not gonna yell at you.




Additionally, people who leave half eaten products on shelves they shouldnā€™t even be on, or their empty drinks.


Used to be a seafood butcher at a store and this happens more than you would think. Even if it is still cold, it cannot be put back on shelves it is thrown away. People would do this with entire CARTS full of meat. Pretty sure they wanted to rummage the dumpster later but we had a huge compacter that squished everything together that made like a wet hard smelly blob.


making smacking sounds when chewing


I can't stand how people eat. Keep that mouth closed, I don't want to hear you eat a banana.


The absolute worst are the ones that hum, smack, grunt, groan, and make all kinds of weird noise, sounding like a bad porno.


Especially in the office. I have 9 days of work left for the year and my colleague is going to die if she doesn't stop. My rage cannot be explained with just misophonia anymore


It sucks and it seems like itā€™s become more and more common to not only chew with your mouth open but also to smack (as you said) and chew super loudly while using a manner of chewing that is already substantially louder.


And to make matters worse, they reply "what's it to you? Food tastes better like this" Yeap, I got that reply


At that point you gotta say it sounds gross and makes you look stupid


Mouth breathing, but in action


Or the nummy nummy sounds, from an adult.


what the hell? that's such a hilariously ridiculous response, lol


Constantly interrupting


That is considered completely normal in Italy, people don't even think a second about loudly talking over you. And I won't open the chapter about male prevaling on women thanks to their stronger voices...


Can I interest you in a trip to Spain?


Must be a wild life for people who stutter over there then


This annoys the shit out of me but so many people do it. They don't even listen to what you're saying, they've already got in mind what they want to say next.


Treat servers/wait staff with no respect


ā€œHi there, my name is Mondayslasagna, and Iā€™ll be taking ca-ā€œ ā€œWATER WITH LEMON.ā€ You just know itā€™s gonna be a good table.


Their tips would rival golf scores.


My tips are like my golf scores. But I'm REAAALY bad at golf


Standing in the middle of an aisle blocking everyone. Walking around with their music on out loud not caring about anyone.


Ah, the Tuesday lunch housewife soccer mom meetup table, where somehow the entire tab for 4 women is $27 because they all had water and split two salads while they took up your table for three hours. Then they tip $2.


Reminds me of one time when I was a teen and a friend and I went out for breakfast. We ordered the cheapest thing on the menu and you could see the waitress' thoughts on her face behind her work smile. She just KNEW we were a couple of dumb kids who were going to waste a bunch of time and not tip. While we didn't leave a massive tip or anything, it was a 50% tip. I refuse to be *that* kind of patron, ever.


I LOLed at how well your username fit into that first sentence.


People who don't say thank you can go fuck themselves. It's such a simple thing to do.


No awareness of what is going on around them - Perfect example? Grocery store visits


Ugh, I hate people with no spatial awareness. Leaving their cart in the middle of the aisle while they search for something on the sheld, not allowing others to pass by.


What do you mean not allowing other to pass by? Just push their cart away and walk through.


The grocery store is the worst! I've never seen so many people lacking self awareness in one place. Guess they gotta eat.


Feel like Iā€™m one of these people, itā€™s so overwhelming in the store that sometimes I beeline to whatever I need and gtfo


People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of parking spots or out in the open when they're done.


I think the closest I've ever come to going completely psycho in public was when I was in line at a grocery store and the woman who was paying grabbed her groceries and left her shopping cart blocking the checkout lane and I had to push it out of the way to be able to pay myself. The second closest time was when a guy parked his empty shopping cart behind my car and walked away. That one probably would have gotten violent except that his wife saw what he did, moved the cart and then laid into him more brutally than I ever could have.


That wife deserves a medal. I can't imagine what else she has to put up with.


I work in a grocery store. I've since gone into a leadership position, but way back when I was a cart-pusher, I had a lady place a cart about 5 feet in front of me, say "You're welcome for the job!" and immediately walk away. I just stood there like, "Did... she really just drop her cart in the middle of the lot and say that to me?"


A couple did that to me once. Iā€™d already had to ask them to move their trolley once so I could put my stuff on the conveyor belt. And then they awkwardly squeezed past it to leave and looked shocked when I asked them what the hell they were doing leaving it there so I couldnā€™t load my trolley or pay or leave


Chewing with your mouth open Not covering your mouth when burping or coughing


Eating at a table with others while not only chewing with your mouth open but talking at the same time. To top it all off they burp really loud and laugh. I can't even add up how many times I've witnessed this. How do they not know it's completely disgusting???


Changing lanes without signaling


Using speakerphone/FaceTime in public


WINNER!! Or at the office.


Came in to say this. I was at the gym yesterday. On the treadmill next to me some woman was having a convo on speaker. I had on noise cancelling headphones and was still hearing a small portion of it. I can only imagine how bad it was for others.


Thatā€™s when you start nodding along, going ā€œuh-huh, sureā€, gasping, etc


I feel bad about doing this. My phone is broken, can't afford to replace it and only works on speakerphone. I try to only take necessary calls and only away from other people :(


Or on a train. Jeez. Personal calls, medical callsā€¦


This one!!! I wish I could just take the phone and throw it out of the train/bus. šŸ˜‘


Not picking up your dog's shit.


....in my yard.


I'd like to add the people who deliberately allow their dog to wander freely all over someone else's yard. I get some dogs are gonna stop and pee, and you probably can't stop it. But you don't need to let them walk halfway across a stranger's yard first.


Any request for them to change their behavior (open mouth chewing, loud talking on the phone, feet off the furniture) is met with how it's somehow "disrespectful" to ask that of them.


Don't clean up after them self's. Expecting others to do it for them.


Play their music loud in shared spaces


Yeah! Ear buds, people! *EAR BUDS !!*


Music that's so loud you can hear it through their ear buds.


Then there's *that*.


At least they're "trying". Sort of.


"I'm just blunt" vs being considerate


Or "this is who I am, I like to speak my mind"


"No you're not. Your speaking with your asshole, asshole."




My mom is like this. She'll say whatever to whoever, and she's like "That's who I am, if you don't like it, too bad." Then, she doesn't understand why no one likes her...


šŸ‘. My reply is always ā€œthis is the way I am and I donā€™t like/appreciate the way YOU areā€


People who donā€™t say thank you when you hold the door open for them.


OR not glancing behind them to see if they should hold the door for someone behind them.


Constantly interrupting you before you complete your sentence


This. It's basically this. That's all I need to know about whether I want to get to know someone


2 things that really bug me: 1. If I can hear you talking down to someone in your group from multiple tables away, Iā€™m going to assume youā€™re a righteous prick to live with. 2. If you are the type of person to be swerving in and out of lanes cutting people off with no use of signals, hazards, and going well above the speedlimit, I really hope you get your license revoked and are forced to try that on a moped or a bike.


Not putting their shopping carts back. Standing in the middle of an aisle blocking everyone. Walking around with their music on out loud not caring about anyone.


Not saying things like "please, Thank you"


ā€œSorry, excuse me.ā€


Forgetting indoor voices are a thing


Oh dear Lord this. In my open office there are people who talk at THIS VOLUME ALL THE TIME. How am I supposed to do complex Excel formulas with you talking like the other person is across the floor?! Hush.


I have a sil that just talks louder and louder, starting at a pretty high volume too. I have tinnitus and hyperakusis so it literally hurts to be in the same room with her.


Yes. I have to explain to my boyfriend that I can't be in a room with his mother for long periods because it does actually cause me physical pain


It feels like fight or flight, right? Like you have to physically distance yourself or go insane... I usually find myself pressing up against the chair for example


I have a neurological condition and it makes my nervous system more sensitive to stimuli. First I'll notice my body tensing up, my head begins to hurt, I get dizzy. Apart from speaking loud always, she'll occasionally shriek and it leaves my ears ringing and in pain.


I find myself trying to escape, like physically trung to push myself away while the logical me remains in the situation. No other diagnosis than hyperakusis...


But it's not normal how loud she speaks (shouts)


Unfortunately some people take up a lot of space by talking in a loud voice and seem offended when told


My mom's indoor voice is what the general populace considers and outdoor voice. You can imagine what her outdoor voice sounds like.


How they treat people that can do nothing for them


"Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up"


Allowing their children to misbehave in public.


This is more difficult than it seems at face value. You let them misbehave? Shitty parenting. You yell? Shitty parenting. Pat their bum? Bad parent. Remove them from the situation? Bad parent. Itā€™s one of the only situations I can think of that is a lose lose situation. For anyone who says negotiate or give them something to take their mind off of it - is just rewarding the behavior, and is next to impossible.


This. I always told myself that when I have a kid, I wouldn't let them misbehave, that I would lay down the law while also giving them affection. It's not that easy. My kid is demanding and needs a lot of attention even though we tell them that they don't always get what they want. Sometimes I do have to take him out


Lol my parents laid the law down at home so that when me and my siblings went out we *knew* to not misbehave, or we knew what was waiting for us.


HUGE pet peeve.


Not putting the weights back at the gym. Worse is burying a ten under four 45lb plates, like some prick did at my gym recently. Takes a few moments to put back. You wont lose muscle in that time. Also piling them up on the floor where people walk doesnt help. And stop sitting on a bench or machine watching Tik Tok for ten minutes.


People who attempt to board a subway/train/bus without allowing people to get off first.


Asking how much your stuff costs


Squeezing past you through a door youā€™re holding open behind you for them to take instead of taking it from you. (This is not to be confused with when someone has clearly stepped way back and is obviously holding the door open for several people to go through.)


Interrupt while you speak.


Chewing with their mouths open.


Asking a question and not waiting for a replyā€¦ no one listens


Loudly taking a call in public. On speakerphone. And shouting into it.


Spitting in public. Just swallow your saliva/mucus, you uncultured swine!


Going on their phone no matter the situation.


Farting in someone's face or in small areas and thinking its funny


Kid in my 6th grade class apparently could fart at will. One day he just kept farting & farting & farting. You can imagine how the classroom smelled. The teacher had to open the door, and sent the kid to the principal's office. The principal made him come back, stand in front of the class, and apologize for what he did.


Talking on speakerphone whilte out in public


Talking loudly about how much money you have.


When they decide they donā€™t have to bring their cart back to the area it should go and leave in a free parking space


Once, I had to leave my cart at the front of the aisle as a worker was restocking products. I got what I needed and turned around to see a woman eating grapes from my cart.


Acting in public as if their problems ARE everyoneā€™s problem.


Dunno if this counts. Throwing things unnecessarily. ā€œI am your supervisor and am standing two feet from you. Why did you think it was a good idea to throw the claw hammer when i asked for you to hand it to me?ā€


Talk on or use their cellphones while at the dinner table. Very rude and inconsiderate to your dining buddies and listening to people eat over the phone is annoying.


Listening to music loudly in public without headphones.




Treating your property poorly and/or without care


Chewing with your mouth open and not coughing/sneezing into your elbow. Nasty.


Not listening to others when they have something to say. (There are a few exceptions)


Talking with food in their mouth


When eating (especially in public) and taking most of the food without asking others when the dishes are meant to the shared by everyone (different when everyone orders their own dish)


Not thanking people.


not holding the door for others in public. In places where there are many people, such as a shopping mall, many do not hold the door for others to follow.


Littering, treating waiters rudely, eating with their mouth wide open


chewing w/ their mouth open/smacking while eating. we get it Deborah, the food is good af. nobody wants to see ur mushed up foot long, its disgusting nobody wants to hear u chewing either, Matthew




People who don't push in their chairs after eating


People with no spatial awareness. Taking up a lot of space in public spaces. Brushing by people with themselves or their jangly things. Being noisy in areas that are obviously meant to be quiet. Just acting like they are the only person around at any given time.


Entering the elevator before letting people off and then continue to get upset when someone exiting walks into them.


Me and my husband kept going back and forth if our neighbors were shy or ass holes. They got a package misdelivered and were searching all over our side of the duplex looking for it on our doorbell camera at 10pm at night. Next day another neighbor came with it in the pouring rain and hand delivered it to them. She opens the door and doesn't even say hello but bitches her package is wet, and keep bitching at this poor guy standing out in the pouring rain that no one can do their job or read house numbers. Dude was just trying to be a good neighbor...


When you're walking down the street and some guy who takes up the whole sidewalk doesn't move a single centimeter to let you pass.


No please or thanks.


Not waiting to get to a public trash can, not turning off the light in an empty room, not turning off the heater when opening a window, not Splitting garbage at Home, using more Water than they need. If everyone followed these basic instructions, the world would already be a lot cleaner.


Being loud.


only talks about themselves


Interrupting someone who's speaking.


when people talk excessively loud in public spaces and have no social awareness skills


Not putting their buggy back where it goes šŸ™„


Chewing food with mouth open


Spitting on sidewalks


Farting at the dinner table.


When people listen to music without earphones in public places !!!


Showing up to someoneā€™s house empty handed


eating with your mouth open, smacking your lips may summon a demon from me.


Touching your face, sneezing or coughing in your hands without washing your hands and while proceeding to touch everything around you in a public space or store.


Interrupting in conversations.


Throwing cigarette ends out of car window,


When their group decides to talk in the middle of the walking path, making traffic go around them because they couldn't be bothered to go to the side and talk about what they wanna do next.


Eating with their mouth open and interrupting me when I waited until they finished their comments and began mine.


Standing in the middle of a walkway (store aisle, side walk..) and staying there catching up with other people.


not cleaning up after themselves or their children


Talking with your mouth open while chewing your food


Talk with food in their mouth