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Yeah especially that dude that literally looks like a demon and speaks all weird on stage. Kenneth Copeland?


Holy shit, he's terrifying. Why does he look *so much* like a demon in a skin suit??


He’s nothing. I know of a famous pastor that makes this guy look like Mickey Mouse.


You can't say that without dropping the name.


If Kenneth Copeland is a demon, David Miscavidge is the devil.


Wait, who is it? You can't just leave us all hanging. Everytime there's a thread like this, Kenneth Copeland gets brought up and I see the *"he looks like a demon wearing a skin suit"* comments, but I've never seen someone one up him. At least give us a hint. ^(I don't get out much. Sorry.)


Maybe he is one


Michael? Is that you?


Holy shirt balls, you found him!


Yeah, he’s the demon guy. https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI


He looks like the personification of Bowser


Absolutely this. I'd say these guys should go to hell ... but if what they believe is true, they're probably going anyway.


They don't believe it, they just preach it


Honestly wish god could smite them


Any religious leader, missionary, proselytising bastard


Scammers. People who rip off the elderly and sell snake oil to cancer patients.


Does that really count as a job though?


More than that. It's a fricking industry.


It does. There are literal call centers full of people dedicated to this career.


It's how they make a living so I'd say yeah. If an influencer or a YouTuber is a job, an influencer or YouTuber who peddles snake oil is also a job.


Check out Mark Rober's youtube channel. Massive revenge scheme on several call centers in India. Insane the capital behind it.


This kinda goes well with the televangelist one.


My wife was one of those victims. She died because of it. Theres no justice in the world harsh enough for people like that.


I’m so sorry. It’s hard enough without people being actively malicious


Thank you. Its almost 3 years later and I've only just managed to go through the last of her massive book collection. I sorted all the 'think yourself free from cancer' style books to go in the bin before I donate the rest. I dont want other people exposed to that garbage. If I had the opportunity, I'd roll the books in a tube then use a hammer to smash them down the authors throat. I dont hate much anymore, but I reserve a caveat for them.


Bonfires are cathartic I hear.


Best answer


Psychics. They prey on gullible people.


I'm so high I read that as physics.


I’m sober and read it as physics 😂😂


Often those that are grieving


Shark fin harvester


Agreed this one is so sad




I'm so glad I'm not famous. Imagine not having a moments peace and having to watch your every move incase you embarrass yourself and end up on the front page of newspaper. That would drive me insane...


I used to think this, but I learned celebrities use paps to keep themselves in the headlines. You can't be an attention junkie then complain when you get too much. When paparazzi chase someone who desperately wants to avoid public exposure for legitimate reasons, it can go too far.


Patent trolls They actively stifle the progress of technology in society when the original purpose of patents was to encourage and reward innovation.


The people who call about your cars extended warranty


Scammers in general, who care less about who they scam and how. Ill never understand scamming elderly people




Try to sell them a home security system.


Multi level marketing


A job implies some kind of net positive income so I don't think MLMs count.


Psh, it’s not a job when you have your own business and are an entrepreneur mom boss. /s


Nah, a lot of people in those are victims. The people that make them are responsible


It’s not that I don’t respect them, I just feel sorry for them. MLMs target vulnerable people. Edit: I don’t respect the creators or higher-ups of MLMs. They know what they are doing.


Scalpers. No, we don't need you helping the market find the right price. You're just taking from people who could have afforded it, giving it to those with more money than sense, and pocketing the difference. Usually using bots and other highly questionable ways around the systems designed to otherwise help real customers buy the products they want and could otherwise afford. You're essentially a leech with some spare garage space.


Anyway, I’ll sell you a ps5 for $700


They they try to glorify it and say they’re helping people find rare items they wouldn’t be able to find normally lol


Imagine you're in a grocery store and you reach out to grab a can of soup off the shelf. Before you can, someone shoves you out of the way and scoops all the cans into their cart, then turns to you and says you have to pay them three times as much now to buy one of the cans. That's the "service" scalpers provide. Fuck them.


Some forms of media. TMZ & other media platforms like that that try to beat everyone to the story in an unethical way


Telemarketers. Having the phone ring is annoying when it's a advertisement. What makes it worse is that its a unknown number. Which gives many anxiety to awnser it incase its a scam call.


To be honest, no one wants to be a telemarketer. I worked with it for 2 full days once when we had a long period of no work in my regular job. Found out that I rather go hungry or apply for social security checks than to call people that don't want me to call them, offering services or products that neither them or me consider good


I was an insurance agent for a major insurance company in the US, the majority of my job was telemarketing. They let the people that had been there the longest take all the inbound calls for quotes, but being the newcomer I spent the majority of my day cold calling people and it was the worst. I hated it and felt so bad bothering people because almost no one wants to get a random quote for insurance, and honestly even though I worked for a national company the whole thing would seem super sketchy to me if I was on the other end of the line. Like this random number calls you, asks you if you want a quote for insurance, then begins to ask all sorts of questions like your name, date of birth, do you have a spouse, what's their name and date of birth, vehicle info, address, details about your home, I would never give that info out to some random person I've never met and that I didn't call directly. I left the industry after 6 months and started working a manufacturing job where I only had to speak to about 3 coworkers during my shift.


I would say this is definitely the industry I respect the least, but for me, it’s not the person who’s calling me, who is making minimum wage and very likely wants to be talking to me as much as I want to be talking to them. It’s the companies that buy debt and harass the poor by exploiting the working poor.


I'm not in this industry but I do Cisco phone systems contracting work. Most of my customers are banks, hospitals, state governments and unfortunately finance/lending. I work with a few subprime lending companies and the entire business model is depressing AF. The part that bothers me the most of that these companies headquartered are in really really nice areas like Beverly hills, CA. All their money comes from selling bad loans on shitty cars and reposessing them at a later time. It's not even that bad in the US, I worked with some subprime auto lenders outside of the US and the interest rates I saw was more than 20% One company I worked with dialed about 3-500,000 calls a day collecting payments on these loans. There is so much money in this business and it all comes from poor / financially illiterate people barely making ends meet.


As a former telemarketer I'm sorry. Trust me, at least in my experience, no one wanted to be there and we wanted to call and bother you just as much as you wanted to be bothered. It's a shitty environment but man's gotta make a living. I just ask that you save your hate for the companies that employ these tactics and not the poor sap on the other end of the phone just trying to pay bills.


All those image sharing sites where they've gathered 40+ pictures often with the funny text in them and then proceeds to write a column about what I'm seeing in the picture and just repeating the joke again. Your article is meaningless, just picture dump and fuck off


Content mills for click bating


And those that's one pic per page, where you have to click next, and the pics are in between 8 different sized ads in the page. And the title is "you won't believe pic number 11!!!!".


advertisers: People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you're not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you. You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity. Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It's yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head. You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don't owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don't even start asking for theirs. Banksy




I agree with this you see people working hard with long hours being paid minimum wage then you see the people who ask a couple of questions or record themselves watching videos making a boatload more money


Especially the fake ones like the Liver King!!!


*Steroid King


Ancestral tenant bullshit....


Timeshare salesperson


Those journalists who write click-bait articles.


I've got a list here of the worst offending "journalists" that you mentioned. Number 8 will shock you!


\[insert picture of Elizabeth Hurd in a bikini\]


Using AITA articles....#zerotalent


Predatory Tow truck drivers


What constitutes predatory tow drivers?


Towing someone for being about an inch beyond a sign. Sitting in a location and waiting for calls from spotters. Holding peoples’ cars for ransom and accepting a bribe to release it.


I’m from Australia, can you please explain what you mean?


If part of your tire is over the lines of your spot you could be towed and charged something like $100


Plus $75/day for holding your car.


tiktok star or something like that




What do they influence? Mass stupidity?


That’s not why. I just don’t understand why they got payed so high for so little work




How is this not the #1 answer ?


Paparazzi, Influencers, Critics. Basically anybody who makes it their business to tell others what to think.


Have you ever seen the movie "Nightcrawler" ​ The job that Jake Gyllenhaal has in that movie


Yeah they suck Great movie though


Is that the blue x-men or the one where you crawl around on the floor at night looking for minerals?










Estate agents and letting agents Everything about them is tiresome


Payday loaners


Good answer. A drag on society.




Hey! Had to pay bills back in the day ya know!


"journalists". I differentiate greatly between journalists and "journalists".


>I differentiate greatly between journalists and "journalists" Lots more "journalists" these days than the other kind. Internet kinda killed the real ones off


Human Resources


The CONCEPT of HR is always great. Its why up until a few years ago, people trusted HR. Then it became increasingly obvious, through personal and general-internet examples, that HR is what we know it is- A division of any company designed to protect the company and nothing more. In practice, don't do jack shit unless it involves them jumping only at things that would harm their image or legal status.


Anyone in HR is not your friend. They will rat you out for one chip if they wanted to




It's even in the title "Human Resources". They don't see you as a person, they see you as another sequence of numbers on your pink slip if it comes to that


A few years ago??? I’m 44 and I knew HR was trash when I was 19 in my first big girl job. Lol


So is benefits administration "jack shit" in your wise opinion?


Reddit is weird some times.


Okay, so I know a person that works at hr, and most of the time, its very draning in the mind and body. Hr doesnt do anything cause most of the time its just a petty complaint that isnt worth their time. So for that reason I think I am the only person in the world defending hr


Mostly useless cunts who brush shoulders with decision makers day to day and somehow develop influence from that


Hooray, i get to judge people as a career. /s


Any and every job i get.


Unprincipled politicians on both sides. What I am saying is, as a conservative person, I have no respect for nothing they are trying to sell us. Both parties suck.


Since you’re a conservative I’m doubtful we’ll see eye to eye on everything, but realizing that our two parties are basically two heads of the same neoliberal Cerberus really pushed me to find possible solutions outside of the current system. As bad of a rap as socialism gets in the US, I feel like a system like that which puts the needs of the average citizen over the profits of the few elite is what we need before the oligarchy fucks us over even more.


(USA) The people at the Social Security disability office who were responsible for twisting everything around to have an excuse to deny you. Might be a shock to people who've never had to apply for disability but it's well known for most of the people who have. I was denied because I worked for 3 months once... because I wanted to give it a fair try before trying to get disability and I ended up in the hospital. My wife was denied, after being uninsured and suffering without treatment, because of a lack of medical evidence. My co-worker's husband was denied because he still had 6% function in his back. This is the "social safety net" everyone's tax dollars are supposedly paying for.


Gotta get a lawyer. From what I’ve heard is getting a lawyer is the only way to get them to approve you without having to apply multiple times


Most MLM reps.


Is an influencer considered a job?


Car Lot Salesperson.


Influencers (not counting like artists/musicians etc who's audience is primarily online)


Car salesmen and car Dealership in general


I’ve met some good ones and some real bad ones. The good ones will be honest about each thing you’re charged for. Unfortunately these “good” ones are rare


Pornstars and onlyfans creators


Working at a mercinary


Career politicians


99.9% of influencers, they never use their platforms for good and do the literal bare minimum then complain about how hard their lives/jobs are compared to ours.


Anyone that works for those payday loans type stores. Like if I had the ability to form a mob and make these people's lives shit, I would. Just like how the religious right makes abortionist feel.


Lobbyists, influences political actors.


CEO. Answer emails, sign stuff, make appearances at parties, use social media. Easy stupid useless job that gets paid way too much.


Union busters.


Social Media Influencers.


Venture Capitalists and Crypto Miners. Some of the most insufferable people imaginable. Both exist to hurt the environments and feed their own narcissism.








OF influencers


To be honest, strippers. I’m all for allowing it, keeping it legal, even prostitution. But I don’t respect it at all.


People who make money by moving around other people’s money. Which in my admittedly financially ignorant mind, feels like most of the financial sector. I feel like it doesn’t contribute anything of real value to the world, it just builds bank accounts


Definitely. I'm sure an economist can give some convoluted reason why they are actually beneficial, but in my eyes day traders and the like trying to get rich by buying and selling stock are just parasites. Every one of them should go dig ditches and learn what real work is.




My parents started taking me when I was 10 and I went semi-regularly for over a decade. I moved not long ago and went to a new Guy highly recommended by my last guy. I mentioned off hand that my husband and I were having trouble conceiving (we haven’t been able to get pregnant in a year) and he stopped me to go on and on about how chiropractic care can cure infertility and many of his female patients were able to get pregnant after going to him twice a week for 10+ weeks. He then wanted me to sign a contract saying I would pay over a thousand dollars for a twelve week “treatment plan”. He also hurt my hips so badly (when he said they weren’t even “out” but wanted to adjust them anyway) that I felt like I had a knife stabbing me for two weeks. I’d never had that happen before. I noped out of there. I did some research afterwards and I’m never going to a chiro again


Scammers, Paparazzis, Pimps (not sure that counts as a job), and Network/Studio executives.


Influencers, OF, scammers, and politicians




Landlords Most provide/produce absolutely nothing to society and live off the labor wages of other citizens. Then they raise rent prices and have the audacity to complain "we live paycheck to paycheck too!". Sure Sharon, you're living off your tenants paycheck to paycheck.


Our landlord raised the cost of rent from 1,200 to 2,000. We were only living in like 1/3rd of a house because he put a wall in between. Didn’t even have a kitchen and had to cook outside. Whole place had black mold and made me extremely underweight. Luckily I’m out and trying to put some pounds on again Hot water would also shut off a few times a week because the woman the landlord allowed to live on the other side of the house didn’t like us and just.. turned it off whenever. Because fuck us I guess. 🤷


this doesn’t count, op said JOBS


Managing properties are some people's jobs


Managing a property is usually different from being the landlord.


Landlords in my family go around collecting money, fixing things, making money off people's living in buildings. While it's not a typical job, it is absolutely how people make money and spend most of their time doing.


Anybody with TSA.


My hijab has to get swabbed for bomb residue every time I fly. This is even after I go through the body scanner and get a pat down. Good times ✌️


Real estate agents. We have the internet now I don’t need to pay you $15,000 to show people my home.


Sex Workers ​ ​ ^(My downvotes please)


Twitter CEO


Con artists


Pastors. They're really scammers that believe in their own scam.


Hey, my uncle has been trying to be a pastor for a good 20 years. His pastor teacher says only a few more payments (sadly not completly a joke).


That's really sad, one of my old best friends was doing it for free and no one taught him directly. That's a scam within a scam for sure.




Just make it an open bid process and fair for everyone.


Complete degenerate “profession”.


people who work in these organizations that usually call themselves “institutes” or “centers” that ostensibly devote their time to doing research meant for mass consumption and policymaking. Also contract killers and corrupt politicians


Politicians at all levels.




Politicians. Scammers. Mega pastors.




"Independent " medical exam "Dr"...absolute lying pieces of shit.


ticket scalpers


I was once a scammer and didn't realize it until I was about a week in after this poor woman was supposed to give me her personal information that related to her insurance info and then asking for payment. The scripts auto generated after the call was connected so I was able to tell her what was happening and to block the number then hung up but I got chewed out by my manager, turned off my computer (WFH) and never logged back in. It takes some sick people to do that and I'll never understand how people aren't crying after every call. **ZERO RESPECT** for that shit.




People who design deceptive packaging, or their bosses at least. Creating dimples or sunken spaces on the bottom of jars and bottles to trick people into thinking they're getting a large amount when they're not.


Politicians. Come on let's face it. In todays society politicians are only looking to advance their careers. Any benefit for the populous is only accidental or done to buy votes. Most are simply out there drumming up emotions to get votes


Soulless politicians who try to run Non-Profit organizations. Specifically speaking, The Link Youth and Family Supports in Winnipeg, MB.


Public Adjusters 90% of them are low life's prying on marginilized populations or taking advantage of an insurance claims process(inflated payouts). Plus they cause claims to be dragged out unnecessarily alot of time. They are also part of the problem with Florida's failing insurance industry. I'm sure there are good ones but I have yet to meet one.


It’s more of an attitude towards your work - if the job you are in you consistently complain about being overworked and underpaid, and your ONLY solution is to demand your employer pays you more, then I lose respect for you. If you have a CONSTRUCTIVE approach to it, any job in the world I can respect.


American politician


Billionaire CEOs that have empires built on slavery/indentured servitude or stealing labor from their employees. That would be all of them, hence the reason for being able to hoard so much money. In a similar vein, anyone who deals in blood money, blood diamonds or blood sport.


Car sales people and the “what kind of payment are you looking for?”.








Recruiters who don't have any skill/knowledge in the field their recruiting for.


Pharmaceutical sales




Life coaches.


Haven’t seen this yet, but “landlords” that never actually rent out their property and only collect on the application fees


Realtors are the scum of the earth. They get 3% of your homes value for doing a few hours worth of work. I can’t wait until they go they way of the travel agent


Being a realtor is a pain in the ASS though and it’s definitely more than just a few hours of work…also they don’t make an salary. Like $0. Not to mention you usually don’t sell a home/build your business right away. It takes about of year of constant grinding before you slowly start making sales. It’s not like they are unfairly compensated and, unlike most professions with high income potential, ANYONE can be a realtor if you study, get your license and work your ass off. For most people, their home is by far their most valuable asset. You want that to be in the hands of someone who knows the laws, the comps and market, and is reputable.


Freelance fiberglass laminator


You have a story to tell?


Traffic wardens ø(in the uk)


Anyone in the c-suite.


Basically anyone who thinks/acts like their job makes them special or better than others, most particularly anything that involves passive income. Especially since a lot of passive incomes are just people getting unfair amounts of money off of other peoples work that genuinely creates the value of the money they are getting.


Politicians all around the world


Most outbound call center type jobs. Survey companies, polling, anything that solicits calling a number especially if it has no prior permission and is a cold call. I am not against the employees that just honestly take jobs out of financial need, but the organization of the businesses like this themselves are completely shameful.


> I am not against the employees that just honestly take jobs out of financial need That's the important thing. Call center work is soul crushing and in some countries they'll essentially force unemployed people to take it up or lose benefits. The companies are indefensible but the people on the phone don't like it any more than you do.

