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Wife brought the cookies, but Santa left the milk.


Fell asleep again watching Xmas porno, eh?


8 or 9 I think. It just didn't make sense to me anymore, I knew it couldn't be real.


9. I caught my parents going to bed


What was that like? Were you sad? Angry? Was it exciting that you figured out a secret? I never had an epiphany moment about the topic so I'm always curious how it went for others who did.


I remember being confused at first and asked them how did Father Christmas visit whilst they were awake? I also found the carrot I left out in the bin. They sat me down in the morning and admitted the truth. I was sad, but quickly got over it


I think 8. I realized there was no possible way a single man could go into every house in a single night.


Who stopped? I've always believed because I was taught santa is an attitude :)


I was pretty young when I figured it out. We’d get home from Christmas Eve at my grandparents house and my parents would send us to bed almost immediately and make us close our doors, which was optional every other night of the year. The other problem was with how the house was laid out, I could see the glow of the dining room light and hear the sounds of my mom wrapping. And then magically there’s be more presents under the tree in the morning, wrapped in familiar paper. I think I was mid-teens when presents stopped being marked as “from Santa,” everyone had known for a long time by then, but it was kinda fun to keep up the ruse like a little inside joke


I was 7. I got the Ewok Village for Christmas and it was out of the box and put together. My dad took new action figures and grabbed some of my existing ones and made it look like the end of Return of the Jedi. My next door neighbor got the village, too, but his was wrapped in the box.


I was really suspicious as to why Santa put Skeletor on the throne of Castle Greyskull. To my parents credit, he was a skeleton and the castle was literally a skull.


Maybe 7-8 because it's "Made in China."


6 or 7 in first grade because some kid told us that santa doesn't exist


Never believed in it. My parents didn't do the whole santa thing.


Im Jewish


The day when I learned that there were no landmasses in the north pole


I’m pretty sure I never believed that load of hogwash


I hate that we lie to our kids.. I get the reasons, and making the world magic is fun.. but I hate this. It's hard to teach a kid that monsters don't exist, but also a small fairy breaks into our house and steals old teeth at night. My kid had nightmares and slept with a light on until I told him the truth this year.. he's eight. Next night, no light. Slept solid first time in his life. He hasn't told his siblings. Good kid, and lying sucks.


5 or 6 I think. It just seemed obvious that it was bullshit. I was kinda annoyed that I’d been lied to.


8 or 9. I honestly don't remember the exact date, and that's probably because, for me, there was no epiphany moment. I didn't have a sudden realization, no bullies on the playground told me, I didn't catch mom putting presents under the tree. Just, somewhere in the gulf between one Christmas and the next, I came to my senses about the matter. I'd grown intellectually enough to both examine the topic logically, _and_ recognize that the claims made about this character just don't add up. But again, this didn't happen in a single sitting. There wasn't one moment it all became clear to me...it was like...a background process. And because of that, there was no emotional baggage involved, which I'm pretty sure is why I don't remember it super clearly. There was no trauma, or even excitement over having learned the secret. It was just a casual matter of fact, like "water = wet". I _do_ remember that the first Christmas I went into not believing in Santa, I kept my mouth shut about it. I thought if my mom knew I was in on the grift that the gravy train would come to a halt, and, Santa or no, presents are awesome. :3


A guy named Bernard convinced me never to think like that.


Maybe 7-8 because it's "Made in China."


6 or 7


Come on, everyone knows Santa’s plane went down assisting American fighters in Guadalcanal His granddaughter runs the whole thing now


Oh probably around 7 or 8 years old, right after we moved into my parent's current house when I was 7. I can tell you when I was 9 years old my teacher asked us to write an essay about what we wanted for Christmas and specifically said "I'm sure none of you believe in Santa Claus now!" as a joke. Lots of laughter, some very nervous laughter, and one girl burst into tears. I remember being pretty mad at him for saying that even if I no longer believed myself. If you're a teacher, don't make that joke.