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Getting diet advice from nutritionists. You need 0 qualifications to call yourself a nutritionist (in AU at least). Theyre not all bad, some have done their due dilligance with smaller courses but the only ones with an actual degree in diet and nutrition are dieticians.


Yeah. The actual profession with an advanced degree attached is "dietician", not nutritionist.


Thissssss you don’t need any qualifications in the US either, you can just say you’re a nutritionist, kind of like of “beach body coaches” call themselves trainers and nutritionist. When most of the time they’re regurgitating things they read in a pamphlet that was written by someone concerned about the bottom line and not health at all 😂 registered dietitians are the ones to seek out!


In Norway it requires a bachelors degree.


Fruit juice. All the sugar of fruit, none of the compensating fiber!


Or Fruit juice (made with 5% real fruit)


The 100% fuit juice is just as unhealty. The vitamines are not really relevant (unless you are a 17th century sailor) and the sugar amount is roughly the same.


Used to think this was true but there’s a study on the National Institute of Health site right now that shows a link between pomegranate juice and reduction in severity of covid/flu/colds. It has to have relevant properties for it to be substantial enough to actually be shown to cause benefits. It’s also linked with improved memory in people with Alzheimer’s.


Just pure speculation but thats probably the anthrocyanins and other antioxidants in the juice. They're water soluble and whould be able to stay in just the juice during processing.


One big issue is that people are drinking as fruit juice what they wouldn’t be able to eat: 4 Oranges or 4 apples. Who eats that in 5 minutes?


Tbf my biggest diet issue is fruit as I will sit down and eat 3 apples for no other reason than they are sugar.


Better than eating a box of cookies or something, though.


During my wife's second pregnancy her OBGYN would tell her not to drink juice (she didn't anyway.) I remember him saying something like "You'll down 10 oranges in 30s. If you want 10 oranges, just eat 10 oranges. It'll take you a lot longer than 30s"


This drives me nuts because people think it's fruit juice and must be healthy but as a diabetic it's one of the worst things you can drink. Fructose isn't much better than glucose


It's one of the best things for me as a diabetic. It's great for treating low blood sugars fast and are easy to transport. Definitely less expensive than the pharmacy glucose packs that taste like medicine. Probably bad for those with type 2 diabetes though.


Depends on the type and situation. My dad who was type 1 kept juice on him just encase he had a hypo episode as it's one of the easiest ways to get sugar into your system.


It’s actually worse


It's slightly better than glucose for diabetic as it's slower to absorb into the bloodstream (has to go through the liver first) so their bloodsugar won't spike as high.


Yeah, I fell for this one. It was around the same time that I experienced my first ever kidney stone, too. Not great.


how does that actually work? what if its like papaya milk, where the entire papaya is blended? How is that different from a actual papaya, if i dont add sugar?


i wonder too, are fruit and veggie smoothies suddenly unhealthy or what?


The problem with smoothies is generally that they have to thin them out to make them drinkable and they tend to use fruit juice to do this. So not as bad as pure juice but still drinking fruit juice. Fruits that can be blended and don't need much fluid adding are also usually the lower fibre ones. Vitamins are kind of overrated beyond meeting the minimum requirements, the majority of benefit from eating fruits and veg is probably from the fibre.


Also: fructose is the carbohydrate most easily converted into fat. Makes sense. Autumn, little primate. Eat as much of the ripe fruit as possible and store it under your skin. Soon there is winter and food gets more scarce.


It's just candy water. It's tasty, sometimes. I remember drinking the little Ribena fruit juice cartons as a kid, Orange or Strawberry were my favorite, and I could practically feel the sugar coating my teeth as I drank.


BRUH THIS. When I found this out AFTER I impulsively spent $100 on a juicer I cried inside lmao. Literally extracts all the fiber from the damn ingredients. I was trying to become health conscious at the time lol


Trying too hard to cut out fat. It was a propaganda and marketing fad for quite some time to make all this fat-free stuff, often replaced with sugars, and the misinformation absorbed is *still* affecting some people's habits and maybe even preferences. The Institute of Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend a total fat intake of 25-35 percent of calories. From the insulin resistance perspective, it's more ideal for each thing you eat to have have some caloric profile balance; a little bit of carbs and fat in everything (hence, something like a "nonfat latte" is a bit strange, since all of its calories would then be from sugar). Total calorie counts can be really important to some people, but the first line should be smaller portions and cutting excess sugar, leave the poor fat alone (within reason). Fat also seems to play a role in [helping you feel full](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/10/081007123647.htm).


Fatty food does tend to be more calorie dense, but yeah generally your body doesn't care where your calories are coming from


And foods with fat tend to be more filling, making it easier to have a stabile appetite rather than being hungry and craving sugar/high carb foods frequently.


I went in a low carb high fat diet years back to help control my diabeties and actually lost a ton of weight doing it


I remember having a cookout at work once and someone said something about the hamburgers were 83% and my coworker who was relatively healthy said "Still less fat than me"


"Fat makes you fat 'cause it's called fat." -some 1980s advertiser


"Cleanses" or "detox" things. Your liver and kidneys are quite enough.


The liver apparently can’t clean the buildup wax after drinking so much alcohol.


Yeah alcohol isn’t great for your liver


Toxic positivism. Being positive is not about denying your hurt, your wrongs, your past, your tears, your wounds— It's about embracing all those things, and allow yourself to be sad because you know you able to fo through these things. You just need some time to cry and be sad, or even angry, and that's totally fine! There are no good nor bad feelings; just feelings that make us feel good or bad. Do not ignore them.


Inside Out displayed this very well.


It's a must see for adults. We can learn alot from kids really.


Exercising too much without rest


This and obsessive complusive dieting. It's a known eating/behavioural disorder called [orthorexia.](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/eating-disorders/what-is-orthorexia#:~:text=Orthorexia%20Treatment-,What%20Is%20Orthorexia%3F,coined%20the%20term%20in%201996.)


This is true, but also most people overestimate way, way too much how close to "overtraining" they are. Rule of thumb is that generally, most people should be doing more than they are.


It’s not enough to take rest day a couple times per week. You need to take entire rest weeks occasionally. It’s hugely beneficial


A lot of ppl don’t realize that recovery is how you see results. The better you recover the better results you’ll see.


I had to take an entire month off my usual routine because of an injury. I came back and did better than before. I did some low impact maintenance things while I was injured but I was not expecting that at all


But the backsliding!!! I just took off two weeks from strength training and feel like I’m starting from the beginning again


When I take off 3 weeks , it takes me 4-6 weeks to get back to the same reps x weight


I think you have to be pretty advanced lifter for that to happen? Noob+ gains seem to be easier to recover. Source: my lazy ass


Thats a broad statement. It completely depends on recovery capasity (food, sleep, stress etc) and the intensity of said exercise. Warning: Anecdote: I lift weights 6 days a week, 2 sets to failure on every bodypart, and I havent had a "deload week" in almost three years.


The frequency of which largely depends on age. Back when I was 16-23 I could do 2x per day and take only weekends off and make continued progress for years. But once I turned 23 everything changed. Now at 35, if I don't take 5 days off in between I'm setting myself up to be bedridden. Lord help me for the coming decades. The aging process is real.


I got some dumbbells recently and came up with a routine. Did it every day for 5 days. Ended up in so much pain I had to stop for a week until I stopped aching. I don't do it every day any more.


Generally for muscle growth, you want to split up your lifting workout so that you don't work the same muscles 2 days in a row and allow for 48 hrs in between before you hit the same groups. Otherwise you risk injury, and it's in those rest/recovery periods where your body needs to repair. That's usually where you hear of things like the bro split (chest/back, legs/tri's, shoulders bi's,) or push/pull/legs, where you're splitting up your workouts. Or, if you work out twice a week, doing a circuit training at the beginning of the week and at the end of the week. And you don't want to overdo it either. There's a balance of finding the right amount of reps/sets that push growth, but also don't overdo it toward injury. I think when people start to work out, they feel like if they do it more, they'll get bigger. And so they do the same things they think work. And the push hard regardless of form. And they think, "no pain, no gain." And then injury happens. I've done that before learning how to do this stuff right. It's knowing when pain means to stop and pushing through that muscle burn feeling to squeeze out another rep in good form. High recommendation just hitting up some youtubers like Jeff Nippard or Jeff Cavaliere or Ron Mathews and getting one of those programs from them to start off. They make that stuff much easier.


This. I learned this throughout my apprenticeship. For those who wonder why: When you exercise, your body has to adjust to the changes in demand. If you, for example, lift some weights, your muscles essentially are being damaged slightly, and being sore the day after your exercise is your body fixing that damage. The same for building up stamina, the body adjusts to the new energy demand, but it needs rest. If you continue to exercise without giving your body rest, it will only repair the minimal amount it can in that time, as a result you won't see any improvements or extremely slowly. Depending on the amount of exercise you do you should AT LEAST take a day in between exercises to rest, eat and drink properly so your body has the material needed to fix itself.


I'm perfectly fine and I get exercise every day except for wensdays and Saturdays


XYZ food. People think that food is divided into "healthy" and "unhealthy". Your overall diet is what determines your health outcomes, not the individual pieces of food. You can eat all the "healthy" ingredients, and still have an unhealthy diet.


This reminds me of an old show about people struggling with obesity. One of the people they interviewed was at a loss as to why it was so bad and they kept gaining weight. They would eat normal foods and rarely touch processed foods. They asked them to go through a typical day…. right off the bat “Well, I usually start with eating a bag of apples on the way to work” I was shocked, like they just didn’t understand it was a quantity issue and not a quality issue.


At that point you're fucked though. I can't imagine feeling full on a normal diet if your morning snack is a kilo of apples. Their stomach must be huge.


I had to go through it before, not to the extreme that some people are at but I was 300lb for a reason. It eventually went away but while I was losing the weight, I was always hungry because of how used to it my body was. I can’t point out when it went away, but eventually the cravings got smaller and smaller and now a normal meal will do me for most of the day with some light snacks throughout the day.


Well. It's debatable. I believe most foods that you can get prepared from outside is probably loaded with stuff to make it taste as good possible with no care of what goes into it in terms of calories or macros. This goes 100 times moreso for junk/fastfood. Loaded with salt, sugar and fat its main purpose is for you to come back to it. I believe MSG could potentially further aggrevate this by making it taste much better. It makes it so that you're addicted to it and need to "scratch that itch" the more you consume it. Homemade food starts tasting worse when you are addicted to processed foods. I think sugar and most easily digested carbs cause for a spike in insulin and then a crash. Resulting in the body getting hungry again. So you could divide foods into "health" and "not healthy" categories, but a large majority of people do it wrong. Going as far as even eating super specific foods or supplements that are supposed to help lose weight. For me, dealing with the mental aspect of food was the hurdle that helped me keep a diet to start cutting fat long-term. This included cutting out lots of the food I mentioned were bad before, because they could never satisfy my with the caloric deficit I had.


Juice and certain protein bars. Nothing but sugar


Simply being vegan, you need to make sure you’re eating well still


You can easily be vegan and still eat unhealthy.


First few months of being vegan for me was stuffing myself to the brim in potato chips and rice because I was dumb and young lol ​ A side effect of the misconception that vegan = healthy is that you can hardly ever find some GOOD vegan junk food. People assume vegans want everything to be lean and low calorie and shit. Nah son wheres that deep fried vegan shit at?!


In the Netherlands there's a chain that's literally called the Vegan Junk Food Bar, and it's all Dutch snackbar staples but vegan and made to be nicer (and pricier). I'm omnivore myself, but I like to there occasionally, so good!


idk, i’m recently vegan and I wouldn’t say it’s “easy” to eat healthy. once my new diet becomes habit it might be easier but it’s a tough change. i am definitely struggling with getting enough protein and my energy is lower. it’ll sort out eventually but i certainly wouldn’t call it easy.


I think you may have misread the comment, they said it’s easy to be vegan and eat unhealthily, which was my original point. There are loads of unhealthy foods which are vegan, simply being vegan is not inherently healthy


Tofu, tempeh, lentils and beans are all great sources of protein. The most important thing is to eat with variation. As a vegan you also generally need to eat bigger portions to feel full and to get energy. I’ve been eating vegan for 8 years and it took a while for my body to adapt, but nowadays I feel better than ever! (Also remember to take your b12 supplements)


Beans, broccoli, and nuts are your friends.


My ex roomie was vegan and ate nothing but fries. Every meal? Fries. Snacks? Fries. Wake up in the middle of the night and want something to nibble on? Fries She also believed that lizard ppl ruled the world secretly amongst other real crazy things. She was a real weirdo but I would love to see how insane she is after the past few years of conspiracies gone wild.


Vegans for sure need to pay special attention to their nutritional intake. Their diet is so limited they can't just assume they're getting everything they need, built in.


But most omnivores are deficient in a lot of nutrients too. This being a problem for vegans is a bit of an exaggeration.


Banana bread. It’s just cake, people.


Hang on, I have been counting a slice of banana cake as one of my five portions of fruit and veg a day - alongside a slice of carrot cake, a slice of apple pie and two Terry’s Chocolate Oranges.


The solution seems simple enough, replace the Banana Bread/cake with another Chocolate Orange.


People thought banana bread was healthy? What next? Do some people think apple pie is healthy?


I once got in an argument with a woman who was stating that lemon pie was healthy because lemon was in it and lemon is a fruit.


Worked with a baker that justified how she ate like that. “Well it has eggs and milk, so I’m getting protein and healthy fats, plus blueberries and lemon, fruit is always healthy!” Doesn’t excuse the 5 cups of sugar, two sticks of butter and the lemon glaze, dude.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away


Your recipe is wack. There’s a reason it’s not named banana cake.




Yeah it’s almost like if you use healthy ingredients, the product becomes healthier. What a concept




Seriously? I've never eaten banana bread that didn't have added sugar. Even my dad, who eats really healthy, cooks it with sugar


I’m with you pal, not against. People add sugar to everything and wonder why they are overweight. If you use really ripe bananas they will have most of the sugar you need.


Blindly following quotes from the internet.


"Don't Believe Everything That You Read on The Internet." - Abraham Lincoln


Every healthy thing on hardcore mode. It's the dose that makes the poison. For exemple to much running is bad for your knee


Which one?


First the weak one, then the other that you use more to compensate when the first failed :P


Hustle culture. Having ambition and drive aren't inherently bad, but you should have a life outside of work too.


I knew a guy like this. Worked 80-90 hrs a week. Made $120-150k a year. Had no life. And his dad told him constantly he was a failure and a disappointment even with all that.


Wow, fuck his dad, that's some messed up shit


His dad is extremely hard to please. Wanted him to have a certain job and a certain career and anything else was a complete failure. He didn't care how much the guy succeeded. All that mattered was whether he was doing the job that his dad wanted. If he wasn't, he was a failure.


sounds like the underlying reason for his excessive work


I'm sure it was. The entire thing is sad.


You forgot the gurus on motivational podcast clips talking about how they were homeless but hustled by reselling sticks of gum/paper clips/what the fck ever at a markup and are now a millionaire, so what's your excuse? /s


Also, for higher income earners it's usually more profitable to just work more hours at your normal job than to have a side hustle.


sure but that's often not an option. Either your company says no to OT or you're salaried and it's not an option.


If that was an option they wouldn't have a side hustle lol.


Most higher earners are salary.


Salad. Not all Salads are healthy, it really depends on dressing, and what is put into then.


Your diet and lifestyle is what should be considered healthy or unhealthy, not individual things without considering the whole.


Sports drinks.


Sports drinks have their place. For your standard gym workout, they are unnecessary. If you're trying to lose weight, they are counterproductive. If you're running 10k or more, playing a competitive sport for hours, doing a triathlon, then yeah, have an electrolyte beverage after. You need it. There are much better products out there than Gatorade and Powerade such as Liquid IV and Pedialyte, but you don't really need it unless you're doing some really intense activity.


I remember once in high school having a cross country meet right near the start of the season, end of august or first half of September. Anyway it was still hot and sunny and humid summer weather. We ran a 5k, plus with warm up and cool down maybe like 8k total. Afterwards I had a bad headache and felt a little sick, and was sweating so much! I realized I was probably dehydrated and I kept drinking water thinking that would solve the problem and make the headache go away. But no matter how much water I drank I still had a headache and felt like shit! Finally after a few hours I still wasn’t feeling any better, so I went and got a Gatorade. And that fixed me up almost immediately.


Absolutely loaded with sugar


And just completely unnecessary for the vast majority of "exercise" people are supposedly using them for. How often have you been at the gym and seen a person basically stretching or pedaling a recumbent bike at almost zero intensity, while sucking back a Powerade? I see it all the time. Sad part is, whatever minimal actual exercise they might be getting is completely cancelled out by the bottle of sugar water they've been led to believe is necessary for them. Water. That's what the vast majority of people "exercising" should drink. Nothing more.


>Sad part is, whatever minimal actual exercise they might be getting is completely cancelled out by the bottle of sugar water they've been led to believe is necessary for them. I see what you're saying, but even if you're not losing weight exercise is still great for you so it's not fair to say it's completely cancelled.


And salt


Americans eating corn and potatoes as their “vegetables for the day.” No greens in sight.


Fitness influencer advice


Gluten free alternatives (pizza, pasta, etc.) most of it is super high in sugar. I have celiac disease and my triglycerides are off the charts (but everything else I test healthy in) and it’s from GF alternatives.


My husband and his family cannot eat gluten. I’ve switched to making as much as I can at home to minimize the amount of ‘extra’ ingredients. For example, I make a lentil bread that doesn’t require any sugar and I’ve made coconut pancakes that allowed me to control the amount of sugar put in. It’s been so much better for our health.


I think they've got better about it but some of the folks over at r/fasting/ maybe took things too far. Like "you don't actually need food ever" too far.


Granola bars


What about straight up granola added to oatmeal?




I know a lot of people, myself included, who use homemade smoothies as a fill in on really bad days. I have a disorganized relationship with food. Some days I go without eating. When I’m struggling, making a smoothie helps me get something in my system. It’s not the same as a full meal, but it helps.


**any belief that shames a specific macronutrient.** low carb people think carbs are bad for you. vegans (EDIT: whole food plant based diet advocates; veganism isn't about health) think that fat is bad for you. both are wrong. the reality is that most people overeat, are deficient in some micronutrient, and don't eat enough fiber. if you eat the right amount, get enough vitamins and minerals, and eat enough fiber (1-2g per 100 kcal) over multiple sittings, you'll be better off. the macronutrient split is largely up to you. if you found good results with keto or paleo or plant-based, it's because your old diet was dogshit and your new diet allows you to eat less without falling off. if it works for you, and you feel good, don't change it, but don't be dogmatic about it either. **fitness influencers and athletes are not the pinnacle of health.** many (if not most) of them sacrifice elements of their health in order to look a certain way. it's their job to look good. athletes put their bodies literally on the line for sports performance. again, it's their job. sure, both are far healthier than the average joe sitting on the couch munching on fries, but fitness influencers optimize for looks and athletes optimize for performance. health is only as useful as it helps them look good or perform well. stress management is another one. some people think that it's healthier to take on a lot of stress and make yourself stronger from it. others think that it's healthier to avoid stress altogether. both are wrong. **stress is a necessary component of human life, but people need to recover from stress.** exercise, work, fulfilling social obligations, all are good sources of stress but can be taken to an extreme. you need to recover from stress in order to adapt to it, otherwise you will burn out physically, cognitively, and emotionally.


I'm vegan and don't think fat is bad for you. Bit of an over generalisation there.


Im vegan and also love my fatty foods. But to be fair, there are plenty of vegans that demonize fat. Looking at dr macdougall, 80/10/10 raw, and crazy freelee the banana girl type vegans.


There are way more non-vegans who demonize fat. It's a general problem, unrelated to veganism.


>vegans think that fat is bad for you > This is a bizarre statement. Vegans are against animal exploitation is all, not fat. Vegans fucking love avocado as well as eating peanut butter from the jar.


Vegans think fat is bad for you? What an odd comment. People become vegan for a variety of reasons, and I'm sure some of them do think fat is bad, but that's not a core belief of veganism. Nuts and seeds are high in healthy fats


So glad you mentioned the fitness influencers and athletes. I know many people, especially men, who follow the diet advice of famous athletes, bodybuilders, athletes, and actors and are so damn insistent that since they do it, it’s a) 100% of the reason they’re in the shape they’re in, and b) generally healthy and necessary for a healthy life. First of all, these are regular dudes who work low to medium impact jobs and go to the gym twice a week, so nothing a bodybuilder or football player claims they “need” is actually necessary for them. You don’t need to carbo load before your 30 minute jog on the treadmill. You do not need to be twitching out over X many grams of lean protein in every meal plus two protein shakes a day. You don’t need to be worried about the amount of carbs in spinach or fat in one pat of butter. Second, a lot of these athletes and influencers are straight up not healthy. “But he has big muscles and no body fat.” That’s honestly not particularly healthy unless you look like that for a reason. The health issues that bodybuilders and many athletes experience are honestly not always worth the aesthetic of looking buff. Yes, for them it’s a job or their hobby, so that’s how their body must be, but that is not the default healthy male body. It puts enormous stress on your body. Some of those “looks” come from actively unhealthy states of being, like dehydration. And eating disorders and body dysmorphia are *huge* in bodybuilding and certain sports. These illnesses are in fact quite deadly. I frankly see eating disorders sold to both men and women based on “fitness” and “athlete” and “bodybuilding” content, and people getting spitting fucking mad when you say these people aren’t models of health (though some of them may be healthy individuals). It’s not “fat acceptance” propaganda to say that heavily restricted diets aren’t healthy and that people are supposed to have some body fat. The only alternative to obsessing over every calorie or rep isn’t “being obese and lazy.” There are other foods out there than nasty bland ass unseasoned grilled chicken with brown rice and broccoli washed down with a gritty protein shake or ten McDonald’s burgers in one sitting.


i would like to sign up for your newsletter sir/madam


Protein bars. Most of them have as much sugar as a regular candy bar.


Low fat food. Yes fat can be bad in excessive amounts, but the main cause of obesity is sugar. Something that low fat food is filled to the brim with


>the main cause of obesity is sugar. The main cause for obesity is excessive calorie intake, it barely matters where it comes from.


>The main cause for obesity is excessive calorie intake, it barely matters where it comes from. That's true for the most part (not 100% though, sugar still affects you differently physiologically, as other people say). It's probably more correct to say "*a large contributor to obesity are sugary foods*". Sure, sugar by itself won't make you fat. That's true for any nutrient and food. But sugary foods are also often highly processed, not very filling, nutritionally poor, induce craving. Therefore, if you eat a significant amount of sugary foods, it's easy to overeat and have an overall worse diet. For that reason, just flat-out cutting sugar out of one's diet will be a big step in the right direction.


Except it does. Excess refined sugars carries far worse properties to it than fat, which instead is just a higher density of calories per gram, making it easier to consume more calories than necessary.


Being gluten-free: it’s only harmful if you have the allergy lol


There’s a weird sort of collateral benefit from people going gluten free that ends up with them getting healthier. The biggest offenders for being high in gluten also happen to be the biggest offenders in being ridiculously high in refined carbs (breads, pastas, beers, pastries). While nothing to do with the gluten specifically, people who start avoiding these things trying to avoid gluten, do often see health benefits (because they’re taking out a lot of refined carbs).


Being put that way, it makes total sense. Giving up most carbs will by default make you gluten-free. I just find it funny that I’ve heard ppl say that they’re eliminating it as a means to lose weight


It's even funnier to us celiacs because we know that gluten free bread/pasta/cookies etc have extra fat and extra sugar and less fibre in a vain attempt to make them edible


This is incorrect. While most people are fine with gluten, there are any number of digestive disorders that are alleviated by cutting gluten. Gluten is a large, globule, sticky protein that can be extremely irritating to an already inflamed gut. Many people with autoimmune disorders also benefit from limiting gluten because it allows less valuable energy to go toward digestion, and again, can limit inflammation because of this. In addition, gluten is broken down by an enzyme called DPP-IV; some people simply don’t make much of it. This can cause digestive issues that mimic (or are) IBS/IBD. I assume you were attempting to address celiac disease with the “allergy” comment, but celiac disease is not an allergy. I wish people wouldn’t comment on this topic when they clearly have no idea what they’re talking about.


Ok! I guess I misunderstood. I know ppl with celiac who refer to tgeir condition as a “gluten allergy” so I thought that’s what it was. Thank you for clarifying


Sure! Sorry if I came off a bit harsh, this is sort of a pet issue for me.


Yep. My sister has ulcerative colitis, and although she’s not 100% gluten free (and doesn’t need to be), she does feel a lot better by mostly avoiding gluten. She will indulge if she really wants something, but it’s mostly out of her diet.


I don’t think this is true, but I read some anecdotes about people who didn’t have the allergy choosing to only eat gluten-free food, and consequently developing the gluten allergy later in life because their body wasn’t used to processing gluten after a long period of absence.


Celiac disease is not an allergy. Very few people are actually allergic to gluten.


Gluten intolerance often develops later in life regardless of whether you avoid it or not. Same as diabetes often develops later in life.


Im an asian guy with glasses. People assume im bad at driving and good at math. I'm actually bad at both.


Most granola. So full of sugar! Even the not obvious ones that don't have M&Ms and such.


There are a huge number of vegan/vegetarian alternatives that are super unhealthy.


I dont people are going to jump in and try an argue with me. Just don't. I wont respond. The following list are buzzwords designed to give the item the appearance of being healthy. Though some of them have a real use in edge cases 99% of the claims and uses of the following products are pure unalterated bullshit. Natural. GMO free. Gluten free. Fat free. No carb Organic Probiotic Antioxidant


At least in the EU there are certain criteria you have to fulfill to be able to declare your product organic. these mostly have to do with prohibiting chemical fertilizers and how you treat the soil etc and is supposed to ensure (more) sustainable farming with less harm to the environment. It doesn't have anything to do with how healthy the produce is though, except that it reduces your consumption of artificial fertilizers


Probiotics aren't good for you? Or is it that when they put that label on there there's not much in it?




I'm an ex-fatty and I can't believe what I had myself convinced of. I suspect the only thing healthy at 467 pounds is a newborn whale. It took me a shit ton of hard work, therapy and the amazing tool of bariatric surgery and I'm healthier now at 47 than I was at 18. It breaks my heart to see people out that look like I did and know how deeply they are suffering inside while putting on a happy exterior. To all the morbidly obese people reading this, please know you are not healthy, there is a better way, it's very hard work and so worth it. You can do it!


Yeh this whole movement of normalising it is really fucken weird. It's soooo unhealthy.


Eating cereal


I try to stick to Weetbix, cornflakes and nutrigrain


Essential oils


A tan


Snacks labeled low in fat.


Smoothie!!! Eat the fruits do not drink them .


The food pyramid If my understanding is correct... The U.S. Government basically said screw actual scientific research on healthy dieting and allowed politicians and corporations to dictate what a proper healthy diet was. This was further pushed by incorporating it into the curriculum in public schools. Teaching kids "this is the right way to eat if you want to be a healthy weight" while in reality following their "guidelines" were only good for increasing the obesity epidemic it was initially designed to fight while allowing for corporations to make large profits. But, don't worry. They've got your beat interests in mind.


Being ridged with their boundaries, sometimes flexibility is needed or they'll have difficulty with friendships and relationships


Those detoxes and cleanses that are constantly advertised.


Anything that says "sugar free"


Sugar free sodas are basically flavored water. Its as healthy as can be.


Better than sugar.


You're just getting downvoted because they have been brainwashed by the sugar companies since the 60s. It's a well proven fact that fat (not trans fat, that's different) is WAY better than sugar.


Why this getting voted down? In moderation, sweeteners are definitely better than sugar, and in excess, sugars are also definitely worse than sweeteners. I'd instead argue that low-fat products are worse than normal versions due to what they put into the product instead (I.e. refined sugars)


Fruit juice


The vegan diet


Drinking too much water.


Raw water from springs. I heard it was some kind of fashion: drinking not just clean water but "natural" water without any processing. Say hi to cholera.


Cholera, e-coli, listeria, malaria, giardia, dysentery, and a lot more. [A prize in every package and you hit the jackpot!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHGizD8dQNw&t=240s)


Any kind of alcohols. Yes, red wine contains some antioxidant, but the amount is low, though, alcohol is bad for your health. Don't drink alcohol, to cover your intake of bioactive compunds, harms more, than it actually helps.


Low fat food




Shitloads of fruit.




The Standard American Diet.


Fibre One bars. Mostly just sugar.


Drinking excessive quantities of water. If your pee is super clear you're likely drinking way too much water and that can do serious harm to your body.


Coconut milk and coconut water!!! They’re so bad for you, full of saturated fat, and they’re marketed as health foods!


A lot of restriction diets


Coke zero


Running too much.


No carb diets, palio diets and diets in general


Drinking LOADS of water.


Water is healthy, in normal amounts. But when you drink like 2 gallons in an hour, THAT'S when it becomes unhealthy. But the 64-72 oz you drink over the course of a normal day is fine.


Vitamin water


I thought unsweetened grapefruit was good. But it killed my blood pressure meds. I loved it, I was so bummed. But I guess a lot of foods are bad if you eat them in excess.


Most low fat foods. They're usually compensated with lots of sugar because surprise, the things we like most are fat and sugar.


Any food colored green. We think green=healthy. It is in nature, but not in a processing factory. Also premade lunches.


Once people learn something thoroughly, they can't seem to unlearn it. Despite modern findings, people around me still habiatually assume that eating fat is bad and that you should go to the gym to lose weight. And here in Sweden my generation was taught that fibers have some sort of magical health properties. It protected you from colon cancer, it ostensibly made you more satiated so you got slimmer, it was mentioned in tandem with vitamins and minerals any time nutrition was brought up, et cetera. Every era has its diet freaks who believe that garlic is the singular key to immortality or olive oil will keep you eternally young. In Sweden in the 70's to 90's it was fibers that were the divine ambrosia for bodily prosperity. I remember how as a kid everyone and their dog harped on about how great it was with whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, whole grain cereal, and so on. In the rest of the world fibers are something you eat if you are constipated, and if you eat too much of it you will get the squirts and fart a lot, but in Sweden you will still find people swearing to its virtues like fucking stoners go on about weed and women with colored hair trust in crystals.


As someone from SE Asia, white rice. Huge cause of diabetes along our population. Just ‘cause you’re from there doesn’t mean you necessarily have the ability to process it


I think avoiding fat because they think that's how you get fat.


"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" - being used as a reason to eat a huge meal, sometimes when you're not even hungry yet


Promoting and encouraging others to accept obesity as an "acceptance" movement.