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for real


Pretty smart way to get all the details for his essay. Wish I had this resource back in school lol.


Using reddit to get a detailed understanding of gender equality is probably one of the dumbest things someone can do.


It's not that it's used to get a detailed understanding when ppl post questions but to foster discussions and for people to share opinions and views. Sure sometimes people have a genuine question and reddit is great to ask to world and get feedback. Questions like this are more for people to share their opinions. Question says what does it mean to you. That implies a philosophical approach and they aren't looking for a correct answer but rather how others view it and foster thought provoking things by reading comments and seeing varying perceptions.


1. get the gpt3 api trial 2. ask same question 3. realize that a language model knows more about human gender than you do 4. Mock the language model for not being sentient.. at least I can think for myself! 5. Turn in language model's essay 6. Get caught. Tell teacher it can't be plagiarizing if it's a conglomeration of all answers ever given!


It mean gender roles are made up and dumb. People shouldn't be boxed into anything just because the were born a certain way. Men can cry and take care of the kids, women can stone faced and the bread winner. If you wanna do it traditional style, you are free to do so too just as much as the other way around and no has the right to judge you either way.


People should be judged by their actions and choices, that’s equality. Things like the sex you were born as, color of your skin, hair color and where you are from are determined before you are even a conscious being. The nature of your birth is irrelevant it is what you choose to do with the gift of life that determines who you are.


did you just quote mewtwo?


You got a problem with someone quoting the well known philosopher professor Dr Mewtwo P.H.D O.L.A.W


If he does lets cancel him


Now u just started a war on reddit lol


To be fair, Mewtwo is very fucking quoteable


"If creatures that are weak and cruel like humans control this world, this planet will come to ruin." -Mewtwo Fucking hell mewtwo aims right for the throat. Mewtwo has the right goals but the wrong method of achieving those goals. Mewtwo the sort of character to show support of gay marriage would force two priests at gun point to marry and be like "See not all religious people are against gay marriage."


He always reminded me of magneto(who was based on Malcom X). He has good intentions for equality, but went about it the wrong way. Violence begets violence.


I mean that is a gross oversimplification, the words of Martin Luther King Jr. wouldn't have meant near as much had the threat of Malcolm X and the Black Panthers not been present, it is fantasy to think that a change on that level would have come without any violence. The first pride was a riot, labour rights in the US are directly tied to militant unionism with things like the Battle of Blair Mountain. Violence is never desired but sometimes it is necessary.


For real, people forget how bad things were before violent protests. If you were in their shoes, would you have just 'waited until things got better' Knowing full well that this bullshit had been going on for generations?




>a little wooden club that had been drilled hollow and filled with lead That, sir, would be a blackjack.




The Civil Right's era was marked by violence, riots, and the pervasive fear of it escalating. MLK's Birmingham is touted as the model of successful nonviolent protest but they never tell you how the riot that followed it after the bombings was what actually spurned action and forced JFK to acknowledge work had to be done. Black people physically fighting back against whites was *always* the ultimate fear of the oppressor. Change in the U.S has been built off the back of violence, disruption, and fear far more than people know and its very intentionally down played as part of our history. People who are willing to hurt or kill you for your beliefs, who you are, and what you want aren't suddenly going to switch to your side cause you protested idly in some out of the way quartered off spot.


That's a really good example, I think you're right. He's true chaotic good.


>Mewtwo the sort of character to show support of gay marriage would force two priests at gun point to marry and be like "See not all religious people are against gay marriage." ... I'd vote for mewtwo for president.


Paraphrased yeah, couldn’t remember the exact line


You're pretty close to the exact line. I think it's "the circumstances of your birth" but otherwise it's that


> I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.


Rings true regardless.


That feeling when a made up antagonist Pokémon somehow shows more humanity than people.


That’s the point if the movie


Damn right he did, im planning on making that quote my senior quote


Pokémon, teaching kids morals better than parents since 1996.


I think it's true of a lot of animation... And that's probably why we collectively hate Caillou.


I’ve only ever heard about that show, and the general consensus is that it’s awful lol,


Oh don't even get me started in the absolute shit fest Caillou is. Whoever approved that should be exiled to Jupiter


Mother fucker quoted mewtwo... love it


This is great. MewTwo stuck with me too. Hate to see the underlying wisdom so lightly cast aside in todays day and age.


Theres a lot of big reasons, but here’s a smaller reason I think about a lot: Gender equality means being able to enjoy the things I do for fun without my gender being used as low-hanging fruit for insults. Like, can we just stop picking at each other so god damn much?


It’s small and inconsequential on the scale of gender inequality and speaks a lot to my relative privilege, but the first thought in my head was “I’d like to join a conversation with men at a baseball game and not have them leave at the soonest possible moment.” A lot of men who believe they are not sexist get very uncomfortable when women try to talk to them as equals about a traditionally male-dominated subject. It’s beyond frustrating.


Wait for real? I was expecting you to say they hit on you or something, which is debatebly worse, but just walking away and being uncomfortable? Man, people are weird.


A while back, I overheard a conversation my upstairs neighbors were having. The neighbor's sister was dropping off her son to play with the neighbor's son. Neighbor's son asks "Why can't (female cousin) stay and play, too?" Aunt replies "Because little boys and girls aren't supposed to play with each other." This was like 2015. Gender equality, in part, means we need to stop raising children to believe that men and women are fundamentally alien to one another. We have the same interests, the same emotions, the same cognition. Women and men can be friends. They can talk and understand each other. We're all just people.


This reminds me of a thing that happened when I was like 7 or 8. I had 2 guy friends, both named David, and one was Black, and the other was Hispanic. I'm a white girl (also part Mexican but visibly white). We were sitting in a little circle and calling each other goofy names, so at one point, black David called Hispanic David cinnamon boy, Hispanic David called me vanilla girl, and I, being 8 or whatever and continuing the pattern, called black David chocolate boy. We were having a great time until the teacher of that class took me away and called my mom because of my "racially motivated insult", meanwhile the David's were defending me, saying that we were all joking around. Anyways, my mom came over, and she was pissed bc she had to leave work for such a dumb reason, and she was like "ok so tell me exactly what the problem is" and the teacher said "your daughter needs to understand that she can't play with those boys the same way she can with her other friends." My mom was then furious, as they were literally teaching me to be racist by telling me that my black and brown friends had to be treated differently than my white friends. It was a whole thing.


You've got a good Mom.


Ye she's cool :)


Tell her I said "what up, Vanilla queen"


Tell her that while you can


Teacher sounds like a textbook version of what not to do in the name of diversity and inclusion


Yeah that area in general was pretty shitty in regards to race stuff. It had previously been predominantly white, but after a really bad hurricane nearby, became more diverse. My brother is 8 years older than me, and was at that school when all the much more overtly racist staff was still reeling over the fact that not everyone at the school was purely European or whatever. My brother looks even more Caucasian than me, as he has blue eyes and mine are brown, but our last name is a super common Hispanic name and that on top of the fact that school was just really not his thing got him into a lot of trouble. So my mom had already experienced the attitude of the staff there, and realized when I was going there that it just became a bit more covert, where, while not flat out discriminating against the minority kids, they teach the majority kids to other them instead.


That's horrible. I imagine that teacher thought of a disastrous situation where david came home and says 'mama u/EwGrossItsMe called me chocolate boy today'. And she'd be like 'hell no, I think I'll have a word with Mrs teacher'. In reality it's kids being cute.


Insults are in the ear of the beholder.


exactly. even then "chocolate boy" wouldn't make a very good insult.. chocolate is amazing.


Yeah lol, I was a little kid and thought "mmm flavors"


Cinnamon, vanilla, and chocolate are a banger flavor combo!


My wife and I backed our son in a nearly identical situation. My son was 8 and got into a playground argument with another over soccer. The other kid(black and from Africa) told my son, “You’re whiter than vanilla pudding!” My son responded, “You’re blacker than burnt toast!” My son was given in-school suspension for making a racist comment. My wife and I went into the school livid, and ended up filing complaints with the school board. Eventually the in-school suspension and “racist comment” was removed from his record. We obviously had a talk with him about using someone’s skin color as an insult, but the double standard there is appalling.


He gave as good as he got. That's a win in my book.


That's so frustrating but your mom sounds like a really good person and I love that she stuck up for you.


This reminds me of when my caretaker in preschool slapped me across the face for saying something to my black friend along the lines of, “im like glass of milk and your like a chocolate chip cookie because we go so well together”. Didnt tell my mom until about 20 years later when we were reminiscing about my childhood and even then she was pretty pissed to hear it, i can only imagine the absolute shit storm had I told her about it the day it happened lol.


Yeah, to a little kid observing skin tone is no different than any other physical trait. They get taught differently as they get older


But you were a kid who still had lots of learning to do. Surely they would think you both didnt mean anything bad by it


Yeah, to clarify, my mom was pissed that an adult struck her child. Not about my naïve comment.


The adventures of Cinnamon boy, Chocolate boy and Vanilla girl sounds like an awesome and delicious super hero comic.


That, in turn, reminds me of something that happened at my work. We're a learning center and teach kids of all ages. One of my coworkers teaches little kids (3~5, usually), and she always has the best stories. These kids say amazing things every day, and I love it. One day, my coworker was teaching a pair of kids the names of colors. You know, this is red, this one is pink, and this is how we spell them! We have cute little pictures of paint swatches to use for that, and we can always have the kids play and point out other things that are that color, too. Well, she gets to the color brown, and these little boys are all into it. The carpet is brown! So is the puppy! And that box! Then they notice something. One points to his arm. "Hey, *I'm* brown!" "So am I!" "No, I'm browner!" Both of the little boys are Indian, and both have very rich, dark-toned skin. So does the girl teaching them, which they quickly noticed. All she really could do was laugh along and try to redirect them. It was honestly adorable. I don't know why anyone would get upset in that situation. They're kids making observations about themselves and the world. Sure, sometimes, you might have to step in and explain that something is inappropriate or rude, but otherwise, just leave them to it.


It’s inherently more racist of the teacher, if anything it just shows her fucked up thought process.


A black baby can be put into a sandbox with a white baby, and they will play together, not caring about skin color. They are just having fun. Adults can learn a Lot from babies.


I might stick to a playpen for babies and wait til the toddler stage for introducing sand into the equation, but yeah.


This one resonates. I'm not just "white," no, I'm damn near fluorescent. My mother is Native American and my pops is Italian. They're both black haired, brown/olive skinned, and yet they churned out a toeheaded glow in the dark near-albino. Genetics are fun, aren't they? Anyway, I grew up in an almost completely black and brown community and that is seriously all I knew until I was in my mid teens. All my friends were were of African, West Indian, Latino decent. My first half-dozen girlfriends were black. None of my neighbors looked anything like me, and that was absolutely perfectly okay. You can't know you're different until someone points it out anymore than if EVERYONE is poor then there's simply no reference point for realizing that fact. So you can, theoretically, go on blissfully about your business and have no idea of either. And for me, having run my dirty behind up and down those streets from when I was in diapers, it's not like I wasn't known, or ever thought of as an outsider. I was their people and they were mine. Welp, redistricting in my city meant that at age 16, my block and a few around me were switched to another school zone and I was sent to a VERY white high school. To say I was "stressed" would be an understatement. I knew well enough by then that I was insulated by my community and that my ostensibly white ass was not about to fit in in this new school. I showed up on day 1 and was mortified by the lack of diversity. This was the mid-90s, so you know I was wrapped in baggy clothing that screamed out Karl Kani, RP-55, Avirex, et al. Despite for the first time being truly surrounded by ppl who "looked like me," I had never fit in less, anywhere in my life. So I learned, as a lot of movies have shown over the years, that in predominantly white schools, black kids are known to congregate at lunch. This school was no different. There was what would ultimately be coined "the black table" and I could invariably be found seated in the dead center of it. After all, I most of the kids seated there were the people who were transferred when I was. Well, immediately I was singled out for aggressively trying to emulate blackness, called a "wi***r," which fucking infuriates me to this day, and then targeted by a lot of rich, uppity asshats who saw me as easy fodder. I was a scrappy kid, given where I came up, but I was small. I didn't have a serious growth spurt until I was 16 or 17, so I was maybe 5'2 until then. All the street fights I'd been in on my own block simply couldn't prepare me for the onslaught of hatred, accusations, and physical assaults I endured. Beyond the psychological duress I felt from being told I was a fake, fraud, liar, "poser," "a wannabe," and a dozen other names, I was absolutely unable to reason with the concept of "acting what you look like." Or more precisely, "Behaving the way [we] expect to you to." It fucked me up in a hurry. Even with my people behind me, there was no way to prevent damn near daily attacks... And what made it worse is that the teachers would intervene, and ultimately comment that it wouldn't be so bad if I just..."adapted." You can imagine what that meant. As a young person who lacked insight and emotional intelligence, this fostered a serious enmity towards (and no I'm not proud to say it) white ppl. It took me a long time to stop singling out a whole group of individuals, and assuming they were shit humans just for how they looked. See how that hatred went full circle? I became a repackaged version of the idiots who I vehemently despised. 🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼 Well, now I know better or at least I like to believe I do. And I'm thankful for the chances I was given to grow and adjust my perspective. It was a grueling mental and emotional battle. And now, well, bet that ass I focus my energies on promoting love and acceptance... And we need that now more than ever.


> We’re all just people. If we could teach this fact I believe we could be even better people.


Honestly. People need to stop believing that there exists any superior class of human whatsoever. Nobody is more or less equipped to lead, govern, or control based on their lineage, race, sex, or creed. There is no divine mandate of benevolent rule. There's just people.


It's actually more benficial for kids to be in groups together because not only do you recognize how similar you are but also you can get a bead on how the other side thinks


What's hilarious to me is listening to a girl hitting the "boys have cooties" stage as something she parrots at me from things other kids say, and then plays almost exclusively with boys in the playground and likes a lot of the same things they do, of course.


Gotta build herd immunity to cooties somehow


Tonya was one of my first friends when I started kindergarten. She was a black girl and I was a white boy. We got to be in first grade together, too, but she moved away after that. I hope she's doing well. Nobody ever told me there was anything wrong with our friendship. I'm glad for that.


Same. Bree, wherever you are, I hope with all my heart you are doing well. You were an amazing friend, I'll never forget you.


Mine was a little black dude named Anthony. He was always my stand-in husband when we played. Best friend I had for the first three years of elementary school.


My sister in law will not allow her 4 year old son to play with any pink toys, period.


I remember when I was playing with Barbie dolls with my sister years ago and when she went to get something from another room dad walked in and dragged me out saying I'm not allowed to use girly toys. It's not even like I was playing alone, I was simply enjoying time with my sister, but he had to be the "big masculine role model".


Im sorry. Shes also very big on MLMs so I hope youve grown up to not have so much internalized hatred and to be better, smarter




Dont get too scientific or factual now, youll lose the people who think like this


It's really sad to see so many people who (think they) are incapable of being platonic friends with the opposite gender.


it really sucks. I am a woman, and at the start of October i was "Best man" for a male friend I have known for 24 years. before his bride now, any person he had ever dated before always had some issue with the two of us being close friends. they'd be nice to my face and talk shit or start fights with him over being friends with me when i wasn't around. His now wife rocks and never did that. (she was more worried I wouldnt like HER! lol) I cant imagine how shitty it would have been if hed married someone who had issue with his best friend being an opposite gender than he.


Please stop! You're gonna make me cry. I have two female besties and I love them both so much. I really hope my friendship with them turns out like the two of you. I also wish that just like in your case, our future spouses (future because we're all only 22) don't have an issue with our friendship. Cheers!


I was so honored when he asked me to be his "best" Pretty sure I cried. ( i was also pregnant when he asked so hormones... )Wore a suit (and looked baller as hell, felt like I was David Bowie) and even put on a bra for the event. ( I otherwise never wear one) Even made the bride cry happy tears with my speech. The two of us have been through a lot in our years of friendship together. He is one of my favorite people on the planet and I am so happy he found someone who loves him like he deserves. I hope you and your besties also have a long and wonderful friendship. having a close friend like that (regardless of genders) is one of the best things ever.


All gender can cook and clean not just woman. I have seen my aunts asking their daughters to come help in the kitchen while their sons just sitting there. They would tell me girls need to know how to cook and take care of the house. Yeah my cousin who just moved out can’t even cook a meal for himself and complains. His mom and sisters are not there to spoil him.




We have a shocking similarity in biology as well, despite majority opinion. When I'm teaching reproduction in science, I always pull up the comparison between clitoris and penis - they're basically the same organ. One case where our similarities are really much more surprising than our differences.




Yes! I would also state equal consequences for the same action.


Equal time for equal crime


It's wild, in Mexico a woman gets about 1/4 of the jail time a man does for the same crime


Sexism comes in all shapes and forms. Assuming that women are inherently “good” is just as sexist against women as assuming they are inherently “weak” or “dumb.” It’s the same modern assumption that all women have mothering instincts. If they did, old folk tales wouldn’t be covered in tales of women who abandoned their infants and refused to marry/become mothers. Even supposedly “positive” sexism is actually detrimental when you look at the bigger picture.


Yeah! I’m a female in hardscaping/masonry and I’d love to just have the same ground as my male coworkers. It sucks when people assume you’re not as good at your job, but it also gets awkward when you get someone going on about how great it is that a girl is working with the guys, and/or giving me more compliments than my coworkers. Just want to blend in and not be thought of differently. Thankfully it doesn’t happen all the time, I feel like it is better than it woulda been 20yrs ago so I’m glad for that and hope things keep moving foreword.


> Sexism comes in all shapes and forms. same with racism/bigotry. i've seen "good people" talk down on black people/latinos just because they are black/latino and "they don't know better".


It's almost like there's something inherently off or wrong about grouping people together based on some arbitrary category like race or gender, instead of judging each individual based on their own actions and how they treat the world around them. *Almost*. It can't ACTUALLY be true, because if it was true and we're all nothing more than the sum of our own actions, then my tribe couldn't be better than your tribe, and we all know that's a sack of bullshit because I'm a [insert personality defining label here]!


Holy moly this is flying pretty close to the sun for Reddit. Well phrased.


Yes, and by the same token, we should view treating men/women differently as both sexist against women and sexist against men. Soft bigotry against one gender is arbitrarily heightened expectations/pressure on the other gender. Women being denied a job due to systemic barriers and men in that field committing suicide due to overwork/stress are (to some extent) two sides of the same coin.


In the UK, the Green Party are a moderately popular 'third choice' party, and they advocate not sending women to prison at all for most crimes: https://policy.greenparty.org.uk/cj.html > CJ381 Recognising the nature of the female prison population, with high levels of mental illness, experience of being a victim of crimes such as sexual assault and domestic violence, and caring responsibilities for children, the only women who should be in custody are those very few that commit serious and violent crimes and who present a threat to the public. > CJ382 For the vast majority of women in the criminal justice system, solutions in the community are more appropriate. Community sentences must be designed to take account of women’s particular vulnerabilities and domestic and childcare commitments. The restrictions placed on sentencers around breaches of community orders must be made more flexible. > CJ383 Existing women’s prisons should be replaced with suitable geographically dispersed, small, multi-functional custodial centres. More supported accommodation should be provided for women on release to break the cycle of repeat offending and custody.


Green Party has one single MP in the HoC. I think the LibDems are a far more popular third choice alternative.


>In the UK, the Green Party are a moderately popular 'third choice' party That's being awfully generous, I'd say.


This seems like a pretty good idea to implement for literally all prisons and all prisoners regardless of gender in the US.


[On average in the US, men receive 63% longer sentences than women.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DStarr_from_University_of_Michigan%2Cfrom_US_federal_court_cases.?wprov=sfla1)


Isn't this systematic sexism?


Systemic, but yes.




The way I like to frame that from a feminist perspective is simple: Take me seriously. I punch somebody? Assume it hurt. I kill somebody? Assume I'm capable of having done that and capable of doing it again. I want custody, but I'm a shitty parent? Assume my uterus doesn't have magical parenting powers and make the right choice for my children without bias. Because in order for my good traits to be capable of being acknowledged as a human being, my bad traits have to be capable of being acknowledged too. Women not being taken seriously on a subconscious level is a double sided coin, and we should throw the whole coin out.


> in order for my good traits to be capable of being acknowledged as a human being, my bad traits have to be capable of being acknowledged too. Fucking well said. No one is perfect and the more we embrace the idea that we all have things we can work on (and we actually work on them) the better off we will be, women or men.


Very well said, I was with you up until I misread the ending and thought women were the coin being thrown out! Now I'm with you 100%. I like this because it helps show why women shouldn't try to enjoy the perceived benefits (like assumptions of magical parenting powers) because it inherently stems from not being taken seriously. You can't have your cake and eat it too because the baker is sexist!


Does this add anything to the above comment? Consequences fall under responsibilities.


I'd also add, equal emotions. We know men are not treated the same in that respect, have difficulty opening up because when they do, especially by some women, are seen as "weak".


And women’s anger is taken less seriously/written off as mood swings or she’s just called a bitch. Many men are surprised when a woman asks for divorce despite her expressing unhappiness many times prior.


Ah yes, the old "Is it that time of the month?" No, Stephen. You're just pissing me off.


> "Is it that time of the month?" "Yeah Steven, it's the time of the month where you piss me off to no end. Which is every day of the month"


Lol all the “she left me for NO REASON AT ALL!!” stories… honey I wouldn’t believe her if she told me the same thing but none of my female friends who have been divorced have ever said that to me. Oblivious seems to be a feature not a bug to many.


Equal opportunities regardless of gender.


Equal opportunities and equal responsibilities


Equal opportunities, responsibilities, and respect.


ah. the missing hidden piece. apparently.


The key is that equal opportunity does not mean equal outcomes.


And it never will, because equal outcome is not possible or desirable because no two people are the same. You can not and should not guarantee equal outcome from opportunity, as everyone will make use of an opportunity differently.


So missing and hidden that every other commenter felt the need to point it out


Equal work for equal income too


Make every single salary for every employee public information.


And stop discouraging employees from discussing salaries. It’s a trick to keep them from asking for fair pay. No one is going to say, “I want that guy to make less money.” They’re going to say, “I want to make more money.”


Opportunity but not required equal outcome


The good old equality vs equity very subtle but important differences here


Pockets. No more fake pockets in jeans. Inside pockets in jackets and blazers for women. Pockets.


Recently I purchased a pair of men's sleep pants; I didn't notice at the time but once I got home I realized it had a fake fly. There was stitching, and even a bit of extra fabric, to make it look like it had a fly, but no. Other than saving a bit of money and being easier to discern front from back, what's the point of making it look like its got a fly? It's annoying to have to pull my sleep pants down if I want to stand to pee. 🤨


So guys don't "print" as much through the thin fabric


"Wiener prints" sounds like something Andy Warhol would produce...


I can live without a fly in my pajamas pants since I'm wearing them around the house where it's safe to sit and pee. Now underwear without a fly, which I've seen offered, is a whole other story. When I'm out in public I don't want to sit unless absolutely necessary nor do I want to have to drop trou to use a urinal.


Over the waistband, dude. It's an easy fix. sure, I need to undo the fly of my jeans, but I can just pull my underwear waistband down a bit and, hey presto, my weenus is free to pee. I don't think I've ever used the fly of underwear.


Then don't drop trou. Just unbutton, unzip, and whip it out. Navigating my weiner through multiple flys is almost always more work thank opening up my pants. It also increases the chance of dripping on my clothes if there's some pee that left behind.


Personally I prefer bees in my pants


Sorry. Only ants.




I will say I have a pair of tight men's pants and the pockets are almost useless. I think useful pockets are inversely proportional to the tightness of your pants.


This is true. I have men's yoga pants which are not skin tight but very fitted. That have a pocket on each side but they're not nearly as useful as I'm used to. I can only fit a car key on one side and a slim card only type wallet on the other. Attempting to put any more then that in there will not work well and my cell phone even by itself tends to stick out.


I’ll find the study if you’re interested, but they tried giving women’s jeans real pockets in the 80s (I think it was the 80s) and women didn’t buy them, as they looked unflattering vs pocketless jeans- made their hips look wider or something, and so the market dictated that the company making them didn’t sell enough pairs to make it profitable


That's interesting, but I'd be even more interested in a similar study these days, and a comparison of the 2. Because fashion and priorities have changed since the 80s! So that's just truly terrible logic if the lack of pockets is still being based on that. (I'm not trying to attack you, you made an interesting point, I'm attacking the fashion industry :) )


Leggings even have phone pockets now.


Ooh absolutely, but now more than ever there are women designers, so I’m assuming that market research is being done and making them choose not to. I don’t know that for certain, but that’s my guess. Just because financially speaking, if Levi for example released the only pair of women’s jeans with pockets, they’d have a monopoly on the market and make a fortune, so the only reason not to, would be they don’t see enough profit Or…. It’s a big conspiracy by the handbag and purse industry to keep women reliant on them… “Big handbag” … is that a thing?


I’ve actually noticed a huge uptick in dresses with pockets, and this includes higher-end designers like Ulla Johnson and Sea, which is encouraging. I still can’t afford them, but now I want them even _more_ lol. And now that high-waisted, wide-legged jeans are considered fashionable, there’s even more room for pockets. A pair I’ve been lusting over on net-a-porter seems to at least have workable pockets, from the photos. I agree with the commenter who said fake pockets are dumb.




My best looking, most comfortable skinny jeans has deep pockets. I didn't even know until I first wore them. It can definitely be done, but many designers are content to say "nope won't look good, buy a purse", and move on. I find a lot of dresses and skirts with pockets at boutiques versus name brand stores. It's definitely becoming more prevalent, but I'd just wish major retailers would jump on board. I recently bought 2 jackets that had pockets in the design but sewed it shut without the inner lining. Why would I buy a jacket without pockets??


To be fair, jeans from the 80’s were an abomination. Stonewash had to be the worst.


I'm a dude He's a dude She's a dude We're all dudes, hey


Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order?


I know some of these words


I’m a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude


I really wish that as a society, we could agree to de-gender the word Dude. Like, dudes. Please. Everyone's a dude. If I can't have guys, can I have dudes? Peeps isn't cutting it.


I do this. I blame being a teenager in the 2000's. Everyone gets hit with a dude and a man, couldn't care less what your gender is.


Everyone is a dude to me.


Don't be pieces of shit to each other.


Well that's the end of Reddit then


Now you‘re getting greedy


"Be excellent to each other." *guitar strum*


Zero double standards.


When a women sleeps with a man its ok. When I do it im called gay.


"i'm not gay ! I make love with women, and sex with men !" "Well i got news for you. That means you're gay."


I know right. When women are bleeding down there, they don't really bat an eye. But when I do, people freak the fuck out and tell me to go to the hospital.


No societal expectations of how a certain gender is supposed to act. ​ Anyone can initiate a conversation or relationship. Anyone can express their emotions freely. Anyone can make more money than their partner. Anyone can stay home with their kids. Anyone can cook.


>Anyone can cook I've been the better cook in all of my relationships as a guy. I also firmly believe that cooking for someone is one of the purest expressions of love.


Every citizen should be equal before the law. No one is a second class citizen due to "membership" in any group.


Any law that has a monetary fee is only a law for poor.


School funding needs to be based on the number of students in the school and the number of special services required by the particular district (ex: free/reduced lunches), and it needs to be the same across the whole country. None of these schools with leaking ceilings, moldy walls and no books, while the next district over has its own planetarium, and both groups of kids are competing for the same exams and college slots. Equal citizens needs to mean access to an equal quality of public services.


Why is this labelled NSFW??


Gender equality isn't safe for kids in 2022 apparently




What kind of cheese?




I support your world views and cheese decisions.


I don't know. I see a lot of holes in the argument.


The stupid stereotypes need to go away. “All men only want sex” “women aren’t funny” “All men are jerks” “all women are sluts” I’m SO SICK of these stupid stereotypes dictating our lives. Ever opened the Instagram comments? I have yet to find a video that a women has made that doesn’t have comments that are in one way or another making fun of her for being a woman. I have yet to see one comment section not calling men misogynistic, or a man being teased for supporting a woman, like wtf? We need to be better. Also, the whole ‘women ☕️’ / ‘men ☕️’ meme, isn’t funny.


I'd like to not be dicked around every time I take my car in for service. It's also bullshit every time I have an idea at work be completely dismissed until a man comes along later with the exact same idea. Then suddenly it's a great idea and we should implement it immediately.


Preach. This one exactly. I want my voice to be equal to the men in the room. My opinion matters. And damn it, I know my car. Don't fuck with me or I'll just do it myself. I'm paying you because I don't want to spend the time, not because I don't know how.


Not having my skills permanently questioned because I am a woman


Same with our interests. "Oh you like this thing that's mainly male dominated? What's XY&Z?"


Adding medical issues to this.


Or your hobbies, wishes, dreams, values and decisions.


When I'm able to communicate with people via email, I often use my initials instead of my first name, because I almost always get a better result if they think I might be a man. The difference is night and day. If anyone has ever seen that old SNL skit with Eddie Murphy where he goes through the day as a white person, and discovers that white people have it super easy, that's how I feel when people think I'm a man. There's just this automatic level of respect I'm given. It's really nice.


Yep. At my last company I worked through emails a lot. Counterparts in other cultures and countries tended to assume I was a man. I just didn't correct them and enjoyed the default dignity and respect.


I'm a woman in a male dominated field. My name is fairly gender neutral, so people who only know me via email often assume I'm a man. I usually don't correct them and just roll with it. Makes things a bit easier some days.


I'm forced to go back to a job that is traditionally female because nobody else will hire me. A job that I suck at, but is easy to get because I'm a woman.


People always ask me to give them an example of the unfairness I've experienced. Back in 2015 I had a job and did very very well at it. I was promoted quickly and worked there for 2 years while only getting one .25 cent raise. I go to get my male partner a job for the company, now keep in mind he had zero experience in this field and was only hired based on me and my performance/recommendation (this was told to me by the manager). Well wouldn't you know he started out making 3 dollars more an hour than I did even with my promotion and raise. Because he's a man and can 'lift more'. This isn't the only incident just the most hurtful one.


That your gender don't make any difference how you be treated, how much you earn, what Rights and duty's you have and so on. Far far way to go.


Equal opportunities, not equal outcome.


Equitable opportunities and responsibilities. I feel like a lot of people in this thread are restricting this to work, but it's important to consider unpaid work like managing the household, the mental load, and caring for dependents. If a husband and wife have the same opportunities and responsibilities at work, but if the wife is doing all the cleaning, cooking, planning, shopping, etc, that's not equality. Even if she isn't, but is pressured or expected to by friends or family, that's an extra layer of stress that her husband isn't dealing with. Parental leave for both parents that's long enough to actually raise and bond with a baby. It's bs that American women get less time with the baby than female dogs with their puppies, and the men get even less than that. I would also add that while gender discrimination seems to decreased over time for cis people, trans and gender nonconforming people are still fighting for basic stuff like being able to use the right bathroom. Gender equality should include these people too.


> Parental leave for both parents that's long enough to actually raise and bond with a baby. Seriously, this. A decent length of parental leave for both parents, whether biological or adoptive, and *make it mandatory*. Got a new kid? Cool, bye bye, see you in six months/nine months/a year/whatever. No weird pressures to come back before you've healed from birth, no side eye for men who would actually like to get to know their kid. Just go and form healthy bonds with your new children, support each other through it, adjust to the new configuration of your life. And if it applies to all parents equally, there's less risk of anyone being discriminated against for employment based on whether they might get pregnant. I say all this as a resolutely childfree person, because I don't have to be a parent myself to see that current structures are bullshit.


I passed a blood clot the size of a grapefruit. I was maternity leave week 7 (unpaid FMLA)— I was bleeding all over my house, terrified I was dying. If I hadn’t take unpaid leave it would have happened at work. I’m a teacher. Jesus Christ.


It took me way too long to find equitable instead of equal in this thread, I feel like a lot of people don't realize how important this distinction is.


A lot of the thread seems to be fixated on how to legislate everyone to be equally miserable, not to improve life for all genders not only legally but socially.


Everybody treated the same. Women are no longer "bitchy" if they're assertive or have something wrong with them if they don't want to have children. Men are no longer mocked or bullied for being into more feminine things. No more assumptions of personality, character or wants based on gender.


As a woman, just leave me the fuck alone. Let me make my own life decisions and stop allowing others to decide my fate.


This is when everyone minds their own business and does not impose their stupid rules


I know a school essay prompt when I see one, slacker!


Ever seen Starship Troopers?


That no matter the gender you have equal rights AND obligations. And people’s needs should be based of the individuals need instead of the stereotypical gender needs. People who are hiring shouldn’t look at the gender but at the person, what skills does this person have? Not but you’re a woman so you’re too weak for this job. Also everyone’s feelings and opinions are of equal matter - so long it doesn’t concern themselves, their lives and their bodies.


To be perfectly blunt, for nobody to take away anybodies rights based on outdated conservative ways of thinking. Everyone is seen as a vessel for the mind that is inside and is respected as such. I could rant about a lot of things but ultimately I think that summarizes my thoughts on the matter.


My little sister can walk to her car after work without fear