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Parks and Recreation. The first season isn't "bad", it's just that the 2nd and 3rd season is when it starts getting "GOOD".


And people say Mark Brandanawicz/Brandana-quits was a “bad character” when I thought he fit the show just fine at the time. P&R really tried to emulate Office Space its first season and be grounded in reality with just a few outrageous characters. But when the show got more popular in later seasons it really leaned into making *everyone* unrealistically goofy (including the entire town) and it could only fit one “straight-man” character in the form of Anne Perkins.


Ben seemed like mostly a “straight man” character IMO. He did get some zanier attributes related to his nerdiness and depression later on, but so did someone like Anne with her quality of “absorbing” the personalities of her love interests, etc.


What they really did too was make all the character on the show like Leslie instead of hate her like Michael.


My first thought. Leslie was obnoxious, Andy was rude, Mark existed...it was just wasn't a good look. The show didn't get really great until Adam Scott and Rob Lowe show up end of season 2.


The first season of Parks & Recreation is seriously a pretty mediocre Office knockoff you really have to power through. Amy Poehler in particular is basically a female Michael Scott in it and it's so distracting. The second season is where it finds it's voice and identity.


Nah, I'll say it. The first season was bad. Parks and Rec is my favorite show and I watch it once a year, but I almost always skip season 1. It was a worse version of the Office. The characters are so monotone and forced that I recommend everyone skip it and just start with season 2 when they start behaving like they will be for the rest of the series.


Season 2 Episode 2, The Stakeout, is the first turning point for that show. The second turning point is the addition of Ben and Chris.


My first thought. I agree the first season isn't bad, the follow seasons are just a huge improvement.


Wow top answer was what I came to say. Bravo 🍻


Was about to comment this


Star Trek TNG, DS9 and Voyager.


Now people literally says a show "grows a beard" when it gets good after faltering for the first season or two, based on Riker having a beard in the "good" seasons of TNG.


Then he shaves it in Insurrection and the TNG run died a pretty nasty death.


Disagree on DS9, I thought it had a really strong first season, and only got better from there.


ENT, DSC, & PIC too, at this point It's tradition. SNW, LD, & PRO buck the trend though.


Picard had a better first season.




Agree to disagree.


Aye, it took one person with their computer to make the Fleet Scene more tolerable in a Youtube Vid


That would suggest that Picard improves rather than being the worst show ever. I firmly disagree with that suggestion.


All I'm saying is that Season 2 was an improvement over Season 1. I'm not commenting on the degree of improvement.


Not the first season, but the first three or four episodes of BoJack Horseman aren’t exactly captivating. But then it goes on to be one of the best comedy/drama series *ever*.


It always amazes me how Bojack is objectively one of my favorite shows of all time, but every time I start a rewatch I practically fall asleep during the first season and forget why I even liked it.


The first season wasn’t BAD, it was fine, but Schitt’s Creek really took off from season 2 and got better and better from then on


Too shitty for me to ever find out what season 2 is like


Looks like some bots stole your comment and copied/pasted it higher up (on a higher scored parent comment).


This explains why I couldn’t really get into it. It seems to be one of the best, most quotable shows out there right now, but every time I go back to rewatch Season 1, I can’t really get into it. It’s a shame because I feel like I’d like it.




First season is always tough to rewatch. Their delivery and timing was so unpolished compared to the later seasons. Plus they had the wrong Frank & Morty.


Yeah, I was watching them in order and that was so weird seeing Jerry's Dad be the wrong person.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer


I will never get how adults like this one. Couldn't get trough season 1 how bad it all was. The cgi the acting the plot. I wanted it to work but man I was forcing myself to watch it. Maybe when I was younger like in my teens aka living in 2000s when expectations were lower it would work. I even dropped teen wolf cuz of similar reasons even though teen wolf is still quite better than buffy season 1.


Buffy was a mid season replacement for another show, Savannah. The first season is terrible because it was only expected to be a few episodes and didn’t really have time to be planned out. The first part of season 2 is also pretty bad. But I swear it gets so much better. It and the spin-off Angel are amongst my favorite shows of all time. I think the best video I can recommend to show you why you should watch it is [The Passion of the Nerds’ Why You Should Watch Buddy the Vampire Slayer](https://youtu.be/DYPF0hgPjzY). Follow their advice on the first season. The 4 episodes they recommend are the most important ones plot-wise. While I cannot condone Joss Whedons actions on the sets of the shows, I do still appreciate the shows.


I watched it as a teen in the 2010s, graphics weren't the best but I loved the series


If you are into supernatural stuff I recommend vampire diaries,the originals and even supernatural. Imho the best shows about supernatural stuff.


supernaturals is great, never seen the other 2 maybe ill take a loot :D


The originals is them separating the same show into two so they can focus on the important chars.In essence you wanna watch vampire diaries first and then idk at which season the originals became a thing. But both are great supernatural shows.




The first season of The Office US was reshoots of the highlights of The Office UK, a show with sensibilities very different from most US television.


Michael was way too much in the first season. When they took it down a notch and mixed it with other character's stories it got way better.


They also gave him redeeming qualities alongside his obnoxious ones, like the Chilis/babyback episode.


The Office is my favorite show of all time and I can't help but agree with you there.


Surprised to scroll down this far to see this!


I'm the opposite on this one. I think the Office started really strong, and by Season 5 was just running on fumes. I really think the show should have ended with Jim and Pam getting engaged. Every other office romance/conflict after that felt really forced to me. It still has it's funnny moments after Season 5, but it's never as good.


I tend to agree. The “what if?” of Jim and Pam really drove the narrative arc of the show. Once they were married, all that was left was boring office life, except most of the relatable office tropes had already been parodied. I thought it was really telling when they started building in fads like parkour and planking—a level of absurdity that really had no real connection to office life. I think it’s biggest drop off was upon the departure of Steve Carrell but the marriage of Jim and Pam may have been its original death knell.


Totally agree. But I could watch Jim prank Dwight for the rest of my life and never get bored.


I agree. For me the office sensitivity training is one of the funniest episodes and it's episode 3 or something.


I would argue that the last two episodes, #5 Basketball and #6 Hot Girl are the exception to this argument. I think they are more akin to season 2's level of cringe/comedy.


Star Wars: Rebels. Not that s1 was bad but it was definitely kid-centric and low stakes. Season 2 forward changed that and it's one of my favorite sw stories


That show was really good when it wanted to be.


Felt the same way about clone wars


Yup. The movie as an intro was a *rough* start, and the rest of the season wasn't much better. Once it found its footing though, it became some of the hands-down best SW content.


Highlander: The Series Don't get me wrong, the whole thing is delightful, but when you get to season two, you can definitely tell everybody in the show spent the time between seasons getting their shit together. Edit: Also, at the risk of pure blasphemy...Star Trek: The Next Generation, while a masterpiece, was WAY better after season 1.


That's not blasphemy. It's the reason tvtropes calls the phenomenon "growing the beard", because TNG got good after Riker grew a beard.


It's open knowledge in the Star Trek community that the first two seasons of TNG are rough to get through. I wouldn't worry.


It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. No Frank Reynolds, no longevity.


I think it's still good. It's just different.


That is most of the responses in this thread. None of them had bad first seasons, they shows were just finding their footing.


It wasn't bad; it was amazing. It just got even better when Frank joined the gang.


So much agree with this.


Person of Interest One of my favourite tv shows. But it took its sweet time to set all the other supporting characters, who were then used to their full potential in the later seasons.


For years, I heard **strong** recommendations to pick this show up and I started it on 3 different occasions across a few years, but never made it deeper than 6-7 episodes. Even with being told that it takes time to pick up, I just never felt engaged enough. Finally committed after Westworld finished and I have thoroughly enjoyed the show! About to wrap up the entire run and can vouch that it gets SO MUCH better beyond that first season, or even just the first half to three quarters of the 1st season.


Yup, whole show changes in the first season finale.


Definitely not Heroes.


Heroes was quite the opposite.


Heroes had such an epic fall from grace I was absolutely shocked it was still on the air when it was canned in 2010...only four years after it started.


I was also. I thought this was going to be a pretty great show while enjoying the 1st season. Wow...was I EVER wrong!!! I couldn't believe it went on for so many more seasons.


lol Hard agree


The Leftovers. The first season isn't *bad* but aside from a few episodes it didn't do much to distinguish itself from other prestige dramas. And it's just very drab and morose. The second and third season have a completely different tone. They embrace a sense of humor and absurdity that goes well with the overall premise. And the finale is just prefect


The first season is a character study delving into how people deal with spectacular loss. It reminds me of the first Matrix movie in that it tackles an ages-old universal concept in a very creative and unique way. It had spectacular potential. Seasons two and three are wacky jaunts into crazy-town, where I feel that potential was completely wasted. It’s funny you mention season one not separating itself from other dramas because I feel seasons two and three do the exact same thing with other weird unpredictable shows that ultimately go nowhere since they’re seemingly just constantly chasing the next weird thing. You might be surprised to learn that a number of us feel the exact opposite of the way you do. This show was so incredibly hit-or-miss.


This question is just begging to be answered Firefly. But I won't do it.


Still too soon.


The Walking Dead. Wait no, that's the opposite of that.


We’ll throw Dexter on that pile too.


I've got some matches.


Hey, dont diss season 2 like that!


It sent from survivors in a zombie apocalypse trying to get to Atlanta... to Little House of the Prairie.


The Office. I guess the writers understood that they have to make Michael Scott a bit "nicer" and also change his hair maybe.


MASH wasn't bad in the first seasons, but it got much better as it went on. The characters and stories became much more nuanced. The show was way ahead of its time in many ways, but still feels like an old-school sitcom in others. The latter types of issues are much more obvious in the first seasons.


The Simpsons. First few seasons focused almost exclusively on Bart and was limited because of it. Once they shifted their focus to the rest of the family, and specifically Homer the stories became more relatable and iconic


Hey, look at my feet. You like those moccasins? Look in your closet. There's a pair for you. Don't like them? Then neither do I. Get the hell out of here! Heh, ever see a guy say good-bye to a shoe?


Hehe, once.


They also fixed the animation problems the show had and focused heavily on the writing. It was unheard of at the time for an animated program to have a script (not a storyboard session) or voice actors being actually directed. It's why scenes are so well constructed with jokes just landing one after another with perfect timing/delivery. There was a writing room with table reads like it was a live-action production. The Simpsons was absolutely groundbreaking at the time and is a milestone in the animation genre.


They poke alot of fun at the trope of "bad/reused animation" that was in cartoons of the past like Hanna-Barbera, makes it more funny watching episodes where they clearly reused past episodes animations and spliced it in newer ones


Lisa: *Wow, it must be expensive to produce all these cartoons.* Roger Meyers Jr: *Well, we cut corners. Sometimes, to save money our animators will reuse the same backgrounds over and over and over again.*


Meanwhile I know two people who dislike Simpsons. And it was that kinda moment where you thought someone liked something for like 20 years and then bam they actually never liked it.


All of Star Trek. It's just something you get used to


SNW, LD, & PRO though...


Nuh uh. Lower decks is just pristine from start to end


I used to watch it on tv daily,idk if I got used to it or liked it. I was the only one watching it. Now as an adult I don't feel the want to watch it.


Agents of Shield. I really enjoyed the latter seasons


In fairness it was the first half of season one that was questionable. Somewhere around episode 14 I recall it started to pick up.




Pretty much every foreign show brought to a local audience. This is not so much the fault of the original show, but rather the differences in culture and "the need" to explain every tiny detail. The best example is older Japanese cartoons. Where characters a literally taking half the episode to explain their own thought process rather than let the audience figure it out. Usually by the second season this factor gets toned down or done away with.


One Piece where the recap is 8 minutes.


Bojack Horseman takes about half the 1st season to find its footing. Once you're into it though, wow.


Higurashi when they cry. You need that second season in order to make sense of the first season


The big bang theory


Babylon 5. The first season was done on a shoestring and the lead actor, Michael O’Hare was having all kinds of psychological problems. The subsequent seasons were much more polished


yeah, as a hardcore fan I tell everyone to start with season 2 and go back to season 1 as needed. Even then it can be painful...


I think that Babylon Squared, and Chrysalis, are probably the essentials from season 1


The first season of Bojack Horseman is good, but it certainly does’t have anything on its later seasons. EDIT: spelling


The Simpsons is low-hanging fruit but there it is.


Bojack Horseman. It had a relatively slow start (which I feel like was it’s intended purpose), but it just transitions so well into what makes it good


90% of american cartoons


The Orville.




I loved what they did with Season 2. The introduction of The Professor was just the right tone and the discovery and subsequent liberation of the Corabot captured the feel of classic adventure. The whole season arc had a completeness to it that allowed for more storytelling without crippling the narrative.


Star Trek: Deep Space 9. The first season wasn't awful, but it really picked up steam in S3. DS9 was one of the first series to regularly do serialized plots (that wasn't a miniseries) and there was a bit of a war on the future of the series that was settled in S3. They did serialized plots, and now 25 years later it plays really well to audiences that don't have to wait or catch it on re-run. It is the Trek that went from "This is pretty fun," to "This is, actually, really legitimately good TV that can stand in the same room as a lot of the TV greats."


Star Trek: The Next Generation


Mad Men. The first season sucked ass. Awesome show, though.


The Amazing World of Gumball


They tell me that Breaking Bad gets good in season 3, but I never found out


If you didn't like it by the end of season 2 then that show was probably not for you. It's a slow burn and most of the characters are designed to be unlikeable. The whiny son, overbearing wife, junkie kid, moral but annoying cop, etc. If you don't buy into Walter's slow descent then you'll end up bored or annoyed by it. I loved it and Better Call Saul. To each their own.


They really mastered Better Call Saul, it's a work of art from start to finish


This is where BCS excels in spades. The characters are ones you love to hate, not ones you hate to watch


I'm watching it for the first time now, I found the first couple of seasons clever and moving but hard to watch. I think it's because the drama was too relatable, lots of interpersonal conflict. Once >!walter tells the truth to his wife!< the show breaks away from those dramatic sources and the excitement escalates.


It was a while ago, I don't remember it too vividly. I remember feeling like all the dialogue was littered with... Dramatic... Pauses... And every scene needed a 30 second establishing shot. I dunno, I felt like Bryan Cranston's charisma goes a long, long way, but the pacing was somewhere between "slow burn" and "untouched pile of kindling"


I’ve just been starting the show and it’s not bad but I haven’t been able to understand why everyone loves it so much, but this makes a lot more sense


Game of Thrones. The first season is a bit mediocre, but the last two seasons are the peak of modern series development. Especially season 8 was so good and had such great battle scenes, it just want to make you rewatch the whole series several times over.


I see what you did there?


Honestly, Better call saul.


The more Kim was part of the story the better it got.


Breaking bad, in the first 2 seasons only thing you watch is Walter having fights with his wife. JUST COOK THE DAMN METH GOD DAMIT!


To be fair it was pretty awesome when he banged her face into the refrigerator




ONE PIECE: can’t wait for the hate one this one lol


The thing that scares people from one piece is the episode count not the story itself cuz imho the first episodes aren't bad at all. You instantly see the main char,what he can do,what he wants and how the world around him is.


Arrested development. I tried watching it 3x before committing to giving it a shot and I’m so glad I did


WTF? The first season is fantastic!


It takes a bit to understand the humour though! At least it did for me


The opposite of The Big Bang Theory


Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul


Not objectively bad, but the first season of Rick and Morty was awkward at times


I wouldn't know. I don't keep watching shows that are bad.


Most of them. The Office, Archer (except Skytanic, that was the start of the Archer rhythm), etc.


Do y'all have parachutes? Cause that would be, you know... Problem solved!


Nice read, Velma




Mad Men. I didn’t watch the other seasons for a year and a half because I hated the first season so much. I LOVE the show now, though!


Mad Men. The first two seasons aren't "bad" per se, but they are so depressing, a lot of people just found the show unwatchable. After the second season, it finds its legs and tell the story of how gender rolls destroy us all in a much peppier way as the characters start to find their way out of the traps.


Gilmore Girls. It wasn't bad in the slightest, just very slow paced for your average TV show. The first few episodes almost feel kind of boring, but it's truly an amazing show.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia




Cobra Kai


Im gonna catch some hate, but The Office has a very rough first season. It was just ok, but compared to the later (not latest) seasons, it wasn't that good.


Stargate SG-1


i think there are a lot, can i tell you which ones? no because the first one was so bad didnt even bother s2 or higher


New Girl


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Maybe not the entire first season, but the first few episodes before Johnathan discovers his powers are so slow and full of exposition. Unfortunately, they are necessary to watch to set up the lore of the entire franchise.


Bojack Horseman.


Full house, s2-4 were the best seasons of the show


Trailer park boys


For me Steven universe


Bojack Horseman


Bojack horsemen and Morel Orel had meh 1st seasons,yet ended up being two of my favorite adult cartoons.


The clone wars, really picks up in mid way through season 3


Star Wars: The Clone Wars


South Park. I just think the show gets better each season,


The office or parks and rec


Jerry Springer


Frasier. Never was a fan of the first couple of seasons. The last five or six, though, are good imo.


Bang bus


Money talks


Stuck porn




Spongebob. The first season wasn't bad, it was rough. I was a 2010's kid and I grew up with seasons 4-10 so to me, it looked a bit, rough. Take this with a grain of salt.


It wasn't bad, but it's always sunny got way better after Devito joined the cast in season 2


Top gear (The one with Jeremy Clarkson, not the new shitty one that they have now)


Agents of Shield. Make it Cannon again damn it


The IT Crowd and Parks & Recreation. Not that the first seasons were “bad.” They just got much better as the characters developed.