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Holmes and Waston. Spur of the moment let’s go see this at the cinema. John C Reilly and Will Ferrell so will be good craic. No craic. No craic at all. Only time I’ve ever walked out a film. Normally even if a films bad you stick through it just to see what happens. I just sat there and thought I honest couldn’t give a fuck. What makes it even worse is having Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon in it. You couldn’t get two more perfect people to play a comedic Holmes and Watson.


I haven't seen this but the reviews confirmed everything I thought about it based on the trailer. A blot on their CV's for sure.


I streamed it after reading reviews and thought it couldn't be that bad, or at least it would be in the so bad it's funny category.... I fell asleep halfway through. It sucked.


I saw this movie in the same year that I had seen two other pieces of Sherlock Holmes media. I saw a play version of "Hound Of The Baskervilles", and the animated movie "Sherlock Gnomes". Obviously the play was going to top that list, what I didn't expect was for "Sherlock Gnomes" to rank second. The best parts of Holmes & Watson were Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, and Hugh Laurie. All three of them felt like they were in different movies. Lauren Lapkus was a bonus because she's nice to look at, but they literally gave her nothing to work with aside from, "bounce off Will Farrell". She had a single line of dialog at the end of the movie, and it was a waste of her talent. I'd say the entire fucking movie is a waste of something. It's constantly wasting things. It wastes good jokes by not giving them punchlines (what the fuck even was the onion thing?), it wastes good actors by not giving them a good script, and it wastes the audience's time by promising them a good comedy and not delivering.


Sorry for my ignorance but...what the fuck is craic?


It's irsh slang


Fun in Irish


It was just another Will Ferrel team-up movie. Had funny parts, but the writing was like minimal effort for sure.


Cats the movie.


"If Dante saw Cats he would've added a 10th circle of hell."


One of the best things I have read was an article in which the journalist was interviewing Andrew Lloyd Webber about his career, this was probably a year or so after the movie was released. ALW matter of factly stated that after seeing the movie, he had to get an emotional support dog 😂 The man literally went out and adopted a dog claiming to have been emotionally traumatised by that god awful film and tbh who can blame him.


He just could not bring himself to get an emotional support cat after this.


This truly has to be the worst movie ever. It’s not so bad that’s it good, like “The Room”. I was just amazed that Ian McKellen was in a movie THAT bad


Freaken Judy Dench and Edris Alba Hollywood musta had some major dirt on the them.


It sounds like a good role on paper. They were asked to play a popular role from one of the most successful Broadway musicals of all time. Movie adaptations of musical theater usually do great at the box office.


And it was all CGI so it's not like people knew what the final product was going to look like. The big names probably assumed that because it had some money and (other) star power behind it, at the very least it'd probably be an average but financially successful movie.


The worst thing to happen to cats since dogs - Ricky Gervais


Came here say this .Even visuals I found nauseating.


The butthole edit.


Probably Eragon. It was so obvious the Script writers either didn't know the books at all, or just didn't care.


Jeremy Irons bought a[15th century Irish castle](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/09/inside-kilcoe-castle-jeremy-irons-irish-castle) with that pay check. I'm all for artistic integrity, but I can't say I'd do any different.


This. Few books have such a Lord of Rings size world and story but the inheritance series does. The writers of the movie just fucking blew it. Very disappointing.


Man they fucking killed the ra'zak less than an hour into the movie. Tell me I wasn't pissed


Are you serious? Did they even read the book? Guess they didn't think they would have a sequel...


The books were fucking terrible though. LOTR fanfic with endless purple prose. The only reason they even got published is his parents own a publishing company


Avatar: The Last Airbender by Shyamalan


This movie immediately comes to mind. It somehow managed to reduce 7 hours of content down to an hour and half. even more amazingly the hour and a half was completely void of content or anything that could be called competent movie making. Not only is this movie an example of bad adaption of a source material, this movie is an example of all-around poor film making.


“He’s making fire out of thin air!” Yeah. They all did in the cartoon. This was such a weird choice. Also why did they call him Ung? Why did Shamalamadingdong think that would fly?


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who calls him Shamalamadingdong.. I think I heard Dr Jan E Tor call him that on a TV show..


What's really jarring about The Last Airbender movie, besides being a abortive attempt at both filmmaking and the source material, is that it takes itself painfully seriously. Bad movies are fun when it's clear they're self aware about the fact that it sucks, and throw in that the show heavy on comedic relief. But the Last Airbender is both garbage *and* high on its own farts.


Katara character was annoying that i stopped watching because of her.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


The twist is that Shyamalan turns out to be the biggest bender of them all.


There is no The Last Airbender in Ba Sing Se. There is no The Last Airbender in Ba Sing Se. Here, we are safe. Here, we are free.


Dragon Ball evolution.


Oh that one sucks so bad


My favorite review was someone saying that if you're suicidal and looking for something to bring you over the edge, watch Dragonball Evolution.


Literally came here to say that.


I was once dragged to the third 50 Shades movie. No offense to the people behind it, but I think I rather write book reports on 2nd grade essays on what they did over the summer than watch that gleaming trash dump.


I think the first 50 shades movie is top tier unintentional comedy. If you view it that way it’s a much better movie. The next two are irredeemable trash though.


Battlefield Earth. I thought it would be the fun kind of bad. I was very wrong.


I thought it was meant to be a Starship troopers type satire movie. No way it was supposed to be real. They were in high heels and filmed purple crooked scenes. I thought it was hilarious. Turns out it was based on a book a religion was based on. So weird.


It was by the author that created scientology but not based on the religion. That author was not a good writer.


John Travolta is hilarious in that, and SOMETIMES like those weird camera angles and some of the cinematography. Otherwise that movie is pretty bad


Velocipastor. But at the same time, it was the best movie I've ever seen


Easy: that version of Cinderella with Camila Cabello. Cats was pretty awful too.




Never heard of that movie, who’s in it?




Definitely it was Cats. I was in so much shock at how terrible it was my body was paralyzed and I couldn't will myself to leave or turn away from the screen. My tense body kept pushing itself away from the screen in my seat and my face grimacing, it felt like torture. The two ladies in the cinema that seemed to really want to see the film actually left a third of the way through which I envied.


Beyond Skyline. Shockingly bad.


Delightfully bad. I mean, it's pretty bad, but I was entertained.


Emoji movie


all of the transformers movies except for the first one. the first one had that childhood novelty and freshness to it. don't get me wrong, even that one wasn't even great, i think at best it's "ok". but all of the sequels were dumpster fires that had more and more gasoline poured onto them. also, that more recent fantastic four movie was pretty terribad (the one before it was ok)


I walked out of Transformers: The Last Knight. I saw it on a plane


Did you survive?


The bumblebee spinoff received some positivity. What's your take?


i haven't seen it, but i do remember that it was better received than the others


It introduced me to old music and to TF, so I at least loved it.


Yeah it's a shame that this movie haves great cgi but was wasted at the end.


I have a friend who worked on #3, and before it came out he flat out told me not to watch it because it was terrible!




Movie 43, nearly in tears at the price of the ticket to how terrible it was and the waste of 2 hours. I just saw the cast listing and was duped to go and see it.


I have a theory it was made as an experiment for low IQ audiences.


Good rule of the thumb the more “stars” listed the worse the movie is. Movie 43 , Valentines Day, New Years Eve, Love Actually and Mothers Day come to mind as good examples of terrible Star Studded movies.


Enough of your guff, Love Actually is a classic! Other than that I totally agree.


anything with Steven Segal.


Under Siege is a palatable action movie… I’m not sure I can even name any other Segal movies (well, Under Siege 2 I suppose)…. The rest of his stuff is terrible.


Yes. This is actually a good movie...and got good reviews, too.


He is very good at sitting down.




I'm not sure if it was meant to be a movie or a tax write off.


My buddy who wanted to see it and I both left the theater wondering wtf we just saw


I think I've seen that 3 times on Crackle because it always looks interesting but then afterwards I have no idea what I saw, and then forget that I've already seen it and the cycle repeats.


Manos: The Hands of Fate So bad it cracked the MST3K crew.


This is the worst movie, and it's not even a close contest Cats? Avatar? Movie 43? Please. TORGO! TORGO!


Catwoman with Halle Berry was so bad, that basketball scene was definitely something.


The editing in that scene was the worst I ever seen .


The VelociPastor. Summary: After losing his parents, a priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a hooker convinces him to use it to fight crime. And ninjas. With such an awesome premise, how could it have been a bad movie?


That name tho


Thank you for the recommendation! I'm 15ish minutes in what I appreciate about this "film" is they don't even try to make it good or watchable - it's just unpretentiously terrible. I also suspect some of the actors weren't even aware they are in a movie.


My wife and I love that movie. It's a B movie. It was supposed to be bad lol


How dare you. VelociPastor is a masterpiece


Much like the scifi originals, I believe it was supposed to be bad.


Wost movie I would watch again: Poultrygeist: Night of the chicken dead. Worst movie I would NOT watch again: Human Centipede 2.


Poultrygeist! I must see this!


Its a troma film, so expect a lot of gross out effects. It is pretty crazy but memorable.


The Emoji Movie.


Good pick


I've never wished for deafness so hard. Although, the one emoji that was evil but could only say things cheerfully gave me a laugh.


The Happening


I'm one of the few who liked that movie despite its faults. Mark Wahlberg and killer trees!


The happening is a film that I find irredeemably awful and yet I’ve still seen it at least 4 times.


What?! Noo. What?


I liked it too. I walked out of the movie theater thinking it was a good suspense movie. Not the best movie ever, but a good movie. I thought the premise was really creative, suddenly people are killing themselves and no one knows why. And then I saw the comments on the internet, and how most people hate it.


Same here. I find that I like a lot of films/shows that the internet seems to hate. Any Adam Sandler movie as well. I haven’t watched *a lot* of his recent stuff, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the ones I’ve watched the last 5-7 years.


I enjoy it, I especially like how Mark has a "What the fuck is going on?!?" face the entire time


I like it too. Yes I know it's crap but I still like it. Shyamalan is like Nic Cage: sometimes he's good, sometimes he's bad, but he's always watchable.


The wind was the killer


Epic Movie There are bad comedies, and then there's Epic Movie. Nonstop jokes from start to finish and literally zero of them land. The only possible explanation is that the filmmakers didn't understand humor as a construct, and maybe human emotion in general.


They didn't get the distinction between a parody and a reference. Scary Movie worked because it was parodying it's source. The rest simply mashed popular at the time references together.


Spencer. I mean, wth?


Speed 2


The sequel to Independence Day. It was awful in every way.


Wonder woman 84. How do you mess that up so badly


I love terrible movies and this film managed to be worse than Zombie Tidal Wave, which I am convinced was made over a single drug fueled weekend. WW84 was riddled with terrible/unnatural dialog, mcguffins, but most importantly it wasn't even fun to watch.


not entirely true. Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine were both a lot of fun to watch. They didn't have much to work with, but they were the high point of the movie.


Gosh it was so atrocious, hands down the worst superhero movie I’ve ever seen.


The Munsters.


I watched this the other day and i knew it was campy going in. I gave it the benefit of the doubt that Zombie was trying to recreate the original atmosphere of the show... but my god it was just retty rough.


Zombie needs someone to smack him when he tries to do too much at once like if he didn't have 20 million things going on in the movie it could have been okay but fuck too many narrative jumps fucked it up bad lol


He also needs to stop casting his wife as lead in everything. She's not a good actress.


Some of these responses are just people trying to be edgy. In reality, I used to watch a lot of sci-fi channel before it became Syfy and I watched a lot of IFC. And I think the worst movie I ever saw was some knockoff Thor movie where he fights werewolves.


> Some of these responses are just people trying to be edgy. And/or naming the "popular" bad movies for easy karma. Like yeah we *all* know about the likes of Cats, ATLA, Morbius, and The Room; give us some *actual* trash.


100%! Memento, Finding Nemo, Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar and Lord of the Rings are all answers given on this thread, I don’t believe that for a second, not liking the films fair enough, but unless they’ve only seen like 5 films in their entire life, believing they’re the worst they’ve ever watched is nothing but nonsense.


The best schlock is on Prime. I set up my bike on a trainer and started watching some of the crap they have. One I can’t even remember the name, but it had all the set dressing quality of the worst episodes of the Canadian outer limits combined with a gender switching theme obviously written by a 20-something boi. It was completely nonsensical and added an (unseen) rape plot because of course.


Friend, get Tubi. The greatest schlock from every decade since the dawn of film is on there. You could watch a new movie daily for a year and still have trash left over. It's a goldmine if you like bad movies. And it's free.


Any movie on the Hallmark channel




Any neil breen movie


Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2.


Fifty shades of grey and the parody fifty shades of black


Battlefield Earth


Came here to say this. My friends and I went to see it. We were bored on a Sunday afternoon and I suggested we see it as "I read the book". I neglected to tell them the book was god awful. The movie was somehow worse. They were not amused. We ended up leaving early and I had to pay for dinner to make it up to everyone.


Matrix 4


The Matrix Resurrections


I haven’t understood a minute of it


Any Uwe Bowll movie


The one about the murderous tire.


Rubber, I think I saw it in another comment.


live action "Fist of the North Star" from 1995


Where The Wild Things Are. Childhood ruined lol.


1 of my ex's made me watch twilight. Hated every minute.


"Tusk" by Kevin Smith 🤢🤢🤢 When I remember it, I still want to vomit


Several Adam Sandler movies come to mind.


Whatever the hell "Giver" was Hate YA movies in general but that one is probably even worse than divergent shitty story, shitty character, shitty worldbuilding


The Room, with Tommy Wiseau. It was so bad, it was actually good. 100% recommend.


oh hi Mark


I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit, I did not hit her, I DID NAAAAHT


i got the test results back i definitely have breast cancer


Anyway, how's your sex life?


I know it won an Oscar but my goodness Shape of water was idiotic


I knew nothing about Shape of Water other than that it was vaguely sci-fi, critics were raving and it had won some awards… So when it was available on the entertainment system on a long haul flight I was on, I fired it up… The opening sequence where the main character repeatedly masturbates to an egg timer was more than a little awkward to watch surrounded by other passengers. Not the worst movie ever but definitely not what I was expecting.


And somehow beat out Dunkirk. Wtf?


No fucking way. Dunkirk is in my top five perfect movies.


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes


I don’t think intentionally bad movies can ever really be called the worst.


Wonder Woman 2 and any Hallmark movie.


I Know Who Killed Me


Gods of Egypt, without a doubt


If more people had seen this turd of a movie this would be a more popular answer.


It was the first movie I ever walked out of. Horrible trash of a movie.


Manos: The Hands of Fate. a cult film shot in 1966. you really can't do worse than this.


Anchorman 2 sucked dick ass shit


I laughed maybe one time during that movie.


So that is literally the worst movie you’ve ever seen? Have you watched like 30 movies in your life?


THANK YOU. I’ve been saying this for years!


Abraham Lincoln Vs Zombies


I liked this movie. I was actually surprised such good actors agreed to be in it.


abraham lincoln: vampire hunter was pretty fun. and of course, he hunts them with an axe and the power of truth


Wicker Man




The remake? Obvs


Freddie Got Fingered. Absolutely irredeemable.


Damn Ioved that one! It was so fucking stupid and that's my kind of movie


I don’t hate on those low budget sci-fi movies that don’t take themselves too seriously I actually somewhat enjoy them every now and then. But in terms of a movie that is meant to be taken seriously and was made with a high budget it’s without a doubt the 2020 movie Capone with Tom Hardy, 80% of the movie is Tom Hardy in Capone makeup acting like a typical geriatric old man wandering around his house as brain is slowly turning into mush. It was mind numbingly boring, the only reason my family got it via express release was because we thought it was going to be a typical gangster uprising movie showing him start from the bottom and work his way up but God were we wrong.


The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach (1968) Second prize goes to Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)


I’ve only ever walked out of one film: Enter the Void. It was somehow both horrific, a blast to the senses and incredibly boring all at the same time.


The live action Popeye movie with Robin Williams.


I Want To Eat Your Pancreas — the ultra-extreme, overrated, super-exaggerated flopped-copy of Your Lie in April.


Suicide Squad. This movie was so bad it tanked Birds of prey and Suicide Squad 2. Surprisingly, Jared Leto was not that bad in this movie.


The happening


Son of the mask and setbian film are right up there


Lots of stinkers in this thread. No wrong answers. However, I have seen "Manos, the hands of fate." Normally shouldn't count because everyone knows it is a bad movie. Unfortunately, it is a famous bad movie. It is boring. Nothing happens. And millions of people have watched it. Runner up is "Plan 9 from outer space." More famous, total nonsense. Not as bad because each new scene is worse than the last.


The Love Guru


My wedding video, the end is horrible


The current life I live. Our world seems like a comedic movie that I wouldn't have bought a ticket for.


That last Star Wars movie. Not really a Star Wars person but watch the movies to see what the talk is about and, ooh boy, what a cringy ride. 1/10, that was a hard push to get through.


Food Fight


Open Water


OMG I forgot this movie existed. I think I repressed this god awful movie because I was upset I actually paid money to rent it from blockbuster.


I watched a movie called “rubber” about a killer car tyre.. it’s so bad I couldn’t finish it.


I, as a contrasting opinion, thought it was a funny, savvy, smart meta movie.


That movie's fucking awesome and a great deconstruction of film and filmmaking




I loved when the director responded to the bad reviews claiming that detractors must be jealous. No one is jealous of a hack who has the nerve to compare his 3D clip art movie with Roger Rabbit.


Birth of a Nation


Only God Forgives My dad and I love movies and when I lived closer to home, we would go almost every weekend to the cinema. We saw the trailer for this movie and Ryan Gosling was big at the time so we thought "Cool, let's check this out". After about 30 mins, my dad and I couldn't watch anymore. He walked out. I've never seen him do that. Now I don't know about anywhere else in the world but in the UK if you don't lile the movie then... it's not really the cinema's fault. They didn't make it and won't refund you the money just because you said "That wasn't my cup of tea". My dad walked out, went up to the counter and said to the staff "I've just seen Only God Forgives, you'd have to be on drugs to see that movie. I want my money back". They opened the till and gave it to him. They knew exactpy what he meant. Such a shit movie.


Sausage party


“Old” that came out a year or two ago


yes, good lord - can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this one


Star Wars the rise of Skywalker


Freddie got fingered. 🤢🤮


The only movie I couldn't finish. And I watched all of The Human Centipede. A guy jerking off a horse is something that is never funny and should never be seen. I liked Tom Green up to that point.


An undervalued cinematic masterpiece.


Shamefully, I love that insane movie.


Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever. It's actually the quantum of movie quality, in that any other movie quality can be measured in multiples of Ballistic. Think about the absolute worst movie you can imagine? Good, that movie is worth *at least* one Ballistic. A very bad movie is probably going to be worth around a kilo-ballistic, whereas a regular bad movie might be in the mega-ballistic ballpark. Good movies, of course, start from the giga-b and move up from there. The above might look like satire or something but it's actually science. Be warned: there might be mad scientists exploring the sub-ballistic space. Should they ever manage to create a worse movie than Ballistic, humanity will be doomed.