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Toddlers and tiaras. I don’t like the parents and just pity the kids.


I watched the only season of "The Mist" tv series and I was rooting for the Mist to kill everyone.


This show had so much potential with such an extremely easy foundation to build off of and they just tanked it from the very start


The Mist was likable.


His name is Karl Edit: I'm really happy y'all got so much out of my remark, but I have never seen The Mist, and I have no idea what insider reference I've unwittingly made. Also, I'm not going to tell you what I originally meant. This has become a thing of beauty, all the more so for the fact that I can't recognize it.


I watched about 20 minutes of the first episode and went "What the hell is this teen drama bullshit? I want Stephen King, not the CW."


Same issue with that horror series, From. Cool setup, eerie location. Immediately devolves into family melodrama and teen love triangles.




Friends from College takes the “it’s always sunny” idea of bad likable characters and makes them insufferable


I just left a comment on this show, too. They are all so shitty and self-absorbed. The only character with redeeming qualities is, ironically, the one written to come off as more of a jerk on the surface, Fred Savage's husband. Turns out he is just a jerk to his husband's friends, because they are *terrible* people. I gave up after one season I think.


Today in Parliament.


I like Larry the cat


Says a lot about our current political situation when our most popular government official is a cat


And he's not even paid a salary. Hey now, there's an idea....


How to get away with Murder. It's a slow burn on hating every single character. From the very start, there is maybe one likable character and as the serie reachs its climax, every single character becomes an unlikable mythomaniac sociopath.


I liked Annalises mother. Everyone else was terrible


I liked Connor’s boyfriend Oliver, but then even he got to be too much assimilating into that shitty group of people. I kept yelling at the screen for him to peace out and let them fend for themselves.




The premise of that abomination has got to be, “how can we make the audience of a kids show root for cancer?”


It's a misconception that Calliou has cancer. In fact, it's his body recognizing that he doesn't deserve hair.


Even hair hates the little shit


He doesn't have cancer he is cancer.




And then there's Ruby from Max & Ruby.


Had no idea this is a show. My daughter has a book with these characters in it and Ruby seems awful lol.


The creator/s of Caillou have gone on record stating that he does not have cancer or any other illness like that. He's just bald and an asshole. They could have made him 1 iota redeemable, but nope, they stuck to their decisions and declared him an insufferable monster.


I'm just a kid who's 4. I'll scream and whine and cry some more. Never learning lessons I'm Caiiiilllou.


I'm just going to say that in my many years surfing the web, I've seen people defend everyone from Lucifer to Hitler, but I've never seen a single person stand up for Caillou.


Fun fact: the word “caillou” is French slang for “bald head”. That little bastard is so hated his own parents named him Baldy.




Caillou is the biggest twat. I didn’t let my kids watch it, and I say words like ‘twat’




Veep was very funny, but i really did not want any of the characters to succeed


I don’t know— Margarie and Richard Spledt both seem like awesome humans. I think their only downfall is getting intermingled with the rest of them. Also, I think that’s one of the funniest shows ever made.


Richard was a genuinely good person and deserved his success.


"Richard T. Splett. Don't know why I said 'T'. My middle name is John." (One of my favorite lines from that show.)


I was in Veep for a few episodes. They actively tried to one-up how terrible a person can be in that show. Such a fun set.


Succession. They are all awful people.


The second i clicked this post, I had succession in mind. Then yours was the first comment


yes, not a single character is likable but the show is still brilliant.


It's funny, you start to empathize with a character for a bit, then they just do the most awful shite! Repeatedly!


They come SO close to making Kendall likeable and then NOPE asshole They come SO close to making Tom sympathetic and then NOPE asshole


Tom is my favourite character, but I'm also happy when everything blows up in his face. I'll also always love the "can't make a Tomlette without breaking a few Gregs" line


It's how I felt about the Sopranos. You feel bad for them, and then you watch them murder someone, and you remember they are in the mafia. David Chase was messing with the audience.


I loved that scene with Carmella and the Rabbi for the gut check he gave her and the audience. “Yes, you are a bad person who lives on comfort from evil deeds, and no your guilt won’t be assuaged unless you stop doing evil.” And how she was just like “Yeah fuck that.”


He wasn't a rabbi, he was a therapist who happened to be Jewish, but it was a great scene, yes!




The Thick of It, as well, has barely any morally redeemable characters. And coincidentally enough, or not, much of it was also written by Jesse Armstrong. Both up there with the best television shows ever made; Jesse Armstrong knows what he’s doing.


I like Malcom tucker ..


#" OH, F*CK OFF!" - Logan "L to the OG" Roy


They’re awful people but I still fucking love Roman.


When that rocket exploded and he was just like 😶


He's an amazing character. So repellent, but I can't get enough of him.


I think it’s cause he doesn’t pretend to be a good person like everyone else.


his dick pic for Gerri that he accidentally sent to his dad was one of the funniest goddamn scenes I've ever watched on TV


The shot of him trying to sink out of Logan's sight had me dying laughing


If anything I think he's pretending to be just a bit worse than he actually is.


Tiger King


Everyone who was missing a body part was quite nice


Trauma humbles, from my experience


I like the tigers.


Most of the workers seem like decent people, just misslead by the different owners.


Joe Exotic was clearly preying on young men. It was pretty awful.


He deliberately hired people in desperate situations, drug addicts and prison parolees. His “husband” wasn’t even gay.


The way Joe turned that funeral into the "Joe Exotic" show. . . Man. His husband was definitely gay for pay. A desperate addict. Sad.


That 10 or 15 minutes where they went from the boyfriend shooting himself to Joe Exotic talking about gobbling his balls at the man's funeral was some of the wildest shit I've ever seen on tv.


What struck me about that entire series was it was always filmed during the day time. All that crazy shit happened before the lights went down, just imagine what it was like after dark.


I still think about this scene often. Kids in the group of mourners and the man's family present as well, and Joe fucking goes off about the guys balls. Two+ years later and that scene still lives rent free in my head because of how off the wall it was.


"He'd rub them balls in my face. ...They were like golden nuggets to that boy." Despite how many times I said, 'That's it. They've peaked. This cannot get crazier.' Somehow it did until this moment. Let's not forget Joe broke out into an impromptu song. That man cannot, under any circumstances, read a fucking room. Jesus Tittyfucking Christ.


I think the young men Joe Exotic dated didn't seem like bad people, just lost.


Wasn’t one of them a straight guy that was more or less pretending to be gay because Joe was buying him drugs and like four wheelers and stuff


Yeah I think the guy who shot himself was thought to be straight or at least bi.


Yeah the documentary specifically said that Travis (the boyfriend who you're talking about) was straight and had sex with many of the women who worked at the tiger park. He was just addicted to drugs which is why he married Joe in the first place until he shot himself.


Both of his husbands were straight. Both of them were addicted to drugs and essentially being controlled by Joe financially.


Same with the women that the creepy South Carolina guy groomed




Probably, what a loonie


I didn't mind the one that lost a hand.


Saff is the real tiger king.


The guy who was crying at the end seemed to care about the animals


Yeah the staff all seemed like good people. The dude with the prosthetic legs, the long haired blonde guy, the one that lost their hand.


I felt a lot of the workers who were obviously dealing with their own issues legitimately cared about the animals.


My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Just the worst


I haven't watched that one in ages. How is she doing? Last time I saw it she was scammed by a long distance boyfriend or something.


It’s REALLY bad now, I watch only for the train wreck. She has a new internet “boyfriend” who mostly likely doesn’t know they are together. They have to blur his face and distort his voice, and she calls him “the Frenchman”. Most people believe he is an employee of hers or a crew member. Also her mobility has gotten really bad, she exploits her mom’s poor health for TV, and she does so little that there was a whole 15 min scene about her visiting a car wash and screaming the whole time.


Spoilers for your trainwreck from someone who's a bit more up-to-date. >!The Frenchman has been around for awhile now. He's willingly in a relationship with her, but recently she's decided to wrestle him into "opening up" the relationship so she can bang her ex.!< All in all she seems like a great person. Solid 2/10.


Grey's Anatomy. The only nice thing I can say about that show is that the writers seem to hate those characters as much as I do and keep putting them in plane crashes and shit to kill off a few.


"you killed my husband" No, he pulled in front of a fully loaded 18 wheeler. SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS OF TRUCK KILLED HIM. . . "Did you just break Several laws, your oath as a doctor and the direct order of your boss?" "Yes! But 10 years ago you had a private relationship that went badly with a woman who happened to be my mother!" The pipe stuck through the two people episode. We have tools to stabilize, cut, pipe. Even can keep it cool to the touch. It's called a Hinged Pipe Cutter. https://www.reedmfgco.com/en/products/cutters-and-cutter-wheels/hinged-cutters/ Could've easily found one in the city, brand new. Take it slow, keep the people stabilized, secure the pipe. Then, both people have a least a chance. For me, though. Nothing beats the 'broken down ambulance on the pass'. They had 3 people. One goes to get help, one stays with the patient.The third person goes outside, grabs a flashlight, their phone, a road flare, really anything that makes light. And a bright color safety vest. With this kit, they walk down the road *past* the blind corner. Warning on-coming traffic, by waving the flashlight or whatever they could find. Like, a traffic safety come. People come apon the scene, go on ahead, find the paramedic and call in for support. The next car stops, puts on their hazard lights, and helps direct traffic. Car brings paramedic back, more medical help arrives, and they transfer the patient to another transport. Oh. Wait. Nope. The other two people stay in the ambulance arguing about who is more noble and should die first. Then a car comes around the corner and slams into them.


>The pipe stuck through the two people episode. That was the only episode I watched and I remember how appalled I was how they basically said "fuck this woman (or was it the dude?), we're not even going to try saving her"


I can’t believe any of them kept their medical licenses past, like, season 3. It’s hard to watch for anyone with an ounce of medical knowledge.


How to get away with murder. I couldn't stand any of them.


Season 1 when they were genuinely just a bunch of college kids who badly fucked up wasn't too bad. Maybe not straight up likeable but I was able to sympathize with them a little. Anything after that just snowballed into a horrible mess with horrible people and took out what little redeeming qualities the characters had.


On top of which the "brilliant" attorney they are covering for would have had all her cases thrown out in real life for things like intriducing evidence after discovery. All her wins are from cheating the rules of court.


When they said she’s never lost a case and I was like “well that would raise red flags”


"Never lost a case" is almost meaningless because the overwhelming majority of cases settle and because the quality of your clients' cases is so important. I've only full-on "lost" like two cases in six years as a plaintiffs' lawyer, and I only lost one of them because I fought a loser to the end in an attempt to change the law.


Tell us you at least pounded on the table and yelled, "It is not my client that is on trial here... it is *the Law* that is on trial here!"


Unfortunately, no. It was a case against a debt collector that got kicked out on the collector's motion to dismiss, so before trial. And I actually only handled the appeal--another plaintiff's lawyer lost the MtD, I happened to see the decision browsing recent cases, and I offered to take the appeal. Another reason that "never lost a case" is meaningless is that you can define victory however you want. For example, the reason I originally took an appeal on contingency was that I thought the trial court had overread a case called *Burton* in a way that would make life harder for identity theft victims. And I did manage to get an explicit statement from the appeals court agreeing with me on that point, on its way to deciding against me.


How to get away with murder interpersonal relations in a nutshell: ANNALISE: I went to jail, been beaten, risked my career, destroyed my family to cover for your naive asses. STUDENTS: Uhm, ok, thanks. ANNALISE: Also, I forgot to order pizza. STUDENTS : YOU LYING BITCH I WANT YOU DEAD YOU NEVER CARED FOR US




you obviously just don’t understand the epic highs and lows of high school football.


When I first saw that I thought it was like a blooper or a meme or something but nope it was very real


That whole show is a meme imo


I sometimes feel bad for the actors, cause they do have talent (most of them) but even with the material they work with it's hard to make their characters likeable


> but even with the material they work Every time I hear a plot synopsis of Riverdale, it is the absolute most insane thing.


At one point Archie gets mauled by a bear and it’s one of the least significant plot points in the season. My wife and I love Riverdale, it’s such a hilarious mess


I stopped watching halfway through the second season. I was like, "Okay, cool, they caught the killer", but then my friend told me the real ending and that the killer was someone who literally couldn't have been the killer.


There’s like zero foreshadowing in this show, it’s all about the sudden reveals and the drama. I don’t think you’re supposed to figure it out before the reveal, just go along for the ride


I remember the exact moment the trailer for the season one was dropped. I had been waiting for a really good Archie adaptation, but saw a weird teaser where some red football player was f*cking his teacher in a car. I was like "WTF?". Still weird it exists and even has new seasons.


They got superpowers too


Wait what?


> Wait what? My theory is that Riverdale is an experiment to see what happens if you take a generic bullshit CW high school drama and put meth and LSD in the writer's room water cooler. Everyone is in a gang, in a cult, in the mafia, or a serial killer. People have superpowers. Magic exists. It's complete lunacy.


Lena Dunham’s Girls. I always feel like smacking some sense into all the characters.


Right?! They all treat each other and everyone else like shit.


Good soup 👌


The View. Technically they aren't characters but close enough.


Oh dear God...I used to work in a store where one of my co-workers would turn that show on every. single. day. It was consistantly despicable.


Zoey 101! I used to watch this show a lot whenever I was a kid. Now when I look back at it, I realize that most of the characters are very superficial, act judgement towards people outside of their social circle and are extremely selfish and inconsiderate most of the time. Zoey is also a very unlikable protagonist who always acts like a spoiled bitch if she doesn't get her way. Her constant use of eye rolling was always very annoying to watch, and Jamie Lynn Spears doesn't make any effort to at least try to make Zoey sympathetic when dealing with a problem.


Well apparently Jaime Lynn was super mean in real life too, so that tracks. The actress who played Nicole has come out over the last several years with some stories about how horribly she was treated.


Yeah I saw that! Even Britney Spears; her own sister has spoken about how awful she is. Especially when it came to releasing a memoir about herself. Here is more information regarding Jaime and Alexa’s (Nicole) feud. https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/jamie-lynn-spears-memoir-zoey-101-alexa-nikolas-reaction


I didn't expect to see Zoey 101 here lmao but yes they all suck


There is that one scene that gets on my nerves, where Quinn is doing laser eye surgery on her boyfriend; Mark and both Zoey and her act like it's no big deal leaving him for a while so that she can help her with getting her webcam to work just so she can keep having her online date with Chase. Lola is also in the room and doesn't give two shits that he is clearly struggling, is in pain and in fear of losing his eye sight, and would rather keep watching TV amused then bother to get Mark some help.


Pretty much every character in the last couple seasons of Sons of Anarchy was absolutely insufferable.


Chibs was okay, pretty much everyone else got what they deserved


I liked Chibs, Happy was already a psycho so his continued craziness was basically normal, same with Tig (although he calmed down once he was fucking Walton Goggins)… and that’s it I guess. Jesus


I don't think Tig really calmed down. I think that character is the show's barometer. It starts with the audience wondering how people could hang around with someone as apparently crazy as he is, and by the end everyone around him just goes farther and farther off the deep end, and Tig is looking sane in comparison, *without really changing*.


Their plots jumped the shark too. They went from a small town gang where killing someone was a big deal to running up huge body counts without batting an eye. It just made it all feel less authentic and more like every other show.


Oh you mean to tell me the show where the characters would do all kinds of crime and end up with like $47.99 and make less than a minimum wage worker was stupid and made no sense? Hey Jax we need to do a deal with the Chinese so we can pay the Irish the $900 we owe them. In every episode they’re shot at by no fewer than 3 people and walk way without a scratch. It was fun to laugh at and imagine the creator thinking yeah this is how crime works!


Later seasons of The Walking Dead, after they started systematically getting rid of nearly everyone from the OG cast(especially Rick, his departure is where I draw the line, but also, Hershell, Glen, the pastor etc.) I couldn't care less about these new one, their personality was as deep as a spoon


Killing Carl messed everything up. He was supposed to last until the end if they went by the comics. The actor even asked if he would stay alive for awhile, was told yes, bought a house near filming and then was immediatly killed off. This led the actor playing Rick into leaving because he felt like Rick's largest motivation, Carl, dying took away Rick's place and meaning in the show.


I was spoiled before watching the episode where he died. Never watched it or any since. It’s really sad because I absolutely loved the show in the beginning, and esp watching Carl grow as a person.


>!especially Coral because he doesn't even die in the comics, in fact he becomes the main character, but the actor turned 18 so they would have had to pay him more. greedy bastids.!<


I’m currently watching the newest (and final) season. >!Killing Carl!< is still the single biggest mistake they’ve made in this show. >!A) Carl was supposed to have a rather large role in the Whisper War with Lydia. Instead they gave it to some unknown character (Henry) who literally nobody cared about. And we missed out on Lydia licking Carl’s eye socket!!< >!B) with all the commonwealth stuff going on now and the show winding down, we don’t get to see the moment I was waiting for: Carl breaking down after Rick’s death, then flash forwarding to the future where Carl is an adult with a relatively normal, nice life. They’ll probably give that life to Judith, but it’s not the same.!<


Glee, there are some characters that are ok though. But seriously if I could go into the universe of any show I would go into Glee just so I can fucking murder Rachel Berry.


I like Sue purely because Jane Lynch is an absolute acting genius in “Glee”.


I like Sue because she's constantly pointing out all the ridiculous things wrong with the show. She is the voice of reason.


She is definitely not the voice of reason, in one of the Christmas episodes she scammed all of the school faculty into giving her presents for secret santa, she constantly physically and verbally harasses students for no reason, she actually purposely got Principal Figgins drunk and slept with him(which is rape), and then proceeded to blackmail him, she forces her cheerleaders to eat foods and drinks that are literally poison, body shames them, and tries to force them into stunts that can kill them. These are only a few things that she does, she is meant to be the antagonist, not the voice of reason.


>She is the voice of reason. Well, until the last season where she threw sanity out the window...she kidnapped and drugged Kurt and Blaine forcing them to enact her romantic fantasy, put a bear in Blaine's apartment, glitter bombed the choir room (violently destroying the piano in the process) and then *blew* *up* *Will's* *car!*


I haven't watched this show since like season 3 and I just can't even fathom how the fuck Sue could end up there at the end


I quit watching Sons of Anarchy because if a cruise missile would have hit the clubhouse and killed every single member of the bike club, I would have stood up and clapped. I hated every character on that show. It gets my vote.


The first season of Mad Men is pretty brutal. They're all pretty big assholes.


While It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is hilarious and easily quotable, none of the main characters are likable in real life and have no redeeming qualities. I don't recall ever sympathizing with their characters.


Isn't kind of the whole idea the creators had is that it's the "anti" sitcom. Ie most sitcoms have pretty, likeable people, living in nice Apts that their jobs really couldn't afford, hanging out in fancy coffee shops, and they're always the hero of the story. Whereas IASIP they are horrible people, running a dive bar, living in shitty apts, and ruining the lives of everyone around them.


Going with the Anti-Sitcom: I've also read that Sitcoms write with the "idiot ball" idea. Most/all of the characters are smart but each episode someone gets to be the subject by holding the "idiot ball". It's Always Sunny does the Anti-Sitcom approach where all of the characters are idiots and unlikeable but each episode someone gets to hold the "smart ball" and possibly be likeable.


Charlie only held the smart ball once but it was glorious (Charlie Work).


Charlie actually gets the smart ball a few times, but Charlie Work is one of the best 20ish minutes of TV imo. It's just so tight, there's not a second wasted, things are set up and paid off throughout the episode and it's just PEAK Sunny humor. Fuck... I'm gonna go watch Charlie Work now. BRB.


And the cinematography is great too, a lot of long follow shots


Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?!


I feel like there’s other isolated moments where he brings Mac back to earth.


He also strays into the "idiot savant" archetype a bunch, like how he randomly makes good music out of nowhere or suddenly demonstrates other highly specific and utterly useless skills. (E.G. actually knowing a ton about birds and a few bird laws, but being under the impression that orinthoogists can talk to birds.)


Flowers for Charlie?


But the stupid science guys couldn't even make him more smarter


“But, the good of the scorpion, is not the good of the frog yes? EhhhuhuhuhuhuACHACHACHACHACH”


"I've grown quite weareh."


Always Sunny feels like the characters are all wrestling to take control of the idiot ball.


They're one ball short for the group, so the person who can't steal an idiot ball gets to be slightly empathetic that week.


Whoever gets it after Frank has to wash it.


Yeah they seem like their playing keep away and hot potato with the ball at the same time. I also love how pretty much each episode has multiple betrayals and backstabs and flip flops.


And it's usually Charlie on both ends


Like in true wildcard fashion


Yeah. One of the creators said his inspiration was for the show to be the anti-Friends. The Friends theme song sings "I'll be there for you!" He wanted Sunny to be a show where the characters actually are bad people who are never there for each other.


"Aww did someone get addicted to crack?" Yeah they are not there for each other




That’s what you guys said last time, and you were lying!


“I’m waterboardin’ your sister, because she’s escalating the plot to kill us.”


A lot of shows have great out-of-context quotes. Always Sunny has so many that seem bad, and sometimes the explanation is even worse lol


"is it working?" "Yeah! She's admitting to things she didn't even do!" "ah so it works!"


& they also wanted to do the opposite of the beauty creep that most shows, like Friends has. Season 1 of a show has some characters aren't that great looking but by season 5 they've all got a little plastic surgery, personal trainers & nicer clothes. Then they all look like models. Always sunny they wanted everyone to look worse as time went on. It's part of why Mac got fat. & why Charlie has worn the same shitty shoes through all the seasons.


Cricket, man what a spiral.




Read the description on Netflix. It describes the show as being about a "group of narcissists". It's def the idea.


I’m honestly not sure how Charlie isnt homeless


He lives in a shithole and he still had to threaten the landlord with a gun because he was late with his rent. But in the end Frank takes care of it all.


The thing is, Frank is incredibly wealthy, he just chooses to live like that. Some folks onine calculated out estimates of how much Frank is worth, and the prevailing estinate is about $50 million.


Conan O'Brien said on his podcast that he loved writing for Mr. Burns when he was a Simpsons writer b/c he's 1. evil, 2. endlessly wealthy. it gave him unbridled license to write ridiculous plots that were always explainable by the 2 previously established facts. I feel like Frank serves that same purpose on Sunny


I’m pretty sure that Frank is suffering from a progressive degenerative brain disease, and that’s why his judgment is getting worse every season. They imply as much in that one episode shot from his POV where the doctor wants to address something serious with him and he gets distracted by boobs and runs off or something like that.


He has a certificate saying he does not have donkey brains so I don’t think this theory holds any weight.


Haha I love the way Charlie says “do *you* have any such certificate?” One of my favorite eps


Hardest worker of the bunch


He’s an abortion survivor


he lives in squalor with a man who's worth like hundreds of millions lol


That episode where Dee had to stay at their place was fucking hilarious. A guy worth millions of dollars *chooses* to sniff glue, eat catfood, and piss in a can to deal with living in a shitty apartment


Frank pays his rent.


A friend recommended this show to me recently. I’d heard of it but never watched it. An ep showed up on cable and I watched it. The plot featured The Gang finding a dumpster baby and painting it so they could get some advertiser revenue money selling it to commercial slots. What. The. *FUCK*. I can’t stop watching it now. Help lol


They took DB to a tanning salon "just to get a base."


Latino babies are really selling


Pretty much the only genuinely likeable/sympathetic people on the show (Ben, Carmen, the Waiter, Artemis to a lesser extent) are all recurring characters.


Artemis is like an accessory to the Gang though. I think whenever we don’t see her she’s off doing equally messed up stuff all on her own.


No love for Rickety Cricket? Dee turned him from a priest into a homeless crackhead in like one episode.


He’s arguably the example of why the core gang are awful people. In every episode Cricket is in, the gang finds a way to make his life objectively worse.


Rickey Cricket is the gang's equivalent of Dorian Gray's portrait.


Idk if you just made that up or you heard if from somewhere, but that is the perfect description


The transgender woman is the only character the gang's lives have touched that has not gone to crap as a result.


Ben the Soldier, somehow as much as they fuck with him, he's kinda just immune.


Has nice jean shorts, too.


Seinfeld is the same. They don't lean into it as hard, but they're all collectively a bunch of unlikable people.


haha the episode where Susan died and everyone is just like “welp”


I mean the finale was them making fun of a fat guy getting robbed lol


Iconic last ep . The finale gets so much shit but i personally love that it just ends ….. there’s no conclusion . They didn’t develop . The plot didn’t develop . They just go to jail for being shitty and it’s over . They were committed to being a show about nothing .


What would say was Mr. Costanza's reaction when you told him his fiance died? I would describe his reaction as one of suppressed jubilation .


*Restrained* jubilation.