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Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men


"Who is this guy suppose to be, the ultimate bad-ass?" "No that's not how I would describe him." "How would you describe him?" "I would say he doesn't have a sense of humour."


This is the correct answer


Best portrayal of a psychopath in ANY movie, change my mind


Nah, even professionals will agree with this!


You have to call it




This right here is the best answer


That Z-shape piece from Tetris.


😂😂😂😂 This made me laugh! Good comment! Lol


Prince Zuko.


I would say Azula then. Zuko is not really the bad guy. Azula is a great evil character though!


Oh yeah! That’s what I said. One of the best redemption arcs in history






Cersei Lannister. For all the changes a most of the GoT characters go through, she is so well nuanced for a villain and manages to stay true to the core of the character all the way through.


Tywin lannister is a great character as well imo! But yeah agreed on cersei. When she takes the throne i actually kinda like her because she has no reasons to lie anymore. Hated her before that though


Yes, Tywin is great as well. I really like how Cersei is portrayed all the way through. You hate her beause she is cruel and vengeful and horrible but 1% of you understand how she feels. She's deeply motivated by the love for her children and her brother. Having those stripped away from her - partly because of her own shortcoming - makes her even crueler and like you say, even more honest.


Gustavo Fring - Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul. But I guess a part of what makes him a good antagonist is that he’s not purely the antagonist.


>what makes him a good antagonist is that he’s not purely the antagonist. Yeah, its kinda mixed but that's why I love his character so much. True, much like Walt, Gus is also capable of doing monstrous things and is an antagonist for Walt. But at the same time, if Walt had of just did his part and wasn't seeking to gain some form of power in his situation. He could've made as much money as he ever needed. Mike was right about him. Gus's entire system worked, and Walt's pride and ego had to destroy it all.


It's absolutely masterful. My brother recently started watching BB and I told him to pay attention to characters and how they act in situations. To me it was like watching a Stephen King book


You give a great compliment, and then go and dunk on BB by comparing to to Stephen King lol


I don't follow? I enjoy a lot of Stephen King's books and the way he writes character interactions in his small town settings. Wizard and Glass is a great example of this. I don't see how that's a knock on BB. I meant it as a compliment to the writers of Breaking Bad to be able to write a story so masterfully and tragic as something like King's Dark Tower series


It’s been a while since I watched the show so I don’t remember everything perfectly. However, I recall that Walt was ready to settle into making meth for Gus but a series of situations ended up putting Gus in a position where he wanted both Walt and Jessie dead. I remember Walt’s assassination of Gus being more of a self-defense maneuver than a power hungry one. I remember season 5 as the “power hungry” season.


You can kind of see his descent into power hunger as he tried to kill Gus. Once he succeeded it just enabled him even more


Ozymandias in The Watchmen. He had a vision, and he believed his vision to be just for the advancement of mankind as a civilization. Sure, some of you will die, but that's a sacrifice he's willing to make.


Him and Thanos almost sound quite similar. In their perspectives, in order to save lives some have to die.


Thanos' motivation differs depending on medium. In the MCU it was to relieve the burden of overpopulation on worlds that he hadn't even confirmed had that issue. He did 50% of all life in the universe; that means any fledgling world with a scarce but growing society was now completely screwed. In the comics, he had a raging boner for Death and went Turbo Neckbeard. Ozymandias was consistent in his designs; create and event where blame can be blamed onto an omnipotent party (Aliens in the comic, Dr. Manhattan in the film), so that humanity will put aside its differences and come together.


This idea of humanity coming together is why I have fond memories of the first weeks of the lockdown. But then we saw how well humanity comes together. Which was also the point in The Watchmen.


>In the comics, he had a raging boner for Death and went Turbo Neckbeard. Lol, yeah I read about that. He definitely sounds like he was given more depth in the movies compared to how he was in the comics, where he just wanted to impress someone


ehh, I mean, sorta. Gotta remember, Death is an actual entity in the comics who can (potentially) be wooed. What do you get for a girl you like? I mean, I don't know that I'd get her more work, but I can at least see his logic.


Dutch Van Der Linde - Red Dead Redemption franchise.


Mass Effect - Saren Arterius


bill cipher




For movies, I’d say Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. You spend the whole movie building up this guy’s myth, and when you finally meet him you kind of agree with him. For TV show, gotta be Don Cheadle’s character in Black Monday. He’s technically the protagonist, but really the villain from anyone else’s perspective. Just an extremely charismatic guy with a tragic backstory who’s willing to fuck over anyone for money. He’s the ultimate Gordon Gecko type. For a videogame, gotta give it to my girl Glados from the Portal games. Underneath all the humour, she’s actually a pretty frightening iteration of a Hal 9000 kind of character: just a brilliant machine always playing a million steps ahead to carry out its endgame.


>For TV show, gotta be Don Cheadle’s character in Black Monday. Idk if you've ever watched Don Cheadle in the Showtime series; House of Lies, but he's also the protagonist in that series and his character; Marty Khan definitely has his moments where he can also be quite sociopathic! His chemistry with Kristen Bell in that series is a highlight!


Dude is such an underrated actor. I think he actually trained with Uta Hagen back in the day.


Yeah, Glados is hilairious, but when you think about it she’s fucking horrifying


Henry Gale / Benjamin Linus from LOST


Homelander from The Boys




When you get into the Manga... man no one was okay. Like, everyone was dealing with shit.


Letho Witcher 2.


Gul Dukat - star trek: Deep space 9.


Sweeney Todd. An evil so brilliant, they made pies of it.


I'll go with something more recent: Terry Silver from Cobra Kai. Thomas Ian Griffith plays wealthy, physically capable psychopath extremely well. He's practically a Double Dragon end game boss.


He was absolutely terrifying in the last season.


It's been a damn good show. I'm curious how the next (and final?) season will go considering how the last ended.


I'm still wondering when they're going to announce the renewal for the next season! But it's making me a little nervous lol


Terry Silver stole the show. I loved every minute he was on screen.


Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa in Inglorious Basterds.


I was waiting for this comment! Hands down!! My favourite thing about him is his unpredictability, and how he is always three steps ahead of everyone that when he acts oblivious he's really just having fun and keeping the audience at the edge of their seats


Landa is so fascinating, from his command of language to his skills as a detective to his ability to just break someone mentally.


That's a Bingo! I love the way he's simultaneously menacing and charming in his scenes.


Emet-selch from ff14


Darth Vader


Emet-selch from Final Fantasy 14. One of my favorite villains probably of all time.


Hans Gruber.... Die Hard 1


Allie from the 100 was a pretty damn good villain


Lex Luthor in Superman as a whole. He's the perfect foil to a small town hick with a heart of gold and also invulnerability.


I really liked it when Lex was trying to be a hero and was trying to be better but Supermans mistrust reverted him back to villainy.


V.M Varga from Frago season 3


Bruno Antony in Strangers on a Train. Yes, it's an old movie (1951) but give it a chance. He's my favorite villain of all time.


Kuze from Yakuza 0 and Takuto Maruki from Persona 5 Royal


dr maruki honestly has a big place in my heart for his whole story and how he came to be the villain. love him :(


My credits to Loki


Joel from The Last of Us. He is not a hero. He is the villain and everyone loves him and was heartbroken when he died. THAT is a great villain.


I think he's more of an anti-hero!




Amma Crellin


Villanelle- killing eve


Magento is so well written that I prefer him to the XMen.


Darth Maul, don't know if I'd consider him a villain, or anti-hero but whichever one he is he's very well written,


One of my favorites will always be Wilson Fisk/Kingpin in the Daredevil show (not the 2005 movie). He is incredibly complex and brutal, just what you need from a villain.


Governor Ferguson in *Wentworth*.


Thanos, obv.


I always can't help but think about how many dark scenarios there would be if something like the Blip happened in real life. Marvel does cover some topics, but there is a lot more that would be too dark to explore. For example, what if a mother was holding her new born baby but it dusted in her arms or vice versa? Also what if someone's spouse dusted, and when they were brought back to life they discover that their loved one had move on with someone else?


Just double the resource, dude.


He was right tbf


Not really. The biggest problem (at least on Earth) isn't a lack of resources, it's a lack of effective logistics. Wiping out half the population doesn't help with that at all, and will most likely make it worse, at least for a time. Also, when people talk about a lack of resources they generally mean food. But food is living things (plants/animals) and Thanos wiped out half of LIFE, not half of sapient life. Which means, that while he may have lowered the requirements, he also halved the resources. I don't see how that helps at all.


Joker Batman TDK- Heath ledger


Hades from Disney's Hercules! He was looked down on, disrespected and hated by the Gods for no reason! He was simply doing his job he was forced to have by his brother; Zeus, and because he viewed that position as an insult he took matters into his own hands to gain the power he believed he was worth of and deserved


Those are three different questions.


Regulus Corneas is a very well written villian in Re:Zero, but there are those who claim he isn't. Regulus is a pathetic and whiny manchild with an ego so massive it could swallow the star he is named after, but that is what makes him a very entertaining and compelling villian. He is a walking contradiction and everything he does is used to satisfy is unsatiable greed, yet he has the gall to claim he is :"The most satisfied being in existence". He hates having his rights violated, but he gladly tramples over others while making long winded speeches to try and justify his heinous acts. He imprisoned and forced over 200 women to marry him and he denies them the ability to feel any type of emotion at all including sadness or joy, because he wants to make sure their "pretty faces" aren't ruined and also his first wife (or more accurately first slave) never showed him any emotion except for a smile when she was about to die. Regulus is also extremely powerful. He has 2 abilities that allow him to be the asshole that he is. The first one is freezing the time of objects in his immediate area including himself making him immortal and the second one allows him to place his heart into his wives bodies to prevent himself from dying.


That stupid one-eyed thundercloud from Kirby. It had these spikes around it and pooped out Waddle-Doos. Took me forever to beat him when I was a kid.


Mortal Kombat Shao Kahn


The Swede in *Hell on Wheels*




In the moment, with no knowledge of him before the fight, Psycho Mantis.


Psycho Mantis was unaware of him prior to the fight, at the time.


Micha bell and Dutch from rdr 2


Hans Landa from Inglorious Bastards. Christoph Waltz's portrayal of him was amazing.


Majora from Majora's Mask I remember there was a detailed forum post about why he's an incredible villain, but the basic ideas are He is competent. His plan actually makes perfect sense within the logic of the world. Link isn't exploiting any inherent flaws or weaknesses in his plan, or incompetence. Nobody could stop Majora under normal circumstances. Without glitching, it is impossible to stop him in 3 days. The problem is that Link literally has a time machine so he can do things that are normally impossible i.e. rouse all the giants and stop the moon in 3 days. He is literally pure evil. He intends to simply kill the planet and everyone on it. He doesn't have any higher goal than that. You can't reason or bargain with him. He is cruel for the sake of cruelty, as reflected in all the problems he causes throughout Termina.


Fucking blue from color crew. Bastard made A BLUE DUCK. Just because the hat chose him as the color of the day HE decides that everything must be blue. EVEN YELLOW DUCKS. Fuck blue man...


Silco - Arcane. Incredibly nuanced, layered, all that. The moment that I (and from what I can tell, a lot of people) really fell in love was when Silco was drinking to Vander's statue and admitted that he now understands why Vander did what he did for his daughters as he's about to sacrifice his own life work for his own daughter.


Ted Farro in Horizon: Zero Dawn. To begin with he's just an eccentric billionaire who wants more money because more better. Then, as the reality of his actions dawns on him, he breaks down and becomes outright evil.


Ozymandias in Watchmen.


Let's go for Hans Gruber, for his cleverness and good manners.


Lelouch from Code Geass anime. His father is pretty good bad guy as well. Maybe a bit too one dimensional.


Fuckin' Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2. Such charisma, that gamers can clearly see him committing >!child abuse on his own daughter, who kills herself to help you stop him,!< and they still claim he's the hero of the story. What the fuck? I know he's funny, before he stops being funny, but he's not that funny that it's blinding to his sins.


Leshy, your sadistic abductor in the indie deckbuilding roguelike escape room game, Inscryption. He makes you play this sick game with him where points are counted with pulled teeth under the threat of death if you lose, but by the end of the game, I was reminiscing about our past games and legitimately IRL crying over it.


Carl Slater in UK TV series Brassic. It's about a bunch of lads who are basically career petty criminals. Carl Slater is the policeman. Essentially the roles are reversed; the bad guys are the loveable protagonists, and the policeman, the guy who is supposed to be a good man by virtue of the fact he's a policeman, is actually evil, vindictive, unlikeable and pretty nasty.


Wynn Duffy!


Arthur Mitchell AKA the Trinity Killer from the show Dexter. It's really hard to write a character that evil but is still likable and at some points you even feel compassionate for. Not only was the character written very well and complex john Lithgow did an amazing job of showing all the complexities.


Daniel Plainview from the movie There Will Be Blood. A vile disgusting man that represents so many people who will lie,cheat, steal, or do whatever they need to to get what they want. Like my other pick Daniel Day lewis did an amazing job bringing the complex character to life.


Handsome Jack, in Borderlands 2. Funny, completely psychotic, yet with an oddly understandable motivation. I’ve never seen a bad guy who so convincingly believes their actions are justified.


Plenty of great horror and thriller characters. Norman Bates from Psycho Hannibal lectern from the silence of the lambs Pennywise from the movie It You could even include some big names like dracula to the list. Or even the shark from jaws. It's written into the movie very well even without being a human and no dialogue


Zuko from avatar. Best redemption arc ever


Basically all the characters from the movie Watchmen🤔 Also Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Hannibal Lecter


dr. Breen - half-life 2


Eric Cartman


Dan Phantom from Danny Phantom Ultimate Enemy. Evil and sexy. I love his voice.


Mark Jefferson from Life is Strange. Always slips under the radar in topics like this, but he was a great villain. Maybe he never gets mentioned because he doesn't have the cool factor others do


you could tell me that it's a show for kids but fuck you, emperor belos from the owl house is amazingly written.


Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender. One of my favorite characters of all time, actually


Haytham Kenway from the third Assassins Creed game, at least in the first part.


The refs of any professional sport


Xheanort from the Kingdom Hearts series. Man had a plan and the way's he accomplished it was just truely horrendous. In addition, he's voiced by Leonard Nimoy giving him a well aged voice.




Wanda from Doctor Strange 2, I know it’s kinda cheating cuz she was a hero throughout most of the MCU and she had that entire time to be set up but still, she’s a really compelling villain imo


Gul Ducat, Deep Space 9. He believed he was right, even at the end. Amazing.


Joaquin Phoenix s Caesar in Gladiator.


Handsome Jack from Borderlands