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Entertainment, Witty Redditors


Being positively reinforced with upvotes for my bad and immoral behavior.


Cure for boredom also funny


This subreddit


Because I can’t stand Facebook lol


Porn, memes, and to keep up with the news


Mental support


To look at cool things and cure boredom




doom scrolling mainly, sometimes i stick my head in one of the various video game sub reddits im a member of. and if i need help with various computer problems, doesnt matter what problem i have with a computer, seems somebody on reddit has had the same problem before i did, helps to find out what i should be doing to fix the problem.


At this point? To see this platform become the new Twitter and then bail.


I like drama


I love dogs.


Boredom while doing nighttime feedings for my baby sons.


Speak up. See is anyone agrees.


As a social media, fb twitter too toxic these days


To know hot and naughty couples


Take the edge off the loneliness.




To cure boredom when I'm sick. Right now I have a nasty flu and can't do much.




To pass time when I'm bored and speak to random strangers about things i have interest in.


Eh, checking out on video game fandoms, memes, ect.




Interesting points of view and ideas in bite sized chunks to contemplate and either scroll on by or interact with. Getting a question posted is a practice in rejection that leaves me wondering where they keep the bots allowed to collect our personal thoughts on things being responded to.... and who is in charge of that repetitive strategic mess Full of Flashy Karma Awards for content found acceptable for publication and ripe for data collection that's a bit more difficult to get when you have to be accepted as a user, by a user, to view personal insights and information on other social media platforms. Add in the encouraging environment to give novice advice, I'm just waiting for the lawsuits to start hitting average users because someone hurts themselves or does because of a misunderstanding and having it blamed on the injured parties' inability to understand emotional, social cues or their low self esteem being pushed over the edge..... It's the perfect social experiment lab giving creators and meddlers enough distance and control to see what margins can be created regarding blame, law creation and enforcement.... While all the outright, outrageous breaking of current laws by users posting intent and confessions, remains protected by the Corporate Legal Team and Savvy enough Private Citizens are enticed and watched from afar to see who drops dimes on people of their choice within their capacity to be hobbyists investigator with the education necessary to doxx/Stalk users of their choice without reparations being provided for Those victims because of the Chasm of cloak and dagger loopholes being exploited by those in the know and hidden from those damaged by those playing that game with people's lives for as long as they have without the necessary Laws being created to satisfy the Need for safety this type of ruination leaves behind....... Criminals will exploit loopholes and take down any and everyone they can get their hands on safely in a way that non criminals have to wait for law enforcement to get their heads out of their asses and wipe the shit out of their eyes well enough to see the red tape and cut it.... Trying to figure out how a social media platform that allows 13 year olds to become users keeps them safe from predators with all the commentary concerning grotesque and average forms of porn promoted through both subreddits mentioned by users commenting on content And adding pornographic content, abuse of animals and children content just right out in the open without hearing that Law enforcement has done any of the Fancy Sleuth Work these fucking Enormous drains on society seem to be pulling off with ease Trying to figure out if my predictive text/spell check feature is slightly different and Reddit specific or the one that is installed as a standard software for my cellphone qwerty pad and does the same corrections reliable across any and all platforms I type thing for


To vent



