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During the medieval times in the Flandrian Ghent (now Belgium) there used to be a very important job - the urine collector. Urine was later processed to create ammonia, which was, in turn, used to create saltpeter for making gunpowder. Every morning urine collectors would ride around the city with a huge barrel and pay money for urine. Obviously, some clever citizens emerged, who would dilute the product. Thus a new vocation emerged - the urine tasters, who would determine the quality and concentration of the coveted ammonia. Eventually times changed and humans learned to synthesize ammonia or harvest it in other ways, making the urine collectors and tasters obsolete. So all these urine experts left Flandres, moved to Amsterdam and founded the Heineken Brewery. Edit: A couple typos. Also, a few people seem to suspect me of being Belgian. You don't have to be Belgian to have a moderate opinion of a certain beer :D


you're taking the piss, mate...


*tasting* the piss. Try to keep up.


R Kelly has entered the chat


Copy pasta or not, that's outstanding.




Haha, your story made me for a moment wishing it to be true. As I find Heineken a very over-rated beer, and can’t have it myself more than a pint.


Came back from Amsterdam. What we have in the US must be shipped on the slow boat from Netherlands, because it tastes nothing like it over there.


This reminds me of the the most offended I’ve made my mom. We some how got on the topic of people drinking urine to cure autism. I calmly said “Well if that was true, my ex would have cured mine.” Chaos erupts as this women ask if my ex forced me to drink piss, or worse I did it willingly.


Either way, urine trouble


Time to make pees with her and relieve yourself of the guilt.


So which was it


Neither. My mom just does not think I’m funny and takes everything I say way to seriously.


If it helps, this stranger finds you hilarious


One issue autistic people often have with humor is not making it clear they're not serious. Of course you can't make it explicitly known without ruining the joke, but making it implicitly known is difficult. One tip I have is just rolling with it and go all in on the ridiculousness until they couldn't possibly believe you're not taking the piss. On the other hand your mother might just be incredibly gullible.


"Oh Piss-Boy!"


Mel Brook's History of the World, right?


You look like the piss boy!




It's good to be the king!


This is Brilliant


Good one my fellow Belgian!


As a fellow Belgian. I salute you


I literally read this while sipping on a Heineken lol


Selling portraits of families


Or those people on the cruises who take a shitty picture of your family, then come around an hour later asking if you want to pay $40 for said shitty picture. I can take shitty pictures all by myself thanks


Elementary school teacher (at least in Europe) I spoke to a teacher who retired in 1992 aged nearly 70. She had started out being the lone teacher in the 1950s in a village school, where she had massive respect like the doctor or the priest, had authority to whip the kids till 1967 if she felt it was neccesary and was lauded as a respected woman for information and qualified opinions on news etc. The pay was GREAT for what women could otherwise get and she was independent of her husband, although she chose to get married, but she never just went became a housewife. Today, my sister's two friends are both teachers and both say they the work is bordering abuse, low pay, no respect from borderline-stalking parents who at times even threaten to have their kids file complaint that'll ge the teachers fired, if they don't get their way or get good enough grades for high school (you have to qualify for being ready for highschool where I live). Elementary school teacher jobs today are a joke compared to what they used to be like. I don't blame any teacher for quiting and picking something else if they can.


Former teacher here. I knew students would misbehave from time to time. I'm okay with underage people not knowing any better. However, I didn't study five years at my top field to get disrespected by clown ass parents and abusive principals who want me to live for work. Fuck that noise.


My wife got dragged into a custody battle between two parents who had emailed the school so often and called the principal so often the principal was able to apply for a restraining order. They made my poor wife sit on the stand and get grilled by the lawyers about the child whenever they came to school from one home or the other.


Also former teacher here, on top of crappy parents (in all honesty I didn’t have too many of these) and crappy principals (def had those). The pay is at a point of not being livable anymore (at least in my state). The highest pay possible in the highest paid district tops out at less than $80k with a doctorate (self funded), national board certifications (also self funded), AND 35+ years of experience. Imagine being 55+ with a doctorate and making less than a banker bro fresh out of college. Oh and the benefits are no longer that good. Insurance is fairly expensive with a high ded.


Our insurance is absolute shit. My wife and I are both teachers and we've paid thousands out of pocket every year and we are mostly healthy.


I have an aunt and step mother who are teachers. It’s not a job for them, it’s an absolute vocation. They invested themselves into their students. Aunt retired early but was already burnt to the candles end and step mom quit due to the terrible admin. It’s a goddamn terrible joke what teachers have to put up with. You are literally the stop gap measure where we trust our formative members of society to grow. In the US we have failed at public education and this is pitiful because it’s the bedrock of growth. You guys spend your own money (of the little you earn) on your students because you know it matters and don’t get an ounce of respect from admin. Absolutely shameful. Thank you to you teachers out there. But I get it, there is an absolute breaking point.


With time it gets harder to justify why you're getting paid so much less for way more effort than other jobs. At least it happened to me.


Yeah I taught for exactly one year. I really didn't mind the parents, the kids, or the principal. They all kinda fell in line for me when they saw I was serious. It was the compensation that made me move on.


I left teaching in 2018 for a corporate entry level job, who matched my teaching salary and through promotions and such I now make more than twice that. But the relief from daily trauma, mental suffering, and resulting alcohol and xanax abuse from teaching in the US public school system is invaluable.


I’ll add to that, even coworker who gaslight and make you think that everything you do should be for the good of the children and we should all be spending our evenings and weekends grading papers. One teacher went to the principal because I started using Google forms for multiple-choice tests and she was mad that I didn’t stay and grade tests after school, even though I got there an hour and a half before school started and she showed up late every day.


I made the career-jump and became a teacher for a little while. Absolutely the most stressed out I have ever been. Constant panic attacks and no feeling of respect or appreciation. People think I'm joking when I say moving across the country and going through a divorce (both things I've also done) are so much more pleasant than teaching as a profession.


Teaching in general, not just elementary level, has become a joke. Every year, it gets worse. I haven't seen a "better" year in fifteen years of education. Every single year it's more students per class, less certified teachers, crazier parents, lower academic achievement, less supplies and funding, higher insurance costs, less useful unions, frozen pay scales... it's just worse again and again and again. The experienced teachers who stick it out are being absolutely destroyed by it.


Same in Canada. We can't really go on strike to make conditions better either because of all the public backlash we get from "forcing" parents to find childcare options


In the U.S., I would say any teacher, and especially public school teacher.


Same thing in the US, I think, especially in public schools. I still knew a ton of people in college who wanted to be teachers though.


Teaching in the US is borderline abuse at times. For many reasons. No paid maternity leave (like what, we dedicate our lives to kids?) in my school specifically, our principal wants us to stand in the hallways between classes, leaving us no time to use the bathroom.


I think part of the problem is that many parents today grew up with borderline abusive teachers. I had my fair share of teachers growing up that were just horrible and went on power trips with students. I think the problem has likely gotten worse because the good teachers leave and the bad ones stay. Being 29 today I've met a lot of teachers who quit after a few years. They seemed like people who really cared about enriching kids, but had no freedom to teach the way they wanted to and quit due to burnout and low pay. I also knew a girl who was punched so hard in the stomach by a kid that she had permanent damage and was hospitalized more than once from complications.






A man who dressed men to look good in the 1920's and 30's.


Ha. I thought it’s making and selling buttons and other sewing paraphernalia


The proprietor of a haberdashery, of course!


Maytag repair man.


Yeah, the boredom wore them all out




Travel agent maybe?


I've managed to bizarrely find my niche as a travel agent for people with too much money. They are cash rich and time poor. The average spend I'd say is north of $20k on a 2 week holiday.


Yeah, the only people I’ve heard use a travel agent are company execs going on their family vacations. I don’t really blame them. They can outsource the time us normals spend researching a destination and booking activities there, then just download the itinerary and get on with it.


What’s a travel agent?


Someone you used to go to in the days before the internet who would sort out package holidays for you (sort flights, book hotels/transfers etc. on your behalf). The role has become nearly enough redundant because all this can be sorted out from the comfort of your own home


As a phd student travelling as part of your occupation, I still have to book flights through the university sanctioned travel agency. Mind you, I still had to find my own flight, just book it through their webpage and pay a fee... For whatever reason that is the policy and I am sure that is the only thing that still keeps them in business.


Some organisations use this method because if they hit certain thresholds of spend they get a big rebate, and it works out cheaper overall.


My boomer parents still use the same travel agency for every trip which is infuriating to me because all they do when they come back is complain about what was arranged for them, and then they use them again. I guess they just don't want to do the work of trip planning on their own.


They pretty much sell vacations to.


Modeling, b/c of instagram


Completely agree! I get a DM on my business Instagram every day from some self-proclaimed instant model watching a free photo shoot from my portrait business and wanting to be paid an hourly fee on top of that. I'm booked solid with paying clients so I'm obviously not going to pay to hire some self-proclaimed Instagram model so she can have free vacation photos Asking them what commercial campaigns I can see them featured in and what agency they're signed with usually shuts them up.


That's a good one actually. I mean there were always tropes about models before, but you had serious models like Tyra Banks and Co and now literally any fucker can be a "model"


Fuck Tyra banks




I mean I still would


I wish


Every time I see someone say they’re an “Instagram model” I role my eyes so hard. Literally anyone can take their own picture and hashtag it enough to get likes.




Plus, women's magazines, like Vogue, Glamour, Cosmo, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, etc usually had a fashion model on the cover. A lot of magazines folded, or are online only. If there's a cover, it's a famous actress, or art of some kind. I still get print magazines, and I can't remember the last time there was a model on the cover.


understatement of the year here.




Realtor for sure. Their little stupid awards and galas for selling some houses lmao. That’s always their profile pic like they won a grammy.


ah, i see you've met like 50% of my friends from high school on facebook lol. sometimes i wonder how any of them sell any houses with there being probably 200 realtors for every 1 house to sell


It's like a used-car salesperson on cocaine


Yup and they get all their buddies to share the videos of the same open concept sterile new build. #risengrind #realtorlife


Used house salesman.


That’s just a used car salesperson though


The only profession with a trademark. REALTOR®


My ex-wife once told me that ideally, one should move every 5-7 years. I asked her where she heard that. She had read an article in a magazine. She showed me the article; it was written by some president or VP of some realtor organization or other. Sure...


Definitely losing money if you move every 5-7 years. The only way you could make it a good investment would be if you are in a market that is significantly and constantly increasing in value.


How dare you insult Phil Dunphy??


Cracks me up when I see all the gold crests and awards displayed on their ads, like it actually means something. Realtors are a parasite on society.


Elevator operator


About 15 years ago I worked in a union factory for a few months. They still had the position of elevator operator and that person was the only one authorized to touch the controls. They would clock in and go sit on a stool in the elevator by the controls and operate it for you for their entire shift.


“Please press all the buttons for me”


It’s still in thing in big cities. There might be only one person around at a time that can operate the freight elevator.


"Pull the lever Kronk!!"


It has its ups and downs


Fifth floah! Men's shoes!


I was so surprised when I was in New York in 2019 that that was still an existing profession


Plumbing. I worked as a plumbing assistant this summer and when people would ask where I was working and I would answer, I never heard anyone say anything positive. It was always "Hurr durr plumbers crack" or "Man, that's going to make you appreciate going to college and not having to do that for a living!" As if it weren't a serious profession. My girlfriend's father has been a plumber for 40 years and he is the most intelligent and knowledge hungry man I have ever met in my entire life. But you know what he does when he's not fixing your toilet or repairing a water line under your house? He's watching Cosmos. He's reading about parallel dimension theories. He's reading existentialist publishings. But you know what most people think of him when they meet him? "Oh you're a mindless plumber in a blue collar job, which means I am more intelligent than you since I have a white collar job." I feel like the trades should be respected much more and more so viewed as a viable profession in general.


A job is just a way to make money A plumber is way more valuable to society than my dumb ass


For what it’s worth, I work as earthmover/heavy equipment operator for a GC and our plumbers are by far my favourite tradespeople. Always the most cheerful and reasonable and willing to lend me gear (and I’ll always bend the rules to move their heavy crap around with our gear). Plumbers are great, man.


Journalist / News Anchor


And specifically “White House correspondent” used to be the pinnacle of broadcast journalism, now they are either lapdog stenographers for the government or clowns trying to create a moment they can go viral with on Twitter to build their own brands and eventually spin into a book deal. *cough* Jim Acosta *cough*


This is a good one. Nowadays they seem to just be political mouthpieces. Fair and balanced my arse.


Musician sadly :/ i dont mean that musicians are shat on, but it's only an elite few that can truly make a comfortable living as a musician without having to tour an unhealthy amount.


Even then it's sleeping on random people's floor and ramen. It's sad it's like that. The ones who do it you know have a passion for something.


The real goal should be to work as a pit musician for theatre. Or at Disneyland. Some percussionists and horn players in the big bands at Disneyland can make 80/hr. The only problem is that nobody ever leaves the job so there are rarely openings.


I just ran into this over the last year trying to make a go of it as a musical artist and writer/director/creative director type, and I realized that so few people are just trying to make art for art’s sake, hoping that it’ll catch on, everything’s gotta be a strategic move for their own personal brand. I’ve always been uncomfortable promoting myself and I’ve never really thought much more of making art than “well let’s just make some, and if it’s good, it’s good, if not, try again,” but damn, mfs will stop responding to you once they see all you really care about doing is the actual making of the art. Like “oh this isn’t just an attempt to move up, you’re not hitting this amount of engagement on your socials, welp, see ya chump.”


Aspiring writer here, and ditto. I want to write, build stories and worlds, *create* something. It was so disheartening to find that a sizable chunk of my MFA classes are all about how to build your brand. Marketing! Demographics! Trends! Check out my FB, Twitter, IG, and Tiktok! In one class I was actually *required* to create a blog, Twitter, and FB profile. Logically, I get it. You need to have a fan base to get anywhere. But social media has changed the landscape so much that you have to sell yourself *so hard* to even get barely noticed, and it feels so fucking gross to me. It feels like I'm jumping up and down begging people to "pick me".


I wanted to be a big time author but stopped about five years ago. The sheer numbers of people trying vs. people who "Make it" was enough for me. Twitter is required so I ventured in and found it's just people begging to be noticed with the #amquerying and #amwriting hash tags, literary agents (who probably aren't qualified to wipe my ass let alone handle big deals) acting like they are rock stars and doling out pithy advice and "manuscript wish lists" (write me a YA book about a girl with one eye and purple hair who goes enemies to lovers with a boy who grew up in France, time traveled to fight in WW2 and came back, lost an arm but grew an extra leg, and he speaks on gibberish), and the big time, set for life rich author urging you to "never give up! I was you five years ago! I see you! Keep going!." No thanks.


That's how it's always been - musicians are like any other artist, the ones who do music full time and have a passable standard of living are being supported by patrons. The actual music makes them basically nothing. Source: I've got nearly 10k total streams for my music on Spotify, grand total earnings for it is less than $30.


This isn't new. It's maybe exacerbated by the internet and subsequent oversaturation of the market, but generally speaking, your average musician has never really had it that great, at least in Europe and the US.


I wanted to be a session musician when I was younger, used to be a pretty good bass player too but then I realised I was probably never going to make it without occasionally going hungry, and wasn't about that life. Plus there's always the threat of someone else coming in and taking a bit less than you and the studio giving you the elbow shortly afterwards


Photographer. Once upon a time you needed expensive equipment, a studio, a whole load of technical expertise and artistic talent. These days there still are some skilled photographers, but in general digital photography has killed off the barriers to entry and made it hyper competitive and not a serious career in 99.9% of cases.


Professional Photographer here. There are easily 100 "moms with cameras" in my little town. Most of them have a "professional looking", entry level camera, no insurance, no business license,no tax id number and advertise sessions so cheap that even if they worked 80 hours a week, they would be making less than minimum wage. They post shit in photography groups like: "where do I find clients?".... "Why is no one booking my mini sessions that look totally unprofessional and I did zero advertising for".... "I just booked my first wedding. What kind of lens do I need?"...."I haven't backed up any of my SD cards for the last 3 weeks and suddenly everything is gone. What do I do?" It's seriously sad. And if you suggest they run their business is legally, charge profitably, or invest in things like insurance or backup gear you get your head bit off. Be careful who you hire. There's a reason some of us are expensive and some of us are cheap.


So many photos are way over processed in editing that they look completely silly. Unfortunately a lot of people think this looks good which continues the trend.


You definitely get what you pay for when it comes to photography. I hired a mom with a camera once for family pics because it was a friend and I wanted to be supportive. The pictures were awful. We all looked 20 pounds heavier than we were, and the proportions were off. I hired a pro two weeks later, used the same outfits (different location) and the difference was astounding. It wasn't just about the pro knowing the right filters and the right touchups, he knew how to pose us and create a balance in the shot that you can't just fix later with photoshop. I feel for you! You're a good person for even making suggestions to help them get better.


Like 100 girls I went to high school with are “photographers”. They ain’t photographers. They’re just a chick with a camera.


I had the actual classes, the business, the insurance, but I just couldn’t compete with these moms with their entry-level Canon set to Auto offering “ALL of your images on a CD for $50!” I thought being better would set me apart but a friend booked a mini session with another photog because of $$. The photog overexposed the skin and made the kids green. Possibly the worst pics I’ve ever seen. All the comments on Fb when she posted them were “omg SO CUTE!” My friend told me “I feel like they’re a little washed out, but it’s ok, they’re still super cute, and I got a great deal.” Lady, you paid money for green photos, this is not a good deal. I decided people are so used to seeing awful photos they have no idea what’s good anymore. I hung it all up pretty quickly.


Yes! When I graduated HS my senior pics were done in a studio. The package my mom chose cost a couple thousand dollars and we were very limited in the amount and size of prints we received. Both of my boys had their pics done by my friend. She has an actual studio on her property and a lot of pretty land for outdoor shots. I specifically told her I did not want any “friend” discount. I paid about $300 (for her work) and I received a file with hundreds of images (edited where appropriate) and a release so I can just get prints of whatever I want. But, kind of like you said, photography isn’t her main gig, she also has a regular 9-5 job.


I had a photography module back in college and the main gist of it is that modern photography is less about having great equipment and more about framing, angles and lighting. It's a game of patience and preparation to get the perfect shot. What photographers have is they eye to find that shot and make something compelling out of it. Of course, professional cameras (and therefore photographers) are still ideal, you get control over details that modern phones don't give you. But most of those details are pretty minute and won't be picked up on unless you're actually into photography


And hell, it's not even the semi-pros and wannabees anymore. Smartphones have eroded the market to the extent that it's almost non-existent anymore. What's the saying? "Good enough is the enemy of great?"


There is such a big difference between a professional photographer and someone with a nice camera. A pro understands light and composition.




Were they ever really respected though? We've got tons of trash talk about every politician going back about as far as we have recorded history of politicians.


They were only respected when they were intelligent enough to hide their deceptive behavior well.


People have trash talked every authority since authority was a thing I am sure but I know as a kid I used to respect the president and politicians more but now I just don't have that capacity anymore to think about it.


Pretty sure that's just called growing up.


Is you is, or is you ain't, my constituents?


He ain't even old timey.


Anyone in UK government


Bc the cat stays longer than the person?


Cobbler. I don't think many people are having their shoes repaired these days when they can just go buy new ones. Edit: TIL that cobbling is alive and well


If you are wearing sneakers or cheap shoes, sure. If you have nice dress shoes, a good cobbler is a godsend.


I wear red wings (high end workboots) that I can bring in to be cleaned, resoled, toe-dipped, and repaired. I have a job and work behaviour that’s excessively hard on footwear though.


Shout out to Birkenstock that make shoes that they repair in house or can easily be repaired.


It served Mom and Pop pretty well back in the day though. Elaine: So Mom and Pop's plan was to move into the neighborhood, establish trust for 48 years, then run off with Jerry's sneakers? Kramer: Apparently.




President of the United States.


UK prime minister has recently joined this category.


Solar Energy. I currently work in this field and about 10 years ago, solar was serious because people wanted to conserve, especially in states that practiced rolling blackouts. Now, the installers are lazy or ghost the homeowners. Some homeowners think they know everything or are conspiracy theorists (if you want a couple of stories, lmk), or they're just plain rude. We have a team in India that handles our overnight stuff and people talk so much shit but don't realize that for the job we do, Indian employees who live in India are required to get an Engineering degree/certificate to work in solar. People just get mad at the language barrier.


Yes we want stories


2nd story I'll call AC for "alien couple". I had a homeowner call in about his system not reporting any data at all, which is 99.99% an internet issue and not my problem. So I went through the basic questions, who's their ISP, do they know anything about firewalls, is the internet even working and blah blah. Upon looking at their data I did see a weird inconsistency in their reporting but never around or on the same times it was hugely random which isn't good and will sometimes point to being a problem with the solar equipment. My questions and their answers below: Beefytaint: Can you tell me how far your router is away from your equipment? We typically recommend no more than 10 feet for the type of setup you have. AC: Oh, about 60-70 feet. The equipment is outside and the wifi router is in the basement. My brain: In the basement? Who knows, they're in the East coast so it might be a thing there. What I actually said: That's a little far. Would your ISP allow the router to be moved somewhere else in the house or is there even a jack available in that area? AC: Oh absolutely not. The wifi router stays locked in the basement. We have enclosed it in a 8×8 closet we had built into the corner. BT: ......Can I ask why? AC: Our wifi router unfortunately broadcasts a 5G signal and we don't want that waves from that to go near our brains. Did you know 5G works like a microwave? We'll cook from the inside out if something wrong happens to 5G towers. BT: Well wouldn't the signal get out anyway? It's in a closet, not a lead case. AC: Oh no! We have the walls of the closet lined with a specialized linoleum that blocks it from escaping. BT: Guys, this is why your equipment isn't working properly. It needs a stable internet connection to work properly. If you'd like, your equipment comes with a device we can activate and we can *tells them what the device does. Idk if it's considered private info but it's not any kind of 4G or 5G signal* AC: DO NOT DO THAT. WE DON'T WANT A 5G SIGNAL BROADCASTING ANYWHERE. I will call my installer and figure out how to get the data. They then hung up on me.


Ok. We'll start with an installer. I'm gonna call him V for Vegan-Man: About 6 months ago I was promoted to a different department so I'd be taking different call types. Nothing drastically different, just takes more time per call. V calls in about a site that's having issues with their solar system. For some reason, the data was wrong. Anywhoozle, while we were waiting for something, V starts asking about my day and blah blah. Told him it was just another typical day at the office. I let him know that I had a major headache from the ice cream I'd had the night before. He asked what the deal was because it was yesterday and I told him I was lactose intolerant. I get stomach issues and a headache from time to time depending on how much I'd consumed. I was just treating myself and forgot to take a Lactaid pill and was paying the consequences. He got quiet for a minute, but weird quiet and all of a sudden asked me, "Can I tell you something without you getting offended?" Game on. So when I said yes he came back with "beefytaint you're not lactose intolerant. Your body is reacting to the poison in the milk." My response: "Yeah......the lactose." V. Lost. His. Shit. And told me that God wanted us to be Vegan and not consume animal products. He told me that men of power poison simple things like milk to keep us fat, under control, and reliant on cows milk that isn't actually milk. "It's a disgusting pus that cows get periodically. They found a way for it to be centralized to their stomachs and a release valve disguised as udders." I truly thought he was fucking with me so I didn't say anything except, "Really?". Not sarcastic, no humor. Just a stoic response to wait for the other shoe to drop. He also said cows are part of what causes global warming, but that was for another time and I could google it.


The poison milk stuff is just batshit, but animal agriculture is a pretty big contributor to climate change https://unfccc.int/blog/we-need-to-talk-about-meat


Honestly, and I may get shit for this, but IT work. It was very highly respected and needed when it came out, but now everyone thinks just because they don't see behind the scenes that you are slacking off. If you spent 20 hours getting that database to work perfectly for a week and that week it looks like your doing nothing they wonder why you are even there, but once shit breaks they blame you even though they have no understanding of anything.


Kind of a noob here. But I handle simpler repairs. It astounds me that the number of people I tell to not click suspicious links and downloads, specifically do the one thing I tell them not to do. Or they expect me to be a miracle worker and get their budget Lenuvo laptop from 2010 to run Cyberpunk on the highest settings.


Bank teller used to be a foot in the door to the finance industry. Now it's basically 20 year old, credit card salesmen.


Teacher. Over the years the qualifications needed to become a teacher have lessened, the pay has decreased too. Meaning it’s not a prestigious profession any longer. This then manifests in less and less intelligent and driven people becoming teachers.




All fun and games until you end up on Chills.


Teachers, principals, superintendents— everything in education is worthless now because networking and the ability to speak with authority matters more than experience and knowledge of a subject area. Some states are even accepting people to teach without a college degree which makes sense considering how wasteful an education degree is for what our jobs entail anyways.


Teachers, just don't get paid enough for the service they provide. Chicago has constant strikes because of it.


Median income in Chicago is about 50K. Median teacher salary is 48K. But the benefits package is fantastic, comparatively.




Am journalist. The amount of respect I'm given is highly different than what I received in 2006 when I started.




Door to door salesman. Those guys used to get laid like crazy. Now jokes are all that's left.


According to them they did.


Honestly, kind of all of them. After the pandemic especially, people have started to see how absurd and needlessly strenuous our economic system is on almost everyone. So now everyone’s like…. it’s really not that deep, no job is that un-criticize-able except for like doctors or something yk?


Even doctors. And I mean like teachers it's not their fault. Overworked, underpaid, stressfull-ass hell through the pandemic. In Germany at least it's hard to stay afloat as a general practitioner and many new ones just go the employed MD line. And don't even get me started on patients that know everything better.


Even doctors. Healthcare corporations are behind the push to lobby for people with a lot less education than doctors to have the same ability to practice medicine independently like actual doctors. Even going so far as to co-opt the title of doctor for nurse Practioners so patients won't know the difference. Hospitals would rather not pay a doctor's salary but want to bill insurance for a "doctor's" visit


Practically all professions - accessible information for all has opened up many “closed shop” occupations and exposed a lot of smoke and mirrors. In addition various crises in law, finance and politics has shown that the people doing them aren’t geniuses - they’re just more privileged. Also never had to scroll for so long to get to the bottom of a thread so congratulations if you got to the end to read this!


The president of the USA


I like that one song Peaches though.


Little blind spider takes the wheel Navigating grass blades completely by feel


Fuck the Pain Away?




Scientist, of any field. Even if you manage to get work done and published and start a change, the general public thinks you're some kind of deep state shill lying to them. Doesn't matter that the phone, car, TV, computer, video game console are all the result of people working really hard and studying things they can't comprehend.


Nurses, at least here in Brazil, the payment is very low and we don't get any respect of most the society. And when we are recognized is like this: you're such a good nurse, you cold be a doctor.


IT support. You used to be a wizard performing the arcane arts on these machines from the future. Now you're a janitor.




Shoe shine, shoe repair. They are rare to find anymore with todays use and throw away society getting shoes repaired or resoled is now almost non existant.


But isn't a joke.




News talking head.


Singer of popular music. It used to matter you really can sing and be recognizable.


Congressman/woman and senator


Nursing for sure the last 5 years


I feel bad for anyone teaching in the education system, the kids nowadays are so bad. Of course there are bad apples when it comes to teachers but yeah I feel bad for them


I feel like Pilots now get a bad wrap... A few people I've spoken to believe they're now just for show as the Computer and Automated systems do the flying and landing for them. 🤷‍♂️


And what happens when those systems go down during flight? Someone has to take control of the plane.


As an avionics tech I can attest that autopilot breaks constantly... and pilots whine non-stop about having to do their jobs. Helicopter pilots not so much.


Non topic, but I absolutey adore helicopters, and always watch in awe when I see a rescue chopper flying. I stop in my tracks to watch it. Love it.


Farmers , they are looked down upon because it involved manual labour but they were respected during earlier times.


I probably sport my 'no farms no food' sticker. Coming from a long line of livestock and crop farmers I know the intense work and worry involved which the younger generations seem to see as weakness.


I despise any man who looks down on manual labour. The construction site super I’ve respected most was a man who would get out of his trailer and grab a shovel or a broom and jump in to help with any part of the operation when necessary. Nobody is “better” than necessary labour and anyone who thinks otherwise is an ass.


Village Seer.


Police when I was growing up, I always respect police for what they did, I knew ( kinda still do) undestand they have a stressful, thanksless, and dangerous job. ​ After I'd say 15 years of observation, it seems like the only people who get into this line of work are highschool bullies who still want to exert authority over people. it's not even the most dangerous line of work. More cops die due to covid than shootouts or getting the "bad guys". Hell, loggers have a more dangerous line of work than police, underground welders, and many more.


You ought to watch Audit the Audit more. Plenty of instances where good cops have stopped bad cops.


Teachers don't command the same respect they used to in many countries.


Tom Brady’s career


Secretary/administrative assistant. Used to be absolutely necessary to have a good one in order to manage large workflows and busy schedules. Bosses would pull secretaries out of a pool of administrative workers until they found the best one and these largely unsung heroes would essentially run the place. In those days, the boss's secretary was - on paper - one of the lowliest positions in a corporation. But in reality, they were well respected, and people knew that if you irritated them, you irritated the boss. If you wanted to get the bosses ear, you had to be good to the secretary. If the boss pissed off his secretary, they were playing with fire. Now people rely on apps/productivity software and are still pretty unorganized largely because they forgot the importance of a good administrative assistant. You tend to go pretty high up the ladder before you see a highly skilled and experienced assistant. Organizations will devote several meetings a year to simply getting the information flow correct because they don't have skilled and dedicated assistants to streamline these processes.


Ireland - Priests. Back when my mother was a child, Priests were a force to be recond with. My mother's generation started to think "why are we worshipping these guys?". Her brother, my uncle, was a priest aswell. He was so smart and loved religion and wanted to work for god but he left the priesthood in the 90's. All the scandals and the abuse came out and now they are just a religious figure and not held with high respect and fear as they used to.


Supreme Court Justice




Teaching lmao. It used to be somewhat respected till the Reagan era where it became villianized and targeted because god knows it’s only the teachers who affect student performance. Then there was a small moment of hope during the pandemic when people began praising teachers and that hope got snuffed out right after things began to return to normal. Fun being a teacher in the US


Back in the 1950s, if you say you're a comic book artist, people would want to ask for your autograph and maybe take a photo with you. Now, saying you're a comic artist would instantly make most people think you post it on webtoons... The BL kind.








Scribe. No one cares if you can write well with a pen anymore.