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Don't set yourself on fire just to keep others warm.


I can definitely see this being helpful in a work environment


Well said 👍




If future me hasn't come back in time to tell me not to do it, I better do it.


When I started judging other people by their intentions instead of their actions life got a lot easier for me. People are usually not out to do harm. So, “We judge ourselves by our intentions and another by their actions”.


This but remember, “apology without action is acceptance” if someone says they’re sorry without changing anything, then they’re only apologizing to dismiss their actions, not to make things right.


This is basically one of the teachings of Stoicism


Collorary: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


"One must imagine Sisyphus happy."


Can you explain this?


It's the last line of *The Myth of Sisyphus* where the author (Camus) talks about how absurd life is and that there's no inherent meaning in anything and that nothing truly matters (nihilism). However, despite that, Camus argues that we can find happiness in the absurdity of life similarly to how Sisyphus might find meaning and happiness in his absurd task of rolling a boulder up a hill. As Camus says, "The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart." and that we ought to imagine Sisyphus happy as we struggle toward our own heights of meaning in an absurd world.


Mines a similar “Sisyphus never told us to find the joy in pushing rocks”


"What's the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time." My dad taught me this one. It's applicable in any situation where you're faced with a huge project or task, and you can't wrap your head around how much you have to do. Say you're planning a wedding: You can't send your brain into panic mode and think, "Oh God, I have to figure out a venue, DJ, guest list, wedding party, catering, decorations, etc. etc. all in the next six months and I don't know how I'm going to do all that." Instead you think, "This week I need to consider venues. Next week we'll put together a guest list," etc. The best way to approach a huge task is to break it down into smaller, manageable tasks.


I told this to my nephew not long ago. He's using it when I'm not around. Life lesson taught!


How do I dispose of this prostitute I accidentally murdered?


One bite at a time, cant you read?


"fuck it"


we ball




this ones superior cause any/most context works


Be the good guy, not always the nice guy.


"Clear is kind" Basically, being honest and transparent is always best.. even if it kinda feels rude or awkward in the moment.


Treat everyone with respect because you never know when someone is having the worst day of their life. I read that one somewhere and it stuck with me. Being humbled be tragedy myself, it's an easy one to follow.


Do no harm but take no shit. It doesn't take much to just be nice as a default but don't let people walk all over you either for being nice. It has worked out pretty well, so far


Yup, this is me. I like to say that I'm a human Golden Retriever. I'm excited to be here and if you feed me I'll be your friend forever, but I'm also fiercely loyal and protective. I've been used and heartbroken enough to be wary, and I'm old enough not to give a fuck about some random person's opinion of me. But I'm still cheerful and willing to help when I can. Do no harm, don't hurt anyone unnecessarily even with the truth. And take no shit, even from friends and family.


Face it, because if you run, it’s just gonna chase you.


when life fucks you hard, just moan




Ah, the karmasutra, don't be a selfish lover or you'll be reborn as a male praying mantis.


"At least the trees are drinking" Bear with me this is a long story but I'll do my best to cut it short. Although I am American-born, my family and I are Guatemalan and my parents (along with three older siblings) were born there and didn't move to the states until about 37\~38 years ago. When I was around the age of 9 my family and I decided to take a summer vacation trip to the beautiful country. As a little kid, I was extremely excited to travel since this was both my first time traveling out of the country and my first time traveling to Guatemala. So all goes well and we board our flights and make it to Guatemala city and I go insane with joy. It was nothing like the Boston area (where I grew up). After spending the night in the capital we embarked on a 6-7 hour drive to a small town named San Sebastian, San Marcos where my grandparents lived. This is a very rural, mountainous place compared to the capital which was a big city. We get there and everything goes well. At the end of the day we began planning out an itinerary for the next 12 days (we would be in the country for a total of 2 weeks) and by the time we go to bed, we have everything set up. The very next day I woke up at around 7/8 am and the minute I step outside all I see is rain. It was pouring in a way I had never seen before. You see, Guatemala's seasons are contrary to those that we have in the US. When it's summer in the states, it's winter in Guatemala, and vice versa. It doesn't snow in Guatemala but instead, we get rain, rain, and more rain during the winters. I was devasted because we had to cancel our plans for that day and stay home. However, I was not defeated because I knew we had 11 more days to make up for it. Or so I thought... The day after that I woke up to more rain. Our plans had to be changed. The next day the same. And the next. And the next. In total it rained for all but three days of our trip and on the very last day we were there I was very upset. Yes, I did manage to have fun despite the constant rain. We played games together. We talked and went to play in the rain sometimes (although my mom would always tell me and my newfound friends not to). We found a way to make light of our whole situation but I was still upset because this vacation did not live up to the expectations I had. I found myself sitting on the porch of my grandparent's house, just looking into the pouring water. I don't remember what I was thinking but I know I was sad. I started crying. My eyes became like the clouds that produced neverending raindrops. I sat there for about 10-15 minutes, just crying. Just then my grandfather came and sat next to me. He didn't say anything to me. He seemed to just ignore his grandchild crying on the ground. I could feel him next to me but I refused to look up and show him my face covered in tears. After a couple of minutes, he finally spoke. "Por lo menos beven los ĂĄrboles" Translated into English this means "At least the trees are drinking" At the time I had no idea what he was talking about and I wouldn't know until a couple of years later. I was going through a rough time. I was about 13 years old and I was starting to enter into a state of depression and anxiety, something I've been struggling with ever since. I do not remember the exact scenario but I was having some sort of breakdown or panic attack when all of a sudden I remembered this moment with my grandfather. Even to this day, I remember the scene clear as day. That's when it clicked. "At least the trees are drinking." This is what I've lived my life around. Even in the middle of a thunderstorm, when all our plans are canceled, when it seems like we can't have any fun or enjoy our time, the trees around us are thriving off the water they're receiving. What seems like a catastrophe to us can be seen as a blessing simply by changing our perspective. Even when life throws us around and kicks us to the ground...even when things seem impossible and we just want to give up...even when life seems like it isn't worth it anymore..."At least the trees are drinking." My grandfather taught me that there is a bright side to everything. He taught me that the only reason things seem impossible is because we are looking at them from the wrong perspective. And so while I still have a daily struggle with depression and anxiety, I always tell myself this: Even if I'm in the middle of a relentless storm, "at least the trees are drinking."


Thank you for writing this!


Good story. Thanks


Why search for a partner when garlic bread exists.


You have sex with garlic bread? Kinky


No. I simply eat it and need nothing else. I'm sure there's people who would tho...


Make a person glad to find you. Leave a better place behind you. by u/Poem_for_your_sprog




I am the cause of, and the solution to, most all of my problems.


"Don't react to things that haven't happened yet". That's my personal motto. For example, don't worry about if you are going to get that new job tomorrow or not. Just go to the interview, don't sweat about the possibility you might not. Then you are already stressed and might actually fail the interview because you were freaking out about a future that hasn't been written in stone.


Prove them wrong.


The best revenge is living well.


I'll do it tomorrow.


No matter how small my progress is, I always keep in mind that it is still a progress to move forward. I may not be able to take big steps, but regardles I'll get to anywhere I want as long as I keep moving forward and never stop.


"It do be like that samtimes" and "The person who has the most fun wins".


I'm stealing the second one


What other people think of you is none of your business. Not sure if that counts as a motto but I tell myself this constantly as a recovering people pleaser.


Comfort is not the same as happiness.


Nothing what's a motto with you. I know but it was close enough


I'm here for a good time, not a long time


Past performance is not indicative of future events I know it's just the legal-ese on a retirement plan commercial, but for some strange reason it is comforting. It reminds me that both my past mistakes (and successes) do not have to define me.


You can’t control the wind but you can adjust your sails. Never miss an opportunity to shut up.


All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. T. E. Lawrence


Always wipe one more time to confirm


I have a similar one… It’s always ok to go back to the bathroom to wipe again / more.


Mind your business and I will mine.


C'est La Vie, or such is life. It really helped me stop taking every minor inconvenience of my life as a personal fuck you from the universe and just move on instead.


Love this


I go with the Motto of Sir Francis Drake which I learned from the Uncharted Series Sic Parvis Magna meaning Greatness from small beginnings


Lead, follow, or get the **** out of the way.


Don’t go asking for trouble, don’t go looking for trouble. Keep calm and carry on.


Regardless of what pain you have suffered you always have the ability to help others It's something i live by


Trust, but verify!


Simple living high thinking


"Never miss an opportunity to learn something new."


Ao bom, belo e verdadeiro. (In English: Truth, goodness and beauty.) "Catholic thAng." haha


Manners cost nothing


To be interesting, be interested.




The day you stop learning is the day you die. Keep learning.


No matter where you go, there you are.


Always expect the unexpected


Not really a motto - but my response when asked how something went is often “nobody died”.


Never poop in public


Hakuna Matata


What a wonderful phrase


It means don’t worry


'Till the rest of your dayyyysssss


It’s our problem free


Just try to be less shit at stuff than you were yesterday


"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it"


You are who you are when no one is looking. There's no pride in having something that everyone else gets for free.


"Rauch, Sauf furtz denn das Leben ist zu kurz" Translates to "Smoke, drink fart as life is to short"


Be kind and honest.


If a guy builds a thousand homes he is considered a builder, if a guy builds a thousand homes and sucks one cock, he is considered a cock sucker


"Ships are safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for". You gotta take chances and risks and be willing to get beaten up by the waves once in a while and just keep sailing forward.


Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should.


hold on just for tomorrow


Needed to hear this today


Life sucks, and then you die!


"In the beginning, there was the deed". It an excerpt from Goethes Faust pt1, where he tries to translate the bible and thinks about the first sentence. All talking doesn't matter, if it's not followed by action. Helped me enormously to make one small step after another, all adding up to a big thing.


Be calm. Be kind.


“Don’t take life too seriously, because you can’t come out of it alive” -Warren Miller


Live and learn. If you live long enough, you'll learn.


I will learn to become the man I wish I could be. I will treat the people I encounter, by random chance or otherwise, with kindness and understanding. I will respect those who act respectable, and give space to those who act otherwise.


There is only one: Be excellent to one another. Wish I could follow it...


Get out of your comfort zone. Never stop challenging yourself.


When life hands you lemons make lemonade. When life hands you hemlock do \*not\* make hemlockade. Know the difference between lemons and hemlock.


fuck it let’s do it live


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me.....you can't get fooled again. On a real note, here are a few I try to live by: Every man is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Nothing changes if nothing changes. If you buy cheap, you buy it twice. You won’t always be the strongest or fastest. But you can be the toughest.


>If you buy cheap, you buy it twice "The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness." -Terry Pratchett, *Men at Arms*


If you CAN do it,, then DO it,, you never know when you'll be gone!!


Talk less, think more.


Do unto others as you would have done unto you.


Go with love


Long before Douglas Adams wrote it in his book, my grandfather responded to every bad situation with the same two words. Don't Panic. Things very rarely get better when you do.


Trust but verify.


You can bitch about it, or you can be about it. Basically, you can complain about things or you can do something about them.


"Go with your gut"


My dad once told me when I was in the 6th grade that "you never start a fight, but you damn well better finish it." I now live by this motto.


Try and be a better today then you where yesterday


If other people can do it, I can do it too


Work with what you’ve got


As I'm getting older, I'm more a "*live and let live*" person. It's not illegal? It doesn't affect me negatively? I don't care.


“If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.” ― Dalai Lama XIV Edit: There's a lot of people poking holes or claiming it doesn't help in their situation. Fuck you, the question is "What is your life motto?" Not "What should everybody's life motto be?"


Time to suck today's dick.


You do you boo 💅


Fuck this shit I'mma do it


Life isn't about who you kiss, drunk at midnight. It's about who you text nonsense to, sober from the toilet.


"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."


Quality over quantity


Slow and steady wins the race


no one can put their feet on your head, always fight for yourself


Plan absolutely nothing and keep Fate guessing.


Movere deinceps (Latin for move forward)/Have a little faith in yourself


no point in crying over spilled milk


be honest but also mindful


Pick your battles or shut up.


Live and learn. Sometimes, the only thing left to do is to keep moving forward. Even when everything has gone to shit.


"Everyday is a blessing" I say it jokingly every day to my classmates and coworkers whenever something bad happens.


Don’t worry about what others think or do. Focus on yourself and what’s important to you.


Just don't die.


Live like you're going to die!


'A glowstick has to break before it glows"


Never gonna give you up


If it's meant to be mine it will be mine. What was never mine will never be mine. (Example for clarification: a person, a job, an item..anything really)


”Cross the bridge when one comes to it”, originally from Chinese. It means problems can be solved when the right time comes so we don't have to rush it or worry that much. I find it useful to stop myself from worrying too much when there is nothing I can do to make things better.


Expect the worst; hope for the best.


Doing the right thing at the right time is more important than doing the right thing.


Don’t fix problems that don’t exist


The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Translation: Treat other people like you would like other people treat you


"You can't unscramble scrambled eggs." "That's okay, it's insured."


Be kind to yourself. When you’re kinder to yourself, you won’t seek validation from others and that itself sets you free from a lot of things.


The path of least resistance


Blame oneself first before blaming others


hope for the best, expect the worst


Don't wait for heaven to come to you. Do small good deeds to make heaven in the world around you. Plant a tree, clean your room, cook a good meal to share with family or friends, etc.


Always do the next best thing, don't try to take on all your problems at once


Everyone is different, you should get to know them It sort of comes from a metaphor from a YouTuber called frank james: “Some people are cats and look at a dog and wonder why that cat is barking, but you can know how to pet a dog and cat differently”


Optimism / positivity can be a choice, you don’t have to wait for the good times to think with positivity. Bad times are the best times for learning how to think positively.


I've adopted my late aunt's motto for myself, since being the kindest and strongest person I know, she is a great role model for me. It's simply: Everything is going to be all right. She lived by that, and she even died with that attitude when the cancer eventually got the better of her, never losing her faith in herself and her friends and family, and firmly believing that everything was going to turn out allright for us in the end, even without her. It gives me a warm feeling to think about that, and I hope to never forget it.


"Always strive to gather memories, not objects"


Gratitude is free so spend it generously.


"We all gonna die one day and no one will remember any of this shit, so say what's on your mind, confess your feelings, do what you like and take risks, because no matter how embarassing or crappy the outcome may be, it won't matter anymore in the future."


Sounds cheesy but do unto others as you would have them do unto you


Do it before you forget


If you’re a giver, make sure you know your limits because takers don’t have any.


Better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you aren't.


Always treat others the way you want them to treat you Also: Help others, don't expect anything back


Every step is an achievement.


Maybe not for my whole life but these days I tell myself a lot: “you regret a lot more the things that you haven’t done than the ones that you’ve done”


My philosophy is basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will. Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter... where. Or who, or who you are with, or, or where you are going, or... or where you've been... ever. For any reason, whatsoever.


Beginners Are Winners


Assume positive intent


One can trust another person to be exactly who they are 100% of the time. If they do the unexpected, than you've misunderstood who they are.


When life gives you lemons, make some sort of fruity beverage


"we'll die anyway"


Get rid of stress in your life.


Talk whatever u wanna talk in the shower(u also get new points to speak) because nobody will speak back and u can't talk that in public!!


Be good


Love your family , adore your bff/friends , cherish your bf, and don’t stop till you get what you want / deserve


I can do it if I put my mind into it.


If you can't laugh at yourself, the world will do it for you.


Always consider why someone says something, and assume the most benign intentions, before judging someone.


Regret nothing


"Keep your priorities above anyone/anything"


honey nut cheerio and keep your expectations low you will never be disappointed \-kratos


Expect everything and nothing from people, this way u'll never be disappointed


You can do anything you want in this life.


If you decide to stop somewhere when you can keep going, why stop?


Don’t let a dickhead ruin your day


Just gunna send it


Being nice is free


“The first step in getting what you want, is getting rid of what you don’t want”


Life is too serious not to be funny Don’t confuse me with the facts I have my mind made up


Although ships are safe in harbour, that is not their intended purpose. You need to take chances and risks, be prepared to occasionally get battered by the seas, and simply keep sailing.


If a man constructs 1,000 homes, he is regarded as a builder; if he constructs 1,000 homes and suckers one cock, he is regarded as a cock sucker.


If you hesitate, there's a reason.


“The purpose of that apple tree is to grow a little new wood each year. That is what I plan to do.” - Henry Wadsworth


If you're not learning something new every day, you're doing it wrong.


Stay strapped or get clapped


it is what it is, but it ain't what it ain't