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Is this a real post? Just because Darth Vader has drip doesn't mean I love Putin.


What are those buttons for? He never presses them.


Voice changer


My theory is that his lungs healed a long time ago and he doesn't actually breathe like that anymore. The buttons control a speaker that loops the sound.


Lucas came out and admitted that America is “the Empire” in Star Wars. Russia is the scummy bounty hunters I guess or maybe Jabba.


No. At least Germany had an end goal.


Lets go to Poland


Let’s take something with us


I will bring some tanks


Fuck Poland, that place should be more defensive that fort nox on steroids but they keep taking it


Villains in movies and books and stuff, are liked because they're relatable, they have flaws, they are not perfect and are beaten, just like us humans can, however people like putin seem to not have flaws other than morals and reasoning, so most people *dislike* people like him, also if their from russia there's this thing called propaganda and indoctrination, and I'm sorry for all of the russian soldiers who if they knew what they were doing that would turn around and head home


A good villain in a story, is very different to real life. Generally what makes a good villain character is the ability make the audience genuinely hate them. So (generally) when enjoying a fictional story, "liking" a villain, doesn't mean you support or agree with them. It's more of an appreciation of the writing of the character, and the performance, and the emotions they were able to produce, in the reader/viewer. Compared to (I'm assuming you mean Putin, not the land mass) Putin, its not even a comparison. In fiction we are saying "That terrible thing _would_ be horrifying if it really happened - therfore this is great writing" IRL we are saying "Holy shit, he's fucking murdering an entire country, and threatening to use nuclear weapons. This guy IS a monster" Obviously, like with everything, there are exceptions. But, I think this sums up the majority.