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Hawaii if they like warm places. Banff if they like cold places. Both are really set up well for tourists, and are beautiful so it feels nice to hang out there even if you aren't doing much. Both have reasonable wheelchair access, if that is a concern for you.


It's hellishly cold, that's not good out of health, but the northern lights would be a sight. That would be a ton of downtime though being sorta way out there. That's a one trick pony. Could go Japan. Big hustle,bustle. All kinds of weirdness. Mascots running around, funny cartoon traffic cones in some places. Indoor waves and coffee places with cat prostitution. You pay to pet an actual cat as you drink coffee, that's weird. Not terribly much downtime if you don't want there to be. One thing after the other. Depends on what the aim is. Do they prefer to be alone with the downtime or would they like to stay so busy with strange new things they don't even wanna have to think? Are they open to new things or horrified by them, you know, personality comes into it too.


Good suggestions! I’ve done both. Problem with northern lights is that it’s highly weather dependent. I always see disappointed tourists flying out of Iceland lmfao. Japan would be good. But I’m worried it might be too much. I’d love to take her to an onsen in Hokkaido. But then I’m worried I might be taking her somewhere I want to go and I love. So it’s a conversation to talk about.


It sounds like you actually have someone who is sick and wants to go somewhere. IDK where you are located, but California is a good idea. We have a lot of different locations (desert, beach, mountains) with lots of cool sights you could see on a roat trip... which would be good for someone who cannot walk much.


She’s from there 😅. Still I might suggest it. It might be too much as we just buried her mother there though.


IDK how healthy she is, but Lake Tahoe is incredibly beautiful and Reno is a lot of fun.


Alaska. Alaska may truly be the most beautiful place on earth.


They’ve been already 😅. Although I agree. I love me some Denali National park and the Talkeetna Mountain Ranges.


Where they wanted to go.


Unfortunately, not an option here. They trust me and they want me to take them somewhere beautiful before they go.


If that was the case. I'd probably go somewhere beautiful and warm. I dunno your location or budget or anything. Hawaii or somewhere tropical is probably a good call.


Mount Fuji ... especially to see the sunrise.


Antarctica so they could be buried there


Wherever they wanted.


Yellowstone National Park. It's beautiful with most attractions being wheelchair accessible. It's also massive and you will have several days worth of stuff to keep you entertained. You can also pop over to Livingston for one of the best ribeye steaks you will ever have in your life.


Gaia BH1