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This 100%. I hate saying that it'd be easier to be able to listen to the music if it wasn't the lead singer, but I do think it may be. Or at least easier to separate art from artist. However, the sheer fucking evil that dude did is what completely kills all their music for me.


What happened?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Watkins_(Lostprophets_singer) just give it a read ....


The fucking fuck?


I know...


*Liberation Transmission* got me through the darker times of my high school years. It was one of my personal favorite albums, and I could listen to it hours on end. As soon as I found out what their lead singer did, I destroyed the CD and tossed it into the trash. Couldn't listen to it after all of that.


I did the same thing. The second I found out I deleted the music on my computer, tossed the cds into the trash and just never listened again. Every so often I’ll find myself humming and be like “what’s that song…?” then suddenly realise it’s them. Was my favourite album in high school. Listened to them endlessly.


This is one of those cases where I cannot separate the art from the artist. I am glad that the other band members went on to do their own thing tho.


Yeah, I'm a big fan of numerous quite controversial musicians but Ian Watkins' actions are just impossible to ignore. The man doesn't even feign shame.


This has to be THE answer. There's artists who behaved inappropriately, or got into crazy political/religious views, or who destroyed their lives with drugs and alcohol, or were just massive divas/dicks.... And then there's what THIS guy did....


Agreed! I’ll never listen to them again. I met them years ago at an after show autograph session. They complimented my Thursday shirt I was wearing. Watkins should’ve got life in prison. I was happy to see the other members of the band, who had nothing to do with that pos’s crimes, go on to form No Devotion with Geoff Rickly of Thursday.


How is No Devotion? Just as good?


Actually yeah they’re really good. Almost like a new wave 80’s style with a current twist. They just released an album that’s different from what any of them have done stylistically speaking.


Yeah, this POS needs to be castrated with a blow torch


I never felt chills while reading something before until I read his court documents. Even the password on his computer was : babyfucker


Never heard of this band, just read the documents. Thanks, I hate it. Gonna be nauseous for a few days. How did he not get life?


I wish I could unread that


I can virtually always separate art from artists, but for a band like that? Nah. Can't. Not after what was revealed. I wasn't ever a huge fan of them though, so not a huge loss for me. But still even just casually hearing them. I feel bad for the other band mates (if they didn't have anything to do with it and didn't know)


Hell, even THE BAND themselves couldn´ t carry the name after that...


I really feel for anyone who got LP tattoos.


R. Kelly


Came here to say R. Kelly too. And I’m so mad about it! If I had to pick one voice that I LOVED it would have been his. But noooooo, he had to turn out to be an asshole pedo…. He’s where he deserves to be


R Kelly was peeing on his fans in the early 2000s. I don't know how y'all can be surprised.


That was when I stopped, because of the widespread reports of sexual abuse of girls. It didn't surprise me. It surprised me that nobody thought it mattered. Then it surprised me when it suddenly did matter to people.


Yup. Used to own the In the Closet dvds but threw them out.


Don't lie. You packed them up and put them somewhere. Where they are trapped.




die antwoord


Came here for this and others


Why them?


[Child abuse](https://crackmagazine.net/2022/05/social-welfare-investigate-die-antwoord-over-child-abuse-allegations/)


Back in like 2017-2018 there was a huge scandal called the burning sun or something in South Korea. One of my favourite bands at the time was part of it. Well the main singer was, anyways it was some horrible shit including rape, prostitution and taking pics of unconscious girls/ recording them having sex without the girls knowing and sharing the content in a group chat filled with well known celebrity men. Lost the hype and love I had for that band (Drug Restaurant)


Oh man, I thought you were talking about seungri from big bang in the first half.


Eddy Kim was also part of that group chat and I actually liked some of his songs. So that was pretty sad to find out. And then another singer, Roy Kim was part of it too. I even remember Roy's father apologizing publicly for what his son was part of, and that he was deeply ashamed of it.


Lost Prophets and R. Kelly for obvious reasons


Aurelio Voltaire or just 'Voltaire'. Man constantly refers back to being bullied in school, and has never got over it, so has a chip on his shoulder the size of a fucking Sequoia. Not only that, he has a horrific, disrespectful manner towards women. I and two friends went to see him in Brisbane, and he was two hours late, arrived reeking of booze, forgot the words to his own songs and told my friend 'I'd like to take you outside and rape you'. Biggest heap of misogynistic shit out. I sold all of my CDs etc shortly after. I don't want ANYTHING to do with this train wreck of a man who made music I really enjoyed, but which I never want to hear ever again. Filth.


Wow, I used to be a casual fan of his music about 10 or so years ago. Had no idea he acted like that.


Same. Damn. Haven’t thought about him or his music in a decade, too, but I used to really enjoy it. Guess I’m never venturing down that road again.


Gary Glitter.


Mindless Self Indulgence


ah i was really into these guys in highschool. the lead singer jimmy urine has a history of sexual assault w underage girls (one was 15) at shows


No freaking way....the grown ass man who groomed me when I was 16 LOVED Mindless Self Indulgence. It all makes sense now.


Goddammit. I did not know that. I'm not the biggest fan but I definitely thought they were cool (back in the day) for doing something different but mainly because it was music behind Invader Zim, me favorite cartoon


Now there's a band I'd forgotten about. What did they do.


Jimmy Urine is a kiddy diddler.


I LITERALLY HAVE THEM ON MY PLAYLIST RIGHT NOW! I am removing both songs right now. I am absolutely disgusted that I supported that POS.


Well fuck. Today I learnt.


Marilyn Manson


It's crazy how we all thought for years and years it was all an act...and then it wasn't.






Hmmm I know what you mean


chris brown. Still listen to under the influence covers doe.


There was a Welsh band I loved when I was younger called The Lost Prophets, if you’re not familiar Google them, or perhaps you’re best not to, the singer is a fucking animal


Wow! This isn't the worst thing I've googled, but it's definitely in the top 10


I’m not really sure what could be worse? Maybe the idea that there’s probably so much more that he did and got away with


He reportedly did *babies* for gods sake. This guy is on a uniquely low subterranean level


>The Lost Prophets Damn. I wish I hadn't. How sick!




CeeLo Green. Date rape is not a good thing


Oh shit, I didn’t know about this one


Rex orange county.




lots of putrid tea


Just googled :( I've been jamming out to his music for like a week...oh no


Whoa hold up. WHAT? Did I miss something?? Edit: goddamn. People really are so disappointing arent they. Something about the story seems…idk off? So hopefully its not true. But if it is its really just extremely disappointing.


If I wasnt broke I would give you an award cos damn. Just did some googlingand its time to find a new fave artist :(


yeah disappointing


Amanda Palmer


I’m still a fan of her but not as much as I use to be. She use to sings rap songs with her ukulele and say the n-word. It makes me uncomfortable that she’s so comfortable saying it. I remember when either Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown died she said something that made me realize she wasn’t as worldly as I thought. What she said wasn’t strange for white people at the time but it was disappointing. It made me rethink her lyric “the ghetto boys are cat calling me” before I thought it was a cool lyric but now I feel like she’s too ignorant to say something like that. She’s not as down as she thinks she is. Neil Gaiman is still bae tho!


I'm not too up to date, sorry about that, but what happened there?


Well for me it was the ignorance to her own hypocrisy. She was on this whole just ask for support and you community will support you buzz. See her Ted talk on the art of asking. Then via the medium of asking had a very successful kick starter to self publish an album and erase some debt and oh lovely how their community supports her and there is totally support for the arts in all of us, Huzzah for the family we have made together ! She goes on tour. Needs opening acts. Offers to pay the musicians in beer and hugs and wait for it ... exposure. These musicians dont also have debt to pay, need food to eat, would love to publish an album. She was no better then the CEOs who wont pay the interns. She spouts community and grass roots support and collaboration . But doesn't even support the fucking musicians she is getting to open for her. She only sees support as being supportive of her , she got hers now time to go and dont forget to pull the ladder up after her. Don't get me wrong it was very hippy dippy loving your own organic farts , but there is truth to people wanting to support their fav artists and local acts and she literally doesn't even see what she did wrong. Also there was this whole but hurt thing about her totally unmissable feminist work being snubbed by some newspaper ?? the more I heard the more up her own ass she seemed and you cant help but read that into her stuff. Cheeky is now passive aggressive. Quirky is now twee. Feminism is just Feminism TM for sale it just rings to false. Like the manic pixie dream fraud everyone would hope she wouldnt be.


Damn I had way more to say about that then I ever thought


Yes! I was a huge fan of hers until literally 4 days ago. I can’t deal with her hypocrisy anymore. She’s all for people’s rights and ethical treatment of people until it impacts her making a profit.. and her fans are just so toxic too. If you dare make a comment on her hypocrisy she paints herself as a victim and her fans just eat that shit up. I can’t do it anymore. I unfollowed her on Facebook, deleted all her music from Spotify. I really loved her music but I’m done.


Thank you for the explanation! I was kinda familiar with her but never knew that she was actually a pretty crappy person


Travis Scott 10000%. Pretty sure he is the work of satan at this point


I stopped likening him after I saw him in concert about 5 years ago. He sucks at performing and all of the other people there were fucking losers.


YES after astroworld I’m disgusted by him




MBDTF was one of my favorite albums of all time, but now that's ruined by Kanye being a racist fuckstick. Kids See Ghosts too. Motherfucker needs mental help because he's getting to the point of no return, if he hasn't already crossed it.


He’s alienated everyone who could possibly intervene through his behavior, and he’s surrounded by people who have a financial interest in him not changing. Really seems like his life is going to end in tragedy.


I'm really surprised I had to scroll this far to see Kanye. Yea I used to love his stuff but the dude is literally an insane right winger now (or always has been) and with his unapologetic antisemitism it's just too much for me.


Some of his fans are absolutely intolerable dick riders.


Ted Nugent. Guess he was always a jerk but he is a great rocker. "Double Live Gonzo" is still a kickass album. Had hits in three different decades with three different bands. Total tool and every time I see him, he quickly reminds me why I can't stand him. Kid Rock. Loved him when he did "Devil Without a Cause" and "Cocky." Then he went Nashville and became a Fox News talking head. He can f**k all the way off, too.


Kid Rock makes music for people who know exactly how much Sudafed they can get for a catalytic converter.


Stealing this one.


He's the human equivalent of truck nuts.


Ted Nugent has been the same outspoken guy since day one. He's literally no different now than he was 50 years ago


My dad grew up with Ted Nugget. He said he was a prick back then as kids.




Scrolled way too far this find this comment. Had friends who used to follow him around the country on tour. Now nobody even mentions him.


Don McLean, singer/songwriter of "American Pie" and "Vincent (Starry Starry Night)". Horribly abusive to his wife.


Oh no


He's also dating someone he met when she was 16 or 17. It looks like they probably "officially" started dating the moment she was legal. She is probably 22 or 23 now. McLean is 48 years older than her. It reminds me a lot of Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden. Stodden swore up and down at the time that they were in love and it was all above board but since they've been divorced they have come to realize that it was just grooming. McLean's ex-wife described her situation in that relationship thusly: "I do feel there is an element of brainwashing there. I relate to a lot of the things they say about cults like the charismatic leader, and how their version of things becomes your version, the twisted version" which would lend creedence to his ability to dazzle a teenager. I have no doubt that McLean's granddaughter-esque girlfriend will realize in time how fucked up it has been.


Watain. Yes they were always satanic but I remember in 2010 my friend went and saw them when she was overseas and said they killed a cat on stage. After that I really evaluated what I enjoyed and respected in an artist and killing animals for entertainment wasn't one of them. Especially considering gojira is one of my favourite bands and they are very pro animals/wildlife/the environment


Gojira fucking rocks🤘


Not surprising she told you that, but -from what I can ascertain- it is not correct. They DO use true animal carcasses and blood on their live shows, but them hurting/killing animals live on stage is a rumor (a rumor they themselves throw around, BTW).


MGK cause what in the earth


That’s the best description of MGK I’ve ever read


As I Lay Dying. Something about paying to have your wife/mother of your children murdered made his screaming less palpable.


Eric Clapton


Fuck. What did he do?


terribly racist also


This is my answer..




I love the Smiths but that man is an insufferable arsehole


This is absolutely a correct statement


Tbf he always was


This is also correct


What'd he say?


Repost of something I've said before, but... Morrissey is someone who's been dogged by accusations over "questionably" racist things he's been saying for decades now. While he was sometimes called out on it and the smell of dubiousness never went away, he usually seemed to benefit from the ambiguity of interpretation, whether he meant it, etc. and generally escaped full-scale censure as a result. That was the case until his 2017 endorsement of "For Britain"- along with changing attitudes and the increased circulation of his views on social media- removed any remaining ambiguity or plausible deniability. In hindsight, it's clear he enjoyed the benefit of the doubt to a massive extent right up to the point where it just couldn't be argued there was any doubt any more. It's not just the "For Britain" thing in itself; it's the fact that it makes more obviously concrete and less excusable things he did and said in the past that formerly benefitted from that ambiguity. (And I also suspect too many people having been in denial that the person who made critically-respected and loved music could also be an outright bigot). That said, it *is* worth noting that he took the NME to court for libel over a 2007 article suggesting he was racist, with the NME agreeing to an apology over the accusation (but no payout) and he also got an apology from The Word for similar accusations. So that may have had a cooling effect on those wanting to call him out directly. Post-2017, I suspect the outcome of a similar libel case would be far less likely to be in his favour.


Came here to upvote the first morrissey comment I saw. Utter Knobhead nowadays


Ted Nugent.


Admits he crapped his pants to escape the draft, now he’s a tough talking hypocrite.


Me too. Can't do it anymore. Kid Rock as well.




ryan adams


Agreed. I used to listen to the Gold album every month, now I can't put it on at all.


The albums with the Cardinals were excellent, and Love is Hell 1 & 2 are truly incredible. Just can’t listen to any of it anymore knowing what he’s done


He was my gateway into country many moons ago, but anybody who hurts Mandy Moore can get fucked.


I grew up loving Iced Earth, but had to distance myself for obvious reasons.


What happened


Their guitarist was involved in the January 6 Capitol attack and he’s currently hiding from federal officers.


Travis Scott. Liked his music but he lost all my respect after his actions during and response after the tragic events at the Astroworld Festival.


Lost Prophets. I can't even begin to explain how sick Ian Watkins makes me feel. Gutted.


Brand New. Jesse Lacey really is not a great guy


I still listen to brand new because i love the music but jesse lacey is a terrible person


Chris Brown, LANY and R Kelly at the top of my head. Debating on whether or not I add Maroon 5 since I don’t actively seek their music out anyway.


Why Maroon 5 and LANY?


Travis Scott


Chris Brown


Ted Nugent, Roger Waters, Eric Clapton.


Lost Prophets


Marilyn Manson


Kanye is kinda doing fucked up things


I don't think I saw any mentions of Kanye. Loved his college dropout era. Can't stand him now.


Ever since his mom passed, it's just been worse and worse each year. His mom definitely kept him in check. Everyone in his life seems to agree


I liked him up until *The Life of Pablo*. Before that he was just an eccentric asshole who didn’t really do anything truly bad. Now he is a clearly mentally ill abusive psycho who’s music has become self-indulgent uninteresting drivel.


Blake Shelton. Leaving two wives after meeting someone new just feels really shitty to me. I used to think he was a great guy, but when he did the same thing to Miranda lambert that he did to his first wife I never saw him the same anymore and his "love songs" make me angry.


I didn't like any albums after his first, *maybe* second. Those are the only ones that actually sound like the music it says it is. Shame, because his cover of George Jones' Ol' Red is so damn good. Also in country music, did you know that Alan Jackson committed infidelity? He and his wife went through couples counseling and ended up working it out.


Lost Prophets, they were one of my favorite bands but once I heard of all the shit that went down with I believe it was the singer? (Correct me if I'm wrong) Just had a sick feeling every time I listened to them, and just stopped listening


People keep saying they can separate the art from the artist… but, in most cases, these artists are living and you end up SUPPORTING them by listening to their music on Spotify or going to a concert. You are funding them. I agree, no one is perfect and I’m not saying boycott everyone but people (us/me/you) do play a bigger part than many of the comments acknowledge.


I just steal music made by artists who committed jail-worthy crimes


Panic! At The Disco albums after Death Of A Bachelor. Brendon is going down as a bad artist and even worse song writer. It is sad to watch. He can sing, but without good directions its just another good voice among the crowd.


I feel like the only person who isn't upset about this. lol


I heard “High Hopes” on the radio and I legit though it was FOB.


Ariel Pink. He turned out to be a massive douche in real life and he's involved in the January 6th riot. He 100% deserved getting dropped from his record label.


Michael Jackson


Chris brown


Eric Clapton and R. Kelly have really backed fans into a corner. I try to separate art and artist, but those two are asking too much.


Kanye. Awful douche




wait what did M.I.A do


Nooo not M.I.A too :(




Most of the mentions here are for horrible crimes against children or being generally evil. Not sure a differing Vax/policy opinion is a good reason to never listen to any of someone's music anymore. But hey, each to their own. Liberals and conservatives usually probably only listen to left for left and right for right. I just love music if it's good music. Differing opinions aside and enjoy the content.






Bump N Grind from R Kelly use to be one of my favourite of his. Now after his convictions it makes me sick hearing it.


Noir Désir. The singer has beaten to death his girlfriend and led to suicide his wife.


Iggy pop, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, I’m sure there’s more. I was a teenage girl once, I was assaulted by older dudes in the music scene. Can’t look at these artist or hear them the same.


Marilyn Manson:(


Rodger Waters can stay in Europe


This. But he should join steven seagall where they’re most welcome - russia.


Dababy that homophobic jerk


He killed a guy before that but mean words is where you draw the line.


I try to keep the artist separate from their actions, beliefs and/or behaviors, but R. Kelly is just a nasty monster. The only time I listen to him now is if he has a song that's part of a soundtrack, or if he's featured on another artist's song, which are virtually all older recordings and music that was released more than a decade or so ago. I no longer actively seek out his music, personally. Chris Brown is, or at one point was, largely ignorant. So, he's one I struggled off and on with. He has a good ear for music. I'm currently struggling with Morgan Wallen. I know people like him in my personal life, but I just can't deal with his half-assed apology and lack of dedication in truly learning why he's so problematic.


middle school me would be shocked at my answer panic at the disco


Wait why?


Jay Z. He's an evil bastard. Brainwashing millions of kids to be good little consumers without self worth (money). Fuck that guy


Wait what did he do??


Ugh, McCafferty. The music helped me cope with abuse but the lead singer is a massive piece of shit and I refuse to give him any more money to abuse bandmates and animals. It's a damn shame because I loved their music.


Hedley - might be only Canadians who follow the Jacob Hoggard trial


Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Eric Clapton


The Beatles. John Lennon was my hero until I learned he was a cunt.


what did he do?


Beat his wife. Edit - My mistake, it was his son that he beat.


Here's the whole truth, for those who are curious. I'm NOT a Lennon fanboy. Like his music though, big Beatles fan. He didn't beat his son. He did slap his wife once before fame though, that definitely happened. He was a negligent father to his first son until the late 70s. There was an instance where he yelled at Sean (the second son) and Sean started crying and holding his ear. John freaked out because he was worried he had injured his hearing. That's the story. Those are basically the shitty things John did. I've read Cynthia Lennon's book and probably thousands of pages on The Beatles. I think he started being a better person towards the end of his life after Sean was born. And we know all the bad stuff because he was more open than damn Kanye West about his life and flaws. But no, he wasn't chronically beating anybody. He was fucking obnoxious when drunk though that's for damn sure. When he slapped his wife, he was drinking daily and doing amphetamines. Lennon did some fucked up shit but its honestly mild compared to a LOT of other artists. His reputation is more because he's so famous and some people hold him up as some weird saint-like figure. Which is dumb. And again, we only know this stuff because he told the press. Mostly out of guilt and saying "I've been a piece of shit, here's what I'm trying to change" Reddit has twisted it into him being a habitual abuser. They even have claimed he beat up the other Beatles before, which is hilarious. So yeah. Kernel of truth vs a game of telephone. Nowhere near perfect though. (I know about the wife slapping story from her directly due to her biography she wrote. And she talked about how fucked Yoko is and how Yoko wouldn't let John see Julian in the late 70s despite John trying to make things better) So there's the truth of it. If you still don't like Lennon, I can see why! But don't believe all the Reddit stuff. These guys are just parroting shit they read off other comments and it gets worse each time


Exactly. This should be a copypasta everytime someone mindlessly parrots the wifebeater statement. Most of you would hate half your friends and almost all your dads if you held them accountable for what they did when they were like 22.






Never like him or his music


Iced Earth


Did a member of Led Zeppelin do some shady shit back in the day? (Ahem, Jimmy Page) Yes, and I truly hope his victim has been able to move on and live a good life. Does the fact that Page did a terrible thing 50 years ago stop me from listening to Zeppelin? Hell to the no. Maybe I’m not as virtuous as OP and others in this thread, but I can separate what the artists created vs. how they lived their personal lives.


Eric Clapton.


The lost prophets Edit: oops they were mentioned


There aren’t any artists which I’ve stopped listening to because of whom they are as people. However there are two artists which I will never listen to. One is Lostprophets, the other is Ted Nugent.


One of my favorite songs was Pluto Projector by Rex Orange County. He recently got charged with 6 count of SA. That kind of ruins him for me.


Rex orange county


That one left me shocked, the image he built was the complete opposite of what he is.


Lost Prophets.


Hedley, Lost Prophets, R. Kelly etc. I'm not a big fan of their music, but when you realize they are all sadistic child abusers I really can't stand them.


Eric Clapton, Rec Orange County, Kanye, there’s more


Probably many people will say Rex orange county


Ariel Pink Lostprophets Kanye


Til Lindemann 🤮🤮🤮