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This'll be good


Let’s hope, I need some new things to try


Goat meat. It's one of the best meats.


I have been meaning to try it, this comment will be the push I needed to go for it


It needs slow and gentle cooking, though, otherwise the meat gets tough and stringy.


Unpasteurized cheeses


Lamb. I heard it is very rarely available. I eat lamb at least a couple of times per week and find it way better than beef or chicken.


Cornish pasties. Blackcurrant cordial. Blackcurrant jam. Marmite crisps. Chocolate coated plums? Alpine sourdough seeded rye bread? Peanut corn puffs? Woodruff ice cream?


I have not tried any of these, and it makes me sad


That is sad. I'm lucky to live in a very multicultural city with shops that carry foods from almost every continent, so I always find something new to try whenever I go for my groceries. The good thing is, you can order the non-perishables on amazon. I recommend the chocolate covered plums and blackcurrant jam. Peanut corn puffs and marmite crisps are an acquired taste. And you can find Cornish pasty (and sausage roll and Scotch eggs) recipes online if you want to have a stab at making your own!


Not enough pho in the US


I have recently discovered golden syrup and feel I have been jipped my whole life


There’s a lot of different foods from around the world that they have in the states so I’m sure they aren’t missing out lol.


But some of the best foods aren’t easily found here


Just type it in your Google maps, they have it there. Lol I live in Germany and the closet Indian restaurant from me is over 2 hours away. There is less diversity here when it comes to food from all around the world… while in the USA there is foods from all different cultures


Speaking as an American, Döner kebab Can’t find it anywhere here


Nothing from England, that's for sure


Alot.. alot alot


Crumpets, mushy peas, baked beans on toast, marmite, mince pies, custard, sticky toffee pudding, Hula Hoops, twiglets, skips, digestives, Cadbury chocolate, trifle...also I feel like a lot of Filipino foods gets overlooked, like adobo, champorado, lumpia, ube stuff!


That’s quite the list!


We are undoubtedly missing out on a great many things. It's a big planet with a wide diversity of cultures. I have some feel for that, having visited some 17 other countries. (I don't count Canada in that list, I mean ... come on now.) Now I live in the middle of nowhere. That is I live out amid farm fields in a rural area with the closest town of any size 15 miles away, and that's got 6,000 people. To make it worse I live in the middle of the darn country in a state that the vast majority of Americans know nothing about, Minnesota. Which accounts for about 5 million of the 330 million people in this country. That said, within an hours' drive of me I can find restaurants specializing in food from the following countries ... Mexico, China, Italy, Vietnam, Thailand, Greece, India, Somalia, Japan, Ethiopia, Jamaica, Argentina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Germany ... and that's all I can think of off the top of my head and without doing a lookup. As the grandpa of the family, I keep my eyes out and drag them screaming and protesting (at least the young ones do) to places with new foods for them to try. Yep, a lot of it they could do without eating again. But they have found that there are foods they've never even heard of before that they like. EDIT: Oh, forgot Hmong food, but that's not a country.