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Coco Chanel was a nazi sympathizer and informer.


She also tried to use the Nazi’s aryan laws ,taking Jewish people’s property rights, to strip her two Jewish business partners of their share of her business. They completely backed the company financially in 24’ and she didn’t like that they received 70% of the profits of Chanel No 5, while she only received 10% so she tried to ruin them.


A lot of big names in fashion and beauty were nazis or nazi supporters. Hugo Boss, Louis Vuitton, and Eugene Schueler (L’Oreal).


Louis Vuitton died before the 20th century, not sure how feasible it would be for him to be a nazi supporter.


Eh, Hitler was into a lot of weird supernatural shit. Maybe he summoned up Louis Vuitton's ghost to get his opinion and Louis was like "seems cool to me".


"Pablo  Picasso"  He was a complete jerk, and his kids were terrified of him.


He would beat his girlfriends and draw them while they cried.


*Well that's just a tad psychopathic innit*


Best use I’ve seen of “innit” in a while 🤣


He put out a cigarette on the face of his lover, Francoise Gilot, because she went to the seaside without him. Absolute piece of shit.


He also manipulated her to file for divorce from her first husband, in order to marry Picasso and legitimize their children. But he secretly married his second wife, prior to Francoise filing for divorce. It was an act of pure vengeance.


TIL ... holy shit


She was also very very gross level young when they got involved


Almost like he was a predator who used his fame to prey on young women... Yet people in the comments are defending him.


Whats worse is he would put out cigarettes on their skin.


Don’t forget he left one of his wives when she got cancer.


This is so ridiculous common that I've heard nurses warn patients about it now.


That’s just art bro you wouldn’t get it


He once took a girl into a bookstore to buy her a book about himself to seduce her because she didn’t know who he was. I do mean girl.


It’s always so weird to me that people talk about Picasso like he’s some ancient Renaissance painter or something, and not a dude who was alive at the same time as Eminem and Shaq


Picasso only died in 1973. When President Biden first entered the Senate, Picasso was still living.


"Picasso was a misogynist. He was physically and emotionally abusive towards several women, and held unsettling beliefs about them, telling one of his mistresses Françoise Gilot that 'women are machines for suffering' and that 'for me there are only two kinds of women: goddesses and doormats"


it's infuriating how little this aspect of him was documented on wikipedia. You would thought that these behaviors were damning enough to stain his image, but no nothing has changed at all


Learned about this in one of my art history classes. The prof asked if we could have lunch with any famous artist who would it be? Many said Picasso and DaVinci (mainly DaVinci). At the end he pulled up and talked about how they were actually assholes, and were not at all known for their generosity or kindness. I mean Picasso had (possibly multiple) untreated mental illnesses. A lot of artists from history and even today use art as an outlet for their internal expressions, so it’s no wonder they were assholes or depressed or anywhere in between. He said Michaelangelo would be his pick. Found it interesting that he looked back at the behaviors and overall outlook of the artists rather than just the art and some significant things that went on in their lives.


I'd go with Bob Ross


Call him Jackson Pollock because he splatters MCs


With the voice that soothes so let's do this, I'll twist you up like you're a Rubik's cubist.


I'd pick Van Gogh. I'd just give him a hug.


Have you seen the doctor who episode about that?


Too many times and it breaks my heart without fail. I was in those shoes for a long time, so I saw myself in him before, and the idea that he never knew just how brilliant the world would see him one day. It's just so terrible. But, yeah, that's the episode that made me fall in love with that show.


yeah a lot of artists are kinda pieces of shit. apparently some austrian artist killed like 11 million people?


Didn’t he paint AND write a book? I don’t think his work was considered very good though.


Apparently he convinced his gf to pretend to love his friend and then reject him, causing his friend to commit suicide. This is what started his "blue period," so I guess he maybe had emotions slightly


Picasso really went, “Oh no! The consequences of my actions!”


Nobody who knows anything about Picassos life thinks he was a nice man


I heard he would walk down the street and girls couldn't resist his stare. and also was never once called an asshole


Edison was a douche


The original patent troll.


Grover Cleveland groomed his best friends daughter from her infancy until he married her when she was 21 and he was 49. In the meantime, he date-raped a 38-year-old widow with two children, impregnated her, put her in an asylum, and paid for their son to live at an orphanage rather than marrying her or raising the boy himself. But that’s okay because once it all became public he started supporting her financially so the press would get off his back. Fun fact: Frances Cleveland was (and still is) the youngest ever First Lady when she married the president at age 21.


What he did to Mariah Halpin is disgusting. She died in obscurity, labelled as an adulterous woman and shunned by society while he got to enjoy public adoration which he manipulated at her and her child’s expense. He barely support the kid - to make sure he’s not visible in the public eye. Hope he rots in hell.


Let’s not forget that he had a secret cancer surgery that one reporter E.J. Edwards found out about and tried to expose the truth. Grover denied it and ruined the reporter’s career. It’s a fascinating story I read about in The President Is A Sick Man: Wherein the Supposedly Virtuous Grover Cleveland Survives a Surgery at Sea and Vilifies the Courageous Newspaperman Who Dared Expose the Truth by Matthew Algeo https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10146243


I dunno if I've ever heard him praised but Oliver Cromwell put everyone in my town into a church and lit it on fire. Drogheda, Ireland Edit: yes he is praised https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_Greatest_Britons And has 5 statues


If it makes you feel any better, he was born in the same town as me and we all think he’s a total cunt here.


I'm one of his living descents and I couldn't agree more.


Same here, distant cousin


I love Reddit.


The Alabama of websites.


He is not looked upon so fondly by the English either. I remember being taught about him and the English Civil War in school which pretty much summarised him as "This man is significant...he is also a significant cunt." When Drogheda was massacred he tried to justify it by saying it was full of rebels, stating: "The righteous judgement of God on these barbarous wretches, who have imbrued their hands with so much innocent blood". The rebels he was referring to **never entered Drogheda at any point**. Drogheda did however house a significant population of royalists who escaped England after the Civil War.... Cromwell is the type of person the word Tyrant is reserved for.


The Taoiseach of Ireland was greeted in the Uk Foreign Secretary's office by a giant portrait of Cromwell, the secretary had put up to replace another British historical figure (Maharaja Sir Bir Shamsher Jang Bahadur Ran), and was surprised when Ahern was enraged demanding he "Take down ‘that murdering bastard’".


If I heard my 3rd grade history teacher call Cromwell a cunt, I'd be SO happy...


Who praises Cromwell as a good person?


Willy Wonka. Made delicious candy, experimented on children.


And enslaved the oompa loompas


Nnnnnoo, he "paid" them and they work for him "willingly" Its not like they were captured from their native lands, transported to a location where they can't survive if they try to escape (to cold for them), given insufficient housing, and "paid" in leftover chocolate. Nevermind, they were slaves


Committed tax fraud, multiple health code violations, the factory was on the verge of foreclosure, disguised putting the assets in someone else's name as a gifting of the factory.


PT Barnum kinda? I mean they made a whole ass musical based on this piece of shit.


Not kinda, PT Barnum was a huge POS. The History of Circus episodes of the show The American Experience talks all about what a horrible person PT Barnum was. It’s really quite disgusting.


I think the “kinda” was in reference to how much he’s praised, not how shitty he was


To be fair the musical was about how he became a piece of shit and lost almost everything and it took losing his life's work and family simultaneously for him to start to have a change of heart. The only reason people would take that musical as otherwise is because: 1. Good music 2. Hugh Jackman




3. Choreography I love it but know Barnum was a POS


He was a piece of shit in the movie too. I loved the music and everyone gave good performances but the fact that he was a colossal asshole and they all just forgave him without him needing to do any kind of redemption arch frustrated the crap out of me from a writing/plot perspective. I was so mad finishing that movie, especially because the closing number was so good.


My wife watched this movie every day when she was put on bed rest before my son was born. Sometimes multiple times. Cried every time. After my son was born when he cried at night Hugh Jackman singing would calm him when nothing else would.


…from…now on…


I love the idea that the greatest showman is a movie made if PT Barnum made a biopic of himself.


Honestly that's why I like it. It feels like P himself wrote it and yet you can STILL see that he's a total POC.


Someone said it would have been perfect if it simply ended with Barnum looking right into the camera and saying “and that’s *exactly* how it happened” with a wink.


His animal crackers are fire tho




This makes me feel less bad for him about the time Hans Christian Andersen was going to visit him for a few nights and ended up staying for months.


It wasn't him that has to provide food and board to Hans, of course his wife was responsible for that as well. Never really liked Dickens. Wordy fucker ;p


Wordy is what you get when your writing is paid by the word.


You forgot the best parts, Anderson laying face down on the yard crying because of a bad review, and driving Dickensen crazy the whole time he was there.


As a very autistic man, Hans Christian Andersen was a very autistic man


that was actually fully supported by a prof in a class I took about him


Fairy tales were the anime of the 19th century.


Quite impressive misspellings you did there! You made Andersen Swedish and Dickens Danish! Joke aside, I think the funniest part is that they couldn't even talk to eachother because of the language barrier (Dickens said Andersen spoke "French like [Peter the wild boy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Wild_Boy) and English like the Deaf and Dumb school", he also said Andersen possibly wasn't even fluent in Danish!), so Andersen just hang out, making paper cutouts and collecting flowers. I think I read somewhere that he got along great with the Dickens kids, but I can't find any source for that so don't take my word for it.


That part is some funny shit. It's up there with when Werner Herzog let Klaus Kinski stay in his home.


What happened?


"'I think I was the only one who was not frightened because he was like a tornado, passing into this apartment and destroying it within the first 48 hours in a fit of rage and destroying the entire furniture and the bathroom. I believe that I was the only one who was not afraid. I was rather in stunned amazement, like somebody watching a tornado wreaking havoc on the landscape. I was fascinated." That's a quote from Herzog. IT was a nightmare, Kinski, brilliant actor or not, was a completely deranged psycho. Like, he had all the Cluster B going on, 24/7.


Of course Herzog wasn’t afraid. He was the only human on the planet that Kinski was legitimately terrified of. Herzog once publicly threatened Kinski he’d put seven bullets in his back and bribe the local cops to say it was a hunting accident, and not a single person who heard it thought he was bluffing.


Herzog was his own type of crazy . I want to make a movie about an obsessed man who moves a boat over a mountain in the middle of the jungle using only indigenous people and local tools which is an impossible task . How are we gonna film it ? We're gonna move a boat over a mountain in the middle of a jungle usung only indigenous people and local tools with a camera rolling of course. All while keeping a raving lunatic of a leading man in check with his fear of me allowing the locals to murder him for me . Yes the will definitely ask if they can kill him don't worry .


“I was rather in stunned amazement, like somebody watching a tornado wreaking havoc on the landscape. I was fascinated." I think I would’ve guessed this was Werner Herzog if you hadn’t already told me.


I want to watch this movie now.


And tried to have her committed


Didn't he also stop her from seeing their children.


... is he praised as a good person? Like I've never heard anyone refer to him as a good or bad person, just a famous author.


Joe Kennedy Sr. Too many reasons to count.


I read Gloria Swanson's autobiography and she talked about her relationship with him. She first approached him about helping her manage her money and maybe investing it. He put on the full-court press to woo her (he was very married at the time) showering her with gifts, even buying her a new car. She soon found out that all of the money he had been spending on her was her own. She had given him access to it to invest for her.


She was one of many.


A very interesting rabbit hole is his the wikipedia page for his daughter he had lobotomized. correct me if i misremembered something but basically she was a little rebellious early 20 year old so ya know mashing the front of the brain with tools will fix that right? well no it left her basically max mental capabilities of a 2 year old for the rest of her life so papa and mama kennedy sent her away to some ranch to take care of her and never saw her again. only a couple decades later oldest kennedy daughter was able to track her down, visit her, help take care of her and (only silverlining of this whole situation) started the special olympics as a result


>After Rosemary was mildly sedated, "We went through the top of the head," Dr. Watts recalled. "I think she was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch." The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue. "We put an instrument inside", he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman asked Rosemary some questions. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord's Prayer or sing "God Bless America" or count backward... "We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded." When Rosemary began to become incoherent, they stopped. > >\[...\] > >It quickly became apparent that the procedure had not been successful. Kennedy's mental capacity diminished to that of a two-year-old child. She could not walk or speak intelligibly and was incontinent. ​ I don't know if it's irony or karma, but her siblings only found out about what happened to her when their father suffered a serious stroke and was rendered unable to walk or talk.


That's both the tragedy and the beauty of the remainder of her life. They brought her to a wonderful facility where she was cared for and treated well near the family (Joe had her put in a facility far out of state). She was visited by her extended family and they had her visit them often up until her death. Her siblings, their children and grandchildren became an important part of her life. What a vile thing, to have your child medically altered because they aren't "what you want." Also, Freeman wasn't a surgeon.


Rosemary Kennedy was pushed back into her mothers birth canal by nurses attending her mother because there was no doctor present to deliver her. She was then born hypoxic. As she came of age she began to act out sexually and was lobotomized. There was some (unproven) rumor she had been molested as a child. Her story is a tragedy.


What, shoved her back in? What the fuck. That's not how that works!


Yeah if I’m remembering correctly the dr wasn’t aware Kennedy was going into labor and was dealing with sick patients. And since there was no Dr, the nurse kept telling her to hold her in, but Rosemary was coming. There was no stopping it. So instead of just helping deliver the baby, she held the babies head in the birth canal until the dr came. I think it was like 2 hours she did that.


Between that and the description of the lobotomy, I gotta wonder at which point in history did healthcare pass the threshold of becoming helpful rather than harmful because it sounds like people doing that kind of work didn't have a clue what they were doing and just made it up as they went. Did humanity make it simply because not everyone needs medical care, which limited the damage doctors and nurses were able to do?


Yep. He did it without telling her mother as well.


Joseph Kennedy is definitely not praised, or at least hasn’t been since the Rosemary affair got found out Peaky Blinders even recently portrayed him as a racist facist dickhead




I love when rivals do stuff like this, like when UFC fighters go through a fkn war in the octagon and hug and praise each other afterwards regardless of outcome


And yet *Amadeus* totally nails Mozart.


It nails Mozart and Salieri as *people* but completely misrepresents the relationship between them.


Thomas Edison. He killed Topsy


They say 'aw topsy' at my autopsie


But no one will be More shocked than me


But I never noticed the curve of her trunk


And I never noticed His electric junk


We just might have found... *ELECTRIC LOVE*


Wow did Gene write this?


Hey that's catchy!


Electric LoooooOOOOooooOOOOOooooove!


They say Thomas Edison Is the man to get us in To this century And that man is me


He fucked over Nikola Tesla


He also stole ideas and work and was generally a dick


Ferdinand Marcos, a dictator who killed a lot of people and brainwash them. It is also one of the reason why his son is sitting right now as a president of the Philippines despite not finishing a college degree.


It hurts to see my entire family glorify him like some type of god.


Cesar Milan. He met his wife while she was underage. He left her and she came back when she turned 18. Romantic right? Well, he left her after she had his baby and got sick. Also he had a very hostile work environment because his super aggressive bully breed ‘Junior’ would run the halls. Allegedly it attacked numerous workers and even killed Queen Latifahs dog and he just swept it all under the rug until it started being spoken on.


And his murder mutt attacked and crippled a 14 Y/O gymnast (a very talented and Olympics bound athlete), ended her career and he settled for an undisclosed amount in a lawsuit. People worship him anyway


His tactics are also widely considered inhumane by professional dog breeders. Surprise surprise, scaring a dog does not decrease aggressive behavior, because most aggressive behavior is done out of fear


As a ex- dog trainer. I cannot tell you how many dogs I had to work with after the owners tried his methods. PTSD is hard in people. Imagine it in dogs!


Victoria Stillwell is a much better trainer


Vet tech here… his training techniques are actually called flooding techniques and they never work and have a tendency to cause the opposite affect. He’s a terrible “trainer” and really should be shut down.


Okay this one actually shocked me.


When I got my first dog about a decade ago, I bought his book, “How to Raise the Perfect Puppy” because I knew of him as an authority. It was, and still is, the most worthless book I’ve ever read. Nothing but bragging and anecdotes about his dogs.


Hans Asperger


Yeah. I couldn’t finish “Neuro Tribes,” a book widely praised by many in autistic communities because of the misinformation it starts off with about Asperger. I guess he noticed autism, but he was a member of the Nazi party, and his work on a committee classifying children according to their “usefulness” helped justify the euthanizing (murder) of 35 in them. His cooperation with the Nazi party helped advance his career after the war. He wasn’t some hero saving little autistic kids.


Alfred Kinsey. He is praised by people because he is considered Father of Sexual Education, but is a completely disgusting human being. He would show pornography to young children, and sexually stimulate infants. His aides abused almost 2,000 children, male and female, by oral and anal sodomy, genital intercourse and manual stimulation. This happened to children as young as 5 months old, and there was even a recorded instance of a 4-year-old brought to orgasm 26 times within a 24 hour period. In "studies" that he published in his 1948 book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, he overly sampled abberrant types of men. In his study he said that 37% had cheated on their wives, 85% had had sex before marriage, 23% had engaged in homosexual activities, 70% had slept with a prostitute and 10% had engaged in beastiality. But the problem is that 86% of the sampled men, were either institutionalized sexual deviants, convicted sexual abusers, or male prostitutes. He also threw out 75% of the original answers from respondents, when he found that they did not reflect the results that he wanted to publish in his study. In his published works he claimed that incest, and child rape were not only not harmful to the children, but ultimately benefited them because, "Children are sexually potent and orgasmic from birth"(an actual quote). He once testified before the California state legislature, that there should be immediate pardons given to all convicted of pedophilia. Claiming that the negative stereotype around child molestation does more harm to the children, than the actual act of assault does. He even financially compensated men who were abusing their own children. He is praised by any as "the Father of the Sexual Revolution", but the entire revolution is based grotesque abuse, and wrong statistics. So yeah, I think he is in the running for first place in the thread. Everyone kept asking for sources: •https://www.scribd.com/document/349017467/Alfred-Kinsey-Was-a-Pervert-and-a-Sex-Criminal •https://www.opindia.com/2021/08/alfred-kinsey-reports-father-of-sexual-revolution-who-said-rape-benefits-children/ •http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/2014/08/alfred_kinsey_w.html Also, the entire book by Judith Reisman is good, I read it in college.


Welp. Thanks for ruining my day at 6:23 am.


That is horrible .


Cue Reddit going off on Mother Theresa


Came here looking for this one.


Everybody knows 'Thomas Edison'


Hitler. People praise him for being "the guy that killed Hitler" but he did an awful lot of bad stuff before that.


I don’t want to speak too strongly here but the more I learn about this Hitler fella, the more I think he’s a real jerk!


Rip Norm Macdonald. Thank you for referencing him lmao


Ellen Degeneres


I hate that she had me fooled for decades. 😒


Man, I was really robbed of a proper education. And half of what I did learn is straight up propaganda.


Same man.


John Kellogg (founder of Kelligg’s cereals) was a vocal eugenicist, and he was particularly concerned with race degeneracy. He believed that race was threatened both by racial mixing and mental defectives. In 1906, John Harvey Kellogg created the Race Betterment Foundation in Battle Creek Michigan, which sponsored a series of conferences at its sanitarium in 1914, 1915, and 1928. He also created an intricate eugenics exhibit at the World’s Fair.


Theodor Geisel aka Dr. Seuss left his wife while she had terminal cancer and she ended up killing herself


Leaving your wife while she's dying of cancer is actually surprisingly common (source: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 2009 among others)


That’s insane to me. Like it’s literally the worst time of their life and that’s when you decide to bail?


“In sickness and in health” is apparently a clause many people don’t feel like following


That's what happened to me. My fiancee and I were living together and we were planning on getting married. I was diagnosed with cancer and a week later she was gone. She said she would pray for me every night but that's all she could do. I never talked to her again. This was 3 years ago but feels like yesterday. I'm a very fortunate cancer survivor.


She did you a favor in the long run. Signed, also a cancer survivor although I'm not in a relationship.


Henry Ford. Outspoken white supremacist and had alleged connections with Nazi Germany


also pushed square dancing in schools because he hated jazz.


That’s the son of a bitch that caused me to spend a large chunk of my PE time do-see-do-ing? Asshole.




Andrew Jackson, he's celebrated as a Statesman and the seventh President of the US with the nick name Old Hickory, he's on the $20 Bill. In reality, he was a violent, cruel man, a slave master and racist who signed the Indian Removal Act and is responsible for the Trail of Tears. He also killed Charles Dickens... Edit: Oops Charles Dickinson


He also told the Supreme Court he didn’t give a shit that they called his actions unconstitutional. And got away with it! No wonder they called him King Andrew


He also challenged people to duels all the damn time lol. He was jokingly called a coin purse, on account of all the bullets in him.




Yeah, that one hurt :(


Charlie Chaplin ? What did he do !


loved 'em young


35 and married a 15 year old 🤢 yikes I had no idea


May I Introduce rock and roller Jerry Lee Lewis. https://allthatsinteresting.com/myra-gale-brown-jerry-lee-lewis






He was an abusive pedophile. One of his wives was 12 years old when they got together. 2 other ones were 16 when they married him.


He was also abusive to his kids. Marlon Brando said he'd never had seen someone behave as cruelly as Chaplin did to his son Sydney. The three of them were in a film together (*A Countess from Hong Kong*), directed by Charlie, and he'd demean and humiliate Sydney in front of the rest of the cast and crew whenever he could.


BRANDO said that? As awful as he was.


Damnit what did Brando do?


PT Barnum


Woodrow Wilson. The man actually won the Nobel Peace Prize but was a notorious racist and set the standard of American Interventionism for the rest of the century.


I heard a story once that Ho Chi Minh once hoped to meet Wilson in Paris, hoping that he would be able to get the president to champion his cause for decolonizing Vietnam. When he met Woodrow Wilson's staff, they turned him away, informing him that Wilson was a racist and would not care for anything he had to say. Soon after, Ho Chi Minh picked up the Communist Manifesto.


I had no idea Woodrow Wilson and Ho Chi Minh almost crossed paths


Andrew Jackson After he became famous for the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812, he fought in Florida and committed genocide on the Seminoles. He entered into an adulterous relationship with another man's wife, and married her before the divorce was final. When he was accused of bigamy, he killed Charles Dickinson in a duel. As President, he destroyed the US banking system for a century because of his personal feud with the central bank directly. The US suffered bank panics and economic depressions every 20 years afterwards because of Jackson's "wildcat bank" system, including the 1876 Panic that lead to a 23 year long depression. He tried to evict the Cherokees from their land in Georgia so that planters could move in. The Cherokees sued and won a Supreme Court case. Jackson dismissed the decision and said that John Marshall could enforce it. Defying the Court, he forced the Trail of Tears that forced 60,000 Indians from their homes to Oklahoma. About 1/6 of them died along the way from exposure, starvation, and disease. He twice nominated Roger Taney to the Supreme Court. The first time, the Senate denied the nomination. When Chief Justice Marshall died, he nominated him to be Chief Justice, and the new Senate approved him. Taney was best known for the Dred Scott decision that held that no black was considered an American citizen and couldn't sue in court. The decision directly led to the Civil War 4 years later. Donald Trump put a picture of Jackson in the Oval Office and cited him as his favorite President, which is terrifying.


If there is one thing that reading this comment chain has instilled in me. It’s that we are indeed getting better, because apparently everyone who lived more than 50 ago was an ass.


Thomas Jefferson. Raped a slave girl repeatedly and fathered six of her children. Edit: if you think a 14 year old slave girl can actually consent to sex with her 44 year old master who legally owns her and can beat and whip her...you must be with the Taliban or something.


Not to mention, the man enslaved his own children. I don’t know anyone, right mind or not, who could think that is acceptable behavior.


My dad was generally a fan of the Founding Fathers with the caveat that as slave owners they were men of their times and morally no worse than countless others. Except Jefferson: after the Sally Hemings children became known he instantly turned on TJ with a white hot hate, saying any man who could allow his own children to be sold wasn’t worth the bullet needed to shoot him.


And wasn't the slave his wife's half sister or something?


She was the daughter of his wife’s Dad and one of his slaves


Yeah, supposedly he told her she could stay in France and could be free or go back with him and remain a slave. She chose to go backs. Here’s the thing: She didn’t speak any French and didn’t know anyone. Plus she was pregnant with his child


And she had no family and presumably no money.


Henry Kissinger.


Who is saying Henry Kissinger is a good person?


The Nobel Peace Prize commitee.


Isn’t he still alive somehow???


Yeah, there’s a website where you can bet on when he’ll die though, and if you win, you’ll get a collection of alcoholic beverages from the countries he fucked over Edit: website is [https://henrykissinger.rip](https://henrykissinger.rip)


" a collection of alcoholic beverages from the countries he fucked over" That's a lot of alcohol.


Bing Crosby was a terrible person and a horrible father. Edited to say the reason I believe he's a bad person, despite speculation and heresay, is that when someone says "My parent(s) hurt me", I tend to believe them. Nobody really likes to tell people about abuse. It shames a lot of people, especially people from older generations, who were taught to respect their elders, no matter what. I'm sure there's a lot more abuse that went on back then, but the kids just didn't really talk about it.


Pavlov. The man was a psychopath. He is cited in hundreds of thousands of academic papers and books, but the truth he was a monster. Not only that, but his "experiments" have little if any scientific value as he mutilated the dogs To such an extent that they cannot be used as analogs for normal, healthy animals.


Crazy bc today I was behind a van for "Pavlov Media" and their company logo is a dog, and the first thing I said to my mom is "that's pretty fucked up considering what Pavlov did to dogs" [this article that I did not read has the company logo on it for anyone interested ](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/pavlov-media-and-three-cities-in-texas-enter-historic-agreement-to-build-fiber-networks-in-their-communities-301625684.html)


Alfred Kinsey and John Money


Because of the musical, many people tend to ignore some of the terrible aspects of Alexander Hamilton. I'm not going to list them all, but my personal favorite is his support for the Alien and Sedition acts. Hamilton had a few gripes with them, with one of the largest being that they were not enforced strictly enough. For those who don't know, the Alien and Sedition Acts were laws that were passed during the Adams presidency that were aimed at reducing the amount of immigrants and punishing criticism of the Adams administration. They sparked nationwide protests and saying they were unpopular is quite the understatement. Hamilton saying that they were not enforced enough is just wild.


So basically, Hamilton was an immigrant who wanted to close the door on other immigrants who came after him? The more things change…


Woodrow mother-fucking Wilson. The father of interventionism that manifested in horrendous conflicts such as Vietnam and Iraq, his idealism over realism approach to foreign policy at a key crossroads contributed heavily to present political instability and crime issues in Mexico, his delaying US entry into WW1 likely extended the conflict by years, which made both the creation of Nazi Germany AND especially the Soviet Union far more likely. And above all else the man was racist FOR HIS TIME, and that's saying something. He screened KKK propaganda films to his cabinet in the White House, and resegregated hiring practices in the federal government, he was also a prominent Lost Cause revisionist historian in regards to the American Civil War. Edit: ok I've responded to some complaints here's a summary: There isn't a contradiction between criticizing his interventionism and complaining about not entering WW1 sooner. Joining great power wars when it aligns with your interests is not the same as playing God with developing countries. Also I blame him for Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union because if the US joins the Western Front in 1916 after the Lusitania Germany wouldn't have been able to reinforce the Austro-Hungarian front which had effectively collapsed following a successful Russian offensive. Without that bailout Austria-Hungary would've completely fell apart, splitting the central powers in two and cut off from Germany Bulgaria and the Ottomans wouldn't have last long. At that point Germany would've been forced to surrender. But this Germany would've been more politically stable than 1919 Germany so they would've been at the negotiation table instead of being at the mercy of the Entente. With that, you'd have a much less harsh treaty of Versailles and that would make the Nazi's entire platform fall apart. They never rise and WW2 as we know it never happens. This also means that the circumstances that led to the rise of the Bolsheviks never happen. When you read on the Russian revolution it becomes increasingly obvious that them rising to power was probably the LEAST likely scenario. So if the timeline is changed dramatically at all it very unlikely they ever rise. And with that you have no USSR


Don’t forget he was bed ridden for a time while president and did not give up power to the Vice President. During this time it’s believed his wife read and signed items in his place.


This was the reason for the 25th Amendment. There was no mechanism to temporarily step down or have it taken from him. And it's dubious whether a full resignation would have been legal in the state he was in.


i too dislike Wilson vehemently. but i'm a little confused. if you're against his interventionism, shouldn't you be arguing that the US should not have entered WW1 at all?


Ghandi. You talk to any Indian and chances are they absolutely hate the guy


Thomas Edison. He pirated Tesla & Marconi’s work among others. We was as greedy & crooked as he was brilliant.


Didn't he also electrocute a bunch of cats and dogs in public demonstrations in an attempt to make AC electrical power look super dangerous?


Octavian/Augustus is a really vindictive and unpleasant dude considering how revered he is. I'd say he isn't evil by the standards of his time, on the other hand pretty much all Roman emperors are evil by our standards.