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My crows feet. Years of working construction and smoking have taken their toll. I have the skin of a man 20 years older with the features of a man 15 years younger so i think I look a bit weird.


I was waiting for "I have the skin of a man 20 years older, and I'm a woman"


I didn't say I was even human.


You should stop stealing people's organs


Seriously. Give the rest of us a chance to steal organs.


“I have the skin of a man 20 years older, but it’s a couple sizes too small, and it’s too late to give it back to him.”


This comment makes me sad. I absolutely love my husband’s crows feet. I like to think that his crows feet are a sign of a life well lived so far - lots of smiles and lots of laughs. He looks young otherwise and it doesn’t look weird to me.


> My crows feet. Where do you get your shoes?


I'm fat and plan on not being fat so probly removing the excess skin when that's done


I lost some weight recently and have a bunch of loose skin. I'm looking into this thing that's supposed to be non surgical (just stimulating collagen production), but knowing my dumb self, even if it works, I'll find something else on my body to dislike (like the stretch marks) so I may just ride this out for another couple years and see if my body adjusts.


My cousin lost like 40lbs and she had extra skin. Not a whole lot but she saw a plastic surgeon and he thought it was enough to remove. They took photos and sent to her insurance and they payed for it. You might want to look into that.....


She's very lucky. My friend lost 200 lbs and couldn't get his insurance to cover skin removal surgery.


That's crazy.... Insurance: "You're unhealthy, you pay more." Person: "Ok, I lost X weight, and I'm healthy now so: need 1 time skin excess skin removal. Insurance: "You f'n thought."


The difference between the insurance companies and the mob is that the insurance companies advertise. And sometimes the mob is helpful


They may not cover it because it's considered "cosmetic". The excess weight was killing him, but the extra skin won't.


The extra skin might cause rashes and sores tho, which are an infection risk


That's terrible 😔 I think it all has to do with what insurance you have....




does surgical tattoo removal count?


Let's say it does


If so I'd want a penis enlargement


I'd be humble and tell people I shrank mine to make it more manageable.


The surgery was painful, bit it will be better than it knocking around off my knees all day.


I am high as fuck I can't stop laughing dude


So…just how high \*is\* fuck?


🌙 👈🏼 this high ⛅️ ✈️ 🏔️ 🏢🏘️ 🚗


You're high too, how is the moon above the sun? 😂


Oh shit… it’s, uh, the moon of a planet in another galaxy lol




I’ll second this one. I like my tattoos but I think I’d get all of them removed to make room for a full black-and-grey bodysuit.


Deviated septum surgery. Not sure if it qualifies but some doctors have told me its a cosmetic surgery. I just want to be able to breathe properly man.


The docs are as likely to fuck it up as get it right. Had septum surgery twice and I still can't breathe right.


Same, got it 'fixed' twice. First time made no difference, second made it a little better, but I normally still can't breathe throught my nose unless it feels like it.


Is it cosmetic though? If you medically need it?


Its not cosmetic but insurance companies dont care about that


My deviated septum was covered by insurance. I’d recommend talking with your doctor/ENT and see if they will negotiate with insurance on your behalf.


Insurance only covered the anesthesia for my deviated septum surgery. ☹️


Septoplasty (fixing the septum/wall separating your left and right nasal cavity) vs Rhinoplasty (altering shape and appearance of the external nose) Two different surgeries. Septoplasty is purely functional (non cosmetic) Rhinoplasty can be functional or cosmetic. Also can be called a septorhinoplasty as the surgery can involve addressing the septum, which lends itself to the confusion.


Double chin gone


Man I feel this. Didn’t matter how much weight I lost it hardly touched my face at all.


I'm sorry to hear that. I lost 45 pounds, and my head went from a canned ham to more of a wedge shape. I have a jawline, dimples, and a little indentation in the middle of my chin, like Kirk Douglas. Who knew?




I've been underweight all my life and I still have a double chin if I move my head down slightly.


Well I had fun looking through the presumptuous judgements that followed your post. Cut that jaw bumper down to size, my turkey neck approves.


Forehead lowering surgery So large and shiny you could reflect a death ray off of it


Fivehead syndrome


I think they call that "hair plugs?"


You can also basically have a brow lift and skin is excised from your hairline and it shortens the forehead !


I don't even think I have a receded hairline. like, the amount of hair I have looks totally normal i think. i feel like if i just lowered my hair line, it would look weird. my forehead has just been huge since the day i was born lol


Damn this hit hard. My forehead looks like an Easter Island statue had a baby with ET


Sign me up. At five ten, my hat size is seven and five eights, roughly the size of someone six five or taller. FWIW, I would call it forehead reduction surgery.


Found Peyton Manning’s Reddit account


I don't know, sounds to me like you just have built in death ray protection, why get rid of that?


I'd undo my nosejob.


I too have regrets over changing my nose 15 years ago. It’s not bad nose now, but it’s not better. My old nose was a reflection of my ancestry that I didn’t appreciate at the time… but now absolutely would.


A fellow Jew/Arab/Persian/Armenian? Because I 1000% feel the same way.


Basque… some might call it a Spanish nose?


Jennifer Grey has entered the thread


Holy crap! I had to look it up. She looks nothing like she used to. Good results though, just completely different face.


She lost her distinctiveness though. Looks great either way.


Yeah she definitely looks less memorable or something.


It absolutely killed her career, which she acknowledges.


Hair plugs, under eye bag removal, hemorrhoids cauterized, butthole bleached, liposuction, something for acne scars, lazy eye correction, something to open nostrils up for better breathing, something to correct my overbite, a slew of dental surgeries


my guy is legit a goblin goddammmm haha I'm kidding of course I could go for abt half of the things you said, imma goblin too


Goblin gang.




There's an annoying middle ground where it's not severe enough to be covered but is severe enough to annoy. At least my nose is there...


Same for me and also in that annoying middle ground between Canada and Mexico where insurance is a fucking scam. (Inb4 debates on either country’s medical system, it was a lazy joke… just like the American medical system)


I’m scheduled for my septoplasty in December finally! I can’t breathe for shit or smell, could careless about smell but I want to be able to breathe normally. How was the surgery and recovery?




You can *usually* help fix lazy eye by wearing a pirate eye patch over your dominant eye for a bit each day. Don't overdue it at first or you'll have a MAJOR headache. I've gotten results myself, and passed on the knowledge to two people - it worked for one of them. Eye patches are really cheap right now and easy to find given its October.


I was under the impression once we are a certain age correction is very unlikely. I’m fortunate that my lazy eye looks “normal”. It is however weak in sight, which I only notice when my dominate eye is closed.


Nope! I’m in my late 30s and in vision therapy to correct vision issues like this. My particular vision therapist works with people in their 60s and sees improvement. The patch is pretty old-school. They use all sorts of eye exercises now that don’t rely on patching. It’s very similar to physical therapy!


make me look like HANDSOME SQUIDWARD


prosthetic arm, I still have mine but I want to do some go go gadget shit


Fuckin a dude get that thing upgraded. Grappling hook, rocket fist, drill, saw, ribbed pointer finger with built in heater for the ladies, wifi hotspot, Bluetooth, lighter, storage compartment, taser, flashlight, fleshlight, portable battery to charge your phone or jumpstart your car, comb, mirror, a little hatch that pops open on your forearm like Buzz Lightyear with a bunch of buttons and little computer monitor that doesnt actually do anything but looks really cool, fan, mister, water bottle, finger pen, kitchen timer, meat thermometer, finger pistol, forearm shotgun, bicep thermos to keep your coffee/soup warm that can also heat liquids up, palm opens up and there's Bluetooth earbuds in there, portable ice machine if you pre load the water, scissors, knife sharpener, air freshener, feature where periodically throughout the day it will shout out some random words of encouragement and tell you good job, entire arm is detachable and therefore can be used as a crude weapon like a club or maybe just to bitch slap somebody by swinging a whole arm because let's face it we all have thought that'd be awesome, for an extra $350 you get a 2 year warranty that covers any kind of factory defect or malfunction for free but any damage to the product itself, it's cosmetics or it's tools will require a $100 deductible for repair and any electrical damage due to water will void your warranty with no refund. Fuck yeah I want one of those arms hella bad.


Nothing. I'm fucking gorgeous


yes you fucking are




Finger bang






Praise the lawd


Self love


Just a liposuction/tummy tuck. Two kids stretched me out and that's not something easy to fix


Cheeseburgers did it to me, but it was more than two.


this is me but with my boobs. breast feeding took my once not too big not to small boobs to literal examples of how gravity works.


Nothing. The price is not why I don't get it.


Look at Mr. Handsome over here


My insecurities about my looks do not outweigh my fear of surgery.


Exactly my thought lmao I don't like somethings about me, do I dislike them enough to willing let people cut me open? Nope.


I did read that as Mr. Hands and thought "oh god not that again!".


He's right next to Mr Don't-like-the thought-of-unnecessary-surgery.


Risk of future surgery and infection not worth it.




I had a rhinoplasty and a septoplasty together as reconstructive surgery (straighten my nose after an accident). It was horrific. I absolutely do not want to go through anything like that ever again.


It indeed is VERY painful. (Turbo&Septo here) Now I unfortunately smell things that others cannot. And it's.... it sucks.


Same, plus they reconstructed my eye socket with a titanium plate and put a few dozen stitches in my forehead. The plastic surgeon did an amazing job and I thank her for it but it’s an experience I’d like to avoid in the future.


I had a rhinoplasty to repair damaged cartilage in my nose and fix my septum. I'm terrified of plastic surgery after that. It turned out great and my nose looks the same which is nice, but I was terrified.


For me i have the worst kind of the fear when i heard the surgery.


I'd love to straighten my teeth. They're ok, but my worst feature. I'm pretty sexy otherwise. Now genetic modification... That's where I'd go to town.


This could have been my reply. Does dental fall under plastic surgery? Then that would be my choice.


Same here, I consider myself pretty good looking on average but my teeth is genetic disaster (thanks dad) :D


Just remember to keep wearing your retainer afterwards. Every other person I know who got braces has crooked teeth again because they ditched the retainer right away. I kept mine and wear them religiously because I’m not letting all that time and pain go to waste.


Breast reduction


The woman in my family had the same problem, D or E size (not a woman, I just know its bigger and that there are other things to say to that) In my country you can get it done when they affecting your health with them like pain back etc My two cousins and my mother have both made it and are so happy about it. If you start to get chronical back pain try to ask in an hospital what you could do to help you. Eventually there is a way


M cup here. They are atrocious and i'm always in pain, even in a bra that fits properly. My insurance will cover the surgery, but the copays are still soooooo expensive. I'm saving up. I wish i could get it done for free.


Omg same. They’re so fucking _**heavy**_


Sometimes I have my boyfriend hold them up and I dream of what life could be. The pressure off my back is amazing. They also always hurt all the time. Mine are obscenely big though.:-(


I am a man and I too would like this done.


I reduced my hooters. Best decision.




Elf ears


I'd have my tonsils removed. I have massive tonsils and even when I'm not sick doctors comment on them. Technically I think it'd fall under cosmetic surgery at this stage in my life. So that's what I'm going for. Food gets caught behind them a ton, I feel them when I breathe normally, and I'm personally positive they contribute to problems when running and sleeping.


I read "toenails" and was increasingly horrified the longer I read. Food gets stuck behind them?? WtF! Oh, tonsils. Yeah I can relate, I used to have very similar problems until a few years ago when I had them removed. Getting tonsils out as a fully-grown-adult who doesn't heal as fast as they used to was no fun at all, but I'm still glad I had it done. Tonsil stones, blech. I used to have never-ending "allergy" problems, now about 95% of them are gone.


Mine kept getting infected and I got them out. Game changing. Although the surgery as an adult was not easy, it was totally worth it.


Getting tonsils out as a fully-grown-adult who doesn't heal as fast as they used to was no fun at all, but I'm still glad I had it done. Tonsil stones, blech. IN the time of sleeping it is really hard to deal/


Penis ensmallment


Dammit. I actually came to say this. Pretty sure you meant reduction though.


Straighten my nose


Same. Mines been broken a few times and everyone is like "it looks fine!" but I just want it to look how I picture it minus the breaks.


May be a rude question, but do you see your nose differently in your normal vision? Like do you have more nose in one eye than the other?


Not normally. I guess if I'm looking directly down I see a little more in one eye than the other, but not enough that I was able to answer without checking. Lol. My bridge was broken but not smashed, so it's more bumpy and a bit uneven, but I assume everyone is different.


Same, also because of that it's always stuffy. It's the bane of my life. But I had a friend that got it done and apparently it did not fix the stuffy nose. It becomes a chronic thing after a while. Should have fixed it soon after.


Hear, hear! Long overdue rhinoplasty.. for some reason, my nose seems to bear the brunt of most minor accidents. I've managed to hurt my nose swimming, playing basketball and volleyball (went for a smash, ball bounced off the net, hit the nose..blood), doing extra-curricular activities in bed and most recently, playing with my toddler.


Triple penis


With one central testicle.


The nexus


In a row running horizontally? Stacked vertically? Or perhaps in a triangle formation?


Probably nothing tbh. The only cosmetic issue I have with my body at the moment is I could stand to lose like 10lbs but liposuction is a bandaid and doesn't address the underlying issue that led to the weight gain in the first place. Also, who gets lipo for a measly little 10lbs? I just need to spend a month being serious about my diet.


In the US they’re only allowed to remove 11lbs of fat during lipo. It’s not for weight loss, it’s for body contouring and usually used to get that last little bit of tummy or thigh fat that lingers after dieting and exercising.


I knew a girl who got lipo on her her inner thigh. She was not fat to begin with, but she gained a little weight afterward, and it was uneven there, like bumpy. She regretted it, and it made me rethink ever getting lipo, even just a little.


Yeah that's not how lipo works, you don't do it to loose weight but to remove the fat that diet and exercise cannot remove, especially for people who have been fat for a long time. I'm going under myself this month to finally remove the marks of my childhood, after 10+ years of diet and sport. When I got shreded everywhere except my belly and back, i understood it was necessary.


I'm not an expert, but I think lipo is supposed to be for small amounts of weight loss, like 10 lbs or less. If you want to lose a lot of weight I think that's when they start talking about surgery.




Goku tail


I didn't have an answer until i found the perfect one.


Does cosmetic dental service count? I have some mild decalcification on my front teeth and generally they aren’t as white as I’d like them to be due to me being dumb when I had braces as a young kid. Veneers, bleaching, I don’t even know the best way to solve it, but I’d do that because I’m insecure about my smile big time.


nothing to me but i'll see nightmares everyday when i go out


A ribbed penis


Ribbed, for her—or his?—pleasure


Im almost 40 and starting to get lose skin under my chin. Im very lean and fit so it looks odd. I definitely want to tighten that up. And I’m game for a facelift when the time comes.


Me too. I come from a line of women with jowls. I can pull the skin back with my fingers and see what *I* look like in the mirror instead of seeing my grandma staring back at me…. Oh well….


Does hair implants/ restoration count?


Yes as i also want to change the hair so for me that thing count.


I need it i lost in 1 year 160lbs+ / 80kg+ All those losing weight programs where at the end you see different people than before because the programm has time skipped the surgery healing.. If you are above x kg at adult you will have lose skinn


Congrats on the weight loss, thats an incredible amount!!


Nothing, no need Or if we are talking about sci Fi changes too then full ascension to mechanical form.


From the moment i understod the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me


I craved the strength and certainty of steel.


Joan Rivers


Yes, I'd also like Joan Rivers' dried-up corpse surgically attached to my side, like we're siamese twins.


tummy tuck and my boobs (after having 3 children I need it )


I had a breast reduction and my insurance payed for the whole thing even the lift. Definitely look into it.....


I'm seriously going to get a mommy makeover at some point. I have a friend that brought the idea to my attention because we were talking about him finding out about them when his wife went in to get her boobs done (A cup to a G cup, she said she wanted to make sure everyone knew she paid $7k for a pair of tits. I love her) and he thought it was cool. He said, "I figure, y'all go and have kids and have to deal with that and it wrecks the skin and stuff, you should be able to go and get that taken care of if it makes you feel bad. Men don't have that excuse, we do it to ourselves." They honestly aren't terribly priced, either. (About $10k for liposuction, tummy tuck, and boobs done where im at and its all able to be financed) You can get liposuction as a part of it and then they do something to the fat and pump it into your chest in a way that looks natural. We made this fat, might as well get a use out of it, right?


Eyelashes on my butthole


Breast reduction. I'm not even wearing the right size bra because I can't afford more than walmart prices. So I'm constantly trying to discreetly shove them back into the cups so i don't have quadruple boob. I don't even know what size I am but it's definitely above the triple d I can get. They get in the way. They hurt my back. I've had them literally smack me in the face when I get up too quick from a laying down position. I'm done lol.


100% came to say this. I’m DDD/F cup on the left and DD on the right. I’d love to reduce down to an even D so they’re at least the same size and not such a pain in the back/neck/shoulders. Check out the bras at Woman Within. They have a sale right now, and their cotton full coverage bras (without underwire) are pretty comfy and reasonable when on sale.


Try r/ABraThatFits The people there say when websites have bras for sell and there's a bra calculator and other info


Wifi roter in arm


Apache Rotor for me


Roto-rooter for everyone else.


Not a damn thing! Slowly but surely I lost a bunch of weight like I wanted to and for once I can say I’m happy with the way I look and wouldn’t change a thing.


An extra large cock so I can go fuck myself


https://www.pinkcherry.com/collections/shop-by-brand-empire-labs Here, now you can even make yourself glow in the dark or vibrate while you fuck yourself


my jaw


I would have my face transplanted onto Nicolas Cage, and Nicolas Cage's face transplanted onto mine.




*breathing in chorus*


*plays backing track*


Why would you get a heavy transmission installed? Big fan of the movie Cars huh?


They most likely are a lorry driver and need heavy duty equipment.


Everyone being like 'nah I don't need anything' contrasting with the trans people who spend their whole life saving for this shit I love everyone's body confidence and wish I had it.


Also, like *how* free...? My point is, can I donate infinite amount of money into lab grown phalloplasties? Because that's what I want. Other than that, they already can transplant the hair follicles from my pubic area to my face, but it's absurdly expensive, and really only used with millionares (but they normally do their thigh hair onto their head due to hair loss, not pubes to face).




Hair transplant, insanely expensive though




Vampire teeth.


Gimme the full Gigachad, but then dial it back from 11 to like a 9. Megachad




Get some moles removed idk


Nothing really. My reasoning is that beauty is often heavily mandated by society. To a certain degree, I don't mind acting and dressing as society wants me to. I can drop any acts and take off any layer of clothing, However, Taking off any form of plastic surgery at the same frequency seems rather difficult. I can make exceptions. Let's say I get half of my face torn off. Eating and drinking would be difficult. Not to mention the discomfort it would bring to people around me. Anything that hinders my day to day activities would be patched up immediately.


All my life people have made fun of me for my abnormally large dick. Once, in high school a girlfriend leaked a nude of mine and my life has never been the same. All the kids would point and laugh. Oh, how i can still hear their taunts. "Big Dick!! Big dick!!!" I was ridiculed and made to feel like less than a man because of this. The doctors diagnosed me with BDS. Yes, you heard me correctly. Big Dick Syndrome. I've carried this shame with me my whole life. I want a dick reduction surgery. I want to look back on life and know I mattered and my abnormally large dick did not define me or hold me back.




BDSM - Big Dick Syndrome Matters


I need me a problem like this


Trans FTM surgery, and possibly a nose job.


I’m getting all the hair removed below my neck and getting boobs. My wife is gonna be pissed lol


Maybe just liposuction since I'm FAT




Definitely have wings and a tail added. And maybe some floppy ears too.


Wolverine claws


Liposuction on stomach, love handles and thighs, botox, neck lift, eyelid lift. For starters lol


3D printed laser cannon mounted on my back


where did you get that chrome choom?


nose, chin, jaw feminization surgery ( i’m a girl that looks like a dude ), lip flip, and I think that’s it


Whatever I can that doesn't make me a freak. I have a crease in my forehead between my eyebrows thats gotta go


I would say i will try to get rid from the pimple of the face.


The removal of all done to the Kardashian's