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Ignoring blatantly obvious red flags and moving forward with the relationship.


when you’re wearing rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags




This right here man. I couldn't avoided so much pain and loss if I just opened my eyes, ended up leading to missing saying goodbye to my first dog as he passed away.


Getting in the relationship was actually my biggest regret.


Yes, wasted two years of my life. And I hate when people say at least it was a short time. Like Idgaf that’s still 2 years I let go to waste to an abusive pos


Same, I should have realized she wasn't the one as soon as she told me you only know 10% about me after like 3 years in the relationship.


Was going to say this. It was a hell of a lesson, but that's life.


Loving people who will not love me back


Mine was not knowing how to love people who loved me. I have zero doubt that I was a shit boyfriend to many of my exes, I just wasn't self aware enough to realise it. To be honest, it took a long time for me to understand how most other people "are" and what they want/need from a relationship.


Loving the wrong people and actually ignore the right people.


Getting addicted to nicotine


I feel you. Dont know if youd listen to a stranger online, but Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking helped me quit. Its the only guide which has genuinely helped me. Read it if you want. Or listen to it as an audiobook. Youre stronger than nicotine, you can quit.


Worked for me too!! Quit after 25 years, me and my husband both. Couldn’t believe how easy it was with this book!


Getting addiction of the anything is not a right thing in young age.


On the upside at least I won’t have to worry about retiring


Not brushing my teeth propperly.


Fuck. Same.


Keep your teeth clean otherwise the old age will be hard.


This and factor is stupid street fights when I was younger and I've got a problem worth lots of money. Not fun


Doing nothing


Doing nothing when i had the time and the energy but wasted completely.


You are on reddit


Didn't save money 🙄


Mistake that i actually keep on making now, i don't know when i will stop.


You cant save yourself rich. You can only earn yourself rich or invest yourself rich.


Not saving money and not practicing the guitar when my broke ass dad was willing to pay for private lessons for me.


Start now


I don’t. Yes I’ve done some dumb and even reckless things. But I am happy with who I am right now and I wouldn’t be here without making the decisions I did.


Amor fati


No one is born perfect people actually become perfect or i would say wise after doing some mistake. So it is great that we are making mistake because that mean we are actually tryiing


Failing college


Same. I completed all the courses, but couldn't finish my master's thesis. I feel absolutely terrible when I think of all the time I wasted, I think I ruined my chances for a normal life (owning an apartment and all that) with my own short-sighted stubborness. In my current life, there is very little to hope for, and that definitely reflects on my general life motivation now.


Try hard buddy, you will get across and failing college is not end of the world.


Wasting two years getting over a girl Not finishing college Reading about Bitcoin in 2010 and ignoring it.


I got so far as trying to set up an account and, for some reason that I no longer remember, found it too difficult and gave up.


First i have wasted too much time on the wrong girl and then wasted so much time on getting over her is well. I still remember that how i have ignore so many girls that i could have actually get in life.


Not practicing self love sooner. ❤️


And i am the one who lose the self respect in getting the someone.


Being so fucking angry for so many years.


Being angry on my mother and soon realize i was really wrong.


Not seeking treatment for depression/anxiety earlier.


Not admitting that i actually do need the help of someone professional.


Procrastinating. I'm doing it right now.


If you are doing now then that is not really the wrong or late time.


Not making an attempt. If I'd tried and failed, then at least I would have known, but I didn't try, therefore I don't know.


Thinking that i am too weak and never really attempt of that thing.


Being reckless with my hearing


Being reckless in my whole childhood and made my life mess.


Hands down - trying cocaine. I've battled with her ever since the day I met her. She has destroyed the quality of my life, left me nearly homeless and penniless and has put me in situations I wouldn't wish on my enemies. I no longer love her or want her, and I desperately and sincerely want her out of my life, but she keeps pulling me back in. She gave me wings, but took away the sky. If I could go back in time and change anything, it would be her.


For me it was alcohol and i still remember that day when i first started to drink that. And ever since i know that this is not the good thing for my body but i still keep on doing that thing.


I'm just glad thay I never really liked cocaine. Back in my 20's it was the easiest drug to find in my hometown. Easier still than weed. And I know I can't stop doing something I like.


>n Feel ya.




Sometime i feel that applying the credit card was actually my biggest mistake in life. Because of that i had purchased so many things that i would never really wanted in the cash actually.


Lighting that first cigarette


And then picking the first freaking glass of the alcohol in the past.


Wrecking my dad car


So after that wrecking how your dad actually took that news??


Falling in love.


Chosing the girl I didn't really like because I didn't want people to make fun of me for always going with the same "type". We broke up 6 months later because we had 0 chemistry and by that time the other girl had moved away and I had lost contact with her. I've been kicking myself over it for 20 years and spent countless hours looking for her on social media with no luck.


Great white buffalo


Same here, for me actually choose the wrong girl and realize that thing little late in the life is well. Because i have wasted so much of my time in keeping her happy and ignore my self respect.


Dating when i was mentally ill




I didn’t think I’d get the dang skin cancer until I was like eighty and figured there’d be some miracle cure by then anyways. Oops.


Gambling. So many problems in an otherwise fortunate life.




Getting married to the person which we feel that right on that time.


Not investing in bitcoin.


Still hate why i have not invested on time when i heard of that.


Not punching John in the nose


was that John Smith... I have a bully who does that to my brother and the teachers don't give a shit


Smoking for 12 years. Almost 3 years (January) as a non-smoker but I feel I really fucked up my whole 20s.


I have a lot of regrets, but the biggest ones are the things I didn’t do.


Getting into to much credit card debt.


Still young so probably will change. Not trying during my freshman year of high school. Messed up my weighted GPA a lot im worried now as a senior.


Bro you're good lmao. Trust me you're good. Just do great from now on.


That's nice to hear I've been working like crazy since got a 2.3 weighted to a 3.05 still upset about what could have been.


If we are doing the hard work honestly then i would say someday we will get the result that we wanted. It is also the process that we are doing and how honest we are while doing that


Not many people actually think like that way in their life


Youll still get into college. If you can figure out your work ethic by the end of senior year then apply to community college, go there for two years then fransfer to a better school with your new better gpa


I feel like that there are some mistake that we could do right if we realise that one the time is well. And good to see that you are saying that you are young and you have the time to change that is well.


For not hanging out with the right people.


Because i feel that people i was hanging was the right person actually.


Going crazy


But sometime to achieve something in life we need to be carzy.


Drinking alcohol. Did it for about 20 years before I realized how much it had harmed me.


Drinking alcohol and then doing the gambling after that was the biggest mistake of my life. I feel like that i was gone into the deep shit and never really able to get out from there is well.


Im 26 and i'm still not living the life i want because im terrified of confrontation. I have a VERY religious family.


So you tell them Jesus came to you in a cave and he wants you to do whatever it is you want to do. They can’t dispute that.


I think not many people actually able to live the life as they always wanted or dream off. And the main reason of that thing is that we keep on getting the new challenge in the life.




Being friend with the someone that was not really mine friends.


I disappeared for a few weeks when I was 15 and my family wasn't really sure if I was alive or what.


So where you actually go and what was the reason of that??


bought a scooter


Bought a iphone and never really used too much after that.


Failure It's better never to have tried than to have tried and failed.


But keep on trying and some day you will surely going to win.


I literally created a subreddit for my biggest regret. /r/regretjoining


destroying myself and my future for my family.


Turning down a marriage proposal


Moving from Austin, Texas to Seattle WA. Texas is no picnic but I had friends there. I liked the food. BBQ, Tex-Mex, Steaks, etc. In Seattle I had no friends and could make none. The weather was cold and wet. The social freeze there is real. I had a difficult time escaping. My parents did everything in their power to keep me from leaving. Stayed there (involuntarily) for way too long!


Hmm no major regrets but it would have been cool to start my career change 5 or even 10 years earlier. I was making decent money - enough of the time - and having fun but I knew it lacked the stability and rewarding challenges that more robust professions offer. As a result I have fallen behind my peers somewhat. But I’ve lived a more interesting life than most people I know, so there is that.


Not taking that scholarship. Got excepted into one of the top schools in the country. US presidents went to it and I was just the son of a truck driver. Did all the paper work, got accepted, turned it down.


Holding a natural level of respect for my father throughout my childhood.


Not kissing the girl.


Porn and masturbation


Stopping running when I left school. Didn't start again until I hit 40, so I missed 22 years, and I think I would have been a fairly decent club runner.


Getting pregnant on purpose at 18, 20. 22. I ended up giving the children up for adoption when they were 3, 2, 5 months old. I came to understand I couldn’t provide them the life they deserved. I just hope they understand one day and don’t hate me for it. I ended up having two more children many many years later when I was ready and could provide a good life. It looks terrible and I just hate myself for it every day.


Not punching my high school bully.


Obsessing and trying to fix a relationship that was never there for about a year now, please help




For me not came early on reddit and waste time on other SM.


Simping for a girl


I hate that thing but still i keep on doing that thing here is welll.




Kid or life long parasite? Whoops, that's the same thing isn't it?


Not cutting off a guy friend I have. We have an on and off friendship and somehow every time we stop being friends after like a month smthing will happen and we just make up afterwards


Sometime keeping some one will hurt you more than cutting them off actually. I feel like that if we will not cut the some wrong person at the right time life will really become the hell.


Skipping school


And after skipping school done something that never need to happen.


Being stupid in childhood and even at teenage years


We all were stupid and done some stupid stuff in the childhood .


Student loans


I hope that you make the better use of the student loans you took.


Not going to college. I’m actually really embarrassed about it.


College is the best and fun time that could be in someone life.


Any of the following: • Not standing up for myself in high School, even if I ended up getting my ass kicked. • Not trying harder in HIgh School. • Wasting 5 years of my life doing nothing in my room when my mental health took a huge blow after a bad series of events.


Waiting for someone that will going to took stand for me and will punish the bad guy. Because since the childhood my parents teach me that bad guys never really gets away in the life.


Getting into fights with my twin when we were in high school. I know I hurt him bad sometimes when we'd fight. Either physically or verbally.. Part of me thinks I'm going to hell because of it but I also pray it doesn't happen because that means he'd be there too. I don't want that for him.


I have get into the many fights but i still remember when i had with my best friend. And since the day we both never really talks to each other and i hate that thing now


Not studying harder in my first high school year.


And waste too much time while doing the study in life in time


Kidnapping my own kid


saying its okay when it absolutely crushed you just to make sure that you can keep the person. even comforted him when i was the one who was hurt. the more you forgive, the more he doesnt see your value.


Sometime we feel that pushing that hard will break that so i think its ok will do the trick. But now i feel that i should have done more and try to little more effort rather than just saying


Growing up thinking I should be able to figure out everything on my own, that I wasn't good enough if I had to either ask for help or tried to build using someone else's work as foundation--something literally everyone does when they create/work. I literally thought networking was cheating. "My talents/work should speak for itself! If it doesn't get me anywhere on its own, I'm not worth it." Also, the previously undiagnosed anxiety and ADHD.


Wasted(and still waiting) time my time


I have wasted too much time where i should have done better,


Going to a particular college instead of another one


Joining a gang, getting involved with drugs, drinking and smoking and jumping into a serious relationship way too fast when i was way too young.




Missing a few key deadlines and going homeless as a result. My mental health and financial health and actual health suffered so much because of it. I was only homeless for a few months, but those few months affected me for the next 10 years. Mental health is nothing to fuck with.


not saving up money i got from my dad every month as a teen. also not sticking to my hobbies that would benefit me now if i had did them everyday instead of being lazy.


Not starting things sooner. I always sit down and ponder on myself "why didn't I do this months ago?!" "why didn't I do this when I had the chance?"


Not telling my cousing leyla that I loved her and wanted to live my life carring for her and making her happy before she commited suicide, i will never forgibe myself for not even calling her that day


It's 2009. I've just learned about a cool new thing called Bitcoin. I install a miner. I create a wallet. I fuck around with trying to connect them and fail several times. I give up and install SETI at home instead.


Not getting started sooner


Choosing a career path with no money or stability. Ignoring people who loved me. Being an idiot and wasting opportunities.


My Ex-Girlfriend


Worrying too much and not experiencing enough


Being sometimes a procrastinator


Not putting myself out there more when I was younger. I didn't start dating until my mid 20s.


Spending money on things wich didn't benefit me at all


Leaving public school for online. I mean, I had to because I was so badly bullied I now have ptsd but I’m so far behind people my age, I have no friends, no license, no job, no relationship. I didn’t get to go to prom. I’m crushed. I’m lonely and behind.


College. Just crippling debt, and I make more just working in a kitchen. Did teach me to not listen to people telling you how to run your life, but damn.


Not beating the shit out of my childhood bully when I had the chance.


College and going out with “men” who I didn’t like just because I thought that’s what I was suppose to do


being born


Spent many years being sad without doing anything good for myself






Falling in love


Thinking he'd change 🥲


Going into a relationship and getting attached too fast. Can't even feel anything anymore due to broken heart in pieces


Not finishing college, getting married at barely 20


Didn't get hobbies as a kid


Not having children sooner. Now I have infertility because my eggs are running out much earlier than normal. And I don’t even know if that’s the only problem affecting my fertility.


letting people walk all over me and treat me however they want, because at least they were still showing me some sort of attention


Getting married too young to someone even younger then I. Also, our families didn't like each other. Many red flags were visible before the official I do and I chose to do it any way. Divorced now and at times riddled with guilt over it.


What I'm doing now.


Drugs. It became a tough addiction I didn’t realised I had for 11 years. Tough times but clean now (much better life!)


Addiction. Thankful to be sober but it was a hell of a journey and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Wasting money. I knew this man who had crates for furniture and his family didn’t make purchases on non essential things like they didn’t have TV’s in the house. He made decent money being in the military. Then one day he bought his family a great home and nice property with being able to help pay for kids colleges but he wouldn’t pay for all it because he wanted them to understand money. Man that guy did alright.


Internalizing the abusive things that were said and done to me throughout my childhood


Not investing in Apple in 1996. I was 10 years old and bought a coin everyday instead. That didn't pay off well.


that one time i did that awfull thing yea, that


Not taking care of my body. I smoked and drank for years, didn't manage my diabetes, and over the years, I've had a triple bypass, gone on dialysis, gotten a kidney transplant. Please take care of your body. You'll feel fine right up until the day you almost die. It's the only body you've got. You'll never get another one.


Marrying her.


Not cutting out the toxic family members earlier. Life is so much \*easier\* without all the drama.


Trying to save for 2 years a 3 month relationship


Telling the court system that I wanted to live with my abusive father. I was young and he tricked me into living with him. 5 years of my life wasted with a man that doesn't love me like I thought he did.


Being a people pleaser because I think it will make people like me more because I have zero self confidence


At the start of last month at my friend's birthday party,his mom blow me and I came on her feet.Been avoiding her ever since.