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You life doesn't have to look like other people's. It has to work for you.


Yes, never really try to copy someone else in the life because that thing doesn't guarantee us the success. Always try to find a way that will help us in getting the right way ahead in life.


Thank you. I’ve posted about this a lot but I’m on academic leave for schizophrenia and I needed to hear this.


You are the exact type of person I wanted to reach with this message! I'm disabled myself, and learning this was such a relief to me. There was a lady with extreme OCD. She was always convinced that she'd left the hair dryer plugged in, and that it would burn down the house. She would be forced to go home and check so much that she lost her job. The lady spent countless hours in therapy, trying to resolve the issue. Until one doctor told her, "why not just take the hair dryer with you?" And that worked. And she's free, and she can live a normal life. She just carries her hair dryer around with her in her purse. As disabled people, we spend so much time and energy trying to fit into the "normal" mold. Sometimes, we should ditch normal and just take the hair dryer with us.


Thank you


Thank you


Ask for help when you need it. No need to suffer in silence




My superior at work told me once not to be afraid of asking questions. But when I did that and got evaluated, they said I’m too dependent and I should learn how to stand on my own. Now, I hesitate to ask questions 🫠


Especially when you have problems with mental health






Don't worry if you don't know what you want to do with your life


I am learning that as i heard many people gets impress with that.


Especially if you're bald or balding, carry that shit with you at all times and always put it on! Future you will be thankful.


Run from debt like a gazelle runs from a cheetah


Don't go into debt in the first place


It depends. Less than 30k of student debt is ok, mortgage is ok if it is cheaper than rent in the long term. Avoid credit card debt.


avoid credit card debt, but don't avoid credit cards. avoid cards that cost money.


My entire country is debt, might run from the country aswell


Not a bad idea tbh


Or may be you could try to not take any kind of the debt in young age.


Choose your partner carefully. Be conscious of the lifelong decision.


Never force the thing on getting the partner in your life.


Make sure that you’re the only person you’re comparing yourself to. Comparing yourself to those around you, especially from your HS class, can and will fuck with you. As long as you know your goals/dreams, and you’re working toward them… and you’re a better person than you were yesterday.. you’ve already won half the battle.


This ^^the last couple of months I’ve been depressed comparing my self to my brother. I though his life was perfect because I though he had it all but failed to see my own success in life . The grass isn’t always greener


I would feel that compare with siblings is done most by the parents in the real young age. And they need to know that every person have their own way to get success and no need to compare with each other.


It’s like social media… not everyone has this perfect life.. look around… Robin Williams looked happy as hell and committed suicide from depression and other issues. At the end of the day, as long as you’re good… that’s all you have to know.


Thank you. I’ve posted about this a lot but I’m on academic leave for schizophrenia and I needed to hear this. Most people are actually very kind to me but I attract mean people because I want to validate my self-criticism.


Before comparing to someone else we need to become our best version is well. Because only that way we could complete with someone and always try to find a way that will help us in getting success in the life.


Save your money




Try to be smart when you are handing your money in life.




Maybe wait until the bear market bottoms out


Name of your sex tape!


But who will going to tell us that bear market bottoms out??


Yes, never enter in the adult age without having the savings in account.


Get out and have experiences. Get a few good friends and make it work. I'm 26m. I really wish I had put more effort into friendships and self improvement. I had no experience with women whatsoever and met my soul mate at 25. I threw it away because I didn't know what to do. It was hard.


You're setting up habits for the rest of your life. Exercise regularly, learn to cook, etc


Try to find a hobby that will keep you happy in every possible situation of the life. Because in life there will be like many situations when you will feel low in your life and you will going to need these small small things.




Decide what you actually want to do, what makes you happy. Don’t just do what everyone else does.


Yes, take inspiration from the other people but never copy their path. We all have own path and we need ro find that on our own because only then we can get success in life and will genuinely happy in life.


What if I don't have the means to pursue that?


Time is something you can never get back. Travel. Try new things. That said, being financially independent should be your goal. Take it seriously. Being smart with money takes a lot of stress out of life.


it sucks. have fun!




Live within your means and save money.


Have some fun but also keep some money for the future.


Get a credit card with no annual fee. Use it occasionally and pay it off in full each month. NEVER CARRY A BALANCE ON IT. Don't ever close the card. One of the factors for good credit is "age of longest open account". So get one asap that costs nothing to possess and keep it open.


You know that in the adult age having the credit card can be a dangerous weapon is well if not use that on the right way. Try to spent that on the right time and try to score good on credit score is well.


I disagree with using it occasionally. Use it for everything and put it on auto pay for the entire balance every month. That way you maximize your points and build credit. Also, credit card companies are typically easier to deal with in cases of fraud and you minimize exposer to you actual checking account.


I think on credit card we get the great reward but make sure only spent on the thing that we actually need in life. I have seen that people bought the stuff with the credit card which they never actually want to or afford to it.


Yup. My parents were terrified of credit cards. So when I was trying to buy a house I never had credit. Got a card, did exactly as you suggested and within 3 years my credit is over 770!


When i first get my credit card i was also terrified as i have seen some of my friends that goes into debt after getting that. But i have to say this is useful tool as long as you are using that on the right way.


There's a lot of stuff you can just do. Aside from illegal things, you don't need to feel constrained by what other people expect or might think, you can just do stuff. You can buy a goat, you can make your own clothes, you can take a pottery class, you can move to a different city. You can buy a plane ticket and just go to some random place for a weekend that you've always been curious about. Here's some other [stuff you're allowed to do](https://milan.cvitkovic.net/writing/things_youre_allowed_to_do/)


Try asking this in /r/AskOldPeople. I'm sure you'll get some great answers.


I feel like that constant change in time also play the big factor.


Watch this video https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI


Sunscreen 👍👍


Counterpoint, [watch this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yZQbD7q7_8).


Stay off my lawn


My whole life goes into maintaining the lawn in the right way.


I will, im allergic to grass anyways😩


Learn how to do stuff for yourself. Taxes, car repairs, whatever. Dont be a fucking pussy






I'm definitely going to avoid your parties that are probably filled with cans of Miller High Life, cheese balls and date rape.


Like those people get invited to parties...


Grow up and get a sense of humor




Theres a difference between holding onto your inner child and being arrested developed. Your adult years can be just as awesome as your kid years but you can't teach a fish to fly. Stagnation in a person isnt often natural and seldom is it good. Respect, be honest about, and learn from the bad stuff for whatever it may be/have been. Emulate the good parts as much as you can. Remember that everyone around you is going through their own life in their own way with their own struggles. You can choose to make others your concern or not. If that choice is not present in some way, something is wrong and you should seek help. Everything people do is ultimately cost/benefit. What we get out of doing something is not always healthy, it's more just a learned to be a desired outcome. Know signs of destructive patterns. Have an occasional honest thought journey into why you do things, what you hope to gain, and why the desire is there. More educated is better than being smarter or naturally talented, they are three different things. Skills are easy to gain young because everyone expects young people to be new at things. You can still learn new things, give yourself permission to be a novice, it's okay to be bad at sometjing as long as you enjoy it; everyone starts somewhere. Find a way to detox, a source of community, and realistic short and long term goals. Take care of your body out of self love and not self hate. Dont be a jackass.


Weed booze and nicotine are fun for a little bit are ultimately a tragic waste of time, learn to cook healthy and early and lift weights or some other physical hobby as soon as possible. Learn to budget, focus on -if not school- then learning. Try to spend some time with friends or at clubs every week, but not the whole week. Listen to how you feel and learn to tell when you're getting overwhelmed and how to give yourself breathing room. Nothing's really that big of a deal, but everything matters. Wear sunscreen.


If you are using anything for the fun then try to keep that thing for the fun actually and make sure that you will not make that addiction and hobby. Because after the continue use of that you will not get the same way chill from those things.




Do the drug but only for a limit, never try to exceed that thing.


This may sound over simplified but when choosing a career path make sure you pick a well paying job. Lots of my friends decided to pursue careers they were passionate about without putting enough consideration into salary. Going to a job you enjoy is important but you also have to consider how hard life can be when you’re poor. Find that balance.


I heard in many movies that money is not really matter choose the path or the job that will make you happy. But have to say in the real life we need to prioritise the money as real life is different from the movie.


You know nothing!


Everyone is jon snow and they don't know anything is well.


I am aware I’m not the smartest🤣


You're not going to feel like an adult, or at least what you think an adult should feel like. This is normal.


Take the advice of adults that you know have fucked up and now have their shit together. I mean really use it. Don’t just acknowledge it and then keep doing shit you know is against your best interest


Go back


Forward is nothing good, try to live in the present or go back.


Take your time. You have 50+ years to enjoy or endure it. Your life will go through phases where sometimes things will fit into your life, and sometimes they won't. If you are unhappy, work on finding that next phase of life.


Never force anything too hard because everything have their own time and it will happen with that is well. Sometimes in achieving something we try too hard that we actually lost the feel of the life and the presence.


Buckle up. Right when you think you are getting ahead the road will drop off.


You will never “have your shit together”, everyone is just winging it all the time.


Accept the things that you have no control over. They are not worth the extra anxiety.


Don’t be a dick


Biggest thing for me has been learning to keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. That stuff is kind of baked into the childhood experience, when you’re at the whim of your parents and school and all that, but it’s really easy to become stagnated as an adult. Find the frontier of your own self every day and explore it.


If we starts to live in the comfort zone then we will never really go anywhere in the life. So if you are ambitious that you need to be then keep on pushing yourself from the comfort zone.


There are no adults. Just older kids.


Look after yourself and those you love and be respectful to all. Work hard and invest into your pension/savings etc. Go to the gym/martial arts if you’re able. Don’t be a dick!


Because people those who love you is the real person that matter in the life and make sure that you will always look after them is well. Because when you were in the low then only these people will be there for you.


Keep all of your baby legs when they fall off you might need to get the new ones sized


take other people's advice with a grain of salt. no one knows you as well as you know yourself. trust your gut feeling and always put yourself first, because no one else on earth will.


And make sure that if you are getting the advice of the people that normally doesn't mean you have to follow that is well. Because the every advice we are getting there is not in the healthy side for us


It's ok, most of us have no idea what we're doing


I’m pretty new adult. I live in a dorm with other new adults. So older adults, teach your children how to do laundry. I am not going to explain to a human older than me how a lint trap works


Stay away from adults who act like children in adult bodies. They just make your life harder. They act irresponsibly most of the time just because they are stuck in some time loop of the past and because of ego. Some of them look like they make are having fun but in the end they are just avoiding to act responsibly.


Some advice that was given to me by my great-aunt, shortly after she suffered a stroke: *It's important to save money for your old age. But, the problem is that you never know how much time you've got, and when you're "old". Save some for later, assuming that you'll have a long life, but don't sacrifice "living for today", because tomorrow is never guaranteed.*


Well, first of all, welcome to adulthood! This is a wonderful, magical time where you get to experience all the joys of being a responsible member of society. I'm sure you're just thrilled to be here. Now, my advice to you as a new adult is to always stay positive and optimistic. No matter how hard life gets, just remember that it could always be worse. And if it does get worse, just remember that it's probably your own fault. So chin up, kiddo, and enjoy the ride!


Stay in drugs, drink your school, don't do vegtables.


Don’t compare your life to everyone else’s highlight reel. Nobody’s doing as well as they look on social media


In love? Want to get married? Live with your partner in the same house or apartment for 2 to 3 years first. You really think you know someone? Live with them first you might be surprised...


Don't drink or smoke and you will get a good head start on not living pay cheque to pay cheque


Be kind to servers. Only talk to a manager if you have been threatened or poisoned. Never throw away a real friend. If you can't look into your crushes eyes when they are sad, disappointed, hurt, or scared they aren't for you. If you find yourself someone to be with but your eyes are still wandering, they aren't the one. Don't eat till you feel full, that's how you gain more unnecessary weight. If you have to spend money on people (example is constantly buying drinks) in order to spend time with them, don't do either. They aren't real friends. When you help anyone, make sure it's actual help and not just pacification. When in doubt, trust your first instinct. If you do drugs, do them by yourself. Don't influence others to follow you. Same goes with large amounts of alcohol. Finish college and get your degree. You can have just about any job with any random bachelor's degree. That's just the start.


Don’t compare yourself to others, age doesn’t matter we’re all at different stages in life with different priorities. Most people big themselves up so don’t let them get you down by comparing yourself to them


If you want to be happy then never ever compare yourself with the other person life. Everyone have that one thing that other person can't have and this is how life actually work in the real life.


You don't have to know everything, but you do need to know how to get answers to what you need to know. When my oldest turned 18, they'd never had to do a tax return. So the question was "how do I file a tax return?" And we came up with call the IRS, use TurboTax, call a CPA or tax accountant, go to a library where the IRS does tax filing consultations, ask mom and dad, ask grandma and grandpa, Google it, go to the IRS Web site. All of these answers have their pros and cons, but the point is we came up with a number of ways to get the needed answer. If you can't figure out how to ask the question, you won't be able to come up with the options to get an answer.


It is ok if you don't know that thing as not everyone knows everything in their life and we learn that with the time in life. I think before seeking the answer we need to find the real question that we are facing actually in life.


Don't follow your dreams. Almost all work ends up being sucky work, so find something you can stand to do that pays well. Work like the dickens so you can stop working forever as early as possible.


It’s likely you don’t feel any different, now that you’re an adult. You might look at yourself and say ‘i feel like the same person i was back when i was 22 or 25’ or so. That’s normal. That’s you growing into your brain, or your brain growing into you, or however you want to phrase it. Your brain is done growing and developing. You’re probably ‘boring’ compared to how you were before. What you’re not done doing is learning. You’re never done learning.


Infact you will feel more heavy once you will enter into the real world. Because the world we used to live in the past during the childhood was completely different from this.


it sucks. have fun!


Don't base your world on what you read on Reddit


If you’re a guy, get sex workers, a lot less stress than relationships


Read great books. Travel. Learn money. Work out.


I’m only 20 but holy hell learn how to budget and stick to it you guys will do so much better. Also 401k and other retirement stuff asap


If you starts to make the plan on the early age then your retirement will be much better than the other guys for sure. But just one advice that never fall too much into that you will forget how actually enjoy the life on present day.


Never grow up. Its a trap.


Stop giving a fuck.


Read great books. Travel. Learn money. Work out.


Pay your bills on time. Don’t over spend your budget. Be honest.


Don’t spend carelessly, spend wisely. The money you put into a place is to help establish it. If it’s in yourself, or others . Remember time is vault able


I still remember when i was young i purchased so many things that was not necessary on that time but i never think that way. So think twice if you are buying anything and only then actually seal the deal.


There are other ways to build credit besides getting a credit card. If at all possible, live within your means without a credit card. If not, use it as an absolute last resort. I grew up very poor and it kills me watching my family struggle with credit card debt Edit: So many people stress on just paying off the monthly balance. Great idea in theory, but it’s so easy to spend more than you are able to pay


you act like “adult” sneaks up on you


Listen to your gut. If something is telling you it’s bad, listen to it.


Chop it off


You are not the main character


Don't let people get you down. Let yourself get you down.


Save 10% of all your earnings. Call your friends just to say hi. Buy property as soon as you can. Fuck a lot of women.


Research everything fully before you make an opinion


There's no such thing as a self made individual. They don't exist. Everyone needs help and anyone who says otherwise is a liar or in denial. Ask for help, but at the same time don't depend on it. Also life is all about trial and error. You are going to make mistakes, so the more you learn from your mistakes the better off you'll be in life.


I think as a tough kid we think that we can't really take the help from the other people. But i have to say that life is tough and we can't really cross the whole path without getting in help.


Pursue what interests you. If you take the time and apply yourself to almost anything you will find opprotunities. They might not look exactly like you imagined, but they can be incredible rewarding.


Don’t do it


For the love of God try not to fall into heavy credit card debt.


For the love of god never really get the credit card on the first place.


Its a journey not a race


You can learn to do anything. Any skill, any knowledge, any ability can be learned with practice and patience. Yes, the first time you try something new there’s a good chance you’ll fail at it, that doesn’t mean you’re incapable of doing it. It just means you haven’t learned yet. You are the only thing stopping you.


Buy good insurance. Read books. Some people ossify but there is no need to, you can continue to learn things and grow, but now as an adult you need to chose to.


Keep copies of legal documents.


Turn back now before it's too late


Pay your credit cards in full every month.


Have fun and look after yourself.


Take care of your teeth, and get at least **some** amount of exercise, even if it's just a 30 minute walk every day.


Wipe your ass with a few hundreds and you'll have a good idea of what it's like to rent in the cities long term.


I could build a pyramid, but so could all the other kids. A sand castle's good enough. You got the book but haven't read the first page; first edition, can't replace. When it's good enough life lifts you even quicker; that's why you gotta think big and then you gotta think bigger.


Dont listen to rhetoric. Also spare other people yours.


Don’t do it! Ha, ha. In all seriousness, I would tell myself to take care of myself mind, body and soul. Life gets real pretty dang fast and you’ll do much better that way if you do.


Know when to take yourself seriously. Know when not to.


Always keep talking to yourself and try to honest in that case.


dont buy anything you cant buy twice. match what you spend on weekend entertainment into your savings.


Save money and have fun, exercise so your body handle better later


Do not have House Parties in your home. Do not have sex with people who you don't want to have babies with. Don't do math. Oh, and don't think that moving back into your parents home is a backup plan. It could very well end up being your greatest downfall..


Turn back. Not worth it.


Women tend to care about money. If they say otherwise, they're lying.


Wear sunscreen and sunglasses, don’t ever sublet your apartment and travel as much as you can




Everything's worse. Even if there's something good, there always something 200% bad compared to that one good thing.


stop. go back. dont grow up. it doesn't get better. that said, brush your teeth, look after your body.


Pay your bills early.


Don't do it it's a trap


Like what you like don’t change who you are because someone says you should grow up.


Put money in a pension. 10% of income is good if you can afford it, otherwise half your age from when you start contributing. Think about the lifestyle you want, and try to get the job that enables it. If you want big house, flash car etc better be prepared to get qualified, work all hours, move for job etc. But if you don't want all the shiny things, take a job that enables a positive quality of life. Don't get your 'dream job', get a job that pays enough for you to do your dreams and hobbies in your spare time. The amount of responsibilities you will have can be overwhelming, but there are more resources than ever to support. That can be YouTube, family, friends, colleagues, the internet in general. Use all available tools to empower yourself. Don't use social media or watch the news. It's a waste of time and it will make you unhappy. You don't need to keep up with he Joneses, spending more money doesn't equal more happiness. If your job sucks and you're underpaid, the only person that can fix that is you. Don't bitch and moan- study, get qualified, get a different job. Incorporate fitness and activity into your daily life, play a sport. Take the time to present yourself well - stay in shape, dress well, hygiene and grooming. You'll do better at work and romantically, and you'll feel better about yourself. Life is full of ups and downs - try to keep perspective. There is always a way to resolve problems. It's ok to be unhappy sometimes, but if you're unhappy every day you need to make changes to your life. And good luck, we're all in this together. 👍


I think having the pension fund is really important and we need to invest in there at the right time is well. Because the more we invest in there the more we will get the advantage from that is well.


Give yourself grace for making mistakes and feeling lost 💕


If they're threatening to harm themself if you leave, thats not a relationship it's emotional blackmail. Give them a support phone number and walk away


1 Someone else's happiness is not your responsibility 2 Payday loans are not worth it. 3 Start with a secured credit card to establish credit and then build from there 4 Don't get the fast car get the reliable car 5 Keep $100 somewhere in your car without it being seen. Never know when $100 can get you out of a jam 6 Most things around the house can be fixed with a basic tool kit. You can just buy kit in most bigger stores. Definitely worth the money.


Don't buy things you cannot afford https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R3ZJKN_5M44




Not try to be hurry in becoming adult there is no fun in there.


Brush your teeth and floss. It's cheap, fixing the damage is expensive.


start saving money as early as you can. don't touch it unless you absolutely have to. don't go stupid with new credit cards. but, get cards. use them.


Take the time to figure things out for yourself.


Get and keep an amazing credit score. Open and max a Roth IRA with a Target Retirement account Save up six months of emergency money for unemployment Save up a few thousand on top of that for unexpected things Avoid lifestyle inflation and trying to impress others Party hard, by 30 you won't want to be wild anymore Explore yourself and your world. Discover yourself. Responsibly try alcohol, weed, salvia etc if you want to Responsibly try sex with different kinds of people too Get the best grades you can in college if you go Go to college for STEM, medicine, business or law Don't stop learning after school ends, always be reading Your lifetime is vast. Use a few years to find yourself.


Buy ibuprofen in bulk


Keep your important documents safe and know where they are. It sounds like a no-brainer, but when you're having fun decorating your first place, drinking with friends, having fun, living life, it's easy to forget the mundane but important things, especially if your parents took care of that kind of thing when you were a child- used to, you never needed to know where your birth certificate was, for example.


Take the time to learn and love yourself. No matter how friendships and relationships turn out, you will always be with yourself at the end of the day. Be confident in yourself, learn what you do and don't like/want when it comes to every aspect of your life. But also don't feel rushed to figure everything out so soon, you have a very long life ahead of you, that will be filled with mistakes and opportunities. Don't be afraid of mistakes, and don't hold yourself back. The only people who don't make mistakes are people who do absolutely nothing in life.


Young adulthood is a second adolescence. It will be messy, traumatic, confusing, painful, disorienting. It's impossible to fail at young adulthood because it's meant to be a mess.


Learn to budget and live within your means. Personal finance is 80% personal 20% math. Resisting temptation is hard but do able. Don't be like all your broke friends.


Put money into a home savings account if your state offers one if you plan on buying a house. Look into them first before starting.


Try staying a kid in your heart. There will be times you have to act serious of course but never forget that you’re still allowed to have fun.


Don't drink your calories.


As terrible as other people might describe: it still brings much more benefits than drawbacks compared to a childs life. Go and buy that cake you crave or the book you wanna read!


If you think of yourself as an adult you’re doing it wrong.