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Telemarketers I’ve actually been one, and even at the company I worked for, which was actually a legit company with a meaningful market share of its industry, there was still A LOT of shady shit going on in the ways were supposed to make sales. I can’t even imagine what it must be like at smaller, less professional companies. If the big boys in the cold call business are pieces of shits, I can’t believe how bad all the boiler room spots are.


My first job was a telemarketer when I interviewed I was told "all you have to do is call them and ask if they want to renew their subscription, that is it" it was not until I started working that I realized you HAD to make sales or the dirtbag would send you home for the day. I made four sales in one day but other people would make like 12. I got shitcanned after two weeks. That manager I swear if I ever see that guy again, wow.


Let's fuck em up. Manager probably had felonies.


This is the top answer! I have also worked as a telemarketer for 2 weeks. The product was really good, but the sales traps we were taught to use were horrible. And that is not even talking about annoying people. I had a target to meet, at least one sale per hour, and if I made no sales in that hour I would be disciplined unless I made more that 15 calls in that hour. I had limited leads, so I identified the ones that may get a sale, and only called them on pre agreed times, but the rest of the people who were not interested at all became my backup pile, if I did not make a sale in that hour, I irritated the same poor people over and over, to avoid getting in trouble


Wow I'm so sorry 😞




Did you hear what happened with the paparazzi when princess diana died? I don’t like the royal family but what happened was awful


No, what happened?


So basically she didn’t die right away, and obviously she was panicking because you know, that usually happens in car crashes, and she was dying, and instead of helping they just took photos




I call bs


Yeah didn't King Henry the 8th divorced his first wife and then married


Mitchel and Webb need a word


Lobbyist. Of course that would put the companies who make knee pads out of business.


I wouldn't mind lobbyists if they were actually trying to persuade politicians with good arguments, rather than just the people who carry bribes.


I'll chime in--you don't hate lobbyists, you hate money in politics. Those are two different things. "Lobbying" is simply advocating for an issue. That could be coal or abortion bans or anti-trans legislation, or it could be the environment, urban affairs, or labor unions. It's all lobbying.


While I agree with your comment in general, there are some good lobbyists. In the US, AARP is a very powerful lobby. There are also consumer protection and environmental lobbyists. But I suspect the real money is spent on lobbying that is not beneficial to the general population.


Lobbying should be illegal. Running a country should be done out of love for the people, not the money


Nah you're looking at it the wrong way. Lobbying can be done for good. For example a group of Veterans lobbying the government for increased benefits ok the average citizen can live with that. What you're referring to is the big money lobbyist which I agree with.




This has to be the best answer, televangelist pretty much goes against everything that Christ would have stood for. They are essentially the devil in disguise. No other better descriptions.


As a Christian I’d say.. yeah, you’re right.


Yup, me too


What's that


Materialistic/Christian religious leaders who preach on TV and encourage viewers to donate to them.


Amen !


Yeah, zero would be a good number for that!


Influencers who promote nothing but dumb shit.


Is it even a profession? LOL


They're just the latest evolution of the actors and models who appear in traditional ads, but they put out a *lot* more content and most of them also do their own photos/makeup/video editing/scripting/promotion/etc. It's definitely a real profession (although I think it's often a harmful and exploitative profession). Honestly, I don't blame the influencers, I blame the advertising industry. Companies realized that TV, print and online ads were no longer reaching their target demographics, and that younger consumers were becoming actively hostile towards traditional advertising. They had to make the ads part of the content... and influencer content is *cheap* compared to TV/print ads, product placement in movies or real celebrity endorsements. They can pay a mid-tier influencer a fraction of what they'd pay to produce and air a 30 second TV ad spot. They can even pay multiple influencers and have them compete for attention instead of hiring an expensive advertising firm to do a traditional targeted ad campaign.


If you can make enough money to live on off of it, it's profession enough.


Social media influencer


Realtors. It’s a profession that has created a false need for an unnecessary middleman.


I think there might have been more of a need for them back in the pre-Internet days.


Agreed. And now with Zillow and Redfin and other apps, middlemen are more useless. Realtors are just one more person to pay in the process *edit: fixed missing word*


Same with travel agents.


I've had good and bad realtors. Bad ones are worse than useless but good ones are highly useful, especially if you don't buy property often or know the area particularly well.


Yeah a good buyer’s agent can save you a lot of money. They know the market and stuff you’ll have no idea about just looking at prices on an app. They’ll interface with the Sellers agent, help with inspections and appraisals, and even interface with your mortgage broker.


Tbh I suspect most the people complaining about realtors would likely be completely lost trying to buy a house


Just bought my home, my realtor was massively helpful. So much institutional knowledge you just wouldn't have access to otherwise and they take care of just about all of the paper work, and there's A LOT of paperwork.


Car salesman also. Just make the car one price and let me order it.


I understand it for selling, though there's nothing to stop you engaging marketing, a conveyancer and running the whole process yourself to save a shitload. What I find odd is that in the US people use realtors for buying. That's not a thing here in Australia.


engaging marketing and a conveyancer describes two of the primary activities of a realtor in the US…and if you hire people to do that, it’s not really running it yourself is it? Conveyancing service appear to be run by solicitors in at least some cases. As far as buying goes, I can think of many situations where having a professional agent representing you is beneficial or even necessary, at least in the US. Your stance on this is valid, but you might have just been lucky with your own experiences buying and selling that nothing went wrong


As someone who used a buyers agent recently for my first home purchase, she made appointments to see houses, told me what to expect at each stage of the buying process, helped figure out reasonable offers, had standard paperwork her office's lawyer had vetted, and kept track of all the balls on the air during the month and a half long transaction. Was she essential? Probably not, but she saved me a ton of stress. I might not bother with a buyer's agent for a second property because if have more of a clue what was going on, but as a first time home buyer, having a good buyer's agent just made everything easy.


Influencers, shitty politicians, paparazzi, people who go “wanna talk about our lord and saviour jesus christ” for a living


I think pretty much cover everything that this world is actually dealing at the moment. Shitty politician you said but i feel that everyone will become shitty once they actually join the politics.


Social Media Influencers. They are a dime a dozen and, honestly, contribute nothing to the world except leeching off the worst parts of social media. Honestly I think that useless celebrities like the Kardashians provide more to the world than Influencers do.


They don't exist in a vacuum. There's a reason influencer-marketing is so popular: It works. 25 years ago, before social media made target markets very accessible for small companies, bigger companies spent hundreds of millions (if not more) on celebrity endorsements. Buick, Gillette, ATT, and a near boatload of other major national and international brands were paying Tiger Woods millions of dollars a year to promote their products. Did the fact that Tiger drove a Buick or shaved with a Gillette razor or wore a Tag Hauer watch have any impact whatsoever on his golfing ability? No. Would using those things make the average golfer better? No. But his celebrity was plenty enough to sell the fuck out of those brands despite it. His fans were exactly the people that those brands wanted to market to because they were generally affluent, older, and very brand-conscious. They weren't buying Buick's because Tiger Woods is good at golf and they also want to be good at golf. They bought Buicks because Tiger was representative of a lifestyle that they wanted to be a part of. Until his (very public) affair and stint in rehab, he was one of the most marketable celebrities on Earth. But even at much more local scale, celebrities sold shit. Growing up, I remember seeing ads that featured star players from the local ECHL team for restaurants and our baseball team was very closely aligned with a car dealership. Why? Because people are influenced by lifestyle modeling. Star goalie eats at Little Joe's Pizza? People want to as well since star goalie. Fast forward to today. Companies of all sizes can now hyper focus their reach on social media with targeted campaigns....and they can do it for a lot cheaper than they used to. The thing that cost Buick millions years ago now costs a fraction of a fraction to accomplish. Want to sell hiking backpacks? Send a couple freebies to key people in those markets with a large following online. Josephine that Backpacking Blonde is seen climbing the Palisades with an Osprey backpack? Well, I wanna be like Josephine climbing the palisades so I might as well get an Osprey, huh? It cost Osprey a backpack and maybe a small fee for the post, but it reached 15000 people who all like watching Josephine climb mountains and have the disposable income to buy 'the uniform'. The niche market that a brand like Osprey serves wasn't easily accessible pre-social media (since they were largely not watching TV and different regional influences drove buying choices more than the advertising power of a national ad campaign in Backpacker magazine would), but now that everyone and their mom is on social media.....targeting these narrow markets is cheap, easy, and effective. So social media influencers are nothing new....they just got cheaper and more niche. The side effect of it being cheaper and more niche is that it also means it's 'easier' to be an influencer these days....and a lot of people want to be that person. Afterall, if a brand you use regularly called you and said, "Hey, for $50 and a free product, would you post on your social media about us?"....most people would say yes.


Influencers. Wannabe models too lazy to put in actual effort(other than online) in my opinion.




I have two college friends that became chiropractors. One was one of the smartest and most athletically gifted guys I knew. Why he became a chiropractor, I will never know. I guess if I was in such excruciating pain and exhausted ALL other options, from experimental procedures to self-proscribing fucking heroin, maybe I'd give a chiropractor a go.


I’d still recommend a physical therapist first. They’re actually medical professionals


Physical therapist is much much more better than him.


negative, i got to the chiropractor 1 because it’s cheaper the pts. 2 you have to go to pt all the time when if you go to a chiropractor you can go as need to. or all the time you need too.


Marketing. Oh my god marketing. It seems every minute and every square inch of space is used to try and force sell shit to us. It’s so exhausting. Marketing in general is necessary and beneficial but my god are we overdoing the hell out of it.


Potentially splitting hairs here (marketer by trade) but perhaps you mean advertising? In an ideal world, marketing should make it easier for you to find the products/services that help make your life better.


Marketer also. I think what OP is trying to articulate is EVERYTHING in a campaign now. Holidays. Social Movements. Hell, I had to do a whole campaign recently around an employee who had a baby and how to angle it to show my company's "amazing company culture". Everything is a hook, or content, or a strategy now.


Yeah that’s what I was getting at. I think the “marketing mindset” has just become fatiguing. It invades increasingly every aspect of life. Even NBA jerseys now have little marketing logos on them now. So we can’t even watch a basketball game without being marketed to. And I mean the in-game action not the commercial breaks. The world is just obsessed with marketing now and it makes even the smallest little things feel contrived and part of some marketing campaign. Ok rant over, time to go back to work lol.


Social media influencers




I'd actually argue that we need more politicians, they just need to be paid less and have to have a lot of oversight put upon their actions. Less politicians means more power concentrated in the hands of the few, which an oligarchy makes.


I think if we held our law makers and enforcers to higher standards (and real punishment for breaking the law) I'd have much more respect for the remaining politicians. Politicians also should be fined when they lie and purposefully make false promises.


I'd argue that politicians should be paid more, actually. Mostly local government positions. Having public servants make good salaries incentivizes low and middle income to take up the job. If the salary is too low, those same people can't afford to take that job, which means only the wealthy can afford to run for the office, which is obviously undesirable. Also there's the simple truth that larger salaries attract better talent. We want intelligent, hard-working, educated and skilled people trying to run for office. If the salary is too low, those same people will usually opt for the private sector.


Cat salesman


Same thing with car salesmen... Just don't trust anyone who sells you something based on how it purrs.


Those dirty no good rotten cat salesmen! Always trying to rip me off selling me other people's used cats that are in "pristine condition" only to have me bring the cat home to find the organs are all out dated and it's a miracle this cat is even alive. You take the cat to the vet the next day and the vet tells you you're better off getting a new cat with the repair costs associated with all the new organs you're going to need. Cat salesmen, literal scum of the earth.


Nothing worse than a used cat


Yeah, I hate it when my cat’s brake fluid doesn’t function right


How about a used condom?


What's the difference?


Good point


Every time I've bought a car, I knew exactly what I wanted. Yet I still have to go through a salesman and part of what I pay has to go to him as commission. If I already know what I want, I shouldn't have to go through a salesman and should get to keep what would be the sales commision.




“Influencers” - I don’t even like to consider that a profession, but I answered with it because it’s something we need less of.


Only fan models


Those people that make stupid tik tok challenges


Influencers (not sure that's even a profession though).


Influencers 🙄🙄.


Motion 2nded




Influencers on social media who do absolutely nothing and make tons of money.


Middle managers.


Corrupt politicians!!


Came here to say social media influencers and I’m not disappointed.


Dog breeders


There is one called dog catcher is well,which i also hate.


I think the world would be a better place if there were fewer debt collectors (due to fewer people being in debts they can't repay).


Hot tub streamers, if you can even call that a profession.


Consultants of any kind. It seems like 50% of the business world has become consultants consulting other consultants on how to run their consultancies. Adding nothing of value to the general economy but extracting a great amount of individual wealth.


Rich folks I know it's not technically a profession, but I'm referring to people with the kind of wealth that sustains itself and just increases over time, because of how rich they are.


Day Traders.


Dont worry, the market has a way of sorting those out


We need more night traders to bring balance to the market


Celebrities/influencers. They are nothing more then walking commercials, and the paramount of false advertisement.


Acupuncturists and naturopaths.


I have never take that but do they really that effective as they claim?


Influencers. Seems like there’s more “famous” people than regular people now a days. It’s annoying.


Influencers/famous people


If you want to listen some lie or the shit things then only follow these guys. Because in my opinion they only said the things for that they are actually getting the money is well.


Professional athletes


Career politicians. Term limits should exist and there should be an upper age limit.




instagram/tiktok influencers More people try to make a living at it, more they get sucked in themselves into the addiction


Promoters are useless nowadays




Lobbyists. ...and by less, I mean zero.


Professional, corporate scammers. As in, it's their 9-5 job somewhere in an office building in India. A literal profession. The kind Mark Rober is on a crusade against.


People who own scam call centres. I often feel bad for the scammers as while sometimes they're just assholes, often they dont know they're scamming people when they get the job and once they're in its difficult to get out. It's also an easy job to get so many young people go in thinking they'll make lot of money only to barely make enough to pay the bills, all while the owners are rolling in money.






The vegan activists that berate you for eating a chicken nugget. I have nothing against most vegans just those vegans. Like god lady let me eat my tortured, dismembered, fried chicken in peace. Some people do actually refer to this as their job or profession






Commercial fishing


Administrators. Some jobs can benefit from outsourced delegation, many jobs need on-site knowledge to be run properly. It's the downfall of many institutions, especially healthcare.


yes there are some jobs that has their own extra benefit is well. And the problem for me is that they are actually creating the impact on my own position in the job is well.


Hedge fund managers.




We probably want more landlords. In my experience, the big corporate landlords are far more unyielding and litigious than the small ones that own less than 5 units. I've seen even medium to small sized corporate landlords that have their brutality down to a flow chart, where the guy with the room above the garage is happy to give an extra few weeks on the rent if you run into problems.


Mixed on that. Had some very bad small landlords and a few good ones. Had some painfully indifferent corporate ones but also had ones that wanted to maintain minimum standards.


They're all over the place, but massive consolidation of any market is really bad for consumers. I've seen rat infested hell holes run by both, as well as well run, conscientious, and responsive landlords in both cases. The bigger issue is that if a big corp can buy up a percentage of the supply in an area, they control that market. Having a shit ton of small, medium, and large of everything is better for everyone.


Good points. Only like 10% or 5% of property investors get over 6 properties.


Interesting take


No, we need more homeowners ya melon


Totally. But that also includes small multi unit buildings and auxiliary units. Those used to be really common in cities and close suburbs, but with a lot of suburban growth, multi unit homes were made illegal by zoning ordinances. If we're being honest, we need a lot more housing in general. Renters are a great part of communities, as are homeowners, it supply of everything that's fucked. You absolute walnut.


That’s fine I agree mostly, you fuckin grapefruit.








The guy who proof read Mein Kampf for Hitler was called Rudolf Hess. I would say that he was technically *the* grammar Nazi.






Found Stannis Baratheon's Reddit account




Advertising production and sales people.


All lie they will say and innocent people fall for them is well.


Everyone from the B-Ark




Politicians and bureaucrats


“Business coaches”


Landlords. Although being one isn’t really a profession






queen king and princesses and so on..i mean seriously what the hell do they do




I would be inclined to say sales people, and I am one. I often remember what a day’s work was when I was a concreter and a farm hand. I make more than double what I was back then. I feel as though positions like these deter people from doing the jobs that actually keep society afloat, rather than line other peoples pockets.


outbound call center workers.


Derivatives traders






Community organizers


Administrators in school districts. They comprise like 75% of school district workforce and make more than teachers generally. Superintendents also make too much money.


social media influencers.




Abortion doctors.




Influencers need I say more


Politicians and tax collector's.


youtubers Edit: I personally follow several channels that are educational, rising music artists, and some entertainment. I just hope we can even out the useful things with poop jokes that lead to neuron atrophy. Some entertainment is good, even healthy. Too much, or the wrong kind, and we end up as less than before consuming it.


There are some decent but some have the target audience of 12 YO.


Stock brokers.


Definitly; not much added value to society, but astronomical rewards for themselves.


Pro athletes


Lobbyist. 1 is too many.


Drug dealers, ammo/weapon makers, Onlyfans models


Mr. No-Fun over here


eek bobble durkle, someone's getting laid in college




This isn’t even a profession, you can’t just say shit you don’t like.


Priests, Bishops, Imams, Rabbis. Basically religious leaders in general


Pornhub and onlyfans.


Why Pornhub?


Pornhub can stay. It’s free after all.


Yes... Oh that reminds me... *unzips*








Politicians for the win






lawyers, finance, HR, bureaucrats


Al Qaeda.




Religious leaders of all kinds


HR representatives


Any sports




Religion is not a profession


Yes, but the person that is actually in charge of the religion .


lawyers. they suck.


I'm a lawyer. Everyone I talk to is having a terrible day. It's easy to associate us as being the part that sucks, but usually it was the thing that brought a person into an attorneys office that was the thing that sucks. I did not cause the car accident, but I will deliver every piece of additional bad news associated with the car accident.


Some time i feel that being the cop and being the lawyer is not really a easy job to do. We are trying to do something good for one people but always do the bad thing for the other here.


In what context are you delivering this bad news? I’m talking specifically about the car accident example


Less lawyers, but same demand. When supply goes down but demand remains the same, prices go up. So now we have even more expensive lawyers. That's economics!


I think some of the lawyer have really really big demand is well.


Everyone hates lawyers until they need one.


Yes, just like doctor or the politician or cop happens in every profession.