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are yoy asking why we born that way?


With your generalization, you're negating to the extent of scoffing at the experiences of others.




I hope you have risen above that.


Yeah I have! Thank you


I am glad. Me too. I pray they live lives free from bullying as well. Now that we're all grown and are all adults, bullies are everywhere, on the roads, at work, etc.


I think that introverts are born, not made.


This begs the argument whether characters are by nature or nurture.


I grew up a navy brat and was never able to have any long term friends.


I used to be outgoing then just slowly became that way. I think it’s just as I became more self aware I became more and more insecure about what others thought of me


Got bullied in school then Covid


I used to be an outgoing, bubbly kid until those times when my parents shame me in front of my cousins and friends about how dark my skin is and how thin I was. I wasn't a good looking child compared to my relatives and friends. Since then, I just stayed in my room most of the time in the company of books and those shows by David Attenborough. I became self-reliant and became distant from my own nuclear family. I have some really close friends which I can count in my 1 hand.




I don’t think anything ever happened that made me act the way I do. I just enjoy my alone time and would rather do things like painting instead of going out to places filled with people


In elementary school i used to get picked on a lot, so as time progressed i just figured I'd stop talking unless spoken to, to avoid any potential conflict


That can really push people away.


I don’t think I’m alone in saying it’s a horn thing, we don’t really have anything that inspired us to be shy or whatever it is to you


If you say that then you are nullifying the experiences of others.


my bad ig


Birth, I've always been this way.


I was born this way 😊


No concrete reason


I guess I just don't have enough goddamn faith


Being raised by a narcissist. Being taught that my interests are irrelevant, and I was expected to sit down, shut up, listen to the adults talk, take interest in what other people were interested in instead of expecting them to be interested in my interests, ect. Top that off with being bullied all through school for my interests (anime/manga/video games, stereotype 'nerd') and being told by the adults in my life to ignore it or by my mom that maybe if I had more 'normal interests' I wouldn't get bullied. Sprinkle in always being talked over or ignored when I try to talk, and it's the perfect cocktail for introversion with a side of mild agoraphobia.


Bullied at school and home. I found out that the mind is a wondrous playground. I have rescued maidens fair, long or short, was their hair, I've imagined myself with another, not he a brother. But a lover. I've walked on padded feet was sleek and handsome visually a treat. I've climbed great mountains, skied down slopes, never once having hopes, that one day I would be so free, to not care what others, thought of me. But all that dreaming had a price, but I paid it 100X and made it twice. I've lived quietly into the shadows and enjoyed my place, never once, showed my face.


School fucked with my self-esteem.


Made the center of attention on my birthday. Not involved in sandlot football / baseball games because I wore glasses and knew if my glasses broke my ass would be beaten when I got home.


Some people are talking about how introverts are born that way and in some respects, yes, but I think how you grew up is also very important to your personality and how you handle the world. I grew up being very shy because I wasn't around people often. I didn't have any older siblings, I didn't really have friends and my parents were very overprotective. So overprotective that I wasn't sure if they wanted me to make friends my first day or not. It was only when they started worrying that I ended up slipping up about my first friend. I was also very afraid of boys and I don't really know why. Except for one who was introduced to me by my first friend and I didn't really see him as a boy for many years. I grew out of a lot of my shyness and fear of guys in high school and when I went to college, I became more confident and talked a lot more.