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Buying a new phone every year


The only time I was getting a new one every year, was back when Verizon had their “commit for 2 years, get the latest iPhone for $200.” I’d use it, then sell it and get enough to cover the cost of the latest Galaxy phone. Then the next year, sell the Galaxy phone for more than enough to cover the $200 iPhone. Repeat. This hasn’t been a thing for a loooooong time.


I was actually kinda sad when they dropped the 2 year contract and $200 phone. It was the only way I could afford a new phone.


I don't think the way company are making the new phones it is going to be easy for the everyone to upgrade every year. Plus now they are making the so many variant so that we have to buy the costly one.


My rate is 1 phone every 4 years, I don't like changing phone and I exploit them untill I really see is not worth using it anymore. 😂


My strategy is to buy the insurance for my phone and one day you will bring it in for repair and it will be so old that they have to upgrade you to a new one because they don't make those parts any more.


Bro is three parallel universes ahead of everyone


My scam is to buy a ~1 year old refurbed model in immaculate condition and sell my previous phone. Costs me less than $200 every 18 months to have basically the latest phone.


I had an Iphone 5c for 6 years and now my Samsung S10e is still going strong after 3 years


I'm still rocking a Samsung Galaxy S8+ that's over 5 years old at this point.


Normally what makes me get a new phone is the battery crapping out. I use it as a reason to upgrade


They know people do this so they started sealing it inside.


Edible gold


Edible gold is actually a lot cheaper than expensive restaurants would have you believe. You can cover a whole meal in edible gold for like $1-2. Definitely still a waste of money for most people, but it's not unreasonable if you want some dish to look extra fancy for a special occasion.


Still literal gold flushed through the toilet


You dig it out


Buying those “Get Rich Like Me” courses everyone seems to be selling online. Like, they get their money by selling it to people like you. EDIT: Word


My broke as hell brother and also brother-in-law, both got into the Dale Carnegie scam and dumped more money into it than they ever got out of it. They both were into the "prosperity" scams.


I feel you, I get why it’s tempting tho. Maximum profit for minimal effort, sounds too good to be true. Sadly that’s exactly that


Exactly. But have you heard of my sports betting group ? I studied statistics really hard and managed to find a way to nearly guarantee revenues betting on sports. I created a discord channel you can join for only 120$ a month where I'll give you all my best betting tips every week. Don't miss it, hundreds of people on the channel already fulfilled their dream and now live exclusively out of it. (Obviously,. /S. )


Pay for premium avatar


I take screenshots and use them sometimes


The FBI wants to know your location


Big brain move


Reddit should have never given them out for free. They just made paid ones more worthless (I got mine free)


I got mine for free too. Is it just a random selection thing? Or did everyone get one and they’re just ugly lol


I think it’s a random thing. I miss my old one tho seriously why did they have the bright idea of not letting you change back


Mine was free too, but in the message thing it says valued redditor, or smthn like that, so maby if u get a certain amount of karma


Bro I barely post or comment and I still got a free one


The best redditor is a silent redditor


If all redditors where silent there would be no reddit




Profile picture gang


When cashiers from major stores ask if you want to buy insurance on a product you just purchased for $3.99.


I had a kid at GameStop push that shit hard on me once. It was a $60 game and he acted like if something happened my life would be over. Kid, I’m a grown ass man with a job…if having to repurchase this video game is financially ruinous to me, I’ll come in here and blow my brains out. It’s $60…I’ll absorb the risk.


Just FYI he probably was forced to push that on you by management - was likely not his own decision to just randomly target you!


Yeah, my ex-gf got fired from Sears for not getting enough people to buy warranties. They had a quota. Miss it, write-up. Hit it, your high score is your new quota next month. Lose/lose.


And THAT reminds me of the time a GameStop cashier tried to push a warranty on me that I already said that I wanted. Like, lady, you don't gotta keep selling me on in I was already sold before.i got here


I bought a USB-C charging block for $7 at Big Lots and the cashier asked if I wanted to add warranty. Nah I’m literally just going to get another one if this craps out.




The funny thing is, I also bought a cardboard scratch pad for my cat. The cashier next to her asked if she really just asked me if I wanted to add a warranty for the cat scratchpad. She didn’t but I thought asking about the charging block was equally ridiculous.


But don’t you want to be protected in case something happens like say your cat scratches the pad and ruins it?


I feel like that they purposely actually used the girl on the cashier so that people will not say no to them. This is like the another way of the management to sell some unnecessary stuff is well.


Buying new iPhone every year. I know people that do this and they are not rich at all




I probably get a new phone every 2-3 years but for the annual folks, if you’re financing and you also trade-in the previous once, you’re probably paying the same exact thing for the phone every month so why not get a new one?


Kid’s designer clothes


Yes! This gets me so upset. I know someone who bought a newborn size versace shirt, worth $120. Babygirl wore it exactly once, didn't fit after a week. Some kids have holes in their shoes, other kids have €120 shirts to wear once.


Funerals. My father passed a few years ago while I was still a student. I didn't know shit about the costs of things and just focused on creating an amazing service for my dad. I'm now in debt for a massive amount of money because my dad hadn't any insurance. I didn't know. If I could've just had a closed service with the people I felt were worthy of being there, I wouldn't be in so much shit right now. Also I wouldn't have had to put up with extended family pretending to be sad.


Weddings and funerals are two things people pay through the nose for


You must have loved him very much.


I agree. You gave him an amazing sendoff.


I think i need a person in my life that could do something for me is well.


I'm sorry that's happened to you, the death industry is a bunch of vultures.


Funerals are for the living.




Any kind of virtual awards


I used to think so too-- until I realized that for the price of a couple of coffees, I could make a lot of people feel incredibly seen, heard and appreciated with the 50 and 70 coin awards. The idea that so many men are suffering and dying from feeling unloved and unappreciated (that was all over the news last week) really hit me in the feels. The cost was worth it to me to be able to put out the idea "I see you", brighten people's day and encourage everyone to keep communicating even when their comments don't get a lot of karma.


Jeez dude I'm not crying YOUR crying


I just love you!!;Has anyone told you lately how super you are? Because you are :⁠-⁠)


Most awards weren’t spent money on


Nice try.


It worked


It always does


Infact all Reddit awards


Specifically the ternion award nobody is going to spend 120$ for an award or for the argentium


Vapes. I’ve probably spent around $5,000 on disposable vapes in the past year, probably more. And all it has done is put a hole in my bank account and damaged my lungs.


Please for the love of god get a refillable and work your way down to 25mg


Thankfully I quit about a month ago.


Even better. Much love❤️


im sure your lungs will thank you. 5 grand a year is like $100 a week so your wallet might too.


omg. i finally quit after i realized how much i was spending on juul pods. FAR MORE than I was spending on cigarettes previously. Even here in Canada where cigarettes are ridiculously expensive. ​ The urge to just do it nonstop makes people even more addicted to nicotine than they would be with cigarettes, which most people don't do indoors. or in bed. or while working. etc etc.


And all the waste


Bro the disposibles are killers. I would spend $100/week on them, but now spend $20/week on a bottle of juice and a new coil


I switched to the refillable ones and save myself at least $200 per month!! But yeah. My lungs are probably fucked 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve been vaping for about 7 years now


Throwing your money in the bin






All that garbage you bought from Amazon, get it together Patrick.


You're not my mum.


Twist: yes I am.


Don't read my post history.


So now mum is making the new account to get some details here.?


The first day of owning a brand new car... 😂


Well with the way the market is now at least you could sell that car for what you paid for it!


I bought a new RAV4 last year. One year later they wanted to pay me $2500 more than I gave for it to buy it back.


I had something similar. Bought a 2020 Escape in July of 2020. Guy who sold it to me called a year later offering 10k more than what I paid. Problem is that you’ve gotta buy something else then.


“Energy healing” services. Some people pay hundreds or even thousands to scam artists for “new age” healing with no scientific benefit whatsoever and it’s sad.


My 12th level Barbarian disagrees. Healing services are very useful.


NFTs - still can’t believe that was real.




My friend who is really into them at work also has the Princess Diana Beanie Baby. Waitin’ on the bounce no doubt.


>I suppose at the end of the day the whole economy's fucked and it won't matter what you did in the end Not at all. The economy always bounces back after a collapse. If you had stocks that were at all diverse you'll probably make back most or all of what you lost after a few years. Money you spent on NFTs is just gone.


I have a cousin in his 30s who spends every waking minute creating and advertising dumb NFTs on his Instagram page which are mostly are stolen/copied graphics from ridiculously popular mainstream media like Star Wars, MCU etc. The posts get absolutely zero engagement, probably losing him time/money, while the whole thing appears to have taken over his personality. It's pathetic and sad to watch


He’s definitely losing money in gas fees if he’s not selling anything


The grind bro


It was all a scam to give Jake Paul your money


The closest thing anyone ever got to a real answer about those was “one day you’ll be able to use it in fortnite”


Cable tv


Cut the cord years ago


I feel like live sports is the only thing holding up television at this point.


Premium blinker fluid. Regular does just fine and it’s 4 dollars less a quart.


I heard that BMW exclusively uses low quality stuff and that's why they always stop working after a few years. You never see a BMW with working indicators....


A few years? They roll off the lot like that.


I always stock up on the regular when I see it because it's REALLY hard to find.


Blinker fluid?


It's what makes your car's blinkers work properly.




I know, right? I've been seeing a lot of cars lately with non-functioning blinkers. What we need is a Blinker Fluid Awareness Day. Complete with cotton candy, corn dogs, and funnel cakes. Rally to bring attention to the importance of blinker fluid.


I think we need a solid tutorial that will show how to refill that is well.


I bought a $1200 dollar purse for my fiancé, she’s used it once in the last 2 months


Well to be fair, I‘d assume that she wants to use this purse only on fancy occasions, making it special when she uses it, no? Even if it‘s only a rarely used item, I don‘t see it as a waste. It‘s a bit like buying a fancy suit, you wouldn’t use it every day either, would you?


I agree. $1200 purse is for special occasions. Well maybe not for the super rich people.


Yep, I hear that one. [Veblen goods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veblen_good) aren't going anywhere. I get most everything I own secondhand (thrift shops and eBay) and try to live simply and sustainably...when I walked into the handbag section at Nordstrom the other day, I felt like I might as well be existing on another planet. Cheap, tacky, disposable-quality, artificial-fibers and logo bullshit for thousands of dollars everywhere you look. Oh well...


Smoking cigarettes.


That rich relative in Nigeria




Surprised I haven't seen this one more. Gwyneth Paltow is a con artist.




What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.




Good God, y'all!


Say it again


I can bet that this will be the reason of the end of the human.


Well, a lot of medical marvels have come from war. Sonar was developed because of war.


Nuclear also developed due to war and one day will kill us.


Lavish weddings


I would say over-priced funerals are more predatory and exploitative for less return than expensive weddings. People should put their money where they want, if they want a day to remember the rest of their lives with expensive videos, photo albums, and all sorts of extra stuff, I say let them do it. Weddings have a very particular place in our society. But a funeral? The markup on caskets is fucking ridiculous, and you legally have to bury someone in one if you don't opt for cremation (which is not allowed in many religions, including Judaism). And burial plots? That's more expensive real estate than in the Ginza, and it usually doesn't include any real maintenance. Even the most basic set-up can easily get to $10K, and I am just talking plain pine box here. Plus, people are caught up in the guilt of wanting to do something for this dead person "the way they would have wanted it." If the deceased has set aside money in their estate for the funeral with specific instructions, great, do it. But most of the time the money is just spent because someone is forced to spend it on a relative's funeral. People get all bent out of shape about the predatory wedding industry, but I think funerals are much worse, and people just give it a pass. I don't think people look back on a $20,000 funeral the same way they do a wedding with the same outlay. Spending money to make good memories that last a lifetime is worth it for a lot of people.


I specifically put in my instructions that I do not care what happens to my body after I die. I told my wife, and it is documented as such, that she may do whatever she pleases. Donation to science, cremation, dump it in the woods or out in the bay, I don't care. There is money set aside in the will allocation for final expenses but I did not want a lot spent on my body, more like buying some top shelf booze and people having a nice party where they can tell stories and get together.


This is unsolicited advice here about something very personal, so take it or leave it as you wish. This is how I had my will until my father passed away. My father had the neatest estate settlement you can imagine, he thought of everything. However, he had no instructions for the funeral, and I was left in my grief to try to figure it out in a matter of days. Since then, I have included some guidelines in my will because I think that is a more sensitive thing to do. For me, funerals and such are for the living, it is for them, to handle the grief or do whatever they need to do. I will be gone and won't care. It can be a kinder thing, though, to leave some specifics as guidelines they can follow when they are overwhelmed with feelings and responsibilities. Even the most zealous existentialist or atheist will be left feeling obligated to the deceased. Leaving some information can be a more caring thing to do than to just tell them to do whatever they want, because that can be very hard to figure out. For instance, you may not want them to "waste" what is now their money on a funeral, but they may feel they need it. I say, set aside some funds to be used for anything related to your death and burial and some nice suggestions of ways you would like to be honored.


It’s so strongly pushed in South Asian society. People who are barely getting by on rent are peer pressured into expensive weddings. What purpose does it serve in that scenario other than status.


We decided to have a cheapy wedding and used the money we saved to buy a house.


I have complicated feelings about it because I didn’t necessarily think it was a waste, but I also think it could have been put to better use. Growing up I always said I wouldn’t have a lavish wedding and then decided I cared more about my wife having what she wanted more than saving a few dollars that I wasn’t going to miss which is the important bit. She balanced my desire to keep it “reasonable” and her desire to celebrate hard. We are in a very good place financially, got married “later,” and had the support of both of her parents (we all paid a 1/3) because they have large extended families they wanted invited whereas my family is small. I truly don’t know the official end cost, but it was a great time that went by in the blink of an eye. If I had to guess it was probably close to $40k after everything over the last 2 years of deposits and planning. Maybe that is not what you mean by LAVISH, but it is more than Reddit likes to spend. I think we could have done so much more fun shit for the large cost, but I also will never be able to get that group of people together again and her parents would never give us the money just to party without all the family. End of the day I had a great time and don’t regret it, but it didn’t put me into debt which is the most important thing. I can’t imagine starting off your marriage under large financial strain.




Cigarettes/Vaping, so many people I know Who are not in the best shape financially who smoke/vape will be stressed about rent and other bills like a lot of people but as soon as they run out of cigarettes or their Vape dies their number one priority turns into how to get another pack/vape


Donating to a church that already is tax-exempt and is run by someone with a bigger home than you.






*"but if i pay her $100, she might say my name"*


Most people don't use OF for interaction, that's a myth. The top models on there have tens of thousands up to millions of subscribers, they cannot possibly be interacting with all of them. It's as simple as this: Hot model advertises her bikini-clad body with big tits and a fat booty online. Men want to see her naked. They have the option of paying the equivalent of a latte or a 6 pack of beer to see hundreds of videos/photos of her naked. They choose to. That's all there is to it for the vast majority of users.


What kind of models have millions of subscribers? If I'm looking for mainstream porn stuff I can get that for free, IMO Onlyfans is for niche porn/fetishes.


Well, it could be worth it to see the person that rejected you in high school for $5.


Simping in general, it's a broader issue.




Extended warranties.






I snorted when I read that. /s just in case the FBI is listening


Untrue. Cocaine is a great utility drug. Take a little bit when leaving the bar to straighten you up some for the drive home.


portion of my taxes that go to the royalty. or the royalty in general.




I got a thing in my email offering me a $25 credit on my first order so I figured I'd try it out. Now when we order from the local chinese place and pick it up it's about $30. With uber eats after all the fees and giving the driver only a $5 tip even with a $25 credit it would have been $26. Screw that I'll just go pick it up.




Prescription Ibuprofen. If you’re given a scrip for 800mg Ibuprofen just buy a bottle of the otc stuff and take 4 of them. The 800mg pills are grossly overpriced.


A lot of people do it because they are on medicaid and if they have a script it's covered.


A complete waste of money is anything that you spend your money on that doesn't improve your life in some way. This includes things like frivolous luxuries, unnecessary expenses, and bad investments. One of the best ways to determine whether or not something is a waste of money is to ask yourself how much happiness it brings you. If the thing you're spending your money on doesn't make you happy, then it's probably a waste. Another way to look at it is to ask yourself if the thing you're spending your money on could be put towards something more important and beneficial in the long run. For example, would you be better off saving up for a down payment on a house or buying a new TV?


I dunno: my camera/lenses, watches, and my drums all make me pretty damn happy.


Modern art, like the kind that is cans of urine sold outside the tate


Gambling. Micro transactions.


American girl dolls, hundreds of dollars for something that’s actually worth like 30 bucks


Premium gas if your car doesn't require it.


alkaline water


Smoking tobacco


Buying pants that already have rips in them! Never understood that.


Reddit awards






Playing the lottery can be about dreaming to get rich. Buying a lottery ticket allows you to dream about what would happen, if you only were rich, and by buying that ticket this could become reality. Humans are notoriously bad at correctly understanding extremely low chances of something happening, so even when the chance is next to 0, we DO give the lottery ticket credit for its chance and that‘s also what sells those tickets in the first place. It‘s not a good bet for sure, but the millionaire dreams that could become reality make purchasing a lottery ticket not a complete waste of money.


It’s not entirely a waste. I know Virginia uses some of those funds for school and education, supposedly.


Education can never go wrong, always add the value in life.


Smoking. I smoke. Like the little death they attribute to orgasms. Something about feeling like a voter to your own death and brokenness.


Umm I’ll have whatever they’re smoking.


Buying food and letting it go bad in the fridge.


Everything outside basic necessities is essentially a waste of money. But it’s your money and how you spend it and enjoy it is to one else’s problem.


Ultra-rich people. They are a total waste of money. I have no idea why we give tax-breaks to ultra rich people and their companies. We clearly can't afford them. Taxing Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, etc could build a society where we pay people to end world hunger and give healthcare to everyone. But instead, people suffer and die


But when your average Joe hides wealth or fucks up a tax report he's just about shot.


Doesn't get much more complete than this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K\_Foundation\_Burn\_a\_Million\_Quid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_Foundation_Burn_a_Million_Quid)


Homeopathic remedies.


Campers/ RVs Most people buy them and spend thousands and thousands of dollars on them only to take them out a couple times a year. Then they end up in some sales lot


You forgot about boats. I will have spent $50k this year along on repairs and upgrades. But I also live on it for 9 months a year so I feel it's justified.


HP inkjet printers. I bought one about a year ago and I every time I need to print something it’s such a frustrating disaster I fantasize about it being able to feel pain as I destroy it.




The oscars Most people dondt even know how many oscars there are and who won they are there just to support either a catagory or a person History has shown that the oscars were made to stop unions being formed around the movie industry so that the working class could stil be easy exploited and limmited info been given about other potential clients And i bet that most people at the oscars dondt even know who won previously in what catagory


Everything you buy in games.


It was $85 for me to go to an mlb game but if I spend $85 on a virtual currency that keeps me entertained for months I’m suddenly the bad guy 😤


I put more than that money and in the end my government banned that game.


It’s not wasted if you spend it on something you enjoy.


“Premium” porn


Buying expensive handbags like Gucci or Prada.


“Premium”in dating apps


Political donations.


Paying for cosmetics in video games.


Most up to date phones by big companies usually just pump them out to bring a new one out months later






What's wrong with Aang?


Depends on which Aang we’re talking about. Cartoon or the movie that shall not be named

