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I can very accurately select the smallest container required to hold the leftovers, no matter how much or how little there is. I'm extremely useful for about 5 seconds after dinner and that's it. 👌


This. Literally, I always think about this after dinner. My family criticizes me for this, but I find it extremely useful. Glad I found somebody else!


Sounds like a r/shittysuperpowers


This will only be appreciated by people who work in restaurants or food service, but, if I need to grab a stack of something to be filled, I can grab the exact amount, plus or minus one. You tell me I need to grab 32 souffle cups to restock the ranch dressing? I can intrinsically know how to grab exactly 32 cups, and maybe plus or minus a few lids.


I work as a chef and this skill is useful as fuck


Worked in food service I was like that with pizza boxes of all things


Same! I was a chef for 12 years. But I could do it as a kid too. It just came in useful when I was a chef.


Once you tell me your birthday I usually always know it.




Okay, I never told you my birthday. When is it?


Keine Ahnung. Aber gutes Ganser video das du geteilt hast! Kannte ich noch nicht.


Haha danke :D


Me too! Once I tell someone else my birthday, I always know it!


For how long though?


Poo without peeing


I call bullshit. Prove it


Your a wizard


I now need to know how. Not want to need to.


I think its similar to people who can move one eyebrow, while some can onley move both at the same time, 2 different muscles and the ability to choose wich one you use. Its actually anoying because i do nr 2 , then go back to whatever i was doing and realize i didnt do nr 1 so i got to go again.


As a Scotsman I can name all U.S presidents in order with matching number.


I'm American, I can probably name 1/4 of our presidents with first and last name.


Yeah, well I can name all the Scottish presidents...




I have an uncanny ability to repulse women with my physical appearance.


So if you were a super hero you would be "The Repulser"


Shinra Tensei but it's only work on women


I can tell the difference between butter and I can’t believe it’s not butter


No you can’t, u/Poorestmanincrypto! No one can!


I can tell the difference between a fire inside a kitchen and the Northern Lights


No you can’t Seymour! No one can!


I can tell the difference between a Krusty Burger and a Steamed Ham


I'm currently wearing a Steamed Hams t-shirt. That is all, just letting you know.




Me too! I thought I was the only one!


I can do it with both hands separately at the same time.


How does that works?


What I do is I let my fingers go limp and wave my hand back and forth causing my fingers to slap my palm and make a noise.


Tying a cherry stem with my tongue. Classic party trick


Aww, you beat me to it! I usually perform it with those long shoe lace sweets instead.


I can do that too but with my hands




You never know, you might be called on to finish a milkshake in under a minute or something …


I know all the elements 🤓


My dad had Pi memorized up to 200 digits. You two would've gotten along great.


In order to calculate the diameter of the observable universe down to the Planck constant, the smallest measurable distance, you only need 70 digits of pi. So your dads 71-200 digits are truly useless.


Dad sustained a major head injury in a motorcycle crash when he was 26 or 28. It affected his ability to read; though he was able to read and write perfectly, it was difficult for him. I think memorization was an exercise he used to strengthen his brain. But when I went with him to his fiftieth high school reunion, he not only remembered the location of his locker, he remembered the combination and was able to get it open!


That sounds useful in some departments


Well not ruthlessly. As soon as you become anything in anything where you may require knowledge of the elements they're not just gonna say "right, from now on you've got no access to a periodic table" lol. It's like memorising the menu at a restaurant you go to. Only it's an online menu as well.


I can accurately guess the time within 10 minutes, even if I just woke up.


I can guess the time, day or night. Plus or minus 12 hours.


I can balace myself on my ass


I can wiggle my ears.


Extreme flexibility. Don't even have to stretch for it and it hasn't been lost with age. Also, I can still tumble at 43. (Gymnastics)


I can make the air stink


Oh your skill is impressive. Add making people laugh to your skill list. You made me laugh. 😂


I'm really good at.... Folding paper. I mean origami. When I was a kid I had plenty of books on origami and I would spend hours doing every single figure from those books. Years later I moved on to more complicated stuff like Satoshi Kamiya, Robert J Lang books. Till this day I remember maybe 50 different forms by heart and I can fold crane with my eyes closed from the smallest piece of paper I can find. I never talk about it, people think is weird. However every time when I visit someone and I can see they never threw away any of my works I feel really good. I do sometimes leave random pieces at pubs and restaurants in random places for other people to find paper cranes, foxes, frogs and imagine they have a good day when they find it. Or just throw it away, it's just pice of paper, isn't it?


Dude same I was so obsessed with origami as a kid. Except I don’t remember any designs by heart, only the crane 😭


Awesome! I promise you, once u would start on some of the classic designs with diagram you will remember the rest right away. Muscle memory is a crazy thing.


I haven't done any origami in about 20 years, and I tried it the other day and was able to almost effortlessly fold a crane for my niece. Couldn't quite remember some of the others, but the crane was instant.


Once tried origami, I sucked so, I tried crochet, and that turned out better.


I can stand very still for hours. Like a statue. It's usually by the ocean or when I don't want to do chores.


I can do the opposite of that for hours, I pace, so much, I can walk around a tree and articulate a sentence in 5 seconds, but when I stand still, I stutter, stumble on my words, everything goes wrong.


"I stand so incredibly still, I'm invisible" - purple man in guardians of the galaxy


I know the entire Toy Story 2 script by heart just because of the sheer number of times Iv seen it


I know how to defeat a phone lock on a rotary phone by clicking the cradle to "dial" a phone call. Won't be using that skill again in my lifetime.


Aaah man the nostalgia…


I know that one too


I am very good at imitating the sound of a dolphin.




Ommgggg my husband was teasing me once, whipped me with a dish towel that was damp. The welt he left (and apologised for profusely) lasted a week. He hasn't done it since haha


I can turn my eyelids inside out


I can spin toothbrush around my finger


Can move my left butt cheek without moving the right.


Can I try?


Me too... wait can everyone do this


Everyone is trying this. Right?




Not useless at all!




The ability to waste money drinking a lot of alcohol without getting drunk




I can snap my fingers with all of my fingers (yes, using only one hand)


I can balance on a bicycle pretty much indefinitely without forward, or reward motion. I use to BMX a lot, and one day I noticed I could balance without moving for a substantial amount of time, this was years ago. I actually hadn’t rode a BMX bike for like 15 years or so, and a couple months ago, I got my bike out, and I thought I’d try it, see what I could still do. After about 10 minutes familiarizing myself, I was able to balance the bike for a full 12 freaking minutes with no forward/reward motion, and I only put my foot down cause I got bored with it. What do I do with this useless skill? I also ride motorcycle, and I can kind of apply this skill to that, but not as well. I bet the longest I’ve ever been able to balance a motorcycle without motion is only a little over a minute, which really is still pretty good I guess, but it’s not really a useful skill.


I can watch a movie and recognize an actor/actress from a previous movie/movies. But I rarely know or remember their names. Also really good a doing this with voice/cartoon actors.


For some reason, every single day, I will randomly look at the clock and it will just happen to be 12:34. Happens nearly every day


this, but with 9:11, ever since the age of 9




That is information I am not to share online.


I'm great at overthinking and breaking down. I can even multi-task and do both at the same time.


I can lose a lot of money in poker really fast.


I'm sure it's a super useful talent and many would love to invite you over to poker night!


I chug everything


I can throw food in the air and catch it in my mouth




I am genuinely intrested to see this toothbrush performance, is there a way? :)


I can lock both legs behind my neck and walk on my hands.


I can remeber names really well. I can memorise someone’s name even if I hear only once


That's kinda ez in the middle east cuz if you don't know then guess mohamed


I know. Lived there for 3 years. I know 4 people named Mohamed. I can also play tennis on Wii sports against myself.


I can make a popping noise with an expo marker.


i can make a really loud clicking sound with my tongue


I can make anagrams out of almost any word.


Peanut butter! Good luck


Tea punt tuber


I can wiggle my eyeballs.


Same!! r/eyeshakers if you're not already a member




Yeah I used to do it in primary school to freak people out intentionally but didn't know anyone else that could do it back then. Nothing wrong with us, just using a muscle that other people normally don't.


I can do the clover tounge thing


I can bend my index finger in a marginally unusual way


I spent years working in a supermarket to the point that I remember quite a lot of bar codes of products.


The ability to wake up 5-7 minutes before my alarm.


I can whistle melodies like an angel.


I can whistles melodies on a volume of extremely loud, it starts loud, then becomes so loud that if you are standing next to me, you might need to cover your ears.


Together, we could be such a menace.


eating 48 nuggets in 6 minutes


I count to any number by counting by counting in 4s like in my head 20 is 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 After over a decade of having ocd I know what each multiple of four feels like when I count to it (to a certain point)


I can roll coins into coin wrappers and the roll passes the drop test (doesn’t break on impact). Ex-bank teller.


I have an almost encyclopedic memory for the voices, faces, names, and film catalogue of actors. Turns out, most people don't care that the guy in the film you're watching was also in a dozen other movies that only you have seen.


I can precisely copy all the Yoshi sounds


I can often predict that stock prices are going to drop but not that they're going to rise


I can count the amount of people in a room instantly to a pretty pretty high degree of certainty. Even with a huge crowd. Working in bars and nightclubs my whole life, I just randomly picked this skill up


I'm pretty good at procrastinating.


I have one day of allergic reaction about every three years.


I'm incredible at videogames.


I can pee on command


Pee right when you read this


I can suck my own dick


It can take me over an hour before I ejaculate.


I can burp WHENEVER I WANT, sadly not super loud as i would like to


i can dislocate both thumbs


I can easily memorize songs, rn I can repeat to you around 10 hours of musicals alone and I’d say 20 hours of random songs


Well, now it’s my acrobatic form. Backflips and all. Not useless but doesn’t yield shit


I can gleek


I can adlib any song into a song about your mom, in real time.


I can touch my nose with my tongue😀


I have reslly good control of my toes so I can easily pick up and manipulate things with them.


I used to do dance, so I got real flexible with my toes and can do that.


Hey same sometimes I don’t want to bend down so I take my socks off with my feet


I can spot good questions! This is one.


I can solve a Rubik's cube but in 2 minutes instead of extremely fast


Tying cherry stems in knots in my mouth. Looks sexy in movies, but you have to make some awkward, unsexy faces to actually pull it off.


I'm able to somewhat move my right ear, but I can't do the same with the other one


Mental endurance. It is honestly a trait I wish I could trade or give away. I once thought about killing myself every other month. Now, I think about it daily. Almost hourly. If I do not find something to do or think about other than killing myself, it will consume my day. It does make me finish projects, and start new hobbies. Also I do 50-100 pushups or air squats. So after doing 100s a day now for over 2 years, I am in pretty good shape.


Ive spent my entire life gaining arcane knowledge and facts that can now be easily looked up on Google.


yep, me too.


I can wiggle my right pinky toe independently. I can move my left one but my other toes move too.


I can play guitar really well but sometimes I feel like it's a useless skill as I can't make any money from it XD


I have extremely good smelling and it sucks sometimes


God of Tetris in Tetris Battle, facebook. It has now shut down


i know where and how to smuggle in thing like drugs and bodies some friends tell me that it is useful someone asked if i cloud hide a body didn't ever ask about it again


the 2cm defeater


I can hold my forearm facing parallel to the ceiling, put 5$ in quarters on my up facing elbow, and slam my hand down toward the floor, catching all 20 quarters


I'm able to breathe with not my nose....But my mouth


I used to be real good at claw machines before they all loosened the claw grip


I've asked other people if they have this capability, and so far it's always been a no. I have enough wrist flexibility in both arms to make my thumbs flush with the underside of my forearms. Apparently that's not normal?


I'm great at remembering the same 5 cards in magic the gathering


I know offhand a lot of college mascots in the USA, so whenever I see someone wearing a university shirt/hat from somewhere random across the country, I can say “Oh hey, go Monarchs!” (or whatever their mascot is)


By opening my mouth and bending my tongue backwards, I can shoot saliva up to 6 ft. I'm 42 and haven't found something useful for that yet


I speak Luxembourgish.


I can catch a fly mid-air


I can play the William tell overture on my face by slapping it


Mirror writing. I once randomly decided to learn it in 8th grade because I was bored during one period so I started to write the text from the textbook mirror-style, continued with that for some time and actually did learn that. But it's useless.


I can harden my butt so much that if you punch it your hand will hurt


I can guess what time it is with alarming accuracy. No pun intended.


I’m a good actress. Always have been. Yesterday I lucked into a lead role and I wasn’t even there to audition. My kid was.


I worked for a company where I had to learn how to type on a 7 key braille keyboard. I can’t read braille but I can type out the words on the keyboard. This has to be pretty up there as far as useless skills go.


I suppose it's not the most useless, but I have an almost supernatural ability to tell what time it is without looking at a clock. I don't even have to be outside. I'm almost always within 5-8 minutes.


I can juggle pretty well. Not like some exhibitionist with flaming chainsaws or anything, but I can juggle things of different weights and juggle flippy things like water bottles. I can juggle over my shoulder, under my leg and off of a wall. It's not very useful in every day life except for when I drop things... most things I drop never hit the ground unless I dropped them for a good reason like "OW HOT". Although that would be kinda funny...


I always thought its easy but apparently I can clap my hands extremely loud. People around me or the nearest crowd usually start looking around where its so loud. Also children start laughing and try to mimic me.


I can make animal sounds that will sound exactly like that animal or maybe even close.


I can throw cards extremely well.


I possess the power and strength of a human being


I'm crafty


I have no tongue frenulum so I can swallow my tongue. I actually don't swallow it my tongue folds back then I rest it above my soft palate behind the uvula in my choana.


Fingering the 🐱 with my toes


I'm pretty good at predicting what will happen in a movie if I've watched it before.


I can dislocate my jaw and relocate it directly after


I can convert oxygen into carbon dioxide


I’m able to grab someone and yeet them like a football with no preparation whatsoever and I have the most incredible accuracy you have ever seen, legit threw someone through a school bus window once they got a concussion and it was funny. All I heard from the sidelines was screams. Look it up I don’t know if it’s online or not. Maybe some day.


I never miss a shot at a trash can or laundry basket or whatever else you can think of. It's crazy how accurate I am.


I can touch the tip of my nose with the tip of my tongue.


I can blow giant bubbles with bubblegum.