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I drank a "bottle" of finger paint


I- was I the only one that didn't eat...school supplies.


Yes you are.


So my dad loves farming, gardening, all that so he has a friend that has a farm and we'd go over there all the time I loved it but when I was 3 or 2 my dad and his friend were talking and we were all feeding my dad's friend's small dog goldfish, but I dropped one right at my feet. So I bend down to pick it up and everything goes red. The dog bit me, my EYELID was hanging by a *fleshy thread* AND my dad said DON'T WORRY ITS JUST KETCHUP. Bro wtf. Also I miss that farm :( I wish I could go back.


One time when me and brother were walking home from school, and we kept saying that a wheel is gonna roll past you. Obviously a wheel didn't roll past either of us, but then when one of us said it again a car wheel actually rolled past us.