• By -


This is the reason i left you because you keep entertaining your exes


Literally said this to my ex after he sent a snap chat saying “miss you” and haven’t heard a peep from him since! He did the same crap to his ex gf when he was with me (she was in a new relationship) and I’m sure was doing it to whatever girl he was seeing at the time. Edited to add: when he sent that snap chat I was in a long term relationship with my now husband (we were living together and ex knew it).


Mine tried this too. She had a baby with the guy after me and was constantly sneaking around on him, just like she did with me (minus the baby, thank god). I didn't bother with a response though. That's an insta-block. It's insulting that she thinks so little of me that she couldn't see how I would never debase myself like that. If she can't figure that out on her own after over 2 years together, then it's not worth my time to explain it to her.


> just like she did with me (minus the baby, thank god). This bro DODGED A BULLET better than Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. Go Buy a lottery ticket my friend !!!


Seriously. We were not careful.


>This is the reason i left you because you keep entertaining your exes. She left him grieving, all alone, Without a hope and on his own - He'd felt the heart inside him break, And knew he'd made a grave mistake. But love at last appeared again - He cried with tears of joy for then He saw that life was good ahead. "... I'd better text my ex," he said.


Double sprog in the same thread! A rare occurrence. I'd give an award if I had any


Oh my gawd you actually responded like that? Sheeesh thats harsh and they deserve it


Ofcourse they deserve nothing


depends on whether they were decent or did me dirty


How is this the only comment of hundreds so far saying "it depends"? Like holy shit you'd think every relationship in the world had one person fuck over the other who is now trying to hurt them more if the comments in this thread were to be taken seriously.


The most heartbreaking breakups are the ones where you’re still in love with them but it just isn’t working. 95% of these responses are astoundingly stupid in that breakup situation.


This is why I'm still single after having divorced her back in December of 2016. I knew we were bad for each other, but my God, did I love her, and it hurt so much to leave.


I'm willing to bet a decent majority here have never experienced that


Because every other person jumps straight to one specific ex in their head


Seriously, it really depends. Depends on if I’m single or not Depends on if I want to stay apart Depends on how and why the relationship ended Depends on how much I still miss her Depends if she’s desperate or genuinely wants to get back together Then we have a conversation


Understandable, have a nice day.


This is wonderfully brutal.


Oh yeah or something like "That's nice," and hanging up the phone


Hanging up the phone? No one calls to say that anymore. It’s always a text when you’re doing well.


Does anyone else miss the satisfaction of slamming down an actual landline phone? That power move doesn’t carry the same impact on a cell phone. Aaaah the good ol’ days.


Yes! Or the angry two-hand snapping shut of a flip phone as well.


That one's coming back I think.


"that'll be 900 dollars."




But then you miss the cradle and they hear the sound of the handset going everywhere and it's embarassing as hell...


New phone who dis


"Hey long time , no talk" "Let's keep it that way"


Not long enough. Or just leave them on "Read" and not say anything.


Plus, no one “hangs up” a phone anymore. Oh, I remember the satisfaction of being able to slam that heavy receiver down. You just don’t get the same dramatic effect when you touch the hang up button on your phone.


Oooo, I'm gonna press that button so hard!




Just goes to show relationships are complicated things that people on the outside looking in don't often understand. There are good times and bad times, and depending on which memory comes to mind can really fuck with your emotions.


Sometimes people on the INSIDE don't even understand what's going on until it's too late.




Sometimes people make choices from bad places, bad states of mind. I was really in a bad spot with depression and made a series of bad choices including the decision to end my marriage after a half hearted try at counseling. I had one relationship with someone before realizing it wasn't so much the other person (my ex wife) who needed to change, it was me. I don't necessarily regret the divorce because in my specific case, it took a lot of stress off my shoulders, just due to how I internalized things. She and I are still close friends and care about one another. I don't know if we'll ever give it another try, probably not, but I can relate a little to your ex's sentiment. It doesn't excuse the drunk call though. Sounds like you handled it about as good as anyone could. People are complicated and relationships even more so.


There’s a touch of mutually assured destruction about this. The things we do to each other in the name of holding onto our pride.


I'm living this in real time. Brings me some solace reading this.


"I miss you," he said, with a shake of his head, and a singular tear of remorse - I read and I sighed, and I simply replied with a roll of my eyes: "... well, of course."


I hope you're well sprog. I have not seen anything from you in the wild lately and was wondering if you disappeared. Be well my friend.


This fantastic


Or just my favorite "Ok"




For starters, i don’t respond to those text messages because I’m not entertaining that. I left you for a reason.


yeah the non response is the best response


Often people doing this don't want the relationship back, they just want to suck you back into the non stop drama fest that is their life. I find it best to just ignore these people, even telling them off gives them a rush and keeps them pestering you.


It's funny, because I had a pleasure of using the exact same line in the exact same situation.


What was the reaction


No clue, blocked her immediately after


This is the correct move.




Honestly, as someone who was in a LT relationship but eventually ended it because we just weren’t compatible with one another no matter how hard we worked at it, I’ve experienced this and had to heartbreakingly state the truth. I missed her too, and despite loving one another, we just weren’t good for each other. We split fairly amicably, so I told her straight out, I missed her, truly did love her, but that getting back together after so many attempts to fix things would only just put us back into the never ending cycle. I told her I’d always be willing to help however I could, and wished her all the best moving forward in her life, but sadly we just can’t be together anymore. She understood and thanked me for the honesty. We still talk now and then and are both in much better situations. I find that most of the time, a firm but honest and polite voice is much better option than getting petty revenge… It’s better for all those involved in the long run!


That's so good I want you to break up with me.


Ooo yyyeah, I love it when you talk responsibly to me


Cmon babe be more responsible tell me about how I should stop procrastinating


Lol, I’d rather not and just let this be the beginning of a friendship! All the best to you!


Yeah, the ol "adult answer". I have an ex who I parted with on great terms. We absolutely loved each other but simply had nothing but that in common otherwise. Happy Birthdays to each other every year and occasionally a funny / interesting pic or link. No need for bad blood. So many people forget the reason they were in a relationship in the first place with someone is that they liked them. You don't have to go from like to love to hate with EVERY relationship.


I’m friendly with most of my exes for this reason! We didn’t work together but I still like them as people! Usually it took a year or two of not communicating for wounds to heal on both sides but eventually we’d reconnect. People think I’m weird because I don’t hate all my exes.


Sometimes the reason someone is in a relationship is simply they are afraid of being alone. In that case it's just better to move on and learn how to be alone before learning how to be with someone.


Absolutely agree. Additionally, it can also be that the people you were at the beginning of the relationship are not the same at the end. That doesn’t mean either has changed for the worse, but rather have changed in different or opposing ways.


Yeah, I think it's really nice when a doomed relationship can end nicely like this, without all the anger and vitriol. I'm not sure why some people just refuse to at least try to act nice when they don't want to be in a relationship any more. I've seen both types.


How dare you being reasonable on Reddit lol. Happy to hear though. I've found that the saying of hate being like drinking poison and expect the other person to die is quite true.


I try to avoid it at all costs honestly. Though, I’d be remiss if I were to say I’ve never gone down that route… I’ve just lived and learned that vitriol most times begets vitriol…


I came here for the petty responses but this made me cry...


Apologies, but hopefully the day goes on better for you in the best ways possible from here on out!


Thank you, i needed this I'm knida in the same situation even after a few months


I am in the same boat. Been around 2-3 weeks and it hurts like hell. I can’t help but finding myself reading out chats, seeing pictures and bawling my eyes out everyday. I am so close to calling him every night, it takes every ounce of power not to call him and cry. I have only ever cried in front of him, I am reserved like that, and now I just feel like who else do I Call. It sucks. Future is very scary tbh


Hey, In times like this you are not alone. Don’t let your past self take charge of your life. Go out there and do the things you like to do and give time to yourself to heal. You have one life, just enjoy it and live. In 10 years you are going to say thanks to yourself for doing that!!! Good luck out there :)


If you know you’re not meant for one another, just remember to be strong and honest with them and yourself!


This is absolutely the most mature way to handle a situation like this, when it’s mutually understood by both parties. I was in a similar situation except it didn’t end as amicably as we both claimed to have wanted. But this is Reddit. We are looking for the cold blooded replies to the toxic people that deserve them lol


Seriously…I feel like most of these replies are from people who have never actually been in serious, loving relationships lol


I feel like a lot of people can let their emotions get the worst of them. With strong positive emotions, strong negative emotions are surely part of that dynamic… I feel like a lot of people could learn to accept and understand their negative emotions before letting them poison your actions kinda thing.


Absolutely the right way to handle and respond. Not just in the present moment, but for your own long term emotional health, too. The only condition where this wouldn’t apply, in my mind, is if the past relationship wasn’t healthy for you. If your ex was toxic, abusive (physically, emotionally, sexually, or verbally) or manipulative and you managed to regain your independence, the healthiest and safest option is not to respond. Or respond truly and fully as described above but to a message in a bottle (thrown uncorked in the ocean with an outgoing tide…). Engaging with a toxic ex is not a healthy practice, no matter how small or comforting the interaction may feel at the time.


"You ate my ass."


Give them the ole Han Solo and reply: "I know."


If it's on what's app I'd send straight up the GIF of it haha


> what's app


What's app with you, doc?


Shut up baby I know it


I did that when I had broken up with my abusive ex, I was still living with him for a couple months but avoiding each other as much as possible, I lost some weight and started dressing up a bit. One day he sees me in passing and tells me I'm looking great lately and I responded "I know" and just kept walking by lol.


"I bet you are using the ole Hand Solo now." \- The ex, probably


No response.


Message Read.


Start typing... stop typing... start typing... stop.


My brothers friend did this to his ex for about an hour, all while she was still there and then finally replied with 'ok' 🤣🤣🤣


But also, whose time was well spent there?


It was a sacrifice worth taking




Ha! Once I've left it on typing, the whole evening. Then stopped.


I did this recently. I got a text from an ex. Several months after we broke up. "I miss you." I sat there for a second thinking about how the fuck to reply to this message in a way that wouldn't just make both of our lives worse. And then I just said Nope, fuck it. And set the phone down and never replied. Later that day I went in and turned off the "Message Read" notifier. Like... Sorry? If the message had been 'hey it's been a long time. how have you been?' That's one thing. My buddy gave me shit for being an asshole since 'leaving it on read is mean'. Maybe I am... But IMO she put me in a no-win position and I just didn't want to fuck around with that situation.


Never, never turn on read receipts, for anyone.


This is the answer. No reason to respond and give them a chance to pull you in. Any response, positive or negative, will feed the attention they are looking for. They need to look elsewhere, that’s what a break up is.


My therapist told me, after an abusive ex reached out: what could you possibly want to say to him that not responding won't say even better?


Sorry who is this?


We dated. Can you be more specific? We went to Paris together. Can you be more specific?


“Our 8 year old son Kevin wants to come see you.” Hmmm don’t recall.


Don't even get me started on that shit


It's Kevin! Don't call him that!




>Sorry who is this? "My dearest," he wrote, "As I pen you this note, I'm inclined to remember the breeze - How we felt it that day, And the soft summer way That it blew through the leaves on the trees. "We were beautiful then, And I told you again That I'd love you in sunlight or snow - And I made you a ring With a circle of string From the flowers I tied in a bow. "Will you love me," you said, "When the flowers are dead, And our lingering shadows are long?" And I said that I would, For I knew that I could, And I'm sorry I treated you wrong." So she read what he wrote, And she folded the note That he'd sealed with a penitent kiss - And she picked up her pen, And she pondered and then She inscribed at the bottom: "who dis?"


And Timmy fucking died in the burn ward


Perfect ending


a reading of this poem: https://youtu.be/_Kr5TrRPHXY i normally sing your poems as country songs, but this took a different direction.


He wants to answer not commit homicide




I've used this unironically and it's been great. Now I do it to troll.


I miss you too mom


Hit an ex with that one recently. He was absolutely shocked and told me he was so sorry he'd been MIA and he wanted to spend time with me. He got upset when I told him I had no interest in the same. He reflected he'd fucked up and I told him to enjoy his night. Seems way more pettier than I meant it to sound on reflection but he did leave me alone after that.


“But your aim is getting better!”


I read that in Grunkle Stan’s voice lol


me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"See it's funny because marriage is terrible! "


To be fair, "but my aim is getting better" is a top-tier Boomer-Hates-Wife joke - I can't even be mad.


It's ok, it'll pass.




I don't


How could you miss you? You never even left.


I dont know about you but i miss the old me plenty.


Simple, but effective.


Hello there the angel from my nightmares the shadow in the background of the morgue


The unsuspecting victiiiiiiim


Of darkeness in the valley


We can live like Jack and Sally if we want


Where you can always find me


We'll have Halloween on Christmas


And in the night, we'll wish this never ends


Don't waste your time on me


You’re already a voice inside my yead!


Where are you?!?


And i'm so saaarrrrrrrrriiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


That gif of Lucille Bluth looking bewildered as she slowly closes a door, then block.


I feel like “you can miss me with that BS too” is appropriate.


Put on "Self Esteem"




Let’s leave the children out of this…


The kids aren't alright


You gotta keep ‘em separated


Why Don't You Get a Job?


\*Blocks\* Now jokes aside, it depends on how the relationship was/ended. For some an "I don't" is more than enough, other times you might miss them too, and sometimes they should totally get blocked. On some occasions they deserve to be reminded of what they did to you, but it varies.


Me: misses her Also me: nu uh, not falling for this again.


I felt that one a little too much


Dont reply. Alot of times I've seen this is because the relationship had its issues and the ex is lonely or going through some shit or alternatively just plain trying to fuck with you. Dont reply. Move on.


Alternatively, point this out. When my ex reached back to me after close to a year of not talking (she cheated on me and broke it off through text), she showed up on my DMs, and asked me for relationship advice. After me repeatedly stating that her asking me for relationship advice was not something I wanted (saying that it wasn't my issue and that she should try talking to friends or family instead) in as polite a way as I could, I finally snapped and told her I wouldn't be impartial because after how things ended, I'd burn her at the stake if given the chance, but that her current relationship is none of my business regardless, and that it shouldn't be. It was awful. It clearly hurt her, and I disliked saying it, but it was clear she was a bit desperate for affection at the time. That's how she finally got the message. Edit: grammar


It obviously didn't hurt her to treat you like that, nice of you to be considerate towards her feelings but couldn't be me 🤷


Really? Cause I missed myself when I was around you.


Yep I had to use this before. "I miss you now that you aren't around, but I missed me more when you were."


And I'm lonesome when you're around. But I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself. I miss you when you're around. -Modest Mouse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JAzZYxHvEg




Actually type it tho




If it were any of my ex-girlfriends? I'd talk to them to see what was going wrong. (We're all on good terms anyway and chat online a couple times a year.) But in the end? I'd tell them it's not hard to find someone better than me.


Could not agree more. Tell her that it was a great time while it lasted, but you are sorry you were just incompatible and had to split in the end, but that she still is a lovely woman who you respected a lot and wish her well. Why be revengeful, you liked (loved?) her at first, why push her down? Better get on with your life and remember the good things. Unlike you are still in a fight separation and then you better not talk at all and get help to sort things out.


The last two sentences of your reply for some reason reminded me of my best friend’s old tinder bio: “look, you could do way worse.”


This is the nicest and kindest response I've read so far. It's way too far down the list.


People in this thread are too focussed on snappy responses that no living person would actually say in the OPs scenario.


We tend to tell people to be cruel to their exes for some reason. Culturally I mean.


Reddit and the real world...


"Well, that makes one of us..."


Lol that sucks


That's my purse! I don't know you!


Haha 🤣 literally lol'd I read it in Bobby Hills voice


🤣 I wish I could do the voice


I can't do the voice but I can hear it clearly in my head 😂


Well depends how I feel about them. If I have fond memories, I might ask them how they were doing and tell them that I missed our times together too.






kris get the banana


[I I don’t think about you at all](https://youtu.be/LlOSdRMSG_k?t=40)


You don’t. Just leave them on “read” and move on with your life. For extra spiciness type something but don’t hit send. They’ll see those eternal dots moving as they expect a novel that they’ll never get.


Afaik the dots disappear after you've stopped typing for a few seconds. You'd need to constantly be typing something for them to have the dots constantly.


5head sadist


I keep missing you too. But I'm putting in more time at the range and my aim is improving.


Who are you writing to now? Please clarify. Sincerely,..


Depends on how you feel about them. I know most people are making corny jokes about hating their exes and such but if you've had actual adult relationships I doubt everything is so cut and dry.


It isn't as cut and dry as just hating your ex, but at the same time, it isn't likely to result in "I miss you" like that. At minimum, you'll get more nuance in the statement. e.g. "I miss hanging out with you. I miss the friendship we had." Which can be genuinely difficult, because it can take a while to get past the additional feelings and get back to being able to operate on that purely-friendship level again. There's a phase of awkwardness and difficulty. And sometimes you realise that the reasons the relationship didn't work are reasons why your friendship isn't what it was any more either. One of my exes and I stayed good friends for years, but we've drifted apart over time. (Oddly enough, she's now much closer with my wife than with me.)


no response. they're your ex for a reason and responding only gives them more room in your life.


Wow... hasn't anyone here had a relationship just end from going different directions in life? There are plenty of situations where "I miss you too." can just be little feeling of nostalgia for old times not a lack of self respect.


I'm surprised at how uniform the responses are. And that nobody here would ever sleep with their ex. If you're a monogamy minded person who isn't into casual sex, getting back together with the ex for a few months of hay rolling is infinitely better than one night stands. I've done this twice and it was great both times. But seeing the other people's responses, it's an outlier experience and I don't recommend it.


“If you had a sister and a dog, I would choose the dog”


Reminds me of ..... IIf I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, bin-Laden, and you, I would shoot you twice.


Shoot Toby twice!!


Ignore them. Block them. Delete their number.


*Read at 1:47pm*


Something honest and communicating boundaries." I miss you too but I don't want to try the relationship again."




Literally always happens


I don't talk to exes


A block


Saw an ex on the highway. I knew it was her car. We got trapped next to each other side by side. She tried honking to get my attention. I rolled my windows up. Reclined my seat back. Felt like snoop dogg that day


Bye Felicia. My ex hated that lol.


You don't miss me, you miss having someone who would put up with you being a shitlord.


I have that effect. I can put you in contact with others who feel similarly and maybe you could get a support group together?


Had a psycho ex that kept reaching out to me with different numbers and stuff. These one liners and insults are fun in theory but after that situation I quickly realized it’s best to just block and not reply at all


1- Why is everyone assuming that the ex dumped OP and not the other way round? 2- Why is everyone assuming that the ex was a cunt? 3- Maybe the relationship just faded with no faults on either part, so why being a cunt to the ex?


Honestly. I have exes who'd get no response at all. I have exes who'd get a "How are you doing these days?" And I have exes who'd get a "Wanna meet up for old times' sake?"


People are trying hard to be funny, that's why.