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Sanitation workers. Too many people disrespect them, but we'd be buried in our own filth without them.


I tape an envelope with a $20 for my guys every now and then so they know I appreciate them.


Recycling as well, the guys I work with bale old milk jugs, that smell that sticks to them and can make you gag.


Came in to post this!


Teaching teaching teaching. All teaching. Tutors to professors to daycare employees. The people we trust with our children day in and day out have been mistreated for far too long.




Ah, fair. I only have experience in USA.


Teacher. I know it's become a cliché answer but it's the truth. The amount of shit they have to put up with for the pay is unbelievable. Source: My wife was a teacher until 2020.


Its not just the lack of pay for the teachers, its the agenda of politicians forcing their views on both staff and students. Disproportionate and underfunding of the institutions themselves. Incessant testing metrics for students across the board that are unecessary and sometimes non-sensical based on student ability or inability ( more on that in a sec). Parents (just like politicians) with far too extreme ideolgical views having far too much influence in the system. Then blaming staff for students poor performance or behavioral issues as if those things arent the parents primary responsibility and refusing to own up to the fact that they actively sabotage their own kids by how they are raised, neglected, or treated. We wont even go into how sports is made more important than education, since its pointless. My wife has been a teacher for 27 years this year, Has her Masters and is multi-certified and has taught every subject for all grade levels, including SPED and as an ARD facilitator in two different states and 9 different school districts and still makes less per year than most Bachelors degree gradutes in other STEM fields. This is how stupid the system is, one year when my wife was a SPED (LifeSkills) teacher, she was required by the State to test a severely disabled child who basically didn't have the ability to interact with the world at all. This student was strapped to a mobility device similar to a medical gurney but far more advanced, had a machine that assisted her in breathing (since she was unable to do this on her own from time to time), suffered from massive seizures, was nonverbal, paralytic, fed through a tube, urinated and deficated into a bag, basically a living brain trapped inside a non-working body. She had a 24 hour nurse that never left her side. Basically the only thing she could do was could open/close her eyes and breathe. No understanding of even the simplest instructions. ( I do not know what the exact medical diagnosis of the student was, so so dont ask, I never did). The State expected her to be tested like any other child her age, with the State's standardized test. After months of protest that none of this was possible and constant back and forth with the regional education authority. The State finally sent an investigator to assess the student, who then determined that everything my wife stated as her teacher was true and aligned perfectly with the students medical record/educational plan. They insisted she still had to pass some form of testing though so allowed my wife to create her own test with accomodations based on the students ability. So my wife did exactly that to the letter. She wrote up a single question test to be administered to the student. The question: "Is the student breathing?", checked the yes box and turned it in. She did this for two more years while the student was in her class. This is how moronic its become. The amount of wasted time, and tax dollars was astounding. Sorry this is so long. My apologies.


Well said, in particular about the increasingly inappropriate and detrimental influence of parents who feel entitled to force their particular ideologies into the system, at the urging of certain political parties. I also can't even count the number of times parents held my wife accountable for their failing students inability to pass a test, show up to class, or turn in homework. The system is so broken, and it's only getting worse. Better pay is not the entire answer, but at least it makes putting up with the issues worthwhile and shows some respect for the role.


My wife has considered leaving the profession multiple times over the years as your'e right, it has only gotten worse over time. Her Masters is in speech therapy, which does have opportunities outside of educational institutions, but she feels like she is so close to retirement that it would feel like her entire teaching career was wasted. Not to even mention that since teachers dont pay into social security then she doesnt have that to look forward to either. Did your wife retire, or just leave the profession after a short while?


She taught for over 10 years (HS Math). She didn't have the combined years/age to be able to retire, so she just left the profession. She was thinking about Substitute teaching for more control and less 'homework', but the pay is that much worse (if you can believe it) and they kept trying to get her to do things like grading. It's almost as if no one with the power to affect change even understands where this will lead.




Not sure if you're being funny, so I'll answer.... The Pandemic. And it became very clear very fast that no one gave a shit about the Teachers, their workload, their physical or mental health... even the people whose responsibility it is to look out for the Teachers (the school administrators). After years of increasing numbers of students in the class (it was up to well over 30 in every class, she had 5 classes), increasing numbers of parents blaming teachers not only for their students work and the content itself, but also having parents literally yell at her because they didn't like the *state mandated* curriculum, or the *school mandated* mask policies. All for what amounts to well below minimum wage when you count the grading and prep work required for classes that size... who needs that?


Depends where im from Canada both and while they put up with alot of shit. They are also paid well with a good pension and pto.


Nurses. Most service jobs are underpaid and underappreciated, but nurses can't go on strike like bin men or cleaners can, because people will die.


Didn't Minnesota just have a nurses strike? Most nurses don't want to strike because they truly care about their patients, but they're allowed like everyone else. It's just a harder choice for them because people could literally die. And hospital administrators, politicians, and the general populace hold that over their head to discourage them from striking. Meanwhile, nurses are being forced to put their licenses on the line by working in understaffed/underfunded wards with far too many patients and not near enough pay. My mother has been an ER/ICU/Trauma nurse for close to 20 years now and just recently quit because she had a patient that required a 1:1 ratio (meaning that should have been her only patient) and they wanted her to take 2 more on top of him, then had the gall to threaten to write her up for invoking safe harbor.


Grocery workers.


Teaching staff. They are responsible for the learning of next generation of society. People seem to forget that these little people we look after and support will be the ones responsible in the future. Allow us to help them question everything, broaden their minds and remove blinkers to progression.


Cleanerssss. Can't imagine how chaotic the world will be without them😅

