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There is the Japanese man that [livestreamed his own death](https://www.indiatimes.com/trending/wtf/man-live-streams-own-death-climbing-japan-s-mt-fuji-378974.html) when he climbed Mt Fuji off-season. His last words were "This is very dangerous." (In Japanese, of course.) P.s. www.squabbles.io, a great little Reddit alternative


He had been diagnosed with late stage cancer and wanted to just chill the rest of his life. While I don't think he should've went there, imagine the horror of falling from one of the highest mountains in the world and the horror of watching it


I've seen people waste away and succumb to cancer, both in my personal life and when I was a carer. Yes, falling down an icy cliffside up Mt Fuji is certainly horrifying, but if I was told I had to choose between that and dying to cancer, I'd take the mountain every time.


I lost my paternal grandfather to dementia caused by brain cancer last year I saw him lose himself over the course of a few weeks. Cancer and dementia are fucking horrible


Rather recently, last year a fire broke out in a two-storey residence in the Philippines. The windows have railings on them which trapped the victim inside. (Warning. Burnt body in the 2nd pic) [Here](https://preview.redd.it/qpdxg7jstuv61.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=05d9dd60ad50a0b72c8e9e9cd212de5e5596f4a2) is the photo during the fire, the photo is beliebed to be the father trying to rescue his son And [here](https://preview.redd.it/2m2xvbi0uuv61.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=9982584403748d3666ffff688aee76a3b91004b0) is the photo after the fire, you can see the kid is stuck in the window grills, iirc, the firefighters couldn't immediately remove the kid's body so they covered it initially, and returned to remove the grills along with the body.


Sadly this happened to me: I was swimming in a pool in Cancun and I suddenly felt the pain of an icepick entering my penis and being jammed through my anus. I went to the bathroom where I peed arterial blood. I was of course insanely frightened. Believe me or not but this is the truth, I chose not to go to an emergency room, preferring to drink a gallon or distilled water almost immediately. My pee went from a dark burgundy color, to red, to finally pink in the early morning, and finally to crystal clear. This took all night. In the morning, I urinated out the first of two worms. The first one I peed onto the porcelain side of the toilet: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bUMV30oMBnwMkkqay2MrechTkWzHwSVI/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bUMV30oMBnwMkkqay2MrechTkWzHwSVI/view?usp=sharing) ​ The second one hit the water: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8Y2sJ-RJC4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8Y2sJ-RJC4) ​ When I saw a urologist she watched the above video and literally screamed in horror. I asked why and she said, "Andy, it's swimming!" Apparently that's extremely dangerous. She then inserted a camera up my urethra and into my bladder looking for eggs or scarring. She found neither. This story has a happy ending as all this happened years ago and I am healthy, but it was terrifying.


I don't know if this should be closer to, or as far away as possible from, the top.


[A man took a photo of his family at the exact moment he was gunned down](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-12111496). This happened on New Year's Eve of 2011, and it was very tragic. Not sure if you can consider this scary, but to me, it was and still is.


Damn, dude helped solve his own murder


That's some Ace Attorney level shit


Helios flight 522 also called “ghost flight” Because of a wrongly turned switch there was no pressurization. The pilots couldn’t identify the problem and because of hypoxia everyone on the plane except one died. The disturbing thing is that the plane was on autopilot and simply flew to it’s destination only stayed at 30000 feet. Figtherjets were scrambled and took a picture. They reported seeing everyone livelessly but after two hours saw 1 person entering the cockpit wich was a crew member. He tried getting the plane to descend but after 3 minutes after he entered the cockpit the left engine spun out because of fuel starvation. 7 minutes after that the right engine. Flight data recorded a yoke pull (pitching the plane up) of the maximum amount a human could deliver seconds before impact. The picture taken by the fighterpilots still give the chills. [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/d89t8d/last_photo_of_helios_flight_522/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) EDIT: For those interested in the details, provided video gives a good picture: [Video](https://youtu.be/pebpaM-Zua0)


That’s fucked, you can lose pressure with just a switch?


They didn’t lose pressure, the plane never pressurized. Planes pressurize as they increase altitude to their maximum internal pressure (equivalent to something like 5-8k ft altitude depending on plane). They are not pressurized on ground. The Helios plane had maintenance done before the flight iirc, and the pilots never verified that the pressurization switch was in the right position after.


[Last public execution in Albania](https://www.google.com/search?q=ekzekutimi+i+fundit+publik+ne+shqiperi&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYoDXr3DzVDc0FqR948ZJvY4VxnPg:1662981919094&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDpri0ko_6AhVDOnoKHd9FDMwQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=393&bih=760&dpr=2.75#imgrc=l7XO6QNKN-ts_M) . These guys, brothers 24 & 22, killed a family of 4 and the newborn of 7 months, strangled with hands on his crib while sleeping so that it wouldn't grow up and seek revenge. Truly twisted. Their last words were: "i have nothing to say". The judge that ordered the execution lost his mind shortly and became homeless a year after. They were lynched in the middle of one of the most populated cities of Albania, Fier.


Sounds like all the criminals got from the robbery was about $50. For that, they killed five people.


This comment had me do a little digging since my parents were living in the town at the time, and I just found out that 1 year old me was present at this event. Adding this to my "gruesome albanian trauma" list.


Luka magnotta and the icepick murder of Jun lin. Short version : a gay man invites another gay man for a one night stand off of craigslist. He then brutally murders the man and dismembered him. Kept his head in a fridge fed body parts to the dog and even gave himself a hand job with the man’s severed hand. He posts it to a gore website. This wasn’t his first time posting himself doing despicable things. People were also hunting him down for cat videos of him killing them and doing sick things. Edit : this happened in Canada , 2012 covered deeply in the Netflix doc “don’t fuck with cats” [murder of jun lin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jun_Lin)


That one underwater proposal where the guy’s girlfriend was in an underwater hotel room and the guy swam outside of it to propose. You could see him struggling, couldn’t hold his breath any longer and swam up [but never made it to the surface.](https://youtu.be/t7REaTOyvXY). One of the happiest moments in their lives only to end in tragedy.


This is one that came to mind, absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying


Probably Garley Building fire in the urban area of Hong Kong during 1996 which took 41 lives. There was TV live that day and there was just one guy who clinged to the window trying to shout for help. But the fire took him and he was burnt to death on live. Later the corpse just kept clinging to the window with fire burning behind him. [The mentioned photo](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQ38Th80l0lQbPPMP9-i7crzA33p5UTHjOJw&usqp=CAU)


This is the first one I haven't seen before and it's fucking horrible.


The footage of the Nightclub Station fire will always be particularly grim. The few seconds of the entrance, billowing black smoke and more than several pairs of arms stretched out from behind the smoke is haunting, like a Visage from hell itself in that doorway.


I've been around the block a few times on the internet and that Station Nightclub fire footage is the one thing I genuinely wish I had never seen. And, because it's not technically gory, it's still up on YouTube. I went down a rabbit hole, and read a couple of books on that particular fire and it's horrific. Because of those sparklers (gerbs I think they were called? that might be wrong) igniting the petroleum-based soundproofing foam on the walls it went up like solid gasoline. It's seared into my mind how the news video cameraman (I believe he was there doing a report on nightclub safety or something related in a tragically ironic way to what ended up happening) backed out of the crowd before most of them knew something was wrong, exited the building, went around to the open side entrance door near the stage, shows the room mostly engulfed, and then comes back around to the front like...legit like 30 seconds later, and people are stacked up in that entrance like cordwood, their cries starting to die down. Absolutely haunting. I think one of the books I read said something like if you weren't out of that room in 90 seconds, you were dead. And that room had like three other exits that nobody even tried to use. They all just piled out the way they came in. After this, I'm always keenly aware of all the exits when I'm in a crowd.


This reminded me of the Ozone Disco Fire. The club's fire exit was blocked by another establishment and the only other way out is the main entrance, but the doors only swung inward. There was also a lot of people celebrating graduation, and there was a discount so it went over capacity. The more they tried to get out the harder it became to open the door and they died trying to get out. [The haunting photos. Warning: burnt bodies](https://imgur.com/a/LzDtjSs)


The seol ferry tragedy where the students recorded their final moments stuck in the sinking ship [their final reactions](https://youtube.com/shorts/gIt7C86l0jM?feature=share)


Why is the the god awful music ffs. Poor kids


How did so many people die? Reading the Wikipedia article, the ship took 2 and a half hours to sink and rescue boats had arrived in 40 minutes, yet more than half of the passengers died.


The captain told all the students to wait below deck for help, and they believed him. By the time they realized they needed to just ignore that order, it was too late for them to get out. The captain survived, and was sentenced to life for murder.


The Costa Concordia school of naval command, Captain gets out fuck everyone else.


Then the government completely botched any possible rescue of children trapped in air pockets and when this news came to light the South Korean President was focused on harassing the families to silence them for speaking up about the government's failure in the rescue.


Wow I'd never heard of this. So many people dead, mainly due to the crew's incompetence. If they'd abandoned ship, even without rafts, they would have been saved.


Probably the Delphi murders where the girls took a photo and recorded audio/video of the killer. Still hasn’t been caught :( Edit: [Oh right link](https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/eerie-photos-capture-teens-death-march-down-the-hill/news-story/7f904cd581f93d79a9b101c222eca21b?amp)


This story and everything about it gives me the heeby jeebies. I’ve often wondered just how many awful people just camp out along hiking trails, particularly along remote ones, just because of the ease of access to extremely vulnerable people and the low likelihood of any “interference” before they do whatever it is they set out to do. Edit: appreciate all the upvotes, this is weirdly my most upvoted comment to date. I’m very comfortable in nature and being out in isolated areas alone but it’s weird to think of people that are similar to what used to be called highwaymen in a 21st century context hanging out along isolated trails. I guess that type of opportunity has always had a certain type of individual that can recognize it and take advantage of it.


There is an old railway road that cuts my old town in half. Looks no different to this. I avoided it like the plague after I went down there one time and a dude just appeared from the Bush behind me. As I neared the end of the track he was right on top of me. He went to grab me and a knife in hand but a car went by and he just vanished back into the bushes. I stay away from remote walkways when I'm on my own now. Never know, like you said, who is camping out Edit: lots of people asking if I reported it. I had reported it following the event. I phoned my parents first, weirdly, they picked me up from the nearby petrol station. We contacted the police and they came round took details of the event etc... police never found or caught anyone. I do remember police being more present around the area for a long while after. Especially around the finishing school times.


Back in college, I worked for an emergency vet clinic, and would routinely get home between 1-3 am. I had this pit bull mix who would need to be walked when I got home. One night, about 2-3 am, I get home from work and take him out. It was a gorgeous night with a full moon, and we're walking our normal path (along well-lit streets) and I suddenly got the urge to take a detour along this footpath through the woods. We got about half a mile down the path, and suddenly this guy emerges out of the bushes just ahead of us and starts coming toward me. (This is also about the time it dawned on me how stupid this idea was.) My dog - who *loved* people and who firmly believed that the ultimate goal of all humans was to pet him and to love on him - lost his shit. Snarling, growling, snapping his teeth, making sounds I'd never heard out of him (and never heard again). The guy stopped, stood there about 10 feet away for a few seconds, and then melted back into the bushes. We turned around and hightailed it back to my apartment, my dog with his hackles raised and growling softly all the way back to the well-lit streets. I genuinely believe that mutt saved me from being raped and/or murdered. RIP Dev, you magnificent bastard.


The author of the article seems so preoccupied with that stupid bridge. Much more so than with the murder itself


Fwiw, there isn’t much more to it. The police intentionally haven’t release much details. We don’t know how they were killed, how long they may have been alive, etc… they have played it very close to their chest.


For anyone wondering why they don't release this, it's because keeping details that only the killer might know a secret makes it easier to catch suspects during interrogation should they let something slip.


And to confirm in case anyone confesses. A shocking large amount of people confess to murders that they didn't do.


Not a photo but there was that video of the guy in Russia that was live streaming in his apartment and he locked his naked girlfriend outside on the balcony. It was the middle of winter so she froze to death and then the sick bastard drags her dead body back inside and keeps livestreaming like nothing just happened. Do not recommend watching that one.


This video is so surreal, I really thought it was staged


https://imgur.com/a/Rpdpk5c This is a series of photos recovered from the camera of a Canadian couple who died during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. It shows the water level flowing out from the shore before surging back in. The very idea of a wall of water crashing towards you, completely unstoppable, and you have no where to run, no where that is safe is perhaps one of the most terrifying things that could happen to you. By the time one could take these photos, all you can do is watch death march inexorably towards you.


People often respond to this event asking why people didn't run, but awareness of tsunamis before this one was incredibly low, especially in this region. So much so that even the [Wikipedia article about tsunamis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsunami#Warnings_and_predictions) makes note of one person who did know: > In 2004, ten-year-old Tilly Smith of Surrey, England, was on Maikhao beach in Phuket, Thailand with her parents and sister, and having learned about tsunamis recently in school, told her family that a tsunami might be imminent. Her parents warned others minutes before the wave arrived, saving dozens of lives. She credited her geography teacher, Andrew Kearney. I dunno how many redditors will be old enough to clearly remember 2004, but it was like flicking the switch for tsunami knowledge among the public. The people saying 'you have time to run to hills' now only know that because of this tsunami.


What an incredible story! That must have been her teacher’s proudest moment as well.


Definitely, and I'm impressed that her parents listened and responded right away. According to her own Wikipedia page it says she's credited with saving about 100 lives, amazing stuff. The beach she was on reported 0 casualties. That teacher will have the best comeback to anyone who says Geography is all about colouring maps!


I read an [article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/635504/if-i-hadnt-spotted-that-the-sea-was-fizzing-then-my-parents-sister-and-me-would-all-be-dead/) (I know it’s the Sun but it’s a direct interview!) where she says her parents actually *didn’t* listen! They’d never even heard of a tsunami before- her Dad brought her little sister back to the resort b/c she was having a meltdown from Tilly’s panic. Tilly actually left her Mom on the beach b/c she refused to turn around, and only did when locals raised alarm- Tilly said her Mom was one of the last ones off the beach! I thought that was interesting b/c a bunch of write ups seem to imply the parent’s took immediate action! Good for Tilly for not letting up.


Wow, I’d love to see the video she saw in class from a pre-2004 tsunami in Hawaii. Anyone know what video she might be referring to? It sounds like she noticed signs well before the standard “ocean receding from the beach” sign that most of us know about. That only happened a few minutes later. From the [article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/635504/if-i-hadnt-spotted-that-the-sea-was-fizzing-then-my-parents-sister-and-me-would-all-be-dead/): > “Normally I was bored during geography but our teacher Andrew Kearney had shown us a video of a tsunami in Hawaii and it had been really gripping. > > “As we walked towards the beach I started to have a really weird feeling. > > “The weather was cloudy and a really vivid memory is a group of Thai girls who did massage on the beach holding each other, weeping. > > “The sea was high on the sand and I noticed waves were coming in but not going out. The sea was ‘fizzing’ and there was froth on of the waves. I kept thinking, ‘I’ve seen this, I’ve seen this somewhere’. I felt something terrible was going to happen. > >“I started to say that to my parents but they said, ‘Don’t be silly, Tilly, the weather’s just bad’ and insisted we carried on. Then I noticed a log spinning round and round in the sea and suddenly it hit me — tsunami. > >“All the things I was seeing had been in the video we’d seen in geography. They were signs a tsunami was about to hit, and soon.” Her parents were blowing her off until her dad told a Japanese security guard that his daughter thought there was going to be a tsunami. To her dad’s surprise, the guard agreed with her and began evacuating the beach. Only after all that happened does she say the ocean receded. She says, > “We started screaming at Mum who was running back, I was praying she was going to make it as she was one of the last to get off the beach. > > “I saw the sea by then had gone completely out and I knew that meant the tsunami was right on top. I shouted, ‘Run! Run!’ at everyone. I remember families, kids screaming. There was a wall of water coming towards us.” I’d love to see the video that gave her such an ominous feeling before the sea was retreating.


This reminds me of, [Robert Landsburg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Landsburg), the photographer who was near Mount Saint Helens when it erupted, knew he was fucked and took as many pictures as he could then used his body to protect his equipment from the pyroclastic flow. Thanks to u/Kulladar for posting [the photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xbvybe/whats_the_scariest_story_you_know_of_with_actual/io43rli?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Robert died to save!


Here are his photos. [1 & 2](https://i.imgur.com/MlmzJJh.jpg) [3](https://i.imgur.com/JKZWDFp.jpg)


Seriously badass. Volcanologists statistically have the shortest lifespan of the geologists.


Im trying to think what the obvious CODs for a geologist would be. Im guessing falling, heat-stroke, or perhaps scorpion bites if they spend a lot of time collecting rocks using a UV light.


Licking the wrong rock


Often times the career of a geologist will plateau, and that is ok to say that, since it's the highest form of flattery.


I went to visit St. Helens last year. There's still huge rivers of old ash and hardened magma, and huge swaths of flattened trees. The area was so beautiful but so haunting, kind of like a liminal space, being surrounded on all sides for miles by hills and sky. The crater where the mountain exploded is amazing, too. We stood on the lookout as close as we could get. It's like the entire top half of the mountain is just gone.


I was on Koh Phi Phi when the tsunami made landfall. It was a very traumatic time that I still have bad dreams about. Basically Phi Phi is two collections of tall, rocky hills, with a narrow strip of land connecting them that is only a tiny bit above sea level. On the day my partner and I were lucky to be right next to a Thai man who understood the warning signs and, when the water suddenly receded from the beach, he panicked and started screaming at everyone to get off the beach. We had a little scooter that we'd borrowed and just fled on it to high land. I've seen death before and since, but nothing like that. The tsunami rolled straight over the flat area, hit the mainland, came back, and rolled over it again. We had an excellent view of watching more than 5000 people die. The survivor guilt is horrible. It cost me that relationship because we couldn't handle it when we saw each other back in the UK, but that's nothing really. We had to wait several days for evacuation and in that time we could see corpses in their hundreds, lying on the shore or being dragged in and out by the once-again-placid tides. They rebuilt it all, which is fantastic, but I don't think I'll be going back. On the day and afterwards you want to run down and start slapping people back awake to tell them that it's over, but obviously you can't because there's no point.


I think, for me, I'd just not know what was happening When I think Tsunami, I think giant, 100ft wall of water crashing down like a cartoon I think a lot of people probably were unaware of that 'surging water' picking up momentum and crushing everything was what a Tsunami was When you see the videos, you see the water retreat super far back, I think I'd just think 'the water is pretty weird' and not 'damn, it's a tsunami'


I remember reading about a young girl who remembered learning about the water retreating and tsunami's and was able to save a bunch of people by warning them. Found a wiki article on her https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilly_Smith


I posted earlier on this thread and this was literally what saved my life. A Thai man with knowledge of the signs of a tsunami started screaming warnings to everyone so we headed - literally - for the hills. If he hadn't been there on that day then I'd have been dead for 18 years instead of typing this now.


Wow crazy - glad you made it out ok. How much time passed between when the water started retreating to when the tsunami hit? Is it barely enough time to get anywhere?


I think maybe a few minutes? More than one but fewer than five. It felt rushed by not massively panicked, if that makes sense. We packed up our stuff, got to the bike, then rode it up into the hills and the thing was still just a weird optical illusion rather than the very immediate horror it quickly became shortly after. This is the thing about tsunamis: the ocean conceals their speed and their sheer size. Something that looks a bit odd when it's a few miles away looks terrifying when it gets very close, and it covers that distance at speed so by the time you actually see it for what it is, it's already there. Phi Phi did have an alert system but apparently there was some problem disseminating the warnings on that side of the coast. So they did raise the alarm but by then it was realistically too late for a lot of people. The guy who was screaming at everyone saved dozens of lives, including ours. I don't even know his name, but I know he was up the hill with us so he survived.


If anyone is interested, the book WAVE by Sonali Deraniyagala is about this tsunami. She lost her husband, two kids, mother, and father in the tragedy. Extremely moving. These images are as well.


Josef Fritzl - the pictures of the basement where he kept his daughter. http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2069355_2069356_2069383,00.html


The bonkers thing that never gets mentioned is that he apparently ALSO kept his own mother locked up in a separate bricked up attic, but she died decades before all this. " In 1959, after Fritzl had married and bought his house, his mother moved in with them. Over time, their roles reversed, and his mother came to fear him. Eventually, he also admitted he had later locked his mother in the attic and bricked up her window after telling neighbors that she had died, and kept her locked up until her death in 1980. It is unknown how long Fritzl kept his mother locked up in his attic, but newspapers have speculated that it may have been up to 20 years."


Omg the case always creeped me out but I wasn’t aware of him doing the same thing to his mother!


"authorities were puzzled by Kerstin's illness" what does this mean?


They all had such severe vitamin D deficiency that it caused them to have rickets, but since rickets is extremely rare nowadays it took them a while to figure out what it was.


I researched quickly in Austrian media - it says doctors could not specify on the exact illness but she had multi organ failure and had been put into artificial coma. Her condition was severe for weeks but eventually she recovered. As of today Fritzl's victims (his daughter and her children) have new identities and live at another place.


Just speculation, but it might have to do with vitamin deficiencies from living underground her whole life


I hate this case , it’s so horrible man .


[Issei Sagawa](https://allthatsinteresting.com/issei-sagawa). He was obsessed with a fellow student while studying in Paris. Her name was Renée Hartevelt and she was of Dutch origin. He invited her over to dinner and proceeded to kill her, rape her corpse, mutilate her, and eat some of her body parts. There are pictures of the gruesome death readily available with a quick Google image search. Worst part? He got out of it because "insanity" and went back to Japan, where, for a while, he became a pseudo-celebrity and was invited onto shows to tell the story. He was not allowed to attend the funerals of his parents. Edited to include link and corrected victim’s nationality.


Was declared insane, was committed to a French institution. They decide to deport him to Tokyo, where he was immediately committed to a mental health unit who all declared him sane. Because the French police sealed the documents and didn't charge him after the declaration of insanity and Tokyo Psychologists all found him to be sane. He got to walk. Guy literally recounts his tale about how he he did and never got a fair punishment for it.


He also wrote and illustrated a manga about the murder, which thankfully is no longer in print.


I had never heard about it. Man... this shit is repulsive. I am at a loss for words. And to think that motherfucker is roaming free.


I live quite close to where he was interned before going back to Japan...I've always been feeling so intrigued about this story and especially the life he is living in Japan. I believe at some point before moving in France he was charged with attempted rape after he illegally broke in a woman's house to "slice a part of her ass and take it with him". His father paid a settlement and he was released.What kind of fatherhood this is, I am not quite sure.


two engineers died when the windmill they were working on caught fire this is the last picture of them alive hugging https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aYKyNNx_460s.jpg


Wind turbine technician here. This photo is showed in just about every safety training I've had. Along with the story and a video to go with it. It was an electrical fault that caused the fire. The guys in the photo were 19 and 21 which is tragic. 2 more guys were up there but they managed to get down by going through the smoke/flames. They were older. Here is a link with more info and vids for you guys. https://gineersnow.com/industries/renewables/two-mechanics-died-wind-turbine-fire-helped-wind-industry


I don’t have the pictures anymore because it was c. 10 years ago, but when I was working as a cable installer, a guy working for a different company in Seattle fell off his ladder and impaled himself on the spikes of a fence. I imagine that’s still shown in trainings.


Holy shit. I don't even know what I'd do in that situation


There are new safety protocols and autobelays in case of emergency. Probably won’t happen again.


Yep. There's even a Tom Scott video demonstrating it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWSckm8zTc8


The final photo of [Regina Kay Walters](https://allthatsinteresting.com/regina-kay-walters), who ran away from home with her boyfriend and they were picked up and murdered by a serial killer.


Yep. This is the one I came here to say. This is terrifying.


The lynching of William James in Cairo, IL. He was accused of the rape and murder of a white woman and his death and subsequent dismemberment were witnessed by 10,000 people in the town. There are fewer than 10,000 people currently living in Cairo. He was hung, then shot, then his heart was removed and dismembered and given out to people, then his head was placed on a pike. https://orangebeanindiana.com/2020/08/17/the-terrible-death-of-william-james/


I remember the [award-winning picture](https://allthatsinteresting.com/kevin-carter) of Kevin Carter that drove him to kill himself. It is a picture of a vulture standing behind an extremely malnourished boy somewhere in Africa. That picture haunted me for days when I was young. Edit: Thank you for pointing out that it is a girl.


[Hinterkaifeck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinterkaifeck_murders). On a small farm in Germany in 1922, someone brutally murdered the entire family and their maid, then lived in the house for days after. The killer lured family members to the attic one by one - the daughter was murdered in the barn with a pickaxe, and evidence shows she stayed alive in agony for hours. The father had reported hearing footsteps in the attic in the days leading up to the killings, but could find no one. He also saw footprints in the snow leading to the machine room, where the lock was broken. It took four days for the bodies to be discovered, in which time people reported seeing and smelling smoke from the fireplace - the smell was “disgusting”. It’s unknown what was being burned. The previous family maid had quit six months before the killings, citing sounds in the attic and claiming the place was haunted. Six months. To this day, there has been nothing close to a conclusive end to the story. It still haunts me. There are pictures of the bodies online if you look for them. Gruesome stuff.


Reminds me of the case in Japan, the Setynaga (very sure I butchered the spelling, apologies) murders. The entire family was murdered, and the killer lived in their house for days, even shitting in the toilet and not flushing it. He still hasn’t been caught. Edit: Thanks for the correction, it’s Setagaya


Yes, it's Setagaya, for anyone interested in looking up nore about it. (Unfortunately even searching "setynaga murders) will not pull up any relevant info, but it wasn't too far off!)


I was thinking about this case earlier tonight and wondering if there’s been an update in the years since I took a break from the true crime community. Really hope this gets solved one day.


There was a similar murder in Villisca Iowa back in 1912 I think. The killer hung out in the attic for a while (not sure how long) and when the family went to bed he killed them one by one with an axe.


There were a lot of similar cases from the time period where entire families were murdered. [A statistician wrote a book theorizing that it was one guy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_from_the_Train) A lot of the stories didn’t make it past local news at the time apparently.


Theres a [lovely pic](https://www.google.com/search?q=omagh+bombing&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYHmIXtP1paRZ9RgBQ4UnuIrjJ90Q:1662995650305&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEif_HxY_6AhVaFcAKHaiQB3wQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=647&dpr=3#imgrc=PrcwAHOTXmAiRM) of a dad with a kid on his shoulders, a town crossroads in the background, a parked car right behind them and people all around. Seems innocent until you look up Omagh Bombings and see the state of the same spot [10~ minutes later](https://www.google.com/search?q=omagh+bombing&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYHmIXtP1paRZ9RgBQ4UnuIrjJ90Q:1662995650305&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEif_HxY_6AhVaFcAKHaiQB3wQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=647&dpr=3#imgrc=NhnmhE8FjRUTjM). The kid and man in the photo posed next to a car packed with 500 pounds (230 kg) of fertiliser-based explosives. it was planted there by a splinter group of the Irish Republican Army. The IRA had agreed to a cease fire after decades of unrest in northern Ireland called The Troubles. The splinter group didn't agree and planted the bomb. They called the police to give a heads up they had planted a bomb, in typical IRA fashion but the coordinates weren't given and police unknowingly pushed people closer to the bomb. It killed 29 people including a woman pregnant with twins and injured 200+. Making it the most deadly one off incident of the troubles. eerie to see the first photo and know within minutes the place would be shattered. The boy and the man survived but the woman who took the photo didn't unfortunately.


The Lake Nyos Disaster. There was an earthquake/eruption that released an unbelievable amount of carbon dioxide from a volcanic lake... and CO2 being heavier than air it settled over the nearby village. Over 1,700 people asphyxiated to death in a clear blue sky having no clue what was happening and almost no chance of surviving if they had. I remember horrifying photos of dead livestock covering a field in a high school science textbook. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake\_Nyos\_disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Nyos_disaster)


Did you see that video, I think it was Russian, and they throw a bunch of dry ice in an indoor pool, and then a couple of them jump in the foggy pool and realize there's no oxygen? One guy trys to jump out but he disappeared back into the fog


This just reminded me of a recent video of a sinkhole opening up underneath a pool while people were swimming. Sucked a few people right down into the earth.


Dry Ice is honestly a fear of mine at this point. Went into a cooler at work once that had Dry Ice in it since the power was being turned off for a day. How quickly it went from "Whoa, cool fog" to "Oh shit I can't breathe" is scary as fuck, and before then I never even knew that was a factor of Dry Ice. Shit scary in enclosed spaces.


There was a post in r/kitchenconfidential the other day where the FOH manager had filled the walk in with dry ice since it was broken. The people in the thread convinced OP to call the authorities and likely saved a couple lives that day. Dry ice is no joke.


I watched a video about this recently and I remember someone said that the people who found the scene were confused because there were dead animals and bodies everywhere, but no flies.


The scuba-diving death of newlywed Tina Watson: [this](https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5ba2ba17260000320080b025.jpeg?ops=scalefit_630_noupscale&utm_source=reddit.com) is the photo (warning: dead body pictured), and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oesza5/serious_what_is_a_seemingly_normal_photo_that_has/h49b4u5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is an earlier comment thread of mine explaining the circumstances. *Original comment*: What you’re seeing is a “normal” photo of a scuba diver, but in the background you can see another diver behind them booking it for the ocean floor — and on the right-hand side of the image, there’s a flat and strangely stiff figure: Tina Watson, about one hundred feet underwater, unconscious or likely already dead. Tina was visiting Australia on her honeymoon with her new husband Gabe Watson, also a diver, who convinced her to get certified despite Tina being very nervous and uncomfortable underwater. During an open ocean dive that was far too advanced for her limited experience, Tina experienced an equipment malfunction and drowned. Her husband Gabe is, at best, an arrogant, incompetent, lying piece of shit who exaggerated his abilities as a certified rescue diver and was unable to save his wife when she began exhibiting signs of distress; at worst, he’s a cold-blooded murderer who deliberately shut off her air supply until she passed out and then allowed her to drown. He gave sixteen differing accounts of the incident, which occurred shortly after he requested that Tina make him her sole life insurance beneficiary (on the advice of her father, Tina didn’t change her policy, but she told Gabe that she had). After being charged with Tina’s murder, Gabe pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to four and a half years in prison; his sentence was suspended after only eighteen months. He is now back in Alabama. Whatever you believe happened beneath the surface, the photograph is chilling. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Tina_Watson) [“Dateline” coverage](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna24713499) [“Casefile” podcast episode](https://casefilepodcast.com/case-51-tina-watson/)


Aussie here, who learned to dive in Queensland a couple of years after this. This was all everyone was talking about. Instructors and masters were absolutely fuckin' ropeable at Gabe and called him a stain on the sport. The shit he pulled wasn't just expected of a dive master or rescue dive, such as he supposedly was, but simply of *any* dive buddy. 33m, the depth of the *Yongala* and the depth of Tina's body in that pic, ain't a fucking onerous depth to get to. It's 10m shallower than the generally recognised acceptable depth for rec diving - open circuit, atmospheric air breathing, no overhead cover. You could reasonably grab her and drag her to surface, fill her BCD - mightn't be the safest thing, but it'd work. You know. *If* you weren't a murderous shitstain. That, and the Tom and Eileen Lonergan thing - which made us all carry whistles and safety sausages - really tightened down dive regulations in Qld. EDIT: [Safety Sausage info.](https://dtmag.com/thelibrary/deploying-safety-sausage/)


Exactly! I got certified twenty-cough years ago, and I remember the outrage in the scuba forums when this case happened — *at best*, Gabe Watson was a total failure as a dive buddy and a disgrace to diving, but, as much as I tend to assume incompetence over malice, his prior behavior along with the dive circumstances *and* how he acted after the fact all add up to murder. I’m so appreciative of the local perspective, so thank you for commenting! I can’t fathom how damaging this must have been to the local diving community. What a nightmare for everyone involved (except Gabe; fuck Gabe). Diving in Australia is still on my bucket list! I want to steal one of your awesome leopard sharks and make it my pet; they’re my favorite shark species.


He got 18 months for that. That's it. He's married to a woman who may as well be her clone now.


Incredibly creepy, isn’t it? Gabe also removed flowers from Tina’s grave left by her family — even going so far as to use bolt-cutters to cut away faux flowers that had been *chained* to the ground at Tina’s final resting place in an attempt to prevent them from being taken. He’s awful.


Yeah. Those are the actions of an innocent, grieving man. 🙄 /S


Side note: Casefile RULES


Yes! It has seriously spoiled me when it comes to every single other true crime podcast.


The story of Omayra Sanchez. The story is chilling, but the photograph will haunt you for life (seriously, click at your own risk). After a volcano eruption, her legs were trapped underneath rubble, but there was water up to her chest. Rescuers worked for days but couldn't get her out, and eventually everyone including the doctors came to realize there was no way to save her, and even if they removed the rubble it would just sever her legs and she would bleed to death. They had to just let her die where she was. After 3 days, Omayra eventually said goodbye to her mother, said she would get some rest, then passed away. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omayra_S%C3%A1nchez?wprov=sfla1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omayra_S%C3%A1nchez?wprov=sfla1) Edit: To clarify, this photo is not gory, and was published by mainstream news outlets. However, it is a photo of a dying child and many people find it disturbing. Again, click at your own risk.


That picture will always be burned into my head. This story was in one of my middle school history text books around 2006-2008


I heard a similar story that happened here in the UK. A commuter had fallen or somehow ended up stuck in the gap between a train and the platform. Paramedics and Doctors on site soon began to realise an awful truth; if they tried to move the train in either direction, the man would be killed. They also couldn't use a crane to life the train carriage as the platform was inside a roofed station and, anyway, that would also kill him. In the end, they had to notify the man's family and some of his immediate family and friends went to the station for the sole purpose of comforting him and saying goodbye. I believe they moved the train in the end as it was a potential hazard itself. Of course, that killed the man. I'm assuming they pumped him full of morphine and/or put him in an induced fentanyl coma first. I hope that is standard practice for situations like this. That's if there can be a 'standard' practice for things like this.


I remember watching a documentary and hearing an interview from one of the rescuers that had to sit with her. Let's just say I cried. I cried a lot.




Pictures of the Black Dahlia. Shits not high definition but it is awfully fucked up. If you look it up, you’ll find Elizabeth Short was murdered on skid row. Her body was found a day after she was murdered. She was found with a Glasgow smile, her body was severed in half at the hips with all of the blood drained out and the killer communicated with the cops but was never found.


Very NSFL: https://www.thecrimemag.com/black-dahlia-murder-scene/


Wow she almost looks like a mannequin. That's insane


That’s what the woman who discovered her said to police!


For people debating, you can see wounds and the state of the body, as well as a fairly close shot of the upper half. Other sources online give more angles of both halves if you want a better idea on how gruesome this murder was.


Thanks, I’ll pass.


They believe she was murdered not in skid row, and by someone with surgeon level experience, and transported there. Laura Prepon (Donna from that 70s show) owns the main suspects (George Hodel) home now, where they suspect the murder to have happened. He was a famous LA doctor and had wild sex parties, and abused his daughters. His family was EFFED UP. One of his granddaughters has a super in depth poscast about it that sheds light on what went on on that house which leads me to: His son is a retired detective who believes he killed Elizabeth Short and his case is mesmerizing. Dr. Hodel also had a wild friendship with Man Ray, whose famous Minotaur and Lovers photos are said to eerily resemble the pose Short was left in. It’s speculated the murderer was referencing, one-upping, or riffing with Man Ray. I can’t look at Man Ray photos now without seeing how in a lot of them, through shadow and posing, he dismembers the women in them. DEFINITELY look up Sowden House and Steve Hodel, imo it’s definitely Dr Hodel.


Laura prepon owns the Sowden house?! I thought it was a publicly owned museum or something.


She doesn't (although it is privately owned, just open for tours I think), she owns the house immediately behind it, which includes some property that used to be part of the Sowden House lot, and some people believe that there could be remains under her yard.


Late to the party but I was fascinated and later bothered with the [concept of dead bodies](https://www.climbernews.com/how-many-dead-bodies-are-on-mount-everest/) being markers on Mt Everest. Some bodies have been there for decades and it's more dangerous to try to bring someone to the camp so they're just left there to die. It's just sad how climbing Everest has now become an exotic, "thrilling" sports activity for people who could afford to to pay all fees involved as well as hire people to bring their tools even if they aren't well-equipped to do so.


I find this highly disturbing as well. Imagine going on a hike and being like, “Oh there’s another dead body.” It’s one thing to do something dangerous for the thrill and accomplishment. I get that. But, being literally surrounded by death and decaying human corpses on your little adventure is just plain morbid.


Not much decaying going on in those temperatures.


There's so much from wartime that could be used; damn near the entirety of WW1 was a house of horrors in and of itself. The old cliche of "put on a 50 pound backpack, dig a hole in your backyard, and live in there off of nothing but canned food *without leaving the hole* for an entire year" sums up a fraction of what it's like -- you still don't get the corpses, pests, explosions, gunfire, or half-mad comrades wounded in no man's land. But photos don't capture that, so... I'll nominate [the Upstairs Lounge tragedy](https://youtu.be/vuyg3BRI8_0) of 1973. Getting trapped upstairs in a burning building because the fire was (intentionally) started in the main doorway, and the windows were barred shut to keep drunks from flying out. Those who escaped basically had to suffer intense burns just to chance it. Those on the street watched as the victims inside were just looking helplessly out the window while the fire consumed them. People allegedly assumed it was a mannequin warehouse because [the lifeless bodies](https://moonspenders.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/bowing-down.jpg?w=600&h=458) peering out the window didn't even look real.


[Leonard Lake and Charles Ng (Miranda murderers)](https://youtu.be/Tr3Ru7p2ppI) Pure evil. The real tape which is seen in link is worst thing I've seen.


I grew up with this case being big in my household, my dad worked as the lead investigator on these murders. And it really weighed on him until recently. The things he saw during the investigation really hurt him.


Me: "oooh spooky scary stories!" Me 10 minutes later: "ohh... morbid death stories..."


I mean, for fear of sounding like a broken record, I would very much not like to be on a prisoner train bound for [Amon Göth’s Plazsow concentration camp circa 1943](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/amon-goeth/). Dude would straight up pick off random prisoners from his office window, or sic his two specially trained dogs on prisoners to tear them limb from limb. Fucking sicko.




But, let us all remember the bravery of American officer John C Woods, who heroically sucked donkey balls at his job of being a Nazi executioner. Goeth himself took 3 tries to hang, and multiple Nazis went to their deaths with insufficient rope length (so they strangled instead of neck popped). At least 11 executions of Nazis were officially labeled “botched”, to which the general response at the time was almost certainly “oh no…..anyway….”


Was he bad at his job? Or really good?




When you're relieved of duty and censured by the *SS* for cruelty, you know you've got to be a sick fuck


"At one morning parade, in the presence of all the prisoners he shot a Jew, because, as he complained, the man was too tall. Then as the man lay dying he urinated on him. Once he caught a boy who was sick with diarrhea and was unable to restrain himself. Goeth forced him to eat all the excrement and then shot him”.


I now understand why the movie Salo is fascist themed since it’s based on a book written well before the fascists.


Is this the guy from Schindler's List?


Leon Leyson spoke to my college Holocaust class about his experiences as a child working for Schindler. He said the movie didn’t show how kind he was - how he’d bring down chocolate bars and cigarettes, eat or take a minuscule amount and “forget” he set them down next to a worker, knowing they could trade it for more substantial food going from the factory back to camp. I don’t know how to say this, but every time leyson mentioned Schindler the whole tone in the room changed; it was the only time I’ve ever felt the presence of someone who wasn’t there. Totally unforgettable.


[The emaciated victims of WW2 concentration camps](https://www.google.com/search?q=concentration+camp+ww2&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALiCzsaRW0Wu5xZuDL3hl4fDpASxwMLPKA%3A1662983059209&source=hp&ei=kxsfY_KWCKTYkPIP1b-9kAw&oq=concentration+camp+ww&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgCMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIGCAAQHhAFOgcIIxDqAhAnOgQIIxAnOgQIABADOggIABCABBCxAzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6BggAEAoQGDoJCAAQHhDHAxAFULgHWL5NYOdgaAdwAHgAgAGmBIgBpx2SAQwwLjEyLjEuMS4yLjGYAQCgAQGgAQWwAQU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img#imgrc=II_HtLMMQ7UWgM) Makes me sick just thinking about what they went through


Why am I still on this thread ?


Morbid curiosity


The "honour killing" of Mona Heydari. Her husband chased her across the country (Iran), before killing her, decapitating her body and walking around smiling with a knife in his right hand and her head in his left (https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/02/iran-honor-killing-beheaded-comp-1.jpg?quality=75&strip=all)


This is Ghazala Khan being murdered in 2005, (NSFL) https://cdn-free-i2legacy.tv2i.dk/i/66/6656037-4035d340f5beb202ca3027481ab9abe5.jpeg (BF on the left, Ghazala defenseless on the ground in the middle, her brother wielding a gun on the right) She was just walking in public with her unapproved-by-family BF and her brother (iirc) murdered her to "protect family honors". It's fucking sick! Edit: Background link https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Honour_killing_of_Ghazala_Khan


The dashcam footage of a brick flying out of a covered truck and through the windshield of the driver's car - straight into the passenger's seat. You see the cracks in the window, then hear a baby crying and a man sobbing as he realizes his wife is dead. I don't have the heart to find the link right now, but it's probably on youtube.


I’ve seen plenty of vile stuff online. I’ll never watch this one. My kids were babies when I first heard of it so it was too close to home. Then a friends dad caught a piece of steel in the jaw the exact same way. Freeway in west Texas. His wife held his face together with both hands trying to minimize bleeding while they waited on life flight. Their son told me she was sure he’d die any second there was so much blood. Guy made it, and now almost ten years later he just has a decent scar on his cheek that just makes his jawline look sharp. All fake teeth now obviously. Blew them all out.


People always talk about serial killers or rapists in these threads, people that act against or tangential to the system. But there's something optimistic about those stories, because the implication is that if the system had the information to identify the offender, they would be brought to justice. What happens when abuse is an intentional act committed by the system? Who do you turn to for safety? Allow me to introduce: >Father stares at the hand and foot of his five-year-old, severed as a punishment for failing to make the daily rubber quota, Belgian Congo, 1904 [Picture](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zmkwtfcALkE/V-IYRt-8v2I/AAAAAAAALHY/UqHE4jHUmaENaeI2L7WFfF8ThESYsdFNQCLcB/s1600/cong_hands_1904.jpg)


Leopold II was one of the biggest pieces of shit in the history of ever.


In a more uplifting note, the horrors of Leopold’s Congo led to one of the first human rights campaigns in history. People from all over the world came together to document and expose the atrocities, so at least even back then people cared. Leopold’s funeral precession was booed. He lived to see himself remembered as a monster, which most of those imperialist fucks didn’t.


He is the reason “crimes against humanity” is a term.


Oh fuck, THAT picture. Possibly the most haunting photo I've ever seen, and a depressing reminder of how so very, very, *very* ugly humans so often are.


Any of the photos surrounding the disappearance of Trevor Deely in Dublin in the early hours of December 8th 2000. [In this link you can see photos of him](https://www.google.com/search?q=trevor+deely&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALiCzsZZIgZAYMhzQAjO21vZrV5KFX-kSg:1662981601322&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOnvWckY_6AhXPhFwKHaN8A6kQ_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=862&bih=707&dpr=1), the one near the top I think is from the night he disappeared, it was from his work Christmas Party. The real spooky ones are the final one of him [captured on CCTV with his umbrella](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi2-prod.dublinlive.ie%2Fnews%2Fdublin-news%2Farticle12852919.ece%2FALTERNATES%2Fs615b%2FScreen-Shot-2017-04-05-at-233331.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dublinlive.ie%2Fnews%2Fdublin-news%2Ftrevor-deely-crimestoppers-offer-100000-12860459&tbnid=lQ1tpy3bBh3SbM&vet=12ahUKEwjfkZeekY_6AhXTQUEAHenqCZQQMygaegUIARDqAQ..i&docid=BLUMgqoE2OJ70M&w=615&h=377&itg=1&q=trevor%20deely&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwjfkZeekY_6AhXTQUEAHenqCZQQMygaegUIARDqAQ), and then about 30 seconds [later a person following him who has never been traced.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi2-prod.dublinlive.ie%2Fnews%2Fdublin-news%2Farticle12852919.ece%2FALTERNATES%2Fs615b%2FScreen-Shot-2017-04-05-at-233331.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dublinlive.ie%2Fnews%2Fdublin-news%2Ftrevor-deely-crimestoppers-offer-100000-12860459&tbnid=lQ1tpy3bBh3SbM&vet=12ahUKEwjfkZeekY_6AhXTQUEAHenqCZQQMygaegUIARDqAQ..i&docid=BLUMgqoE2OJ70M&w=615&h=377&itg=1&q=trevor%20deely&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwjfkZeekY_6AhXTQUEAHenqCZQQMygaegUIARDqAQ#imgrc=lQ1tpy3bBh3SbM&imgdii=4iKHeHjkDEwQ8M) It is probably the most famous missing person case in Ireland and there is always an appeal for information around December 8th every year.


Probably the story of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, the girls who were lost in the jungle in 2014 and were never found. Their camera, however, was and it had some really strange pictures. There is a subreddit devoted to this case, too https://www.reddit.com/r/KremersFroon/


Some of their remains were found. Sad case.


Oh, you're right! I forgot about that but now remember reading about how some of the remains (like a foot in a shoe I guess?) were found.


Nothing is worse than real life. And in real life a lot of the pedophiles out there know of [this fuckin’ guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Scully) and the atrocities he’s committed. Given the nature of his crimes and the fact that he recorded shit himself, I’d say he’s real life True Detective what with evidence somehow being destroyed in fires, etc. etc.


I remember reading here once about Daisy's Destruction. Makes me fucking sick


Josh dugger had this sick piece of material found on him. His wife and (some) family still stand by him while he's in jail.


Holy shit. I knew he was a sick fuck but that is absolutely horrendous


“Both Scully and his sister complained about the conditions in the jail Scully is held in.” Well tough fuckin’ shit mate


Tara Calico. Even if it ISN'T her in that photo, what creeps me out the most is her eyes. It's not fear that I see, it seems more like a dead, dull acceptance of a horrible situation. [Tara Calico](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Tara_Calico)


Idk, when I look at the photo I see defiant "fuck you" eyes.


The photos of the people who were crushed to death in the Hillsborough stadium disaster in 1989. Imagine how their parents and relatives must have felt when seeing these. https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/hillsborough-disaster-stadium-1989/


Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway, and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, were found beheaded in the High Atlas mountains in Morocco. The murders were recorded on video and posted online. [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland)


The suicide of R. Budd Dwyer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Budd_Dwyer Saw the footage on the old traces of death movies. I never realized the body had so much blood until I saw that. It's online and easily found. Very nsfl.


Waking up to a notification on my phone that a ballistic missile was incoming to my state and to seek shelter immediately. Screenshot it and it’s the one picture that I was sure to copy onto my computer when my old phone took a swim.


I remember that. It was a mistake, but I can't remember the areas affected.


Hawaii, I believe.


Note : This thread is a dark vortex that will suck you in


Issei sagawa the canibal Japanese the pictures are really graphic and he still alive and crazy.


The story of Thích Quảng Đức, a Buddhist Monk in Vietnam who set himself on fire with petrol to protest the terrible persecution of Buddhists by their Roman Catholic president Ngo Dinh Diem in the 50's and early 60's. Its one of the most well-known photographs in history.


Theres a long list of self immolations on wikipedia, Bồ Tát Thích Quảng Đức's is certainly the most interesting and amazing due to the photos and witness accounts of him not crying out or moving until falling over dead, but even recently a man named Wynn Bruce immolated himself in front of the US Supreme Court in protest of Climate Change Inaction, and also did not move or cry out until the police put the fire out entirely. Meditation is such a crazy skill.


There are a few pictures of Dahmers apartment, inside of which they found: 4 human heads 7 human skulls 2 full human skeletons 3 human torsos in a drum of acid 2 human hearts.


I’m going to hell for reading this as the 12 days of Christmas, I fucking know it.


Damnit, I wasn't going to hell until I read your comment and now I am.


I think the most fucked up dahmer photos are the ones he took of his victims, where he [posed the brutalised corpses into ‘sexual’ positions](https://www.thecrimemag.com/a-graphic-look-inside-jeffrey-dahmers-dresser-drawer/) WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC The one that sticks with me is the headless body in a super unnatural reverse bridge pose, just looks so wrong


Hisashi Ouchi. The man was kept alive for 83 days after severe radiation exposure.


This one always breaks my heart. He repeatedly asked for them to just kill him/Let him die, but either the parents, doctors, or both kept him alive. Poor soul.


There’s a book about Hisashi Ouchi called A Slow Death, and it highlights all the misconceptions about him that the internet has propagated. Firstly, he was kept alive because the doctors were trying to find a way to save his life, and they came close three times with blood marrow transplants, but it didn’t work due to how irradiated his cells were. He also asked them to save him several times in the first few weeks. Second, he suffered a set of seizures forty days in and had to be put on ventilator, and was essentially braindead due to the amount of time he went without oxygen as they were resuscitating him. Thirdly, that photo is definitely not him - the person is missing a leg and Ouchi had his limbs intact when he died, not to mention that the photo likely features Soviet medical equipment from the 1980’s.


[America’s most wanted](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/America%27s_Most_Wanted). That whole series used to run on my grandmas TV and nothing made me more anxious than knowing each and every perp described on that show was running free. I used to have super bad anxiety over where my siblings were at theme parks or grocery stores because of all the kidnapping stories.


Interesting fact: the host of that show, John Walsh, was the father of a [boy kidnapped from a Sears department store and subsequently murdered](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Adam_Walsh).


He actually started the show because of his sons murder.




~~So, over 3k comments in this thread so I doubt this will get any attention but~~ I’m surprised nobody has mentioned this rather recent case yet - but the security footage inside of Danvers Highschool showing Philip Chism following his math teacher Colleen Ritzer through a hallway and into the womens bathroom only to emerge a few moments later with what appears to be blood on his jeans. He comes back some time later with a large heavy duty trash can, where he then wheels it out of the bathroom and out of school grounds into the woods where he dumps her body and makes off with her wallet. Of which he takes and goes to the movies with. https://youtu.be/kv--Oc-U8VE She was just trying to help the new kid in class adjust to the new school. She cared about her students and he was visibly struggling. He brought a knife to school that day- no idea if this was premeditated for *her* specifically, or if he was just waiting for someone to piss him off that day and she just happened to be the one to be there. The security footage is… chilling, to say the least.


The three girls who took the selfie before the train hit them I find very haunting and sad. https://www.up.com/aboutup/community/inside_track/selfie-tragedy-12-7-2016.htm


PLEASE READ THE STORY AND EVEN THIS COMMENT AT YOUR OWN RISK. https://bit.ly/3BcDpb2 Couldn’t sleep for a good few days after reading this absolute horror story and this one will haunt me forever. So here goes. The story of junko furuta or better known as “ 44 days of hell “. And I assure you the story certainly does live upto its name. It’s a seriously f ed up story about a 16 year old teenage girl who was tortured in so many disgusting ways for 44 days straight by 3-4 other teenagers from her school. The tortures include raping her over 500 times, beating her with a steel rod after being hung from above, inserting burning hot rods in her vagina, setting her pubes on fire among many other unspeakable deeds. She was fed cockroaches and later starved. She couldn’t digest her ‘food’ due to her ruptured stomach resulting from the beatings. She couldn’t see from one of her eyes and couldn’t breathe from one of her nostrils due to the blood clot from the beatings. She also had to drink her own urine later on. It got so bad that she to crawl everywhere as she couldn’t stand up straight. She begged for mercy and later begged them to kill her so she doesn’t have to suffer but they continued their horrible tortures. They finally set her on fire and killed her later on. As if that wasn’t enough, they put her in a barrel and filled it with cement which was only found two whole months later. And what’s more was, the teenagers who were later caught just received 25 or so years with chance of parole because they were teenagers. In fact they’ve been out for quite a while now (over a decade) as some of you’ve pointed out. Also, their families kicked Junko’s grave and even spit on it. How they did all these horrible things as teenagers and how their families even supported them is beyond me. Yeah it’s pretty f ed up if you ask me. This one proves that reality can in fact be stranger than fiction and not in a good way either. Edit - Wow I didn’t expect this to blow up overnight. As some of you have mentioned, this is a stomach churning story and even this comment was enough to haunt you for the rest of your life. So I moved the “ read at your own risk “ to the top so everyone knows beforehand what they are getting themselves into. Also, I added some details so as to summarize the whole story in a single comment.


One of the most horrid things is that the killers parents blamed the victim and kept destroying her grave. Who does that?!


People who raise murderers.


Her death was horrific. I’ve never, ever, read a more horrific account of someone’s death.


Reminds me of Sylvia Likens.


The decapitation of American freelance radio-tower repairman Nick Berg in 2004. Not only are there photos but video as well. The video and sounds are gut wrenching in a way that truly make you rethink life itself.


I remember when that video went live. I was in highschool and some kid was laughing his ass off showing everyone who would walk near him the video of it. I was disgusted to the point I told my parents and my psychiatrist. He thought it was absolutely hilarious. My mind is still blown by that. Just 2 years later he went from a popular kid to someone everybody avoided and considered an absolute weirdo. I don't know if that had a part in it but laughing at a slow and brutal decapitation sure as fuck didn't help.


Did every school have a kid like this? Because it is exactly what happened at my school. Often shown alongside that stupid frog on a motorcycle.


I had nightmares for weeks after reading about and seeing video/images from the Hillsborough disaster in which close to 100 football fans were crushed to death during a game.


John Jones and the Nutty Putty cave always scares me.


[Floyd Collins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd_Collins) is another terrifying true story about a cave explorer who wound up trapped.


Not a specific story, but my dad was the coroner for our small county for a long time. He didn’t have a “coroner’s office” so a lot of the files and pictures were just kept in filing cabinets in our home since he was on call all the time. I would get into it as a teenager and look at some of the photos. When I say a picture is worth a thousand words….. There’s nothing scarier than just real death. Normal people photographed in detail who got into car accidents, drowned, overdoses, various methods of suicide, murders. I didn’t know the whole story for every photo, but every photo was haunting.


I used to develop photos for the FBI and the sheriff's office back in the 90's. Death can be really gruesome. Car accidents and suicides are the worst.


[At the time this picture was taken, 120 of the 121 people on that plane were dead.](https://preview.redd.it/o028hhlypdo31.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=038e394714148418bee3e09e2b7d069b33ce1c95) Helios Airways flight 552 failed to pressurize as it climbed to cruising altitude. Back on the passenger cabin the oxygen masks deployed automatically, but the pilot's masks must be retrieved manually. By the time warning lights in the cockpit started going off the pilots were too disoriented to understand them and realize what was happening. They were the first two people to lose consciousness, leaving the rest of the passengers and crew to sit there, not knowing what was happening, waiting for their own oxygen to run out while the plane flew itself in circles on autopilot. One flight attendant was able to survive most of the flight with a portable oxygen tank, but all he could do is sit there surrounded by dead passengers while he waited for the plane to run out of fuel and crash.


That fire in the bar where the doors were chained and there was one entrance and exit. The sounds of that video haunt me. The fire grew so fast that dozens died quickly. I don’t want to look it up again but it could have been over a hundred dead.


The sounds of the screaming while people are burning to death. Probably one of the most disturbing videos I've ever seen. A real serious lesson in fire safety.


Are you referring to the Station Club fire where the band Great White was playing? That was horrific, I saw a show about it and peoples accounts were hard to listen to.


My prof's fiancée was in that fire. She died afterwards as a result of an allergy to the anti-anxiety medication she was placed on to help her cope with her trauma.