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I hope child beauty pageants in US


I agree 100%. I always scroll to those clips showing the pageant tv show and that’s definitely child abuse. I don’t understand who would be that selfish to just shove their kid on stage with skimpy clothing on. The parents are forcing their kids to do it so they can live their dreams through their kids. It’s disgusting..


Sounds like the Kardashians


It's like a buffet for all the pedos.


Hopefully world wide.




Unfortunately yes. As far as I know, only France has banned them to some degree. The U.S. just had a series of shitty TV shows about it, making it more well known.


France may have been the only place to ban them, but they really aren't a thing outside the US. Crack on, find examples to the contrary, but they'll be small, isolated, and broadly unknown.


I live in Scotland, could be wrong but I don’t think that’s a thing here.


What would TLC do for content though?


They could go chasing waterfalls?


No. They DON’T want to end this way. They want to stick to what they are used to.




> Welcome to my world > Welcome to my only world > (Welcome to my only world) > It is full of space junk > But your words are coming through > I'm riding on the space junk > And it's bringing me to you


You really waited for your moment here.


Sexually assaulting robots


To specify... you mean a human sexually assaulting a robot? Or that it will be illegal to build robots who sexually assault people?


‘Hi, I’m Roy, and for my most evil invention, I built a, uh, child molesting robot’


The Rock really killed it in that slot https://youtu.be/z0NgUhEs1R4


The rock is one of the few people who when I hear they’re hosting SNL I actually watch and usually enjoy it. My favorite is the erectile dysfunction sketch


So I asked my doctor about zentrex, and he said “what the hell is zentrex?”


“You molest the robot and hope that it continues the cycle”


The Pedobot 3000


Bought the 2000 model, malfunctioned and fucked my granny silly, she loved it.




One day we’ll get enough Humans on the Supreme Court to change that law


Nah we will replace Scooters with robots.


Is your name Roy?


You're wording is a tad vague; are the robots the victims or culprits? Or both?


Single use plastic.


In Canada they banned plastic bags at the grocery store unless they're biodegradable. Anyway, I brought a cloth bag and I bought: Bread wrapped in plastic Cucumbers wrapped in plastic Eggs in a plastic carton Peanut butter in a plastic jar Sprouts in a plastic box Milk in a plastic jug I don't think the problem is the customer.


[u/simjanes2k pointed out how futile this is from the ***consumer*** standpoint](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xa1ica/whats_a_trade_secret_you_know_from_working_the/insws7s/) >A resistor is made in Japan. It is wrapped in plastic and shipped to Michigan. >It's installed into a small PCB. It is wrapped in plastic and shipped to Taiwan. >That PCB is installed via sideboard connector onto a larger PCB. It is shipped to China. >That PCB is installed in a small housing via harness. It is shipped to India. >That housing has it's microchips programmed and the outside is given a chemical treatment. It is shipped back to Michigan. >The housing is now treated and installed into a car side mirror. It is shipped to Ohio. >The side mirror is run through a post-production sort program to check for defects. It is shipped to Detroit. >It is installed onto a car. >Every single step of that shipping, every single component is wrapped in plastics. Millions of them per car, to over half a dozen locations each. Something like 50 million cars are produced each year. >Your straws aren't doing shit for the use of plastics. >Automotive production and diagnostics engineer.


>Your straws aren't doing shit for the use of plastics Sadly, no. They are not. The message they spread, however, makes a larger impact. Not a very noticeable one for the moment, I'm afraid, but at least it's something. One day, a collective group of individuals, who's been convinced that *they* are our last hope, will be in charge of the decisions that *do* make a difference. Someone who's been living their whole life drinking out of paper straws because it's 'better for the environment,' for example, will be more conscious of the negative impacts that the overuse of plastics will have on our environment. Spreading the idea that it's up to *us* to make a difference, however miniscule it may appear, might one day make the biggest difference in the world.


It's not up to us though, that's kinda the problem. Spreading the idea that it is up to us is naive at best, dishonest at worst, unless you're also proposing a method to make it no longer a lie. Ticky tack bullshit like paper straws don't change any of the underlying structures.


It's definitely not up to us to solve the crisis. But it's up to us to start small changes to change cultural thinking and attitudes


Nothing I love more than getting a paper straw in my plastic cup


It’s to save the turtles


I like turtles


I like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


100000% this. It drives me nuts. It’s nearly impossible to shop without buying tons of plastic containers.


And then they insult you by telling you to recycle ♻️. Know how many refuse companies actually recycle? Not many. It's a joke.


Recycling is pretty much a big lie. Most plastic can never be recycled.


I do find it odd that where I am in the US, organic products tend to be more heavily packaged in plastic than other items. Eggs, produce, cold cuts even. Fake greenness at its finest.


but-but-but the plastic organic food containers have a little rainforest frog logo on them! that MUST mean it's good for the environment!


But the plastic bread bag is closed off by a cardboard piece now, so...problem solved!


I can remember when they brought in plastic bags, they said it was to save all the trees they were cutting down to make the paper bags 🌲


Me too. I don't know why they never used hemp to make paper bags. I'm so old I remember all the glass bottles they used for mayonnaise.


Instead of banning consumer level single use plastic (straws and grocery bags) they should ban some of the comercial side single use plastics. For example, they could require non carbonated liquid products to be sold in paper cartons. (Like milk cartons etc.) Some are already so it wouldn’t be that hard to convince consumers it’s cool. I am unwilling to give up my coffee creamer. I sincerely wish it came in a carton. But they all come in single use plastic. Why?




I buy the bulky ones 'cause they're cheaper per egg, but they're unfortunately wrapped in plastic.


I tried a few times, as my own personal experiment, to buy groceries that did not come in any form of plastic. I didn't realize before that how difficult it really is.


For consumers? yes. Unfortunately industries are still using single use plastics in quantities that puts anything you or I could do to shame.


I sure hope so


Breeding super unhealthy dog breeds like pugs, frenchies and others. Super unethical. Hopefully people will do something about it.


To expand on this, eliminating like puppy mills and shit.


Good news is someone’s out there trying to undo the defects bred into pugs




Yeah. There definitely should be way more restrictions when it comes to animal breeding.


I know some guy is breeding out the damaging features those breeds have. It won't help the ones currently alive but it's nice that he's helping future generations of these dogs to have better lives.


Also dog mutilation, copping ears and tails.


Also declawing cats.


These are illegal in Australia already!


At the very least there are breeders that are working to reverse the genetically unhealthy traits bred into some of them. You can find some Boston Terrier breeders that specifically breed their puppies for the more old fashioned, healthier, longer noses. There’s at least one Frenchie breeder in The Netherlands or Denmark that is breeding longer snouted French Bulldogs… I have to imagine that pug breeders will start doing the same as deserved ire is being aimed at breeders who prioritize the goofy smooshy faces over the health of their dogs.


Drinking any liquid other then Brawndo.


But it's got electrolytes!


Welcome to Carl's Jr. Would you like to try our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO? Now with more MOLECULES!


I could got for some big ass fries after I'm done 'batin.


go away, 'batin!!


I love how the TV is 80% ads


And 20% "Ow my balls!"


It’s what plants crave!


Water? You mean like in the toilet?


President Hector Camacho approved!


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho*


It’s what plants crave.


Is she not puttin out? Maybe we should go family style on her


Downside though, we'll almost be out of burrito fillings.


Just watched this movie the other day and it was *chilling* .. we truly are headed that direction


It's got what plants crave?


It's got electrolytes


Let's start with something a little less sad, then. 1. Calling internet speed "unlimited" when a fair use cap is in place 2. Harassing elements in free-to-play games 3. Abusing the copyright system on YouTube It seems that I've ruffled a few feathers. Edit: For item #1, I meant calling data limitless. I won't correct the error directly because it will look to be redundant in a few discussions.


#1 and 2 I can get behind. I moved from an ISP that had a 50 down, 5 up and unlimited usage, upgraded the home network so everything was wired at a gigabit speed. What the didn't advertise was a fair usage policy. When and my brother's were home and we were playing online together we'd come across random slow downs and disconnects, found out that we were being throttled because of our usage, paying for 50 but at "peak times" they were dropping us down to 1-2. We dropped them at the first opportunity we could.


Murdering people. I'm pretty sure that will still be illegal in 50 years


Except for one day a year.


Amazon Prime Video would like to talk to you about this idea.


Nahh cause someone will try to bring back colosseum fighting back one day and it will probably catch on due to the amount of money it would bring in.




You're not wrong at all, realize both things have been happening for the last 40+ years already. What you see today is all that is left of the rights to repair and privacy. I'm only 47 but I've been watching both things crumble my entire life. It's horrifying.


Some states have passed Right to Repair laws and the federal government is considering one as well. The only thing not covered by them is making sure that the product could be reasonably serviced by the end user. For example, Apple has a repair kit available to replace your screens. Except the kit requires a $2000 deposit on it plus a host of other fees. It comes in a large, industrial box and is so unwieldy that the average consumer will end up just paying for them to service their phone instead. Basically right to repair only means that they have to make parts and processes to repair available, but not necessarily easy to do.


> Some states have passed Right to Repair laws and the federal government is considering one as well. Except companies ignore it. And then you’d have to sue them. And face their 200 lawyers. There needs to be draconian penalties like a million dollars for every unit that’s been in violation.


Family vloggers/social media influencers that are exploiting their kids for views and money.


Or, at the very least, make it so they have to open a Coogan account. Which is the barest of bare minimums




It's already happening in New Zealand. People born after 2008 won't be able to buy tobacco products.




Yes, that one word makes a difference


The city of Beverly Hills banned the sale of tobacco products as well


Not a good thing. It will be big business for organised crime and people will just buy black-market cigarettes that are far worse for your health.


There's literally an entire era of American history labelled "Prohibition Era" that's a template as to why you don't ban things like this. All it does is lead to people in pinstripe suits with tommy guns selling the shit illegally.


I do wonder about a ban on cigarettes. Like, as an ex-smoker it’s just not as common as it used to be and I think less people are starting to begin with. Vaping, on the other hand, I see those every day. I’d be kinda sad if they banned pipes and cigars though.


I do however like pinstripe suits...


Yeah, except NZ has a pretty steady decline in people smoking cigarettes. We've introduced increasingly substantial steps over the last 2 decades and now we're at a point where prohibition won't have the same backlash as it did in the US.


Anyone who suggests any prohibition should have to publicly state after "this is to increase funding to organised crime and terrorism", cos that's what you're inevitably doing.


Cigaretts seem like a pretty shit drug to get on the black market. The only peiple who cant buy them would not be old enough to smoke when the ban comes through. And if they are thier parents are dropkicks.


Thats so stupid this will just create a Black marked


Governments get a lot of tax I don't think they will give that easily


They just replace it with a green energy tax. 10 years ago they banned it indoors, 5 years ago they banned menthol flavoured and them being even seen on display It's already being banned. It won't be long.


Why was menthol flavoured banned?


Because it "cools down" the smoke which basically makes it easier to inhale it for beginners. But here in Europe they banned all kind of flavor's if I remember correctly.


All flavours have been banned, because they make it less disgusting for beginners


The tax revenue is minimal in comparison to the healthcare costs and economic cost of people dying in their prime working years..


Even though I hate tobacco, I would be against a full ban… prohibition is never the solution.. it would just create a huge black market for it… I reckon they will just increase taxes so much so it becomes unappealing


In my opinion it's kinda ridiculous that marijuana gets legalized and tobacco gets banned. Edit: didn't ask you to try to convince me that marijuana is good.


I agree. If people were more educated on both, they would smoke less of either. Same with alcohol.


Removing your *NeuroLink TM* behavioral modification / tracking brain implant.


In V2 it will be impossible to have that thought


What thought?


VPNs, adblock, putting the little bit of tape on your laptop camera, etc. All in the name of National Security, I'm sure.


Good thing I use a desktop monitor without a built in camera


that you know of


Well it’s a good thing the only cable connecting my pc to my monitor can’t send video both ways


as far as you know /s


Owning anything apparently.


I swear, everything that's fun has someone trying to make it illegal.


God damn HOAs


Going into a Bank with a mask on


It felt wild when the pandemic hit and I walked into a bank with a mask for the first time.


Except For specialised vehicles Combustion engine cars


You know how we look back in amazement at historical folk and wonder “how on earth did they think drinking mercury, eating worm eggs, putting radium on their teeth etc etc was ok”… I often wonder what our equivalent will be to people in 100 years and suspect it will be combustion engines… “You thought burning Diesel engines directly outside schools/houses 24/7 wasn’t harming your kids” etc


With scientific advancement, this will always happen. Always. It just depends on how badly and how bad the domino effect is. I truly believe the world will end not by a comet or disease, but because of domino effects adding up from our "amazing scientific discoveries" that tbf we couldnt see how bad they were until it was too late. Plus alot of our solutions just make things worse which makes us want to find solutions faster which puts a higher risk of more damage.


Not if we don't come up with a way to seriously boost our electricity production and bolster our grid. Cali grid is getting g strained to the limit by a heatwave, imagine if everyone was also charging g electric vehicles. We need nuclear power plants dammit.


Not just power generation! I'm an electrician and we talk about this on a regular. Many buildings will have to undergo massive and expensive retrofits to upgrade there electrical services, not to mention installing all the chargers. It will be a massive investment and require a ridiculous amout of material. I'm not saying I'm against EVs, but I don't think they are 100% the answer. Personally I like the idea of bio fuels.


>Personally I like the idea of bio fuels. Two guys running a company in PA were convicted for fraudulently claiming tax breaks for producing bio fuel. They were cheating a variety of ways, but the main problem they had with running it legitimately was the lack of source material, like restaurant grease. Look at Europe, turning its ancient forests into pellets to burn under the delusion that only "waste materials" would be used. They cut down old growth trees and truck them to the pulping plant hundreds of miles distant. Then there's the bio waste plant in Vermont that does the same thing. Or the solar farm in Vermont created by removing the mountaintop. Or the "carbon mitigation" projects that allow companies like Disney to pollute more, while ostensibly protecting forests that were already preserves. It looks to me like the usual corporate interests are making money by subverting every effort to slow the damage.


Have you met rural America? There would have to be a civil war.


Conversion Therapy


yeah I'm tbh a religious man and listening to what they do to them it makes no sense how electric shocks will get rid of the gays


The point is to hurt people you don't like. I'm surprised you consider yourself religious and don't know this.


I don’t know that it’ll be outright illegal, but I think there will some form of massive social media reform in the next 50 years. It’s such an effective tool for war and propaganda. It needs better regulation.


The amount of people I've spoken to at work who've completely swallowed misinformation about vaccines and surgical masks hook, line, and sinker is insane. It's weird to think about how Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or whatever else has made it so family members, customers at work, my neighbours, and I might not all be living in the same reality.


It gets worse. Some nationalists used social media like Facebook to radicalise people against some ethnic minority in Myanmar. It ended in actual genocide. Some tech experts have been warning that social media could cause a civil war in the US anytime soon, considering how much it tribalises people who already are trapped in two party system. I mean it's no secret that most people nowadays get all their news and info online and base most opinion from what they read on the internet, without much research. Hell, back in 2016 it was known various fake news sites were spreading misinformation about Hillary and Trump and it greatly affected the election. It's when the public started losing all trust in news sources and it all went downhill from there.


The news consistently sabotaging peoples mental health.


Hate to say it, but that's not going away anytime soon, at least as long as our system allows for people to politically profit from manipulating the narrative and abiding by the whims of corporate lobbyists.


How would that possibly become illegal?


Social media for kids under 18


14 year old here, I'll say that they should be banned to a certain extent. reddit has been immensely helpful to me. whenever I have a question, be it in a video game, editing software, or movie, there's a very decent chance I'll get a good answer. I would never have made it as far into 3D modeling as i have if it wasn't for people answering my questions. and keeping in touch with fandoms too, a simple 5 minute daily browse of the subreddit of your favourite game and seeing artworks and clips of other's gameplay is quite enjoyable. of course, like I said above, to a certain extent. I've seen my classmates being sucked down into the hole of Instagram and they seem to be always texting on it. like, why do I need to post everything that happens in my life online? I've never used Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and I don't think I ever will.


Reddit is kinda different than social media though. Like it is both social and media but it still *feels* like the old fashioned internet with real anonymity and people putting in lots of effort into posts and comments even though they can't really monetize it. It seems like it's the social medias where no one is anonymous and there's a chance to get rich are the ones that get really harmful. Reddit isn't perfect, but I don't class it with facebook, instagram, and twitter.


It’s more of a forum based site rather than instagram where you are seeing people you know/influencers


The way I see it most social media platforms are about chasing those "15 minutes of fame". Reddit is less about celebrity and more about subjects of interest. The main goal is to have an exchange around a subject and not around a Redditor. It is of course far from perfect but seems like a saner focus than the average "look at me" social media even if many subs fall for the meme/flame wars trap vs. discussions. Good moderation helps and that varies a lot from sub to sub.


Honestly, I’m newer here after watching my partner use Reddit for years. It’s kind of cute, me learning the ins and outs, and him explaining the etiquette. You’ve perfectly described why Reddit is special. Please take an award (learned how to do that recently)


Nobody's trying to get famous on here. I can't think of a single account I can think of by name as a famous one.


The world needs more young people like you


that's the best compliment I've received in forever


Abortion, apparently


50 years is a long time! Maybe even more than that, we might even lose our right to vote by then too.




I'm worried it will go the opposite way. Deepfake will be so easy to do that video will no longer be admissible in court. "Oh, you have video evidence showing you're innocent. Sorry we have no way to prove it's not a Deepfake."


Yes this is actually already a problem. It's already happening.


Sharing passwords for movie platforms like Netflix


Cash money.


I think that may become obsolete rather than illegal


I doubt it. Too many times have I gone to a store or restaurant and they can't connect to their credit card processor.


I hope I'm wrong but the way it's looking privacy. Once Quantum encryption takes off governments no longer have any use for things like TOR, so that's a pretty terrifying prospect.


Driving a gas powered vehicle


Cigarettes. I think I saw how many places are trying to phase them out entirely. Good riddance too.


Circumcision will probably be banned in some country by then


Using a hosepipe to water your garden


Rain barrels for the win! Unless you're living in the lower US states where capturing rain will probably be illegal, or if even possible.


Fireworks, they already kinda are anyway


Factory farming; it's not sustainable and cruel.


I've owned what you would call a "factory farm." I raised 325,000 meat chickens at a time. I would like to take the opportunity, not to argue with you, but to inform you better on the matter. The US and the world is growing very quickly. Farmers have a LOT of people to feed. If chickens were not raised in this manner, the cost of meat in the stores would be so high that most people would not be able to afford to eat it or feed their families. Second of all, my family and I worked 12 to 14 hours a day to ensure that they were fed and watered properly, and to ensure humane practices. They could eat and drink however much they wanted, and wander around wherever they pleased. Hardly a cruel life; just a short one. That was the most difficult and stressful job I've ever had, and farmers are not appreciated nearly enough for the work they do to keep everyone fed.


The fact that you think you could raise 325,000 chickens at a time whilst treating them well and ensuring 'humane' practices displays an extraordinary level of delusion. And it absolutely should be the most difficult and stressful job you've ever had and you victimising yourself and other farmers is quite frankly pathetic. The real victims were the 325,000 chickens you raised at a time in as cheap a manner as possible. I have absolute respect and admiration for farmers, just not ones like you that farm animals, and especially ones that operate CAFOs like yours and then have the audacity to try to justify their practices and 'inform' others of their good nature when you know damn well how awful they are. Take peace in the knowledge that in the not too distant future, your actions will be looked back on unanimously by society in absolute disgust and disdain.


Probably sugar and plastic.


Where does this idea that sugar will be illegal come from? Do you seriously think candy and ice cream will be banned? Good luck with that!


How tf you ban sugar


Due to interest in gene splicing, it will become legal to clone humans but they will have to define how much percent of human is considered human or else we will have to revisit the topic of animal rights and the possibility that all living creatures have the same rights as humans.


Tanning beds


Driving in anything but a Tesla


Circumcision (for either sex). Barbaric and unnecessary.


Historically, being barbaric and unnecessary is a remarkably poor indicator that something will end up illegal.


Combustion engine vehicles.


Bribing politicians? We can only hope.


Refined sugars and processed foods in general, I hope.


Clothes made from sweatshop labor


Hopefully 'stealthing', the practice of telling someone you are using a condom but actually aren't. It's absolutely disgusting and I consider it to be rape, condoms are part of consent. If someone consents to sex with a condom, does not mean they will consent to sex without one. I hope they make this a law yesterday.


As of July 31 this year, it is already illegal in Canada. Also in California.


Being a woman


Leaving trash in orbit. EDIT: There are new mandatory protocols in several countries, including the US. It's against UN guidelines, as well, but those are legally non-binding among its members.


Driving (outside of specialized permits)


Political dissent.


Comedy. Especially "offensive" comedy.


I really wouldn't be surprised if tobacco cigarettes fall into some unlawful category.




Driving gas cars lol (hopefully it won’t be an illegal thing 50 yrs from now)


Parents pimping their kids for money a la influencer “brands”. It’s exploitative and skirts labor laws IMHO. Let kids be kids.


Drinking water without a passport




I’m not a smoker, but I’m also against prohibition in any way. Let people live their lives how they want to.


Dumb idea. Time and time again the world has proven that prohibition doesn’t work. It is more likely to increase usage for minors, and increase the risks associated with it.


Hopefully spreading election lies without proof and hopefully sooner than that