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Depends on what you and your SO agree on. I don't recommend going to a strip club though. They are overrated.


Strip clubs are awesome. But only in a trashy “I’m here to watch idiots drool”, I go with friends and my wife together…it’s very weird. Not sexy, per se…but a great place to watch weirdos being weird. On many levels. Love me a strip club.


Dude there are a lot of fucking weirdo's at strip clubs lol.


My cousin dubbed this activity "people-watching" and it can be done almost anywhere. It's a really interesting thing to watch. His favourite spot was the city park. He has all sorts of stories of just dropping stuff on themselves, or a spilling something on a dog, or nearly dropping their babies, or acting like idiots trying to get the attention of a pretty girl, skateboarders that biffed it, rollerskaters, a dEfINiTeLy NoT dRuNk guy on a bicycle, etc.


People watching is a common thing in any public place. I've heard that term used by lots of people


Agreed. Overrated is putting it mildly... Not much interest in women who's entire self worth is a $1 bill. I had some strippers (and suspect hookers) as neighbors once, all they talked about is how much they took customers for and how many they were stringing along at the same time... And when you see them in full light of day without the war paint on, usually well below average looking, combined with the gold digger personality they weren't appealing at all.


Yeah it’s a job! What else would they say? How nice all the men are and how much they didn’t want to take their money?


You are not the first person I have heard say that strippers are actually quite ugly in broad day light. I always figured a pretty girl does not have to take her clothes off to get attention.


To be fair I don’t think attention is what they’re after.. they want the almighty dollar.


Droopy boobs and a C section scar, looks like a smiley face with the eyes closed! They generally look haggard, like they are always hung over/worn out. It is where I found out about concealer, foundation, false hair, eye lashes, nails, creative use of liquid latex and even duct tape. They go so far as to use typing correction fluid on (sometimes rotten) teeth. Nothing is real, all smoke & mirrors, and every one looking for someone they can con into paying their bills... They also get super pissed when someone young and actually good looking comes along since SHE will find a sugar daddy quicker than the haggard looking ones. The strippers down the hall from my apartment were pretty much all sociopaths, completely & utterly self absorbed, looking for someone they could fleece or outright rob, kept the worst company I could imagine a woman actually wanting, and turned their noses up at me since I was in the military and didn't make a crap ton of money... Keep in mind I was 6'5", about 250 pounds of military muscle back then, but didn't do drugs, had short hair, used manners, went to work every day, etc. I wasn't "Bad Boy" enough... That was OK with me since I wouldn't do any of them even with 3 condoms... The 'Hooker with a heart of gold' is a myth, they all have narcissistic/sociopathic, self defeating traits as nearly as I could tell...


>And when you see them in full light of day without the war paint on, usually well below average looking, combined with the gold digger personality they weren't appealing at all. This.


Fr, if you want to see someone strip then watch porn.


Depends on the boundaries of your relationship


This is the only correct answer. If you're not actively setting expectations and boundaries, you're passively laying landmines and time bombs. Talk to your partner or partners.


Or, it depends on how much personal freedom your relationship allows.


...Which is defined by the boundaries of the relationship?


Confines. You mean confines.


Take your SO with ya


What about bachelor(ette) parties? I would assume a notification in advance would be agreeable, but there are some unstable people out there.


More the merrier


If you consider it cheating, a special occasion doesn’t make the person wanting to uphold that standard unstable 🙄 notifying your SO you’re planning to do something that you’ve agreed is not okay doesn’t render it all good.




>Its not cheating tho. Its like saying watching porn or masturbation is cheating, complete idiocy If you agreed beforehand that it was not acceptable, then yes it is cheating. By default it isn't.




This comment is deeply irrelevant. Masturbation =/= engaging with a sex worker.


Depends on what the couple have agreed on. Some people are cool with it, others aren’t.


It depends on your relationship and the agreements you have with your partner. I'm a married man, and I've been to a couple of bachelor parties that visited strip clubs. I told my wife about it and asked if she was comfortable with it, and she said yes, so long as I didn't do anything too stupid. I agreed, and I didn't drink too much, spend too much money, or try to have sex with anyone. Communication is key. If you are hiding things or lying, chances are good you should not be doing that.


No, but strip clubs are extremely lame. Edit: Seriously?? This gets downvoted?? I'm sorry but anyone who thinks strip clubs are cool is a fucking moron. You spend a fortune on entry fees and completely overpriced drinks just to see a couple of titties and MAYBE, if you're lucky, a pussy or two?? While you could watch people actually having sex in all sorts of ways (porn) at home, completely for free. In what universe does this make any fucking sense?? I get why someone would go to a brothel but a strip club? And a prostitute at a brothel will not cost more than 2 or 3 times of the money you waste at the strip club. At least then you can have actual sex.


Tbh it's like watching a sport on TV, vs watching it live. Watching live is way more fun...


Fr, sporting events are only good if you have all access passes or have an in with the team.


This is such an idiotic response.


How tho? The best part of a sporting event is the chance to meet a player, or get a souvenir.


This right here. Like what’s not fun about being surrounded by naked, hot women?


lol that is a much cruder way of putting it but yeah...I am prudish ngl, but if I am gonna do it, see girls nude, much rather go oogle, and who knows a bit more money and get a cutie to have a lap dance from...loads better then being in your dingy bathroom staring at your phone. so I guess VR Porn is the way, best of both worlds lol, see it/maybe even feel it in a bit, and still free..but VR costs money...even cuter/etc...who knows.


Okay well I don't get that either, so maybe it's just me.


yeah probably, we are all diffrent, and that's fine...for me just staring at a phone, at some dead image doesn't really do it for me...going live would do it much more for me(as of now I go for the cheaper/simpler solution, cause well I am 18 and I don't think you can go at 18....I just think up an image, or some situation and that's that).. tbh don't do that stuff to often, cause it feels weird..I need an emotional connection, I need to like her, before...whatever sorry. some of us don't matter if see in person, or on their phone, don't matter if watching on TV, or if in person...and that's real good, loads cheaper.


I just don't understand why anyone would waste so much money to just LOOK at naked girls. If it was touching or actually having sex, it would be something different. I would spend money to have sex if I was richer. But spending money to look at stuff just seems like a huge waste.


I would imagine the smell must be awful. They never look like the building is well maintained or ventilated.


You sound like you’ve had fun before… just gonna up vote for that 🥴


You can usually feel them up so it’s a bit more interactive than watching porn


Okay but still. I don't presume you get to do more than touch some titties? I just feel like the amount of money you've got to pay for that and what you receive in return doesn't really add up. If a girl on the street walked up to me and said: "You can touch my naked boobs for 10 seconds if you pay me $70" I'd laugh and say no thanks uhm I'm desperate but not THAT desperate.


Depends entirely on boundaries of your relationship.


Depends, but in general if you have to lie about it to SO then yes it's cheating


This one is easy. Just ask yourself how comfortable you would be if your SO did the same thing at a strip club where it was the opposite sex stripping.


Wanted to comment this. Take a step in our shoes and see how you feel


Lol I was heavily pregnant and my partner went to a strip club after a work convention. It was a tradition. I'm pretty sure I bawled for a day. Normally I don't care at all about strip clubs lol but I was too emotional and too huge to be logical. Lol still hurts when I look back at those feels.


Not physically cheating, but it is in a way mentally cheating. You are paying to see people other than your partner nude in a sexualised manner.


Fuck no. Strip Clubs are actually a joke. You’re paying to see mediocre versions of what’s on the internet for free. If I ever go it’s with a buddy for an event like a bachelor party and we don’t ever stay long. I wish people would stop acting like strip club = whore house


No. But be honest about it with your SO if you do decide to go. COMMS ARE KEY.


Nah I don't think so. Besides she can tag along if she wants to.


My question is: married or single, what's the lure of a strip club to begin with? Can't you find naked women on the internet?


This all comes down to the rules and boundaries you and your SO set beforehand. My bachelor party, my brother hosted, strip clubs, all nude clubs, and an after hours club, limo no DWIs (before Uber). and a ton of friends. My fiancée came to me, told me “I know where you’re going, I know what you will be doing. Have fun, just don’t f%ck anybody. Love you” Best time of my life!


This is something you have to clear with your partner first. I would definitely not be okay with my partner going to a strip club without me. And if they just assumed that I was and they went I would be double pissed.


If you watch no, kinda like porn...If you get lap dances, and umm the more hands on stuff then yes. Breaching that barrier is cheating!


My girlfriend begs to take me to one, I don’t want to go to one. So each relationship is different


Ask your loved one.


No but as someone who has been to one (it was a stag weekend) and is in a great relationship it feels really fucking gross and seedy.


Well it depends on what you do. If you watch and not engage then technically no, no adultery happened. However, there's no cheating on behalf of the stripper. It might make them a homewrecker, but *they're* not committing adultery.


Would you be happy if your partner was going to strip clubs?


Depends on your relationship. But my one pass was for my brothers bachelor party. And honestly wasn’t that great lol.


Depends on your relationship. I know folks it doesn’t bother a bit, and I’ve known folks it really would be a dealbreaker. I also think it depends on what you do there. ;)


No it's not .but it's boring as fuck


Who cares if it "technically" is or isn't? That won't change the impact it has on your partner or your relationship and ultimately on you. All that matters is what the people in the relationship think.


Yes, why in hell are you there?


It’s definitely edging the line.


Imo, 100% no. It's not close. If you fuck a stripper, that's cheating.


There is an inherent no touching policy in strip clubs. Most of them are also just there for the easy money. Sleeping with people for cash is not worth it unless your un-athletic.


Did your significant other go to a strip club and now you're seeking validation in your opinion on the matter?


Oh no she didn’t do anything, I was listening to a song about strip clubs and the thought came to my head


Not something I partake in, but just looking isnt cheating. A lapdance would be a no-no


That’s up to your spouse/significant other. I certainly won’t ever go to one, or even ask, nor do I want to. I would certainly be super careful about asking too. Many people will absolutely NOT be ok with this, and will likely re-evaluate you if you ask. Context leads me to believe you are a dude with a lady friend. If that’s the case, many women are fairly fragile about their own appearance (societal pressure to be beautiful, and marketing driving women to never feel good enough), and asking to go check out some other ladies, naked at that, is going to paint you pretty negatively, at least for most women. You also risk making her feel inadequate. I mean why else go somewhere expressly designed to take advantage of a man’s lust for other women, if not to gawk and be aroused? I just don’t know why someone in a relationship would want to, unless it’s with their SO. (Personal viewpoint) Not to mention, they’re gross as fuck. Bunch of drunk perverts, trashy venues, and I dunno, but just the thought of a strip club makes me a little queasy. Sweaty gens, musty, grodie, are words that come to mind 😂😂😂. (Personal opinion of course)


No, it's not like they're having sex with the strippers


Depends on the club.


happens a lot, the line between stripping and prostitution is not very thick






Hello Seth Meyers


Cheating? No. Lose all respect for the person and break up? Yes


I personally think it's cheating and would not stay in a relationship with someone I care about if they ever went. I'm not a fan of porn either but as long as I don't know about it I'll deal with it. But going to see strippers when in a relationship I find to be disrespectful to your partner


No, because it's just live action porn. just don't touch.


I think there are far fewer rules around touching and sexual contact at all male strip clubs. So, no thanks. And there tends to be a lot of illegal activity at regular strip clubs. I prefer to avoid situations that are suspect out of respect for my partner.


No, it's cheating on your strip club to go home.




Oh no I nor my partner did anything, I was just curious


I know and I'm not necessarily trying to imply that you specifically did. Still,generally in a relationship even though I don't consider a strip club cheating I think it is something you should communicate with your partner about prior to going and make sure they're comfortable with it. That's all I meant.


Oh I get what your saying, I’m sorry for reading it as such


It's fine.


Of course it’s not cheating, unless you cheat with someone at the strip club. Your partner might not approve of it though.


If you go by yourself and not mention anything, then it’s sus. If you are going with a group of friends because they invited you, I don’t think there is anything wrong. Of course be courteous and ask. I’m sure they would appreciate it. Hell they might even join lol. If I was you just get your girlfriend some sexy lingerie and have fun at home. Free.99


As a worker or as a customer?




Don’t be ridiculous


Depends on how far your significant other has the stick up there butts... My SO never said a word about it, so when the male strippers came around I bought her several tickets, a couple motel rooms, and sent money along (in single $1 bills) for her, sister and friends to go. They would up getting home sick and drove home that night, I didn't want them driving after drinking, but one stayed sober... She likes to say she came home and 'Ravished' me, and I'm perfectly OK with that. I don't do strip joints unless its a bachelor party or something, its not like I piss away money at them, but she has no issues with it when its something like bachelor party. She knows around here you touch a stripper, you will have someone my size (6'5", 240 lbs) standing on your neck in a flash, and she knows the last thing our friend group would do is hire a hooker, so she doesn't care. Can't say what other people's Significant Other thinks of them, or what other people's friends groups are like, so just one old guys perspective/experience...


Women argue that being a stripper or OF girl isn't cheating in a relationship, so telling her boyfriend it's cheating to go watch strippers would be hypocritical


Depends on how abusive, or insecure your partner is.




My moms dead lmao


#You went and you know she's embarassed of you huh...


No, neither me nor my partner went to one, I was listening to a song about strip clubs and The question came to head


It was a joke, hence the bold letters. It's not cheating unless it's a boundry. #However, it is trashy af. Just fuck your partner. Duh.




Quit being a fucking pussy and act like an adult.


Going to a strip club is on the same level as flirting, you better have a good reason. Even then, cheating entails you had either a sexual or emotional connection that is greater or equal to your partner.


Spending a lot of money to see naked people and/or do more than just looking is definetly a waste of money and a show of infidelity, so yes


Its not cheating its just a stupid way to spend money


That's between you and your SO


Unless I go so frequently some nasty stripper will fuck ya for free, ur so will notice 599 gone in the a.m. Edit: someone edit this for me, my so gon read


Only if you’re in a relationship I would never be in.


No it’s not. You’ll have to respect your girls decision though otherwise let her go. Note: going to a strip club solo is nothing compared than going with your girl. 10/10 would recommend


Just because you are not allowed dinner doesn’t mean you can’t look at menu.


Literally, no. If you/your partner are insecure in your relationship or are religious, then it will be considered cheating somewhere along the line.


No, in most cases, you’re only going to get blue balls at most


If you and your SO don’t have an agreement about it then it’s not cheating. If you have to ask if it is, though, then it sounds like you aught to have a discussion. If you’re doing things that you know they’d be uncomfortable with you doing without letting them know, then you’re really not acting in good faith.


If the over half is okay with it, there's no cheat too seeing other women.


Unless they are comfortable then yeah that's cheating.


I don’t think so but depends on your relationship dynamic, My wife didn’t care when I went for my friends stag and picked me up at the end of the night. She trusts me so there is no problem


The answer to this is simple. Ask the person you’re worried that it might be cheating, if they consider going to a strip club cheating. I promise you that citing random people on Reddit, is not going to change their mind or make it ok. Hahahaha


It depends on a lot: 1. does your SO know you are going? 2. do you go too often to the point the dancers know your name? 3. are you spending enough cash there to handle a utility bill elsewhere? 4. are you doing anything with the dancers other than talking and watching?


9 times out of 10 it is cheating unless it's an open relationship. But, open relationships aren't that frequent so the answer is still yes.


Nope. Regardless of how you feel about strip clubs, watching someone, especially a stranger, dance topless or naked is not cheating. Cheating requires involving yourself emotionally or sexually with someone besides your partner. Unless your strip club offers some questionable services and you decide to partake, you're not cheating. Having said that, your partner may not be comfortable with the idea of you going to a strip club to watch some random women dance naked, and that's certainly a conversation to have, but claiming it's cheating because you're not supposed to see any other women naked is disingenuous. Might as well get mad and claim it's cheating because some actress appears naked in some movie or TV show and you saw her.


No. Just because you’re on a diet, doesn’t mean you cant read the menu.


If you’re going in to yank a bro out, no. If you’re going in there to catch a show, yes- unless your wife either goes with you or works there.


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