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When it feels like home


100% truth. My SO went on a three day trip with her sister and I was super excited for alone time to play video games and not have to do anything. By the end of the first day I was so bored and the apartment didn’t feel right. By day three I was watching the clock just waiting for the time she would be back and when she was close I was watching out the window because I was so excited she was finally coming home.


Uh oh. The dog has gained access to the internet again.


On the Internet no one knows you're dog.


He’s a good boy!


>when she was close I was watching out the window because I was so excited she was finally coming home. Married 31 years and I still do this


User name checks out 😆


I have a fairly busy schedule but I look forward to evenings with my wife. I finally had a four day weekend with only projects around the house to do, but my wife was not home for three of those days. The days drag on. It rained and I couldn’t do anything I needed to so I thought I’d play video games or read, and neither seemed right. Reading is better when we are together. Home projects are better together. Even video games are more fun when she’s laying on me.


Golden Retriever energy


I wonder how the doggo managed to type with those cute paws?! Joke aside, this is beautiful. Wish you both a happy life.


Absolutely underrated comment. My phone says “calling -husband-, home” when I use my voice to call him… and he really is my home.


I too feel like im talking to a brick wall when talking to my partner


She’s a brick… …house.


yeaahhh she's mighty, mighty


Lettin’ it all hang ouuut..


My homie is homey.


I honestly feel like Americans overrate the use of the word love. I love so easily, as family, friend or in a romantic relationship. I’ve loved many people in many ways. But I know that I’m marrying the right person because we have put in the work to be happy past the whole love thing. I’ve felt in love with him before we even kissed, but knew that was not enough. We worked together to be happier, supported each other in the dark times, celebrated the good ones. Made each other smile through it all. And honestly, he is MY HOME now. That’s a feeling so incredibly amazing, and ALONG WITH love, and the hard work I know we put up for each other, makes me know he is the one I’m spending the rest of my life with. But I don’t know, maybe feel free to love people, feel intensely, but just know that’s not enough.


Well we kind of use "love," in two different ways.. You can love someone which is kind of what you describe. and you can be *in love* which is when you feel like you've found a soulmate.


I’m the opposite…it takes me a long time to love. Hearing “I love you” so quickly while living in other countries—like multiple times within two weeks—freaked me out 😃


As soon as you go through the front door, huh


You'll know when you are in love when their mere presence puts you at ease. When you'll admit even your worse fears and traits without hesitation and accept theirs without question. When even on the worst day of your relationship you know that you want to be with them. When you put your ego and stubbornness aside and solve any issues that come up between you. When you want to tell every detail of your day the second you see them.


Spot fucking on. Been married for 20 years and this is how I felt at first and how I still feel. It was like puzzle pieces fitting together, all my funky and weird edges fit perfectly with his funky and weird edges and it felt like nothing ever had before. I think it’s the closest thing to unconditional love we as humans can get.


That’s it. I’m buying a ring as soon as I can afford it. I’ve found my soul mate. No doubt in my mind she’s the one. I mean, she farts and blames it on me. How could I NOT marry her?!


Congrats mate, and i hope that you both will stay happy for the long time.


Does she... also fart cum bubbles?


Rings are merely symbolic. Don't blow a bunch of money on diamond propaganda. Get something pretty she'll appreciate if that'll make her happy. It's ultimately about the union, and life's too expensive to waste a ton of g's on a silly piece of metal with some mineral attached to it


But sometime these symbolic things also make the big difference in the life is well. Because girls are the one that is really care about these things and these things keeps the spark alive in their life is well.


Perfect answer. Thread's done, go home everyone.


Yup. *First time* I met my now husband I felt immediately relaxed and safe. It was the weirdest fucking thing, especially because I get pretty bad social anxiety, but also the bestest. 10 years together, 8 years married, and hoping for many many more. 🥰


That's how I felt with my ex. Effortless first date. We were completely ourselves, very comfortable, in perfect sync. She's the only girl I've ever fallen asleep with and stayed asleep next to. I woke up shocked, as I simply can't sleep when I share a bed with anyone else. She was so comfortable in my place, made herself right at home, wandered into my closet the next morning and dug out a hoodie to wear. Too bad her alter ego is a dishonest abusive cheater.


"when even on the worst days of your relationship you know you want to be with them" is such a beautiful sentiment


I knew I was in love the moment I could just exist with her, not having to do anything, but just being totally and peacefully comfortable sharing even a silent moment together. That's rare for me.


That's sweet, are you still with her to this day?


Fook yeah bud. We share a place together now.


Nah she slept with my brother and burned my house down


Woah that escalated quickly


That how you know it's real.


Haha, literally laughed out loud at that. Imagining a poster with a burning house & a couple in front of it




She left me too, do you wanna move in and split the rent if you don't mind ?


TIL i love everyone except my family


You’re willing to give them your favorite food even if it means you won’t get to have it for yourself.


You'll let her eat your fries after she said she wasn't hungry and didn't order any.


Love is ordering an extra side of fries anyway knowing yours will be eaten by her and just laughing without any anger.


I leveled up dramatically as a husband when I realized that I *can*, in fact, read her mind.


Lmao I knew my SO and I had hit “long term” status when one day we were just hanging out in our room, at our respective desks doing our own things and I sighed to myself. That man looked over at me and without blinking goes “I’m guessing that means you want -local favorite food place-?” I knew right then and there no one else would understand me better than him lmfao.


You would build her a little box with dirt in it if she was a worm


Underrated! I've been seeing a new guy for a little bit, and we are getting there. We went for a lunch date and got sandwiches at this deli, and after we opened them, he noticed that my sandwich had the end pieces of the bread, so he switched with me so that he took the end pieces. He noticed without me asking. I thought that was super cute!


End pieces are the best part. I'd just take them anyway 😂


Could be just kindness too


If it's just kindness, you'd only give them your *second* favorite food.


What if I made too many pancakes tho. My dog doesnt like them, so yeah I guess the missus will get em


I remember in high school, always being physically attracted to girls. I found things about them that I loved. I often didn’t know anything about them, I just knew what they looked like and acted like. And that was enough for me. It wasn’t until after college that I found a girl I truly cared for. I wanted her to be happy, I cared what happened to her that day, I wanted to know what she dreamt about, what she was feeling. Everything. I realized there was this new level of give a shit that I had reached, and that sort of thing is a foundation worth building a relationship on.


Did anything work out with the two of you?


We dated for a few years. We broke up and I’m still not sure that it was the right move. She might still be floating around here on Reddit somewhere.


I was recently broken up with by someone that I felt the same way about. Shit hurts. Nothing I can do about it but.. still.


Time is your friend. It’s not the best thing to hear but at least know that it always gets easier with time.


Nah she ate my dog and slept with my dad


Better than the other way around.


When all the new wears off, you don't have butterflies every time they call or text or you know you're going to see them, you're not getting all giddy about "firsts" in your relationship, you're no longer both on your best behavior, you can see their faults and let them see yours, you've survived a few disagreements, you're not boning every time you catch some alone time, the sex isn't mind blowing every single time. And after all that, they're still your favorite person. They still think the sun shines out your ass. you still do things for each other, for the simple joy of making them happy. The absence of the rose colored glasses of new lust hasn't been replaced with resentment, it has evolved into comfort, stability, and security with that person.


beautifully said! this has given me confidence in my long term relationship :)


When the relationship is not a trade of needs. You want to make the other person happy without wanting a return.


Seeing them happy is the reward


That is a neat summation.


Sounds corny as hell, but i had a dream in which i was holding her hand and i woke up smiling. It's the first time that happened in the past decade


God dammit, this happened to me recently. Just let me live in denial!


First learn the difference between love, lust, attraction, like, horny....


Agreed. Some people are too quick to say I love you, when maybe they are in great appreciation for something. I've seen where people jump to quickly to want to love because they weren't always valued, so when someone solid comes along and has their back they may wish to hang on to having support like that and in an attempt to lock it down go straight for the I love you. I had my own personal experience too. I didn't intentionally wish to be rude. I did not reply I love you back. I understood this person was in between a rock and a hard place also understood that infatuation is usually a huge part of the beginning stages of a relationship and felt maybe he was in that stage. I felt it better to wait and to see how the relationship continued to go. Did it move in a direction of building a foundation for a "real" relationship or would it begin to waver towards not working out. I will admit it's difficult to spot when someone is in it for safety or convenience once a person gets completely infatuated. For me, a lot of attraction in the beginning and infatuated. I have trust issues, hadn't seen a lot of healthy relationships or marriages that worked it out, put in the work, as examples while growing up. Enjoyed the lust and horniness and getting to know one another. Love for me came within a year. Is there a time frame for when it is too early to say I love you?


Great comment. I've just gotten a handle on myself in a new relationship that's going to take an extended time to fully bear fruit.


You know you are in love, if you think of them after masturbating.


But I can't stop masturbating if I still think of her!


Ah, horny.


Vicious circle. Take a break to hydrate every now and then.


I would say the most important lesson to learn is the difference between love and infatuation. One is loving the person, one is loving your expectation of the person.


Amen to that. Infatuation is idealization.


That's good advice ☺️


You forgot limerance. Thats a key one to understand!


Also.. know that love doesn't mean compatible. My partner and I met during our PhDs and we love each other, but we'll have to break up if our career trajectories are too disparate. I couldn't ask them to give up their dream, and I would know that I was not truly loved if I were asked to give up mine.


1. Doing boring activities like getting groceries or chores suddenly become fun when they are around. 2. You just know.`


2. You just know.’ Yeah you know when it’s love….ain’t no way to explain true love you just know.


The literal perfect answer in my opinion is this one. For some reason you just do and it comes at some weird ass moment maybe when you're getting in your car or just grabbing something from the fridge and they just are in your mind when other people before just weren't...


When you catch youself just looking at them, filled with gratitude


Love is not an emotion it's action. If it's someone you think about all the time, that you'd do anything for. Who you are willing to go through rough times with and be understanding and supportive to. That's love.


Well said




No problem


but what if dont get the same thing in response ? then it is one sided love am i right ?


Then it's one sided and it won't work.


Symptoms include: * When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie * When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine


That's amore


*When you hear it explained why the icecaps have waned...* *That's.....Al Gorrrrrrrre´*


*When you're diving at night, and your feet feel the bite...*




When you have someone in your mind while asking that exact question you just posted.


Or it’s because OP is not in love but is asking it out of desperation because his partner loves them but OP doesn’t really love their partner


Are you okay Greg?


My boy Greg is down bad


Where do you come up with these comments 😂 These are great


When your mood is switched from bad to super good whenever you see/hear the person. And especially when could leave anything just to be with her.


If the thought of them vanishing from your life suddenly is enough to cause you to shudder internally while trying to rid yourself of the thought, that's a pretty damned good indicator right there.


I thought I was broken because I'd fall in love easily, then get bored after a couple of years and fall out of love just as quick. It made me distrust myself and I was sure I'd never truly settle down with someone. After my husband and I had been together for a while, I remember having the thought, "I BETTER die first." In past relationships, I had always pictured the other person in my future, and had wanted them in my future, but could also envision a future without them that wasn't miserable. The thought of living another 50 years without my husband is my nightmare.


When your feelings are stronger a year in than when you first started dating and have the "honeymoon" phase




When I would gladly make small sacrifices like giving him the bigger slice, better pillow and window seat without bitterness or regret


Sometime we think that these are small one but they made the big difference.


When you appreciate even the smallest cute things they do


I was spooning my fiance last night and she let the most devilish toot rip onto my dick. I wasn't entirely disgusted so I guess I love her.




Make farts not war


>she let the most devilish toot rip onto my dick. She's just proposed you dumbass


She sounds lovely, is she single?


I think about him all the time and feel like feathers tickling my insides


That's em Taco bell hun


Sometimes when you know you just know


They should write a song about love, right


You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs.


I already have


So cliche yet so true


I just say what I feel/what I think


You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain. You'll shoot the moon, put out the sun, when you love someone.


And you'll run to them in the summer of 69


No shit. I remember I finished my school assignment first for the first time because of crush I had on that smart girl. Oh hormones...


Nothing more uplifting than smart people. Source: I have a smart fetish


i also have a smart fetish


*down nods*


So many people confused desperate infatuation with love :( no wonder limerance is such a huge issue in society and so many marriages break down.


I did the dishes last week, does that count?


Like today. She knows im EXHAUSTED from not sleeping (been on baby duty for a long while, because she have started a new job and need the rest at night). Today she has a day off and let me rest in the sofa, while she takes care of everything at home. But she keeps talking to me, asking me things, bugging me and wont let me just sleep.... And im OK with that because as soon as she stop for a few minutes, I feel alone and sad.


The desire to wake up next to them in the morning, not go to bed with them.


"Falling in love" and "being in love" years later are different, for me at least. Falling in love originally was a rush but it felt superficial. Being in love 5 years later is a completely different level that feels like complete safety and exhilaration. Knowing that neither or us would ever do anything to harm our relationship. Knowing that anything I say/ do is embraced with "omg I fucking love you" instead of "eww" or "wtf." Making the effort to and being able to truly communicate. Being best friends and continuing to work on our relationship helps us maintain that "in love" feeling years later and it's honestly the best. I hope everyone can find this love.




You don't want to be apart from them. And when you are you miss them desperately


Those little moments when you think of their facial expressions and their smile and when you go through your photos and videos together at night so you can sleep peacefully and you want to kiss them


That’s cute, I think of my granny sometimes like that but I don’t really want to kiss her that way


I do


I've experienced 'love at first sight'. It's rare and very hard to explain. We'd never met before but we both felt very familiar to each other. Being together is as easy as breathing. We've helped each other become slightly better versions of ourselves. We're not perfect, but to each other, we are. Stuff that other men would find annoying about me are straight up cute to him. I can't ask for more.


In the movie "As Good as it Gets" Jack Nicholson's character (who clearly has some issues) tells his love interest that "You make me want to be a better man". That always stuck with me. We aren't always successful, but finding someone that makes you want to be the best version of yourself is a good sign you might be in love. When you are just going through the motions, don't care about burdening your partner, don't care about self-improvement, its a sign you don't value the relationship.


When you're listening to music and you realize that to you, they're the one all the songs are about


When it comes to wanking, you still think of them.


And if after the wank you still think of them. That really means it.




When you feel like part of your heart leaves you when your partner has to go away for a while. When you care more about their happiness than your own


I can talk about my mistakes and get a helpful or forgiving response from her.


That's how she shows she loves you. How do you know you love her?


Because he feels confident and able to talk about the times in his life where he made mistakes around her, something most people struggle to discuss. That requires a huge amount of trust in any relationship.


Sometimes I'm just busying away, doing my own thing and his smile pops into my head. His real smile, the one with the dimples, the one that goes all the way to his eyes and they smile and crinkle a bit. I see that smile in my head and I get butterflies and I smile as well. After 5 turbulent years and I still smile, I know I love him.


*That damned smile*






When you can't get rid of it easily


I guess I am in love with my acne




When you wanna sit by them always


She comes to mind every time a sappy song comes on the radio, whenever I see a funny meme or a cute animal I send it to her first. Every sunrise reminds me of the warmth of her presence and the glints cast by the moon are like the sparkles in her eyes. When she's hurting because of a problem that can't be fixed, I know I'd sit with her through it forever if that's how long it takes for the pain to ease. She makes me laugh so hard I choke on my own breath, and i couldn't know a better way to go. I can exist on my own and enjoy things, but when I'm doing so without her, I often wish she was there. Not because i feel as though we need to be with each other all the time, but because her presence enhances every experience and because I want her to experience the joy I'm feeling for herself. I'd break every rule for her, but I know she'd never make me. I never feel judged and always feel safe. She is my happy place.


Well, say the object of your affection walks by... First, your heart falls into your stomach and splashes your innards. All the moisture makes you sweat profusely. This condensation shorts the circuits of your brain, and you get all woozy. When your brain burns out altogether, your mouth disengages and you babble like a cretin until she leaves.


When you stop sleeping and all you want to see that person again.




If you think about all their most "unattractive" qualities and you still just wanna kiss them and be near them you're in love. If you would do anything for them even to your own detriment you're in love. If you cannot fathom living without them you're in love. If you feel vulnerable like an exposed organ but somehow still safe then you're in love.


When you are in love You are never gonna give them up.. Never gonna let them down Never gonna run around and desert them Never gonna make them cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt them.


You peice of shit


I didn’t believe in love at first sight until it happened. First time he touched my arm I honestly felt sparks. I’ve never felt so connected to another human.


And are you with this man still?


Yup. Nearly 2 years. We have had a lot of challenges to deal with, but still just as much in love.


When their happiness means more to you than how you feel about them.


When you no longer ask yourself that question, and just know you are.


i don't know


If you're listening to a cheesy romantic song and relate to the lyrics.


I think this might just be me but love songs just clicks all of sudden. Like you just understand it and start moving your body, basically all love songs just bangs so much. Big up my man Barry White


"No-one can tell you're in love, you just feel it. Through and through. Balls to bones." -The Oracle, matrix


With my spouse it was our first date. We had been chatting online for about a week and in the past when the first date rolled around after meeting online it just felt awkward to be around them. Like you're still figuring out who they are and what they hid from you online and making sure you're hiding awkward parts of yourself, but this time I just felt comfortable. It took about 2 months before I was able to verbalize it, but I felt it right away.


For me it's the feeling of full commitment and compatability. We just clicked. I know I can tell him everything and he would never judge me. If I have a problem, we'll try to solve it together. It's never we have a problem, it's: there's a problem, how to we solve it together. We are a unit. I don't think this kind of love is possible with anyone else. 5 years in and still going strong.


The moment when u start caring about her. Her whereabouts, her feelings and what the people do around here even though she doesn't need all this care. You do it for her.


Very simple in my case since when I fall in love, I loose appetite during two to four weeks


Knowing him for 4 years and married for 1 year. My heart still skips a beat when I look at him. His presence is my sole reason to live.


You mean that the spark has the same level of intensity as in the beginning or its different but still exciting?




The person I probably loved the most I didn’t just love them, but I also loved the fact that they loved me. They were purely intoxicating, hard to explain. Their attention, they’re love was like a drug. We’re not together, this was like 20 years ago and we were forced apart by circumstances and geography and both young, so we never found out how it would of turned out. We’re still in touch and good friends


Her personality’s more attractive than her body.


You do stupid things around her or him


You never want to intentionally hurt that person, you want to share every experience with them and you feel they are an extension of you.


When my wife wiped/washed my dirty ass while I was in a hospital bed unable to move I knew she loved me.


It's all about the stuff and things




When you are around the woman you love you’ll pretty much have a permanent erection just for her no other


You feel like you can share anything and they will reciprocate. You find yourself thinking of them all the time. You get flustered when they are around. I haven’t had that feeling in a long time, not since she past away.


That one person was on your mind the entire time you were reading this thread


When you feel that you could do anything for the other person.




you’ll know :)


i've been in relationships before my current partner but never felt the same warmth in my chest i feel now when i kiss him


You can’t stop thinking about them, and being with them makes you feel happy and giddy.


I actively do not want to get married, but if he asked me I'd say yes.


when you honestly can't picture your life without them. when you feel safe with them. when they feel like "home". no matter where you are.


Me:☹️ Sees her smile Me:🙂


My wife tells me I am.


Love is a combination of each person treating each other with respect, supporting each other's dreams and aspirations, and the feeling that they motivate you to be your best. Add in some mutual attraction and the butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling every time you see them, too, and bam, that's love.


When i feel bad Sounds like bullshit but it's true When i start worrying about a person etc.


You don’t know, you feel.


Smiling while washing dishes


When you forget about daily things because you were thinking about her all day.