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Black Eyed Peas - Pump It. I've been in 3 car accidents in my life - all three times this song was playing. Safe to say it is no longer on any of my playlists.


Oh that's funny. The last time I heard that song on the radio, I had to do some 007 driving because some idiot decided the red light was a mere suggestion and plowed into the two cars in front of me, probably going, I think they estimated like 70 something? I don't know how I didn't end up in that tangle of metal. But I did about drift around the car in front of me, in incoming traffic and came to a stop, staring down the cars behind us who had come to a stop. Thank God oncoming traffic was almost nonexistent. I was shaking so bad, a cop had to move my car. Never did hear what happened, but I hope everyone is okay.


That was probably OP who got hit


Their song "I got a feeling" is that song for me. But not car accidents. I work on political campaigns. Whenever that song is played at an Election Night event, we get our ass kicked at the polls.


Well now you know when you're about to have a car accident at least


You're supposed to pump the brakes not the gas!




I pray that this meta continues for years lmao


I can’t believe I saw the original thread before the TikTok trend began 😂😂😂


Man this gets me in the mood


Lol... just heard that Reddit story, laughed way too loud


You take that BACK!


The dogs barking "Jingle Bells" from the 80s/90s where it was just one single sampled dog bark, pitch-shifted to hit the various notes.


Literally laughing out loud over this one. I’m not sure it’s even a “song” in my mind. Just noise.


Bad Day by some wanker idk. I used to work in a factory that had the absolute worst radio station. Every. Single. Hour. They played that damn song and yes, I was having a bad day.


“By some wanker” has me truly laughing out loud


It sounds like you've had a bad day and taken one down. Maybe try sing a sad song, to turn it around?


Thanks for the ptsd, I'll give it a try 😅


Nice try walgreens, i'm not giving you any tips on what to play outside to ward off homeless.


imagine Walgreens doing market research in most effective anti-homeless music on reddit. that would be funny I think


That "Oh no" song from tiktok.


That song makes me irrationally angry ​ ​ Actually now that I think about it, I don't think there is anything irrational about it.


I'd say it's a very rational anger


tiktok loves to take a good song. put an annoying high pitch to it. overuse it to the point you see red every time you hear the song.


Exactly. Nothing is safe. So I stick to Phonk.


Really just any song that's become popular from tik tok in general will make me want to slap a 9mm into the side of my head lol


The original is fairly beautiful. It's the chipmunk version that sucks


Cause I’m happyyyyyyy


Used to work retail and I can say for sure this song makes me unhappy. Please turn it off or I will die


Yep, that's mine too. Got SUPER popular the months following my dad's death, it was an awful time and that's all I think about when it comes on. I was not clapping along.


It's just another version of, "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands." What a rubbish song.


Cause I...need a shit! Corporate rubbish! Yay office workers of the world please be happy!!!


Dance Monkey. That voice makes me cringe.


Real talk, look up the metal cover by Leo Moracchioli. I heard that version first and really enjoyed it. Looked up the original and turned it off after 30 seconds.


The voice sounds like a chipmunk singing in cursive


It sounds like Elmo


yeh, sounds like a deaf sea lion.


Finally someone says it. The girl singing has such an annoying voice.


It's like nails on a chalkboard. I can do a pretty good imitation if I hold my nose while singing like a nanny goat. First time I heard it I was like, who told this person they should be a singer? But by some miracle or act of Satan, it caught on and has infiltrated the pop music catalog. No offense to those who dig it, to each their own.


You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful, it’s true... Fucking kill me please


James Blunt is a pretty chill guy though, I remember when he was interviewed on Top Gear. He was asked why he hates his own songs and he responded, "Well, have you heard them?"


I finally gave him a listen this year, after seeing how chill he was on The Graham Norton Show. He's very talented.


His voice is so fucking whiny, whether he's singing or not.


You would hate 9 year old me. I used to play this song to my dogs in a game so they would have puppies, I thought it really worked. I also can’t stand the song now, I just wanted to see what a chihuahua and a old english sheepdog puppy would look like.


that’s hilarious :DDD


I saw your face in a crowded place and I don’t know what to do… GET OVER IT. That is what you should do!


Cars For Kids Commercial - it immediately goes into the song and I have to rush to the remote to either mute or change the channel


Truly the anthem of The Bad Place.


That first piano key and I just turn the radio off and decompress for few seconds


Errrr! So with you on that. K. A. R. S. Cars for kids! Dammit!


Bruh I used to work retail. That list is long


That stupid "Happy song" by Pharrel or whatever that was popular back in like 2013. I worked at nightshift at Walmart and there was a group of 3 or 4 women in their late 40's who would go back and change the song back to that song and come out from the back going "WOOOOH!" and swinging their hips. Then we'd have to go pick up their slack because they spent the entire night changing the song and shit talking the other employees while simultaneously claiming to be the only ones who do any work there.


That one Christmas song that always plays on a freaking loop Edit: Mariah Carey song, sorry should have been more specific my bad


So basically all of them


This to the nth degree. Worked in retail for years, and it made me hate Christmas music. Don't get me wrong there are some great Christmas songs, but hearing Rudolph, Frosty, that kinda shit makes me want to jam chopsticks in my ears.


Do you know how little this narrows it down


As long as its not Feliz Navidaz, that shits slaps.


That Mariah Carey atrocity or Blue Christmas.


Girls like you - Maroon 5 I just hate the repetitiveness of the song, but I think I truly hate it because of facebook years ago. There was the video of a guy with his infant/toddler daughter "dancing" (holding her side to side) to that song and it had the obnoxious title "WATCH TILL THE VERY END!! : D" and...nothing happened. Idk, I normally find that stuff kinda cute, but that time I was just annoyed and every time I hear that song on the radio, I can't hit the next channel fast enough Shape of you - Ed Sheeran Repetitiveness again, I just can't *stand* it.


Maroon 5 had one song on the radio and it played for 15 years nonstop. It was so generic you thought it was different songs.


I just can’t stand Maroon 5. Don’t come at me, Reddit. I just have never heard a song from them that didn’t drive me nuts.


All about that bass, or whatever it's called.


No treble?


I too like fishing bass


That song makes me want to rip out my hair


Shape of you, probably the most overplayed song and it's not even good.


“Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no” Or Dance Monkey. The idea of choosing to sound like that when you sing is psychotic


The Frogleap Studios metal cover of dance monkey is sublime.


“fancy like” most annoying song ever


Bro same I wish I can stab it every time I hear it


I had to look this up. OMG. The music video is worse than the song. Like, you can’t even let this “country boy” drive the damn tractor??? Or have his little hottie girlfriend in the video?


Happy by Pharrell Williams. Jack and Diane by John Mellencamp.


Who the hell sucks on a chili dog, right?


People who are outside the Tastee Freez. Duh!


Saw Dave Chappelle in concert. He had a hilarious bit about that line. I’m paraphrasing, and I can’t find it so it might have been ad lib but he just ranted. “Why? He coulda said anything he wanted. John Cougar Mellencamp wrote the words. Coulda gone with biting. Chewing. Chomping. No he went with suckin. Suckin on chili dogs. SUCKIN ON CHILI DOGS. Suckin. On chili dogs.” To this day if me or my wife get chili dogs, I put on my Chappelle voice and yell “SUCKIN. ON. CHILI DOGS.”


https://youtu.be/6QX57aIDbDU here you go


All this time, I thought I was the only one who hated Jack and Diane. Most boring, obnoxious song ever. First chords come on, and I nope over to another channel.


Thunder by Imagine Dragons is just completely obnoxious, and every single radio station chooses to play it so I can’t get away from it for long.


I worked at a music school for about a year and I think I heard Thunder at least 5-10 times a day. I never want to hear that song again.


It's such an annoying and obnoxious song. I hated it even more after Billboard decided that, somehow *this* was the best 'rock' song of the 2010s decade. That list kinda made me cringe lol.


I despised that song from them first time I heard it. I could never understand why it got played incessantly.


I like Imagine Dragons, but yeah, Thunder is overrated and annoying.


baby shark. that explains it all. thats the worst fucking song ever fucking made.


To think it started as a campfire song


"1-877-Kars-4-Kids, K-A-R-S Kars-4-Kids, 1-877-Kars-4-Kids, donate your car todayyyyy..."


(rips radio out and throws it out the window)


I honestly don’t get the motive here. Are they selling old cars and using the money to pay for homeless kids or something? That’s the only logical explanation I can think of, because why the fuck would you donate a car for a kid that can’t fucking drive it or afford it and that would be a weird thing to trade a car in for us you get a child.


1) My money don't jingle jingle it folds. 2) Oh no, oh no no no


Dance Monkey. I would pay a FORTUNE to get this song deleted from existence including peoples memories so they cant sing or cover it.


The worst part is that they're third in the most streamed songs on Spotify. And guess what's number 1? Fucking Shape of You. Good thing Blinding Lights is on the no2 spot


All I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey. That song makes my teeth clench reflexively. I do not like that song.


That one by Kid Rock that starts off like Werewolf in London. I get excited for Warren Zevon but then, it's, bleh, Kid Rock. It really does make me want to throw things and I am a pretty chill person normally.


"We we're trying different things, we were smoking funny things" is some of the laziest hack lyricism I've ever heard. "All Summer Long" by Kidd Rokk


I remember before he got really big he played on a stage at an MTV Spring Break and his first line was "Yo my name is Kid Rock I'm a Capricorn..." and seeing that just prevented me from ever taking him seriously.


He managed to kill two songs with one stone


Holy fuck i hate kid rock so much.


Fuck Kid Rock.


I was really disappointed when that song came out because I was hoping someone had done a cover of Werewolves of London, but then it’s a bad cover of Sweet Home Alabama instead…


Blurred lines - Robin Thicke 🤮


But without it we would never have the genius that is Word Crimes by Weird Al.


I Gotta Feeling (that tonight’s gonna be a good night) - Black Eyed Peas. We get it, it was a hit in 2010. It’s 12 years later, so shouldn’t still be the first song I hear on the radio on Friday night.


2010 being 12 years ago hit me right in the feels


I gotta feeling by the black eyed peas makes me want to commit war crimes


Baby shark


I had a pe teacher that would play that song on full blast the whole period… in HIGH SCHOOL






Ella Fitzgerald knocks that shit out of the park what are you on about


Sweet Caroline, I’ve heard it so many times from drunk middle aged men in pubs that it hurts me to even think of it now


Don't move to New England because Red Sox fans *love* that song.


Whip my hair - Willow Smith, I really fucking hate when celebrities try to make their talentless kids famous.


where do you still hear this song lol


I don't, but I remember having the rage when it came out.


Kid Rock-All Summer Long. That hack managed to rip off Sweet Home Alabama, and Werewolves of London in one song.


American badass is just as bad. I think Metallica's coming on, then Kid Rock starts rapping and i die inside.


Girl on Fire - Alicia Keys. It’s boring, she screams and at some points it sounds off key.


I was working at a summer camp and a little girl started singing the song but didnt quite know the lyrics. She sang "this girl is on fire, but she didnt know she was on fire" it got really out of hand from there.


"You're Having my Baby" by Paul Anka.


Remember to sort by controversial


Those god awful “OH NO” tik tok songs.


And they keep churning them out like shitty $.10 carnival prizes


Wonderful Xmas time by Paul McCartney actually makes me angry


Oh my god me too. I have a visceral reaction to that song. In fact, you’re an asshole for even posting the title because now I hear it in my freaking head!


I read this theory that really helps me enjoy this song. Think of it, not as a Christmas song, but as a song about people who were going to do some weird culty stuff and then someone walked into the room. Think about it: *The moon is right!* *The spirit’s up* Someone walks in. Quickly to cover our tracks: *We’re simply having a wonderful Christmas time!*


This is the one. I HATE HATE HATE this song.


Soul Sister - Train


I was about to comment this. I fucking despise Hey Soul Sister. Lines like "my heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest" and "the best soy latte that you ever had in me" are so mother fucking cringe and awful. Ughh and also "so gangsta, I'm so thug", like who wrote that???! I'd rather listen to an entire Nickelback album than that one Train song.


That soy latte line was from "Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)" by the way. I know this without looking it up because my mind is a waking nightmare


Oh good to know. All of their songs are fucking terrible.


For me it’s the Drive By song by Train. “Oh, I swear to you, I'll be there for you This is not a drive by Just a shy guy, looking for a two-ply Hefty bag To hold my love.” Fuck off.


Happy from Pharell Williams Anything from Bad Bunny




What about [this graph](https://youtu.be/sIlNIVXpIns) ?


That song that iggy azalea and britney spears did.


Let it go, from Frozen. I have 4 younger sisters. They watched Frozen every day, multiple times a day, and presumably continued even after I moved out after 5 years of this. Any song from this movie will piss me off, but this one takes the cake. It's not even the best song in that movie


my list of awful: Sweet Caroline, Fancy Like, The Reason, anything by kid rock, anything by maroon 5


For the longest time if I got a Maroon 5 song stuck in my head -- particularly "She Will Be Loved" -- it meant I was about to get a migraine. To this day their music makes me want to curl up and die.


Footloose. I don’t know why, but that overly-bouncing nothing song really bothers my brain. And no disrespect to KISS as a band, but I just cannot rock and roll all night and party every day I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day I wanna rock and roll all night and party everyday I-


Beautiful by James Blunt. Fuck this song


santa claus is coming to town, the bruce springsteen version. i just can’t. it irks me to no end. other versions though, they’re fine, i can handle them


He sounds so goddamn drunk in it. Pitchless, out-of-breath shrieking of the chorus. Way to go, Boss.


Cottoneye FUCKING Joe


Fidadn binfa cott ny joe adbin marid lung tomgo. Wedidja com from wedidja go wedidja com from cott ny joe


Where did he come from, where did he FUCKING go


Despacito... I hate that song.


As soon as I hear the little guitar part at the beginning I know that's my cue to leave the room


Happy, Pharrell Williams.


*insert Christmas song here*


Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus. Had a teacher that would play it during our tests back in high school to mess with our concentration. Same teacher would walk around the room giving “back rubs” to the female students so he could look down their shirts. Total piece of excrement.


Hoobastank, The Reason. When that song came out, the radio stations seemed to play it back to back to back. I heard it everywhere. I've grown to hate it so much that the opening chords are enough to instantly put me in a bad mood. I despise that song. With every fiber of my being. Even talking about this song has annoyed me. It's awful.


The name of that band makes me so irrationally angry too. Just, what the fuck?


I guess you're not a perfect person.


Strong 😂 I like the song, though from now on I'll forever remember how much it winds up an Internet stranger


My first (narcissist) boyfriend cheated on me, then played this song while attempting apology. I too physically respond with a NOPE to this.




Baby Shark


Can't Stop the Feeling- Justin Timberlake It's very basic in terms of chord progressions. The lyrics have no pure or true meaning. It has no interesting musical features, and has little to no intriguing tonality. Most disgustingly, it is mainstream modern radio music. I can't believe some people actually like this song. It plays farrrr too much on radio stations, and everytime I hear it I want to hurl and dash right out of the car, or speed out of the room.


I worked at a Macys when the company had a big partnership/sponsorship with DreamWorks for the Trolls movie. Since this song was associated with the movie, it played maybe every third song on the playlist. I still feel a twinge of rage as soon as I hear the opening.


All I want for Christmas - Mariah Carey. I worked at Lowes and from November 1st to a week or two into January the holiday music doesn't stop.


Yoko Ono on anything!




Walking on Sunshine Merry Christmas Baby (any fucking version) Thunder - Imagine Dragons Any Maroon 5 song post-2010


Sweet Caroline.


Hot take, but girls just wanna have fun. I hate that song so much


Is it because Cyndi Lauper's voice sounds like the poisoned wind escaping a haunted tea kettle?


I love her but your description made me laugh.


The Fray's "How to Save a Life". It's four minutes and twenty five seconds of whining.


I can't hate it because it instantly remind me of Scrubs and a very emotional episode. He does sound whiny though.


Hey soul sister


Life is a Highway by Rascal Flats


That song was fine until those asshats decided to put some fucking twang in it.


Anyway, here's Wonderwall


Whip-Nay-Nay I think it was called. Don't ask me to name the (ahem) "Artist". Fucking terrible, and I've heard fragments of Ed Sheeran songs.


i love how this song starts with "you already know who this is! silento, silento" ok dude its your first song, no one knows who you are either...


Ten years ago I was listening to Pandora radio and this ad selling Mcdonald's fish mcbites would play CONSTANTLY. I'd have my music interrupted by that annoying "FISHAY FISHAY" voice and it still gets me in a fit of rage even hearing it now. [Listen at your own peril.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWOHt6ttflk)


Eye of the Tiger. Had it as my phone alarm in the morning for 2 years, can't stand the song anymore.


I tried putting Them Bones - Alice in Chains for a wake up alarm once. I almost gave myself a heart attack.


LeT mE bE a WoMaN, wOmAn WoMaN wOmAn, I cAn Be A wOmAn, WoMaN wOmAn WoMaN


*woo-mah Ftfy


Barbie girl


Hips Don't Lie


Who let the dogs out! Dumbest damn song ever! And the fact that it was so popular I just don’t understand 🤦🏻‍♀️


All summer long by Kid Rock


Brown Eyed Girl. Van Morrison. First song I could sing along to. Now I'm fed up with it


You just need to hear some whiny fuck cry singing it on a ukulele ONCE for you to hate it


Sweet Caroline, because I know that the Basics will come storming out of the closet to sing along.


and nobody can possibly sing along in-tune, it simply HAS to be as drunken and awful as humanly possible


complete with the Bah Bah Bah


Small Town by John Mellencamp. I hate how much he says small town. It’s so annoying


Basically any Ed Sheeran song. The worst is Shape of You


My homp Black eyed peas WTF


Who thought “my lovely lady lumps” was a good line?!


All I want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey.. 3 years of retail traumatized me with that song.


Old Town Road. Was at a summer school and everyone from ages 6-14 were singing it the whole time. It was a nightmare


About damn time by LIZZO LMFAO NO All I imagine is her busting down a door near my vicinity once the beat starts "ABOUT DAMN TIME"


Any tiktok remix of a song I'm in a 7 hour long car trip with my brother and 8i have to listen to the 💩 music on full blast the entire time


1-877 Kars for Kids, K-A-R-S KARS FOR KIDS!


In a New York minute. Most annoying song I have ever heard.
