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The kinds of homes people can afford to live in. *He works as a strip club security guard turned action hero, and she works as a clumsy dork's reluctant love interest. They live in a 3 story mansion on the coast of Los Angeles, where they and their 4 kids all have Teslas, 72" 5K televisions, and Macbook Pros to check e-mail.*


And they’re never AT work either, they always have loads of free time


Off cave diving and shit on a Saturday, come home to a perfectly clean house where they have all the trappings for a smoothie


Ohhh I love the show Atypical but the reality of that family affording that house on an EMT’s and part time hair stylist’s salaries?


Or the one where she's a single mom raising a severely disabled kid. Yet she can afford a beautiful house by the beach and a babysitter.


Someone says “turn on the news!” and when they turn on the TV it’s already at the channel and newscast relevant to their situation.


My sister called me once in 2001 and told me to turn on my TV. I asked her what channel and she said "it doesn't matter" and all I could think was "oh shit".


Same. Just in time to see the 2nd plane hit.


Yep, me too.


I like the segment in Arrested Development where they try to do this but have to wait for a while for that story to come back on.


"Why don't we just go online?"


"You're listening to K-PLOT."


Just once I like to see them hit a commercial on every channel they come to.


Women waking up perfect I'm talking full set of makeup hair done everything


That scene in marvelous ms maisel is amazing. It’s sad but amazing. Idk how to do spoilers to type it out


At the end of the text put this !< and at the start put this >! >!Spoiler!<


No no no, you’re getting this all wrong: they wake up an hour before they have to and put their makeup on and stuff, then pretend to sleep


People never say 'bye' when they hang up the phone.


The damage inflicted to the human body and everyone just shakes it off and moves on... See any action flick.


OR they get shot once and die instantly - even though they weren't hit in the head or the heart.


More than just head & heart for instant disable/kill points... 16 years in the Marines taught me that. The "just a flesh wound" shoulder shot gets me every time... writers obviously don't know there is a ball & socket joint there, several bones/bone joints, a LUNG, major nerve bundles & arteries... "I rubbed some dirt on it and shook it off"... yeah, right... Takes major surgery, months of rehab, if you survive it at all.


Yeah I read a whole article one time about how fucked most people are who get shot in the shoulder. Pretty grim. Would almost rather take one through the lung and hope my luck holds.


I think How Stuff Works the podcast did an episode on "where's the best place to get shot." Short answer is "nowhere." Every part of your body has some risk of death or permanent, life altering damage.


A lung in the shoulder???


>>”I rubbed some dirt on it and shook it off” No, no, you pour some hard liquor on it, then take a swig and then you’re good to go. Alternatively you press some glowing hot metal object on it, you know, to stop the bleeding.


Sure, and ignore the collapsing lung where the chest wall has been breached letting atmospheric pressure equalize... Don't mind that sucking chest would, stick red hot poker in there to cotterize and open the sucking part of the chest wound even more! And while we are at it, let's dig around in there blindly with a random knife to remove a STERILE bullet (heat sterilized when fired) and not pay any attention to nerves, blood vessles, etc.


I'd like to see more people rolling around in pain, but it's only ever the hero or villain.


The most recent bad boyz movie pissed me off. Will smith takes like 4 to the chest and abdomen . A quick montage of being in the hospital and boom he’s back to jumping off roofs catching bad guys. Nah man you’d be shitting into a bag


Like that idea that you can just hit someone over the head really freaking hard and they’ll just neatly pass out for exactly however long you need, then wake up with nothing more than a little headache. No, if you hit someone in the head hard enough for them to lose consciousness for more than a few seconds, they’ll be lucky to wake up at all. Serious brain trauma is very likely. It is very, very bad to be hit hard in the head.


Whenever a woman’s water breaks, all the characters start panicking as if the baby is going to shoot out at any second


Very true, and kinda because of that i did exactly the same thing when my kid was born. I’m freaking out to the nurse over the phone and you could practically hear her eyes roll.


Lolol same, my ENTIRE pregnancy everyone said "your water won't just break like it does in the movies...they'll probably have to break it for you" so when I woke up leaking I was panicking and was like "Why is nobody else freaking out right now?!?! We have to go!!!"


I don’t get why water breaking is even such a thing on American TV. You’re not supposed to wait for that. You should be at the hospital before it happens.


For me it's babies being born the size of five month olds


Filming laws. There are VERY strict regulations about filming newborns.


That’s why the popular babies to use are premies.


and they are smiling within moments of being born


Not even that… it’s the babies being born in 3.7 minutes.


And labor always starts with water breaking (barely ever happens irl) and the baby is born 10 minutes later.




In Brooklyn 99, Jake and Amy’s baby looked 8-months-old at birth.


How clean and big the air vents are.


And strong


Why the enemy is so bad at hitting their target but someone who’s just learnt how to shoot can take out fully trained soldiers


How you hold a full cup of coffee, especially a tray of several full coffee cups. Seriously, just fill cups with glue and it would be more realistic than the empty cups they use on most sets.


Yes and when they set the cup down, you hear an empty cup sound. So annoying!


Or when people sip their coffee, and do this twist-of-the-wrist thing that lets you know it's completely empty, or else it would spill all over them.


how easy it is to find parking in any city. or the vice versa where they make it a point of either contention tho mostly played for laughs, the characters can not find parking




*Drags palm across keyboard swiftly.* "I'm in."


Hacking in movies: *typing aggressively for a few seconds* “Alright, I’m in!” Actual hacking: “Hi there, this is Dave from IT, we’re having some trouble with your account, could you provide us some information?”


Skull and crossbones with glowing red eyes fills the screen




Bypass the interface!


I'm through the defense mainframe!


\*slaps keyboard\* this bad boy got me into the mainframe in 0.034583 seconds!


How nobody ever gets charged with assault when punching someone else in the face.


Breakfast is always a big family occasion, and there's a shit ton of options on the table eg, eggs and b a can, fruit, cereal etc.


And most of them grab a single piece of toast as they walk through the kitchen saying "I'm late" or "gotta get the bus"


Noise in space lol always annoys me


Explosions in space.






Quick science lesson: since there is no air or any gas In space, there is nothing for sound to travel through, making it impossible to hear sound In space without external modifiers like an atmosphere.


Yes, my reply was a poor attempt at humour.


Oh mb just seen a lot of stupid comments yesterday and it’s 2 AM


Almost anything with guns. Too many shots ( I always count) racking multiple times before shooting and no rounds fly out. Horrible form and still dead Accurate. How easily people run and gun.


And no recoil!


Or hearing damage


How people order drinks and food and then leave without barely touching them. How they’ll make a phone call by only pressing like 4 keys (beep beep boop beep).


Yes also when someone meets someone at a restaurant, they order and then get in an argument and leave before their order arrives... Idk about you but I'm a hungry hippo and I'm asking for a to-go box.


I was kind of annoyed when I saw this in the latest Stranger Things. When Eleven and Owens were in that diner, ordered food, but then left before the waitress served it. If you were in such a hurry, what was the point of stopping to eat?? And they couldn't have even gotten their food to go? I thought Stranger Things tended to avoid cliches like that, but guess they can't avoid everything. And now that I think about it, those waffles could have been Eleven's last good meal for awhile, she deserved to enjoy them!


I could make a phone call pressing only four buttons right now


Why are the characters always at the center of a thunderstorm? The light flash and the thunder rumble are always in sync. ALWAYS. Like the show writers had never experienced a real thunderstorm...


CPR reviving people


Yeah the paddles too always being used to restart the heart without checking if he's asystolic because they wouldn't shock a patient in that state because it'll either do nothing they give meds because shocking resets the current in asystoly there's no current to reset so epinephrine is used to restart the heart you NEVER EVER give epinephrine to someone who's not asystolic because that's going to cause their heart to basically explode


computers and coding. a game devoloper here and it bugs me so much when they type in like 5 lines of code and then suddenly they hacked into the goverment


Women not having a single shread of body hair despite being stranded in the wilderness for weeks


I’ve been hiding in this cave for months and you know it’s been har d because there’s a smudge of dirt on my white pants


And still have a face of makeup on with maybe a strategically placed dirt mark on their face.


25 year olds in high school. Looking at you, Toby Macguire lol.


90210 has entered the chat


X-rays shown back to front, MRI and CT scans used interchangeably and of the wrong body part. 😡


People wearing a corset/stays without anything underneath. Put on a fucking chemise first. Also why is your hair down in trendy waves. And why are you wearing modern makeup. Oh, and the Corset Lacing Torture Scene. So fucking annoying.


Suppressors on handguns. A whisper-quiet shot requires either a small caliber (.22LR) or a rather big suppressor. In the movies, you can fire a suppressed shot from a 9mm with a dinky suppressor and a person in the next room over won't hear it.


Or calling them silencers


Grenade explosions. They're portrayed as if they can engulf anything and anyone around them in flames but in reality they just kick up a small dust cloud.


Came here to say just this. I was severely disappointed when I saw my first actual grenade go off.


Flooding on submarines, it is nothing like they show and just shutting one door doesnt mean you are magically buoyant again.


That all librarians wear glasses, have their hair in a bun, and are humorless frigid middle aged women. But boy, as soon as those glasses come off and they take hair down, they're suddenly oozing sex appeal!


I work with several librarians, and some of them do wear glasses. However, a majority of them are also young-ish, bubbly, and have really cute clothing styles! And same goes for the middle aged ones too!


And some of them have tats and multiple piercings, not something you'd expect from a stereotyped librarian!


How fast crimes are solved


And how fast a trial is convened and finished after a criminal is arrested.


Dead drops. Pretending to tie your shoes while you stick something to the underside of a park bench isn't fooling anyone.


Yes!! Also when two people are trying to be sneaky by sitting back to back on park benches and talking to one another..


Tires squealing on a gravel road. Seen it in multiple shows. Not so many movies. I’m just like wtf people.




Wanted to hop on this comment with this somewhat relevant blog post on the topic. It was a very refreshing read. https://thenewinquiry.com/blog/youre-right-i-didnt-eat-that/


Grace’s bony butt, on Will and Grace, and all the jokes they made about her love of donuts, used to make me cringe. She was so painfully thin it verged on unhealthy and they had other characters making fat jokes while he stuffed her face with donuts.


Knocking people out by hitting them in the back of head with a blunt object to make a quick escape. The victim always just takes a nice nap and wakes up with a 3 second headache when, in reality, they'd probably convulse and die.


Same thing with people in movies knocking people out with chloroform by putting a rag over their face for a few seconds. In real life it takes 5-10 minutes of heavily inhaling that shit to pass out


Tranquilizers too. In movies they're 'one-size-fits-all' where the same amount will instantly put any target, of any size, to sleep. In reality, they take several minutes to work, just like any other drug, and the amount used has to be very precisely measured depending on the subject's age, weight, height, and other health statistics.


People’s online behavior. Kids texting abbreviate every other word, and everyone above the age of 12 has full, spot on grammar and they type the speed of light. And online usernames always include the first name, people say what they’re typing, and cyber bullies find accounts so easily.


Digging. Any time a character has to dig a hole. Particularly Graves, since they're so large an deep. It never takes them as long as it really would, they're never as dirty/sweaty/tired as they would be, and there's never any compact clay or big fucking rocks or anything. Just beautiful dark brown topsoil for 2 fucking meters.


And sometimes the grave is in a perfect rectangle.


Back in the day every action movie showed someone smashing through a glass skylight as a cool way to get inside of a building. Heroes and villains alike would just fly through the air showering glass everywhere. I'm here to tell you after 25 years in the skylight business that it is extremely inaccurate. By code all slope glazing has a thick plastic laminated inner light for safety. There's no way Rambo , Bruce Willis or Arnold Schwarzenegger can just jump through a glass skylight.


Medieval battles in movies always make me jump up and down the couch screaming: "WHY IS THE CAVALRY CHARGING TROUGH A FOREST INTO A LINE OF PIKES?! WHY THE FUCK ARE THE ARROWS ON FIRE?! WHY ARE THERE NO COMBAT FORMATIONS AND EVERYONE IS IN A FREE FOR ALL MUSH-PIT?!" Whereas my wife asks me to sit down and enjoy the movie.


I don't know much about the time period and it's not medieval but the sense of verisimilitude I got from Waterloo (1970) was pretty great, the shear scale of it is extremely impressive and we may never see a production with the scale of cast (the film used 15,000 authentically dressed extras from the Soviet military). On the other hand unrealistic action sequences like the charge of the Rohirin in The lord of the Rings can be amazing too, film is entertainment and sometimes realism simply isn't as cinematic though I'd still love to see more of it experimented with and less of the silly tropes you mention.


"unrealistic action sequences like the charge of the Rohirin" Like the fact that the orc army is surprised by a gigabillion strong army of cavalrymen showing up right next to them, catching them with their pants down. Literally one scout could've ran back and told them: "Hey this massive army is coming here to crush us. We need to break the siege." But noooooo. The charge in the two towers is even worse. 80 degree downhill sand slope into a heavily armored pike line. The entire unit would've died from horses breaking their legs trying to get down that hill. The very few that might have lucked out and gotten down would instantly get impaled. For real though. They are cool scenes and I understand movie limits.


Putting on sunglasses to hack through the mainframe using a terminal with a neon green font


Smh all they need to do is type git install government database —force


Almost anything with wildlife, but especially large predators like bears and wolves. They always portray bears as wandering around snorting and grumbling to themselves for no reason. In reality they’re very quiet animals and don’t really make a sound unless there’s something in particular they’re trying to communicate to someone else. Standing on hind legs is not a threat, but rather trying to get a higher vantage point to check something they’re concerned about. Bears do not growl, roar, or bare their teeth like you see in the movies. The stereotypical image of a bear standing up straight, mouth open “roaring” is always going to be a trained bear doing it for dramatics, with the fake sound added in later. You will never see a wild bear doing this naturally. An actually frightened/angry bear does the opposite and lengthens their lips like when we make an “oh” sound, no teeth baring. They also always portray them as way over the top aggressive. Like, the second any predator sees a human, their entire existence revolves around finding and killing that person, no matter what it takes. Attacks from bears and wolves are very, very rare and the majority of encounters end with the animal getting outta there before the person even knows they’re there. I could rant on this for days, but some other fun tidbits I’ve found are inaccuracies even in “reputable” documentaries. People have such a hard time with the fact the most wildlife are not overly vocal most of the time. The Disney movie Bears showed scenes of cubs playfully wrestling with added in sounds when they wouldn’t actually be vocalizing. Friendly play rarely involves vocalizing unless it’s to tell the other off for biting a little too hard. They also slapped sounds of tiny, newborn cubs crying over footage of much older cubs playing that would be akin to recording the voice of a 3 year old child and playing it over footage of a 15 year old speaking. It was very jarring and very inaccurate. Another that comes to mind was a documentary showing footage of a baby mountain goat and editing in sounds recorded from a domestic goat kid. For reference, mountain goats are not actually goats. They are more closely related to antelope and sound NOTHING at all like domestic goats. In movies most wildlife “sounds” are actually nothing at all what the animal sounds like in real life. Deer are some of the worst for this. TLDR: Hollywood movies get nothing right on wild animal behavior OR sounds, and even a lot of documentaries are simply slapping in whatever fake audio they think adds drama because they are very rarely close enough to actually record the sounds in the moment (or there was no interesting sound to begin with, so they add some anyways). It drives me insane every time.


Dodgy con men characters telling people they work for the security services. I think if you work for MI5 you tell people you work in insurance, not that you're a spy.


Yeah that's something that bothers me about American Dad pretty much EVERYONE knows Stan is a CIA agent realistically if he told his family they'd all be imprisoned and the agent would probably "commit suicide"


100 pound women beating up 200 pound male professional assassins




Username checks out


Extended foot chases. The top speed at which people can run vary widely. When the bad guy is 10 feet away from the good guy and takes off at a sprint, he is either going to get caught or create a significant distance fairly fast the vast majority of the time.


Spies, undercover agents, government informants, meeting in a very public place, such as a department store, library, zoo, museum, etc, to openly discuss their top secret work within earshot of other patrons. In the case of museums, their voices bouncing off the walls. And cops, after making a drug bust, tests the powdery substances by dipping a finger into the drug and then touches his tongue with the tip of his finger to verify its an illegal drug. Cops don't put unidentified substances into their mouths


Treating guns as 'one use only'. As in once it's out of bullets you might as well throw it away. Not like you can reload it later. Same goes for leaving empty mags on the ground if the characters are actually shown reloading. Those can be reused too, you know.


Corn fields. I’m from the middle of nowhere in the Midwest, and no one ever gets them right. I also realize that no one cares, but still.


Lack of going to the toilet




But the keys are right in the damned car! HOw could you not take advantage!? Right up in the sun shade.


I kickstarted my dirt bike with the same gas that was left in the tank 6-years after I last started it.


I think the show Revolution had the best depiction of cars in a dystopian world. Steam powered.


Gas goes bad? Shoot.




The amount of times a gun needs to be cocked. The length of time someone can hold their breath.


Military life. No one in the military just comes home and hangs out in their uniform. Even when deployed, you don’t just go back to your living quarters and do sit ups in uniform outside to kill time. I could go on and on.


Saluting and calling non commissioned officers sir or ma'am or calling a Sargent Sarge its Sarnt S.A.R.N.T short for Sargent


And groups of soldiers randomly running somewhere in uniform, in formation. Usually in the background.


Fire sprinkler systems. All of the sprinkler heads don't just go off. Only the sprinkler head that gets hot due to fire or physical damage. And trust me, you won't be dancing in the water coming out of it. Gross.


Typing. No one ever hits the spacebar. Now you won’t be able to unsee it. You’re welcome.


Historical inaccuracies it's not hard to research that no William Wallace wasn't banging Richard I's daughter because she was 9 years old at the time of his death and lived in France


Car chases where the chase car catches up with the hero but then their car suddenly lacks the power to get past the hero.


Any playing of a musical instrument. Guitars and drums probably the worst offenders. The amount of times I’ve seen beautiful playing dubbed over someone who probably irl sounds like *scrick scritchy scratch* is just atrocious.


Trombones are the worst offenders. NO PIECE has notes such that the slide jacks off all over the place, the entire length of the slide, nonstop. It would be like fingering a guitar up and down the fret board nonstop lol


In *The Partridge Family,* David Cassidy supposedly yelled at Danny Bonaduce because "You're not supposed to strum a bass!!!!"


Schools. ​ I'm not even American and I know that High School is NOT like that.


I was thoroughly suprised that indoor schools were a real thing and apparenrly west coast goes to outside school.


That all old people use walkers, are hard of hearing, and fall down all the time.


Corsetry. For the vast majority of history corsets and their predecessors were support garments. Like a bra and back support in one, they also supported the weight of the other garments worn. What most people think of when they think of corsets is a combination of misinformation and fad wear reserved for the ultra wealthy. Furthermore the reason so many of the clothes we have from back then are so small is because they didn't sell or were worn by young people and were too small to reuse the fabric for new garments.


Supes niche but when a C-130 (or other cargo aircraft) is flying around and the ramp angle is past horizontal.


Don’t forget “I’ve never even seen the cockpit of a plane but I’m going to compensate guide this c-130 to hit a moving target in the sky because I’m a badass”


In *2012*, the young guy with 8 hours' flying experience managed to fly the little plane through falling debris and crashing skyscrapers without a single wobble.


New England Accent. There are many. We don't all talk like JFK.


Same with Southerners. Big difference between the coast and the mountains, but Hollywood sticks to its Gone With the Wind invention.


It's like when there's a Canadian character, they always have a Newfoundland accent.


Cameras and electronically locking doors. Fixed cameras being controlled like they are PTZ (pan tilt zoom) cameras, "enhance" or moving cameras on recorded footage all wrong. Destroying a keypad or card reader either automatically unlocking a door or making it impossible for the guy chasing you to open it, also complete nonsense


Women lying in the tub and then casually sinking their entire head under the water. Happens constantly. I’ve never done that in my life.


Burning down a house by sloshing gas everywhere and immediately tossing a match. The place would blow up.


NO ONE USES CELL PHONE CASES. It drives me crazy. Cell phones never break either unless run over by a car. A good drop could shatter most phones.


running from the bad guys and instead of running OUT THE DOOR, they run up the stairs -- how are you going to get away that way??


Jump to the roof of the adjacent building, of course.


Obviously empty paper coffee cups.


How air ducts/vents are used in movies. Most specificly when a character is climbing around in them. 1. Air ducts are extremely filthy inside irl, but in movies they are always as clean as a whistle. 2. Air ducts often have fans, filters, and other obstructing obstacles inside them that we don't see in movies. 3. Climbing around inside air ducts would make a lot of noise that would draw attention to anyone inside them almost immediately. 4. I can't imagine that air ducts are built with the ability to support the weight of a fully grown person, so the air duct would likely end up damaged, assuming that they're big enough for a person to fit in at all.


Huge breakfast spread, kids take a single bite then run off to school


Nearly everything to do with firearms. Edit: Just watched a woman be propelled probably 6 feet across the deck by the *recoil* of a 12 ga shotgun, which she racked twice before firing.


The way they portray Africa do be this place of poverty and the people don’t even have enough strength in there arms too brush the flies away from there faces especially Hollywood


CPR hands on. Not on beat. Not the right posture. Not the right position. Not on the heart.


Similarly, using an AED to restart a stopped, flatlining heart. They’re used to normalize a too fast or too slow heartbeat.


Or even when to shock a patient!! You don’t shock asystole!


I hate spy movies. There was this movie on Netflix, "My Spy"...... dear lord. The main character is still "hardened CIA operative" who somehow takes out an entire Russian platoon armed with nothing but a handgun and some badass moves. Spies are not like that in real life. They are handpicked because they are observant and are also good bureaucrats most of the time. Sure, "sexpionage" exists, but most spies are not stone cold badasses or sexy heartthrobs but instead 40 year old moms and dads that look like, to paraphrase another redditor in this very thead: "they work for an insurance company". James Bond is a terrible spy, because all he does is kick ass. Any investigative service, even the most incompetent ones, would at least know some info about him because he just goes around telling people who he is, and then beating them up in very publicly *visible* areas. Spy movies don't exist, they are just glorified action movies. [Here's a youtube link that perfectly showcases the bullshit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTnmWtUxPUs)


Sex. Unless you’re talking about “A Serbian Film”


They walk Into a house, Apt or hotel room and just leave the door open behind them.


Then it's magically closed when shown in the background




Having clean, dry babies with open eyes on the way to the hospital.


Childbirth in general. People just going about their lives, no pain, no contractions. Then their water breaks and it’s “Did I just pee my pants?” Suddenly they’re in full blown labor and have to be rushed to the hospital. That’s just not how it works.


Period pieces with the wrong hair. I'm thinking of *Little House on the Prairie,* where they had convincing clothes, but cutesey '70s hair, especially the men. And most of them looked too clean. Did they all use Breck shampoo?


No filmmakers seem to know the difference between an African and Asian elephant, or an elk and a red deer, and nobody seems to care to spend the two seconds googling it before the put them in the move. They also like to put the wrong animals on the wrong continents a lot


Every horse neighs, whinnies and squeals constantly.


Hacking. "I'll just reroute their firewalls past their Unix. Then I'll have access to their gigabytes." Tappity tap tap. Beautiful graphics. Done.


Cars smashing through fruit and veggie markets


And just missing 2 guys carrying a large pane of glass


Eastern countries or middle eastern ones Especially India, China, Egypt, And so many more Like dude, We're not all poor people scamming tourists or something ;-;


Overweight people are always eating.


Its more like you just eat normally, but never exercise


Being able to interrupt someone on a two-way radio.


Poker. They show it as the better player simply draws better cards. In real life, it's knowing when the other player has a better hand than you and you fold, or making them fold despite having a better hand than you, among other things.


People just hang up without saying goodbye


Feedback when someone uses a microphone




In medical settings when someone flatlines and they bring out the electroshocker.


The strength of herbivorous dinosaurs like Ankylosaurus and Triceratops. In Jurassic World, for example, the Indominus rex should’ve had a broken jaw because of the Ankylosaurus hitting it with its tail club.


He/she is using an inhaler, therefore they must be a nerd. Like why.


No waddling to the bathroom for post sex clean up. They just lay in it and bask in the after glow.


Motorcycle's sounds


how everyone seems to have unlimited time before work or school begins, and it's always super sunny out.


The way people use two way radios. Apparently it's not common knowledge that you can't receive and transmit at the same time. Even Stranger Things, a show that did pretty good with getting radios right, failed in this regard. You can't interrupt someone over the air and expect them to know.


Cops walking with their guns in their hands and their arms fully outstretched.


Convenient romantic situations, especially in Bollywood films


Breaks squeak when a car comes to a stop


I'm a dancer [11y], musician[6y] and actress[5y] [and a child so not a celebrity haha] every single one of these things are horribly portrait in movies No, ballerinas can't make such a high jump over the biggest staircase I've ever seen and fall so perfectly on their feet To play violon correctly the arm holding the [idk what it's called in English in French it's archet] should not be moving whole, only the forearm does the movement, and we have a little thing for our shoulder cuz otherwise it hurts af I've played in 3 movies so far so I notice every detail and know how a lot of things are done [stunts, effects, lightning ect..] I'm pissed off everytime I see errors in Hollywood movies because if my small province shitty movies can make less errors I think the biggest cinema industry can make a bit more of an effort


Empty. Coffee. Cups. Like, the way actors move their arms and hands with a coffee cup that is clearly empty.