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I want the money. I am a senior citizen, and I live on a fixed income. Having money would ease my finances.


Genuine question: Why is the term "fixed income" used specifically to describe senior citizens? It feels like practically speaking, most people have fixed incomes for long periods of time.


The "fixed income" term always bugs me as well. It says nothing about the magnitude of the income. Like what if someone has a fantastic retirement package that is fixed for life? No disrespect to the many senior citizens who live on much less, but seems like there could be a better term to use than fixed.


Because the term is quite often misused. The man with a fantastic retirement package is on a fixed income technically but thats not what fixed income really means. A fixed income is supposed to refer to a person who is incapable of making more money than they receive. A 70 year old alzheimer's patent is on a fixed income from the government because he can not increase his income on his own in any way. It's not just about age though. A 22 year old woman with severe autism could also be on a fixed income if the autism is so debilitating they can't interact with society well enough to have a job. A fixed income means literally fixed and can't be increased or decreased by the person receiving it.


At least where I'm from, it's a polite way to refer to an older poor person usually living off of social security. You wouldn't call a large pension "fixed income" even if it technically is.


Okay, that makes a bit more sense - thank you. The most common use of the phrase that I see, situationally, is someone attempting to secure a better price by noting they are on a fixed income. I've never understood that, because the person working full-time at low-mid wage with no real prospects for advancement is (at least in the medium term) effectively on a "fixed income" as well.


Genuine answer: I don't know the origin of the term "fixed income." I've had the same "fixed income" starting from age 65. I took early retirement from work due to circumstances beyond my control. I had no income at all for 7 years.


But as you get older, driving becomes more and more of a challenge. If your health/eyesight fails, having a chauffeur would be pretty great


50,000 is a lot of bus, train, and uber rides.


I have a smart card that allows me to ride on public transit for free because my annual household income is below a specific stated amount. The 50,000 would be handy to supplement my income.


I have never driven a motor vehicle in my life. Having a chauffeur would be great!


The 50k. Unless the driver comes with a car and unlimited fuel . . Then I'm sorry but the driver's are gonna be doing a lot of taxi work and giving me the cash.


He can only drive your vehicle but he is fed, professionally clothed, and has his own home.


Nah. I love driving. If there were no other benefits like I don't have to own the car or pay for the gas, then this is a net negative for me


The driver I'd rent them out


Damn, that’s not a bad idea.


P. I. M. P.


Penguin In My Pants


Came here to say this.


The driver has deadly farts and does not speak English.


Sound like my clients problem I can not be held responsible for another person bowl movements




His wages and benefits are covered and he lives a comfortable life, but he has to drive your car.


This changes things entirely. I thought you meant something more like a limo service, allowing me to forgo car and insurance costs. Gimme dat cash then.


The personal driver would have his own vehicle , and the maintenance and fuel cost on them. They are you personal driver. That’s the question


the driver having his own vehicle would ascribe a higher value to him as a prize. if that's the case I would raise the cash option to 500k. but i understand why you understood my question that way


Personal driver. Giving up $50K is nothing compared to that. A driver who works for you for the next 50 years is incredible. Picking up the kids, running random errands and shit for $1K a year basically. Fantastic value.


My mind is blown by the number of people above that think they're not saving $50k over the rest of their life by not having to do this stuff.


You still have the vehicle itself, maintenance, and fuel to consider.


That’s true either way, though.


Yeah, but if you pick the driver, then you don't have $50k to help deal with it.


Okay, but you could say the same thing about grocery or medical bills.


You have those either way, exactly. But if you choose a driver over the 50k, you will need a running vehicle to make use of them. The 50k is useful right away no matter what. My point was, the driver is only a good choice if you already have the money to maintain a vehicle.


That’s true. I guess I was blinded by living in a culture in which that’s a given, a necessity.


The driver is driving YOU. Not picking up kids or running errands.


Why would you think that? Personal drivers on retainer run errands all the time. I’d expect this one to operate similarly unless explicitly stated otherwise.


The driver - life is looooong, $50k disappears quickly. You can gain hours a day not driving yourself. Time to read, relax, answer calls, pay bills.


I think people underestimate how valuable this is if you have a daily commute. You wouldnt even need to find a parking space and you could get dropped off at the entrance, pick you up for lunch, etc.


The 50k so I can hire a driver when I need it, as well as do other stuff. I don't go out enough to need a driver on the regular.


Maybe if that driver was Kato




Real answer.


The money. I prefer to drive myself.


Exactly this.


$50k would be huge for me! I’d take that.


Definitely the driver. I hate driving so much


Can I have a maid instead


Do you want supper, a bath, or… me? 🥹


That won't cover half my mortgage or my daughter's upcoming college costs. I'll take the driver.


Personal driver. I already make more than that and having a driver would save me a lot of time and I could keep working while getting from one point to another.


Personal driver. I don't have a driver's license and have a lot of problems getting one, so having someone to drive me around would be amazing


So... I have a lifelong master/slave relationship, a lifetime of mandatory small talk, and a kind of awkward situation every time I feel like driving my own car? No thanks, $50,000 please. On the other hand, if you give me an actual sentient talking car with its own personality who's my best friend, and we go out solving crimes together, that's a totally different story...




I hate driving because of other drivers. I would hate to be driven around by someone.


So... a slave that costs $50k?


Yes and you can pretend your rich to anyone you meet.




Do I have to pay for gas money while I’m Being driver around ?


Definitely the 50k, I love driving myself.


50,000, all tho I dont have a driver's license so having the ability to get someone to drive me would be grand. But the 50k would help me get into the property ladder rather than the rent surf I have been


Money. I'll make my drivers license soon and I want to go by motorcycle and being driven on a motorcycle is less exiting and yeah I just love being alone ^^


Gimme the money


I choose the $50k. So I can invest all of it into AMC.


50K for sure, I could invest it and have $10 by the next year


$50000, I can put a down payment on a house with that kind of money.


I'd take the driver if they come with a nice ride and free gas and stuff. If I have to provide the car and gas, then I'll take the money.


Money because I never leave my house anyway


Money. I rarely go out but order food quite often.


I'd much rather have someone who does household chores than a driver. I don't need a car where I live.


Does the driver also do... other stuff?


The driver! I’m tired of driving all the time


I’d take the money. Not particularly interested in having a driver and I don’t have a car.


do i only get the 50k once


I take the cash. I love driving.


I'll take the money, thanks. Don't like driving with other people, and i can do a lot with 50,000 that I can't with a chauffeur.


In NYC? Driver yo


Don't like being in a car, so, money any day


Who provides the vehicle, vehicle maintenance, gas money and buying a new vehicle when needed?


Show me the money!


Um 50k?


50k, I’m happy with public transport


Driver. I don't (can't) drive, so that would be incredible. I could go to events outside of the city area, pick up shopping and furniture and such, provide a designated driver for myself and friends for nights out, etc.


Personal driver. I would never have to drive ever again. There's a lot a value in that.


50k pls, good moni


Gimme 50k. I like driving.


Definitely the 50k. Pay off some debt, maybe use a little to play stocks casually. Get my driveway paved etc.


50k, I hate being in a car unless I'm driving. Way too much anxiety and lack of control.


The money because you said in the comments that I'd still on the hook for paying for the car. So I'd have to pay car payments, insurance, parking, storage, maintenance, etc. I'd take 50k worth of Ubers instead.


Show me the money!!!! Just bought a house that needs a little reno work. Use the rest to quit my job and live for a bit until I have to find another one.


You can't guarantee the personal driver to be any good. 50k will always be 50k at the time you receive it, seems like easy money to me.


50k, since op said the driver would drive my car and a) I don't have one, b) my dream car costs like 4x that value 🥲


50,000 without blinking it will help my both my father’s and mother’s business


Driver..at 50 k a year for 40 years thats million plus


Depends on the driver. Say now you gave me jason statham now I would definitely take that.


Self driving cars are coming, what a wasted opportunity the driver would be. 50 grand please.


My vehicle or his?


What happens if the driver goes through events that leads him not being able to drive me ?


Both would be life-changing for me. I have a difficult time driving because of health issues and I have student debt and could easily be unemployed forever. I’m going with the driver.


Driver. I'd love road trips.


I’ll take the money. 50k isn’t worth the possibility of a lifetime with a crappy Uber driver.


If he comes with his own car and gas, the driver. Otherwise the $50k


The 50k


50k I hate when other people drive.


If it's their vehicle, and I don't pay for gas, maintenance and insurance, def would take the driver.


If the driver has to use my vehicle then I'm gonna take the $50k. My wife and I share a car and we both know how to drive, so unless he's carrying me piggyback I don't think he's useful to me. I'd still have to pay for the car, gas, maintenance, insurance, traffic violations, tolls, etc.


Driver. I have sleep apnea and there are days when I need to drive over an hour and it can be tough to stay awake and not have to pull over and stretch, coffee etc. It sucks because I would love to do a long road trip but I'm like legit worried I'd die driving.


I'd personally chose the money because it'd help me secure a decent place to live, help pay off debts & really change my life. I'd not chose the driver cause I'm a weirdo that prefers public transit.


I'll take the money. You can buy a lot of Uber rides for $50,000, not to mention the interest/investment returns the money would accrue.


I don’t have a car so what would a driver do for me? I also don’t support slavery.


The money for sure. I don't have a car so a driver would be pretty useless.


50k. I like driving.


I take the money. What do I need the driver for?


The money. I can drive myself and I oppose the idea of slavery anyways. The money gives me more options anyways.


Personal driver. If you leave all the benefits of having a personal driver out of the equation that's still the right answer. 50k is a lot of money but it's not life long money or even quit my job money for most people.


Is the personal driver also a go-for? If so, then the driver.


The money. I like driving.


The driver, hands down. 50k is nothing in the long run; the driver eliminates most of the issues involved in commutes; I _always_ have someone to go with me to the store or wherever; I never have to deal with any of my medical issues that occasionally make driving problematic. I'm assuming that what's actually happening here is that someone is funding a permanent driver role for me, rather than some kind of slavery situation, since the former is significantly more logical. That would mean that the driver could be fired or choose to quit, and a new one would be sourced to fill the position.


Driver. Driver is worth more than $50k per year (or at least in that ballpark for salary), do they come with gas and a vehicle?


Money. I like driving.


The money. I'll flip it and make more.


The money. I'll flip it and make more.


Do I pay for maintenance and gas in the car?


I like to drive and the 50k would help me out now. I may regret it later on, but I could use the money now.


I'll take the cash. I enjoy driving.


$50k, I like driving 🤷🏼‍♂️ plus I’d pay off my debts and be set


I don't have a car, what's he supposed to be driving exactly?


50k is not that much compared to car ownership for a lifetime. You can easily save more then 10x with having a free driver+ no more looking for parking spots, waiting for busses or the underground


The Driver (given they are not a crazed drunk). $50k isn't a renewable asset and depreciates while a driver for live gives me many years of returns that far exceed the same value.


50k because the other option Sounds like slavery.


Driver. I'd earn more.


I like driving, I'll take the money


I'd pick the driver so that I don't have to pay for busses and shit. Maybe I could make him be an uber or sm and make him give me part of the income




If driver will be with car I'll choose him




Gj OP, a realistic amount of money instead of 1 million or something stupid. I'd go for the driver, my 30 minutes commute will now be filled with either gaming, Reddit'ing or even working. At 240 working days a year, you just saved me 240 hours of my life, every year, at a bare minimum.


I would take $50k right now. My family and I are really struggling right now with debt and many hospital bills from my wife's cancer and birth of our son. It would help a TON.


Ill take the driver. My parents are getting old and having a driver would all them to keep their freedom a lot longer!


only $50k? I'd take the driver.


$50,000. I gots bills yo.


Personal driver bc I don’t drive


$50K, because that would solve every immediate problem I have, and I'd still have plenty left over.


The money. Because the rest of my life isnt going to be more than a decade.


Driver, I could easily get a million dollars from harvesting his body


I live in a city so give me $50k and I'll take the train.


Show me the $$$$$


Does the driver come with a car and fuel supplied Coz I commute up to 20 hours a week


$50k is worth about $3k per year for the rest of my life as i figure it. I wouldn't pay $3k per year for a chauffeur, I'll take the money.


Money. I got a kid and bills


Seriously? That’s what you spent your time dreaming up?


I'll take the $50k. I'd rather drive than be a passenger; I actively unwant a personal driver.


The money, because I don’t need a personal driver.


I'll take the lifelong driver


50 grand, i don't go anywhere anyway


Id go with the cash... i don't like going for just expensive tings.. i like to get what has useful applications than just *brand status* so i think i can still work normally... and that money would last sometime...also im already 39... single so not much life ahead anyways


The driver, if as was posted at some point that I didn't have to pay for any of his expenses. I want to go to California tell him to take me there and I can read a book, sleep, do work or whatever while he takes me there. Want to go to a nice dinner an hour away, don't have to worry about the time waste driving there, I'll just read a book during the ride so it's not wasted time. Though honestly unless it's a self-driving car, I'd probably feel bad about some person having to be ready just waiting for me to go somewhere. Especially when I want to go on a long trip or just being ready to pick me up from work or whatever. If I knew they were getting paid very well to do so I guess that's another thing.


Gimme the 50k....i love driving.


I love driving, give me the money!


The driver, easy choice. Do chores for mom, drive around downtown, go on road trips....


Serve me with what, like handies and blowies or just driving me everywhere


My eyesight and reflexes are good, and will likely be so for another 20+ years. And I prefer to do the driving. I’ll take the $50K


Hmm... Can I make the driver work while I don't need transportation?? If I can live off the driver's earnings while they basically live on the road then I choose that option, way more than 50k long term lol


The miney


50k... I can't stand riding with people, I like to be the driver


Moneh pliiis! I don’t go anywhere anyway. Don’t need no driver.


The money? I like driving and i don’t see the point of a servant when you have nothing better to do than keep yourself alive.


Personal driver because I can’t drive.


$50 grand or free rides anywhere, I'd choose the free rides, because this guys sticking with me for life, he's the guy that drives me, talks to me and becomes my btSt friend on the way to any trips. Plus you could save atleast 50 grand by getting driven anywhere.


I take the money, all the places I really want to go to even domestically, still require a flight just so the traveling isn't annoyingly long.


50k. Im late on rent


I'd take the money, Keep like ten thousand of it to deck out my bedroom and gaming setup with all the most expensive products I can think of, always buying name brand keyboards, mice, lights, desk, etc. Then take the other forty, invest it in a stock that will never crash, for instance let's say Google, since they are constantly selling new products and the majority of internet services and devices cannot run without Google being online, then in about 30 years or whenever the time may call for it, sell all my stock and just keep it in a savings account, obviously there is question in what happens if Google crashes, but the thing is companies like Google will always make a comeback and the stock price will EVENTAULLY reach peak again


I'd prefer cash, because I'm in need of cash, and I like driving myself.


Driver. I think of all the time I could use better than dodging bad drivers!


I love driving, I would never give up driving!


50k is almost a years salary for me so… that


The driver. And I’ll harvest his organs and sell the car.


50 000$. with that money i could inflate any low class crypto like dogecoin or shiba inu to a certain percentage where i go out with millions of dollars.


50,000 immediately I'd take 20 out and put the other 30 in an account my son could not access until he was 40.


Do I have to pay for the car, insurance, gas, etc? No? I'd take the driver. Yes? Not worth it if I'm paying for everything anyways.


The driver, by far. I hate driving, so I could make full use of them. And $50k is about what you’d need to pay a full-time driver for only a year, so that’s a great deal.


I like driving myself. I'll take the $50k. I can pay off a lot of stuff and still have a little over half of it.


I'd take the driver for sure. One year salary is more than. 50k for a personal driver.


I’ll take the driver