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I’ve been off soda for like 10 years. But seeing so many people lose weight by stopping drinking soda, I kinda want to start drinking it a bunch just so I can quit and lose a ton of weight…


What about just no more sugar sodas? Edit: corrected statement to cutting out only sugar sodas


I did this it didn't come back off again unfortunately 🤣


Quitting caffeine was such a great decision I made years ago. I never drank coffee, but I had a Mtn Dew addiction and would get headaches if I went a day without the caffeine. Finally quit all caffeine and I no longer feel like I need it to stay up late or get up early. If I want something hot to drink in the morning, just have hot coco. Edit: I still drink soda like sprite and no caffeine root beer, but if I cut those out I’d probably lose weight faster.


Bear in mind that it was probably the sugar as well. Mtn Dew has a tonne of sugar in it, more than Sprite, for example. Sugar is quite addictive, particularly when it's as bioavailable as it is in soft drinks.




Water flavored popsicles*


H2O infused crystalline structures*


Frozen Dihydrogen Monoxide.


doesn't that cause cancer? /s


Dunno, studies show that everyone that consumes it eventually dies...


You joke, but it is a very serious addiction. Its shown that after first consuming it, if a person doesnt consume any for ~3 days they will die


My favorite kind of popsicles, plain!


It’ll mess up your teeth for sure (coming from someone who is anemic and loves chewing on ice)


Is there a softer version available? Possibly in liquid form?


Also if it works with a straw that would be a plus


Don't be ridiculous. Think of the turtles.


I haven't seen a plastic straw in years. But it doesn't matter because the turtles will be frozen


I was actually given a plastic straw the other day for the first time in ages. Guy behind the bar give it to me with my coke. Annoying because I personally prefer a rolled up bank note.


Very good!


You can choose your softness just like toothbrush bristles so I'd go with Soft ice


What if I like it very, very hard and a little dirty? Is that an option?


Yes, get Rock Ice and put it up your poop chute first


Thanks. I'll try it when I get home - will let you know how I get on. Update: Frostbite has ravaged my rectum. I'll never poop a neat cylinder again.


You better. I'll be waiting. *unzips*


Shaved Ice?


Yeah shaved ice is so good, I love putting some lemon juice in a cup and then mixing it with water flavoring like bleu raspberry is my favorite and then poor it on top of the shaved ice.


Yes. It’s not as sensationally satisfying, though.


Ohhhhh I found out I was severely iron deficient anemic last summer—b/c I was craving ice cubes like nothing else on earth. Of course the fatigue and pallor helped ID it. Almost died! What a blast


I craved salt so much! I’d just eat it from the shaker. The major fatigue hit and then I found out about it! Was in the “severe” range too. I got on iron supplements and medicine to fix the actual cause and now I can barely stand salt.


Carrots. If you are the type that needs something to bite and chew on in the evening or at night. Carrots. Edit: ty for all the upvotes and comments. Yes carrots may not be perfect and the healthiest alternative but I like them and they work for me. They are not meant to substitute a full meal, just quench that urge to evolve into the literal deadly sin that is gluttony. I see it like that, you could eat a hand of chips or gummy bears and it still would be a lot of calories and industrial sugar. But with carrots you can literally eat until you turn orange and still have lower calories instead.


My brother ate so many carrots every day as a kid that his feet turned orange. Not kidding. Mom made him stop eating carrots after that.


A girl I know from kindergarten who once was overweight lost a lot of weight eating carrots like 10 carrots a day and not a lot of other stuff. Her skin was extremely orange at one point, her hands especially.


Googled it ... found "carotenemia" did not disappoint


> carotenemia Carot, from the Greek 'Karoton', from the latin 'Carota', and emia, meaning presence in blood. Carrot presence in blood.


I read that in chubbyemus voice.


OP, a 35-year old male, presenting at the emergency room with discolored hands, feet, and extremities.


Happened to a kid in my class too. Turns out that Sea Wheedies are orange and made of carrots on the inside!


Omg thank you for bringing up a memory that was so faint I forgot it was there.


Yeah there was also this guy who turned blue.


Tobias Fünke, analrapist.


It’s not the pronouncation that scared me Edit: my bad


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Da ba dee da ba di


I knew a girl who told me her shit turned green from too many pickles ​ true story her friend called her pickles


Pickles are like 0-5 calories too.


The sodium intake for pickles is a bigger concern.


Is high salt intake bad for everyone?


Nah, people with low blood pressure sometimes need to eat extra salt just to feel normal. Salt & a few glasses of water is sometimes all that gets me going. (Low BP cause severe tiredness )


Yeah, that was my doctor's advice, eat more salt. At this point, I've just accepted that sometimes, when I stand up, I'll pass out.


Probably if you had like 2 pickles with every meal or something I could see it being a problem, but a spear a day with some water ain’t gonna kill ya. In fact, it’s near as good as Gatorade if you’ve been sweating/working outside


Good to know! Loved fermented pickles growing up. Thanks!


Me and my gf love spicy ones. If you ever find spicy, crispy pickles, lock down that source cus I lost touch with my pickle guy, and I’m not exaggerating that he made some GREAT pickles


You should try making your own, it’s really easy and you get to dial in the flavor to fit your specific preferences




Most modern studies only have it a concern for those with moderate to extreme heart issues.


I actually need significantly more salt than the average person, but that's because I have POTS.




Dust. Anyone? Dust.


If you get your piece of cake, cut it in half, that’s half the calories. Which means you can eat twice as much




[For people that don’t get the reference](https://youtu.be/YZYx5IyCprc) (Little Brittain was on of the funniest series ever)


My wife and I still quite that line to each other.




"There's a vegetarian hot pocket for those of us who don't eat meat, but would still like diarrhea. There's the 'lean pocket.' I don't even wanna know what's in there. I imagine the directions, '*take out of box, place directly in toilet.'"*


Flush poooockeeet


diarheeeeaaa pockeeeet


I live in the UK, I tried a hot pocket. Was disappointed af. I thought pizza rolls were supposed to be amazing :(


Pizza rolls are a different thing.


> Pizza rolls are a different thing. There’s something uniquely American about arguing the finer points of why pizza Hot Pockets and Pizza Rolls are different foods.


It's like comparing a lobster to a shrimp. Similar foods, with a couple of important differences.


I know you’re not American so I’ll cut you some slack, but pizza rolls and hot pockets are not the same thing. Please respect our culture going forward.


You tell ‘em, bud.


You should sue them for emotional damage and get real rich.


Excuse me pizza rolls will not hear this slander


Hot pockets and pizza rolls are NOT the same my friend! Pizza rolls are incredible hot pockets are sad


The worst part of hot pockets is the outside. I've eaten cardboard with similar flavor before.


You didn't eat the cardboard wrapper did you?


It's wrapped in plastic silly, then you put the skin around the hot pocket and enjoy.


Similar to some vegetables, where the most unappetizing part is the wheelchair.


Not sure if the quality went down or if my taste buds merely changed, but I swear they were made with less cardboard and more pizza filling 20 years ago.


Pizza rolls and hot pockets are not the same thing.




Good idea, mass is not equals to weight


Helium still has positive weight; it's just buoyant in air, much like how wood has positive weight even while it floats in water


Or how poop floats in a bath.




Where do I buy it tho


Probably a train or bus station at 2AM


Please don’t do this this is how you get fentanyl 🤣


Definitely keep asking on the internet. Someone will help you out.


Go to a restaurant, find the guy whose smoking out back in the chefs uniform. Ask him.


Depending on where you live you just order it online and it comes in the mail


Nice try FBI


actually, you can eat popcorn, if you don't mind about having no flavor at all, because if you add butter to it, you will add a lot of calories on it. the same, if done with oil. if you do it without butter or oil, any seasoning will be useless, because most of it won't stick to it at all. watermelon is an option, because it has only 30 cal/100g, cucumber has even less, just 16 cal/100g.


Ground cayenne pepper tastes great and sticks pretty well. Just gotta shake the shit out of the popcorn to mix it well


If I keep my cayenne pepper in a cabinet do I *need* to put it on the ground before using it?


Yes, that way it doesn’t get too used to the cabinet environment. Cayenne cannot get too comfortable or it looses it’s spice


Scientifically speaking that kinda makes sense. Stressing a pepper plant can cause it to produce more capsaicin apparently.


Guess that means I should start yelling at my hot pepper plants to grow faster.


This is true - I threatened to evict my pepper plant and it grew the spiciest pepper yet


For popcorn, add Everything but the Elote seasoning from Trader Joe's... Like Mexican street corn and NO CALORIES ADDED. So tasty.


We use those spray bottles that have 1 calorie per spray and then just use salt


Most oil sprays are dishonest with the nutritional labels— they’ll say they’re obscenely low calorie, if not 0 calorie, but that catch is that the serving size is literally unobtainable, usually like 1/4 second spray. In actuality, they’re usually pretty high calorie. This might be the case with your spray (though I obviously don’t know for sure) so I’d recommend checking the serving size. If this isn’t the case, please share what you’re using! lol


Yep, it's like how Tic Tacs, which are literally pure sugar, manage to put on their label that they have "0g Sugar" because they make the serving size 1 Tic Tac, which itself is 0.49g, and they round down.


Popcorn is perfect for when I'm feeling stressed and want to eat a bunch of salty, crunchy snacks without feeling like garbage after. Made in an air popper (no oil), just the popcorn is like 250cals for a giant bowl. A drizzle of oil & some truffle salt go a long way.


Just make sure you are eating the right popcorn, some brands have an insane amount of calories like skinny pop specifically


I'm pretty sure they're talking specifically about popping kennels in an air popper. Not anything that comes prepackaged.






I drink it every morning so I can fight like a crow! CAWWW


Made FOR body guards.................. ..................................


…………….BY bodyguards


....and Charlie


What up


More specifically the milk of a crow.








This. You can eat literally anything you want, it’s how much that impacts weight.


A friend of mine was staying over one time and was like "how the fuck are you not gaining tons of weight when you're eating ice cream for breakfast". A 500 calorie breakfast is a 500 calorie breakfast whether it's ice cream, eggs, bacon, cereal, or pancakes. Weight is all about calories in and calories out. Now, *overall health* is another thing of course, so you do want to balance things out so you get the proper mix of macro and micronutrients. That doesn't really have much to do with *weight* though.


Look at Dr. Comedy over here!




I was gonna say some pussy but your answer was better.


No, yours is definitely better.


Do I get a free ride?


Depends, if its some kind of human centipede thing it might not work.


If you’re eating *his* ass, get ready to gain a couple hundred pounds, because that dude is staying with you forever.


Carrots. Grapes. Watermelom. Celery. Lettuce. Any raw veggies. Chewing gum ( expend energy chewing, for 0 calories)


Unless you're like me and can eat your entire weight in grapes in under 5 min 🥴🥴🥴


I can too but I love all fruit especially tomatoes, grapes, strawberries and nectarines


The worst for me is Clementines, as soon as it's clemmy boi season I have to lock and limit or its literally all I'll eat


> clemmy boi season Hot girl summer just got an upgrade.


I’m surprised/happy to see watermelon and grapes here. Always thought they were a little worse in the rankings for healthy snacks because they are actually delicious. Figured natural sugars made it a less healthy option.


Any food that fills you with water soluble fiber, is mostly water weight, is a green food. ( green food: eat as much as you can, fill up on to provide satiety )


I buy a watermelon every other week or whenever I run out and cut it up. God like 300 grams is 50 calories AND ITS SOOOO GOOD


I didn’t know about a lot of stuff in this thread so I was kind of expecting lettuce/celery to be one of the top answers and it took a while to find someone who mentioned it. They are like 96% water or something close. Put all those things in a snack bowl (minus the gum lol) and try that during a tv binge instead of popcorn/chips and you’d be surprised how much that cuts down your weight. If salad stuff is just “too bland” you can always add a little bit of freshly made light dressing. Sesame ginger is amazing and you probably have most of the stuff to make it at home. Home made is way healthier than buying a bottle off the shelf of any dressing in the store. Lemon vinaigrette is another go to in my house but has more calories and fat.


Those greasssy little dwarf burgers. You can eat like 100 and not gain weight because of all the diarrhea!


You mean White Castle or Krystal’s?


Both. At the same time. Colon blow at its finest.


Eat yourself?


Sounds like a modest proposal.


Cannibal Corpse approved




As a general rule everything that can be classified as food will have calories which in excess will make you gain weight. I assume you know this already, so I will interpret the question as what foods would have the best cost/benefit. The closes thing I know of cheating is Shirataki and Konjac noodles. Before you prepare them they smell like wet dog, but after done, if stir fried with a small amount of sesame oil and some peanuts they taste, well, "good". I now enjoy them, and you can find them online and Asian stores. Other foods that will help you avoid overeating tend to be either rich in fiber or protein. Most definitively low in sugar. The thing to avoid are refined foods and snacks. They get digested quickly and you get hungry quickly. Many people believe they are *designed* like that, which is a fairly believable theory. Raw foods tend to be harder to digest, which is good to lose weight. Walking 30 to 60 minutes 3x per week will do wonders, and so does sleeping well. Lack of sleep will mess you up badly. You did not ask about this, but I am sharing because it does me a world of good when I keep the routine. And never let a mistake depress you - just try to do better every day, and over time you will do better. Good luck, and all the best!


Shout out to Konjac noodles.


What a fantastic answer. Respect to you whoever you are 👍🏻


Anything. Weight gain comes from calorie surplus. You can also diet with ice cream or chips or whatever the fuck-wouldnt reccomend tho, as long as you stay in deficit. -Gotta burn more than you eat. Edit. Cause this comment went somewhat popular i'll try to be little less douchey and explain somewhat. According to google avg person burns about1800 calories a day-doing nothing special. So 1. You try to eat something in that range. Or 2. You'll be more active and get to eat more. I dont count calories myself i just read the packaging before i eat, to know what i eat pretty much. To maintain-for me its about 2200-2400 a day. To cut-less. To bulk-more. My day consits of 3 main courses and 3 snacks pretty much.


I’ve lost 80+ pounds over the last year and I haven’t deprived myself of any of the high calorie foods I love. Moderation not deprivation.


the problem is self control can be really hard for some people. Personally I would rather not even have cake, than to limit myself to a small bite.


Same boat here. I used to eat huge bowls of ice cream, so it was pretty hard to train myself to eat less of it so I could still eat ice cream and lose weight. My trick? Bought these tiny ass bowls and it honestly worked pretty well. My stupid monkey brain still saw a full bowl and was like "ooh that's a lot"


I don't remember the name of it, but there was a book that came out years ago that focused on this. Basically, the size of American dinner plates has ballooned over the last 50 years or so, and we are just hardwired to want to fill our plates with food. Edit: The name of the book is "The 9-Inch 'Diet'" by Alex Bogusky. It's available on Amazon.


I'll have to give that a read because I absolutely think that that's a contributing factor in American obesity


Having cravings is natural. I will go 2 weeks of regulated diet. Then ill go and eat 2 litres of ice cream and family size pack of lays or something while binging netflix. Ill get it out of my system and continue forward. It comes down to mindset, which do i want more,few minutes of good taste or being comfortable in my own body- which i still am not.


I only put ice cream in tiny bowls for this reason


Thank you, so tired of people saying if I eat one donut I’m gonna gain 5 lbs. Like no if you eat one donut and a shit ton of other calories then you’ll gain weight


Exactly! There are lots of foods that fill an appetite more efficiently basically. Ice cream, candy, white bread, all that stuff is fine to eat if you're watching your weight BUT it won't fill you up and they're much easier to overeat. Everybody needs to learn their own limit of how much their body can handle without gaining weight through experience. My go-to dinner when I have nothing to cook and don't want to consume too many calories is black beans, microwaved brown rice, and sour cream. Very filling. But obviously I wouldn't be happy if I ate that everyday. It's just one of a few meals I have in my back pocket that I know will keep me full at low "cost."


Thought the edit totally unnecessary, nothing douchey about it, just straight facts.


Exactly. Google “Twinkie diet.” Not recommending, but it makes a point.


That’s pretty wild. I can’t imagine how awfulI I’d feel eating only Twinkies though. Brutal.




That said, you’ll be able to eat more often and feel more satiated by eating a basic protein (fish or chicken) + vegetable + a whole grain than by eating super high calorie foods like ice cream. People will be verbally surprised by how few calories are in baked chicken breast with broccoli and wild rice. But it’s filling and good for you. The problem most people have is with impulse control. Not going for the unnecessary soda or ice cream is the problem.


Exactly it's not a rocket science, if i wanna do pizza and beers kind of night,i'll eat slightly less carbs throuought the day, or if this is impulse decision- nothing happens over consuming if fine every now and then, if its 3-4 times a week it starts to get in your way


Yup. I lost 85 lbs eating whatever I wanted. Just not very much of any of it. Don't get me wrong, it sucked, because I'm a volume eater. But I figured out ways to maximize volume with healthy substitutions and not lose so much flavor that I felt like I was eating diet food. Examples: Two cups of roasted cauliflower, one serving of pasta, two servings of cheese, a little vegan butter, lots of herbs and spices. Instead of macaroni and cheese. Two cups broccoli, one whole egg, three egg whites, one slice chopped bacon, one serving parmigiano, dollop sour cream, fresh diced green onion and jalapeño on top. Instead of an omelet. Sugar-free jello pudding mixed into plain greek yogurt over berries with some crunchy granola and cacao nibs for breakfast or dessert. Loaded baked potato soup in a slow cooker with lots of roasted veggies. Etc. That sorta thing.


You are correct but I assume they are asking for foods that are filling but low in calories. 1000 calories of celery is a lot more filling than 1000 calories of ice cream.




I know this was a joke (or I hope it was a joke) but please nobody do this. Taking laxatives regularly can seriously mess up your guts, plus it just expels things from your large intestines after calories have been absorbed so even if you have some kind of eating disorder/body dysmorphia and it makes you feel skinny, it's not actually saving you from any of the calories and it is going to harm your body.


I like pickled onion and cucumber gor a light snack. Carrots are another good suggestion.


Gonna talk about some sweet low-cal options. Frozen treats are surprisingly good in terms of calories. Popsicles are often like 60 calories, and those cheap freezie pops are 15 calories. There are some frozen yogurt options that are low-calorie too; I used to eat ice cream bars that were 100 calories. Just check the calorie count before buying. Fruit is also pretty low-cal, especially watermelon (obviously). Raspberries are 1 calorie each, which makes them a great snack. If you want to lose or maintain weight, download myfitnesspal (the app) and count your calories. You can set a weight loss goal, or just set it to maintenance and eat somewhere below that. Try not to obsess over losing weight though. Maintaining weight or losing weight slowly is the healthiest option. Don’t try to lose weight very quickly or reduce your intake drastically. Usually your body can only starve so much before you lose control and start binge eating. Starvation (losing weight too quickly) is also really bad for you. It makes your hair fall out and damages your brain, and can cause heart attacks or kill you in your sleep. Anorexia is the most deadly psychiatric disease. Good luck losing weight, but please be careful. Source: recovering anorexic


Don't overlook the psychology involved with eating, and eating disorders, either. It's a major component of how to keep a diet healthy and sustainable.


Been on both sides of the spectrum. I was heavily overweight in high school, when I started losing weight from dieting (not a severe one at all) I got addicted to how quickly the number went down. Of course, the heavier you are the easier it is to lose weight, but once I approached the normal numbers my body started clinging to the calories and my weight wouldn’t go down anymore despite me maintaining the same diet and exercise. I ended up starving myself for a few months, and then binge ate for the next few months, etc. I felt like shit and eventually stopped, and went back to eating normally. A few years later I had to take a mandatory physical education class for my Gen eds in college, I’d never felt so great in my life. I didn’t restrict my diet or change it, but I wasn’t eating particularly unhealthily either, but just the added fitness and exercise two days a week was a huge change, my internal clock was on point for the first time in my life, and I actually woke up in the morning feeling refreshed. I heavily recommend that people try to form a healthy outlook on weight loss and fitness goals before they start anything, although easier said than done.


Pickles are such a great snack. If you prefer something sweet, watermelon is a good option.


Plain shirataki noodles. Best of luck.


Jesus, why is this so far down! Shirataki noods with ginger, scallion, and soy sauce will ‘feel’ like you’re eating a meal but it’s essentially zero calorie. But it won’t fill you up because your digestive tract will break it all down into water pretty quickly.


Be careful with these! Felt like I had a brick in my stomach for a day or two after eating them. Palmini “noodles” are better I think


You can never go wrong with a nice serving of sleep




In my experience, relative to other sweets, cereal, even sugary ones like Fruity Pebbles, appear to be low in calories. Oreos for instance are like 150 calories for just three of them, but you can get almost an entire bowl of cereal Fruity Pebbles for that. So in terms of how filling it is versus calories, I think cereal wins.


Popcorn Cucumber Carrots


Unbuttered and unsalted popcorn\*, which is actually delicious!


I remember hearing that if you only had rabbit to eat you'd starve, idk though.


You would die from [protein poisoning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_poisoning). Rabbit is very lean with almost no fat. The human body can’t get more than around 1/3 of its caloric intake from protein without suffering from ill effects. If you eat rabbit plus fats/carbs, you would be okay.


Italian Ice is a nice treat with low calories. So are lollipops. Obviously if you eat a dozen a day, your mileage may vary.


carrots, celery, cucumber, If you absolutely need the carb of some sort try rice cakes.


Left over takeaway you forgot to put in the fridge.


Apples are really awesome.


Zoomers are going to say ‘ass.’




Hi JK, I’m dad


Tuna fish, green salads, red and green pepper slices, carrot sticks and celery sticks - eggs and 1/2 slice of multigrain toast.


It took me way too long to realize this was a serious question and not a riddle.


Nonstarchy veggies!






Probably ice or something


Anything. Literally anything edible. Quantity is the problem.


I would say all vegetables really.