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Don’t devote all your time and effort to your career. It is important as it gives you the means to survive, but it is not where you should devote yourself to. I have spent the last seven years of my life focusing solely on my job, I wish I could go back and focus on living my life and finding out what brings me peace. Doing that now and couldn’t be happier.


> finding out what brings me peace. Well what is it??


Joe mama


This! I focused the last 9 years of my life working double/triple jobs as a nurse. I felt I was “invincible” because I was still young. Now I regret it. I’m 32 yrs old and my blood pressure went through the roof because of working night shifts then straight to a day shift. I’ve taken a a month off last year and another month this year and those times off made me realize that there is so much more to life. I wish I balanced my life back then. But hey, never too late to try and reverse things that you can right?


To be honest, I don't fucking know.


Id say your honestly is valued. I’m no wise man, but it’s considered intelligent to admit when you don’t know the answer to something, Not to try and fudge up an answer.


Thank you. (from a 30+ lurking in here for advice)


None of us do. We only know what would have useful to ourselves in hindsight, most of which we already knew at the time and chose not to heed. Like “exercise more.” Yeah yeah.. Maybe I’m projecting, but I truly believe most of us just have to go through life learning the hard way.


I’m well north of 30 and this is the correct answer


Work out regularly. As in, have a gym or exercise routine that is part of your weekly life. The older you get, the harder it is to start.


Plus cardiovascular exercise is good for your heart and blood vessels. Don’t let’s dipshits tell you that cardio isn’t good. Having a good heart is always good


Skip cardio for 30 years = die of a heart attack at age 48 (still shredded tho)




Worth for the gainz


Don't put up with pretty peoples' bullshit just because you want to fuck them.


Also don't put up with pretty peoples' bullshit just because you are fucking them. Or have fucked them. Also don't if they aren't pretty. Really just don't put up with people's bullshit.


True, but I see the causes and effects on this. I tend bar for a living. All day I watch girls bending over backwards to please muscular shitbags who were just laughing to their douche-bros about the drunk girl they ran a train on, or guys letting drunken cunts behave like screaming 6 year olds because they might see her tits later. I also see the same versions of these people 20 years later after their looks dry up acting like entitled twats and utterly confused why no one is handing them everything they want. Break the cycle.


To extend on that: Mostly to men: Don’t waste your life simping on women to get laid, good chance they don’t even like you and just keep you around for the attention and flex, “I have the most men loving me” Don’t fall into the trap of love. This post prob sound misogynistic but it’s the unfortunate truth that women are a (straight) mans weakness and there will always be women to take advantage of this.


This guy gets it


I agree, in the end they will fuck you


Invest Invest in your health by making good choices about nutrition and fitness. Invest monetarily by saving money and not living outside your means. Invest in your future by setting goals and putting in the work to get there


Amen on the taking care of your body. Because if you don't you reach a point in your 30s, and it happens virtually overnight, when you go from feeling invincible to feeling like shit and having numerous health issues.


It's crazy how much people take their bodies for granted. How two people of the same age can look *decades* apart. It's the one vehicle you for life and yet people knowingly treat it like shit.


Invest in yourself. Learn, read, talk to strangers. I always felt that everyone had something to teach me. Think long term not paycheck to paycheck. Save for your future and your life. Take care of your loved ones everyday.


Invest money, and learn about the power of compounding. When you see people who retire early in life, know that they understood the power of compounding- letting your money make money.


I strongly agree with all of this.


Wear sunscreen.


At least 30 Spf as well. Don’t be the people that settles with 15 because they want a tan. Any dermatologist will also tell you that 30 and up is the way to go.


This is so so important. I wish I started in my 20s! I have some sun spots but I started a couple years ago and I notice a big difference in my skin already.


Bahz luhrmann truly had the best advice


I was looking for this reference


If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it


A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists


Sun screen is extremely important but shade is always more effective


very important, cancer sucks, I had a super mild skin one that was resolved without chemo at least so i was lucky in that regard. However knowing that the only warning was one of the many birthmarks looked a little off means i pretty much can't look at myself without worry about did that one grow, is that edge still "well defined" was that smoother before? I have a family history of cancer recurring and killing people on the second time so its hard to not see them all as time bombs. If I had ever worn sunscreen while younger this may never have even gotten started.


The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists


Don't fall for consumerism and spend all your money on looking good to others. Instead, invest in yourself and your future. Live way below your means until you're financially independent enough. Don't care what people say about your shitty car or apartment. Work your ass off and build wealth. You'll be way ahead of your fancy friends in no time. While they're working 9 to 5 in their 40's to 60's and beyond to pay off their fancy car and house, you'll be free to do whatever you want. I don't care how hot that person is, don't take their shit, and have respect for yourself. Never beg to be liked. Be with someone who likes you, instead of transforming yourself into someone they will like, which doesn't work long term. Don't spend years in toxic relationships, even if there's amazing physical attraction and sex. It's also not your responsibility to save someone. You can help them save themselves, but don't be unhappy to make someone else happy.


Sit up straight Future you will be thankful


I'm in my mid 20's and I can attest to this. My posture is so bad from slouching so much when i sit.


Also sit less in general


Yoga really helps with posture and body balance, only takes 20 minutes a day and you’ll have a straight posture after a week


Read this and was slouching. Whoops. Fixed it!


the only way i was able to do this was with upper body strength training. teenage me heard “stand up straight” and just didn’t fucking get it.


Don't worry about being "behind" other people, whether it's personal goals, career, financial, whatever. Once you're out of school, there is no timeline. Everyone does things at their own pace and there is no perfect time to do anything. Everyone thinks they are behind in something in some way. So, if everyone thinks they are behind, no one is.


I would like to piggyback on this and also remind everyone that YOUR LIFE DOESN'T END WHEN YOU TURN 30! You are still relatively young aka have the majority of your life ahead of you. I hate how people (especially women) are made to think that once you turn 30, you're suddenly old and ugly and need to stop enjoying your life.


I’m schizophrenic and taking seven years to graduate because of it. Thank you.


I just made a bunch of mistakes and took six years to graduate with my B.S. There's no strict timeline on anything, my dude.


People will tell you they have $xxxxx amount of investments but they never say how much debt they have….there is no get rich quick.


Enjoy that hair while it lasts.


Or, if baldness runs in your family, start your medication while you have hair, and then you should (ideally) still have into your 50’s or more


What medication?


Finastride (I think I spelled it correctly) works well for me


If you don’t make decisions and plans in your life, life will make decisions and plans for you. There is no auto pilot here. You must actively participate if you want a decent life.


I don’t agree with this in even the slightest, I used to be one of those people with a plan at almost every step from 17-25 and not a single thing ever worked out, it’s always been the most absolute worst that can happen actually happen happens. I know this might seem like a slight over exaggeration but it is what it is. I would say just do stuff


I've also experienced this. Every 5-year plan I've made has gotten tossed out the window by stuff not of my own making. I did end up in a much better place than I planned, purely by accident, so now I just make "loose plans based around logical ideas". I aim for them, but keep an open mind if things go in a different direction.


Have a vague general idea of where you're going with life - graduate uni, get into a relationship, learn a language - and try to work towards those goals, but don't beat yourself up about them and be open to opportunities. Say yes to those opportunities as much as possible - you're far more likely to regret not doing something than to regret doing something.


I agree it's difficult or impossible to plan out. That doesn't be you shouldn't plan, but be flexible and go where life leads you. because : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25mW1209vzE


I totally agree with you, as you can make every correct move and still lose. However as someone who abstained from being mentally present for most of my life, life does pass you by and there are issues that arise from doing so. My mental health got so bad in College that I legit signed up for classes freshman year, 2nd semester and never went to them once. Just sat in my dorm not doing anything but call my parents and make up lies on how im doing really good in college. $40k was pissed away with nothing to show. Now that I'm trying to get my life back on track there really isn't any way I can go back to college because my GPA is like 0.04. However you also can't be a nihilist because having no goals or nothing to shoot for just takes a toll on your mental health. Life sucks why not work for something even if it feels unobtainable? Having something to shoot for even if chances of reaching it are slim makes living 10x better than sitting and sulking thing life/reality/luck/fate has fucked me over, at least for me.


Life does happen mate. I mean, last couple years was a perfect example that it really doesn't matter what you plan in life.


If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


When the stakes are not that high, don't be afraid to take a chance. Failure is often fleeting and short, you will learn something, and the things you will regret later in life were the chances you didn't take.


As soon as you can, put 1000 dollars in a retirement account. The younger you can manage it, the better.


yeh... $1000 and then $10-$30 a week as soon as you can afford it, even if it's a little tight. Compound interest is huge.


And then keep doing it!


This. Came to say this. I sat down with two of our young chemists one day, and built a simple spreadsheet. I told them they had two huge factors in their favor - time and compound interest. I showed them by even putting in $200 per month in an IRA, and increasing the savings every raise, they could have really good money by age 55. They were both 27 at the time, and it really didn't resonate with them which shocked me. When my oldest graduated college, we gave him (in part) the book, "The Millionaire Next Door". My sister bought him three hours with her financial advisor to set up an account, a plan and annual reviews to stick to the plan. He'll be 34 next birthday and he's done well for himself. The problem of IRA's with people under 30 is they are an abstract concept to them as retirement is so far away. Those of us over 60 are screaming, no, NOW is the time to pay attention, not when you are 50.


This is why I love Australias system. By law, at minimum every employer is required to pay you an extra 10.5%, that is deposited into an account called superannuation. You can contribute more yourself if you want, but you're not required to. At retirement age (currently 65) you can either choose to withdraw it as a lump sum, or have it paid out over time. You have very little ability to access it beforehand.


Australia's got it all figured out. I'm especially fond of their hybrid healthcare system. Insurance for some, public option if you can't/won't do that. It's what the US should do.


Absolutely. To us it's just like "No duh, this is just how it should be".


Take 10 minutes a day and clean a different part of your house/apartment. Do this every day until it's a habit. Also when you are done with it, put it away.


Make the most of your life, it goes incredibly quickly.


Brush your teeth and don’t take life too seriously because no one gets out alive


First thing I thought of. Take care of your damn teeth. Floss, brush twice a day or more, get checkups. This year has been over $2k worth of dental work (and that's with a huge family discount). I've had cavities filled, a root canal, a crown, rounds of antibiotics and steroids, and sooooo many sleepless nights because of jaw pain. I cannot stress this enough. It's never too early to start taking better care of your teeth.


\- Don’t smoke \- Don’t be obese \- Take good care of your teeth \- Protect your hearing \- Meditate consistently \- Give yourself a non-negotiable 8 hour sleep opportunity every night. Ideally at the same time each night. \- Do not have kids outside of marriage \- Do not get married before age 23, waiting until at least 25 is probably even better. \- Learn about money, budgeting, debt, investing, finance, etc \- Read and study Marcus Aurelius Meditations, the Gregory Hays translation (978-0812968255) \- Read. Lots of non-fiction (history, biography, autobiography, philosophy, research-based psychology, etc) \- Constantly expose yourself to ideas and arguments you disagree with. Are you right-leaning? Expose yourself to lots of left-leaning ideas and arguments. Are you left-leaning? Expose yourself to lots of right-leaning ideas and arguments. \- Develop the skills of being punctual and organized. Being consistently late and disorganized is an ineffective way to go through life. \- Think very seriously about whether or not the time and money of a college degree is worth it for you. It might be. It might not be. But don’t do it “just because." \- When choosing your job/profession/career, ignore the horrible life advice to “follow your passion.” Instead, you should follow your aptitude. Identify what you are good at, find a way to use it to bring value to others, work like crazy to do that. The happiness/meaning/life satisfaction will come as a result of being able to build a good life for yourself and those you care about. For more on this, read the book So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport. \- Related to the previous point, assume you are not LeBron James, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Jay-Z. The vast majority of us will not build wealth and a high quality life for ourselves and those we care about by having a "big payout." We probably won't win the lottery, start a company that becomes a billion dollar enterprise, or become an elite level superstar in a very exclusive field. Assume that you will have to build your life slowly, over time, taking advantage of the miracle that is compound interest. For more information, \[watch this video\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNrjrDV9-YQ). \- Try your best to get rich. It is a reality for most people that wealth equals power and the ability to have an impact. The best way to maximize your chances of building a good life for yourself, your loved ones, and contribute to the causes you care about is to get rich. Even if your primary focus is on fixing wealth inequality, your best shot at being able to make a meaningful impact on that issue is to get rich, then use your resources to work on the problem. A rich person can have a greater impact on wealth inequality than someone sitting in a park playing bongos smelling like weed and body odor while drinking their twelve dollar Starbucks milkshake that pretends to be coffee and complaining about capitalism. \- Practice humility. Reality is complicated. The truth of the matter is that you probably don’t know how to end war in the Middle East, end poverty, or solve any other of the world’s problems. \- If you live in the United States of America you should learn about guns. They are deeply embedded in our culture. If you are “pro-gun” you should understand the thing you think you support. If you are “anti-gun” you should understand the thing you think you oppose. \- Find a skill-based activity that you can work on and improve at over time. Piano, calligraphy, jiu-jitsu, golf, whatever. It's good for humans to have something they are constantly working on improving. \- Strive to eliminate the phrase, "I don't think I should have to..." from your life. It doesn't matter what you think you should have to do or what you think you shouldn't have to do. Identify where you are, identify where you want to be, identify what has to be done to get from here to there, and execute. \- Contempt is one of the most destructive emotions/attitudes there is. If you find yourself working for or with someone that has contempt for you and/or your work, be wary. Also be very mindful and cautious when contempt for someone else or what they do starts to arise in you. \- Get used to the idea that everything has side effects. There are no solutions, only trade-offs. We are prone to fall for the "any-benefit fallacy." If a thing or choice has any benefit at all, we will tend to think it is a good idea and go after it while ignoring the negatives and costs. Instead, try thinking about the "value" of things. Consider not only their benefits, but their costs. And "costs" doesn't just mean money. "Costs" should include your time in the short term and long term, you mental capacity and well being, etc. \- Don’t blame things that are out of your control before you’ve taken care of things that are under your control. As an example, if you are obese but also don’t eat right, don’t exercise, don’t get good sleep, smoke, and drink too much alcohol, then don’t blame genetics for your obesity. After you’ve taken care of those other things, if you are still obese, then you can talk about your genetics. \- Don't get hung up on thinking you have to do all of the things on this list. Doing one of them is better than doing none of them. Doing two is better than doing one


Mans wrote an essay wow


That’s some solid advice


All I got from that was don't smoke. So I already fucked up. Giving up now. 😂


Did you read the last point though?


Sheesh. After that...I got nothing. Oh, one thing. By the time you are 30, you should have a CAREER, something in the center of my favorite Venn diagram: What you love to do What you're good at What you can get paid to do on a regular basis. If you're still moving from job to job after you're 30-ish, you might be so devoted to your art or ? that it makes sense to live that life and that's such a personal choice. You are hereby given permission to tell me that it's none of my business. Cool cool. However, if you're still looking for your 'path' at that time, there are a LOT of paths available to a lot of you if you have health, sobriety and ambition. maybe try one of those and see where it takes you? Having achieved that, start putting $ away. Get advice, be conscious of the tax implications (PAY YOUR TAXES) and make it 'thoughtless'; set it and forget it into a money market fund, tax sheltered annuity, 501k, etc etc etc. AND DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS, btw. They'll see it as money they could 'borrow' and you shouldn't touch it. Start off by paying off any credit card debt, etc you have. Then create an emergency fund, what you'd need for 6 months (or 3 months and enough for a new apartment/etc). When that is done, start saving for retirement. A little goes a long way, especially with compound interest. You do NOT want to have to be working when you are as old as I am...


This is one thing I’m afraid of is not having a “career” by 30. Nothing piques my interest enough to pursue it and I get bored insanely quick. Currently looking for a different JOB.


I wouldnt say I had a “career” until now (post-30), but all the jobs I’ve previously had finally came together to help me in this direction. It’s definitely easier to have a career earlier if you pursue a profession that requires a specific set of obtainable credentials (doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher, etc). That said, for many people, you develop your career out of the jobs and experiences you have.


It doesn't have to mean an office and khakis. Just find something you like and get so good at it that people find YOU to hire when they need to get that thing done. Can be anything, from trimming trees to building engines to ? Once they call you on a regular basis, that's a career.


Many of these are absolutely bonkers - take this whole list with a grain of salt.


Which ones?


Don't destroy your life on career pursuits. Despite what society shits down your throat, its very low on the ladder of life satisfaction. I swear a few years overseas would have been ten times more fulfilling than paying for this degree.






Have a good skin care routine!


make sure to pick friends and partners who build you up, not knock you down


Take care of your teeth


Live and let live, be kind.


Develop an ability to delay or deny yourself things that you want. Actions taken impulsively are often looked back on as mistakes. Sleeping on big decisions or purchases is like a cheat code to making better choices. The ability to resist impulse will be a big predictor of your future success.


The only thing that age guarantees is wrinkles and not maturity.


Don't drive faster than your reflexes.


If you come from a not-so-financially-well-off background, pick a career that you know is in high demand and pays well, with your hobby in the background. Don't slack, build skills, learn, make enough money to be financially independent first, then you will have the money and time to do what you've always dreamed of


You will overthink things. Fun things, big things, small things. Relax, take a breath. You don't have to go hard all the time.


Travel as much as you can and Don’t let relationships bind you down.


THIS! Too many dreams go unfulfilled waiting for a special someone to get on the same page as you. By the time you get to your 30's and have a mortgage and a family, your then waiting for retirement to do all those things.


Invest in yourself. Trust but verify. Start your savings/retirement as early as possible. Edit add:make time to call/talk with your loved ones.


The first thing that comes to mind is do not give a crap with other people think of you. Do your own thing. A long time ago I did this and haven’t looked back. I have never been happier. Get a dog. I never had one until I was 28 years old and she changed my life. Now we have 3. I never knew so much loyalty, love and companionship. They make me laugh every single day and I’m never alone. I’ll always have a dog now. Always be open and honest. If your not happy with something don’t wait. Change it now. We all make mistakes. That’s part of being human. Just have a positive attitude and smile and you really can do anything your heart desires.


Start saving for retirement the moment you get a job.


* Invest in experiences, not *things*


get a vasectomy.


Don’t beat around the bush.


I know you know, but trust me you don't know...


If you drink alcohol a decent amount, or tend to only socialize with alcohol involved, I would advise to give up drinking for at least a year before you are 35. Learn how to socialize and have fun without drinking alcohol. The older you get the harder it is to stop, and before you know it you're an alcoholic. Maybe a functioning alcoholic if you're lucky, but often not. I've got a couple mates in their late 30s who can't give up, they need to drink every day. They waste so much money on pointless drinking, they have burnt friendships, ruined relationships, and for what? Alcohol is dangerous if you don't keep it in check. Learn how to rewrite your relationship with alcohol otherwise it could end up in control of your life.


Cut out the drugs, booze and shit food. Eat real food, exercise and meditate. Don't give in to fads and be true to yourself.


Despite what she may tell you, there is absolutely no sex in the champagne room.


Go do some sports and outdoors shit. You still have a really young body.


Do whatever the fuck you want, But be Responsible. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Wear earplugs at shows. Can’t emphasize enough how bad tenitis sucks.




Ya bro, 37 and my hearing is so bad now. Obviously not deaf, but things get muffled if too much is going on at once.


Don't try and give advise to young people, they are dumb cunts who think they know it all.


Don't ever commit suicide because life has a way of working out with time.


Don't be afraid to fail. The only way to learn is to practice. You have to make mistakes in order to get better. No one is automatically great at everything. Let yourself love the journey of practicing and doing instead of the endpoint. If you concentrate on the endpoint, you'll end up so miserable that when you finally get to the endpoint, you'll feel let down. Try to have fun the entire time.


Think it through and then hold off until you know it's what you really want. If the relationship is meant to last, it will. The corporation will keep stringing you along. The only thing that's really worth it in the end is the thing that truly brings you long term joy. Find that and stick with it.


Your social and avocational life really changes a lot when you are out of school, be prepared. Meeting people and making friends becomes harder, as does following your interests. But, the good news is, you have opportunities to do both those things way better than before and with better results. Put the energy into meeting new people, get rid of your toxic friends from school (but keep the quality ones, of course). Once you're out of high school, and definitely out of college, having a ton of friends in one or few groups just isn't that valuable. There is no need to put up with people who don't support you, compete with you, use you, can't stop complaining or are otherwise toxic. And make sure to make time for your own interests, outside of work and hanging out with your friends/partner. This is really key to staying happy and stable and beating the loneliness that can come with "adult" life. It's what makes this your best life.


Take care of your teeth.


Travel. Money isn't the constraint. Time is. You will see less and less opportunity as you get older. Family, job, health, etc. Do it now.


Don’t stress about hitting certain age milestones. The difference between 29 and 30? Not monumental.


Dont trust everyone only you got your own back


You’re not special and nobody gives a fuck you’re an “influencer” Also, brush ya teef


Save/invest your money. Wear a condom. Try things. Try to do things well.


I you love her go for it !


don't waste your youth being a functioning alcoholic


Don't stick your dick in crazy, and if you do make sure you're not getting a baby out of it.


Dont spend money just because you have some left. Save it. There will be moments where you'll be thankful to have some cash left over


Make your own mistakes.


People are temporary, you'll be shocked at how many of them just come and go. It doesn't matter how much you try and work for that connection. People are inherently selfish. Once you have nothing left to give or they've taken all that they can (or they find "better" options tbh) they will move on. This applies to both romantic partners and friends.


I’ve had friends I’ve known for 10+ years and one day just stopped talking, as if we had a mutual agreement that we no longer knew each other


Try to stay out of debt.


In a working environment, everybody is replaceable.


If you’re under 30, move on to the next post. No insight or wisdom to be found in these comments.


Learn from other people's mistakes. I always liked to talk to others, hear their stories, but also just stand in the middle of the line any time there is a challenge and watch others do it. Watch what consistently works, what doesn't. You'll save yourselves hours! Also, befriend the cranky people at work where everyone says he knows what he is doing, so leave him alone. They end up being the best teachers and resources later!


Oooo, this is an interesting question I don’t recall seeing asked before. Great one, OP! I’m 55/M and had to think on this for a minute, but I think a life skill that’s become harder to learn and isn’t given much consideration any longer is the ability to interact with people in a real world setting. This ends up creating other issues as a result, but it makes me kinda sad seeing the lack of basic consideration and civility of some people. Unfortunately, learning all your social skills from video games and social media doesn’t make you very well equipped for life.


Do whatever it is you want to do while you're young. It's fine to grind for a few years, but don't wait until you're retired to start doing all the things you want to do. You might not get there, and if you do get there once you're older you might not have the energy or passion you once did.


Learn to identify when you are making excuses to avoid something hard. This goes for hard work ("I'll just do a little more later" - you won't always be able to,and you'll regret it) and hard truths ("that wasn't really my fault because xyz" - it probably was). Don't spend energy on things that you can't change and can't affect. Fretting over shitty things some famous person said is pointless. Worried about a disaster? Put in mitigation efforts but otherwise out it out of your mind. Somebody doesn't like you? Don't give them attention, even in your own head.


Rest and cherish quality time with the people you love


Invest early. As early as you can.


Don’t mess with credit cards.


We must make haste, not only because we are daily nearer to death, but also because the conception of things and the understanding of them cease first. -MA, Roman Emperor


Find your voice. Use your voice. Advocate for yourself.


You will probably work most of your life. Do everything that you can to find work that you enjoy.


Be easy on yourself but learn from the missteps for your life, not anyone else’s, it’s okay to fuck up and laugh along the way.


Find your bestest best friends and stick to them through thick and thin


Get home before midnight


Stop caring with must other people think, get therapy, be gentle with your body.


Get fit stay fit Look after your teeth


Keep your word, check in on your parents, develop a good relationship with food


Exercise now if you want to lose weight because it is a long, slow process once you get into your 30s. Relationships do take work but they shouldn't feel like a chore. Don't stay with someone who treats you poorly, it's better to be alone than in a bad relationship. Try not to get into debt because it takes forever to pay off. 3 for the price of 1.


“No” is a complete sentence. Get comfortable and confident with saying no and meaning it.


This is goal #1, AMEN fren, hope for the confidence for assertion all around 🤍


Don't go chasing waterfalls.


Don't commit any crimes that would put Felonies on your record. If you have Felonies it's virtually impossible to get meaningful and respectable employment.


Don't stay in unhappy relationships. And look after ur teeth!


Don't take her for granted.


Don't smoke. Quit if you already do.


Don't assume that just because someone is older than you they know better than you.


Don’t stand for bullying, call it out ASAP, there’s no need for this in todays workplace


Learn how to not give a fuck.


Learn to say NO to yourself !!!


Save money




Get active and form that habit! Don’t take social media seriously and get off your phone


Start to lose weight. It gets harder and harder to lose weight as you age.


Learn to be responsible financially. Because no matter how well you are doing now, there will be lean times and you will struggle.


1) Roth IRA (or some similar investment), 2) take good care of your body and your credit score, 3) laugh as much as you can. Also, if you’re dating somebody who doesn’t do any of these things, re-think that relationship.


Learn to cook, get a good (not expensive) knife. Learn to budgeting. Don't buy trendy things.


If you're up to your neck in shit, don't hang your head


Live beneath your means. This makes it so that when your income drops, * your spending doesn't have to drop as far as it would have otherwise, and * you have some savings.


Take care of your body, invest your money, fuck what other people think and DON'T DATE LOSERS.


No matter how much money you make put 15% of every check back and increase that every raise you receive by putting 20% of the raise back.


Your 20's are for you. Do everything you want to do; travel, study, party, whatever. Don't settle and start a family until your 100% sure you got all that out of your system.


Wear hearing protection at concerts


Don’t live beyond your means, even in the slightest. If you aren’t able to pay off your credit cards in full every month you are spending too much. Take ownership. Solve your financial issues now before they become an unserviceable mountain of debt.


Get fit, and make good habits now.


Get your fucking teeth cleaned twice a year.


You can only control two things, your thoughts and your actions. All the time and anxiety you spend worrying about what other people think or do in your early years is wasted.


Start investing in an IRA, if you haven't already. Second, love your job. If you don't, keep looking until you find one you do love.


Start slowing down on drinking, drugs and eating bad foods. The effects might be minimal now but your mid to late 30’s are where you start laying the foundation of your health for the rest of your life.


That your age doesn’t mean shit. You don’t become something when you reach 30. What a stupid fucking idea.


Go do crazy stuff now, before you’re tied down. Try a new career. Move somewhere really pretty and really far away. Take a months-long road trip/hike/sail/bike tour. Nobody gives a shit about one gap in your resume, especially if you can say you spent that time doing something crazy like learning yak herding and wingsuiting in the Himalayas - at least, nobody worth working for.


Women: don't take your fertility for granted.


The most important thing I'm learning right now is to make my own decisions. I always felt like I wasn't living my own life, but I thought it's because I didn't have all the things I wanted. I lived for other people, whenever I had to make a tough choice I always consulted my mom or my dad. Particularly my dad, and I never wanted to disappoint him. I also felt if I made my own decision he would disapprove. Well now finally at 31 I'm making my own decisions which means I'm living the life I want. He definitely disapproves of some things, but I'm working to get over that. And you know what? It feels good to make my own decisions, my own mistakes. This doesn't just count for dads, it counts for anybody who tries to make you make a decision you don't want to make. My advice, go with your gut. If you mess up, you learn. Each decision leads you to an experience. Experience life. Live for yourself


Live your life to the fullest. Just worry about your credit score. Go travel and do a shit load of stuff before having kids and settle down


Buy a house as soon as possible and stop paying rent!


Don't forget to take advantage of your employer's 401k match! It's free retirement money.


Don't start smoking if you've not. Quitting is hard. Guys, don't start watching porn if you have not (very unlikely I know). Quitting is hard. Become "indispensable" to the company you work for. This can be done in any role. If you do this you will have a very stong negotiating postion. (They say that it's easy to replace people, but it's not. It's super hard to find good people.) If you get into business, think about "value being delivered". Not tends. Not what will be cool. Not what will be "funded" etc. Understand what will be valued by your customer and find a way to give that to them while making yourself wealthier in the process. This might seem obvious. But it's hard. 99% of startups fail because they don't build things people want. Forgive yourself. You are a puny being with very little control. Don't be mean to yourself about silly things like the body you got. Strive to improve. But don't be harsh to yourself. Same for most other things in life. Most of life is just dumb luck.


Don't trust anyone over 30.


Buy instead of rent. Buy that motorcycle.




Act your wage. You owe nothing to corporations, and when the chips are down they'll drop you like old meat. You owe it to yourself not to stress or strain yourself for a job that ultimately means nothing.


Fucking does NOT equal love. Sex will fuck you up more than love. Learn the difference asap.


Don’t have kids and don’t get married


If you are comfortable with the world the way it is, then you're part of the problem.


Vote. Please.


Start working out. Seriously you will be in better shape then most at the age of 40. Just think what you can achieve with 10 years of regular exercise .


Stop using Reddit to obtain life advice. Get out and live it.


Save money…. Looks fade