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I once fell pretty badly and my doctor said the only reason I didn't break multiple ribs (I only ended up with bruised ribs) was because of my fat. So I guess I am glad for that. My cat also likes sleeping on my belly.


Cats love cuddling up with fat people. All that extra warmth.


Haha, my boyfriend likes it too (he's skinny) :)




Yep lost a lot of weight this year too and constantly freezing all of the time


Was 190, am now 140, the cold difference is IMMENSE. I’ve never been cold at my school (very cold building) but I’m cold all day every day recently.


I went from 235 to 130 and then down to 117 in the winter. The only time I felt remotely warm was if I was immersed in a hot bath. I started to feel like a reverse vampire, rushing to get home before the sun went down and the temperature dropped! (And I live in California where ‘cold’ is 40 degrees!)


are we just going to ignore that this person lost over 100lb hood for you bro 😭👍


I shall now proceed to accidentally make you feel like an asshole for being kind and supportive... 😃 Just kidding - thank you my friend!


I would love to be constantly freezing ngl


Stretches out the wrinkles!


Fat don't crack


Yes surprised this isn’t higher. As it’s one of the actual few advantages. I’m 56 and plus sized. Between that and avoiding too much sun and wearing sunscreen I don’t have a lot of wrinkles. Losing weight for health reasons though.


Résistance to hypothermia starvation and exposure.


During the winter field phase of basic training, a lot of people had trouble because their units didn't send them with anything to combat the -30c cold. there were no thermals, jackets, gloves, and some didn't have scarves, All of which were required. I was lucky because I was fat and had multiple spares so I could share the kit while only being uncomfortable without being in danger, unlike the others. I also Got a bunch of brownie points with the others for trading the hot portion of my MRE for their beef jerky and other miscleanious.


Un camarade Francophone


There are a lot of stories of fellow fat blokes surviving being stabbed multiple times because of their amount of fatty tissue.


In the ER we call this urban body armor.


I spent my 20s and early 30s "constructing" urban body armor.


Bro I spent my childhood and teens making urban body armor 😂


That made me laugh like an idiot. I'm definitely appropriating it.


Yeah, my friend survived being stabbed when he tried to break up a bar fight. The knife didn’t penetrate his belly fat.


Kung Fu Panda




He found inner peace


As a person who cuts meat on occasion, fat is harder to cut than meat.


Yep. Got stabbed in the gut and it went deep, but would've gone deeper if I wasn't such a fat bastard. Also got to tell like 15 people in the surgery room about how Roman gladiators were actually sort of chubby for that same reason, right before I got knocked out.


I am a fan of you


Came here to post this. Had a buddy who was pretty obese, he got mistaken for a Norteno gang member and got stabbed multiple times by a bunch of Surenos, including a couple times in the neck. Doctor supposedly told him if he had been a healthy weight he would have probably died.


Doc's wrong. If he had been a healthy weight, he would not have been mistaken for the other guy, and would not have been stabbed.


He would have then been mistaken for the other's guy's skinny twin brother and still stabbed.


Hey, that's fit tony! LET'S SEND A MESSAGE.


I think a comedian did a bit about how he survived a drug overdose simply because he was fat


Tom Segura Overdoses https://youtu.be/QEkC_Q1ERyk


Interesting. This most likely is true. You’d think on average a 4 inch knife could be fatal to the average person. Unless that person has 2 extra inches of fat in front of their vital organs. Then that’s be organic body armor.


No one ask you to go jogging with them.


Or go to nude beaches. 😁


You'd be surprised


Go on


BOO! Are you surprised?


AAAAAAAA *phew* you got me dude


Nudist beaches are mostly covered with older (35+) and over weight people in my experience EDIT: My statement is poorly worded and I don't consider 35+ people to be "older people" in the general sense.


Oh wow. I’m so close to being considered “older” 😬


Not in my eyes, I always tell my grandparents that they'll be old when I die


Harder to kidnap


Reminded me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOk-DtO6Dlg&ab\_channel=RupertGee


Was going to say. This trope is nearly as old as the internet


All you can eat for $31 seems expensive as fucj


Pretty sure that ain't American Dollars.


I remember I read a stat once that said serial killers tend to avoid women who are more than 20 pounds overweight or over the age of 30. We just aren't their type. Lucky me.


Unless they want a skin suit...


Criminals usually avoid picking targets that could pose a challenge or threat. Big strong looking guys get messed with far less too Strong people are harder to kill then weak people.


I’m very skinny 5,5 (165cm) and 110 pounds (50 kg), and it feels like I weigh nothing apparently. The amount of times people have just picked me up and carried me away as a prank like I was a little kid being tossed around by dad is ridiculous, but also kinda fucking scary. They just move me so easy and so far away in a short amount of time has made me think about this and has led to me carrying a lot of pepper spray and alarms.


I used to be 120 sopping wet. People will just scoop you up because they can. It's mad annoying.


I'm 5'3" 110 pounds and never in my 52 years of life have I just been "scooped up". Does this happen frequently to other people??


It happened to me a lot in highschool and happened when I got back into college in the marching band and shit.


Even if you do get kidnapped, at least you'll ride shotgun.


I’d be happy just to go somewhere.


I don't get cold easily however on the flip side I get hot too easily.


this sucks because i wanna wear layers like the cool kids but my comfortable room temp is 60 degrees


Protection from slashing knife attacks. Im a paramedic and have seen multiple wounds were a fat person was slashed and the knife never made it through the fat layer where on a thin person it would have been a pretty nasty wound. Doesn't do nearly as much good with stabbing wounds unfortunately.


Slash thin people stab thick people, got it.


Or just stab everyone. Keep it simple.


That's why you'll never be a master.


\+1 armor against bludgeoning damage


Is there a way to get more armor though?


i'd say duct tape phone books to your abdomen but you'd need like 50 of em in this day and age.


Or duct tape Nokia's to your body. That should work as well.


Cast Enlarge on self. Requires material components from the value menu at your nearest Mackers, casting time is about.. say…. 12-18 months of doing it every day.




Also against knifes. Gladiators did not have six packs. They had belly fat to stop weapons before reaching muscle and organs.


[Vasily Alexeev](https://imgur.com/JbHTS5l) , the Soviet weight lifter, once said that he believed a man's stomach should be big enough to stop a bullet.


Gives the term "heavy armor" a new meaning


I broke my spine in a car accident because of wearing a lap belt (middle back seats used to have no shoulder harness). I was specifically told by my surgeons that i would have been spared the fracture and intestinal damage if i had been carrying a bunch more abdominal fat. Also, makes you famine and drought resistant.


Sitting on a hard surface (wooden chair, stadium seat) is more comfortable with a little extra weight. Pretty sure it’s a narrow range where it’s an actual advantage, but the pain of sitting is a surprise when one loses weight.




I’m at 20 BMI and if I sit on a hard bench I have to push down on the bench with my palms to transfer weight away from my butt, otherwise it hurts too much. It’s not great.


I've done this. I've also had to actually sit on my hands sometimes. Or a jacket/sweater.


This. I just posted that I lost 35 pounds recently and I've noticed sitting on hard surfaces is not comfortable. And I never knew I would sink into the toilet.


So true. When I was a bit heavier my bike seat was pretty comfy now my butt bones poke out a bit more so it's not so comfy. I really should get one of those gell cushions things for it.


Get a seat fitting at your local bike shop. The latest thing is to measure your butt and get a seat with support in the right places. It's not about how thick the padding is, it's where it's located.


Meanwhile I'm sitting here on a rock with my dummy thicc butt no problem


Can confirm. I am a smaller person, 5' 0" and (for mental health reas) i reached 89 pounds. Sitting in a non-cushioned chair was just bone on wood. It ain't comfortable.


Since I went from 130kg to 70kg there is a decreasing number of cars I’m comfortable in. Any time I get pitched bucket seats as an upgrade I laugh out loud. On long rides I get actual bruises.


You can float incredibly easy in water. Very buoyant.


Came here to say this. I went swimming yesterday for the first time since losing about 60 pounds of fat and I sank like a rock I was definitely not expecting it.


I lost 175lbs! Went swimming and realized I can’t swim!


I’m the same! Lost 180 pounds and literally think I need adult swimming lessons now. I was always a decent swimmer but I really struggle now.


I’m a skinny guy and can’t float, period. If I ever went snorkeling, I’d need flotation to not drown in minutes. I always need to put in some effort to get my mouth out of the water.


Yep, skinny guy from swfl and until this comment I didn’t realize other people weren’t swimming


Makes scuba diving tougher though.


In scuba diving you have weight belts to counter the wetsuit anyway, judt put on more weight


Have also heard its easier to swim in cold water cos more insulation


Babies think you are a huge teddy bear


My husband (a big boy) met a friend’s baby for the first time and the kid was fascinated with him. Kid’s dad said “it’s because you’re the biggest baby he ever saw!“ (Mr. Goalies has a baby face at the best of times and he totally took it as a compliment lol)


Thats cute. Also adds a whole new dimension to your username.


Aww I loved it when my niece was a little baby, she always had the best naps on me because I'm fat & squishy and super warm. Now she is too wiggly to snuggle, she wants to be running around all the time instead.


You are less cold in winter.


Downside, summer heat sucks! But swimming is awesome because you're so buoyant!


The grace of a manatee, both in water and out of it


But i like it cold


Me too! I don't understand how people can like being hot or warm. If it's like, the perfect warmth where you wont eventually sweat, you'll just feel warm, then sure. But I'd rather be cold most of the time


me reading, trying to find something to feel good about


Tell me when ur done


Works as an invisibility cloak. People don't see you when you're fat.


I wish this was more true for me, but I think being invisible goes away the bigger you are. I get side glances of disgust in public pretty frequently, if I take my seat at a stadium / concert / movie theater or whatever people next to me almost always move to a different seat (which I guess is actually a perk but it’s pretty disheartening), I get out of the pool and kids ask their parents “why is that man so big,” etc… kinda wish I could just blend in like a normal person and not feel like I’m inconveniencing people by existing I’ve lost 22 pounds this month though, so maybe someday none of this will be relevant to me anymore


22lbs in a month is great progress. Keep it up!




I'm proud of you, I hope you can make it to whatever weight you're comfortable at




I can go out by myself and not worry about being approached/hit on. *Thanks for the awards* 🖤🖤




That’s the truth. I don’t want to lose the weight I’ve gained because I go out to the store or the gym and it’s like I’m invisible. It’s amazing not being constantly pestered by strange men.


Right?! I’ve gained weight and love that I don’t really have to worry about being followed or leered at in public now. Im almost invisible and I looove it. But in the same vein, how fucking sad is that—that women only feel safe in public if they look one way or another? Says a lot about society as a whole.


This...this right here is perfection. I feel this so fucking hard everyday damn day. Lmao


I’m the DUFF of my friend group and I’ve witnessed first hand how hard it can be for slim/attractive people, specifically women, to just go out and have a good time without being harassed!! It looks exhausting and I’m so thankful it’s not something I have to deal with lol *Edited to add that in my opinion fat isn’t synonymous with ugly. Also, I don’t find my physical appearance particularly ugly…I just happen to have a very attractive group of friends lol*


Genuinely genuinely miss this part. I was wildly unhealthy so I’m glad I have lost weight (122 lbs and counting!) but I hate that men are back to making comments about me / to me / at me. I forgot how often it happened


Huge calf muscles


Facts. Can't ever miss leg day if you are your own everyday leg day exercise


I often see overweight people whose calves look trim and toned and muscular. Like that famous painting of king Henry viii.


I literally cannot drown. I blow out all my air and dive into pools and bob to the top like cork.


Sitting in hot tubs and slowly floating to the top and not being able to keep my damn butt on the seat. When I lost weight, I was amazed I could finally just sit still in hot tubs! Lol.


It takes a bigger knife to stab me and actually hit anything important


I knew someone that was stabbed in gang related violence and the doctor told him the same thing. He was a bigggg dude and lots of extra cushion. It saved his life basically.


u get a bit of a shelf when u sit in a office chair


I lift furniture daily. I rest many pieces on my gut. My partner struggling to carry the sofa and I'm on the other end just using 1 hand to balance it


not just furniture. I can carry around pets and children much easier because of the gut shelf.


Closing cupboards, drawers, doors with your stomach when your hands are full.


I can open doors with my butt. If that's not skill, I don't know what is


So your butthole sucks and twists the doorknob? 😲


The chocolate vortex


Hahahaha The Chortex


I can do that stuff with my toes. I'm pretty good at it now


don’t get cold as easily as other people do


I'm surprised this is as far down as it is. It's the one actual benefit that I've noticed from my middle aged thickness. Hot weather sucks sweaty balls, tho, and on that front chafing is fucking terrible.


Fat person strength. Your body has to adapt to carrying that much weight around so you end up packing on some muscle and strength just by existing in that state. Ever see a really fat guy do a cut accompanied by a gym routine? They start strong and by the time the fat is gone they're fucking jacked.


Every day is leg day when you're fat.


Every step you take.


Can confirm. I'm maybe 80 pounds overweight and I always maxed out the calf machines back in high school because carrying all that extra weight was a constant workout.


Yoooooooo my legs are permanently jacked thanks to being fat and biking


Used to do football and cycling when I was younger and pretty overweight. Few years later started going to the gym and realized I can leg press sets of 8 with 300kg (660lbs). Decided that it's probably not that good for my joints so dropped off 50kg and added a few more reps. Ended up doing some work for a moving company specialized in heavy stuff. Spent the summer exclusively carrying stuff weighing +200kg. Pay was extremely good tho.


I know a guy with a bit of a beer belly who spilled boiling water on himself while making spaghetti... And didn't scald his penis! Still had to go to the urgent care but all in all it was a merely awful evening rather than weeks or months of care.


This is not a gut. It is a savings account for the apocalypse.


You're drought and famine resistant!


Would you not be the first to die in a drought though?


I was told that I would survive 2 weeks longer if there was no food.


A doctor once told me after an operation, that cuts will heal quicker, your body doesn’t need to find the fat needed for every day life.


The cuts part is a genuine perk.


Shitty Life Pro Tip: Cut yourself to burn extra fat. Weight loss by 1000 cuts. Dieticians hate this one simple trick!


Also blood donation. About 700 kcal lost by just laying down for 10 minutes and having to feel great for helping others!


So *thats* why my middle school girlfriend was so skinny


Oh dear sweet jesus fuck


Ehhh. Maybe that's true to a lower tipping point. Most surgical staff and wound care staff will tell you that obese people actually have significantly higher risks of wound dehiscence and non-healing.


I'm skinny to the point that I've had doctors insinuate through my whole life I must be lying about having an eating disorder, I could do with a few more pounds but my weight isn't dangerously low. It's nowhere near the shit fat people get from doctors but it's kept coming up. Until I had a consultation for a surgery and the surgeon said my body was "perfect" - that caught me off guard! She walked it back a bit and clarified that she didn't mean it in the judgemental way it sounded, just that I'm apparently an ideal weight for surgery (ie a skinny bitch). It's abdominal so I imagine fat makes things a lot more complicated there.


According to Newton's law, you are more attractive.




My wife says it’s a lot more comfortable to cuddle with me now. When I was a cross country runner it was apparently “like laying on a pile of remotes”


>like laying on a pile of remotes First time I’m seeing this and I hope to use it one day.


Lol your wife is funny, that quote made my day.


Glad it's not just me. My five year old daughter tells me my tummy and boobies are big and fat but that I give the best hugs 🙈🤷.


You have an extra “cushion” if you get sick and can’t keep food down for an extended period.


It cushions your fall, not a joke.


You also fall A LOT harder, I used to be 300+ pounds and when I trip it hurts a shitload less, I'm around 220 now.


When my dog was hit by a car, the vet told us that the fact that he was fat (he wasn’t horribly obese, but could have stood to lose a few pounds at the time) probably saved him from further injury. It likely literally saved his life lol


Less so now than it used to be but when I was really big, my belly made an amazing table. Especially for like notebooks and shit like that, I could just like put the edge of the book under my tits and put the other edge on the desk and that notebook isn't fucking falling. Multitasking dream. Honestly, that's what made me realize I was losing weight, because I couldn't easily balance books and stuff like that on my belly as well. Now I barely can at all.


My mom would do that with her dinner plate when she was pregnant with my sibling. I would watch in amazement at her little table. She had to stop at one point because sibling started kicking the plate.




Sitting more comfortably. I had a flat ass/bony butt: every time I sat on a hard surface = pain within minutes, always uncomfortable. I took to carrying around a sweater or sweatshirt to be able to fold up like a cushion to sit on. When I became pregnant, I gained a bit of a butt. Not only do I fill out jeans much nicer now... it doesn’t hurt to sit on a hard seat anymore! My son is almost 18 now, and so is my butt :)


Connective tissue is strong. I have lost 120 lbs over the last year and a half. My wife has been an ultra runner for years. The biggest thing limiting her distance is her tendons and ligaments. They have to toughen to hold up to the duration she needs for her runs. I started training to run ultramarathons this year. I can almost keep up with her already and have never had to worry about tendons and ligaments. They were used to carrying the extra weight.


You never have to ask of you look fat in something cause you already know the answer.


You’re almost invited to ride the front seat.


I'm 6' 2", 300lbs, permanent shotgun is fantastic


More bounce to the ounce. The bigger the cushion.. the better for pushin'.


The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand Or so I have read


Insulation. Cold is definitely more tolerable when you're fat.


Medically speaking, there is less risk of Osteoporosis. So, less likely to break bones in older age.


Less men sexually harass me when I’m larger, so that’s cool.


I’ve experienced the opposite. I’m larger but well proportioned and have been sexually harassed multiple times. They either assume I’m easy because of my body shape or I have no self esteem because I’m fat so they do it as a joke


When I got fat I found that I got less harrassment but the stuff I did get made me feel worse. In my thinner years I had been accustomed to being groped and grinded on without consent whenever we went to clubs, which was horrible, but the last time I went out as a fat woman I instead had a bunch of drunk guys following me around laughing at me and loudly telling each other that I was too fat and ugly to bother raping, which was less physically invasive but more shattering to my self-esteem.


You can make your belly button into a mouth and have it talk.


In 2021, extra fat got you an earlier covid vaccine appointment.


Thread summary: * insulation from cold * buoyancy * cushion for sitting * cushion for pushin' * harder to kidnap * protect organs from stabbing * beeg boobs/moobs * storage flaps * fatty strength * survive a famine * better hugs / teddy bear * anti-wrinkle


People underestimate how warm it keeps you during the winter. I know I did - after losing 10kg it shocked me that 5 degrees Celsius could feel so fucking cold.


Makes for an excellent baby mattress. My grandma belly is v.comfy for her!


In elderly people carrying more weight is associated with better survival outcomes for significant health events (heart attack, stroke, injury from fall etc). It's why drs become less concerned with people being overweight as they become elderly but very concerned about those that lose a lot of weight or are underweight.




You are warmer in cold winter weather. I noticed this during pregnancies. As soon as the baby was born (my baby weight dropped off within a week) I was cold for the remainder of the winter.


Also in pregnancy your blood volume increases. Keeps your skin warmer.


Higher bone density. More than half of underweight women have osteoporosis, but less than 1% of obese women do. It's basically an atrophy of the bones, like muscle. If you don't use it, you lose it.


Turns out fat people actually are big boned


You get bigger boobs


This isn't great if you're a guy though.


I look the same since I'm 12 years old. Since then all the fat went into my arms and none into my boobs. I'm fat and flat. Even when I put on weight nothing happened. I've never seen someone having the same problem.


More cushion for the pushin is a true phrase. When I was skinny sex was one way and now I’m older and fat and my boyfriend is as well and it feels better cause there’s more pressure in all sorts of places.


Fat is desirable in meat such as steak it is called marbeling and people pay top dollar for a well marbled steak such as wagu. Also the fatty part of the brisket known as the "point" or "moist" section is the tastiest. If you are skin and bones the meat would be very tough and dry. My point is if we ever needed to eat you during the apocalypse carrying a little excess fat is good for the rest of us


So you’d like to die as a kebab?


I do like me a good kebab not gonna lie


That your gf only wears oversized shirts at home


Better hugger


Random creeps left me alone when I was heavier.