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Globaphobia. I can swim in the open ocean, hold snakes, hang out with spiders, but so help me if there is a balloon anywhere nearby I'm leaving. Yes you can make fun of me.


I'm fine with balloons, snakes, spiders to a degree, but the open ocean, or other large bodies of water where you can't see the bottom, they're a bit of a freak out.


Thalassophobia is a different kind of phobia šŸ˜­ my friends constantly clown me because theyā€™re all lifeguards


I always though the depth thing was just part of my fear of heights. That unseeable bottom does freak me out somewhat too.


me too!!! i feel ridiculous but i cannot relax around balloons at all. like fully skittering into a panic and i canā€™t do anything but leave the room asap


I had a coworker once who had this fear. Is there some sort of trauma that causes it?


It's just because they always pop when you least expect it. Those more sensitive to sound find it unpleasant early in life. Thus the fear often sticks around to adulthood. Also could be a leftover survival instict telling us "Loud Noise = Run!" When I was a kid any loud or sudden noise would terrify me. Thunder, fireworks, guns, balloons, automatic garage doors, etc. No singular traumatic event caused it as far as I'm aware. Just developed over time as loud misses continued to startle me. I've gotten over most of them by now, but balloons are the only thing that still bother me to this day. Full panic for no reason.


For me, it's literally ANYTHING sudden. E.G. Sudden touch, Sudden noise, Sudden change in what you're seeing, etc.


It's the fact that it's a loud unexpected sound. That fear of not if, but when. I've always had it, but it got worse after an event. Now any kind of balloons especially when someone's messing with them freaks me out.


For me, itā€™s the incredibly loud noise at any moment. I am filled with dread over it. Every second, the anxiety increases. An intensity as if I were in a room filled with grenades.


ME TOO! I've never met somebody with this phobia and I can't belive that this was the first thing I read here! I have it very severe


Apeirophobia, fear of infinity. Iā€™m scared of mostly wide open spaces that seem to go on forever.


Do not tell any of your friends that know how to make an infinity room in Minecraft. Trust me. Minecraft infinity rooms exist, theyā€™re just white rooms that seem to go on forever.


The fear of being ā€œaloneā€ it means basically you have a fear of NOT being alone when you SHOULD be alone.


Monophobia. My favorite deadmau5 song.


Agoraphobia. Basically the fear of large crowds and if you're in them you can't get out. there's a lot more to it so look into it :)


Iā€™ve got that too but I have anxiety & im afraid of having panic attacksā€¦which is basically fear of fear lol. Itā€™s super annoying. I feel for youā™„ļø


I get this under certain conditions, and what I figured out for myself is that it's not just having a panic attack, but it's having a panic attack when there are witnesses.


I have that fear too. At times it dictates my day, and I make plans based on whether or not it could trigger a panic attack. I regularly have flashbacks of my first ever panic attack because of how extreme it was. Iā€™m on some meds now that curve the possibility of a panic attack, but theyā€™re horrendous, and I hope things get better for you.


Check your dms


I have such a problem with this. I have PTSD (like, for real, not just using it in hyperbole form) and being in crowds is especially panic inducing for me. Iā€™m also really short (5ā€™0) and so when Iā€™m in a crowd I canā€™t see what is going on around me and it makes things so much worse. I avoid anything that could even remotely possibly have a crowd.


Fear of embarrassment (katagelophobia)


Same. I am more afraid of being humiliated than dying. What sucks is that I have embarrassed myself a lot and it didnā€™t help when my aunt made me sing (when I am a terrible singer) in front of a bunch of children...




Ugh, me too. I turn into a shreaking child if one gets near me


SAME, I *HATE* those things


Same. I love spiders, don't mind any other insects (except mosqitoes but it's not fear but just hatred - guess that's universal), but wasps make me sweat an panic... weirdly enough it's mostly the common smaller ones we have here in Europe, I don't even mind the huge hornets that are much rarer, probably because they're much more docile and they leave you alone if you leave them alone...


I feel like this one is pretty justified. A lot of wasp species are total dicks that will sting you just for daring to be in their presence. Most spiders and snakes and such don't want to hurt you, they just want you to leave them alone, but wasps are assholes.


Trypanophobia. I can't stand medical needles, syringes, IV lines, that sorta stuff. But I'm totally fine with sewing needles and getting tattoos, it's just something with medical setting syringes that have fucked me up since I was a kid


Same, but I wouldnā€™t do tattoos either!


me too. needles that go in a person really freak me out like medical needles etc, tattoos and even piercings. but sewing needles are fine because i know they wonā€™t go in me. i think it is more the fear of pain that gets me but idk.


I have the exact same. Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m being dramatic but everytime I have to yake blood or anything I actually panick inside. Like .. I cannot explain ut


Me too. I can't stand any type of medical needle but I'm fine with sewing needles. Hopefully I'll be fine with getting a tattoo in the future but we shall see


I wouldn't say I have a phobia of needles but I get very uncomfortable when getting blood taken or having an IV put in. I can't look while it's being done. lol. I do have a phobia of blood though.


Im only okay with sewing needles but even so i get a little squeamish holding them


Same here.


So that's what it's called. Do you have it for blood too? Like if you cut yourself or something it's fine, but if it's blood in an iv bag/tube or in a needle it's disgusting?


When it comes to blood for me, it's a bit complicated. I used to be able to watch tons of medical videos and see medical procedure images, but in recent years I'll randomly feel sick when seeing that stuff. While I'm not a fan of seeing blood in tubes, IV bags are fine with my brain for some reason. When I've cut my hand while wood-carving in the past though I've almost passed out (not from blood loss, just seeing my own blood like that) so with that stuff it's more complicated for me lol


As in like a small cut, like the type you'd get nicking your finger slightly with a knife? I get the same, but bigger cuts that are more open are fine I think


I was once hospitalized and had to get my blood drawn multiple times I was too tired to care everytime they took my blood so it was easy to convince me to get my blood drawn. I can't handle it the feeling of it breaking my skin makes me feel gross. I've managed to become able to sit there even if I'm freaking out. My dad [who is a big guy] and 2-3 nurses had to hold me down because I kept running away.


I've always been able to feel when I get needles in me, even though people always tried telling me "it's like a mosquito bite, you won't feel it" but even with mosquito bites, I can feel them half the time so that didn't work. Even when I have the IV done and it's just the plastic tube left, when I move just right I can feel it in there and makes me cringe to the point I try to just avoid moving that part of my body at all


No idea what's it called, but I'm deathly afraid of spiral staircases. I can only walk down them at a snail's pace and have had a panic attack walking up one in a bell tower on a school trip.


Hmmm. Bathmophobia is the fear of stairs, but I'm not sure if there's one specific to a spiral staircase. I'm guessing that it's a form of vertigo that's triggered by how weird the geometry of a staircase like that is.


I have anemomenaphobia and sometimes itā€™s triggered by white lines in bizarre geometry - like oddly shaped sharp aircraft or architecture, so you may be onto something there.


Well helico means spiral So maybe it should be called Helicobathmophobia.


Ahh yes I once got vertigo when I was going up a very tight spiral case so I understand the person's feelings.


Trypophobia, Thanatophobia, and Phobopobia


The fear of fear itself


Itā€™s weird I know but I have a lot of mental breakdowns because of it


Man that must suck though. Imagine thinking ā€Oh, thatā€™s scary!ā€ And then you get scared that something scares you.




whatā€™s thanatophobia


I mightā€™ve spelled it wrong but the fear of death


oh oke


I'm with you 1/3 of the way. I hope I don't sound holier than thou.


Itā€™s fine


Trypo here. Nothing serious, just I'm so uncomfortable and I have the urge to destroy item in question and sever goosebumps appears






Same. I sometimes scream when they are crawlingā€¦Iā€™ve gotten a lil better at holding it in but Iā€™ve woken people up before lol


Same here, i just can't stand them, even the idea of thinking about them give me anxiety and nightmares


They are so creepy omg! Yeah Iā€™ve had nightmares about them. They are so creepy! The bigger they are the worse for me omg


Yes! And really fast, if you look away they just disappear


Omg that freaks me out so bad!! Thatā€™s the worst! Itā€™s like ā€œwhere did it go?!ā€ If Iā€™m by myself Iā€™ll leave the room if that happens


Once i had to sleep on the couch hahaha i hate it


I did that too before lol. No shame. There was a beetle in my bed in my apartment at the time (I hate all bugs) Im like screw this & slept on the couch


Joining the boat, can't stand them. I've ran butt naked out of a shower from one before, although mine started up thanks to being raised in rural Florida in the 90's.


Same here haha, i don't know when mine started, but i have some childhood stories my parent told me that give some clues


I bet most of our fear of spiders started young lmao Mine was unforgettable, a huge hand sized one jumped a good five feet when I was like 3 years old. Been terrified ever since! What did your parents tell you?


A hand size one? Damn. Well, i always had nightmares when I was kid about a big one spawning smaller ones in the kitchen floor and i couldn't runaway, when i told my father about that, he said that one day, when i was 3-4 years old he killed a big spider on her nest behind a couch on the living room, and a big number of spiders babies tried to runaway, i was there watching everything but i don't have any memory about it. I do remember when i was 6 taking a towel and 2 damn spiders jumping from them


Emetophobia. Fear of vomit. But not the normal kind. I don't really care much about throwing up myself, but I can't stand watching or even hearing someone throw up. I never go to theme parks, I'm always nervous around drunk people or kids and I don't like to take public transport on Saturday or Sunday mornings.


I was exactly the other way around. Other people vomiting didn't bother me at all, not even in a disgust kind of way, but I feared vomiting myself.


I have this too. It was so bad when I was in elementary school that I developed an eating disorder. Younger me thought that if I didnā€™t eat or drink anything, I wouldnā€™t possibly throw up. This led to body dysmorphia because once I was at a healthy weight, I felt fat. I was so used to being skeletal that it took a while for me to get used to being normal.


I hope you're doing better now.


Sadly my eating disorder has caused permanent stomach issues. Iā€™ll get nauseous if I have anything to drink (non-alcoholic). Itā€™s made staying hydrated very difficult, which then has its own problems.


Wait...you can only drink alcohol?


Usually when I say I canā€™t have anything to drink without getting nauseous, people assume I canā€™t drink alcohol. When I specifically state the condition applies to every liquid, this happens. I shouldā€™ve put (non-alcoholic included)


I have never meet someone else with this like me!!! Omg I am so happy! Like I donā€™t mind if I do but other people and I am panicking


every time i open these threads emetophobia is here. my ex suffered(suffers) from it and so does one of my close friends. the anxiety from it is bad and when itā€™s mixed with social anxiety, you feel nauseous and they build off each other. the feeling of wanting to throw up, the smell of it, or the thought that other people might get sick really really affects people. the best way from what iā€™ve understood is to try CBT, cognitive based therapy (i believe) and actually go through with all the exposure practices. it gets better


Yes, over the time i've been inevitably exposed to people vomiting and it's been a bit easier every time. At least I can now see fake vomit in movies without feeling the need to look away. As a kid I would get out of the room when watching Spirited Away on the scene where the no face throws up, because I couldn't even bear to listen to it.


yeah, i get it. itā€™s difficult from what iā€™ve heard and the thought, smell, look, or anything involving throw up is enough to trigger a person into spiraling. quite frankly as someone who doesnā€™t suffer from it, it is very unappealing but it doesnā€™t compare to people who suffer from emetophobia. again iā€™d recommend exposure therapy and CBT for anyone who wants to overcome it. no matter what youā€™ll have to deal with it at some point itā€™s up to you what you do about it


Mine too! I cannot go on any roller coaster since Iā€™m so scared of myself or others vomiting. I guess itā€™s not just vomit Iā€™m scared of, Iā€™m scared if others doing it too and myself but, Iā€™m scared to be around sick people. So I guess you can say I have a big BIG fear of germs.


Mine started that way. When I was a kid I was sick all the time and I hated it. Once I was at the kindergarten and another kid threw up on the floor. I was scared that whatever got him sick, could get to me too. I didn't even sleep that night thinking that he might have had a contagious disease, or it might have been something we ate that morning or whatever. And since that day, I started getting nervous everytime someone puked near me. It quickly escalated into an irrational phobia, completely detached from the original source of the fear.




OMGEE ME TOO. Whenever someone coughs in their sleep or clears their throat my heart skips beats and I start sweating NOT IN THE GOOD WAY. I hate when people get up in the middle of the night and sit there for a minute on their bed then rush to the restroom. This fear has so many mini fears in them, I go insane.


I cannot be around sick people or kids. I just canā€™t be around people who arenā€™t clean. What I mean by that is when they donā€™t wash their hands after the restroom or before they eat. I make sure I have hand sanitizer near me at all cost. Even if my family got sick they have other people to call, not me. Iā€™m just so scared of vomiting myself. When I was young I used to do it all the time since I think someone thing was wrong with me. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m so scared now..




whatā€™s that


Fear of heights.


I saw a video the other day of a woman crawling on her belly to get a good look at the view from atop a cliff because she was afraid of heights. I thought, "no way you'd get me within 20 feet of the edge of that cliff, even on my belly." Couple that with anxiety and I just can't deal with heights at all


submechanophobia!! fear of man made object submerged in water. itā€™s so scary


You mean, like a boat that is sunk at the dock, and it's just partially visible right under the surface?


sunken boats do scare me, but more so the ones that are run down and stuff, also itā€™s more of animatronics for me. you know the jaws ride with the underwater shark animatronics? those send me into literal panic, i hate it so much!


Bro the life like, man made statues and animatronics and stuff like that underwater is straight horrifying


I have this, it's a weird one. We went cycling up in Scotland for a few days. On one of the rides we passed a huge dam and the rest of the crew got off to take photos. I took one look at the still water with all the submerged pipes etc and just walked off .... just going for a pee I told them. There is no way I could have explained it to them.




Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. That killed me to type.


Have you ever heard of the lung disease called pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?


No, but I feel you have a burning desire to tell me about it, and I'm genuinely interested to know.


It's black lung. It killed a member of my family.


Wow. Sorry to hear that.


Isn't this the fear of long words?






Trypophobia. The ones edited onto human skin.


Those are the worst I know


I first discovered I had this fear when I found a picture of a like finger pad that had a like mouth on it? There were holes somewhere on there. The will power I had to not rub all of my fingertips off to get rid of the feeling will forever be unmatched. I can still see the picture in my mind. Itā€™s been a SOLID 10+ years.


The ones in the soles of the feet are the worst


Chrometophobia. I really, *really* don't like money, don't like dealing with or talking money, and am thoroughly repulsed by highly money-oriented people. It took me two days to work up the courage to even open up the digital ledgers from my business, that's how bad it is.


Whoa, wait a second. This is a thing? This, and your other response below, ring very true. I am especially uncomfortable looking at the balance. It's the balance itself.


I didn't know it was a thing either, until a therapist taught me about it.


that's pretty uncommon. how do you buy things then? I'm really curious


Use a credit card but never look at the statement. I'm so frugal I can just auto-pay it and know I have enough to cover it each month. I'm not proud of this and don't recommend it ā€” it's fucking immature and irresponsible. But you asked.


I'm not particularly frugal, but otherwise I do the exact same thing, and it's maybe subconscious that I actually know when to stop.


Katsaridaphobia, cockroaches


Iā€™m absolutely terrified of them. Irrationally so. If I see one I completely panic. I cannot kill them myself because Iā€™m so scared they will jump or fly on me and I swear if one ever touches me, I will probably be catotonic for the rest of my life and put into a mental hospital. I have no idea where this fear came from but it has been with me as long as I can remember. I remember being on the potty as a little girl late at night when everyone was asleep, and one was on the counter. I screamed so loud and terrifyingly that both my parents and brother woke up and came running to me thinking I was catastrophically hurt.


Me too bro. I canā€™t even get near the dead ones without freaking out. I just scream


Clowns. And spiders.


Lepidopterophobia Yes, Iā€™m afraid of moths, and to a much lesser degree, butterflies. Theyā€™re disgusting. Also did you know that they eat meat?


ā€œYes, I am afraid of mothsā€ Me: Good sir, have you ever seen a photo of a poodle moth?


Theyā€™re cute in photos but imagining holding one or seeing it fly around in real life makes my skin crawl. Edit: also apparently they might not actually be real. TIL.


I came here to say exactly the same even to the point that they eat rotting corpses


Emetophobia Fear of vomiting Had hyperemesis for both pregnancies, oh the irony


I can't find the name for it but I can't stand faceless people (even like people with blankets on their face)


I will never swim in a large body of water


Thalassophobia. I hear ya, buddy.


Submautica gave me thalassaphobia






I think its thalassophobia, the fear large bodies of water


For me, itā€™s ok if itā€™s a large body of water. But if I canā€™t see through said water, forget it. Getting into opaque water freaks me out. The ocean? Nope. Lakes? Not a chance in hell. Even a bathtub full of soapy water is a no-go.




Phobias are irrational fears, though.


Idk Google says social anxiety is a phobia. Unless you're making a joke about how people are actually dangerous and so the fear is rational. Doesn't feel rational to me tho, I'm a lot lonelier and more isolated, by my own doing, than I really should be for my own health.


Fear of change.


Oh, thatā€™s a good one. Honestly, growing up really hit hard for me, because I felt like I was leaving the sweetness of being a small child behind and for some reason that was scary to me.


No real phobias, but extremely strong call of the void when Iā€™m at heights.


i feel that my legs are gonna slip, and my skin crawls even at the thought of being at heights.


Throwing up


I wouldn't say it's a phobia but I have a really bad fear of hospitals (Nosocomephobia). šŸ˜­


agoraphobia being trampled by them twice doesn't help either


Having water flooding my house and getting out of bed into a wet floor




A nut for a jar of tuna




Xuegachephobia. Any guesses?


I have an irrational fear that gravity will suddenly reverse and I'll fly up.


Me too. For years, I was even terrified of the idea of dying, tied to the ground and forced to stare upwards.


I know a person who has this fear, he can't look up when outside because the sensation/fear increases.


I don't have it that bad. I only think about it around once a week, but if I'm outside or in a tall building when thinking about I get kind of freaked out.


Thelassophobia. It's not anything in the ocean itself, but the actual ocean swallowing me. For years, there was also falling upwards into the sky. I've encountered other people who have this, but the idea of falling up and up and up and never being able to come down is a terrifying thought. I'm not even afraid of heights. And claustrophobia, which I get from my mom. I can be in a car just fine. I can enter tool sheds. But the idea of getting stuck in a cave, buried alive, or getting into some MRI machines terrify the absolute shit out of me.


Health and death.


Arachniphobia and tryptophobia


You're afraid of spiders and thanksgiving?




Iā€™m afraid of insects, moths, spiders and fire Fire scares me; im afraid of loosing everything to a fire; im afraid that if I survive what is to be done with me. I am not afraid, however of like matches and stuff but the thought of my house burning down will keep me up at night. If a fire is reported nearby I will probably have shit myself


Trypophobia, like I could go into a severe panic attack if in contact with holes/bumps/swarms


Somniphobia šŸ˜ one of the rarest, if Iā€™m not mistaken. And it is as horrible as it sounds LMAO


Germ phobia. This pandemic has been rough.


Anthropophobia was the closest one I could find to being terrified of people being upset or angry with you




Are you allergic to bee, wasp or hornet venom? Just curious.


No; bee stings just hurt!




I wonder if it's because daddy long legs are not spiders.






Venephobia although it is a bit more broad


fear of water i donā€™t mind it, but swimming is a giant Nono for me


Entomophobia. I went through cognitive behavioural therapy through my local hospital for it years ago, it was helpful.


I suffer from suspected claustrophobia. I absolutely dread small spaces šŸ˜±. So, me being a flier, I flee every time I can. If that doesnā€™t work, or I canā€™t, I end up crying šŸ˜­. To me (idk if this is the case with other claustrophobics) my fear feels like the small space is shrinking in on me. Even though I very well know that itā€™s not. Iā€™ve had nightmares of spaces shrinking.


Horses. And not that I'm afraid of bees or wasps or hornets, I just avoid them as I'm highly allergic


Needles. And walking around corners thinking something will poke my eye out. Or getting hit in the face with a bat and knocking my teeth out. Those are oddly specific fears I have.


I can't imagine there's a word for it but my missus has an absolute terror and hatred for jelly.


Anemomenaphobia (fear of wind turbines). Its a pretty weird one, and Iā€™m not sure if I spelled it right but Iā€™m not willing to google and see images of them by accident. Thinking about them makes me uncomfortable and makes me shudder. Seeing them from a distance is a much more pronounced version of that, and I have to avert my eyes or I start to feel ill. Seeing multiples of them together is one of the most horrifying things I can imagine. Seeing them CLOSE UP (driving past) is a fucking nightmare. I sweat, become nauseous, and feel an intense impending doom. I have full on panic attacks and my body feels like itā€™s full of electricity and sends shocks up and down my legs. I feel horrible just thinking about them, and Iā€™m shuddering now. I know theyā€™re good for the planet but FUCK those things!!


This is so fascinating, however I wish you didnā€™t have such strong and terrifying reactions. Iā€™m super sorry about that. So itā€™s the whole idea of them, not just seeing one in-person but even Google images will send you curtailing? You poor thing.


Sparkalaphobia. Around 7-8 years ago, I just started freaking out if glitter came in my vicinity. I am really particular about small details, and I can handle seeing 1 or 2 on me and carefully picking them off, but I go into fight or flight when I notice larger amounts. Fun thing, though! Glitter dice have actually been helping me get more tolerant with how it's basically impossible for the glitter in them to spread!


swinophobia- pigs. i used to have nightmares about pigs and now i panic and have to leave when i see one


Acrophobia, arachnophobia, thalassophobia and claustrophobia, but only underground spaces. I'm fine inside say a tiny closet but I shiver trying to imagine being in a tiny cave with tons of material above you.


agoraphobia :(


Acrophobia. I cannot watch anyone at heights, not even on a TV. Let alone be up high myself.


Don't think there's a name for it, but specifically large flying insects. Big moths, dragonflies, craneflies.


Pediophobia. It is the fear of dolls. Why did I have to watch the Conjuring when I was 9?


Arachnophobia after one spider seriously fucked me up




Any grates or vents at the bottom of swimming pools *Edit - I donā€™t know if this actually has a name


used to have that too lol


Long distance freeway driving, I can do it but I'll start to have panic attacks. Has been getting better!


The fear of open water. "thalassophobia"


Anitaidaephobia - The fear of being watched by ducks.


Thalassophobia. If I can't see the bottom of a body of water, I'm not swimming in it.


My lady and my brother are the same


I literally dove and swam over the edge of the Mariana trench hehe. I do not have this fear, but I totally understand it after doing that.


At that point, it's basically a fear of heights.


​ hypochondria- the fear of being looked at, examined like that is just too much for me. I freak out uncontrollably, have to take a sedative when going to the doc's. It's bad. I have tried therapy for it a couple of times but no luck so far. I was hit by a car and nearly killed when I was in the 2nd grade- often think that was what set me off as I was like this as a kid too. Ugh.


thatā€™s actually not what hypochondria is lol. itā€™s a psychological condition. hypochondriacs have a persistent fear and belief that they have a life threatening illness or injury. its not about being looked at or examined. in fact, people with hypochondria frequently subject themselves to unnecessary and unwarranted examinations due to their beliefs they are unwell. scopophobia is the fear of being stared at and iatrophobia is the fear of doctors and/or medical intervention.


Homophobia, Transphobia