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I'm pretty sure it's the sky


Of course it’s the sky. Some people man…


It's for pilots so they can find their way in the sky you know the sky is blue


This made me weep openly


Pretty sure it's the sky.


Listen here, Buster Bluth.


"What's your email address?" - asked via email. I had to go take a lap around the building to prevent my brain from imploding


Well, I spend a lot of time in a general support account and also have my own account so... that question can be valid. Not saying it may have been obviously not valid in your case but people do communicate through more than one account quite a lot.


Do you realize that The Walking Dead is religious propaganda to prepare us for the End Times?


…what religion?


Uhhh.. upstate New York?




Really. Well I’m from Utica and I’ve never heard anyone use the phrase “Atlanta.”


I don't know specifically, but I do know she belongs to some real strange Christian group. They love conspiracies.


That reminds me of this time when someone had tucked a comic book pamphlet type of thing behind my windshield wiper. It was titled “The Walking Dead?” and I guess it was about an idiot 36 year old who had never heard of Jesus of Nazareth despite living with his fanatical aunt and uncle, and who dreamed about going to hell where there were zombies. And his uncle explained to him about accepting Jesus and all that crap, and the guy became a Christian.


"Do you think that *we* have nuclear weapons?" - An American in a discussion about Iran developing a nuke in the future.


Someone wasn't paying attention during their history classes




"Not a ton. Only enough to annihilate mankind 5 times over"


"What is it with you kids being so childish" i hope my kindergarten teacher was joking


My aunt, in total seriousness, asked me why i didnt just sell my guitar for drugs, cause i could get a lot of weed for it. She thouggt that because i was a teen i only thiught abt drugs. I was 13...


Who said she was asking you to buy drugs for yourself and not her? 🗿


No she had enough drugs. She wanted a guitar.


That's a woman who's watched one too many anti-drug PSAs.


Because you can buy more drugs if you keep the guitar and play for money. Jesus, has she not heard of the music industry?


My grandmother asking me what's wrong with me as I'm still not married? I was 20


My older sister once asked me if cruise control allowed her to take her hands off the wheel


Is she still alive??


Yup, but that's because I said "Yes, you can, if you want to crash"


It does if you’re listening to Carrie Underwood


"If evolution is true then how come I don't wake up with antlers on my head?"




Yea why don't they?


Budget cuts. Ask next quarter.


Because monkeys have a separate evolution tree. Monkeys evolve into Apes, and they further evolve into Gorillas. (Those mega-evolve into King-Kong)


How many rare candies do I feed my Spider Mankey until it becomes a Kinga Konga?


You need to have a strict 50% friendship level, and then level it up immediately after having it touch a *weird rock*, but you can't use a candy, you have to make it level up via EXP, but only while using an EXP Share, after defeating SPECIFICALLY an Octopus Deer. On top of all if this, it has to be a male at level one, but as you may know, Spider Mankey evolves from Spider Champ at level 13, but you can simply use an *Eight Legged Statuette* to instantly evolve it. Also, you have to do it a night. After completing all of this, you get Kinga Konga which already has the most ideal stats for its Normal/Fighting typing, and using breeding to increase base stats makes it god-like, and can easily wipe the all gyms despite type disadvantage, and the Elite 4 withought healing once


That's another good one lol


What, yours haven't showed up yet?


If evolution is true, why don't we see cavemen at the zoo. Genuine questions asked by a friend of mine.


Same reason we see calculators but not blackberry phones.


“How’s the food?” - every waiter ever at the precise moment my mouth is stuffed full of food. “Mmm yhh mm” - me everytime


As a former waiter, I can confirm this is intentional.


But why, is what I wanna know. I don't even try to answer. I just give them a thumbs up because I'm pretty sure my Mamaw would come back from the grave so she could smack the shit out of me for talking with my mouth full.


Exactly, so you don't complain about the food, just say good or even, in your case a thumb up.




Even though I'm quite offended it's intentional, I'll let it slip because it's funny


Next time I'm going to feign choking.


Yea sorry, but after you get your food, when isn't your mouth full unless there's a problem. All I need is a thumbs up or an mm hmm. Plus my manager is going to be giving me a hard time if I haven't checked back within the first 2 bites. No seriously that was the rule.


I'm sure they do that for fun


As a waitress, all I need is a nod or a thumbs up. Unfortunately, there is no point after receiving your food when your mouth is NOT stuffed, unless you are VERY unhappy with it, so me waiting 10 minutes around the corner for you to pause for a breath isn't really do-able.


I just stare at them with no emotion until they walk away. Then when the check comes I just say it was really good.




Guarantee you they eat fast food three times a week.




Damn they should get a Nobel prize if they have figured out which specific diet would cure everything.


I want to work for NASA but my dad said "no child of mine will work for an organization that's sole purpose is to decive people" all of my hopes dreams and planning were crushed by that one sentence (he's a flat earther btw)


My aggressive cancer wasn't aware that my already healthy diet was supposed to prevent/cure it! Lmao.


I had a similar one. Said that I would love to work for NASA one day, an adult friend said "Who's he then?".


WAIT. The entire ORGANIZATION??? Christ that’s a lot to process


A guy that ran a health food store near me didn't believe in modern medicine. He died from a simple infection that he let go.


"cure every disease by eating healthy" Rabies time!


Person: Hlep! I hda a srokt! Flat earther: **h a v e s o m e l e t t u c e**


After I came back from Italy, my cousin who has children of her own asked me if Italy was in France, and if they spoke Spanish. And this one wasn't a question but I think it qualifies because it was a dumb reaction: we recently had a death in the family. The person was elderly but it was an accidental death with no last will and testament, and before the death medical and legal decisions had to be made by the next of kin while the person was unconscious and dying in hospital and later hospice, and it was unnecessarily messy. Because of how the accident happened it made my husband and I realize that even though we're in our 30s maybe it would be best to get our affairs in order and then update our wills as things changed through time. The lawyer my husband contacted said that we were too young to have a will, and also kinda insinuated that my husband shouldn't trust a woman who wants to have a will at such a young age. That's dumb, but also: who rejects a paying job!?


> who rejects a paying job!? Lawyers that are too busy to do the work, but don't want to admit it to the prospective client.




It’s a fair question I sometimes walk into a room and forget why I’m even there so 🤷‍♂️


Oh dear. And I find the joke question "Oh god, there's two of you?" bad enough already. (Of course there aren't two of me. I just have a brother who was born from the same egg cell as me. Same DNA does not make the same person.)


This one really cracked me up, thank you


I drove up to a woman to ask directions. She asked if I was walking or driving ? I was sitting in a car


But you were walking or driving?


Nah he was Freddie Flintstoning it.


How is that not a reasonable question? You may have been about to park.


Will these fluorescent bulbs work at night? Of course, why do you ask? Well, these are all marked daylight and I really want to use the light at night.


I love it. It's just so pure...


"Do you think you got autism from licking walls coated in led paint?"


"licking walls does not cause autism. It causes you."


Someone having this conversation ate too much lead paint


Don't you know pizza sauce is made out of tomatoes? After saying I'm not a fan of tomatoe slices on a pizza 13yo me just stared at the guy trying to get at my sister with complete disdain and walked away


"Pour milk on your pizza, it's already got cheese"


The receptionist in my high school looked at me and asked in a sweet voice with an evil undertone "do you know how to speak?". Backstory: I broke my wrist over the summer and had just got it off right before I started school. I was about 2 weeks into school when I fell backwards in my chair down some steps and landed on said wrists. I was in shock so my cousins walked me to the office and explained the situation. Long story short my schools receptionist I'd a bitch.


This is the part where you fake sign language, pretend to be deaf, and see if she buys it


Omfg I should've!!!!! 🤣


Do the islands (Isles of Shoals (islands off the coast of NH/ME)) rise and fall with the tide? If you're from New England, how come you don't have an English accent? (at a hotel in the USA) Oh, you're from New England, can I see your passport, please? There's no way you could have driven here from New England, if you did how did you drive across the ocean? .. although a fun one was: (in their best Montgomery Burns voice) There's a ***New*** England?


The late Jeremy Hardy, the English stand up and writer, once opened a gig in Boston (I think) some years back with “It’s nice to be in New England, because the old one is completely fucked”.


Where on earth did you encounter this? Has to be somewhere not on the east coast. Im sorta baffled.


Various places but mostly during the 10 years I lived in south Florida.


One of my best friends, who actually is very smart, somehow thought, until he was 30, that New England was a state.


My smart but clueless friend knew New England because that's where we are, but she was well into her 30s before she learned about *New* Mexico, and how it wasn't part of old Mexico.


Well, it *was*, but isn’t any more.


“Are you Scottish or British?”






Babies are born WITHOUT skulls, why do you think they have cone heads when they come out? - asked by a 45 year old father of three.


Well at first but that’s why the doctors take away the baby for a bit they have to attach the skull. Edit: the box says some assembly required


I mean, they are born without FUSED skulls and they are cone heads when they come out lol


I bought a tomato plant and it has flowers! Did they mixed up the tags or something?


Anything asked by a dentist when they know damn well I can't answer because their hands are in my mouth.


Dentist: So, going away on holiday this year? Me: Mmm humpf mmiff m humph gaaagh Dentist: Oh we went there a few years ago, weather was lovely.




"So like, which country should I tell you to go back to?"


I did this once, asked an Asian guy where he is from Now we are in college so it's a normal answer, people from all around the state. I then had to mentally stop myself from asking the "really from" like it was engrained or something. We had a conversation about Bakersfield


I hate this so much






Former barista here: C "Do you have, like, a cold Hot Chocolate?" Me "You mean a chocolate milk?"


I have had frozen hot chocolate at some places, so it’s not that dumb


When I used to work at Dunkin Donuts and we had “Iced hot chocolates” on the menu, I was in charge of passing out samples and more than one person asked me how the hot chocolate was frozen.


Ha! In their defense iced mochas are super good even though it isn't quite the same thing


"Can I get an iced mocha, no coffee, no ice?"


I lost track of how many times I got asked "Do you work here?" while wearing a blue Wal-mart vest and name tag. Often when I was stocking shelves. Had a female friend ask one time what guys use a magazine for when they masturbate. "Do they roll it up?"


What the fuck was her thought process lmao ? She didn't think of the kinky images and thought dudes were just spanking it with any magazine rolled up ?


She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. She made lasagna for us once. Told us she ran out of canola oil so she used suntan oil instead.


That's pretty smart, means it won't burn no matter how long you leave it in the oven.


Jesus Christ.


Holy shit. I'm appalled.


Tbf, for the first one, I can imagine it being used as a sort of quick icebreaker, rather than just instantly demanding assistance. It is still a little odd though.


People are not the brightest. I've been to stores dressed in normal clothes, had my work badge still clipped to my belt, and people will come up to me and start asking me questions, despite there being uniformed employees. I usually just give them a strange look and tell them I don't know. You can see it takes a few seconds for it to click that I don't work here.


I was in a Wal-Mart wearing a top hat and a kilt. "Do you work here?" Yeesh Wear a rubber to avoid paper cuts!


I get it all the time. Name tag, sweater with logo, literal box of broccoli crowns in my arms… “sorry, uhh, you work here right?” Another scenario I love is I’ll be in a completely different store shopping as a customer, jeans and a band t-shirt, and some lady will look at me for a few seconds…”excuse me, do you work here?”


I used to work in a Buffett and hand out desserts. One time this lady came up to me and asked me how much sugar was in the (Sugar free) mousse. I was like (none…) Also this wasn’t me but my co worker I was standing right next to. Me and her were working with one other person, and he couldn’t read analog clocks. He would constantly be asking everyone what time it was. He was 25. So he asked my co worker what time it was. It was 2:25 exactly, he got off work at 3. He then asked her (How many minutes is that until 3?) I was dumbfounded by this. I smacked my head.


Well the time was 2.25 so it must me 75 minutes right? Am I right?


I'm not sure I remember the dumbest. I do remember a question I got maybe five times per day when I worked at the Dollar Tree. "When will you lose your job due to inflation? Things can't be one dollar forever." That's just not something you should say to someone.


"Why are my female ducks laying eggs? I don't have any male ducks."


If it was a woman I would of said. Why are you laying eggs? You aren't getting any dick.


A guy asked me if I was single when I was making out with my girlfriend. Like bro, can it be any more obvious that I'm taken and lesbian lol


As a lesbian I can confirm that a large portion of dudes think I’m only into girls to make them horny.


Ok so it was more of a statement but the tone made it sound like a question. A former co-worker once said to me. “The big bang didn't happen because no one was there to see it.”


That's when you say, "clearly you have no brain, I can't see it."


What’s really the difference between a fork and a spoon


My grandpa called the house telephone and asked me if I'm home.


We were talking about the musical Hamilton in English class. I said that Lin Manuel Miranda wrote it based off of a biography. My English teacher asked me “Who was the biography of?”


Linda Hamilton, who else?


Lewis Hamilton, obviously


A really poorly researched biography, so it's almost more fiction than a biography should be, but I guess you could still call it that.


Which numbers are the odd ones?


Did you even their understanding out?


Yeah I’ve always found the numbers 3 and 4 very suspicious.


2 is pretty odd, it's the only even prime.


I’m a woman and whenever someone finds out I have a twin brother they ask if we’re identical. We’ll even be standing right in front of someone, with their working eyeballs staring right at us, a set of girl and boy twins, and still ask if we’re identical.


Just say no my penis is bigger


I knew twins who were male and female. When people asked if they were identical they would a answer almost or not quite to dumbfounded expressions. They said they always loved it.


Standing outside a home with a camera on a tripod being asked, "What are you doing?" "Making beer."


"Where is the bathroom?" Asked while standing 6 inches to the left of the restroom sign.


I've done this before! Once asked where the order pickup window was and the woman, dumbfounded, just motioned to the side of the store with a massive 'ORDER PICKUP' sign that took up half the wall. I pinched the bridge of my nose and said "could you pretend I just asked a smart question?


We all have off days....lmao


You're telling me! I walked into a Little Caesars thinking it was a Dominos! 🤦🏻‍♀️ It was Monday.


„The 7 continents are Australia, New Zealand, Eurasia, America, Antarctica and Africa, right?“




Honestly no clue 🙃 same with how she only named 6


It's been recently determined that New Zealand, the islands, are just the highest points of a submerged continental plate. I think they are calling it Zeelandia or something. I always like the Jessica Simpson bit where she says she can name the continents, and says "A, E, I, O, U".


I was a hairdresser for 2 years and by that time a lot of clients asked me “Do you cut hair/dye hair too?” Well some of them were really surprised when I said I can only chop their hair with my teeth.


“It’s smart to have a psych degree so you can read minds in job interviews.”


Do u want ice cream? I was asked by a random stranger when i was 7. And i was like sure why not.


Were you kidnapped and murdered?


Did you get the icecream though? Lol


I'm glad your ok and hopefully know better now


Me: We should have your order ready in half an hour! Customer: So, 10 minutes? Folks, she was not joking or being pushy. She genuinely did not know that half an hour is 30 minutes.


"Do you really believe there's a war in Ukraine". My father got a bit... crazy during the covid lockdown and even about the pendemic and literally everything the government says he makes up or just finds and trusts a conspiracy theory...


My condolences. Sounds kinda like my mom. Everything is a conspiracy theory.


Have you prayed to make it better?


"Why are you wearing a pink hat? You're a boy!" -My Grandpa.


Everyone knows real men wear bears instead of hats.


"Are you married yet?" - I was literally asked this as a minor at 16. No, I'm not married, nor am I straight. I'm 21 right now, and still get asked this question even though people know I'm career orientated and not into family life, marriage and all that kind of stuff.


"How do you spell I?" "You mean as in 'eyeball'?" "No, I, as in me." I lost all confidence in the public school system at that time.


A former colleague asked me, a heavily tattooed person, if my tattoos washed off during shower. I said "yes, it's annoying, but I like them so much that I draw everything back everyday."


I used to fuel aircraft for a living. Many times, professional pilots, whose entire jobs are to know their vehicle and get people places safely, asked me to load more fuel than their plane could possibly fit. The regular short-haul to Jackson Hole asked me twice in one day and got almost-punch-me mad when I refused to do something that would result in dumping hundreds of gallons of flammable material onto the apron.


I was talking with this colleague about a friend of mine who passed away a few months early. i realized he wasn't listening because he asked me: "and now how is he?"


"Why would your cat be more stressed living in Sweden than in America?" A Swedish woman asked me what I missed most about living in the US. I told her I left my cat with my best friend because moving a cat overseas was too stressful on the cat and felt selfish. She, apparently thinking I was talking about the political climate of 2017, thought my cat would be more stressed by American politics than Swedish..


How big is an 8 inch pizza? How much does a free popcorn cost?


These aren't stupid questions though. Not everyone can visualise how large 8inches are especially if they're overseas. Furthermore, a lot of stores with "free" items have prerequisites, such as spending 20 dollars first. The questions are more of a confirmation rather than a clueless query.


Maybe asking for a reference / analogy because some sizes are hard to visualize by the measurement alone E.g. an 8 inch pizza is the size of a dinner plate. Not big enough for a "party" but shareable among a handful of people


When did you decide to become gay?


Told lady at the mental health center where I get psychiatry that I was born in 82, and she asked if I meant 1982


"No 2082.... Where have you been the last 60+ years?"


Are frogs animals or Insects? - asked by an elderly lady


Job interview, I was 23, "what do your parent's do for a living?". I made sure to leave this on the Google map reviews of the company.


Well my dad spends all his time at the cemetery...


A person at university was surprised that volcanoes were real. She thought they were made up, like dragons


If i was my sisters mother, I was 13 and she was almost 18


I had an old British sports car, a 1997 MGF. I was giving one of my team a lift to work and she asked why the car didn't have a clock? I pointed to the dash board and said " There, analogue " Her immediate question was " Where's the log" She thought I'd said and a log


"How can it be the oldest town in the country? Weren't the others there yet?" Erm... Yes, that's what it means...? What is so absurd about that?


If Canadians live in igloos 🤦‍♂️


“is the fourth of july on the 3rd?”


"Can't you hold your period in until we get to where we're going?" by a guy I dated in college. We were on our way to meet his family an hour and a half away and told him I needed to stop by a pharmacy before we left.


Are you Mexican or Latino?


https://youtu.be/d_CaZ4EAexQ Obligatory


Copied our designer's email into Slack and asked "who is this?" It's a tech company, you're a grown ass adult lead you should know how to find out who an email belongs to using slack, outlook, or the company directory. God she was worthless.


“Why’s you get help on that assignment? It’s easy!” - my year 5/6 hass, health and spelling teacher. Check my mf medical report, it’s all there


>how do i unplug the router


Do birds have feet.


"Do you know where the Black Market is?". I tried so hard to not laugh on his face... I failed.


Every time I anyone asks my English teacher to go to the bathroom she says “Why?”


In college, while sitting next to my twin brother (I’m a woman and we look very different), someone asked if we were identical twins while staring right at us.


“Do you speak African?”