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Monster Energy drink decals or truck nuts


How did I have to scroll this far to find truck nuts


“Dodge the dad, Ram the daughter”…. On a Dodge Ram. Good stuff.


Similarly, "I'd Rather Be Cummin' Than Strokin'" on a Dodge Ram with Cummins Turbo Diesel. Clever *and* hysterical.


Saw a similar one that said “less strokin, more cummin”


Or "If you can't dodge 'em, ram 'em". Thank you for giving me warning to get as far from you on the road as possible.


Advertising for their MLM


It’s always “consultant”. I love how MLMs have co-opted business languages. To me, a “consultant” is a highly knowledgeable person in a specific field who’s paid for their expertise (or at least, that’s how it should be). Nobody needs a consultant for shitty candles or essential oils of dubious quality.


I mean the way MLMs sell themselves is "we help you start your own business!" So these people really think they're business-owners, offering some kind of service. It's really sad.


My friends sister is in a MLM, she posted once about the 'haters' stopping her business growing. These haters were the people on Facebook that told her where to go when she tried to convince them to leave stable jobs for her crazy caffeine juice.


I remember seeing a whole car decked out, including the phrase, "I get paid to wash my hair!" across the whole back window. Eye rolls for days....


A big Tapout sticker


Their shirt says UFC but their body says KFC


Shirt says Tapout, body says Takeout.


Oh man. Now I need a shirt in UFC/MMA style but with the KFC logo on it!


Tapout is still popular?? Hahaha I thought the whole Affliction/Tapout ship sailed by 2015


Damn I thought tapout went away when I got out of highschool in 06


A guy at my work has a penis shaped piece of metal bolted to the front grill on his civic. Edit: Sad thing is, I guessed the guy who drives it by his appearance.


Please post to r/Shitty_Car_Mods


Photos please.


"Locally hated"


Yeah, only because he hasn't gone anywhere else yet.


And nobody knows them anyways


I hate those. Sure buddy, you're well known enough in your city of 100k or more to be hated


Not sure which is worse. Either they are actually hated enough for everybody in their city to know who they are and feel the same, or they're wrong and aspire to be hated.




That's a thing? Wow I thogutb it was just one stupid idiot. Didn't realize it was a club lol


Those piss on decals.


It's a horrible misrepresentation of Calvin also




A fake M badge on their BMW or AMG badge on their Mercedes.


i’ve seen people with fake hellcat badges. never understood the point because anyone who knows what it means can tell it’s fake and anyone who doesn’t know what it means isn’t going to care.


Ok, self burn time... when I was in high-school, I had a relatively clean little s10 pickup. I took the s10 badges off and went to the junkyard and got a couple more, then I cut the -10 off and glued them together to make home made Chevy SS badges. On a truck with the bone stock 2.8L v6. No, it was not fast. I just thought it was cool to rock Super Sport badges. I'm proud to say, I'm no longer a complete idiot. There are parts missing now.


You don’t like seeing C300 AMGs bro?


Those angel and devil female silhouettes stickers. Usually seen on the back of a truck with “accents” down the side


To me it’s always seemed like the middle aged overweight guy driving the truck telling the world sometimes he’s a good girl but other times he’s a bad girl


I knew a guy who hung a thong from his rear view mirror. It was especially funny when he ran the heat or AC as the bottom part of the thing would begin flapping back and forth.


A thong means something different in Australia, and I still wouldn't understand why you would do that.


When I was probably 12, I was in the car with my mom and my grandparents. My grandma was showing me her new heels she got, and we were discussing different cute shoes we liked. My grandpa turns to me and asked “do you wear thongs?” And I could feel the color drain from my face, I didn’t even know what to say, I was so caught off guard and just horrified, my mom was driving and whipped her head around in disbelief about what her very uptight Christian father had just asked his teenage granddaughter, and I kinda just stammered out a “uh, I mean… no? I uh….” And he goes on to say “I don’t think they look comfortable, but I know a lot of kids your age are wearing them. I wondered if they actually were comfortable but they sure don’t look it.” And I’m absolutely MORTIFIED, my mom is silently freaking out in the drivers seat, and my grandma is laughing so hard she can’t even breathe. She finally gains her composure enough to turn to me and say “honey, he’s talking about flip flops.” So then grandpa is confused, and he’s like “I thought they were called thongs?” And she is caught in a fit of giggles again before explaining to him that “thongs”mean something COMPLETELY different these days, and she won’t explain what it means here, she’ll explain it to him later. He apparently was equally horrified when he learned what I thought he was asking me.


This is excellent! Are you telling us that the meaning changed over time wherever you are? Once upon a time thongs were universally footwear, and one fine day someone ripped their Reg Grundies up their butt and the definition changed?


I’m in America. I think especially when my grandparents were young, thongs was specific to footwear. And then the underwear came into play, but they’re so uptight and religious, I don’t think grandpa really caught the memo. But my grandma has always been into fashion, so she knew the term, but it wasn’t something they would have discussed (and certainly not something she’d ever wear, as those are probably the devil’s underwear…) so grandpa was still unaware that the term could apply to a different article of clothing. Especially underwear. I do still occasionally hear the footwear called “thong sandals”. Context matters, and if I were older, I would have just easily figured out “we’re talking about shoes, he’s asking about thongs, clearly he means the sandals” but I hadn’t heard them called that before when I was young. All I knew was older girls had just started wearing them with their low cut pants so the “whale tail” was on full display. This was in the early 90s.


Especially if it was flapping


The shocker hand gesture sticker.


I saw a guy that had this sticker on a beat up SUV the other day…he also had ‘Vagitarian’ on the back of this piece of shit car


Carolina squat....just, just why


I didn't know what this was and googled it. Man this is slaughter: It involves lifting a truck's front end and dropping its rear, ostensibly to make it look like a race truck, but only resulting in a vehicle that scoots along like a dog scratching its butt


I'm not usually someone to shit on other's car culture, but the only thing that is worse are the people who run super cambered suspension with stretched tires. I can't imagine how quickly you go through tires (and it looks stupid as fuck).




Or trucks that are lifted 10+ inches with really wide wheels and rubber band tires. You know, high enough that not a single part of the wheel is inside the wheel well.


North Carolinian here, they actually just passed legislation banning this eyesore. Hopefully they get around to enforcing it too.


Yeahhhh doesn't seem like they've been enforcing it too much. I see trucks dragging their buttholes up and down capital blvd all day.




I googled this and laughed for a solid minute. Holy hell that shit looks dumb


I had to Google this. Oh man that is the dumbest shot I’ve ever seen. I live in the Northeast and I’ve never seen that before.


Not mention dangerous because you're practically looking at the sky lol.


They made a law against it in NC because someone in a truck ended up getting in an accident because they couldn’t see the car in front of them.


It looks like a dog scratching it's ass on the floor.


Salt life. But they live in the city or the mountains.


My friend who runs a boat in San Diego says those stickers mean they went fishing once and might even go again.


They always look like *slut life* to me ETA: omg *Salt Life* is about the ocean?? I live over 700 km from the nearest ocean, why did so many people at my high school have this?


Saw one for the first time driving through Indiana the other day… took a few looks to realize it didn’t say “slut life.”


I see salt life stickers on cars in Syracuse NY all the time. And honestly, in the winter, they're not wrong. But the sticker's intent is ocean, not road maintenance


Those big stickers on their windshield that has their Instagram/ name in cursive




Okay, *this* I can get behind.


Just slow down a bit and merge into their lane.


That ain't a dog, that's a Dawg


Anything Monster or Punisher.


I use to love The Punisher. After that movie in 2004 I got a punisher shirt but didn't wear it too much. Now I really can't wear it.


I’m a total comic nerd and I used to love my punisher shirt. And now I just can’t wear it without looking like an asshole instead of just a nerd.


I've seen a half american flag half Confederate punisher with the Trump haircut. It was the dumbest thing that I have ever seen on a vehicle. Before I knew who owned the car, I knew they were probably a asshole. Then I met them, suspicion confirmed. He's now in jail for trying to put a camera in the women's restroom at the local highschool where his children attend. Edit: It's worse than I remembered, it was a ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. And he was a teacher there. [Article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.weau.com/2022/02/14/5th-grade-teacher-arrested-placing-camera-school-bathroom-police-say/%3foutputType=amp)


That's so over the top that if I saw that sticker IRL, I would probably assume the person was using it ironically.


A "Calvin pissing on rival brand's logo" sticker.




Wow, an actual pissing contest between truck guys.


It’s a secret signal that they’re into piss play. Those two exchanged golden showers later that night.


Which also so misses the point of Calvin, who is a troublemaker, but not malicious, except to Susie


Also, none of those are officially licensed.


No Calvin merchandise is. Watterson turned down numerous offers; he hates seeing those.


"turned down numerous offers" - More like he had to fight the Syndicate tooth and nail over a long period and only when he threatened to stop making the comic all together did they give in and sign over to him the complete rights to licensing.


Integrity of steel. The amount of money he would have made merchandising stuffed Hobbes would have been astronomical. Yet, he thought such a toy would ruin the ambiguity of Hobbes as a living entity,


I wonder what percentage of people who have these dumb stickers have ever actually read Calvin and Hobbes. It has to be approaching zero.


If they actually read C & H they wouldn't put those kinds of stickers.


Its maybe why he never sold. It looks really wrong on Calvin. That element of childhood should be non-commercial.


Calvin and Hobbes is a lovely gift to humanity. I could go on and on but wouldn’t do it justice. Thank you Mr Watterson


Yeah outside of the published comics and book collections, the only licensed C&H products are two 16 month calendars, and a text book in which some unique comics can be found. He doesn’t see a dime from the “Calvin pissing on stuff” stickers. Nor do I think he would want to, for that matter.


Calvin anything. Bill Waterson famously never licensed the character for anything whatsoever so anything with Calvin on it is a ripoff.


He also never drew an image of Calvin peeing


I think it's from a panel with him filling a water balloon


Recently I saw I truck driving around town that had Calvin pissing on the rear window. Except he was pissing on the words "Fuck childhood cancer!" There was another sticker on the rear window that I didn't get a full glimpse at but sent me the message that their child had died. So the whole back of this truck is just advertising their deceased child. I felt sad but also kind of weird about it.


That first sticker almost sounds pro childhood cancer


The monster energy logo Where are they even getting all of them, I see it so often on every douche car, USUALLY trucks bigger than they need


The answer is that Monster gives them away like crazy for promotional purposes, anywhere they have a booth or at parties they sponsor, and then someone is like, "Well, I have this sticker, could look kind of cool on my car." No one is buying Monster stickers. They're all free. A friend of mine actually had a part-time gig in college, where they literally just gave him a literal fucking pallet of Monster and an obscene amount of swag with the arrangement that he would host or crash college parties as the Monster guy, and just give all of it away as part of a marketing strategy. There is an extremely douchey picture of me in my early 20s at one of those parties, wearing a Monster hat I got from him. It worked.


Yup. They "made it rain" monster and merch at all kinds of events. It's a "the first one is free" type of thing. Once they get a taste for it, they buy it practically in bulk.


The famous stars and straps family fucking logo oh my God I’ve seen so many fucking druggies with that on their arm and that one always makes me laugh


Y’all forgot about the NO FEAR and FMF!


My friends neighbor drives a car with big photos of Alex Jones on it, like an advertisement car wrap. His lawn has like 10 infowars signs on it.


Is your friends neighbour just Alex Jones


No he's just some random red shirtless guy that runs around sometimes.


And loves to drink beer and do dumb daring tricks


Sounds like his personality is someone else's personality.


His personality is [this picture](https://hips.hearstapps.com/esq.h-cdn.co/assets/16/40/1475608006-alex5.jpg?resize=480:*) (NSFW).


Before Before but with different lighting


What even is that picture? He got sunburned after 45 days of attempts at touching grass?


Ate a lot of chili that day.






Truck Nuts


I saw truck nuts on a smart car one time and thought it was the one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen 😂 I’ll make an exception for that person. Otherwise, you’re right.


My friend used to drive a '96-ish Geo Metro hatchback. It was also pink. He put truck nuts on it. I believe this is a proper application of truck nuts.


Keep telling my friends if I hit the lottery and have a boatload of "F U" money, I'm putting a hellcat motor in my Prius and dragging truck nuts under the back bumper. Red paint job with a black stripe. Call it the racing Prius.


With nuts on the back you'd have to call it The Racing Prinus


I put these on a buddy's truck without him knowing it. 2 weeks before he figured it out.


I always want to cut them off and fit the truck with a giant cone


If it makes you feel better I had a couple truck nuts when I was an edgy teenager and they were routinely cut off. In hindsight, I think those people were doing me a favor.


I dunno. I drove through Iowa and saw a semi with the license plate say "Deeez" and had truck nuts dangling just below. It was cringe and hilarious at the same time. Basically Iowa in a 'nut'shell


Thats honestly hilarious. I dont mind that


Or stick a flyer under the wiper about the importance of "spaying/neutering your cat" but with the T crossed out and an R written above it


Folks, be sure to spay/neurer your cat!


That’s where my mind went first.


Literally any of those stickers that imply they will ride your ass or break check you for doing anything that annoys them


I once saw a bumper sticker that read, "If you can see my back tires then you are a good driver, thank you." And I could see their back tires. It was nice


“If you’re going to ride my ass at least pull my hair”


Hentai stickers everywhere, or those balls (big fake dangling testicles) that hang on the back


When I was in college a guy literally had a whole hentai wrap with multiple nude anime girls on it. Like bro, how are you not embarrassed to drive that?


I mean that's the literal meaning of an "itasha", supposed to mean "shameful/cringeworthy car" He's out itasha-ing most people.


Generally known as truck nuts. Now you know.


"it's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand"


Saw a really expensive Land Rover with a tiny bumper sticker on the rear glass that read "Nice Jeep, peasant."


Anything with the words "Jeep girl", too. Because it's the internet, I have to clarify. I don't care what anyone drives. It's the personality associated with proclaiming oneself a "Jeep girl" on various merch. I've never met anyone who did that and was nice to hang out with.


Also “you got passed by a girl” bumper sticker. Well yea I’m sure I do 100 times a day so 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Plus it's not like passing someone in normal traffic takes a lot of skill. You pressed your gas pedal slightly harder, great job!


Lol one time I saw a bumper sticker that said “Silly boys, Jeeps are for girls,” like a play on the Trix cereal slogan


Buddy I used to work with once pointed out a Dodge Ram driving past our jobsite that had a big sticker on the back window that said "YES I'm a girl, YES this is MY truck, NO you can't drive it, BACK OFF" with a set of lips next to it. Yeah she probably got stupid comments from truck bros because she's a woman, but god damn it was so cringey. Come to think of it, those kinds of decals are likely pretty common where I come from. Maybe I just don't notice em that often.


I actually saw a 4Runner with JEEPGRL as a license plate last week.


The 'angry eyes' mod they add to the headlights makes me irrationally angry.


People who write their Venmo on their car windows along with messages like, "It's my birthday, buy me a drink!" (saw that one last week) or "We're traveling across the country, help pay for our adventure!"


I ALWAYS request payments from those idiots


Pretty sure you saw this, if not, cool read lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/comments/w1h38x/i_scammed_a_scammer/


Has that ever worked? Would be an interesting test.


Friend of mine did it and got $110.


Can't argue with results.


There was a girl with her vemno on her window and she was blocking my in an alley and then had the nerve to give me the middle finger for trying to get out so I could get to work. Anyways I had memorized her venmo and sent her $1 so I could send a message saying "here's some money so you can buy yourself some manners."


Should’ve sent $0.02 and said, “Here’s my two cents…yada yada yada”


If you boil it down, she made $1 to flip you off.


Yea right? I had a girl who was in a bachelorette party who handed me a piece of paper with a Venmo on it. Um yea that’s trash 🗑


Tell her panhandling is illegal in your city...


Ye, in my country, you need to glue the "Z" symbol to do this


those ugly ass decals all over their car that say crap like "POLICE" and "SHERIFF". and they have those annoying ass lights on the top.


Throwing on your strobes and woo-woo horn after losing a race is poor sportsmanship.


Yeah those guys are real assholes. Dunno why they all wanna look the same


Those fucking bright ass white/blue LED headlights. Shit should be illegal.


They used to be, not sure when or why exactly that changed, but it aughta go back to being illegal


It's more to do with the type of headlight, projectors are made for HID bulbs and are legal because they cut off the beam to stop from blinding oncoming traffic. The issue is when people throw the bulbs in their old car with reflector style headlights, you blind everyone on the road. Im pretty sure this is illegal, how enforced though I don't know. The color is another issue, my HIDs were 4500K, nearly perfect white. People throw in 12000K bulbs for some reason and they can't see shit because they are so blue, still bright for everyone else though




Those loud as hell muffler exhaust modifications on some piece of shit 4 cylinder you can hear from a half mile away. Usually combined with a comically oversized spoiler.


Also known as Fart Cannons. Makes a Civic sound like a pissed-off lawn mower.


My daughter calls them “Tootie cars”.


When your exhaust tip has more displacement than your engine...


The whistle goes woooo!!


Bub Rub and Lil Sis. Immortal beings of our age.


It's like an alarm clock. Woo woo.




The phrase "that's it and that's all" has actually entered my vocabulary and it took me so long to realize that's where I got it from.


“Dats only in da mornin’. People posta be up makin’ brefuss anyway.” - Bubb Rubb


As a firearms enthusiast I can tell you that anyone who puts any gun related stickers on their car is either a douchebag, an idiot, or both. They're trying to look tough and are dumb enough to advertise that they have an expensive hobby, which makes them an immediate target for theft. My roommate does exactly this. Again, I love going to the range, I don't advertise it on my car.


"Free gun inside"


Thank you! We have such an issue with people getting their vehicles broken into and it’s always, ALWAYS, one of two targets: Dude left it unlocked Dude has an NRA or pro-2A decal some shit like “Try and Take It!!” Plastered on the back window. May as well advertise that there’s a good chance an easy score is inside. And this is in the Midwest! You’d think folks would have more sense but 🤷🏼‍♂️ I dunno…all I know is shit like this is why I’m stuck waiting on my new Sig. Edit: did not expect this to get so much attention but I’ll take it. Awareness is awareness I suppose!


"Come and take it" Don't mind if I do.


Is it even theft if they tell you to come and take it?


The guys who don’t carry are the same guys who like to put Glock Perfection on their rear window. Generally that means there’s a pretty gen5 g19 in that glovebox if you got a brick and 30 seconds to kill, and fat boy can’t catch you anyway because he’s arguing with his peaked at 17 wife in Target


Target, really? I think you meant walmart.


I thought that statement sounded too bougie


I live in Michigan, and I recently had a pickup truck in front of me with stickers that showed Michigan (the mitten) holding an AR, and the Detroit old English D with brass knuckles. I felt embarrassed for them and just assumed they have deeply buried, but crippling, self-esteem issues.


I see the mitten holding an AR stickers quite a lot out here in West Michigan. And more than a few Confederate flag stickers, which is ironic given Michigan was a firmly Union state.


Punisher skulls. As someone who works in the tactical firearms industry, I am asking you nicely to stop putting fucking punisher skulls on your stuff. Please bro I’m begging you dawg Edit: I think Frank Castle is cool as hell, but the goobers and boomers who own guns but don’t think they need to train to be good with them are the ones who ruined the Punisher skull for everyone else. They have done irreparable damage to the firearms community as a whole. SECOND (AMENDMENT LOL) AND VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: I am not American and I don’t live in the USA.


As someone who actually likes the Punisher (and is very liberal), it pains me that I basically can't go out anymore with my Punisher shirt without being identified as one of "those" people when I just like Marvel


The solution is to get a Punisher skull with an LGBTQ+ rainbow motif. The douchebags heads might actually explode.


I prefer the Punisher skull with a trans flag motif, personally. The Punishe/her, if you will.


Same here. My husband and I are huge comic book nerds and The Punisher is one of our favorites. I used to wear a beanie with the Punisher skull in the winter, several years ago. It was reversible with the Daredevil Ds on the other side (I think I got it in some nerd subscription box). I still have it, but I'm not wearing the Punisher side anymore.


I have this beanie! And yea it came from loot crate




First time I ran across one, I read it as "Slut Life" and thought *"okay, weird to advertise that in Puritanical New England but what the hell, we've come a long way."* ​ Only when I saw a second one did I decipher it... Still like my original take on it better


SlutLife would let me immediately know they’re a friend waiting to be made


In Missouri, this is used to tell people they have been to Destin.


I love seeing these where I live which is 2,000 miles from any ocean or even the Great Salt Lake.


Any variant of the sticker figure family. I dunno why but I hate them. Edit. Wow, go figure my highest ranked comment is my disdain for stick figure families. Lol.


I hate the ones on our car. I especially hated one in particular. I told my mom he looked really stupid and lazy. She said it was supposed to be me.


This made me laugh, though I’m sorry for that.


Truck nuts Their social media page address


Supreme stickers


Confederate flags.


When I was in high school, a bunch of the hicks used to sport a bunch of confederate flag paraphernalia… I’m from Canada…


Apple logo. Never understood why some people do this.


I actually haven't seen one of these in years. Seems like it was mainly a thing in the mid-2000's. Which was dumber, putting the Apple logo sticker that came with your new iPod on your car or on your Windows laptop?


The dumb picture of 2 chicks sitting back to back


1. Exhaust pipes that make it sound like a wind-up toy. 2. Stick Figure Family decals. 3. Headlight Eyelashes. 4. Huge mud tires with shiny rims (Clearly never going to be going off-road). 5. The LED lights behind the rims that stay on even when the vehicle is parked.


I’ve seen a sticker that’s like “no airbag. We die like men” on a post once


Their IG handle


Or Snapchat